Charcoal as fertilizer. Charcoal fertilizer. When and how to fertilize the soil

Ash has been used as a fertilizer since the early gardens. It is widely available, inexpensive, and easy to use. But the introduction of coal ash into the soil cannot be carried out without control. With such top dressing, you need to follow certain rules and proportions, and also take into account for which plants and types of soil it can be used.

With all the usefulness of ash elements, it must be borne in mind that not every ash is suitable for. The product of coal combustion, which was taken from a contaminated or radioactive zone, should not be used, because it accumulates harmful substances that plants will consume.

Coal soot can be obtained from the combustion of coal or lignite. Accordingly, it will differ in proportions chemical composition, which contains a small amount of:

  • Calcium, which is necessary for the development of plants. It takes part in carbohydrate-protein metabolism, therefore it is very useful for young crops with active growth. Calcium is also necessary for the roots of plants, it helps to absorb other trace elements found in the soil. This element is able to influence the acidity of the soil by binding some acids.
  • Potassium, which takes part of the cell sap and takes an active part in photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. It activates enzymes and affects the quality of fruits and vegetables.
  • Phosphorus, acting as an energy supply for plants. It is involved in the metabolic processes of the plant organism and has a direct impact on the degree of ripeness of fruits and seeds, and consequently, on the quality and quantity of the crop.
  • Magnesium, which is part of chlorophyll and affects photosynthesis. The plant signals a lack of this element with yellowed leaves and their fall.
  • Sodium, which promotes the transfer of carbohydrates, and a sufficient amount of the element helps to increase the resistance of plants to pathogenic factors external environment and low temperature.

However, ash fertilizer is rarely used, because the minimum content useful substances enters the soil in a hard-to-reach state for consumption by plants - these are silicates, which, under the influence of high temperatures, fuse and form glassy masses.

  1. Coal ash. This fertilizer is rich in silicon oxides, the content of which often exceeds 50%, so it is often used to drain and loosen wet, heavy clay soils. Coal fertilizer improves the structure of homogeneous soils, increases their moisture permeability and fertility. In addition, such fertilizer top dressing practically does not contain chloride compounds. The use of coal fertilizer is unacceptable for sandy soils and soil with hyperacidity, since the high sulfur content is converted to sulfates and contributes to an increase in acidity. In this regard, it is recommended to combine coal fertilizer with calcium-containing, ammonium and organic fertilizers (bird droppings and manure).
  2. Ash of brown coal. Get brown coal under the influence high pressure on plant masses that are saturated with phosphorus, potassium and other mineral compounds. Such top dressing is used as, which enriches poor soils with microelements. Unlike coal ash, brown coal ash reduces soil acidity, improves its structure and saturates it with boron, manganese, copper, molyben, zinc and other components, which helps to increase productivity. Brown coal crumb contains glumic acids (about two percent) and is a raw material for the production of glumates (fertilizers), which have a high physiological activity that improves the agrochemical properties of the soil and stimulates the activity of earth microorganisms. Glumates also prevent the leaching of useful elements from the soil.

  • mustard
  • onion
  • various types of cabbage
  • garlic
  • legumes
  • swede

To increase the yield of these crops, the combustion product of coal is combined with gypsum. For those demanding nutrients fertilizer crops with rock ash will not bring any benefit, because it contains an insufficient amount of nutrients for them.

Crushed coal slag is introduced during the digging of near-stem circles of fruit-bearing trees.

With regular top dressing with coal ash, fluorine and potassium accumulate in the soil, because the ash retains its usefulness in the soil for five years. But for the effectiveness of the use of such a fertilizer, a combination with organic matter is necessary.

Ash and brown coal flour are often used in the manufacture of substrates for seedlings of cucumber and tomato crops. To do this, mix one part of peat and sand and 5% of crushed brown coal. Useful properties of such ash remain in the soil from three to five years. Brown coal ash is effectively added to compost from fine straw, grass and.

In loamy and heavy loamy soils, coal ash is applied in autumn in small quantities - it is recommended to apply no more than three kilograms per one hundred square meters. To increase the effect, such a fertilizer should be combined with ammonium nitrate and organic matter, because by binding ammonium with sulfur ions, the loss of nitrogenous compounds is reduced.

Rules for the introduction of coal ash:

  • in heavy and clay soils, ash is applied to a depth of twenty centimeters
  • due to leaching by precipitation, it is recommended to apply ash before winter
  • coal ash is used in dry form and as solutions (100 grams of an element per 10 liters of water), but the solutions contain a reduced amount of useful elements
  • ash is stored exclusively in dry rooms, in tightly closed containers. When moisture gets in, the usefulness of the fertilizer is lost.
  • simultaneous application of ash and nitrogen-containing dressings is not recommended
  • ash can be used to stimulate seed germination. To do this, prepare an ash infusion, which must be kept for a day and soak the seed material in it.

It should also be taken into account that the coal top dressing contains sulfites, which are toxic to plant crops, but they undergo oxidation under the influence of oxygen and acquire beneficial features. As a result, the combustion products of coal should not be applied immediately, the ash residue must be sieved and dried on the floor in a dry place for at least a week and a half. After that, the slag is stored in a well-closed container.

The rate of application of ash fertilizers of brown coal per one square meter- 3-5 kg.

An excess of such a fertilizer will slow down the development of crops and increase the level of strontium in the soil. Brown coal derivatives - glumates are recommended to be used at a rate of 50-60 grams per square meter, and crumbs - no more than 12 grams. Excessive application of these elements leads to inhibition of vegetation and the destruction of beneficial microorganisms, which negatively affects the composition of the soil.

practically no flaws. Experienced gardeners prefer ash dressings because of a number of advantages:
  1. Safety and naturalness. Ash does not harm the human body, does not exude an unpleasant odor and does not cause skin irritation.
  2. Cheapness and availability. Coal ash can be made independently, purchased at specialized retail outlets, or taken from friends who are heated with coal. Fertilizer is consumed economically and can be stored for a long time.
  3. protective properties. Coal ash is a good vegetable prophylaxis. When ash is sprinkled on the soil around the plants, the attacks of snails, slugs, ants, flies and whites stop.
  4. Prevention of diseases caused by fungi. For this, the plants are sprayed with an ash solution.

There is an opinion that coal combustion products are harmful to the human body, because they can contain heavy metals and radioactive elements. But plants in the presence of these elements develop quite actively. This opinion is partly true. Cluster harmful substances in plant tissues is possible when the level of application of such fertilizer to the soil is exceeded, that is, if more than 5% of the total soil volume is applied.

Coal derivatives are used everywhere and are of agricultural importance for farmers in many countries. Unlike wood, it contains large quantity calcium, sodium and copper salts and less - potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, coal combustion products are indispensable when applied to acidified soil areas to normalize their acidity, especially when planting and. Nightshade crops from such a fertilizer are saturated with copper, which resists late blight.

Subject to the norms for the introduction of coal ash and not to overdo it in this matter, the accumulation of harmful substances is not observed, which means that it is not capable of causing damage to the human body.

More information can be found in the video:

The ash left in the stove or fireplace can serve you in the garden. She happens to be good fertilizer and has been known as such for a long time. We will tell you how you can use the ashes on your site. The main thing to understand in the first place is that the quality of the ash and its value depends on what was burned to obtain it.

The difference between wood and coal ash, the content of useful substances

Most often, gardeners use wood and coal ash, as well as what remains after burning herbaceous plants, to fertilize the soil and control pests.

Ash can be used as a complex fertilizer because it includes:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • molybdenum;
  • sulfur.

In addition, there is practically no chlorine in the ash, so it is great for fertilizing soils under crops that react negatively to this element, such as potatoes and berries.

Potassium and phosphorus in the ash are in the most accessible form for plant nutrition. Natural phosphorus in this case is even better than superphosphate. Therefore, the ash can be scattered on the surface of the soil before plowing, or poured into holes prepared for plants.

Ash is the source necessary elements for plants

In the production of wood resin, it is better to give preference to deciduous trees. For example, birch ash contains the most potassium. Peat ash is poor in potassium and phosphorus, but contains a lot of calcium.

Ash from coal is not suitable as a fertilizer for a garden or vegetable garden, since it contains practically no such necessary elements as phosphorus, potassium and calcium. But then it contains silicon oxides, up to 60%. This allows it to be used to improve the structure of clay wet forms and to drain them.

Among other things, coal ash has next feature. A high sulfur content leads to the appearance of sulfates, so this ash, unlike wood ash, acidifies the soil, and does not neutralize it. Therefore, it is well suited to saline soils, but is not applicable to acidic and sandy ones.

Read more about the impact on different types of soil

Now we will discuss what kind of ash should be used for a particular type of soil in order for the garden to be productive.

  1. On sandy, sandy, marsh and sod-podzolic soils, it will be enough to add 70 g of ash per 1 sq.m. surfaces. This amount will provide the need for boron in most plants.
  2. Almost any type of soil (except solonetsous) perfectly perceives wood and grass ash, which contains the required amount of alkali: acid soddy-podzolic, marsh and marsh-podzolic, gray forest. The soil is enriched, its acidity decreases, the structure improves. Fertilization is sufficient to carry out 1 time in 4 years.
  3. Also, wood and grass or straw ash is well suited for clay and loamy soil and is brought in in the fall for digging. If such ash is used on sandy and sandy loamy soils, then it should be applied in the spring.
  4. Peat and oil shale ash containing about 80% lime is commonly used to neutralize soil acidity. It is brought in at the rate of 650-670 g per 1 sq.m.

Wood ash well reduces the acidity of the soil

Note! Ashes are often used to create compost. A small amount of ash compost heap not only facilitates rapid processing organic matter into humus, but also enriches it with the necessary elements.

Store ashes only in a dry place, as exposure to moisture leaches the potassium out of it. Besides, experienced gardeners it is advised not to mix the ashes with ammonium nitrate and manure.

If you do not have scales at hand, to determine the required amount of ash, use the following calculations:

  • in 1 tsp contains 2 g of ash;
  • in 1 tbsp. - 6 g;
  • in 1 matchbox- 10 g;
  • in 1 faceted glass - 100 g;
  • in 1 jar 0.5 l - 250 g.

Now let's take a closer look at how to use ash as a fertilizer for plants in your garden.

We fertilize potatoes

For good harvest potatoes great importance has precisely the fact that potassium in wood ash is contained in the form of a carbonate salt, and chlorine is absent. Other elements are also very useful for this plant. As a rule, the introduction of 1 kg of a substance into the soil gives an increase in yield by almost 8 kg of tubers.

Wood ash is applied to the soil under potatoes both in spring and autumn, before plowing, at the rate of 200-300 g per 1 sq.m. For economical use, try applying the ash directly to the wells at planting, about 1-2 tablespoons per well. Thus, the amount of fertilizer is reduced by two or even three times.

The use of ash as a fertilizer significantly increases the yield of potatoes

Peat ash is also used as a fertilizer for potatoes, but its nutrient content is lower. To achieve an optimal result, it must be applied 20-30% more than wood.

Ash will not only increase the yield of potatoes, but also improve the taste of tubers. In addition, it acts as a plant protector from late blight and other diseases and pests. In order to avoid the appearance and development of larvae colorado potato beetle, leaves and stalks of potatoes are dusted with dry ash. From such exposure, the larvae die in a couple of days.

Application for the growth and yield of other fruit and vegetable crops

Each cultivated plant from which we expect high yield, requires a certain amount of fertilizer and application conditions. The action of ash will be more effective if you use it with humus, peat or compost.

  1. Squash, cucumbers, zucchini will require 1 cup of ash before digging up and 2 tablespoons when planting seedlings in each hole. In the middle growing season you need to make top dressing at the rate of 1 cup per 1 sq. M., plant it in the soil and water it.
  2. For eggplants, tomatoes and peppers, you need 3 cups per 1 square meter for digging and a handful in each hole when planting seedlings.
  3. For cabbage of any variety, ash should be applied for digging at the rate of 1-2 cups per 1 sq.m., for seedlings - a handful in the hole.
  4. For winter garlic and onion ash is brought under autumn digging, 2 cups per 1 sq.m. In the spring, it is enough to make top dressing from 1 cup per meter, with soil incorporation.
  5. Peas, lettuce, beans, radishes, dill, table beets, radishes, parsley, carrots are planted in the spring, after the ash is added at the rate of 1 cup per 1 meter for digging.

Ash can be used to fertilize any garden and garden crops

Also use ashes as a remedy for cruciferous flea and cabbage fly. Make a mixture of ash and tobacco dust 1:1, and when 2-3 full leaves form on cabbage, radish, rutabaga and radish, powder them.

Garden crops that ash will help you grow

Help the vineyard

The ash contains an optimally balanced complex of substances necessary for the vineyard to grow and develop. The advantage is that such a fertilizer lasts for a long time, and its components are absorbed into the right amount. The potassium contained in the ash is especially important for grapes.

  1. In autumn, when the grape harvest is over, each bush is abundantly watered with five buckets of water. In the last bucket you need to add about 300 g wood ash.
  2. In the spring around the bush you need to make holes. Add about 2 kg of ash to each and cover with soil.
  3. After a little time (usually at the beginning of summer), the soil under the grape bush is abundantly sprinkled with ashes and carefully mulched. This will help stop the development of the fungus, destroy its spores, and also improve the nutrition of the root system after watering and rains.

Wood ash is very good in quality foliar feeding. It is necessary to fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave for 3 days, stirring from time to time. After the solution settles, the liquid must be drained and so much water added so that the volume increases by 3 times. Spray the vines with this infusion after the sun has set. Spraying should be uniform on both sides. This will help you deal with fungal diseases.

For growth and productivity grape bushes ash is an indispensable assistant

Keep in mind! The ash has a high content of potassium carbonate, which creates an alkaline environment in aqueous solutions. If you regularly apply large amounts of wood ash under vine bushes, chlorosis may occur, especially on neutral and slightly alkaline soils.

One application of ash to the soil on which the vineyard grows will be enough for almost 4 years. Optimal quantity top dressing - 1 time in 3 years.

After harvest in autumn, or in spring before preparatory work old vines cut off and disposed of. If you burn these branches, you will get the most balanced chlorine-free fertilizer for grapes, which contains 20-25% potassium and about 17% phosphorus.

Use as fertilizer for garden flowers

Is it possible to imagine a full-fledged garden without flowers? The healthier their roots, the stronger the trunks and leaves, the more magnificent and brighter they bloom. And here it is especially important to apply fertilizers correctly.

Ash in this case optimally suited both in terms of its qualities and availability. Roses, lilies, marigolds and many others perceive substances contained in wood and herbal ash very well. And especially valuable is the absence of chlorine, which is harmful to cultivated flowering plants.

Using ashes as fertilizer for flowers, you will get an effective return in the first year. The most important thing is to know the characteristics of the soil in your area, so as not to make a mistake when introducing ash of one type or another.

In front gardens or flower beds, ash is usually applied in bulk and carefully mulched. In this case, it is undesirable to add seedlings to the wells before planting, but add a handful under each bush perennial flower will be very helpful.

Most often, ash for flowers is used as a top dressing for a plant during its vegetative period.

  • for root dressing, take 100 g of ash per 10 liters of water, hold for 2 days and use for irrigation.
  • for foliar feeding, dissolve 200 g of ash in 10 liters of water, leave for 2 days and use for thorough spraying in evening time.

In the same way, ash can be used for indoor plants, unless you transplanted them into specially prepared soil, which can be bought at the store. IN flower pot very little space compared to open ground, so try to stick to the right ratios and proportions.

Video about using ash as fertilizer

We are confident that our article will help you make your garden more beautiful and productive. Share with our readers in the comments your experience in this topic, and ask questions of interest. May the garden and garden always delight you! Good luck!

The use of charcoal as a fertilizer for the garden was invented by the Indians of South America. To get the right substance, they burned trees in the jungle. Resin at high temperatures did not burn, but hardened and formed a crust on the burnt coals. The layer of ash that covered the soil after the conflagration contributed to the rapid absorption of nutrients by plants.

Charcoal is the remains of a tree obtained after the combustion of raw materials with minimal access to oxygen.

At home, it is done like this:

  1. IN iron barrel fall asleep wood.
  2. Raw materials are set on fire and wait until the fire burns out completely.
  3. The remaining blackened pieces are removed from the container and used for their intended purpose.

This tool has a number of positive qualities. It is capable of:

  • be stored for a long time without entering into chemical reactions and not decomposing;
  • absorb a large amount of liquid and aluminum oxides (it is a good absorbent);
  • convert the nitrogen contained in the air into forms available for absorption by plants;
  • regulate soil moisture due to water absorbed during rains;
  • activate the topsoil biosphere.

Due to the porous structure of the coal fertilizer:

  1. has a small weight;
  2. able to feed impressive areas with a minimum amount.

Useful properties of charcoal in agriculture

Wood ash has long been used as fertilizer in the fields. With coal, everything is different: it began to be used for this purpose several decades ago. Florists and vegetable growers who used this tool on their household plots, noted that plants growing on the beds fertilized by him bear fruit better, tolerate dry periods well.

Fertilize with ashes and charcoal garden beds beneficial because they:

  1. cheaper than fertilizers of chemical origin;
  2. completely harmless to humans and animals;
  3. can be applied to the soil for several years in a row;

Other positive traits top dressing:

  • In case of a small overdose, green spaces will not be affected.
  • Plants sprayed with an infusion of coal dust and ash are less susceptible to fungal diseases.
  • It has good protective properties. Plants powdered with dust and beds sprinkled with crumbs stop attacking harmful insects.

Soil moisture regulation

Charcoal absorbs moisture very well. Thanks to its ability to absorb excess water, it saves the root system. horticultural crops from rotting in the rainy season. When the rains give way to drought, the pieces of coal give the moisture accumulated in them back into the soil. Absorbing liquid, coal regulates soil moisture.

On the coal crust formed by the caked resin, useful substances accumulate, which are later absorbed by root system plants along with water. The introduced absorbent helps to improve the quality of the soil, increase its friability.

Protection against weeds and pests

Coal ash is also used to combat harmful insects. Ash solution is not only a cheap fertilizer, but also effective remedy from larvae and beetles.

A preparation is prepared from ash or sifted coal dust as follows:

  1. Two liters of boiling water pour 300 g of the main raw material.
  2. The solution is boiled for 30 minutes.
  3. The resulting product is diluted with 8 liters of water.
  4. 50 g is added to the composition laundry soap and a handful of tobacco ash.

The finished product is sprayed with garden and garden crops in the evening. Charcoal ash potion helps get rid of:

  • colorado potato beetle;
  • ticks;
  • slugs
  • whites;
  • wireworm;
  • midges;
  • ants.

This mixture will help save the onion from onion fly, and cabbage beds - from cruciferous flea. berry bushes, sprayed with a potion from the ashes, will receive protection from:

  • sawfly;
  • moths;
  • powdery mildew.

Strawberries and cabbage can be treated with dry ash. Dusting will help protect garden crops from slugs and fleas. The coal agent is environmentally friendly, does not harm the health of people who will eat the fruits of processed plants.

The use of charcoal in the garden

The substance in question is used to increase the fertility of humus. The amount of fertilizer applied to the soil depends on the composition of the soil in a particular household plot.

In some American states, such a method of cultivating the soil is practiced, in which the amount of coal additives used reaches 45-50% in relation to the surface of the cultivated land plot.

Application area

The high-carbon product absorbs moisture and prevents nutrients from being washed out of the soil. This tool must be scattered on the fields located in the immediate vicinity of water bodies. Coal additives keep mineral fertilizers on site and prevent pollution of nearby lakes and rivers.

On warm garden and in flower beds, a layer of charcoal allows you to "pull" excess moisture from the root system of plants. It is recommended to lay it at the very bottom. Layers of coal pieces and ash shift:

  • chicken manure;
  • manure;
  • compost.

Large pieces of coal are used for the drainage layer in greenhouses and greenhouses. Coal fertilizer, scattered on the beds, should have a fraction of 3 to 7 mm. Solutions and infusions are prepared from ash and dust residue.

Charcoal is used as a fertilizer and plant protection agent. Flower growers can purchase coal mixture of suitable quality in specialized stores. Ash is also obtained independently by burning suitable raw materials.

Charcoal can be added to the bottom of seedling boxes. Here it will work as a drainage and fertilizer at the same time, and will also protect plantings from putrefactive bacteria. Coal dust is used to stimulate the germination of seed. To do this, a layer of raw materials is watered warm water. After the liquid is completely absorbed, seeds are laid out on a coal pillow.

When and how to fertilize the soil?

Charcoal ash as a fertilizer is added to the soil when planting plants that do not tolerate high humidity soil (cacti, orchids).

The ash left after burning coal is used to dust the leaves of garden crops (eggplants, cucumbers). This measure helps to protect the crop from pests.

Loamy soils are fertilized in autumn with coal dust and ash. Top dressing is evenly scattered over the surface of the beds at the rate of 3 kg per 1 hundred square meters of land.

The best result is observed after the application of fertilizers together with ammonium nitrate and organic matter.

A garden with clay soil is evenly sprinkled with ash, coal, compost, manure, and then dug up so that all fertilizers are covered with a layer of soil 10 to 20 cm thick.

In the south of Russia, in the Salsky steppes, there is a hot and arid climate, so the earth cracks in summer and becomes covered with a thick crust after watering. Charcoal here needs to be buried to a depth of 10-15 cm: under these conditions, it will help retain moisture and act as a baking powder for the soil.

Not to be washed away by the rain nutrients, fertilizers are applied before the start of frost.

Finely crushed coal is used in dry form, and solutions are prepared from coal dust. Raw materials are stored in a place protected from moisture.

Coal contains impurities that are harmful to plants in their pure form. When interacting with oxygen, sulfites are oxidized and acquire safe forms.

Coal components should not exceed 5% of the total usable area soil.

Other types of coal fertilizer

IN agriculture ash from burnt coal is used as a fertilizer:

  • stone;
  • woody;
  • brown.

Coal they are not used as a fertilizer, the ash left after its combustion is suitable for this purpose. Slag and ash contain calcium necessary for the active growth of plants.

Almost half of coal ash consists of silicon oxides. It is used as a baking powder for heavy clay soil. Ash from coal as a fertilizer helps to increase productivity, improves soil quality, and regulates its moisture content.

This type of fertilizer is unacceptable for soil with a high content of acidic compounds. As a result of the interaction of substances that make up ash and oxygen, they are converted into sulfates, which contributes to an even greater increase in soil acidity.

Coal ash as a fertilizer is used in combination with organic matter (chicken manure, mullein).

Brown coal ash is obtained after its combustion. This substance is formed when high pressure is applied to raw materials of plant origin.

The application of ash fertilizers reduces the acidity of soils and increases the saturation of the soil with minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

Coal crumb with ash improves the structure of the soil and enriches it:

  • boron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • gray;
  • zinc.

The use of ash and coal as a fertilizer for the garden helps to increase the yield of almost all crops. Charcoal powder stimulates the activity of beneficial microorganisms and prevents the leaching of necessary for garden plants elements.

On summer cottages and in country houses many people use firewood for heating their houses or baths. As a result of their combustion, not only wood ash is formed, but also charcoal. Ash as a fertilizer is known to many gardeners and is successfully used on plots, but in addition to it, charcoal can also be used to fertilize the garden and improve soil composition. It has a number of beneficial properties for plants. For its use as a fertilizer in the garden, it is better to use coal obtained from tree species, as it is rich in various elements, including potassium. Coal and ash obtained from it are not used as fertilizer.

How to apply charcoal and ash

On various types soil fertilizer from wood ash and coal is used in various dosages. Coal has high absorption rates, due to which it absorbs various elements well, for example, aluminum, which adversely affects the condition of the soil and plants.

Charcoal is produced by slow combustion with limited access to oxygen, so it has a high porosity and can lie in the soil without decomposing for several thousand years. It retains all the resins that enrich the soil and make it fertile.

In addition, charcoal is known for its antiseptic properties, as a result of which it is often used in floriculture.

Add to indoor flower pots to increase oxygen access or use as drainage. When transplanting plants, cuts on the roots are sprinkled with crushed charcoal, which avoids damage by fungi and rot. In the garden, the use of such fertilizer can significantly increase crop yields and improve soil fertility.

  1. Application is not always possible, since it shifts the pH balance to the alkaline side. And most plants prefer neutral or slightly acidic soils. You can not make coal under plants such as cranberries and blueberries. They do not tolerate alkaline soils, but prefer acidic ones.
  2. It is better to introduce coal in crushed form. Then the fertilizer is easier to dose and its application will best effect. But it is also possible to introduce coal in its entirety. In the form of ash, 1 - 3 cups per square meter of area are usually used. Under cabbage, the norm is two glasses. Under cucumbers, garlic, peas, beans and salad one glass each, and under eggplants, peppers and tomatoes three glasses each.
  3. Wood ash as a fertilizer shows best result when applied than in pieces. Ash creates favorable microbiological conditions for the development and vital activity of microorganisms in the soil.
  4. To make coal, it must first be dried, then the trace elements contained in it will be in higher concentrations.
  5. During storage, it is necessary to protect the fertilizer from any exposure to moisture, otherwise it will lose some of the nutrients.

The use of coal in the garden will not only enrich the soil with the necessary micro- and microelements, but will also increase the humus layer. And if the introduction of coal is carried out in a non-crushed form, then it will also play the role of drainage, which improves the saturation of the soil with oxygen, prevents stagnation of moisture in it, and therefore has a beneficial effect on plants.

Scientists have proven that in areas where, together with mineral fertilizers charcoal was applied, crop yields increased three times compared to plots where only fertilizers were used.

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