Green onions turned yellow in the garden what to do. Why does the onion turn yellow in the garden, the main reasons and solutions. Onion fly and how to destroy it

Onions have not only culinary value, but also pharmaceutical. Therefore, summer residents with great pleasure grow it in their garden. Yes, that summer residents, even city dwellers, and those on window sills and small beds near houses cultivate this vegetable. When you have allocated a place with great difficulty, it’s a shame when the onion turns yellow in the garden and stops growing, what to do in this case? Today we will answer this question.

  • The impact of pests;
  • Diseases;
  • Not proper care;
  • Bad weather;
  • Not enough nitrogen.

But when the seedlings do not grow, then most likely the reason was insufficient watering.

Pests and their control:

  • onion moth;
  • Nematode;
  • onion fly;
  • Secretive trunk (weevil);
  • Thrips.

Onion moth.

This is a nondescript butterfly, dark Brown, with light gray wings. The body length is about 0.8 centimeters. This pest appears in May, and its activity occurs at night. At this time, females lay eggs, which turn into caterpillars after a week. It is very small, green, but dangerous.

  • Moth does not threaten plantings if they are made very close to carrot plantations.
  • Loosen the soil.
  • Treatment with decoctions: tobacco, garlic tincture, ash infusion.
  • Preparation "Iskra" 1 tablet per 10 liters of water. The preparations also showed themselves well: "metaphos" and "summer resident".
  • It is also recommended to start sowing seeds early so that you have already harvested before the peak of this problem.
  • Do top dressing with the following mixture: pepper, wood ash, tobacco dust, this procedure should be done during the flowering of dandelions.

Onion moth is a terrible enemy


These are underground inhabitants, they feed on pulp, as a result of which the process of decay begins. The stem may also suffer, it begins to turn yellow and dry out.

Damage to the fetus by nematodes

Thrips and how to deal with them.

These small insects, their body length is about 1 millimeter, also affect other vegetables, such as: pumpkin, zucchini, squash, can become. They are light yellow, sometimes dark brown. Dangerous both in greenhouse conditions and in conditions open ground even under storage conditions.

Damage symptoms: Appear lightly yellow spots, which later merge into one big one. The tips of the leaf turn yellow and dry.

Control and prevention methods:


  • Crop rotation;
  • Before planting, dip the bulb for 10 minutes in hot water (this method is also effective against nematode damage);
  • In autumn, be sure to dig up the soil;
  • Weed control;
  • Treat the plant with tinctures of yarrow herbs, or with biological products: fitoverm, boverin.

How to do it:

In the event that the prevention did not help, and thrips appeared on the onion, the following should be done:

  • With a small infection, we act with folk methods - treat the crops with a decoction of capsicum; mustard; celandine or tobacco;
  • Water the soil near the root system with a solution of "confidor";
  • If all of the above did not help, use insecticides (intavir, zeta, karate, agrovertin)

Onion fly, how to deal with it.

Outwardly, it is not much different from ordinary flies, which we are all used to watching in the summer. The size is about 0.8 centimeters, the color is gray, with yellowish or ashy hues. But this pest, in addition to being annoyed by its presence, also brings tangible harm to your garden. Females lay their eggs in the garden or on the vegetables themselves, and after hatching, the larvae immediately begin to absorb the flesh of the fruit.

The pest is active from April to the end of summer. During this time, it manages to change 2-3 generations. The pest is widespread throughout the globe, and very dangerous. In addition, garlic, all types of lettuces, and some types of flowers, especially tulips, are also threatened. Therefore, it must be fought against.

Fighting methods:

Exist like chemicals, and folk methods. But when using the former, be prepared for the fact that the quality of the crop will suffer significantly, because some of the poisons will remain in the turnip.

Folk remedies:

  • Spray the beds with tinctures following plants: valerian, tomato, mint, fir, wild rosemary, needles.
  • On the same bed, plant rows of onions, and rows of carrots, it repels the onion fly, besides, the carrot fly will leave the garden from its smell.
  • Water the beds with a solution table salt. 300 grams of salt per bucket of water, after the sprouts have reached a height of more than 5 centimeters. After 2-3 weeks, the procedure is repeated, but this time 450 grams of salt are dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • Sprinkle plantings on a regular basis with wood ash, it is both protection and fertilizer.
  • Observe crop rotation.
  • Certainly, in autumn time do deep digging of the garden.
  • in a solution of potassium permanganate.


  • "Flycat";
  • "Karate Zeon";
  • "Aktara";

Chemicals are most often used in industrial scale, private gardens are not cultivated by them.

Weevil or secretive proboscis:

A small bug, its length barely reaches 2.5 millimeters. Gray color, oval shape. After waking up from hibernation, these insects begin to harm the vegetable, white spots appear on it. They also eat young shoots and lay eggs. After 2.5 weeks, their offspring appear, they also feed on a vegetable, while its leaves begin to turn yellow and dry.

Fighting methods:

The only effective remedy is prevention.

  • After harvesting the vegetable from the garden, thoroughly inspect it for the presence of weevils.
  • Very carefully carry out the procedure for cleaning the beds, all residues must be destroyed.
  • It is necessary to constantly carry out crop rotation on the site.
  • Loosen the soil, to a depth of 3-5 centimeters.

Nitrogen deficiency:

The onion feather turns yellow when there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. It is most felt in dry and hot weather. But even when the weather is constant rainy, this problem can also appear, because the water will wash out all the useful substances from the soil, including nitrogen.

You can replenish its deficiency with tincture of mullein. Also use ammonium sulfate, nitrate.

Apply nitrogen on time as soon as you notice its shortage.

Onion diseases.

Diseases are a very common cause of yellowing of the pen, let's look at this issue in more detail.


This disease is also known as bottom rot, it also affects garlic. It appears as yellow-brown stripes on the leaves. They gradually increase, after which they begin to merge into one big one. The fungus, as a rule, is located on the bottom, and spreads to the root, and it begins to turn pink. Then the process of dying begins. Those individuals who were affected are very poorly stored for no more than a month.

How to do it:

  • Choose varieties that are resistant to this disease, especially if you are agriculture on an industrial scale;
  • Observe crop rotation;
  • "Fungicide Quadris" is used to stop the spread of the disease in the garden.


At first, these are ordinary white spots on the feather, then they grow and change their color, to purple with a brown tint, these are already spores, fungi make themselves felt. Sometimes spots in a white rim. Further from the pen, the disease is directed to the fetus, brown or black mold appears.

The cause of the damage may be an excess of nitrogen in the soil, or high humidity.

What to do:

  • Carry out a crop rotation;
  • After harvesting, destroy all remnants of vegetation.
  • If the weather is wet, you can spend preventive treatments landings with the help of the following preparations: "Acrobat MC", "Cabrio Duo", "Consento", "Polyram DF", Shirlan 500 SC.

Root rot.

brown spots, which spread in the lower part, as a result of which root decay begins. The most dangerous period is considered the first weeks after planting the seeds, as a result of the defeat, seedlings may not appear at all. The main causative agents of the appearance of the fungus are: high soil moisture, and low temperatures(below +10C).

Pink rot (pink root).

From the name of the disease it immediately becomes clear how it manifests itself. root system gradually dies off, and at the top you can observe how the onion feather begins to turn yellow. All due to lack nutrients in the stem, also the color can be white or brown, the process starts from the edges.

The spores of the fungus can persist in the soil for several years, waiting for the right client to begin their reproduction on its surface. Most often, the trigger for development is increased soil moisture. Optimal temperature regime for its development +26..+28C, at a temperature of +16C and below, its activity is significantly weakened. It strikes pink rot, as a rule, weak plants that are under stress.

  • Grow a turnip or leek during the period when the disease is not active (the soil is not warmed up to a temperature of +26..+28C).
  • Choose disease-resistant varieties.
  • Rotate vegetable crops Location on.
  • Polarization and soil fumigation procedures will help to loosen or destroy the spores.

Grey, neck rot.

The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Botrytis Munn. The very first and very typical symptom will be the softness and weakness of the neck of the onion, a plaque will appear on it. gray color. As time passes, small black sclerotia appear there. Further, as it develops, the entire plant is completely covered with bloom. Plaque can appear not only on the neck, but also on the side or from the side of the bottom, through mechanical damage.

Infection with the fungus occurs during harvesting, or immediately before it. Only weakened leaves are affected, after some time the pathogen penetrates into other tissues. high humidity and heat ideal conditions for pathogen development. Only at a temperature of 0C does its development stop. During storage, it can spread to healthy plants.

If you planted infected material, its feather begins to quickly turn yellow and dry. At high humidity the plant is covered with gray mold.

  • When planting, inspect the seedlings very carefully, and discard the infected ones;
  • After harvesting, remove all plant debris from the garden;
  • Plant a vegetable in a new place, and return it to the old one only after 3 years;
  • Sow early and plant sevok;
  • Choose resistant varieties;
  • Properly store and remove it from the beds.

Proper care of the onion is necessary so that it does not turn yellow in the beds.

Watering, fertilizing, loosening, removing weeds - the key to a good harvest

To prevent the feather from turning yellow in the beds, the plant needs proper care. Especially when it comes to watering, due to excess moisture, such problems most often arise. Therefore, there should be about 7 - 9 waterings per month.

It is also very important to loosen the soil, because if this is not done, an earthen crust forms, due to which the plant begins to dry out. Timely removal of weeds is simply necessary. Top dressing, the third important procedure that should not be neglected.

The process of loosening begins to be carried out as soon as the first shoots appear. But do not cover the onion with earth, because this, as with deep planting, stimulates the growth of the feather, but not the fruit itself.

Top dressing.

If your garden has poor soils, then fertilizing is a must. As a rule, the first top dressing is carried out after 3 weeks from planting, the second time fertilizers are applied, after another 15 days.

For the first time, 60 grams of ammonium nitrate, 100 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of potassium chloride per 1 m2 are added. The second time they add: 60 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of potassium chloride. As you can see, the second dose potash fertilizers increases, while the proportion of nitrogen remains the same.

To feed young plants, use bird droppings, it can also be replaced with mullein, it is diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 10. Add to a bucket of tincture Matchbox ammonium nitrate. This solution is enough for ten square meters soil.

In the event that after planting, until the moment of fertilization, there was no rain, then it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the ground on your own.

If the weather is dry, water the soil regularly, but not more than 7 times a month, 3-4 weeks before harvesting, wetting should be stopped. If your sevok began to develop into an arrow, then they need to be broken almost to the base. Since if this is not done, the fetus itself will not develop, but if, after this operation, the feather begins to grow again at an accelerated pace, then such a plant is removed from the garden.

To make the vegetable develop better, there is one tricky farm trick. With a sharp shovel, cut the roots below the bottom by 5.5 centimeters. After that, the feather will begin to turn yellow, and the bulb itself will ripen much faster. The main thing is to do this trick, not before the first numbers of August.

If the leaves turn yellow on the beds near the onion due to weakness, then it must be fed with the following solution: add a liter of litter to five liters of water, leave it to infuse for several days. After that, we dilute a liter of tincture in a bucket of water, and water the garden.

Another healing method is as follows: 10 liters of warm water, add a few handfuls of ash, an ampoule of ammonia, 100 grams of table salt. Stir, and pour, very carefully so that the tincture does not fall on the pen. Thus, you carry out prevention from diseases and pests.

That's all the reasons for the problems of yellowing of the onion feather. As you can see, there are quite a few of them, and the methods of elimination are different. Therefore, you need to accurately determine the cause of the disease, and only then begin to eliminate it. It is very difficult to cope with many diseases, it is much easier to prevent them. Do it on time, carry out the soaking and soil treatment procedures, and then no problems will affect you. On this we say goodbye to you, good luck and see you again.

Onions turn yellow than water and feed

Yellowing of onion leaves: causes and signs of their manifestation

With normal growth and development, onion stalks begin to wither in August and September, indicating that the bulbs are ready for harvest.

If the feathers turn yellow in spring or early summer, this is a sign of improper development of the culture. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • lack of moisture;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients;
  • plant damage harmful insects;
  • adverse weather conditions;
  • fungal and bacterial diseases.

lack of moisture

Onions are very picky about the frequency and quality of watering. Without sufficient moisture, especially during a dry period, the edges of the leaves of plants turn yellow and die, and the roots dry out, which leads to loss of yield.

During the germination and leafing phases (in the first half of summer), onions should be watered at least 2 times a week. At the next stages of growth and development - 4-5 times a month. It is best to water before noon, and only at the root.

Use only soft water, the temperature of which is 18-25 degrees Celsius. Consumption rate per sq. m - 6-8 liters. After watering when upper layer the soil dries out, loosening is sure to be carried out.

Inadequate Nutrients

A common cause of onion feather yellowing is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. With its deficiency, the leaves grow very slowly, they look short and thick, at first light green in color, and then turn yellow.

In this case, it is necessary to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers under the plants. But, how to feed the onion so that it does not turn yellow? For this, a solution consisting of infused manure and urea is perfect. For 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp. organics (mullein or bird droppings) and 1 tbsp. l. urea.

Damage to plants by harmful insects

Among garden crops, onions are the most susceptible to insect damage. Pest damage causes feather yellowing and can result in the loss of the entire crop.

The onion fly is especially active during the development of onion greens - in April and May. She lays her eggs on the stem, under the leaves or in the loose soil of the beds near the plants. The larvae that appeared after 8-10 - white small worms climb into the bulb and feed on scales. Affected plants lag behind in growth, their leaves wither, and after a while become yellowish-gray and dry out.

Adverse weather conditions

One of the reasons for the instant yellowing of the leaves can be climatic conditions e.g. too dry or rainy summer. Reliable protection a greenhouse or a ground greenhouse will serve as a crop from death, where onion feathers will always be green and juicy.

Fungal and biological diseases

The most common diseases, a sign of which is the yellowness of the feather, are rust and bottom rot. On the leaves of plants affected by rust, light yellow, slightly convex spots form, after which the feathers dry and die. With bottom rot, the plants turn yellow completely, and then wither.

Onions turn yellow than water - folk remedies for diseases and pests

To get a bountiful onion crop, first of all, crop rotation, the timing of sowing and planting bulbs should be observed. To avoid contamination of vegetables with pathogens, only healthy vegetables should be used. planting material, well warmed up and dried before planting. The soil on the beds, just before sowing, disinfect with a solution of copper sulfate: for 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. l. granules.

The onion turned yellow: how to pour from the onion fly

Excellent preventive measure from the onion fly is the placement of beds of onions and carrots in the neighborhood, as well as dusting the plantings with a mixture of ash and tobacco (taken in equal proportions). When worms are detected, vegetables should be watered with a solution consisting of tobacco dust, laundry soap and ground red pepper. For its preparation 200 gr. tobacco pour 2-3 liters of hot water, insist three days. Then add water to 10 liters, add one spoonful of soap and pepper.

How to pour onions from worms

Plants affected by the stem nematode should be fed with a solution of ammonium sulfate in early June. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. the drug in a bucket of water and pour over the vegetables, at the rate of 4-5 liters per square meter. m. area. As a preventive measure, seeds, before sowing in the ground, need to be planted for 15-20 minutes. place in a solution of table salt (5 tablespoons per 5 liters of water).

Chemical methods and preparations for feeding onions

At home, especially if the onion is grown on a feather, it is not recommended to treat it with any pesticides. If necessary, it is better to use biological fungicides that will not harm the human body.

Application of Trichodermin

So that in the middle of the season the question does not arise: the onion sets turn yellow than to water - the bulbs should be treated with Trichodermin fungicide before planting. For soaking one kilogram of sevka, a solution is prepared from 30 g of suspension and 3 liters of water. During the growing season, plantings are additionally sprayed with Fitosporin-M or Gamair biological product (3-4 times).

Treatment of onions with metronidazole

One of the most effective means from yellowing of the pen, the antibacterial drug metronidazole, which can be bought at every pharmacy, is considered.

It will quickly and efficiently destroy pests and thereby save the crop. For the treatment of plants, 4 tablets are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is watered with beds at the rate of 4-6 liters per 1 sq. m.


Every gardener who knows how and with what to water the onions so that the feather does not turn yellow can get a rich harvest of strong bulbs and healthy greenery. Use proven tools folk recipes to protect the crop from diseases and pests, follow the timely sowing and you can achieve the perfect result.

Yellowing of the feather in onions is a fairly common phenomenon. Unpleasant, because it indicates violations in development. But, if measures are taken in time, the matter can always be corrected.

Difficulties with growing can be when cultivating any varieties of this vegetable, including perennials, including batun, leek, exhibition.

Normally, onions turn yellow at the end of the growing season. Usually it is August - September.

If the feather turned yellow shortly after germination or in the middle of summer, you need to find out why this happened. It is from the specific cause that the actions to eliminate the problems depend.

Unfavorable environmental conditions

Causes of yellowing associated with climate or characteristics of a particular summer season, do not depend on gardeners. Summers can be cold, overly rainy or hot.

Of course, knowing the weather forecast in advance, you can prepare for the difficulties of the season by planting onions in a greenhouse or greenhouse. But in practice, this is rarely resorted to, mainly when growing it on an industrial scale.

On your plots, it is desirable to create a plant as much as possible comfortable conditions: in the hot summer, ensure sufficient watering; if it rains constantly, make a canopy over the onion beds.

When yellowing onions in complex weather conditions The best help is food. Fertilized soil well nourishes vegetables, which become strong enough for proper development.

Required fertilizers:

  • ammonium nitrate - can be used immediately, as soon as the onion has risen;
  • calcium nitrate - in the first month of vegetation;
  • phosphorus-potassium, complex top dressing- from the second half of the growth period.

But an excess of fertilizers is also harmful, so you must follow the recommendations of manufacturers on the dosage and frequency of fertilizing.

Diseases and pests

The first step is to make sure that the yellowing of the feather is not associated with diseases or pests. To check this, the bulbs are carefully inspected.

Most diseases develop with waterlogged soil and too densely planted seedlings.

Means for combating onion diseases are effective only if treatment is started as soon as violations are noticed. Otherwise, you just have to destroy the entire crop.

The most common diseases:


Fusarium (bottom rot) Drying of the tops, rapid yellowing and death of the leaves, rotting of the roots, softening of the bulb 1. "Ankara".
2. "Karate Zeon"
Downy mildew (downy mildew) Appears 3 weeks after disembarkation seed material. The leaves show light yellow spots with a purple bloom. 1. "Arbamid".
2. "Polycarbacin".
3. 1% Bordeaux liquid.
4. Dairy products, divorced cold water 1:10.
5. Dusting with ash (50 grams per 1 m2)
Rust Raised yellow spots on leaves that turn red-orange over time. The leaves are dying. Get sick with rust and decorative varieties Luke 1. Landing every year in a new place.
2. Warming up the planting material at +40°C.
3. Double treatment with copper chloride

Tillage before planting with copper chloride is considered the best way. It can be carried out if the onion is affected by any fungi, but it is effective only at the very beginning of the disease.

Spores of fungal diseases are also spread by insect pests. Their larvae damage onion leaves, which turn yellow and die.



Signs of infection

onion fly Outwardly resembles a room. Color - gray-yellow. Size - 8 mm.
Active from spring to the end of the summer season. Lays eggs on the ridge or on the bow. Larvae - light worms
Plants do not grow well. The feather turns yellow, dries, the bulbs rot 1. Spraying with infusions of needles, mint, wormwood.
2. Insecticide treatment
Tobacco thrips Size - 0.8–0.9 mm. The body is narrow, brown. Active all season, breeds quickly. Feeds on leaves On the leaves are yellow-brown spots with black dots. The pen dries. Bulbs become wrinkled, silvery brown 1. "Commander Maxi".
2. "Fitoverm".
3. "Fufanon".
4. "Vertimek"
Onion secretive proboscis (weevil) Bug. Length - 2.5 mm. Color - brown. The larva is light with a dark head, its length is 6 mm. Winters in the soil The pen is twisted, turns yellow and dries out. Whitish gnawed passages are visible on the leaves 1. Destruction of all onion waste after harvesting.
2. Loosening the soil to a depth of 5 cm.
3. "Karbofos" (50 g per 1 liter of water)
onion miner fly Length - up to 2.5 mm. Color - gray-black, head - yellow. Active since the end of May From the inside, elongated gnawed spots are visible on the drying leaves. 1. Phosphorus top dressing.
2. Dusting the soil with tobacco dust.
3. Dusting with ash and lime (200 grams per 1 m2)
onion moth Butterfly. Color - gray or brown. Length - 8 mm. Larvae are green The feather is eaten from the inside, turns yellow and fades. Visible light stripes on the leaves 1. "Spark".
2. "Dachnik".
3. Metaphos.
4. Spraying with infusions of garlic, tobacco, pepper
stem nematode Worm. Length - 1.5 mm. White color. Divided into bulbous and stem The leaves do not grow well, turn yellow, quickly wither, curl. Bulb - loose, soft, gray 1. "Abamectin".
2. Ammonium sulfate (2 tablespoons per bucket of water).
3. Careful selection of planting material.
4. Soaking the onion before planting in water + 45 ° C for 1 hour

The antimicrobial drug metronidazole works well for pest control, 4 tablets of which are dissolved in a bucket of water. Consumption of funds - 5 liters per 1 m2 of soil.

After processing chemicals onion long time cannot be penned.

Nutrient deficiency

Onion also reacts to a lack of nutrition by yellowing the leaves. In most cases, especially at the beginning of the season, this is a signal that there is little nitrogen in the soil.

If the summer is dry, the bulb in a poorly watered garden bed does not receive nitrogen from the soil, since this trace element can only be absorbed in solution. If the summer is rainy, nitrogen is washed out into the deep layers of the soil, from where the bulb cannot get it either.

In onions that do not receive nitrogen, the feather grows short, thickening at the same time.

  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulphate;
  • sodium nitrate.

An additional indicator of nitrogen starvation is pale foliage with yellowish spots and leaf curl in other plants growing nearby.

Wrong watering

Onion leaves turn yellow and can die off with both insufficient and excessive watering. In such cases, not only the feather and roots of the plant die, but also the bulbs themselves.

Onions are especially sensitive to a lack of moisture during the period of growing green mass - in June - July.

Watering cycle:

  • in the first half of the season - 2 times a week;
  • in the second half of summer - once a week;
  • a month before harvesting - stop watering.

If it rains at the end of summer, grooves can be dug along the edges of the onion beds to remove moisture.

Water the onions in the morning, soft warm water(+18–25°C). Consumption - a watering can per 1 m2.

How to water and feed so that the onion does not turn yellow

There are times when the onion feather turns yellow due to too much early landing. Then frosts can damage the tips of young leaves. If the yellowing is slight, it is not dangerous. With the return of warm weather, the bow gains strength and recovers.

What to do if the tips of the onion begin to turn yellow

If only the tips of the onion leaves begin to turn yellow, in most cases the plant needs top dressing.

Useful ammonia solution:

  • water - a bucket;
  • ammonia - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water under the root in the evening.

This tool is also effective for winter onions.

If it turns yellow and dries

When the onion begins to turn yellow and dry out, top dressing is effective:

  1. Yeast -1⁄4 sticks per bucket of water.
  2. Bread - 300 grams per bucket.

Yeast or bread is poured with warm liquid and left for 5 days in a sealed container for fermentation. You can add cut grass.

The soil is shed in advance blue vitriol(2 tablespoons per 10 liters of liquid). Consumption - 2 liters of solution per 1 m2 of soil.

The second recipe for yeast dressing:

  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • warm water - a bucket;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

It is necessary to insist 2 hours and dilute in a ratio of 1:5.

Folk remedies

Onions respond well to fertilizing with folk remedies. After treatment with such compounds, new feathers grow healthy.

These are sprinkling with pepper, ash (0.5 l per 1 m2), tobacco dust.

The ash can be mixed with water and infused for 4 days before use.

To feed onions, it is good to use an infusion of herbs with plant waste:

  • dry and green grass, food waste, sleeping tea and coffee in arbitrary proportions;
  • any spoiled sweets: old jam (honey), spoiled wine, dried condensed milk;
  • mix everything, put in a warm place until the end of fermentation;
  • dilute - 1 liter of the mixture per bucket of water;
  • irrigate on damp soil.

Good help and infusion of bird droppings, diluted in 25 parts of water.

Pest control

Also used for pest control folk remedies, which repel insects, prevent them from settling in the beds.

Effective ways:

  1. Spraying with vegetable infusions: fir, needles, tomatoes, valerian, wild rosemary.
  2. Planting carrots and onions on the same bed, alternating them in rows.
  3. Processing plantings with a mixture of boiling water (2 l), tobacco (200 g) and ground hot pepper. The composition is insisted for 3 days, then brought to 10 liters.
  4. Watering with a salt solution (10 tablespoons or 200 grams per bucket). The solution is poured only on the ground, not on plants. Apply when the leaves grow.
  5. spraying ammonia(bottle on a bucket of water).

You can prepare a "sharp" infusion, for which mustard, garlic, tobacco, pepper are used in high concentration. Everyone falls asleep in boiling water, then the composition is cooled and the seedlings are irrigated.

The onion fly will also be driven away by spraying with a daily infusion of green walnut skins.

Top dressing for onion diseases

Diseases weaken the bow, which stops developing. Therefore, these vegetables need additional nutrients.

At least 4 times per season, weakened crops are fed with Gamair or Fitosporin-M.

Onions with feathers longer than 5 cm can be watered with a mixture of fertilizers:

  • superphosphate - 20 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 50 g;
  • potassium salt - 20 g;
  • water - bucket.

The procedure is performed 1 time per week, stopping top dressing before harvesting.

What to do so that the onion feather does not turn yellow

It is better to do everything necessary in advance so that you do not have to deal with the yellowness of onion leaves.

Maximum safety will ensure compliance with the rules of care:

  1. Annual change of landing site. Planting in the old place no more often than after 4 years.
  2. Destruction of all plant residues after harvesting.
  3. Preliminary disinfection of the soil with copper sulphate (1 tablespoon per bucket).
  4. Seed treatment with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or salt (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
  5. Soaking nigella in a hot solution boric acid(1/4 powder per liter of water).
  6. Mulching the beds with a sharp-smelling grass or ash.
  7. Destruction of leaves damaged by pests.

It is useful to plant onions in the garden next to currants, marigolds, marigolds, basil.

Onions are one of the most common crops that can be found in any garden. And this is not surprising, because you can’t do without it in the kitchen. However, if for some reason the onion feathers begin to turn yellow, dry, curl, and the plant itself begins to die, the harvest may not wait.

Why does the onion turn yellow? There are many reasons: these are diseases, and pests, and improper care.

Causes of yellowing of onion leaves

In what cases is yellowing - variants of the norm?

If the color of onion feathers changed at the end of summer, that is, in August, then you should not worry. At this time, it ripens, it is time to harvest it, so the withering of the green part of the plant is a natural process.

In addition, there are varieties with early growing seasons. They mature a little earlier, so he ahead of schedule turns yellow.

Wrong care

If at the height of summer instead of lush greenery on the beds you see yellow feathers, the reason for this may be improper care:

  1. Wrong watering. Due to this error, the pen very often begins to turn yellow.
  2. Heat or rain. If the summer turned out to be too dry, or, conversely, too rainy, the onion in the garden will change color.
  3. Nitrogen deficiency in the soil.

Also, quite often, onion leaves change their color due to damage by pests or diseases.


Like any garden culture, the onion has its own pests, due to which it gradually turns yellow and disappears. To save the crop, urgent measures will have to be taken.

onion fly

When lilacs bloom and dandelions bloom, this insect lays its eggs near the onion or between its green leaves. After about a week or a little earlier, larvae appear from them, which gradually eat up the bulb. If no action is taken, the plant will die.

Onion secretive proboscis (weevil)

This is a black small beetle, which is also called the weevil. He wakes up in mid-April, and in May, their eggs are already hiding on the leaves of plants.

After some time, larvae hatch from them - yellow caterpillars with a dark head. They eat onion leaves from the inside, which is why the onion gradually turns yellow, curls and dries out.

onion thrips

There is a group of pests that are different small size(up to 1 mm) and feed on juice various plants- thrips. These include onion thrips.

onion moth

Because of it, the tips of the onion feathers turn yellow first, then the whole plant. Adults fly only at night, laying yellowish eggs in the ground in beds near plants or near leaves. They hatch into greenish-yellow caterpillars about 1 cm long, covered with brown warts.

Caterpillars penetrate the leaves and begin to eat them, as a result, the onion disappears.

Onion diseases

Another reason why the color of the onion feather changes is diseases. There are many of them.

Consider the most common:

  1. Fusarium root rot. The bottom of the bulb is affected, and the onion turns yellow.
  2. Rust. It affects both onions and garlic. Feathers show formations yellow color. Both greens and bulbs stop growing and die.
  3. Bacterial rot. If you cut the bulb lengthwise, you will see signs of the disease on it. Onion scales become translucent, softened. The carriers of this infection are onion flies, thrips and other pests. If affected bulbs were planted, the plants will be oppressed, with yellow leaves.

How to help yellowed plants?

What to do if the onion turns yellow, how to help the plants? So that plantings do not suffer from pests and diseases, it is better to take care of preventive measures in advance.

However, if they have already attacked the onion feather in the garden, they will have to use special preparations, which, of course, will also affect the quality of the crop.

onion fly

To combat it, the drug "Bazudin" is used. It helps against onion fly larvae. Mix 30 g of granules about 0.5 l of sand and add to the soil. This amount of the drug should be enough for 15 square meters. m. of land. If the larvae are already inside the bulb, then spray the plantings with Creocide PRO.

Onion Stalker

If this pest has bred on the onion bed, it must be treated with Karbofos. Attention! After spraying, the onion feather is not recommended for consumption.

First, prepare a solution: dilute 60 g of powder in 10 liters of water. Then treat them with beds: 1 liter - per 10 square meters. m landings.


Is the plant suffering from thrips? Spray it with a solution of "Confidor". It is not difficult to prepare it: it is necessary to dilute 1 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to process 100 sq. m. landing.

onion moth

The Iskra solution will help against it: dissolve 1 tablet in 10 liters of water. To process 10 sq. m of onion is enough 1 liter of solution.

Donets rot, bacterial rot and rust

If you planted the affected bulbs, the plant can no longer get rid of the bottom rot. Therefore, check the planting material in advance and do not use the one that is already spoiled. Or, plant only onion varieties that are resistant to this disease.

Against bacterial rot and rust, only pre-carried out preventive measures will also help.

Top dressing and watering regime

If the onion leaves turn yellow, due to the fact that there is little nitrogen in the soil, fertilize the beds with fertilizers that are high in nitrogen. you can buy mineral fertilizers or use organic top dressing. But, remember, the manure must be rotted.

Most often, onions turn yellow due to improper watering. It is necessary to water the onions at least once every 3 days, using warm water. If the soil in the garden is mulched, you can do this less often.

Prevention measures: remedies for yellowing onion feathers

In order not to look for the reasons for the yellowing of onion tops in the middle of summer and not to be upset because of a spoiled uro, it is important to prevent the appearance of diseases and pest damage to the plant in advance. What to do?

Preparing the soil and onion sets

  1. Don't forget crop rotation. You can re-plant an onion bed only after 4 years.
  2. Deep digging of the soil, which is done in the fall, is very important. Thanks to it, insect larvae that planned to overwinter in the soil will come to the surface of the earth and die from frost. For example, an onion fly hides at a depth of 20 cm.

  1. Loosening. Several times during the summer, carry out deep loosening, which will help get rid of some of the pupae.

Before planting, hold the onion sets in hot water(45-46 ° C) 10 minutes or soak for 15 minutes in a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate.

Prevention of onion fly damage

This fly cannot stand the smell of carrots, so plant onions next to carrot beds. Treat the beds with salt two or three times a season.

The first time the treatment is carried out when the onion feathers grow to 5 cm. Then pour the beds with a salt solution: 10 liters - 300 g. The next time the amount of salt will need to be increased. After 4-5 for after watering, do not forget to spill them with cold water.

This method is questionable, since then a lot of salt gets into the soil, and this will oppress those plants that will later grow in this place, although it helps against insects.

Or treat the beds with a mixture of wood ash (200 g), tobacco dust and ground pepper(1 tsp each). And plant onions as early as possible, before the fly takes off.

Rust Prevention

Spray the beds with a solution of copper oxychloride: dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. drug and add 1 tbsp. liquid soap. After a week, treat with Hom.

Also remember that dense plantings contribute to the spread of the disease.

Prevention of bacterial rot and bottom rot

Do not use diseased bulbs for planting. Before planting, treat the bed with Hom, preparing a solution: for 10 liters - 40 g of the drug. For 1 sq. m you will need 500 ml of solution.

Do not use sevok affected by bottom rot. After the onion is ripe, be sure to dry it in the sun for at least 7 days.

If you do not forget about preventive measures, water and feed onions in time, then the beds will delight the eye with their bright colors all summer long. in green. And in the fall you will reap a rich harvest!

Video: why did the onion turn yellow in the garden and what to do?

Green onion beds are like a balm for the soul of every summer resident, but what a chagrin when the onion turns yellow during its active growth. What to do with the plant, and what problems could lead to this?

Onion is an unpretentious culture, resistant to many weather changes, and if it turned yellow at the beginning of the season, then you need to look for reasons. Do not try to immediately grab a spray bottle with chemicals; in the fight for the harvest, it is better to use folk remedies. Moreover, the usual drought can be the cause of yellowing of onions in the beds.


Culture loves moist soil. Water regularly (2 times a week), in moderate portions, so that the plants do not float in the water. It is desirable to "drink" in the evening, during the day it is impossible. At noon, there is a big risk of burning green feathers. Once a week, the day before watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 2-3 cm. Mulching will help to constantly retain moisture in the soil and even a slight drought will not cause the onion to turn yellow.

Without watering, the onion will grow small.

nitrogen starvation

A prolonged period of rains or excessive watering leads to leaching from the soil useful substances. The lack of nitrogen in the soil affects not only onions, but also other neighboring crops, including. The color of the plants becomes light, whitish veins are visible, the fruits become smaller, the leaves curl.

Treatment of nitrogen starvation - additionally dosed fertilizer. With an excess, active growth of green mass begins to the detriment of flowering and head formation. Not to apply ready-made formulations, you can use vegetable peelings, hay, sunflower, green grass, nettle, dandelions, plantain.

Preparation: pour water into a barrel, add waste and, to speed up fermentation, candied jam, honey, sugar or even sour wine. We leave to ferment. In hot weather, after 3-4 days, the nitrogen solution will smell unpleasant - this is what you need! Refrigerate up to 2 weeks. We dilute 1 liter of nitrogen "potion" in a bucket of water and water the beds with onions. note that best time for soil fertilization - this is after watering or rain, then nitrogen will quickly penetrate into the soil.

Manure and manure are nitrogen-containing organic fertilizers.


What to do if the onion turns yellow from pests? Thrips, weevil and stem nematode can cause harm. The size of the offender is small and you will not immediately notice it. Distinctive feature their stay is a yellowing not of the tips of the pen, but of the entire length.

You can not plant onions every time in the same place. Observe. Return to the original place should not be earlier than after 4 years. It was during this time dangerous pests plants will come out of the soil.

In pest control, spraying with decoctions of tobacco, mustard, and garlic is used. Their preparation time is 3-4 days. However, when the onion has already turned yellow and there is no time for tincture, the mixture is brought to a boil, cooled and immediately sprayed. And the cake is scattered between the rows.

To prevent the appearance of onion flies, onions are planted near carrots.

The weevil is a beetle that harms only the feathers of the onion, it cannot damage the bulb itself.


Fungal diseases are insidious and dangerous, bottom rot is one of them. It also causes the feathers to turn yellow. Recognizing the disease is easy, just remove one plant and look at the roots and bulb. The roots have a light coating, and the bulb is soft or covered with an unpleasant substance.

The reason for this phenomenon is dense planting and waterlogging of the soil. For disinfection, before planting, the onions are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and a drainage layer is laid on the bottom.

Loss of strength

If, with proper care and normal weather conditions, the onion feather still turns yellow, then this is a sign of weakness (when planting, the plant spends a lot of energy on adaptation). To support between plants, sprinkle with ash at the rate of 0.5 l per 1 sq.m.

If the sevok is planted too early, then during the period of frost there are high chances of freezing, as a result of which the tips dry out. However, the formation of bulbs does not have a special effect.

Recall that the natural process of yellowing of onion feathers, as a rule, begins at the end of July, when the bulb ripens.

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