What flowers can be grown without sunlight? The most unpretentious indoor plants Indoor plants are not demanding on light

We will talk about indoor plants that do not require light.

Most houseplants came into our homes from regions with a tropical or subtropical climate. For normal development, they need intense lighting. But along with them there are also.

One of the most popular plants in our country are ferns. In nature, they grow in the shade big trees, so they do not need bright sunlight at all. The most common among amateur flower growers are such plants from the fern family as Nephrolepis, Adiantum venus hair, Polypodium.

Nephrolepis- the most unpretentious in the care of all ferns. It can also be grown indoors without heating. In general, all ferns need partial shade and cool air.

It is best to plant them in soil consisting of humus, sand and leafy soil. Watering should be regular, and in the heat prerequisite is spraying.

The plant is also suitable for placement in partial shade. Sansevieria(another name is the Indian sword or Pike tail). It does not require special care, but it develops well both in coolness and in heat, in dry or humid air. The flower will not disappear even with regular drying of the soil.

Sansevieria has a weak root system and thick fleshy leaves. Excessive watering and stagnant moisture can harm the plant. Before planting, the soil must be well loosened and added to leaf ground humus and sand.

For information, Sansevieria is a Sagittarius plant.

Almost all indoor plants that do not require light do not need special care.

Cyrtomium sickle- a plant that is perfect for beginner gardeners, since it is almost impossible to spoil it.

It easily tolerates cold, it can even be kept on the balcony in winter, the main thing is that the temperature is not lower than 0 ° C.

This fern tolerates dry air and even drafts, so it is worth purchasing.

Cyrtomium should be moderately watered. If you periodically forget about watering, this will only benefit the plant. It is worth noting that in the spring and summer period at least once a month the flower needs rain watering.

It means that the plant needs to be irrigated with water. To do this, put the pot in the bathroom, and for a short time water it from the shower.

Aspidistra or Friendly family - a shade-tolerant plant that came to us from the forests of East Asia. In England, Aspidistra was called "cast iron plant" because of its unpretentiousness.

In forest areas, it grows in heavily shaded areas, so it is necessary to choose a place for it indoors, where there is practically no sunlight.

This flower does not need special care - Aspidistra is not demanding either for special watering or for a certain composition of the soil.

Flower Amicable family has dark green leaves that grow well even in dry and dusty air.

The flowers of the plant look like fish scales and are dark brown in color. They grow near the ground, so they may not be immediately noticeable.

In this plant, it is its luxurious leaves, and not flowers, that are valued, because thanks to the leaves of Aspidistra it looks very beautiful.

As an addition to this wonderful plant, it must be said that this is one of the few plants that can be placed in. Follow the link and read the article on this topic, if you are interested.

Houseplants that do not require bright sunlight can perfectly decorate the walls of the home.

These include the common ivy. It is important to know that the variety of ivy, which has variegated leaves, still requires more intense light than its "relatives". And yet, with its shortage, the plant will not disappear, just the leaves of the flower will become more dark shade green.

If interested, I can offer an article about ivy, how about, where you can learn about the influence of this plant on human energy. Follow the link.

For planting ivy you will need fertile soil. After this, the plant needs abundant watering. In the heat of the summer period, as well as when the heating is on, the leaves of the plant should be sprayed regularly.

More details about how you can find out on my page. Follow the link, it will be interesting!

Another unpretentious plant - Chlorophytum. He prefers scattered bright light, but will be able to withstand a slight shadow, while turning pale in color. But the irregular watering of chlorophytum on the shoulder.

For planting, you need loose and fertile soil. If watering the plant occurs from time to time, you need to make sure that it is plentiful. During heating season Chlorophytum needs periodic spraying.

For lovers of flowering indoor plants that do not require special lighting, suitable flower with the title Clivia. She will decorate the room luxuriously beautiful leaves dark green color and no less beautiful bright colors.

The flowers of the plant are collected in lush umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The number of flowers in one inflorescence can reach up to 20 pieces. Clivia needs fertile soil, and in summer season- in abundant watering.

In astrological terms and in its own way it affects the energy of people.

Also a popular shade-loving plant are all the flowers of the family arrowroot.

They easily tolerate blackout, even rather prefer shade.

Due to intense light, the surface of their leaves is destroyed, leaving burns.

Maranta white-veined, for example, can fully grow under artificial lighting. The leaves of this plant are rounded, in some cases with pointed ends.

Caring for Maranta is completely simple. First you need to determine the location of the flower, the temperature conditions of which do not exceed 16 ° C. It is necessary to water the plant about 2 times a week - it all depends on room conditions.

If the leaves begin to fall and wither, then the soil is drying out and you need to water the plant. In addition, it is important to wipe the Maranta leaves with a damp cloth before watering, as they easily attract room dust.

About the energy impact in an article on this topic. Maranta is also great, more on this at this link.

Poor lighting is also perfectly tolerated by representatives of the Aroid family (diffenbachia, syngonium, philodendron, anthurium, alocasia, aglaonema, spathiphyllum. Monstera, scindapsus, alocasia, etc.). In the summer, they are provided with diffused lighting, in winter, you can remove the plant to a dark place in the apartment.

To indoor plants that do not require bright light - lighting, also include Bromeliads, Ficuses, most types of palms, Cyperus, Cissus, Dracaena.

Indoor plants that practically do not need to be looked after.

Agree, nothing decorates the interior of your home like bright flowers in nice little pots. These house plants not only delight the eye with a riot of colors, but also benefit by absorbing harmful substances from synthetic furniture upholstery, carpets, curtains and other details of your interior.

Some houseplants have medicinal properties and have been indispensable in many families. But sometimes caring for indoor plants takes a lot of time, requires certain knowledge and not everyone can handle it.

If you are a novice florist, you are often away, or housework takes a lot of time, we offer you a selection of the most unpretentious indoor plants that do not require special care conditions, but can decorate your home no worse than expensive and exotic ones.

1. Aloe or agave

Perhaps the most popular indoor plant of our mothers and grandmothers, primarily due to its medicinal properties. Everyone knows its ability to cope with purulent wounds, heal cuts and burns. And aloe juice is great for a cold. All species of this plant are typical succulents, great lovers of sunlight. They do not like frequent watering and are great for those who have to spend most of their time outside the home. A sunny place in the house is chosen for them, on the windowsill or on sunny verandas, and in summer scarlet can be taken out on open air. Do not try to create artificial lighting for them with fluorescent lamps in winter. This leads to stretching of the plant and loss appearance. It is best to keep it in a cool, bright place and water it once a month. Abundant watering can cause rotting of the roots of the plant. In summer, aloe is watered only after the topsoil in the pot has dried.

This is a rather unpretentious indoor plant, which is not difficult to grow even for novice lovers of indoor floriculture. Chlorophytum can be attributed to both sun-loving and shade-tolerant plants. Best of all, he feels in a bright or slightly darkened place. The bright color of the variegated forms is slightly lost in the shade. This plant easily tolerates direct sunlight for several hours. Chlorophytum is best placed in the kitchen, as it easily cleanses the room of harmful gases.

There are several types of this houseplant. Two of them are very easy to care for. This is the bordered dracaena and the dracaena draco. They withstand shading and do not require frequent watering and spraying. IN modern houses and offices, dracaena serve as a decorative decoration due to their exotic appearance.

If you cannot grow an orchid or an orange tree in any way, and all your attempts end in complete failure - do not be discouraged! Start with sansevieria. This very beautiful indoor plant of the Agave family can be quite classified as "indestructible". It tolerates shade and sun, dry air, humidity and coolness. It also protects against accumulation. harmful substances allocated by linoleum and synthetics. In the bright sun, sansevieria can even bloom, but it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and low temperature. It is not necessary to transplant it, but when it takes on too many roots, the pot itself may crack. It is better to purchase two flowers at once, because in itself this is a very beautiful and undoubtedly useful plant.

If you want prosperity and abundance to come to your house, and good luck to all your undertakings, get a home plant called a fat woman, popularly known as a money tree. It does not bloom, but it grows to a huge size, has very beautiful leaves of a juicy green hue, does not require special care, but does not like waterlogging and dark corners. Will decorate an interior of any house or office.

6. Abutilon (indoor maple)

Another unpretentious, but very effective indoor plant. His large flowers they are bell-shaped and come in various colors: white, pink, yellow, red, and the leaves look like maple. Hence the name. Abutilon tolerates dryness and heat in an apartment, and a pot with this plant can be placed on a windowsill or at some distance from it. They need to be watered a little - otherwise they will not bloom. The plant does not require special feeding: all you need to do is enrich the soil once every three weeks liquid fertilizer for indoor plants. Abutilon not only creates a pleasant atmosphere in the house, but also perfectly moisturizes the air.

The second name of this plant is Chinese rose. It is a bush with huge and very beautiful flowers-bowls. At different varieties this plant different coloring colors. More often - these are red flowers, but there are also white, and pink, and even speckled. hibiscus blossoms all year round, which means that in winter you will have a little summer in your apartment. This flower loves light and should be kept on a windowsill. It also needs to be regularly watered and fed in winter. But the beauty is worth it.

If your house does not have a lot of light, and you think that the conditions for indoor plants are completely unsuitable, feel free to plant Japanese fatsia. It is a shade-tolerant and disease-resistant plant with very large and beautiful chestnut-like leaves. It feels great even near the central heating battery and at the same time moisturizes the air in the room well, promotes healthy sleep.

These are very unusual houseplants. In appearance, they resemble pebbles, and are accustomed to Spartan conditions of detention: they grow on stones, and in winter they do not require watering at all. Very different in shape and color, these "living stones" will be an excellent decoration for your room, and in the spring they will delight you with unusual flowers.

Bright flowering attracts the attention of geraniums, which can also be safely attributed to unpretentious house plants. Geranium is rightfully considered a symbol home comfort, and was brought to Europe in the middle of the XVII century. Now numerous varieties of flower amaze the imagination with a variety of colors and shapes. And if you do not have enough time for more thorough care for her, the geranium will still bloom, but not so abundantly.

11. Kalanchoe

This houseplant, like aloe, has long been known as a maintenance-free medicinal plant. Recently, many beautiful flowering Kalanchoe hybrids have appeared. You can rarely water the plant. This is a shade-tolerant flower that tolerates sudden changes in temperature without problems, blooms for a long time and grows slowly, which is why it does not need frequent transplants.

12. Cactus

If you want to surprise friends and family with flowering houseplants, purchase a cactus or create an entire collection. It doesn't take long and it's fairly easy to take care of. There are many types of cacti that develop well and bloom steadily every year on windowsills. Most resistant species of these plants were small and spherical. Cactus flowers come in a variety of colors. All of them are very bright and juicy, and will decorate any room.

The ficus family has a very wide variety of representatives. Among them there are completely unpretentious ones that do not require special care: rubber-bearing ficus, lyre-shaped ficus. They successfully cope with the neutralization of harmful impurities in the air, have a special energy, creating a feeling of coziness and comfort. Most of them fit perfectly into any interior style.

A very popular house plant due to its flower, which looks like white calla. It blooms periodically without any intervention from our side. Spathiphyllum is shade-tolerant, does not require special care, does not like excessive soil moisture (the roots may rot). In addition to its beautiful appearance, spathiphyllum perfectly moisturizes the air.

Very beautiful flowering plant, as if specially created for darkened places in the room. Begonia does not like bright light. There are a huge number of varieties of this plant. All of them bloom profusely and have spectacular variegated leaves. Begonia tolerates heat and cool equally well. But they need high humidity. Spraying the leaves is not worth it, as they like direct contact with water. To keep the roots from drying out, begonias need to be watered regularly.

All plants, like any living organisms, have their own individuality and cannot exist in the same conditions. Some people need a lot of moisture, while others prefer drought. Some love the heat, while others need the cool. The same goes for lighting - all houseplants are different, so the requirements for light for all indoor flowers are different. Sun or shadow? Only the cultures themselves can give a correct answer to this question with their development and healthy appearance. Before you figure out what kind of lighting plants need, you need to understand why flowers need light at all. The fact is that the leaf of a plant is a small factory in which constant diligent work is going on. On the underside of the leaf there are numerous stomata - gaps through which plants receive carbon dioxide from the air. At the same time, the roots extract certain minerals from the soil and transport them along the conducting system of the plant to the leaves. In all green parts of plants, i.e. leaves and green stems contain chlorophyll, a green pigment. It captures the energy of sunlight. As soon as the sun's rays "fall" on green plant, the chemical process of converting water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates begins - nutrients needed for growth and healthy development. This whole process is called photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight. If the lighting conditions of plants are violated, the "machine" stops, the process does not go on, although both "workers" (chlorophyll grains) and materials (water, nutrients, carbon dioxide) are ready to work. This means that without light, indoor flowers, in the end, "die of hunger", although they are watered and fed abundantly. With poor lighting conditions, houseplants wither. So what kind of lighting is needed for flowers, which indoor plants do not need light, and which, on the contrary, need its abundance?

Insufficient or excessive lighting of indoor flowers

Fortunately, every plant, including indoor plants, promptly signals insufficient lighting at home. If you see one of these signals, be sure to change your pet's location. Insufficient lighting for flowers in the apartment is evidenced by:
  • Poor plant growth
  • small leaves,
  • Color change variegated leaves- they turn green
  • Long, thin and soft stems ("etiolation" occurs),
  • Poor formation of flower buds,
  • An increase in the distance between leaf nodes on new stems compared to old stems.
Excessive lighting for plants at home is just as harmful as insufficient. If you put a shade-loving plant on the south window, then in the hottest hours the leaves will wither and hang helplessly. After a while, first yellow ones appear on the leaves, then brown spots: This sunburn. Move such a plant away from the window into the depths of the room: the action of the sun's rays weakens with every centimeter. You can also in the hottest time of the day, from about 11 am to 2 pm, shade the plant a little: close the curtain or simply place a newspaper sheet between the window glass and the plant. With proper plant lighting, when the "pet" gets right amount light, it grows healthy, with strong shoots, short internodes, intensely colored leaves and flowers. The amount of light can be measured. To measure the intensity of light, there is a special unit - lux, which allows you to accurately determine where in the room and at what time of the day the light intensity is maximum and minimum.

A special light meter, a light meter, can be bought at a specialized store. Such a device is similar to a light meter and is very convenient for lovers of indoor plants. It should be remembered that the strength of light depends on the time of year and on the environment. On a sunny summer day, around noon, the illumination is 100,000 lux (lx). But if at the same time you are standing under a tree with a light meter, it will show only 10,000 lux. The amount of light at the same time in the room, at the very window glass, is 2500 lux, and in the middle of the room - only 500 lux. The situation is quite different on a normal, bright winter day. On the windowsill where your plants are located, the device registers only 500-1000 lux. The middle of the room is almost dark.

The best lighting conditions for active plant growth at home

The mode of lighting plants at home is very important. In order to properly use the above data, you must know what kind of lighting your plants require. They can be approximately divided into groups, and to determine the light regime in each group, home flower growers usually do not use lux, but generally accepted terms: “sun”, “partial shade” and “shade”, and in accordance with this recommend the correct placement of plants in the apartment.
Plants that require bright lighting for active growth (with a power of 1500-2000 lux or more), should be located on a sunny window facing south.
To achieve better lighting for plants that require ambient light of about 1000 lux, they are placed in a semi-shady place on an east-facing or west-facing window. Indoor flowers that do not like light, that is, requiring low light(500-700 lux), can be placed in a shady place, on a north-facing window. In botany, to determine the light regime of plants, in addition to indicators in lux, three other concepts have been established. According to these terms, light-loving plants love a sunny place; always referring to a south-facing window. Less demanding plants prefer partial shade, which for many is associated with windows facing west and east. Finally, plants that are shade tolerant do well in a north-facing window. You should be aware that these concepts are not entirely accurate. The phrase "partially shady place" is already misleading. It would be more correct to replace it with the phrase "bright place", because. plants suitable for it require bright diffused light, but cannot stand the hot midday sun on the southern windows. The division by cardinal points is also not always fair: you need to take into account the environment.
If there is a tree in front of a window facing south, such a window can no longer be called “sunny”, but only “bright”. A window facing west, onto a covered balcony or loggia, is sometimes darker than a north-facing window.
Illumination is affected by both the landscape and the area of ​​​​residence. The south window on a closely built-up street, and even on the first floor of the house, is always less "sunny" than in a detached house. Next, you will find out which indoor flowers practically do not need light, and which simply cannot exist without good lighting.

Houseplants that require a lot of light

In many apartments, the windows of living rooms overlook south side Houses. As a rule, this big windows, and many plants can be placed on the windowsills, which are brightly lit by the sun on sunny days from noon to evening. Plants that are familiar to you from your travels to the south feel great here: bougainvillea with luxurious flowers, hibiscus, beaucarnea recurvata, yucca (Yucca). Also indoor flower, loving sunlight, is pittosporum (Pittosporum tobira). A south window can become a green and blooming link between home and garden. Unfortunately, most of these exotic plants that require a lot of light are not easy to grow. First of all, problems arise in winter. Of course, there are more hardy species for southern windows. For example, such plants that feel good anywhere:

Sansevieria ( Sansevieria)

Chlorophytum ( Chlorophytum)

Unpretentious indoor nettle

Coleus Bloom ( coleus bluemei, hybrids)

Euphorbia ( Euphorbia milii)

And if you like cacti, then on the south window you can arrange a multi-tiered cactus garden. When creating optimal lighting conditions for indoor plants, keep the following in mind:

  • On sunny days, the temperature at the southern windows rises greatly, and the plants located here need to be sprayed often, but not at noon!
  • In black plastic pots, the earth quickly overheats, so use ceramic pots for south windows. You can put dark pots in light containers.
  • If you have a bottom hung window or a window, keep them open in the summer. Otherwise, stagnation of hot air will occur.
When taking care of lighting the flowers at home, do not forget about shading the plants on the south window. You can accommodate more variety of crops here if you turn the stinging direct sunlight into nice diffused light. This can be done by shading in various ways:
  • The easiest way is to use loose shutters, outdoor blinds, awnings.
  • Even faster and easier: curtains made of fabric or paper, blinds (be careful: metal blinds should not touch plants, because they get very hot), you can frame covered with canvas.
  • Temporarily: newspaper or cardboard.
The following are house plants that require a lot of light, and therefore are ideal for southern windows.

An ideal plant for beginner gardeners: it feels great everywhere, it is easily propagated by cuttings, it can be put outdoors in summer. This is a house plant, loving light should be watered moderately.

Tolmia Menzies ( Tolmiea menziesii)

An easy plant to grow. It develops well in any place, but not in a bright sunny place. Dry air tolerant. In summer, you can put it outdoors. Excellent ampelous plant.

Aglaonema ( Aglaonema)

Species with green leaves are shade tolerant. He loves high temperature and humidity, warm soil. Don't forget good drainage! The plant is suitable for growing hydroponically.

, or sago palm ( Cycas revoluta)

This is another one home flower, which does not need bright light, but it loves fresh air very much and is very sensitive to dampness. Cycas does not tolerate frequent. Old plants need a lot of space. Grows very slowly.

Indoor flowers that do not require a lot of light: house plants for the bedroom, bathroom and corridor

The apartment should have as many indoor plants as possible. This applies not only to the living room, there are other rooms where flowers grow just as well, and sometimes even much better. Plants in the bedrooms. As a rule, the windows of the bedrooms face east and are illuminated by the soft morning sun. This is an ideal place for many plants that cannot stand the stinging midday sun.
Sometimes there is enough space in the bedroom for a small tree: room linden ( Sparmannia africana) or ficus benjamin ( ficus benjamina).

On " winter quarters» indoor plants can be placed in the bedroom that do not require much light and need a moderate temperature of about 15 ° C in winter. It is often asked if the plants in the bedroom really rob the sleepers of oxygen at night. This is partly true, plants absorb oxygen at night, but in such quantity that it is completely imperceptible. You sleep as if in a hermetically sealed "forest" of indoor crops. However, some people cannot stand the aroma of strongly smelling plants and complain of headaches.

In such cases, do not put fragrant pelargoniums, flowering orange trees, primroses, etc. in the bedroom, but do not completely abandon plants.
Plants in the bathroom. If your bathroom seems uncomfortable, cold, too sterile, enliven it with indoor plants that are unpretentious to light! For example, it will surprisingly transform the bathroom. Of course, the condition for this must be the presence of a window. A completely dark bathroom will have to do artificial flowers from plastic. However, not every home flower that does not require a lot of light can be placed in the bathroom. Species that like heat and high humidity grow well here.
In the "greenhouse" climate, the bathroom feels great coconut palm trees ( Cocos nucifera) And Variegated dracaena ( Dracaena) , A also monstera ( monstera deticiosa) , (Philodendron) And (Cyperus) .

If the bathroom is small, it is easy to place small indoor plants in it that do not require bright light: reeds ( Scirpus cervius) And saline ( Soleirolia soleiroiii) . You can even put blooming uzambara violets ( Saintpaulia, hybrids) who love a humid atmosphere. And if you are in awe of catchy decorations, place a pot of atmospheric tillandsia.
Various aerosols, such as hair spray, as well as deodorants for body care, are very harmful to plants in the bathroom. Therefore, try to place indoor flowers that do not require a lot of light in such a way that splashes of these various cosmetics do not fall on the leaves.
Plants in the hallway and on the stairs. Already at the entrance to your friendly, cozy green hall, it will become clear to everyone that you are a lover of indoor crops. Plants for the hall or stairs must be chosen very carefully.

In most cases, the hallways in our houses are narrow, so one plant is enough here. But if you put it in front of a mirror, the effect is amazing. Looks decorative too. ivy ( Hedera helix) on the wall near the stairs or tradescantia hanging from the hat rack. The hallway and stairs tend to be cooler and darker than the rooms, so you shouldn't host views that prefer tropical warmth and/or bright lighting. Choose indoor flowers that do not require a lot of light:

(Aspidistra elatior)

Sansevieria ( Sanseviena)

Chlorophytum ( Chlorophytum comosum)

If your hall is spacious enough, but dark, provide the plants with artificial lighting. It is important to remember that there should be no drafts in the hall that cause leaves to fall. Therefore, do not put plants in such a hallway.

Additional artificial lighting for plants at home: lamps for indoor flowers

With the onset of winter, any home grower faces such a problem as lowering the level of illumination during the cold period. Therefore, in the fall, you should be especially careful about the placement of plants. The days are getting shorter, the sun rarely appears, the illumination of indoor pets is reduced.

There are plants that have a dormant stage, in other words - many cultures are prepared by nature for the season with insufficient lighting. They do not grow or grow very slowly, ie. are at rest. In these weeks when conditions further development unsatisfactory, you must do everything so that the plants normally go through a dormant period. Put them in a cool place, water little by little, do not feed. If the window sill of the southern window turns out to be the coolest, it does not matter: in winter even shade-loving views can be made here and the winter sun will not harm them. But there are also plants that do not need rest. Problems arise with tropical exotic crops, which in their homeland are accustomed to bright sunlight throughout the year. How can you help them in winter? Try to provide them with the meager winter light as best you can. For this, such actions are important.

  • Wash your windows again before the start of winter.
  • Place the plants close to each other on the windowsill (never leave them in the back of the room).
  • There should be no curtains, drapes or blinds between window glass and plants.
  • If after all this there is not enough light, there is another way: artificial lighting for indoor plants.
If normal daylight for plants is not enough in winter at the window of the room, or in any season in a dark corner, you can compensate for it with artificial lighting. Ordinary incandescent lamps for additional lighting of plants are not suitable: they get very hot and can burn home flowers.
The industry produces special lamps for artificial lighting of plants at home: pendant, wall-mounted and in the form of tubes. At first glance, they do not differ from ordinary lamps and fixtures, but in fact their rays have a different composition.

They have more ultraviolet and blue light and less infrared rays. Their light is more like daylight, it is cooler than the warm yellowish light of incandescent lamps. You can buy separate special lamps that connect to any light source (with the appropriate power), or the whole system as a kit (by the way, very inexpensive). Lamps different design for additional illumination, the colors almost do not differ in light intensity. In most cases, artificial light is mixed, pleasing to the eye.

There are also mercury lamps with bright white light and low power consumption. These lamps are often used in offices and horticultural businesses. They are economical, but their purchase is expensive.
Be sure to use additional lamps to illuminate indoor plants! When growing flowers under artificial light, follow the rules listed below. Hanging lamps should hang in the center of the plants so that they do not warp. Wall lights less practical in this respect. So using additional lighting for indoor plants, consider the following:
  • The higher the lamp is, the more area irradiation and themes more plants gets more light. True, the intensity of irradiation decreases with increasing distance from the light source to the object.
  • The distance from the plant to the lamp is about 80 cm.
  • If there are many plants, use several lamps.
  • If plants are grown exclusively under artificial lighting, the lamps should burn from 12 (for shade-loving species) to 16 (for light-loving plants) hours per day.
  • If the lamps are used in winter as an additional source of light, it is enough to turn them on for 4-6 hours.

Houseplants of short and long daylight hours

Some ornamental flowering species have special lighting requirements. Their formation of buds depends not only on the intensity of light, but also on the length of the day. Therefore, indoor cultures of a short day and a long day are distinguished.
In short-day plants, such as poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) and Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe), brightly colored bracts and flowers develop only during a "short day", i.e. when they are illuminated no more than 12 hours a day. Even a street lamp outside the window or a small floor lamp in the room can become too light for these plants.
Cover these types carton box or bucket for 12 hours (from evening to morning) for 6 weeks every day. Who likes to experiment can make plants bloom in autumn in this way, blooming in winter. This "light control" allows gardeners to grow and sell flowering chrysanthemums (also short-day crops) all year round.
Long day plants include a number of annuals cultivated in our gardens, as well as uzambar violets (Saintpauiia ionantha, hybrids). They bloom when the lighting continues for at least 14 hours a day, and the plants do not care if it is natural light or artificial.
The "neutral" houseplants, whose flowering does not directly depend on the length of the day, include most of the known indoor species.

Indoor plants decorate the house and make the life of a modern city dweller happier. And let not always the city apartment is sunny and spacious. There are many - large and compact, bright and modest shade-loving, decorative foliage and flowering - that can decorate any home, even a dark hallway. For example, here are those do not need bright lighting.

In urban dwellings, there is often a shortage of well-lit, sunny places. Therefore, shade-loving ones are especially valued. Sciophytes - "shade plants" - this is the name of representatives of the flora who prefer shaded places. They are also known as heliophobes - afraid of the sun.

Bright light if not harmful, then definitely not useful. The ancestral home is the gloomy deciduous forests of various parts of the world. Under their canopy, the leaves acquire an exotic color, only here flowering is possible.

Many shade-tolerant inhabitants of the lower tiers of tropical and subtropical forests settled in city apartments. And now the best place for them were the northern and western home window sills, the shaded corners of the rooms, where only diffused light falls.

Among them are those who do not bloom or have very modest inflorescences, but have extremely decorative leaves of various colours. Others have colorful flowers.

Some of the shade-loving ones are luxurious and large, many are graceful and airy, unpretentious plants. Each needs proper placement and special reverent, loving care.


Small part shade-loving plants can boast of luxurious flowers. However, spectacular views are also known among them that can make up an exquisite collection.

Anthurium - a flower that prefers shade

For this well-being exotic plant partial shade is needed from spring to autumn and diffused light in the cold season. Blooms from mid-spring to late summer. The inflorescence-cob is framed by a bright "wax" coverlet.

Requires regular, but not excessive watering, air humidification, compliance with the temperature regime (a constant temperature of about 15 degrees).


Necessary good lighting but indirect sunlight. Annual flowering will provide winter rest, during which the flower must be moved to a cool room (with a temperature below 12 degrees), reduce watering and stop feeding. The rest of his time do not move, replant, re-moisturize.

Occasionally, you need to wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Bell-shaped red, yellow or orange flowers, collected in an inflorescence on a tall peduncle, look bright and very impressive.

A bright representative of the "atmospheric" bromeliads. A 70 cm inflorescence with bright bracts makes it memorable. Luxurious flowering requires a stable temperature in the range of 19-28 degrees, and constant moistening of the outlet.

Sempolia or Usambar violet

This flower, although it needs enough light, does not tolerate direct sunlight: burn spots appear on the leaves, their color turns pale, there is no flowering. The best option placement - light penumbra, diffused light.

Violet is a very popular flower.

decorative leafy

The main advantage of decorative leafy plants - spectacular coloration of their leaves. The flowers may be small and inconspicuous.

This plant of "strict lines" is called by amateur flower growers "Teschin's tongue" and "pike tail". Many varieties have been bred with different color combinations in the color of leathery leaves.

In the penumbra it becomes brighter contrast color spots. In favorable conditions, it blooms, throwing out long "candles" of white and yellowish inflorescences.

Ferns - love dark places

Among the many types, you can choose for both home and office, large-sized or compact types. For example, broad-leaved Asplenium or delicate thin-leaved Adiantum (Venus hair).

All of them prefers shade or partial shade, moist air and soil.

Fat woman (money tree)

It does not tolerate shade well, but feels comfortable in dim lighting. Abundant watering is not required.

Compact ampelous and dwarf species need partial shade, they bright light is contraindicated. Moderate watering, air humidification, temperature above 12 degrees are necessary.

It takes root well in a bright room, but at some distance from the window. Requires frequent spraying of leaves and maintaining a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees. Compact and large species have been bred.

Palm trees and large trees for the home, growing in partial shade

Such plants will decorate a spacious room, office or winter garden.


A tree-like plant with contrasting coloration of narrow long leaves. Depending on grows from 70 cm to 3 m in height. To preserve the decorative sufficient, but not bright lighting, moderate moisture.


Height from 0.5 to 2 meters. Often grown in tubs. It differs not only in a variety of colors, but also in the shape of the leaves: they are very narrow long, lanceolate, wide rounded. Cordilina is often confused with dracaena.

Cannot stand bright light at all. He likes "water procedures" - wiping and polishing the leaves, spraying, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter.

Under this name, various species are combined that have one feature: a single growth point at the top of the stem. Most palms grown in room culture love penumbra, plentiful watering in summer and less intense in winter, humid air.

All do not tolerate drafts and transplants.

curly shade tolerant

Climbing plants and creepers are used to decorate walls and create volumetric compositions.

Does not tolerate direct sunlight and strong shading. Best accommodation - in bright but diffused light or in partial shade. Humidification is weak in winter, frequent and plentiful in summer.

There are a huge number of species of this ampelous plant with a variety of leaf colors. To preserve the decorative penumbra is needed or indirect bright lighting.

A great option for decorating large areas. The scope of fantasy gives a variety of varieties - the leaves can be large leathery and small tender, whole and dissected. It grows quickly, becomes attractive and decorates the room.

Features of shade-loving colors

All shade-loving plants are characterized by properties that distinguish them from others:

  • the most pronounced decorative qualities are manifested, if the flower is in the shade or partial shade most of the day;
  • under intense illumination, development is inhibited, growth slows down, leaf color fades, flowering may not occur; in direct sunlight, the plant can get burned;
  • need sufficient soil and air moisture;
  • it is necessary to observe the temperature regime;
  • usually shade-loving do not tolerate frequent transplants.

Shade-loving plants are beautiful in their diversity. From them you can make exquisite, bright, stylish, light or respectable compositions that will become the main decoration of any room.

Plants that can tolerate a lack of light require different conditions. Some flowers do well in permanent shade - for example, in the corner of a room, on closets or in corridors that do not have windows. Such plants include species with dense dark leaves - aspidistra, gelksina, scindaptus (forms with plain leaves), sansevieria, aglaonema, climbing philodendron. Some of these colors - for example, gelksina - feel better when periodically moved to a more lit place.

Some types of dracaena and ivy, cordilina, fatsheder, tolmia, fatsia, dwarf ficus, monstera, dieffenbachia, ficus and ferns grow well in partial shade. These plants can be placed in the center of rooms or in places where the flowers will be provided with artificial lighting.

Shade-tolerant plants do not tolerate direct sunlight - it can burn the leaves and kill the flower. Bright rays should be shaded with curtains or blinds. They do not like shade-loving flowers and excess moisture; in a lack of lighting, the leaves can amaze gray rot and fungus.

The best option for such plants is moderate watering with soft water and removal from heating appliances. Too much high temperatures undesirable. The room where the flowers are placed should be ventilated more often, avoiding frosty air directly on the plants.

Variegated forms of shade-tolerant plants can grow with a lack of light, but in the shade their leaves will darken and lose their pattern.

Choosing plants

Many believe that if you let the vines trail along the wall of the house, dampness, on the contrary, will “crawl” into the house, because climbing plants shade the wall and prevent it from drying out. But moisture-loving vines, especially if they are planted near a shaded facade, reduce the level of moisture in the soil, and, therefore, in the foundation and walls of the house.

Important circumstance

The material of the walls, the time and quality of construction must be taken into account before “launching” new residents on its wall. Wooden, frame, plastered and even brick houses, when landscaping walls, should have special structures that serve as a support for plants, but do not adjoin closely to the walls. At climbing vines there are aerial roots, climbers have tenacious antennae. Both will cause significant damage to buildings, damaging not only wood and plaster, but also brick, and eventually even stone.

Therefore, if you want to green the wall of the house with the help of climbing plants, create an independent support for the future vertical garden.

The following structures can be used for landscaping walls:
- wooden or metal gratings;
various shapes metal frames;
- arched structures made of metal or heavy-duty plastic;
- wire trellises.

If you make or purchase a frame, plant dense leafy vines along it, over time you will get a picturesque color panel, which in an amazing way can transform the wall of your building.

Advice 4: What house plants will survive even the most forgetful owners: TOP-6

Have you long despaired of decorating your house with greenery, because you disappear for days at work? Or just forget to water the plants on time? Forget whimsical flowers - give your heart to modest and unpretentious houseplants that will survive even the most absent-minded owner.


Aloe leaves are often compared to a sword or other stabbing weapon. The leaf itself is strong, fleshy, with jagged or smooth edges. The leaves of the plant are arranged in a spiral in a dense rosette. Its flowers are small, located on a long peduncle.

Grows well in sand, peat, soddy soil;

Requires abundant watering only during growth;

room temperature is perfect for normal growth and flowering;

The plant is very fond of light, especially sunny;

Normally tolerates dry air, but prefers fresh air in summer;

Reproduces by shoots on the sides.

Money Tree

Perennial plant with a tree-like stem. Its leaves are opposite, often collected in a rosette. The flowers are small, white, barely visible.

This plant is propagated by shoots or also often by leaf cuttings, which take root rather quickly. The soil that is optimally suited for the plant is sand with soddy and leafy soil. A transplant can be arranged about once every two years. The plant loves light and perfectly tolerates dry air, without requiring frequent watering.


The trunk of the plant is almost absent, the leaves are fleshy, small, rosette collected at the base. The flowers are cylindrical, light, with a pink or green tint.

Watering the plant depends on the season:

In winter - watering is weak;

in spring, all summer and early autumn - moderate (soft water);

in the fall - watering is gradually reduced.

Havortia easily tolerates an arid climate and does not need moisture. It is better to choose lighting for it bright with diffused light. The plant loves the soil of sand and humus, it needs to be transplanted every two to three years.


A columnar plant with a deciduous upper part, the leaves are medium-sized, thin. The trunk is quite strong and fleshy, sometimes with thorns.

Unlike many indoor plants, it is not afraid of direct sunlight, but on the contrary, it loves bright light and, if it is lacking, changes color. Room temperature it is optimal for him, but can tolerate low temperatures. Watering the plant is moderate, in the summer it is even better to minimize the supply of moisture. Although the plant is very unpretentious, it does not tolerate a draft, it turns yellow and fades in a draft. It is transplanted, as a rule, in the spring.


It has a long winding stem, light sinewy leaves with several lobes, blooms with small flowers collected.

This plant is shade-tolerant, however, it acquires its full beauty with good diffused lighting. Comfortable temperature from 15 degrees in winter to 25 degrees in summer. Ivy does not like dryness and needs to be sprayed. Watering is intensive in summer, the earth should be constantly wet, in winter - as it dries. Also in the summer requires infrequent top dressing.


A plant with leaves on long legs. The sheet itself is different in cross-section, soft-fibered. Flowers are arranged on peduncles from one to three. They are large correct form, with colors varying from white to purple. The plant has a characteristic odor.

The plant loves light, but in summer it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. The temperature likes room temperature from 10 - 15 in winter to 25 in summer, also in summer time it can be taken out to fresh air. The soil is suitable only with good drainage properties, most often it is a mixture of 5 - 7 types of soil. Needs sufficient moisture, watering requires as the soil dries.

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