Composition of wood ash as a fertilizer, use in the garden as a fertilizer, useful properties. wood ash as fertilizer

wood ash as a fertilizer known to man since time immemorial. In Rus', fire places - the burning of forest areas for subsequent plowing into the fields have been cultivated for centuries. The bread grew very well on the soil fertilized with ash. Of course, this "nomadic" farming was very troublesome - every 5-10 years it was necessary to develop new fields, but the effect of fertility from the ash is so amazing that the grain growers did not hesitate to break away from their homes to new areas.

What is valued wood ash and its beneficial features?

Of course, the effectiveness of any fertilizer in the composition nutrients. But in addition to the number of constituent substances, their harmonious balance in composition and proportions is also important - so that one element does not interfere with the positive effect of another. It is precisely such a fertilizer balanced by nature itself that ash is.

What does wood ash contain, what is its composition?

* Calcium carbonate (17%) :: Accelerates the development of plants of the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes). Promotes active flowering. Increases the number of ovaries in cucumbers.

* Calcium silicate (16.5%) :: Promotes vitaminization of vegetables - they become tastier and healthier. When fertilizing onions, it helps to form a juicy and "evil" onion.

* Calcium sulfate (14%) :: This is a "long-playing" component - the substance is enough for a long period of plant nutrition. The effect is support for overall development. As one of the main components, it is part of such a popular fertilizer as superphosphate.

* Calcium Chloride (12%) :: As a nutrient it aids photosynthesis processes, the formation of essential enzymes. No less important are medicinal properties component: helps against blackening of tomatoes, from cracking of carrots, with premature fall of fruits, helps in the fight against many infectious plant diseases.

* Rock salt (0.5%) :: An excellent growth catalyst for plants with long lashes - cucumbers, zucchini, melons. Helps retain moisture in plants during dry periods.

* Potassium orthophosphate (13%) :: Important as a regulator of plant water balance. Increases resistance to low temperatures thermophilic plants.

* Magnesium compounds (12%) :: Actively participates in the root formation of plants, is a "accumulator" of bioenergy, promotes the formation of starch and cellulose.

* Sodium compounds (15%) :: Responsible for water balance. These components are "loved" by tomatoes - the fruits ripen faster and develop to a larger size.

Wood ash - application in the garden:

Appropriateness of use

It is known that it is not the substances themselves that are harmful, but their dose. Therefore, it makes sense to talk about in which cases the use of ash will bring maximum benefit. So top dressing with wood ash is advisable for plants with deficiencies in the nutrition of calcium plants.

Signs of calcium deficiency:

* Leaves of plants turn pale. The process of photosynthesis is disrupted.

* Deformation of the leaves: twisted, unnaturally bent. Disturbances of one balance.

* On nightshades, color begins to fall off.

* The fruits of tomatoes become stained.

* In fruit trees, young shoots die, fruits lose their taste.

* On the bulbs dry.

* Potato tubers and part of the tops dry and die.

Since ash is a good source of potassium, it is necessary to consider cases of its deficiency for plants. It should be noted that the signs of a lack of magnesium are in many ways similar to the signs of a lack of potassium.

Signs of potassium and/or magnesium deficiency:

* The leaves of fruit trees dry and wither, but do not fall off.

* Flowers lose their intensity of fragrance.

* In plants of the nightshade family, the leaves begin to dry and curl up into rolls.

Conditions under which wood ash is not useful for plants, its use is not recommended

When plant nutrition is oversaturated with any components, it is natural that the introduction of these same elements into the soil can harm the plants. Therefore, it is important to consider cases of contraindication of ash.

Signs of calcium overload:

* There is an excessive development of leaf rosettes in apple trees and grapes.

* During the lash of the tomato, young shoots die off.

* Leaves fall off flower stems.

* Leaves lose color vibrancy.

Signs of potassium overload:

* The pulp of apple and pear fruits acquires a brown tint.

* The fruits become bitter.

* Premature leaf fall of fruit trees.

Proper plant nutrition with wood ash: how to fertilize?

The method of applying the fertilizer is as important as its composition. The access of the plant to nutrients and the fact that top dressing does not turn into harm depends on how you apply fertilizer.

Ash is used in two ways: in dry form and in an aqueous solution. The dry method is effective for large plants - shrubs and fruit plants. And for plants, which is smaller, a more favorable way would be an aqueous solution (a glass of ash in a bucket of water).

Despite the simplicity of fertilizer techniques, each plant will be grateful if you apply it to it. individual approach:

* Cucumbers. In a liter of water for 7 days insist 3 tablespoons of ash. Water with fertilizer under the root before abundant watering.

* Onion. It is better to fertilize onions in a dry form: ash is used not only as a complex of nutrients. But it also scares harmful insects.

* Tomatoes. Dry ash is applied to the soil before loosening.

* Potato. Ideal Condition fertilizer - planting. When planting potatoes, a handful of ash is poured into the hole, and then dug in.

How often do we see that amazing near- wood ash - what could be more affordable? And the more surprising is the benefit that it can bring to the gardener.

The gardener, creatively and lovingly relating to his favorite pastime, will note that the ash from different woods has a composition of nutrients that is different in proportions. Therefore, the ash deciduous trees can have one effect on one and from the plants, and from conifers- another. By experimenting with the composition of ash fertilizer, you can achieve more tangible results than from artificially synthesized mineral fertilizers.

Ash - indispensable assistant all gardeners. This is an excellent remedy for garden pests and excellent mineral fertilizer. And most importantly - absolutely free.

Ash as fertilizer

Ash is the residue from the combustion of various organic matter. It can be: firewood, straw, dried tops of garden plants, pine needles, coal and other materials.

Plants infected with various diseases cannot be sent to compost, but it is allowed to use the ashes after burning them!

The properties and chemical composition of the future mineral fertilizer will depend on the feedstock.

Ash is obtained from:

  • Hardwoods and thick stemmed crops (sunflower, buckwheat).

Such ash contains a lot of calcium, potassium. These minerals will serve as a good top dressing for horticultural crops and ensure the restoration of the pH level of acidic soils.

  • Softwood

This ash, in addition to the high content of calcium, is rich in phosphorus, which is indispensable for plants.

Wood ash is considered one of the most valuable types of mineral fertilizers of natural origin.

  • Peat

Peat ash is not so common, it has practically no nutritional value for horticultural crops. Therefore, such ashes are less in demand among gardeners. It is mainly used as an admixture to maintain optimal soil pH.

  • hard coal

Ash based on it is not very suitable for fertilizer, since it contains a small amount of useful substances. It is used on alkaline soils to acidify them.

  • fallen leaves

Autumn biomaterial is conveniently stored and then burned in barrels. Leaf ash can be used both in the form of self-feeding and as a mineral supplement for compost.

Separately, it should be said about the ashes remaining after smoking cigarettes. It is used as a fertilizer for indoor plants. In addition, the ash perfectly protects house plants from small midges and fungal diseases.

Collect ashes immediately after cooling. Soaked ashes are not endowed useful qualities. Therefore, it should be protected from moisture.

Composition and properties

Ash is famous for its beneficial properties and rich mineral composition. As a result, she is able to improve qualitative composition and soil structure, saturate it with irreplaceable elements, improve air exchange, strengthen plant immunity.

Ash contains:

  • calcium (in different compounds: carbonate / silicate / chloride / sulfate);
  • potassium (in the form of orthophosphate);
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium (in the form of chloride);
  • magnesium (in compounds: silicate / carbonate / sulfate);
  • molybdenum;
  • sulfur;
  • manganese;
  • iron;

Ash properties:

  1. It is able to improve the structure of the soil - to make it looser.
  2. Increases fruiting on heavy soils.
  3. It improves the air permeability of the soil, thanks to which plants grow and develop better, and the simplest inhabitants get the opportunity to simply fully exist.
  4. Accelerates the process of decomposition of organic matter, because it is always added to compost heaps as a separate layer.
  5. The ability to maintain a positive effect on the soil for 2-3 years.

Can it be used?

Wood ash as a mineral fertilizer can be used on any type of soil. At the same time, the pH of a little or strongly acidified soil will try to correct it. Ashes will enrich neutral soils full range mineral elements.

Use it for fertilizer indoor plants and a large number horticultural crops: zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, eggplants and many others.

The ashes are brought in mainly in the fall when preparing the land for winter.

Do not use ash for fertilizer:

  • Berries that love acidified soil: lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries.

When ashes are added, the soil becomes neutral, and therefore these berries simply stop growing.

  • Turnips, radishes and radishes.

These crops react to ash with the rapid release of arrows, as well as the cessation of the growth of root crops.

  • Flowers: camellias / rhododendrons / azaleas.

They immediately stop blooming and stop growing.

  • Cabbage and beans.

These plants grow well only on acidified soils.

Product preparation

The ash must be adapted before use. It is usually used in three ways:

  1. By scattering on beds, between rows, holes, under bushes and trees.
  2. By watering or spraying (pre-prepare an infusion based on ash).
  3. As an ingredient in compost. The optimal dose is 2.5 kg per cubic meter.

Gardeners mainly use straw, leaf and wood ash. Mixing with other organic fertilizers will help to enhance its effectiveness. Together with humus or peat, ash acts as a powerful mineralizer. The average mixing ratio is 1:3. Such fertilizer can be used immediately, evenly distributing over the site. It will not be difficult for plants to absorb all the nutrients from such a complex.

It is also good in compost. Moreover, not a single full-fledged compost is possible without its introduction. Ash has the ability to accelerate the process of decomposition of organic matter. So, for peat ash composts, 45 kg of wood ash per ton of the main raw material will be required. It perfectly neutralizes peat acidity.

Ash is not desirable for mixing with fresh manure, chicken manure due to possible loss of nitrogen. And its combination with superphosphate will reduce the access of horticultural crops to phosphorus. For a similar reason, you should not mix ashes with lime.

Rules for applying clean ash:

  • Prepare small grooves (about 15 cm deep).
  • They pour ashes into them. One mature plant consumes approximately 2 kg of this mineral supplement per season.
  • An aqueous solution is prepared based on the ashes (at least 2 glasses are needed per bucket), which are then poured into depressions in the ground.
  • The grooves are buried.

How to use correctly?

Methods of application for various crops and plants:

For the garden

When disembarking spring seedlings vegetables apply wood ash directly into the holes (9 g per furrow), not forgetting to mix it with the soil.

Legumes and greens are very responsive to ash: during the season they are able to absorb up to 200 grams per square meter. m.

Zucchini and pumpkins are fed with ashes at least 3 times per season: during the spring preparation of the beds, before planting, approximately in the middle of the growing season, along with watering. Each time, 200 g per sq. m.

Peppers and eggplants are fertilized twice: when digging in the spring (600 g per meter), when planting (100 g per well).

Cabbage and swede are fed with ashes 2 times: during planting (a handful per hole) and as a spray solution during active growth.

Under garlic in the fall, 400 g of the substance per square meter is applied. m.

For carrots, celery, beets, one will be enough spring feeding- a glass of ash per meter.

Potatoes are fertilized with ashes 3 times: during spring digging (200 g per meter), directly into the holes when planting (3 large spoons each), during secondary hilling in the form of a solution (400 ml per bush).

Cucumbers will need 2-3 top dressings: spring - by spreading ash between rows (50 g per meter), during growth and the appearance of ovaries - when watering with the addition of dry matter (1/2 liter per bush).

Tomatoes require 4 dressings: 2 dry and 2 wet. The first time, ash is used when digging the earth under the beds (1/2 cup per meter), the second - when planting by scattering between plants. The next 2 wet top dressings are carried out during the period of active growth and in the process of fruiting (up to 1 liter per plant).

For garden

Currant responds well to the introduction of ash. An adult bush requires up to 600 g of dry matter. During the growing season, you can shed the bush also with an aqueous solution of ash. Thanks to this, the currant bears fruit better and becomes more resistant to diseases and some pests.

Strawberries are fed in 2 ways: root and foliar. The first do 2 times a year - before rapid flowering after the end of fruiting. The ash is simply scattered between the rows (65 g per meter). Foliar top dressing (by spraying) is carried out in the process of setting berries. Enough half a glass of dry matter per bucket of water. Spraying is carried out at the rate of 1 liter per sq. m.

Fruit trees are fed most often liquid solution ash about once every 2-3 years. Enough 2 kg per bucket of water. This is a serving for one mature tree. For seedlings, 1 kg is enough. The ash helps resist pest attacks and provides the plants with the mineral nourishment they need.

For flowers

Indoor flowers are fertilized periodically at the rate of 3 large spoons per 200 ml of water, garden flowers - twice per season. First, when preparing the beds in the spring (200 g per meter), then - a glass of dry mix per hole when planting.

Roses are especially fond of ash. It stimulates the development of future inflorescences, protects against diseases, strengthens their immunity, making them more resistant to temperature fluctuations.

  • Ash is good to use on clay soils and loams in the process autumn digging. On sandy soil, it is better to transfer top dressing with ashes to spring.
  • If the ash consumption is 300 g per meter, you can forget about additional soil mineralization in the next couple of years.
  • On acidic soils, ash is good in the fall - it will help plants better endure the winter.
  • Depriving compost of ash fertilizer is like leaving chemical reaction without a powerful catalyst.
  • It is good to use an aqueous solution of ash to soak the seeds before sowing. Ash is a powerful growth stimulant.
  • It is better to store it in a closed container that does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • It is impossible to add ashes at the same time as nitrogen. These two substances neutralize each other. You need to wait at least 30 days.

If possible, it is best to spread these 2 substances in different seasons: nitrogen in spring, ash in autumn.

  • If, during the burning of biomaterial, household waste or plastic enters the barrel, the ash becomes unusable due to its high toxicity.
  • In fresh manure, ash is not appropriate - it will reduce the nitrogen content and will contribute to the formation of compounds that plants simply cannot absorb later.
  • It is forbidden to fertilize seedlings with ashes until the first leaves appear. At this point, nitrogen fertilization is more relevant - to stimulate growth.
  • When fertilizing tomatoes or pumpkin family crops, the ashes are thoroughly mixed with the ground in order to avoid burns of their root system.
  • If the soil acidity level is 7, the application of ash is unnecessary. Acidification and alkalization of the soil always leads to poor absorption of nutrients by plants.


Ash has been one of the favorite mineral products for gardeners for decades. It does not require capital investment, is easy to use, environmentally friendly and very effective. The minerals contained in the ashes linger in the soil for up to 3 years.

Every gardener knows how to use ash. Like fertilizer, it universal remedy ideal for plant nutrition. Irrigation of seedlings with ashes appeared in the era of slash-and-burn agriculture. Trees were burned right on the field, then the soil was dug up and crops were planted. In the 19th century, wood ash was used for floodplain meadows, which, after fumigation with a solution, increased yields.

Ashes contain formulas chemical elements, necessary for plants. These substances are needed by vegetables, decorative flowers, shrubs and trees. Experienced gardeners often use peat ash, wood and coal. Compound:

Fertilizer ash in autumn and in the spring plays an important role for the rapid emergence of plants, also increases the harvest in the garden.

Different parts of the same tree produce different amounts of finished food. It depends on the age and growing conditions of the bush. Most of the ash is generated by burning bark and leaves. wood waste from the oak trunk they give 0.35% ash, the leaves - 0.5%, the bark - 7.2%. More fertilizer is always obtained from the top of the tree.

Ash is known to be excellent source of potassium, notice. Ash fertilizes and structures the soil.

Fertilizer use in agriculture

Ash is also perfect for indoor plants, the use of the mixture improves the chemical composition of the earth. It reduces acidity and also accelerates the ripening of compost. Ash-alkaline soil is the best habitat for micro-organisms and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Grapevine, foliage or tops of potatoes contain 40% potassium, conifers are rich in phosphorus - up to 7%, other hardwoods have a different composition, where calcium is most contained.

To obtain ash at home, metal barrels or containers are used. In them, the ashes are protected from the wind, ingress of foreign objects. In such containers, firewood completely burns out. For raw materials, collected autumn leaves, trimmed stems of shrubs, grape vine, the remains of firewood of different tree species. Wood must not be mixed with household waste, as this may result in a hazardous mixture.

The resulting composition is stored in a dry place in wooden boxes that are tightly closed. Some gardeners use plastic bags.

The effect of ash increases if it is mixed with peat, compost or humus. Thanks to the combination of ingredients, the decomposition of organic substances improves, the quality of tree fruiting increases. Top dressing does not lose its beneficial properties for three years.

But dosage must be taken into account. Excess adversely affects the plant: 100–200 grams per 1 sq. m, in loamy - 300-400 gr / 1 sq. m.

Application rates

Since the ash does not contain chlorine, it is suitable for strawberries, raspberries, currants, cucumbers and squash. When adding to the pits, you need to take 1-2 tbsp. l. for 1 glass of water. For sweet peppers and eggplant - 3 tbsp. l / 1 tbsp. liquids. Ash is used instead of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and lime dressings in the calculation:

  • 500-800 grams per 10 sq. m - digging the soil;
  • 400-500 gr - before sowing;
  • 300 gr - in holes and furrows.

Lure of plums and cherries is produced as follows:

  1. A trench 10-15 cm deep is dug along the perimeter of the root part.
  2. Fertilizer is poured into it and filled with water.
  3. The ditch is leveled with soil.
  4. The total amount of ash should not exceed 2 kg per tree.

A dry mixture can be used to fumigate plants from pests. The procedure is carried out in the early morning or late evening in dry, calm weather. Processing repels snails and slugs. Thanks to the ashes, plants quickly take root in a new place and get sick less. In spring, seedlings of radishes, cabbages and turnips are irrigated with ashes to avoid the appearance of cruciferous flea. This pest quickly eats seedlings of crops.

Wood ash proved to be successful as a fertilizer for indoor plants. Ash does not allow the soil to oxidize, it is able to completely replace the mineral composition of the substrate for flowers in pots. Top dressing is carried out both with dry ash and with a liquid solution: 50-150 grams of the substance is diluted in water (10 liters), constantly stirred and applied to the soil. If ash impregnation is used, other fertilizers are no longer needed. A month later, the bush is sprayed with a nitrogen solution if necessary.

Ash, which is formed as a result of the combustion of wood, is an effective and environmentally friendly fertilizer for many types of horticultural and horticultural crops. It contains in its composition a lot of useful elements, due to which it is rightfully considered one of the best views top dressings that exist today. Ash as a fertilizer must be used wisely, which will allow you to get the most optimal result.

If stick existing rules and recommendations regarding the direct preparation and use of this fertilizer, it will be completely safe and will be characterized by a number of distinctive properties.

First of all, we need to talk about environmental safety this material. Ash has no effect negative impact on a person, if it comes into contact with the skin, it does not cause irritation or, moreover, burns. However, this applies only to natural ash, which was formed as a result of the combustion of exclusively pure wood, without various chemical and synthetic impurities, such as paints and varnishes.

Ash contains in its composition a lot of useful elements, due to which it is rightfully considered one of the best types of top dressing that exists today.

Another important advantage is accessibility. It is much cheaper than other organic or mineral fertilizers. However, you can make it yourself. Wood ash as a fertilizer for houseplants or traditional garden plants can be stored long time. It just needs to be protected from excessive moisture, and this will be enough to maintain the basic technical and operational qualities of the material.

Wood ash can be used not only as a means of fertilizer or top dressing, but also as effective drug to protect against a wide range of pests.

For example, if you sprinkle it on the soil directly next to the plants, an insurmountable barrier will be created for snails, flies, wireworms, aphids, slugs and ants.

The material also demonstrates high efficiency in the fight against fungal diseases of potatoes and other popular vegetables. To do this, you need to regularly spray crops in the garden or in the garden with a special ash-based solution.

Since wood ash and its beneficial properties are determined natural origin, there are no prerequisites for it to act for its intended purpose instantly, which is typical for various pesticides. Therefore, if a garden or garden is affected by various pests or dangerous fungal or infectious diseases too strong, you should resort to the help of special chemicals and not ash.

Material composition

Receiving wood ash suburban areas, as a rule, is very simple, since many of their owners prefer to use wood for heating their houses and other architectural structures, rather than gas or expensive coal. A burnt tree, or rather, the remnant of it, should never be thrown away. Ash contains a significant amount of various chemical elements, namely:

  • calcium carbonate - this substance, as a rule, is the most. 17% CaCO3 can significantly improve the metabolism inside plant tissues, which will automatically affect the stabilization of biochemical processes. This component contributes to the growth of the number of ovaries on the buds, which, moreover, will be much larger and more magnificent;
  • calcium silicate - here it is 16.5 percent. It saturates the fruits with vitamins, which allows them to become more tasty and, accordingly, useful. Too "evil" bulb - this is just the result of the influence of calcium silicate;
  • calcium sulfate - about 14 percent. This element supports the life of the plant very long period time. It is one of the most important components of such an effective fertilizer as superphosphate;
  • calcium chloride - improves the processes of photosynthesis. Its percentage (12%) allows you to stimulate the production of important enzymes. In addition, the use of wood ash in the garden, which contains calcium chloride, contributes to the high-quality protection of a number of crops from various diseases, namely the appearance of black spots on tomatoes, a change in the structure of carrots and much more;
  • potassium orthophosphate - serves to regulate the water balance of plants. It is thanks to this substance that heat-loving crops are able to withstand adverse climatic conditions;
  • sodium chemical compounds - in general, they occupy up to 15 percent general composition ash. Like the previous element, they are responsible for the proper water balance of plants. Their actions are especially noticeable on tomatoes - they become more saturated, juicy and reach ripeness much faster;
  • magnesium compounds - the substance promotes the formation of starch and cellulose in tissues. It also takes an active part in the development of the root system of the plant;
  • rock salt - despite the fact that it is only 0.5 percent here, it helps to improve the growth of many gourds. Its effect on the preservation of moisture during severe and prolonged droughts is noted.

As a rule, many gardeners resort to the introduction of this substance as a top dressing or initial fertilizer, focusing on the advice and recommendations of specialized specialists. Also used moon calendar, the stage of development of the plant is taken into account.

Since wood ash and its beneficial properties are due to natural origin, there are no prerequisites for it to act as intended instantly, which is typical for various pesticides.

But most the best option here it is considered an independent study of the state of certain crops grown in the garden or in the garden. In the vast majority of cases, by their appearance it will be possible to determine what kind of useful element they lack. If you regularly examine them, you can easily notice signs of mineral starvation, which, as a rule, are quite strong.

First of all, this is a change in the structure of the leaves. If the vegetative system of a plant changes its color, becomes, for example, whitish, and subsequently deforms, this indicates that it is sorely lacking in calcium. Signs of a lack of this element are also:

  • spots on fruits;
  • premature fall of color, especially on solanaceous;
  • twisting the edges of the leaves;
  • death of young shoots;
  • fruits lose their taste;
  • drying out of the bulbs;
  • death of tubers and tops (typical for potatoes).

Sometimes there may not be enough potassium. The composition of wood ash includes a relatively small amount of this substance, but, as a rule, it is quite enough to normalize carbon metabolism in plant tissues. If this is not done on time, then the following negative manifestations are possible:

  • The leaves will begin to warp and curl. What is characteristic, while they do not fall off;
  • flowers lose their fragrance, in some cases, in fact, completely;
  • in nightshade leaves are folded into peculiar rolls.

If the leaves begin to turn red, turn brown and darken, this is evidence that the plants lack phosphorus. In general, it is in wood ash that it does not contain so much. Therefore, it should be used to solve this problem only at the initial stage. If the signs of a lack of phosphorus are too obvious, then it is recommended to resort to the help of a special fertilizer based on this substance, for example, superphosphate.

If the growth of the culture has noticeably decreased or even stopped altogether, this may indicate a lack of not only calcium, but also magnesium. It should be noted that these two substances, in terms of plant growth and development, are practically a single entity. Therefore, along with the introduction of calcium, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of magnesium. An infusion of ash for plant nutrition contains many magnesium compounds, and therefore it is very effective in solving a number of problems.

Plant nutrition must be balanced. Otherwise, not only a lack of various useful substances is possible, but also a glut of them.

If the soil contains a significant amount nutrients, it is still categorically not recommended to make them, since this will negatively affect the condition of the plants.

Plant nutrition must be balanced.

Contraindications to the use of ashes from burnt wood:

  • the formation of redundant rosettes (observed in grapes and apples). This provokes a deterioration in the nutrition of fruits, due to which they become of less quality;
  • leaves and color prematurely crumble, and their appearance at the same time indicates the absence of health problems;
  • the vegetative system of the plant loses its color saturation, despite high-quality and regular feeding;
  • there is a death of young shoots for no apparent reason;
  • the taste of the fruit becomes bitter;
  • the pulp of the fruit becomes brown, the tissue becomes loose.

Properties and uses of wood ash

Ash, which was formed as a result of burning wood, is currently recommended to be used in two main ways:

  • Dry

Actual for large crops, for example, garden trees or shrubs. It can be sprinkled both on the soil and directly on the plants themselves.

The use of dry wood ash

  • Aqueous solution

For small crops that are usually grown in the garden, effective way fertilizer is seen as a solution of ash. Average consumption is one glass of the substance per bucket of water. Throwing it too much is not recommended, as this can turn into a glut.

Answering the question which plants love wood ash, it should be noted that calcium, magnesium and other useful elements have a positive effect on all types of garden and garden crops. That's why given material it is desirable to use for fertilizing any plants grown on own site. This fruit trees, shrubs, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, onions, eggplants, potatoes, peppers and more.

There are a number of factors to consider when using wood ash as a fertilizer material. First of all, it is the type of soil. Clay and loamy soils are recommended to be fertilized in autumn period, whereas this procedure for peat bogs and sandy loamy soils it is relevant in spring.

In addition to simple sprinkling or watering, ash can also be used when digging a site, during which it mixes with the ground. The calculation of the quantity is directly related to the volume of the plot. The classic application rate is approximately 100-200 grams per square meter.


It is not recommended to simultaneously introduce wood ashes and strong organic fertilizers, for example, humus. It is advisable to separate these procedures by several seasons at once. That is, the ash can be applied in the spring, but the compost is already immediately before the start of the winter period.

The material is not recommended to be combined with phosphate or nitrogen fertilizers. The minimum period between the use of these substances should be one month. Plants that love acidic soil, such as cranberries, should not be fed with wood ash, as it provokes a decrease in soil acidity. The same applies to root crops such as turnips, beets or radishes. The fact is that otherwise, the yield will noticeably decrease.

How to use ash in the country? It should be understood that the first time it should be applied only after the third leaves appear on the shoots. Wood ash has a high percentage salts, which adversely affect the growth and development of weak shoots.

When growing seedlings of tomato or other crops, fertilizing with soil ash is not desirable. Contact with a young root system will lead to burns, reduce the immunity of the plant and contribute to the fact that it will take root in a new place after transplantation very badly and for a long time.

Ash has been used since ancient times as a fertilizer for plants. It can be considered the first mineral remedy that farmers used to enrich the soil with organic compounds. When burning dry plant waste (straw, flowers, wood, leaves), combustion products are obtained. They are rich in boron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur. All these substances are essential for the full vegetation of plants. How is ash used as a fertilizer?

Ash as fertilizer: composition and properties

The composition of the ash contains a large number of elements:

  • calcium sulfate;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • calcium silicate;
  • potassium orthophosphate;
  • calcium chloride;
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium orthophosphate;
  • magnesium sulfate.

Ash fertilizers can improve the quality of the soil by increasing the alkaline properties of humus, saturating the soil with mineral compounds. Ash changes the acidity of the soil, increasing its PH-value, favorably affecting the fruiting of plants. Combustion wastes have the following effects on the soil:

  • They increase productivity on heavy loamy soils, allow plants to develop normally, and facilitate the mechanical processing of the soil.
  • Improve the composition of the soil, ash is a natural baking powder of the soil.
  • The use of ash as a fertilizer changes the physical structure of the soil. It increases the access of oxygen to the soil.

To increase the effectiveness of wood ash, it can be applied to the soil along with peat, humus and compost. So the ashes decompose faster. Direct application of ash to the soil is also allowed, which favorably affects the ability of crops to bear fruit, improves the fertile properties of humus. Positive influence after application of fertilizer from ash, it lasts up to three years.

wood ash as fertilizer

  • Do not add ashes to fresh manure. This will reduce the nitrogen content in the organic compound, forming mineral compounds that the root system is not able to absorb.
  • Fertilizing seedlings with ashes is prohibited until the first true leaves begin to form. At this time, you need to fertilize with nitrogenous fertilizers.
  • Acidic soils where beans and cabbage grow should not be fed with ashes.
  • Apply at the same time nitrogen fertilizers And charcoal Not recommended. They need to be included in different time years, nitrogenous fertilizers in spring, and ash in autumn. It can be vice versa.
  • If the ash is applied during the planting of berries and flowers, pumpkin and nightshade crops, it is necessary to mix the ash with the soil. This will help prevent burns to the root system.
  • If the acidity of the soil is more than 7 units, ash should not be used, the high alkali content makes it difficult for plants to absorb nutrients.
  • It is impossible to add ashes to fresh vegetable compost, this will prevent nitrogenous substances from accumulating in the substrate.

Ash as fertilizer how to apply

It is necessary to prepare top dressing from ash to make effective fertilizer. The substrate must be dry, it must not contain harmful impurities. It should consist of small fractions. Each gardener has his own way of preparing top dressing. Here are some of them.

Dry ash fertilizer

It is easy to prepare mineral dressing from dried ash. The fertilizer is applied in a fine-grained powder, it does not need to be sieved. Is taken right amount ash, and crumbles on the ground. The ash can be dug up with soil or used as mulch. Under the influence of moisture, it will penetrate into the lower layers of humus.

When using fertilizer from ash, it is important to respect the proportions. For sandy soils, up to 200 g / 1 sq. meter. For loamy soils, the dose should be doubled. It is important not to exceed the dosage, otherwise the alkaline characteristics of the soil will change, which will affect the condition of the plants.

Liquid fertilizer from the ashes

Top dressing is prepared by cold aging, but this requires patience. Ashes fall asleep in cold water, leave to infuse for about a week. The volume of water and the mass of ash depends on the plants that need to be fed. The standard dose is 200 g/10 liters of water.

The liquid substrate is used for foliar nutrition of plants: tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes. For this, household sprayers are used. The use of infusion in the garden can be combined with watering. This reduces the cost of caring for vegetable crops.

Preparation of the base infusion

Preparation of the stock solution is a complex process, but it can be stored for a long time, used as needed. In 10 liters of water it is necessary to dissolve a kilogram of ash, boil the mixture for 20 minutes. Pour off a liter of the base solution, add 10 liters of water, this solution can be used to feed the plants. It turns out a full-fledged mineral supplement. Mineral Properties such infusion are preserved for a long time. Between fertilizing with this solution, you can further enrich the soil with potassium permanganate, boric acid and ash.

Coal ash as a fertilizer

Slag and ash from combustion hard coal are rarely used, since coal ash contains radioactive elements and heavy metals. When this fertilizer is applied to the soil, the plants will accumulate harmful substances if the dose is exceeded. But the excess should be too large, if the ash is applied correctly, there will be no harm.

Coal ash contains more phosphorus and potassium salts, so it is effective to use it on acidic soils, as well as for feeding potatoes and tomatoes. Nightshade crops often suffer from late blight, coal ash contains a lot of copper, which helps to restrain the development of the disease. Feeding the soil with coal ash in a small amount will give a rich harvest, and will not cause harm.

Ash from the leaves: application

Plants shed their leaves in autumn, they accumulate waste products. Gardeners use the foliage as plant compost by burning it. The mass of dry matter is 1-2% of the weight of the burnt leaves. To obtain a complete fertilizer, the concentration essential trace elements enough in the ashes.

Flowers are also rich in organic matter. Woody stems of flower crops are used in compost, crushed to small fractions. If you burn faded plants, you can get top dressing rich in trace elements.

How to burn fallen leaves? Flowers and leaves are best burned in boxes or metal barrels. Do not allow moisture to enter the container, otherwise it will lead to deterioration of the fertilizer properties. How to store fertilizer ash? The resulting ash is stored in boxes or closed plastic bags.

Ash from walnut leaves

Leaf ash walnut very useful for plants. IN chemical composition leaves are rich in proteins, fats, complex connections, iodine. Majority organic compounds burns, but a sufficient amount of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium remains in the ashes.

Walnut leaf blades contain manganese, sulfur, calcium, zinc, cobalt, fluorine, strontium. Substances are presented as oxides, which dissolve well in water and are well absorbed by the tissues of the root system. Top dressing with ashes of nuts has the same benefits as the ashes of poplar, oak or pear leaves.

wood ash as fertilizer

To obtain high-quality wood ash, it is important to use quality material: stem plants and wood of different species. Ash fertilizer rich in minerals can be obtained as a result of:

  • burning sunflower husks and its stems;
  • deciduous trees;
  • cereal straw;
  • potato tops;
  • coniferous trees;
  • vines of grapes;
  • herbal plants.

Wood ash must not be used if the raw material used was originally treated with paint. This will negatively affect the quality, increase the risk of heavy metals entering the plant.

Wood ash as fertilizer for indoor plants

Flower growers who grow indoor plants use wood ash to feed potted crops. To do this, prepare a useful solution:

  1. Nutrient solution for root dressing. 2-3 tbsp. spoons are stirred in a liter of water, in a week the fertilizer will be ready.
  2. Solution for direct soil application. When planting flowers in the substrate add 2 tbsp. spoons per kilogram of soil. Further, the plants are fertilized with ash only in upper layer soil.

Ash fertilizer for strawberries

Strawberries can be fertilized with ashes in two ways: in the form of foliar and root dressing. Root top dressing needed twice a year: after harvest, before the flowering stage. foliar top dressing carried out at the stage of fruit set. The preparation of fertilizer for strawberries has its own characteristics.

Wet feed. Dissolve 100 g of ash in 10 liters of water, boil for half an hour, then cool and pour into another container. For 1 square meter, 1 liter of top dressing is required.

Dry feed. Ash is sprayed between rows at the rate of 70 g/sq. m.

Top dressing. Mixed 2 g boric acid, 70 g of sifted ash, 2 g of potassium permanganate, 15 ml of iodine and 10 liters of water. This volume is enough to feed 20 square meters. landing meters. Irrigation should be done in the evening.

Ash fertilizer for grapes

Top dressing of grapes with ash is carried out by foliar and root methods. For root dressing, take 200 g of dry ash, which is sprayed under each bush. The soil is dug up, the ash will get to the roots of the plant under the influence of external moisture. Work is carried out in the spring. You can add ash to fermented humus.

Foliar feeding helps fight grape diseases. The ash is sifted, poured with water, insisted for a day, a uterine infusion should be obtained. The solution is filtered, half a liter of solution is used for spraying, which is poured into a 10 liter bucket of water. They irrigate clusters and leaves. This volume is enough to spray 10 square meters. meters. The solution can also be applied to root top dressing.

Ash fertilizer application for other crops

Ash and fertilizer from it is effective for growing various horticultural crops. For garlic, when planting, ash is applied during pre-sowing preparation of beds, which is carried out in early autumn or early spring. When digging, it is enough to close up one glass per one running meter. If you need to reduce acidity, ash is added at the rate of 2 buckets per square meter.

The rich composition of the ash favorably affects the growth of roses. It helps flowers resist diseases, stimulates the development of flower buds, and increases the ability of roses to survive the winter. Top dressing with ashes is carried out several times during growing season and when planting roses.

Pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, squash are fed three times per season. The first top dressing is carried out when digging (1 cup / sq. Meter).

The second is feeding seedlings with ashes (1-2 cups / hole),

The third - in the middle of the growing season when watering - 1 cup per square meter.

Twice you need to feed the tomatoes, eggplant, peppers. Three cups per square meter are applied during digging, half a cup of fertilizer is applied to each hole when planting seedlings.

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