Common diseases of roses in pictures. How to deal with gray mold of roses and get rid of it forever How to treat roses from diseases and pests

Fungal disease of roses powdery mildew in the photo

With a fungal disease of roses, powdery mildew appears on young leaves, shoots and buds; there is a thickening and curvature of them.

As you can see in the photo, powdery mildew on roses appears as a whitish bloom, which is a mycelium and sporulation of the fungus:

Powdery mildew on roses
Powdery mildew on roses appears as a whitish bloom (photo)

The causative agent of the disease overwinters in the form of mycelium in the kidneys. The development of the disease is facilitated by excessive nitrogen fertilizer, a lack of calcium in the soil, drying out of the soil, too light sandy or, conversely, cold, damp soils.

The disease develops especially strongly with insufficient lighting and high humidity. A sharp change in temperature, drafts, drying out of the earth and other conditions that disrupt the normal life of plants reduce their resistance to disease. Tea and hybrid tea roses with more delicate foliage are especially affected.

Resistant to powdery mildew are varieties of roses that have dense glossy leaves of the "Gloria Day" type.

For the treatment of powdery mildew on roses, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to spray the bushes with Topaz, Pure Flower, Fundazol or Skor. At temperatures above 22 ° C, it is possible to spray with "Grey colloid" or "Thiovit Jet". If necessary, to combat this rose disease, treatments are repeated as young growth and powdery mildew spots appear on them.

Rust of roses in the photo

With this disease of roses in flowers, the affected parts of the shoots are bent and thickened. In spring, orange dust appears on the stems at the opening buds and at the root collar. These are spring sporulation of the fungus - the causative agent of the stem form of rust. The fungus overwinters in the tissues of plants infected in previous years. The disease develops more intensively in years with a warm and humid spring.

Rust fungi not only take away nutrients from the plant, but also greatly disrupt its physiological functions: they increase transpiration, reduce photosynthesis, make breathing difficult and worsen metabolism.

In rose rust disease, small, red-yellow pads of summer spores form on the leaves on the underside in summer, which can give several generations and infect new plants.

In the second half of summer, winter sporulation begins to appear on the underside of the leaves in the form of small rounded black pads.

Look at the photo - if this rose disease has severely affected the plant, the leaves turn completely yellow and fall prematurely:

Affected parts of rose shoots (photo)
In case of rose disease, rust on the leaves on the underside in the summer forms small, red-yellow pads of summer spores (photo)

The spread of rust fungus spores occurs with air flow, water, and planting material.

To protect roses from this disease, one-way nitrogen fertilization should be avoided. In autumn, it is necessary to remove and burn the affected foliage, and in early spring (before bud break), spray the plants and the soil around them with iron sulfate (1-1.5%). The soil under the bushes should be loosened and mulched to reduce infection.

For the treatment of rose rust, it is necessary to carefully and timely cut off the shoots affected by the stem form of rust, from the moment the buds open, re-spray the plants with Bordeaux mixture (1%) or its substitutes (“Oksihom”, “Abiga-Peak”, “Hom”, “ Copper oxychloride”, “Ordan”).

Rose leaf disease black spot in the photo

Rose disease black spot is also called marsonine by the name of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease. In the second half of summer, dark brown, almost black, spots of various sizes form on the leaves. The leaves turn brown and often fall prematurely. Spots may also appear on the green bark of annual shoots.

Plants with prematurely fallen leaves sometimes begin to grow again, as a result of which they are greatly weakened and bloom poorly the next year.

Under the skin of the leaves, the mycelium of the fungus develops - the causative agent of the rose spot disease, which forms radiantly growing bands.

As can be seen in the photo, with this disease of roses, radiance is clearly visible at the edge of the spots:

With this disease of roses, radiance is clearly visible at the edge of the spots (photo)
Under the skin of the leaves, the mycelium of the fungus develops - the causative agent of rose spot disease (photo)

This disease of rose leaves is more pronounced with a dense planting, in shaded places, with poor ventilation of the site.

Measures to combat this disease include:

  • proper agricultural technology that increases the resistance of plants;
  • careful collection and fall of the affected leaves and burning them;
  • spraying plants during the growing season with preparations containing copper, which are used in the fight against rust.
  • for the treatment of this disease of roses, it is recommended to use a special preparation for spraying (Skor to protect roses), which is a systemic fungicide of preventive and curative action.

Treatments should be started at the first signs of the disease and repeated after each rain or heavy dew.

These photos show how to treat rose disease black spot:

Rose bacterial cancer disease in the photo

With bacterial cancer of roses, growths of various sizes are formed on the root collar and roots of plants. Sometimes they are barely noticeable, but often reach several centimeters in diameter. The growths have an uneven tuberculate surface. They consist of soft tissue, first white, then brown and decomposed by bacteria in the soil.

There are also hard lignified growths that grow every year. The aerial part is less often affected - trunks and branches, mainly in climbing and standard remontant roses. Here tuberculate nodules and tumors of various sizes are formed.

Cancer-causing bacteria infect many plants belonging to different families. Infection occurs through wounds on the roots of plants, from the soil, where bacteria can persist for a very long time.

The development of the disease is facilitated by high soil moisture, abundant manure fertilizer, damage to the roots, alkaline soil reaction.

When transplanting plants with an affected root neck, they must be destroyed, and the growths on the lateral roots should be cut off. To treat this disease of roses, after pruning, the roots are immersed for 5 minutes in a 1% solution of copper sulfate, and then washed in water and dipped in a liquid mixture of clay and sand. Avoid excess manure fertilizer, kill insects that damage the roots, do not dig the soil near the bushes.

Look at the photo of rose cancer treatment:

Fungal disease burn branches of roses in the photo

Branch scorch is a fungal disease in which, on the branches, reddish spots appear at first, later darkening in the middle; red-brown edging persists for a long time. Growing, the spots ring the branches. Above the affected area, tissue influxes may form. Sick branches usually dry out in late summer.

The development of "burn" contributes to excess moisture under the winter shelter.

To avoid severe damage to roses, the shelter should be removed earlier in the spring. Sick and frozen branches must be cut and burned in a timely manner.

As shown in the photo, in the treatment of this disease of roses, plants should be sprayed with preparations containing copper, as in the fight against rust:

Proper agricultural practices (timely fertilization, loosening and watering) contribute to reducing the harmfulness of the disease. It is necessary to achieve good maturation of wood until the end of the vegetation of plants.

For the winter, plants with already fallen leaves should be covered, if possible, in dry weather, so that increased humidity is not created under the shelter. Before shelter, unripened shoots with green leaves are removed, and the plants are sprayed with a 3% Bordeaux mixture or a 1.5% solution of ferrous sulfate.

Cytosporosis is a fungal disease of roses in the photo

Cytosporosis is a fungal disease that is ubiquitous. Roses are affected by a number of ornamental shrubs, as well as pome and stone fruit trees, nuts.

Cytosporosis is also called infectious drying. In some years, it leads not only to the drying of individual branches, but also to the death of plants. Bushes weakened as a result of freezing, drought, sunburn, untimely pruning, etc. are especially susceptible to this disease.

First, the causative agent of the disease settles in the dying individual areas of the cortex. On the entire area of ​​the affected bark, large, clearly visible orange-red tubercles-pycnidia of the fungus appear, protruding from under the skin.

Look at the photo - with this disease of roses, cracks form on the border of the affected and healthy tissue:

The causative agent of the disease first moves up through the tissues and vessels of plants, and after the branches dry up, down, killing the cells adjacent to the zone of its distribution with its toxins.

The disease of cytosporosis should be considered as a secondary phenomenon associated with a general weakening of plants, therefore, when choosing control measures, it is first of all necessary to protect the bushes from mechanical and other damage.

Also, regularly carry out activities that increase the viability of plants - timely and correct pruning, fertilization, tillage, watering, protection from sunburn, increasing winter hardiness, cutting and burning branches with signs of disease, capturing up to 5 cm of the healthy part of the branch.

Early spring spraying of roses with a 1.5% solution of copper sulfate on the "sleeping" buds and 3% Bordeaux liquid on the green cone to some extent restrains the spread and development of the disease.

Trimming bushes in optimal timing protects roses from the appearance of cytosporosis.

Gray rot on roses (photo)

From the gray rot of roses (botrytis), mainly buds with pedicels, the tops of young stems and leaves suffer - in wet weather they are covered with a gray fluffy coating.

First of all, this disease of garden roses attacks weakened plants, and most often - with white and light pink flowers. The buds on roses affected by botrytis do not open, rot and fall off. Small brown spots appear on the petals, the leaves turn yellow and also fall off.

Foci of infection persist in plant debris in the form of mycelium, which forms spores in spring. The spores are then dispersed by insects and the wind. Therefore, an undesirable "neighbor" for roses is, for example, garden strawberries, which are very susceptible to botrytis.

Gray rot appears on roses with dense plantings, or if the rose garden is watered late in the evening, when the rose leaves do not have time to dry before night.

How to deal with gray rot of roses in the garden? Control and prevention measures for this rose disease are the same as against other fungal diseases.

Interesting facts about rose diseases

Speaking about diseases of roses, we can highlight several interesting facts:

  • You can determine how resistant roses are to diseases by the leaves: if they are dense and shiny, covered with a wax coating, the variety is resistant. The fact is that wax prevents the penetration of infection into the leaf, which means it prevents infection.
  • Absolutely disease-resistant varieties do not exist. Even those varieties that are marked “disease-resistant” in the catalogs lose this valuable quality after 5-6 years, as the diseases adapt to changing conditions and mutate like the flu. Therefore, old varieties of roses can only be found in amateur gardens, but not in flower farms and on city streets.
  • Gray rot, for example, multiplies especially quickly in wet weather, and given that many gardeners plant roses thickly, the soil under the plants does not dry out quickly enough after rain or watering.
  • Leaves that do not dry out for a long time or cool nights, dew in the morning favor the defeat of black spot. Powdery mildew, and from pests - spider mite On the contrary, they like dry and hot weather. Therefore, roses growing near southern walls or fences are especially affected by these pests.
  • Flower growers can to some extent influence the development of diseases and the appearance of pests, as well as predict their appearance. Strong, well-groomed plants get sick less often and weaker, more intensively resist pest settlement.

Watch the video "Diseases of Roses", which shows all the main plant diseases and methods of dealing with them:

How to treat roses for diseases: effective remedies

All flower growers, without exception, are interested in how to treat roses from diseases. The most effective remedies for rose diseases include the following drugs.

Alirin-B- a biological preparation based on beneficial microorganisms isolated from natural sources. Effective against powdery mildew flower-decorative and other plants.

"Gliocladin"- an analogue of the well-known drug "Trichodermin". Effective against a wide range of fungal diseases such as Fusarium, white and gray rot, late blight, root and stem rot, black leg and keel of cabbage.

"Gamair"- a preparation designed to protect against a wide range of bacterial diseases: bacterial leaf spots, bacterial burn, bacterial cancer.

"Topaz" - systemic fungicide to protect ornamental, pome, stone fruit, berry, vegetable crops and vines from powdery mildew. This preparation for the treatment of roses against diseases can be used as a protective, curative and exterminating agent also against rust. The drug is available as an emulsion concentrate.

As a fighter with a high degree of powdery mildew damage, Topaz is used in high concentrations (up to 10 ml), conducting 2 sprays with an interval of 7 days.

The drug provides reliable protection from powdery mildew, even on a high infectious background. Topaz is non-phytotoxic and does not leave stains on treated leaves and fruits. As a prophylactic, it reduces the number of treatments, as it works for 40 days. The drug responds modern requirements human safety and environment. It is quickly absorbed by plants, which reduces the risk of washing off the drug by rain.

In order to avoid the emergence of resistance to powdery mildew pathogens, it is recommended to alternate Topaz with contact copper-containing preparations and colloidal gray and not use more than 4 times per season on the same crop.

"Topaz" compatible with most pest and disease control products used in gardens. Speed ​​of influence - in 2-3 hours after spraying.

And how else to treat roses from diseases and to prevent infections in the garden?

"Pure Flower"- a new preparation for the protection of flower and ornamental crops from diseases (fungicide).

Method of application: the required rate of the drug in a special container is dissolved in a small amount of water. Then, with constant stirring, bring the volume of the working solution to 5 or 10 liters. The working fluid is prepared immediately before use and used completely on the same day. The term for the safe exit of people for manual work is after 7 days. Speed ​​of influence of a preparation: in 2 hours after processing.

The period of protective action: with preventive treatments - 7-15 days, in conditions of intensive development of diseases - 7 days.

Therapeutic effect of the drug: within 4 days from the moment of infection. Amateur gardeners are not recommended to mix this preparation with other means of protection when spraying plants.

"Pure Flower" is an analogue of the drug "Raek".

"Fundazol"- a systemic preparation and dressing agent for planting material to protect against a complex of diseases.

When using the drug, fill the container for dressing the planting material with water by 1/3, then pour the required amount of the drug, mix thoroughly and add the remaining amount of water.

Spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution in dry, calm weather, preferably in the morning (before 10 am) or in the evening (6-10 pm), evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution cannot be stored!

"Skor to Protect Roses" from black spot, ornamental and fruit crops from a complex of diseases. It is a systemic fungicide of preventive and curative action. The contents of the ampoule must be diluted in water.

Spray with a freshly prepared solution in dry, calm weather, evenly wetting the plants.

Consumption of working fluid: on a rose - up to 1 liter per plant; on flower plants And ornamental shrubs- up to 10 liters per 100 m2.

Do not store working solution! Release date for Handmade: 3 days. Compatibility with other pesticides is impractical. The period of protective action is 7-14 days. Exposure time: two hours after treatment. Not phytotoxic. Cultures are tolerant to the drug. There is no resistance. Not dangerous for bees (grade 3). Toxic to fish, do not allow to enter the aquatic environment.

"Copper oxychloride"(wettable powder) - one of the copper-containing drugs to combat diseases of vegetable and fruit crops.

When using the contents of the package (40 g) dilute in 10 liters of water. It is necessary to spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution in dry, calm weather, preferably in the morning (before 10 o'clock) or in the evening (18-22 o'clock), evenly wetting the leaves. In the recommended doses, the drug is not phytotoxic. The period of protective action is 7-10 days.

The drug is dangerous for bees and fish, do not treat during flowering. Do not allow to enter watercourses.

These photos show effective means for the treatment of diseases of roses:

How to spray roses for diseases: the best drugs

Not sure how to spray roses for diseases to protect flowers? Then use the following drugs, which are considered among the best.

"Abiga Peak" is a copper-containing fungicide of contact action, designed to combat a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases on vegetable, fruit, ornamental and flower crops, vine and medicinal plants.

Apply the drug during the growing season by spraying plants.

The 50 g package is designed to prepare 10 liters of working solution for the treatment of 100 m2.

The contents of the vial are preliminarily dissolved in 1 l of water and, with thorough mixing, brought to 10 l with water - a working solution for spraying is obtained.

Spraying is carried out prophylactically or when the first signs of the disease appear. Plants are processed, evenly covering shoots, leaves and fruits with a working solution.

Attention! All solutions should be prepared in plastic, glass or enamelware.

This preparation against diseases of roses provides reliable protection of plants from diseases even under adverse weather conditions. The composition of the drug includes an adhesive that allows the active substance "Abiga-Peak" to be firmly held on the treated plant surface.

Very important!"Abiga-Peak" is compatible with almost all known modern insecticides and fungicides. Easy to use, non-toxic. The drug does not produce dust when preparing a working solution. Prepared, but due to weather conditions, the unused solution can be stored for a long time.

"Abiga Peak" beneficial effect on the quality of the products grown. With its application, a good maturation of young shoots is observed.

The best means to combat rose diseases are shown in the photo:

"Thiovit Jet"- a means to combat diseases of flower and fruit crops.

How to use: dissolve the norm of the drug in a small amount of water, then, gradually stirring, add water up to 10 liters. Processing should be carried out with a freshly prepared solution in dry, calm weather, ensuring uniform wetting of the leaves.

"Thiovit" has good adhesion, has a contact effect and an active gas phase; practically non-toxic to birds, bees, fish.

The advantages of the drug are that it is both a fungicide, an acaricide, and a trace element; provides reliable plant protection for 7-10 days; can be used for preventive spraying, has good compatibility with other pesticides.

"Sulfur colloidal" mainly used to control powdery mildew and various types herbivorous mites on flower crops. It shows efficiency only at air temperatures above +20 ... + 22 ° С, since sulfur vapors work.

Mode of application. When preparing the working fluid, the preparation is first stirred in a small amount of warm water until a creamy state, and then water is added, mixing the composition well (it is better to soak the preparation the day before, 2-5 hours before processing).

The term of the last treatment before harvesting is 3 days.

For humans and warm-blooded animals, the drug is not dangerous. "Sulfur colloidal", as a rule, does not burn the leaves.

However, many varieties of gooseberries shed their leaves after processing. Therefore, do not use sulfur to control American gooseberry powdery mildew and do not spray roses near this shrub.

Remember! Before treating rose diseases, you must carefully read the instructions for using a particular drug.

Diseases of roses negatively affect the appearance of the plant. They are exhausting and severe cases may lead to death. In order to avoid these troubles, each owner must be able to properly protect their garden roses. In the material of the article, we will talk in detail about what types of lesions are and how to treat roses from diseases. If the slightest signs of a pathological process are detected, treatment should be started immediately. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to spray roses with special means than to allow the further spread of the disease. Because the preventive actions allow you to preserve the beauty of the plant and lengthen the flowering period.

Diseases and pests of garden roses

Varieties of diseases of garden roses

Most diseases of roses appear due to inattention and non-compliance with elementary rules of care. Most pathological processes in plants are caused by fungi and bacteria. Thanks to modern drugs they are easily treatable. Viral infections are rare. Things are much worse for him. Since it is impossible to cure the queen of flowers from this serious illness. All diseases garden shrubs can be divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious diseases of roses

  1. Powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew on roses

This disease is characterized by the appearance of a whitish coating on the surface of leaves and shoots. It usually appears at temperatures below 18ºC and high humidity. Powdery mildew in the initial stage is characterized by the appearance of small spots, which eventually grow and affect the entire flower, disrupting its metabolism. As a result, the young shoots begin to deform in the garden shrub and die off.

Prevention of rose disease is carried out with the help of nettle infusion or a decoction of horsetail, or a preparation

  1. Rust.

Rust on roses

It develops due to infection of the ground part of the plant with the fungus Phragmidium. The disease of garden roses is manifested by the formation of growths yellow color. Shoots begin to twist and crack.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to prune and thin out dry branches throughout the entire period of active plant growth and spray with special immunomodulators, Bordeaux liquid 1%, Topaz, Falcon preparations.

  1. Necrosis of the cortex.

Infectious burn or stem cancer of roses

This group of diseases is usually caused by fungi. In very rare cases, bacteria. It is characterized by damage to the cambium and cortex.

Roses that are in conditions of constant moisture are susceptible to the defeat of marsupial fungus. On the affected plant, the shoots become covered with brown, and then brown spots with a reddish edging. After that, shallow ulcers begin to form on the bark. Then brownish growths form in their place and the affected areas dry out.

  • Ordinary cancer.
  • Diplodia necrosis of the cortex.
  • Tubercular death of the bark.
  • Diaport cancer of the stem part of the plant.
  • Drying of branches (cytosporosis).

Absolutely all varieties of roses are susceptible to these diseases. All affected areas of the plant must be cut and burned.

Preventive treatment is carried out using copper and iron sulfate.

  1. Gray rot.

gray mold on roses

The disease is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. The debut of the pathological process falls on the winter period. Brownish impressions appear on the stems of the rose, from which a gray and fluffy mycelium then grows. Then, in its place, black growths with spores form. It is also possible the appearance of gray rot in summer time due to high rainfall. If roses are not treated for diseases, then the plant becomes covered with a completely gray coating and rots.

  1. Damage to the root system caused by rot.

There are 2 diseases in which the root system is affected by rot: tracheomycosis and white sclerocial rot. The pathogen retains its viability in the soil for many years. The pathological process is characterized by rotting of the roots, which leads to the cessation of the inflow nutrients plant. First, the shoots suffer, and then the plant dies.

It is necessary to water the soil "Fitosporin-M", "Gamair".

  1. Diseases caused by bacteria.

These include cancer of the roots and stem parts of garden shrubs. Root cancer is characterized by the formation of growths on the roots, as well as the root collar. At the beginning of the pathological process, they are soft, then harden and eventually rot. Cancer of the stem part of the plant appears as brown depressions without a border. On the affected areas of the plant, the bark dies off. After which on the queen of flowers are formed dark spots.

  1. Diseases caused by viral pathogens.

Viral diseases roses - viral mosaic

Downy mildew on roses

Horticultural culture is affected by such viruses as: tobacco necrosis, streak, tobacco curl streak, tomato bronze, rezuhi mosaic, apple tree mosaic and many others. If we are talking about viral damage, then this is a mixed infection, which consists of several types. Symptoms of the pathological process are very similar to each other. For more exact definition virus requires a series of laboratory tests. Viral diseases of roses and their treatment begin with the removal and subsequent burning of the affected areas of garden shrubs. If the rose is very strongly affected by the virus, then it is completely burned. To prevent transmission of the disease, all garden pruning tools are treated with alcohol or a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

  1. Spotted lesion of the deciduous part of the plant.
  • Ascochitous. It is characterized by the presence of yellowish spots on the leaves, as well as a brownish growth with fungal spores.
  • Purple. The upper part of the leaf is affected. They show small dark or purple spots, bordered by a crimson stripe.
  • Brown. On the upper part of the leaves are covered with dark spots, and on the lower part they are light without borders.
  • Black (marsonina). It affects the leaves, in rare cases the shoots with a whitish coating, which eventually become black and sticky. The leaves of the garden shrub become dark in color, and then crumble.
  • Cercosporosis (gray). In its manifestations, it is similar to black spot. Dark spots no larger than 5 mm appear on the leaves.
  • Ramularia of the leaves of the plant. When the disease is affected, the leaves become brown in color, dry out and crumble.
  • Pestalotia. In the central part of the leaves of roses, the disease manifests itself as dark brown spots. The yellow stripe clearly distinguishes between the diseased and healthy part of the plant. It is characterized by premature leaf fall.
  • Downy mildew. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. It appears purple and grayish bloom. The most famous and widespread disease.
  • Septoria (septoria spotting).
  • Phyllostictosis (phyllostic spotting).

Non-infectious diseases of garden roses

  • The process of aging.
  • Chlorosis. Appears with insufficient amounts of nutrients in the soil. The leaves of the plant turn pale, yellowish veins appear on them. Chlorosis may be due to hyperacidity soil, excess, as well as lack of moisture.
  • Burn caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Lack of nutrients in the soil (potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen).
  • The toxic effect of fertilizers. Occurs with an increase in the amount of treatment with chemical solutions. When treating a plant with pesticides, it is necessary to take into account the humidity and air temperature.

Rules for spring processing of plants

Diseases of roses after winter begin to activate, causing damage to plants. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this period and spend preventive treatment roses. It is during this period that the plant enters the active phase of growth.

First you need to remove the winter shelter. Then conduct a thorough inspection of rose bushes for the presence of diseases and pests. Now there is a huge number of preparations for the treatment of garden roses from the defeat of pathological pathogens. Among a large assortment it is very difficult to choose how to spray roses in the spring from diseases.

Copper sulfate is a proven chemical that has been used for many years to prevent as well as treat rose diseases in the spring. For this purpose, a 1% or 3% aqueous solution of copper sulphate is made. They carry out spraying of the plant and the soil that is next to it.

New varieties of garden roses

Breeders from all over the world are constantly trying to develop new varieties of plants that will be less whimsical to the conditions and habitat. Disease resistant roses mark these with the ADR sign. Of course, he cannot guarantee in any way that everything will be fine with this particular variety of garden shrub. But the quality mark is awarded only to those varieties that have the best characteristics.

Most of the garden shrubs marked with this quality mark are quite rare, and some are well known in many countries of the world. Among them you can find: densely double, non-double, ground cover and flower beds.

The most resistant varieties include the following types of garden roses:

  • non-terry "Escimo",
  • kidney cover "Crimson Meidiland",
  • floribundas "Cherry Girl", "Novalis",
  • climbing "Apricola" and many others

Subject to simple rules care and proper feeding plants can avoid the appearance of diseases of garden roses. If you see the first signs of illness, take action immediately. This approach will not only quickly heal your flower, but also protect the entire garden from infection by pathogens. Now there are many varieties of garden roses that are disease resistant. But this does not mean that the flowers will not need care.

Protecting roses from disease is a constant and inevitable concern for every grower. To prevent problems, it is important to choose disease-resistant varieties first. Some roses are often susceptible to black spot or powdery mildew, and neither chemistry nor organics can change such a genetic reality. If you use the same chemical fungicide, pathogens will develop immunity to it.

Prevention of any diseases of roses begins with a pruning period. will be more hardy than the one left with frost-damaged wood and many thin shoots in the middle of the bush. Such growth will grow weak, and the disease will first of all get to it. During the pruning period, fallen leaves are removed, on which pathogens usually remain.

It is important to limit surface watering in the morning so that the foliage can dry well - this will also prevent disease. Chemical fertilizers with a high nitrogen content cause the plant to grow vigorously, which as a result becomes a victim of powdery mildew, so they must be used carefully.

In some areas, almost no rust is observed, and in hot, dry climates, black spotting is rare. But any disease of roses, the signs of which are given below, can, under suitable conditions for it, appear in every area and infect all the bushes in the garden indiscriminately.

The most common rose diseases: prevention, methods of dealing with them

For proper treatment flower, you must first determine the type of disease by the symptoms and causes of their occurrence, and then decide what measures to take. Next, consider the main diseases that roses are susceptible to.

Extremely unpleasant and harmful to roses, black spot is caused by a fungus, the spores of which, unfortunately, are very resistant. Foliage on rose bushes becomes unattractive. Black spot appears on the upper and lower side of the leaf, especially on the lower branches close to the ground. Looking closely, it is easy to notice rays and wavy edges near the spots. Gradually, the leaves of infected roses turn yellow and fall off.

With a strong defeat of the foliage with black spotting, the bush remains almost naked. Although many roses are strong enough to regrow their foliage, only “a few roses are able to withstand a second attack of the disease. Roses entering the winter in this form are at risk of freezing. This is why black spot has killed many more roses in winter than in summer.

Black spot is especially dangerous in rainy weather, as spores of the pathogen actively develop on the wet surface of the leaves. It is important to keep this in mind when practicing surface watering.

For roses, such watering is useful, but it is better not to carry it out if the sun does not have time to dry the foliage before night. Of course, and if the roses got wet at night with rain, black spotting may also appear on them. It is noticed that roses are not subject to black spot if they are constantly in conditions of artificial fog. In greenhouses, this is the technique used to protect roses from black spot, but for most gardens, this solution is unsuitable.

The predisposition to black spot has passed to most roses by genetic inheritance from the species Rosa foetida, which gave them a yellow color. That is why it is more susceptible to black spot than others. And the old once-blooming European roses: Damascus, centifolia and French varieties - this misfortune rarely affects.

If black spot has started in the garden, it is very difficult to get rid of it. Prophylaxis is a thorough cleaning of the garden, since the spores of the fungus that causes the disease remain in the fallen leaves. Intensive is also a kind of treatment for the disease, it prevents black spot if it appeared in the garden a year earlier.

The disease most often affects weak shoots that must be cut first.

Interestingly, in the fifties and sixties of the XX century, black spot almost completely disappeared from parks in large cities, which, oddly enough, was facilitated by air pollution. There were few complaints about black spot from flower growers then, and breeders were not too worried about this. Air pollution levels have now declined, and growers have found that many roses bred during this period are particularly susceptible to this disease.

An alternative to chemical fungicides is Cornell's preparation, used in accordance with the instructions. It is based on potassium bicarbonate; it goes on sale under the name GreenCure. This remedy is good as a prophylactic, but with a strong outbreak of the disease, such treatment will be ineffective.

Powdery mildew - a disease of roses, characteristic of the middle lane

Such a fungal disease is widespread in the middle lane in conditions high humidity. In rainy summers, powdery mildew always appears. The infection is transmitted by air, most often affecting young shoots. The disease can also flare up in the late period of the rose season, when warm days are abruptly replaced by cold nights. The leaves and young shoots of the diseased plant are twisted and discolored, they are covered with a white powdery coating. With severe damage, the buds are deformed and do not fully open. The disease affects any rose, but bushes with young shoots are especially affected, less undersized varieties.

Proper air circulation around roses helps prevent this disease. It is well known that roses growing in open space get sick less often than those in close proximity. For example, a rose weaving along a slatted or mesh fence is almost always healthier than the one attached to the wall of the building. On hot days, shallow watering can interrupt or slow down the development of infection. Of course, it will not be possible to restore the affected places of roses. But since signs of infection show up first in the upper part of the plant, you just need to cut off heavily infected areas without harming the rest of the bush.

GreenCure is a treatment for rose disease that provides protection if applied before signs of infection appear. Some home-made bicarbonate soda solutions are equally effective. However, a concentrated soda solution burns out unhealthy areas, which does not add beauty to the plant.

Like true powdery mildew, downy mildew is caused by fungi, but the two diseases are significantly different, which is clearly visible through a magnifying glass. With true powdery mildew, the mycelium of the fungus spreads along the outer side of the leaf, and with false mildew, it settles on reverse side and then grows deeper. Downy mildew can quickly kill a rose. It appears on the leaves and stems of roses in the form of brown spots with a lilac tint; fluffy plaque is distinguishable only under a microscope. Infection with downy mildew often starts from above. Sick leaves fall off with a light touch, and with a strong touch, the roses lose all their foliage.

The most susceptible to the disease are hybrid tea and miniature varieties, suffer from it also . Unfortunately, downy mildew is becoming more common, and nurseries are to blame for its spread. Nature has established a barrier to the development of infection: at temperatures above + 30 ° C, which persists for at least a day, the fungus dies. At constant temperatures around +30°C and above, downy mildew remains passive. However, if this temperature does not last a day, the mycelium of the fungus is activated with the advent of coolness.

Some resourceful rose growers fight downy mildew by connecting garden hoses to water heaters, but this is not a safe method.

Rose growers relying on chemicals control of the disease, returned to zinc-based fungicides, popular in the sixties of the XX century.

With this disease, orange-brown spots are visible on the back of the leaves and on the stems of the rose. Plants heavily infected with a rust fungus lose their foliage, and sometimes rapidly. The development of rust is facilitated by cool, wet weather in summer and mild winters, which happens in the middle lane. If the winter is severe, the disease is rare. Rust targets old garden roses, such as centifolia and, but then spreads to modern ones.

You can prevent the spread of rust by cutting off infected shoots. Cut infected branches must be burned. They cannot be used in compost.

The causative agent of rust, like many others, hibernates on fallen leaves, so the garden must be regularly and thoroughly cleaned. In an outbreak, it is recommended to use any remedy that is effective against blackspot, including new drugs with bicarbonates.

Botrytis (gray rot)

The fungus that causes botrytis, or gray mold, appears in cool and rainy weather. First, gray mold becomes noticeable on the rosebuds; as a result, with a strong defeat, the buds do not bloom.

It is interesting that original wines are made from botrytis-infected grapes, affected by a harmful rose fungus, and do not have any compensatory properties.

The most susceptible to the disease are tea and multi-petal varieties. The disease usually manifests itself in autumn, at the end of the rose season. Gray mold loves dampness and progresses greatly in rainy weather with dense plantings - remove excess shoots in a timely manner.

Most rose growers fight botrytis by cutting off infected buds. They are removed from the site in hermetically sealed bags so that the spores of the fungus do not spread. Recently, effective chemicals because it was not possible to solve the problem with the help of organics.

The most dangerous disease of roses, at first makes itself felt by the appearance of yellow and brownish lesions on the shoot. Over time, they darken and deepen, and the shoot dies. Fungus - the causative agent of cancer is present in many soils, but in the garden it becomes a real disaster. Infection almost always occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the shoot of a rose: sometimes the grower is to blame, but more often the neighboring shoot leaves a mark with a thorn, swaying in the wind.

Infected stems should be cut and burned immediately. Most fungicides, either chemical or organic, keep the disease from spreading from stems to leaves. If the cancer infects the leaves, small specks and large brown spots with a lilac tint form on them, which are easily mistaken for downy mildew.

Root cancer appears as a growth at the base of the bush. Rather, it is a bacterial disease on the root collar, at the grafting site. In any case, the growth is formed at the point of contact of the shoots with the ground. The disease can affect any rose, but plants in clayey and poorly drained soils are most at risk.

The industry produces as a treatment for rose disease an effective drug to combat bacteria - pathogens root cancer. However, many gardeners successfully apply the disinfectant used in household, and treat them with infected areas. They pour out 200-250 ml of undiluted disinfectant on the affected area, avoiding contact with the leaves.

The cancerous growth must be cut with a sharp knife. If the growth falls apart, it is necessary to carefully collect them and remove them from the garden. In many cases, after such treatment, the plant survives. The dead bush is dug up and before planting a new rose, the soil must be replaced in landing pit. The tool with which the build-up is made is disinfected.

Rose, as a true queen of the garden, requires special attention. If the rules of cultivation are not observed, adverse weather conditions develop on roses various diseases that cause fungi, bacteria, viruses. Treating rose diseases is always more difficult than preventing their development. Therefore, always try to take preventive measures to prevent diseases.

Disease prevention

To protect these beautiful flowers from diseases, it is important to take a number of preventive measures:

  1. Pruning and destruction of weak and diseased shoots, dried leaves and other plant residues on which pathogenic fungi and bacteria can overwinter.
  2. To prevent diseases, rose bushes are sprayed with broad-spectrum chemical and biological preparations: Alirin-B, Skor, Topaz, etc.
  3. Periodic inspections of rose bushes are necessary so as not to miss the onset of the disease and its spread to neighboring plants. A neglected disease is difficult to treat and can lead to the death of the rose.
  4. Do not overfeed plants with nitrogen fertilizers, and in the second half of summer, completely exclude nitrogen from top dressing.
  5. Periodic top dressing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers increases the plant's resistance to disease.

Rose diseases are divided into fungal, bacterial and viral. This article provides descriptions, photos and methods of treating the following diseases:

powdery mildew

The spread of this disease is facilitated by dense plantings, prolonged summer rains, a large difference in day and night temperatures, and excessive nitrogen application with top dressing. First of all, powdery mildew affects young green shoots and leaves.

Powdery mildew on roses

Description of the disease

The spores of the fungus that have fallen on the plant germinate and form whitish mealy spots on the leaves and shoots, which gradually grow. The rose bush is covered with an ash-gray powder coating. The leaves dry up, the shoots are deformed and stop developing.

Methods of treatment

  • If signs of the disease are found, the leaves and shoots with plaque should be urgently cut off and destroyed.
  • Spray the bushes with a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur. The working solution is prepared immediately before use. 100 g of sulfur is taken per bucket of water. The foliage is sprayed from the upper and lower sides in dry, calm weather.
  • With a strong lesion, drugs are effective: Skor, Topaz, Fundazol, Vitaros. Fungicides need to be alternated, because. the fungus develops drug resistance.

Folk remedies

Alternative methods of treatment work at the initial stage of the disease of rose bushes and as a prevention.

  • 4 g of soda ash is stirred into 1 liter hot water, add 4 g of soap chips. The resulting solution is sprayed on the diseased plant twice with a weekly interval.
  • A third of a bucket of fresh mullein is poured with water and left for three days. The mixture is periodically stirred. The resulting infusion is diluted with water 1:10 and sprayed with rose bushes in the evening.
  • Mix 1 kg of ash with 10 liters of water, leave for two days. Add 40 g of soap chips and spray the affected bushes twice with a week break.

Prevention measures

  • Timely removal and destruction of fallen leaves, weeds, on which fungus spores can persist.
  • From mid-summer, feed only with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. surplus nitrogen fertilizers reduces the resistance of roses to powdery mildew.
  • In the spring, after removing the shelter and in late autumn, spray rose bushes with a 3% solution of copper sulfate, 0.4% copper oxychloride or 1% Bordeaux mixture.
  • Plant powdery mildew-resistant varieties of roses.
  • Avoid crowded bush planting.

rose rust

The disease is caused by a rust fungus, the spores of which are carried by wind or insects. Rust development is favored by wet and warm weather. The disease spreads easily and is difficult to treat.

It looks like a plant affected by rust.

Description of the disease

In the initial stage of the disease, bright red spots appear on the leaves of the rose. If you look at the underside of the leaf, then in these places you can see such orange tubercles of sporulation. This is the spring stage of rust fungus development.

With further development of the disease, the pustules acquire a brown-rusty color. Yellow-red spots spread throughout the leaf blade, the leaves dry up and fall off. Shoots crack, bend and dry out. In the autumn stage of development, the pustules become dark. In this form, the fungus overwinters on the infected parts of the plant.

Treatment Methods

  • Cut off and burn all leaves and shoots with orange spots.
  • Spraying the rose and the soil around the bush with a solution of fungicides: Titan, Strobi, Falcon, Bayleton. Processing is carried out repeatedly with a two-week break, changing preparations.
  • Spraying roses with copper-containing preparations: hom, Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate.

Folk remedies for rust treatment

For 10 liters of warm water, 1.5 kg of crushed milkweed stalks are taken. The mixture is infused for a day in a warm place. The resulting infusion is filtered and used to spray the leaves.

Disease prevention

  • Pruning and destruction of diseased plant parts and weeds.
  • Spraying in late autumn and early spring of bushes and soil around 3% solution of copper sulphate, 3% solution of iron sulphate.
  • Autumn digging of the earth near the bushes.

Downy mildew or rose downy mildew

Peronosporosis is a fungal disease of roses that spreads in conditions of high humidity. Cool rainy weather, sudden temperature changes at night and during the day with heavy dew contribute to the development of the disease. The fungus reproduces by zoospores, which move quickly in the water. For infection, a wet film on the leaves is enough for the zoospores to infiltrate the stomata of the leaf and begin their destructive work.

Rainy weather favors the development of the disease.

Description of the disease

Downy mildew on roses appears as a light grayish or purple bloom on the underside of the leaves. The spores of the fungus germinate through the tissue of the leaf, and red and purple-brown spots appear on the surface of the leaf plate. The leaves turn yellow and fall off literally within two to three days. First of all, the disease affects the upper young leaves.

With further spread, spots may appear on the shoots, the buds are deformed, the outer petals darken and fall off. In a hot dry summer, the disease stops, but closer to autumn it begins with renewed vigor.

Treatment Methods

  • Destruction of infected leaves and shoots.
  • Solutions of drugs are used for treatment: Ridomil Gold, Thanos, Alirin-B, Gamair, Profit. Spraying roses and the soil around the bush should be done every 10-14 days.

Folk ways to treat the disease

  • 1 liter of skimmed milk is mixed with 9 liters of water and 10 drops of 5% alcohol solution of iodine are added. The resulting mixture is sprayed with bushes.
  • Pour 1 cup of ash into 2 liters of boiled water, add water to 10 liters. Filter the solution and spray the roses.

Preventive measures

  • Pruning and destruction of affected leaves, shoots and plant debris.
  • In late autumn and early spring, spraying with solutions of preparations containing copper.
  • Top dressing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers improves plant resistance to disease.

Black Spot or Marsonina Rose

Black spot is a common fungal disease of roses that develops in damp, warm weather, in thickened plantings, with an excess of nitrogen fertilizers.

This disease begins to spread from the bottom up.

Description of the disease

Black spot begins to spread from lower leaves to the top of the bush. Green shoots may also be affected. Dark brown and black spots with uneven blurred edges appear on the foliage. Leaves turn yellow and fall off. Without treatment rose bush may lose all foliage and remain naked. Shoots will not have time to mature and prepare for winter. With a high probability, such a bush will die in winter.

How to treat the disease

  • It is necessary to remove and destroy all damaged leaves and weak thin shoots.
  • Spray with fungicides three to six times with a week break, alternating preparations. Good results give Skor, Topaz, Profit Gold, Fundazol.

Folk methods of treatment

Folk methods are best used for the prevention of black spot.

  • Spraying with infusion of mullein. 1 part of mullein is mixed with 10 parts of water and infused for several days.
  • 200 g onion peel pour 10 liters of water and heat to a boil. Insist 8 hours. Strain the infusion and spray the rose bushes and the ground around.


  • Before sheltering roses for the winter, remove all foliage and weak shoots, clear the ground around from plant sediments.
  • In early spring and late autumn, spray roses and the surrounding soil with 3% iron or copper sulphate.
  • Do not overfeed with nitrogen, and exclude nitrogen from top dressing from mid-summer.
  • Top dressing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers increases the resistance of plants to fungal diseases, incl. to black spot.
  • Spraying with Fitosporin serves as a good protection against many fungal diseases.

Among the fungal diseases of roses there are leaf spots, which appear in much the same way as black spot: Leaf septoria, leaf phyllostictosis, purple rose spot, grayish spot (cercospora). Determining which type of spotting struck a rose can be difficult. But all these diseases of roses are treated in the same way as black spot.

Infectious burn of roses

Infectious burn develops in conditions of poor ventilation and high humidity. Such conditions are created under shelter during thaws in winter.

In the photo, an infectious burn of roses

Description of the disease

In early spring, black spots appear on the shoots with a characteristic red-burgundy border. With the further development of the disease, the spots increase and ring the stem, the bark cracks and flakes off. Sick shoots inevitably die.

How is an infectious burn on roses treated?

If signs of the disease are found, all damaged parts should be cut out to healthy tissue. Cover the cut points with garden pitch. Severely affected shoots must be cut out completely. Spray the bush with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

Preventive measures to prevent the disease

  • Before shelter, all leaves and weak shoots, plant debris from the ground near the bush must be removed from the bush.
  • You need to cover roses for the winter in dry, cold weather.
  • Before shelter, treat the bush and soil around with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate or 1% Bordeaux mixture.
  • In the spring, open the roses as soon as weather conditions allow and spray with a 0.4% solution of copper oxychloride (HOM) or a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Bacterial diseases of roses

bacterial cancer roots is caused by bacteria living in the soil. Bacteria enter the roots and shoots through cracks and wounds caused by planting or pruning with tools or obtained from pests.

In the photo, bacterial root cancer

Description of the disease

The bacteria attack the root tissue cells, which begin to divide uncontrollably. Light soft growths and sagging appear on the roots and root neck. They grow, become dark and hard. In the future, the growths rot. Plants affected by cancer develop poorly, wither and subsequently die.

Treatment of the disease

With early detection of cancer, you can try to cure the plant. The bush needs to be dug up and cut off the roots and shoots with growths. Immerse the root in a 1% solution of copper sulfate for 5 minutes, then rinse with water and dip in clay talker. Severely affected bushes are best burned.

Preventive measures

Before planting roses, disinfect the roots in a 1% solution of copper sulfate, rinse in water, and dip in a clay mash.

  • Pour the planted bushes under the root with a solution of Fitolavin or Fitoplasmin. Preventive watering can be done several times.
  • Organic fertilizers enrich the soil with antagonist bacteria that inhibit the development of bacterial cancer.

Bacterial stem cancer

The bacteria are spread by insects, wind, rain and infect young shoots of roses.

Bacterial cancer on a rose trunk.

Description of the disease

Dark brown spots form on young shoots. In the future, deep ulcers form at the site of the spots, nutrition and growth of the shoot are disturbed. Black spots appear on the foliage. The affected stems dry out, the leaves turn black and crumble.

Treatment of the disease

  • Trim diseased areas to healthy tissue. Disinfect the cut sites with a 5% solution of copper sulphate, cover oil paint. Severely affected and dried shoots cut and destroy.
  • If the disease has spread strongly throughout the bush, then it is better to dig up such a rose and burn it.

Stem Cancer Prevention

  • Treatment of rose bushes with a 3% solution of copper sulphate before shelter for the winter and in the spring after removing the shelter. A 1% Bordeaux mixture is also suitable for spraying.

Viral diseases of roses

Viral infections appear on the foliage as a variety of alternating light and dark green spots. various shapes. It can be a mosaic pattern or an annular spot. Leaves and buds are deformed, the rose lags behind in growth, blooms poorly.

There are several types of viral diseases of roses with similar symptoms. Only a specialist can determine which virus has infected a plant.

Viral wilt

With viral wilt, the bush stops developing, the leaves become narrow, filiform and dry out. Gradually, the bush dies.

What does a diseased bush look like

The mosaic virus has infected the rose bush.

Small yellowish or light green spots appear on the leaves, which spread throughout the leaf blade, forming a mosaic pattern. Depending on the type of virus, spots can be of various shapes and spread to young shoots and buds. There is a deformation of the leaves and petals. Bushes lag behind in growth, bloom poorly.

To date, does not exist effective drugs for the treatment of viral diseases. You can stop the development of the disease by cutting off diseased leaves and sections of stems. Rose bushes heavily affected by the virus must be removed from the garden so that the disease does not spread to other plants.

Prevention of viral diseases

  • Timely detection and destruction of infected bushes.
  • Control of aphids, nematodes, thrips and other sucking insects that carry diseases.
  • Disinfection garden tools after working with diseased plants. For processing, you can use alcohol, 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

Continuation of the topic:

Roses fell ill and withered - we are looking for and eliminating the cause

The rose is a whimsical ornamental plant. With improper care, it can get sick with fungal and viral diseases. How to recognize an infection, how to treat roses from aphids and diseases, and what preventive measures to take, you will learn from our article.

The most dangerous diseases of roses are viral, as they lead to the death of the plant completely, and it is almost impossible to cure it. But such diseases are much less common than fungal ones - affecting one of the parts of the plant (leaves or stem, less often a flower). One of them - phyllostictosis of rose leaves, we have already considered in detail.

Infectious burn or stem cancer (lat. Coniothyrium wernsdorffiae)

Caused by the fungus Coniothyrium wernsdorffiae. The plant becomes infected in the autumn-spring period of dormancy. Spores penetrate through cracks in the stem of a rose formed from frost, or wounds left after incorrect pruning, or without treatment with garden pitch.

The disease spreads to all types of roses and can spread to blackberries and raspberries through poorly sanitized tools. Spores of stem cancer are carried by water; damp calm weather and late, after July 20, top dressing with nitrogenous fertilizers contribute to reproduction.

Rose diseases and their treatment require a lot of time and attention. It is necessary to constantly monitor the behavior of the infection, and if it continues to develop, it is better to remove the bush completely, and if neighboring plants are infected, destroy the entire rose garden so that the fruit and vegetable crops.

Signs of an infectious burn

  • The garden rose disease manifests itself on the stem, dark brown ulcers appear, which, when girdled along the entire diameter, lead to the death of the shoot. Black dots (pycnidia) begin to grow on the ulcers, which serve as a source of further infection.

Treatment of an infectious burn

  • Remove diseased shoots without damaging the canker on the stem;
  • Clean small wounds to a healthy base, it is most convenient to use a paper knife. Cover with garden pitch;
  • Before bud break, it is important to prevent rose disease, treat the affected bush with 3% Bordeaux liquid, this will destroy the spores so that rose pests do not spread them;
  • Spray the infected shoots with the fungicide "HOM" every week until cured.

How to prevent an infectious burn

  • Avoid freezing of the plant, which leads to cracks in the stem;
  • Cover roses from frost at moderate humidity and a temperature of no more than 10 degrees Celsius;
  • Before shelter, treat the soil with 3% copper sulphate or 1% Bordeaux mixture;
  • Disinfect the tool before cutting;
  • In the second half of July, spray with potash fertilizers.

Rose rust (lat. Phragmidium disciflorum)

Occurs in the spring due to infection with the fungus Phragmidium. It affects the entire ground part of the plant in late April - early May, spores are carried by water. On top of the leaves and shoots, growths (spermogonia) of yellow color appear, by autumn they turn black. Pustules appear on the lower part of the leaf plate, which are dusted with spores and infect neighboring plants. Rust strikes berry bushes, decorative and coniferous trees.

Signs of rose disease: photo, description

  • Foliage is covered with spots of red and brown. After a while, the leaf plate dries up and disappears;
  • Shoots change shape and twist, begin to crack and spray spores.

Rust on roses, treatment

  • Treatment with preparations that include zinc and m-ed (fungicides "Abiga-Peak", "Topaz", "Bayleton", copper sulphate);
  • Spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Rust Prevention

  • At the end of summer, thinning of roses from dry leaves and branches is mandatory;
  • In early autumn, treat with 3% copper sulphate or Bordeaux mixture;
  • Spray with chemical immunomodulators ("Elina - extra", "Zircon", "Immunocytophyte").

Black spot (lat. Marssonina)

Caused by the fungus Marssonina rosae, falling on the plant affects the leaf plate, flower petals and sepals. The spores are carried by water droplets, black spot develops in July and August.

How to recognize the disease

On diseased plants, small dark spots appear, which quickly increase in diameter up to 15 mm. They form conidia with spores of the fungus. Leaves fall in sequence from top to bottom. Rose weakens and gradually dies.

Black spot on roses treatment and prevention measures

  • Leaves and shoots affected by black spot are cut off, they cannot be sent to compost, therefore they are burned;
  • Diseased roses are treated with fungicides containing copper and zinc ("Fundazol", "Kaptan");
  • In autumn, before covering the plants for the winter, they are sprayed with 3% copper or iron sulphate.

Powdery mildew or conidia roses (lat. Sphaerotheca pannosa)

It is caused by a fungus that affects leaves and shoots, less often flowers and buds. For the development of spores (conidia), warm weather (from 20 degrees Celsius) and a high level of air humidity in summer period. The fungus is carried by air, water during irrigation and rain, insects. Powdery mildew affects almost everything ornamental plants, fruit and vegetable crops, so it is important to start the fight against the disease in time.

Signs of rose infection, disease and treatment

  • The leaves of roses are covered with dark red spots, later the leaf plate is deformed, dries and falls off;
  • The shoot is covered with loose pustules that look like pads. They grow fungal spores.

How to prevent powdery mildew infestation

  • Thin out the bushes and prevent thickening of the planting;
  • Do not overfeed with nitrogenous fertilizers, observe the terms of their application (until mid-summer);
  • During the formation of buds, treat with fungicides ("Topsin-M", "Bayleton", "Fundazol");
  • Every 2 weeks, spray rose bushes with a 10-day infusion of mullein;
  • From mid-July, fertilize with potassium sulfate.

Downy mildew or rose peronosporosis (lat. Pseudoperonospora)

It occurs due to infection with a fungus and infects plants in early summer. The spores are spread by rain and wind. A sharp drop in temperature, swampy soil, high humidity, as well as a shaded area with poor air ventilation are favorable for development. The disease affects many ornamental plants, vegetable and berry crops.

Signs of rose disease, and their treatment with a photo

  • Shapeless dark red or purple spots appear on the leaf plate, over time, the foliage begins to lose shape, curls and falls off;
  • Cracks appear on the stems of roses, the leaves of the buds darken and die;
  • With a magnifying glass, you can see the spider web on the back of the leaf.

Treatment and measures of protection against peronosporosis

  • Plants that have fallen ill with downy mildew are completely uprooted, burned away from healthy ones;
  • For small lesions, treat roses with fungicides ("Strobi" or "Ridomil Gold");
  • During the period of bud formation, spray with products containing copper and zinc (Bordeaux liquid, Kuprozan, Ditanom-M45;
  • Timely treat with top dressing containing potassium and phosphorus.

Gray rot of roses (lat. Botrytis cinerea)

It occurs due to infection with the fungus Botrytis cinerea and moves down the plant from top to bottom.

Signs of infection

Dark spots appear on the affected areas, if they encircle the sprout, then it dies. Yellowish spots appear on the leaves and petals. Over time, gray fluffy mycelium begins to appear on them. The development of gray rot fungus is facilitated by prolonged rains and an increase in air humidity, poor ventilation when grown in greenhouse conditions.

How to cure and prevent rose disease

  • Treat diseased plants every 2 weeks with fungicides ("Euparen", "Fundazol");
  • Periodically water the earth with garden prophylactic preparations or growth stimulants, which include potassium permanganate;
  • Cut off diseased parts of plants and burn them. Avoid accumulation of fallen dry leaves and branches.

Viral mosaic - a disease of roses and their treatment (lat. Rose mosaic virus)

It occurs due to infection with a virus and is transmitted through infected tools during pruning and grafting. Infection begins from the lower leaves: they become covered with light small spots and fall off.

For the whole garden, the development of rose disease can be dangerous and the fight against them should begin immediately. A viral mosaic can spread to lilac, currant, gooseberry, and rarely raspberry bushes.

Prevention measures against mosaic - a dangerous disease of garden roses

  • When planting, visually check the plants for diseases;
  • Mandatory disinfection of the pruning tool in a 1% iodine solution.

How to protect against rose diseases

  • Rose seedlings should be planted only in places with constant sunlight and good ventilation, on fertile soil with an acidity level (pH) not lower than 6.5-7.6.
  • With the advent of March, before the buds open, you need to feed. The first is urea or manure infusion (in a ratio of 1:20 with water). The second top dressing after two weeks - with potassium nitrate for better flowering and juicy color.
  • Top dressing during flowering is not needed.
  • After cutting the roses, they are fed with manure infusion, the soil is loosened and mulched.

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The disease of roses and their treatment takes a lot of time and effort. Compliance with agrotechnical rules for planting and care, and preventive protection measures will protect plants from diseases.

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