Tips for caring for indoor flowers. How to care for indoor plants - the basic rules. Care of indoor plants: temperature regime

Caring for indoor flowers is troublesome, but extremely pleasant. It is on how you take care of home flowers that their growth and flowering depend. Houseplants need your care to meet their basic needs. Leave them in deep shade or out of water and they will die. They will gradually wither without food, and almost all varieties need to be kept in a frost-protected room.

Proper care of house plants involves providing them with heat, light, water and nutrients. Some flowers, when grown and cared for, additionally require high humidity air, fresh air, draft protection, etc. There are care rules indoor plants which are not essential for plant life. This simple procedures such as pruning, shaping and cleaning to make plants look their best.

Rules for caring for indoor plants

Success in growing flowers at home does not require hard work or high skill. However, you should follow the rules for caring for indoor plants. Remember that extremes in watering, nutrition, etc. can kill plants. Do not forget also that there is a dormant period, usually in winter, when much less water, food and warmth are required. Remove withered leaves and wilted flowers and watch for pests and diseases. Sympathize with the poor outdoor gardeners who have to work through wind and rain to dig holes, hoe weeds and mow lawns!

Before you care for indoor flowers, watch them. Spend a couple of minutes every few days looking closely at the leaves, stems, and compost. By touching the compost, you will know when watering is required. The appearance of the foliage will tell you that something is wrong with watering, temperature, lighting, nutrition or air humidity. Some people grow houseplants for years without actually looking at them or bothering to find out what the leaves have to tell them.

Care of indoor plants: temperature regime

Most indoor plants came to us from the warm regions of the world. This has led many people to the erroneous belief that these plants need temperatures higher than normal room temperatures. In fact, few plants will thrive well in normal room conditions at temperatures above 24°C.

Almost all indoor plants will benefit from a temperature of 13-24°C. Some grow quite successfully in slightly cool rooms from the point of view of human comfort. There are exceptions to this general rule of houseplant care - many flowering potted plants need a maximum temperature of 16°C in winter, and some heat-loving varieties require a minimum of 16°C.

Most plants are able to tolerate temperatures slightly above or below what they prefer for short periods. The real enemy is excessive temperature fluctuations. For most plants, a drop in temperature of 3-6°C at night is beneficial, but a sharp drop in temperature of 11°C can be harmful or cause death. It may be necessary to move pots from window sills in frosty weather.

Cacti and succulents are an exception. Large fluctuations in temperature are not a problem for them, because in their desert homeland they have adapted to hot days and cold nights.

How to care for home flowers: light regime

There are two aspects of lighting. The first is duration. Nearly all plants require 12-16 hours of daylight or strong enough to maintain active growth. artificial lighting. Shorter lighting duration will slow down synthesis nutrients, and that is why the rest period deciduous plants in winter it is not disturbed by bright but short sunny days.

The second aspect is the intensity light regime- in contrast to the duration, the need for it in different plants is different. Some varieties grow well on a sunny window sill, but quickly decline in a shady corner; others will grow in light shade but cannot survive in direct sunlight.

When moving from a sunny window to a corner of the room, you will walk to a shadow of about 2.5 m. Walking with your back to the window, you may not notice much change, but the light intensity will drop by about 95% over this short distance.

Leaves and stems of plants on the windowsill lean towards the glass. To prevent one-sided growth, it is necessary to turn the pot from time to time. Make only a small turn at a time. Do not turn the pot of a flowering plant when it is in bud.

A flowering plant will suffer if it is moved from a place with recommended lighting to a shady one. The quality and quantity of colors depend on both the duration and the intensity of the light. Without adequate lighting, the foliage may grow beautifully, but the floral ornamental will inevitably disappoint.

An ornamental plant can be suddenly moved from its ideal position to a shady spot without negative consequences. It will survive, but it will not develop. Move him back to a lighted area for about a week every 1-2 months to allow him to recuperate.

The plant should not be suddenly transferred from a shady place to a sunny window sill or to outdoor garden. Let it acclimate for a few days, moving daily to an increasingly bright spot.

Growing and caring for indoor flowers: air humidity

When you turn on the radiator, which warms up the cold air in winter, the room becomes comfortable, but the amount of water vapor in the air decreases. The air becomes "dry", that is, the relative humidity of the air drops, so growing and caring for indoor flowers in such conditions is very difficult.

As a general rule, houseplants need less warm air and more humid air than you think. Because of central heating at the height of winter, the air acquires the relative humidity of the Sahara Desert. Plants are rarely able to thrive under these conditions - many ornamental plants and most flowering plants will suffer if there is insufficient air humidity around the leaves. You can avoid the problem by finding wet place for your plants, for example in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

You can use a humidifier to increase the relative humidity throughout the room. However, it is much more common to use methods that create a humid microclimate around the plants, while the atmosphere in the rest of the room remains dry, as before.

There are three main ways to increase the humidity around plants. They are described on this page. For plants that originate from the jungle, these methods may not be enough to ensure their active growth in a centrally heated room.

Such plants will take advantage of the humid atmosphere. in a useful way to keep phalaenopsis in bloom for many months is an orchidarium. Place a 5 cm layer of expanded clay on the bottom of a regular glass aquarium and set the pots on it. Pour water to cover the bottom half of the expanded clay layer - do not cover the entire layer. It is necessary to ensure that the water level in the lower part of the orchidarium remains approximately at the middle of the expanded clay level mark.

Spraying when growing indoor flowers

Spray warm water in the morning to dry the leaves before dark. Do not spray in bright sunlight. Spraying provides more than a temporary increase in moisture. It cools on hot sunny days, prevents the spread of red spider mite and reduces the deposition of dust on the leaves.

Don't tie the plant to a single stake - use frames with three or four sticks instead. The pegs should reach the bottom of the pot.

As you can see in the photo, when caring for indoor flowers, there are many other supports for installation in a pot. For example, tapestries, moss sticks and wire hoops. There are also structures for vines made of wire or wood, installed outside the pot.

Do not tie the stems very close to the support. Tie up the new growth while it is still not too long and bends well. Clinging vines must be tied up frequently, otherwise the tendrils will bind the stems to each other.

Both indoor plants and outdoor plants are great additions to any setting. Usually they are easy to care for and maintain, and they will thrive with proper care and treatment. If you are not sure that you are properly caring for your plants, then in this article you will find information about proper care for indoor and garden plants.


houseplant care

    Provide the plants with enough light. One of your first tasks is to check if the plants are getting enough light. Plants on a side table in the living room may look great, but if they are too far away from the window, they will not last long. Study the lighting requirements of each particular plant and place it in a location that suits its needs. Note that south facing windows receive the most sunlight, while windows north side- the least amount. The main recommendations for lighting are as follows:

    • Plants that need full sunlight should be placed where they receive 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
    • Plants that need partial sunlight should be placed where they will receive 2-3 hours of direct sunlight per day.
    • Plants that need a shady spot should be placed where they will receive 1 hour of direct sunlight per day.
  1. Water your plants regularly. Establishing exactly how much water a plant should receive can be difficult: if there is too much water, the roots will begin to rot due to poor drainage, and the plant will die. The amount of water needed for watering is individual for each plant, as some of them like very moist soil, while others (for example, cacti and succulents) need to be watered once every few weeks. However, most plants do well when watered 2-3 times a week. Use an aerosol spray, or a small garden watering can, and every time you water, give enough water to keep the soil moist but not wet.

    Fertilize your plants every few weeks. Fertilizer is a soil additive that supplies the plant with nutrients. It is especially important to fertilize houseplants every 2-3 weeks, because no natural way organic matter it is not added to their soil, as is the case with plants in the open field. Most fertilizers have a three-number formula, such as 10/20/10; these numbers indicate the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contained in the fertilizer. Since each type of plant requires a different ratio of these three elements, the type of fertilizer varies depending on the type of plant. We recommend starting with the "golden mean" - fertilizer with the formula 6-12-6 or 10.10.10, which should be suitable for most>

    • Spray or pour the fertilizer directly onto the surface of the soil, according to package directions.
    • You should not mix the fertilizer into the potting soil as it will decompose and penetrate the soil structure for a long time.
  2. Keep your plants free of dust. Indoor plants become covered with a thin layer of dust over time. This dust detracts from the natural beauty of the plants, and it inhibits growth by clogging the "pores" on the leaves. Therefore, it is so important to regularly clean the plants from dust. Depending on the size of the plant, two different methods cleaning: wiping with a cloth and rinsing in the sink under running water. If you decide to wipe the plants, add to warm water some dishwashing liquid or plant soap, dip a clean rag into the mixture and rub the leaves thoroughly. If you are washing the plant under running water, simply turn on the warm water in the sink and thoroughly rinse each leaf with your hands or a clean kitchen towel.

    • Rinsing under running water is best small plants. At the same time, you need to make sure that too much water does not get into the pot.
    • Stores sell branded plant cleaning sprays, you can use them to clean dust from plants.
  3. Do not place plants near air outlets. Humidity levels in buildings are usually lower than outdoors. As a result, indoor plants often dry out due to low humidity. While regular watering helps prevent this, big problem may cause houseplants to be placed near air outlets. Regardless of whether it is a heater or an air conditioner, the constant flow of air will dry out the leaves of the plants and cause them to die. To solve this problem, move them away from any air outlets. To increase the humidity of the air, you can install a humidifier in the room.

    Outdoor plant care

    1. Make sure your plants are getting enough water. Care of plants in the garden to a large extent depends on natural factors and environment. Therefore, the amount of water for irrigation depends on the weather and soil conditions your area. A good rule of thumb is to water 2-3 times a week by hand or with a sprinkler. The soil in the garden should be moist, but not wet, and not so dry as to crumble into dust.

      • Check how much water for irrigation will be ideal for each separate species plants. Some types of plants need a lot of water, while others require very little.
    2. Weed your garden regularly. Weeds can pop up unexpectedly and ruin amazingly beautiful garden. Weeds are not only unsightly to the eye, they also take up valuable sun space and use soil nutrients that could benefit plants in your garden. Therefore, try to pull out weeds as soon as you notice them. Grab the weed as close to the ground as possible and pull it out. This will increase the chance of the root system being pulled out and will slow the growth of future weeds.

      • You can use herbicides, but most of them are not designed for specific plants and kill not only weeds, but all plants in a row.
      • Check for weeds growing under the crown of the plant or bush.
    3. Mulch your garden every few months. Mulch is a type of organic compost that is added to the soil surface to prevent weed growth and retain soil moisture. Mulching also enriches the soil with nutrients, promoting plant growth. Mulch is available at most garden stores. Add a layer of 2.5 - 5 cm thick mulch to the soil surface of your garden.

      • Do not cover the base of the stems or stems of plants with mulch, as this will stunt their growth. This is especially important for small trees and bushes.
      • You can use organic compost instead of garden mulch if you like.
    4. Cut off any dead or damaged plants. A plant disease can quickly spread to an entire garden if left unchecked. The same goes for a damaged plant; if you do not remove dying branches, the disease can spread to the rest of the plant. Any time you notice brown, dry, brittle, or other unhealthy-looking plants, use your garden shears to cut those branches off. Throw them away and don't use them for compost, as if they become infected they can spread the disease to other plants.

      Remove wilted flower heads from plants. This will encourage new growth and rid the plant of dried and fading flowers. Cut the flower just below the bud with garden shears. Over the next few days, you will notice a new bud form and a new flower bloom.

      Fertilize plants once a month. Outdoor plants receive more nutrients from the environment than indoor plants, so they need to be fertilized much less. Find a fertilizer that meets the needs of your plants, or pick something in between at your local nursery, such as 6-12-6 or 10/10/10. Once every 4 to 5 weeks, spray or spread the fertilizer around the plants according to package directions.

    Troubleshooting Common Mistakes

    1. Improve drainage of poorly drained soil. If your yard or potted plants constantly have puddles of water, the soil is poorly drained. This is bad, because the accumulated water can cause the roots of the plant to rot, causing it to slowly die. To fix this, carefully dig up the plant along with the soil ball; place the plant on a tarp or other clean pot. Remove some of the hard, clay soil from the pot and replace it with a layer of gravel or pebbles. Top with fresh garden soil and place the plant in its original place.

      • If all of your soil is poorly drained, you can dig it up and mix it with sand to help improve drainage.
    2. Plant out plants that grow too close all of a sudden. If your enthusiasm is a bit off the charts and you planted a few plants close together when they were small, you may be surprised when they grow up to compete for space in the garden or garden. indoor pot. Plants that are too close together will not grow as big as others, as they will lack nutrients. Dig up problematic plants and transplant them to a new one. garden plot or into a larger pot. Fill the hole in the soil at the site of the excavated plant with fresh garden soil.

      • Always use store-bought garden soil, not soil from your garden, as garden soil contains insects, plant pathogens, and weeds that will be introduced to your new plant location.
      • You can tell if plants are too close together if they grow into each other, or if their main shoots/branches are intertwined.
    3. Try not to add too much mulch. Mulching is useful for enriching the soil with nutrients and blocking the growth of weeds, but too much mulch can cause problems. This is due to the fact that the mulch blocks not only the growth of weeds, but also new shoots of plants that cannot break through to the surface. Never add more than 5 cm of mulch. If the garden has stopped growing after mulching, then remove 2.5-5 cm of mulch and wait a few weeks for improvement.

      • If the mulch covers the base of a stem or tree too high, it will cut off sunlight and stunt the growth of the plant. Remove mulch from the base of shoots and tree trunks.
    4. Cut off any dead or diseased plants. A plant disease can quickly spread to an entire garden if left unchecked. The same goes for a damaged plant; if you do not remove dying branches, the disease can spread to the rest of the plant. Any time you notice brown, dry, brittle, or other unhealthy-looking parts of the plant, cut those branches off with garden shears.

      • Throw them away and don't use them for compost, as if they become infected they can spread the disease to other plants.

Care rules

Some rules for the care of indoor plants.The world of indoor plants.

How good home plants will be depends only on the person. If you don't take care of them, they will die. Caring for indoor plants in winter and summer is different. Therefore, in order for the plants to please the eye, it is necessary to follow the rules of care.

1. Need to create temperature regime.

2. Provide light mode.

3. Ensure proper watering.

4. Maintain the required air humidity.

5. Give plants mineral nutrition.

6. Provide peace (caring for indoor plants in winter).

7. Provide access to fresh air.

9. go after appearance.

8. Talk to plants.

1. Temperature

Maximum and minimum temperature that the plant can withstand plant species
Minimum 5-8 deg. C for very hardy plants Aspidistra; grape; Grevillea; gelksin; clivia; laurel; pelargonium; ivy; succulents; chlorophytum; yucca
Minimum 10-13 degrees. C for not very hardy plants Araucaria; asparagus; bromeliads; balsam; begonia; dracaena; coleus; kalanchoe;
monstera; arrowroot; orchids; ferns; palm trees; pilea;
paperomia; reo; streptocarpus; sansevieria; philodendron; hoya; ficus; shefler
Minimum 16 deg. C for delicate plants Aglaonema; anthurium; akalifa; dieffenbachia; dizygoteka; caladium; codiaum; calathea;
The maximum temperature is 23 degrees. WITH Suitable for most indoor plants normal humidity air
The maximum temperature is 28 degrees. WITH Suitable for most indoor plants under conditions of high humidity

Temperature violation danger signals for domestic plants:
1. The leaves of indoor plants begin to curl, darken and fall off - the reason is low temperature air.
2. Begin to fade lower leaves, the edges darken and the leaves at the very bottom of the plant fall off - the reason is heat air.
3. The leaves of plants begin to turn yellow and fall off - the reason is a sharp jump in air temperature. (A sudden jump in temperature over 6 degrees C can even kill the plant).
Only succulents and cacti are not afraid of temperature fluctuations.

2. Light mode.

Window sill where there is no direct sunlight. Anthurium; azalea; asparagus; begonia; bromeliads; grape; dizygoteka; dieffenbachia; zygocactus; monstera; pilea, peperomia; ivy, scindapsus; spathiphyllum; fuchsia; chlorophytum; chefler; cyclamen. The direct sun hits sometimes. Window sill or place near the east or west window of Beloperone; ginura; codiaum; capsicum; cordilina apical; nerter; touchy; poinsettia. Solar window. Window sill on the south side or close to it. Agapanthus; bougainvillea; bouvardia; hibiscus; heliotrope; hippeastrum; zebrina; coleus; lanthanum; cacti; callistemon; citrus; oleander; pelargonium; passionflower; celosia; rose; succulents;
3. Watering mode

4. Air humidity mode for house plants.

Many plants cannot stand dry air. Therefore, there are a number of ways to increase the humidity of the air.
1. Spraying.
2. Grouping - plants are placed in groups. The air humidity in a group of plants is much higher than near a single plant.

3. Use of double pots. The space between the two pots is filled with peat, which increases the humidity.

4. Plants are placed on a tray of pebbles, which also increases the humidity.

5. M mode ineral nutrition.

What to feed. Plants need nitrogen, especially leaves. Phosphates - roots. Flowers need potassium. For this, various fertilizers are used.

- powder and granular have the disadvantage that they are scattered on the surface of the soil and they do not immediately reach the roots, in addition, with the onset of a dormant period, they cannot be completely removed.

- pills and sticks - very convenient way, but the disadvantage is that fertilizers are concentrated in one place.

- liquid fertilizers - the most convenient way to feed.

When to feed. From spring to autumn - regularly. During the dormant period, either completely stop or significantly reduce.

6. Rest mode. Caring for houseplants in winter.

The rest mode is very important for plants - although this is often forgotten. Usually this period falls on the winter. Plant growth slows down, some leaves fall. During this period, it is necessary to significantly reduce or stop watering, to the extent possible, create a lower temperature regime, stop or significantly reduce top dressing. If these conditions are not execute- plant will suffer significantly. The beginning of growth in the spring indicates that the dormant period is over.

7. Mode with fresh air.

The green leaves of plants produce oxygen themselves. However, many of them need an influx of fresh air. Fresh air supply:

- lowers the temperature in hot weather;

- lowers the relative humidity in places of large concentrations of plants, which protects against gray rot;

- strengthens the stems and increases resistance to diseases;

— destroys traces of toxic fumes.

Need ventilation: araucaria, balsam, cacti and other succulents, pelargonium, schizantus, tolmia, fatsia.

Some plants better in summer take out on open air- these are: acacia, pomegranate, laurel, passionflower, tropical cacti, citrus fruits, yucca.

8. Care of appearance m of plants includes:

- Wash mode.

Dust not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but also prevents normal gas exchange with external environment. Therefore, plants require bathing or washing with a sponge. Young leaves are best just sprayed and rubbed. Cacti and other succulents are dusted with a brush.

polishing mode.

In order for the plant to have a beautiful appearance, it is recommended to polish it. It is best to use ready-made polishing sprays - the instructions always indicate which plants cannot be polished. Polishes are made on the basis of natural wax and other natural substances.

Forming mode.

Shaping involves tying stems to supports to create the most comfortable and attractive plant shape. There are various supports - trellises, tubes with moss, hoops, lattices. They try to tie up new shoots - while they are still small.

- Pinching.

To form a plant, it is sometimes necessary to remove a growing point on the stem.

- Pruning.

To form the crown, the branches of plants are cut off - if possible immediately above the kidney.

- Cleaning.

It is necessary to remove dead leaves, damaged stems and wilted flowers.

9. Try to talk to house plants.

You will give them love and care, and they will give you their beauty.

Many housewives who want to give their home comfort and freshness plant indoor plants on the windowsills. They are able to make a blooming, habitable and even fragrant room out of a faceless and uncomfortable room. In addition to the aesthetic function, indoor plants saturate the air in the room with oxygen and purify it from harmful substances. In order for plants to benefit and please the eye with their flowering and well-groomed appearance, you need to know a few elementary rules on how to care for indoor plants.

First you need to decide on the type of flowers that you prefer and find out if they can grow in the existing conditions. Plants can be classified according to different criteria. According to the main features, 8 types of indoor plants are distinguished:

  1. Beautiful flowering - begonia, rose, cyclamen, phalaenopsis, gerbera, anthurium, azalea, etc. They give their beautiful blooms, but in return require special care.
  2. Decorative and deciduous - ficus, ivy, dieffenbachia, ardisia, cypress, myrtle, tradescantia, sheffler, etc.
  3. Bromeliads - echmea, cryptanthus, bilbergia, gusmania. These plants are characterized by tough spiny leaves and small flowers.
  4. Cacti and succulents - Kalanchoe, Aloe, Sansevieria, Hoya, Crassula. One of the most unpretentious plants. They take up little space. Succulents have juicy and fleshy stems, while cacti have thorns and a little fluff.
  5. Ferns - polypodium, nephrolepis, maidenhair, etc. They do not have the ability to bloom. Distinguished by spreading leaves.
  6. Bulbous - lilies, eucharius, hyacinth, hippeastrum, etc. They are characterized by the presence of an underground stem in the form of an onion.
  7. Palm trees - chamedorea, rapis, date, coconut, etc. Hardy plants that require a lot of space.
  8. Fruit and berry - tangerine, a coffee tree, lemon, avocado, etc. Grow well at home, but very picky.

Potted plants are silent creatures. To show that they feel bad and something is missing, they can only by their appearance. They begin to fade and can die without proper care. There are some plants that can live for a long time V extreme conditions. For example, nolina can do without water for a whole year. She accumulates in her trunk. But there are very few such species and they are more an exception to the rule than a common occurrence.

Florists who are just starting to get involved in breeding indoor plants should be prepared for the fact that they will have to devote a sufficient amount of time and effort. But don't be afraid. No need to rush into the pool with your head and buy a lot of different colors. To begin with, you can purchase several plants that are unpretentious in care and already learn the basics of care from them.

Those who have been growing plants on their windowsills for many years claim that caring for them will not take much time. Forget about them, too, will not work, because they are always in sight. Plants already by their appearance show their breeder that the time has come to water them, fertilize them, transplant them or put them in the dark for a dormant period. Those who are afraid to miss something can make a calendar or schedule for the care of home flowers.


by the most important aspect for all plants is the amount of light that each of them needs. Each plant has its own light preferences, but they cannot do without light. Its absence or deficiency can cause wilting and death. It is better to arrange flower pots according to the principle of light needs:

  • Light-loving. These include almost all flowering plants, as well as cacti, succulents, citrus fruits, etc. These plants love a lot of light, but are afraid of direct sunlight. This can burn their succulent leaves. In darkened rooms, they can be grown only with additional lighting.
  • Light-loving, transferring direct sunlight. Geraniums, amaryllis, cyclamen, begonia, bilbergia are considered such plants. They will grow well on a south facing windowsill;
  • Shade-tolerant. These are ficus, aralia, philodendron, dieffenbachia, aloe, ferns, coffee tree. They are able to grow in partial shade, but they still need light for a small amount of time. The ideal option there will be placement on the windows of the east or west side, next to the window or opposite it.
  • Prefer shade. These are alocasia, sansevieria, ivy, aspidistra, chamedorea, etc. The most comfortable place for them will be bookshelves or flower coasters inside the room.
  • Shade-loving. These are azalea, saintpaulia, asparagus, anthurium, anglaonema, etc. They have minimal lighting requirements. They will have enough light for 12 hours and no bright sun. Windows will be comfortable to the north, northwest or northeast.

Watering and humidity

All plants need water, without exception, but its volume is different for each. Some need to be watered every day, while others will be enough once a month. However, there are some watering rules that are suitable for almost all "windowsill dwellers":

  • In the spring, during the activation of the growth of new shoots, it is necessary to water more abundantly;
  • In summer, moderate watering is necessary, especially in the heat;
  • IN autumn period the volume of watering is reduced, preparing the plant for winter;
  • Many plants have a dormant period in winter and require minimal watering;
  • Overflow should not be allowed to avoid root rot;
  • Before watering, you can check the dryness of the soil with a finger or a stick. This will help determine the need for watering and avoid overflow.

Some plants love moisture, so they need to be sprayed and wiped with leaves. Others, on the contrary, cannot wet the leaves.

Temperature and fertilizer

For almost all plants, the most comfortable summer temperature is from 18 ° C, and in winter from 10 ° C. The main thing to remember is that temperature changes must be avoided. Some types of this may not be tolerated.

It is better to fertilize the soil of indoor plants in the warm season, from April to October, since at this time they grow more actively. Fertilizers are selected with the preferences of the plant and the composition of its soil.

Pruning and transplant

It is also necessary to renew the earth and change the pot to a larger one in the spring, when the plants come out of the state of rest, begin to actively grow, but new roots have not yet had time to grow. Already perennial you don't need to change, just change upper layer soil.

Many potted plants need pruning of excess shoots. After this procedure, they feel and look better.

Pests and diseases

A high probability of infection by various pests appears in the summer. When the first pests appear, it is important to remove the pot with the plant away from other flowers so that the pests do not cross over, and remove all of them. Continue special care and treatment until complete recovery.

If the plant refuses to bloom, begins to wither, lose leaves or turn yellow, it may be sick. It is important to determine the type of disease and choose effective means to restore it.

Precautionary measures

Some of the plants are poisonous, some are thorny, some are allergenic. All this must be considered before bringing them home. To poisonous and thorny plants did not cause problems, they should be kept in places inaccessible to children and pets. Manipulations with these plants are carried out with gloves. With plants that evoke allergic reactions better to say goodbye and give them to someone. Health is more important than beauty at home. You may be able to choose a different type of indoor flowers.

Attention and individual approach

In order for plants to be in the best shape, they need love and attention. A loving florist will carefully take care of his wards and learn about their features and preferences as much as possible.

It is important to follow the general rules for caring for indoor plants, but you need to find your own approach to each flower. If you treat everyone equally, then everything can end in tears. When a new inhabitant of the window sill appears, you need to learn about its features and the rules for caring for this species.

Properly caring for indoor plants is a guarantee of their health and longevity, beauty and magnificence.


Do not flood plants. The root system needs not only moisture, but also air. Excessively moist soil can lead to the death of the plant.

Provide peace. IN winter period plants need to be watered less often, fed less and kept at a lower temperature than during the period of active growth.

Accept the inevitable loss of some species. A number of plants often given as gifts wither after a few weeks. Such decorative flowering plants are designed for temporary use.

Create a humid environment. Due to heating, the air in the room becomes dry during the winter season. Therefore, during this period, you should increase the humidity in the house.

Destroy pests promptly. Indoor plants are not immune from various misfortunes. Timely pest control will save the plant and the nerves of the grower.

Group plants. The combination of plants of the same species or color in groups contributes to better development. The correct grouping is to create similar conditions for keeping and care.

Do a transplant. After a year or two, many plants need to be transplanted into a pot. bigger size.

Choose the right growing conditions. The plant must fit certain conditions. So, shade plant a place on a sunny windowsill is not suitable at all.

Have the necessary care equipment. The grower will need to get a watering can with a long spout, a sprayer, a set of pots, liquid fertilizer, pesticide and other the right tools.

Know the specifics of caring for each plant. A particular plant has its own nuances according to the conditions of detention. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the care of each plant.

Beautiful fresh leaves and bright flowers will decorate any interior, please the owners and give legitimate reason proudly demonstrate to guests their green achievements. However, novice flower growers often make typical mistakes, the result of which is a slowdown in growth, lack of flowering, and sometimes - the loss of leaves and even the death of green pets. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to take care of flowers, the main thing is to observe a few simple principles.

Each type of indoor plant has its own individual characteristics, but there are general rules that apply to all plants.

The main thing for any plant, including indoor - light. Plants cannot live without light. However, even in bright light, the illumination is much less than in a tropical forest, albeit a shady one. Hence the first simple principle: the closer to the windows, the better for the plants. If directly at the window the illumination is 40% of street light, then already 3 meters from it it drops to 5%. And this means - pale, elongated shoots, susceptibility to diseases and pests, premature death of the plant. Far from windows, only the most shade-tolerant indoor plants can feel good - ficuses, ferns, philodendrons, feathery begonias. About growing well in the shade desert cactus, aloe or rose can not even dream of.

However, the window sill is not so large, and the plants may be cramped on it. In this case, ladder-stands placed next to the window will help (lower steps for light-loving species, upper ones for more shade-tolerant ones), as well as planters suspended at the top of the window. However, a pot with a plant can also be installed in a dark corner, but not for long - after 2-3 days, return it to the light to give an opportunity to restore strength.

Anyone who wants to properly care for indoor plants should be able to transplant. After all, the volume of land in is small, which means that there are not so many nutrients available to the root system. The frequency depends on the age of the plant and the intensity of its growth. A young fast-growing plant is transplanted annually, and a mature adult tree - once every 3-4 years, or even less often. A larger pot and fresh, nutrient-rich soil will provide your green pet with optimal conditions, and he will not hesitate to thank his caring owner with lush foliage and bright flowers.

However, too frequent transplantation is harmful to the plant, because it dramatically changes the composition of the soil and damages root system. Therefore, before removing the plant from the pot, carefully examine it. If growth slowed down, flowering stopped, and from drainage holes roots are selected in search of nutrients - which means that a transplant is necessary.

The best time for transplanting is February-March, when the plant is just about to move from winter dormancy to active spring growth and flowering. A few days before transplanting, watering should be stopped - then a dry clod of earth can be easily removed from the pot. Remove the top layer of soil 2-3 cm deep. Prepare a new pot, which should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. If there was another plant in it, the pot should be prepared: washed with soap and water, scalded with boiling water and wiped with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. This will help to avoid contamination of the earth by pests, fungi, mold.

As you can see, caring for flowers is not difficult at all: a little patience, and with experience, the joy of communicating with wildlife on your own windowsill will come.

Growing indoor plants is not easy, but enjoyable. After all, beautiful, unusual and healthy indoor plants will not only delight you, but also the people around you. The basic needs of any plant are water, light, soil and air. Reward your plants with care, love, attention, and they will reward you with their lush bloom, active growth and its beauty.


Cymbidium is a family of orchids. This plant is native to the tropics of Australia and Asia. The colors of cymbidiums are very diverse - white, green, red and brown buds. For this type of plant in, you need to take care of a well-ventilated room, bright and cool. It is also necessary to take into account that the temperature should not be lower than 10-15 degrees. During the flowering period, plants should be watered abundantly. Fertilizers are applied once a month, special (for plants of the orchid family).

Date palm- palm family. The homeland of this plant species is North Africa, Southwest Asia, the Canary Islands. This is a very attractive plant. Favorable conditions are dry air, intense heat and lack of precipitation. At home, it is recommended to place in a spacious, sunny and bright place, protected from drafts. Watering should be moderate, but constant. Leaves should be wiped 1-2 times a week with a damp cloth.

Echinocactus is a cactus family. This plant is native to Central Mexico. At home, echinocactus reach 2-3 m in height. They rarely bloom. At home, echinocactus are placed on the windowsills, on the sunny side. In the summer, these plants require regular watering and spraying with water. In winter, it is enough to water once every 2 weeks.

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Monitor the well-being of plants. Remember, they can get sick too. To avoid problems with indoor plants, wipe the leaves regularly, remove wilted flowers and leaves in time. Only handle indoor plants with clean tools.

Helpful advice

If the plants need support, do not forget to tie up in time.

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Growing indoor plants is an exciting activity that brings a lot of positive emotions to those who do it. In addition to the fact that indoor flowers decorate any interior, many plants have useful properties. For example, aloe is used in the treatment colds, and chlorophytums and dieffenbachia purify the air from harmful impurities. Before you start breeding indoor plants, you should familiarize yourself with the features of their cultivation.

You will need

  • - planting material;
  • - pot;
  • - drainage;
  • - soil mix.


Choose the plants you are going to. At the same time, it is worth considering that it is better for a beginner grower to choose plants that do not require particularly complex agricultural practices for growing. For example, azaleas and cyclamens, which need special conditions during their dormant period, may be too difficult. At the same time, many ivy, tradescantia and chlorophytum are not too demanding on the conditions of detention.

Great importance has the illumination of the room and the level of humidity in it. Taking care of plants, you take care of your own health. If your indoor flowers are comfortable, then everything will be fine with your well-being.

With special care should be taken in the choice of flower pots. An ideal house for a plant is a clay pot. In it, your flower will feel comfortable. Although you can limit yourself to a cheaper option made of plastic.

Indoor plants create a microclimate in the home and delight the eye with their appearance. But they just need care, otherwise they will die, so you should know the basic rules that will help preserve the beauty and health of plants.


It is very important to water indoor plants regularly, otherwise they will wither and die. However, it is worth remembering that each species requires a certain mode, so you should learn about its features. After all, the frequency of watering is not so important here, but the amount of water that a person pours into a pot. So, for example, its excess often leads to the death of the plant, since its roots simply rot. You can solve this problem by purchasing a pot with a saucer and a small hole. Excess water will leave through it, and it will not spoil the window sill.

The soil

A plant will not flower if it lacks the nutrients it takes from the soil. For this reason, it should be fertilized. In the flower shop you can find a huge amount of all kinds of fertilizers. You can buy something universal, but better than one that was specially designed for this type of plant. Fertilizer will need to be diluted in water and watered with a flower from time to time. It is very important not to overdo it here, as the plant may die.

It is important to remember that the soil in the pot must be changed at least once a year. Replacement land can be taken, but it is better to buy it at a flower shop. In this case, it will not be necessary to pour additional fertilizers, since it will contain everything you need in optimal dosages. The owner will only need to fill the finished soil in a pot and water the plant after transplanting. If it was taken with, then fertilizers will need to be added to it. They are best purchased at a flower shop, it is not recommended to use manure, as the plant can get sick and midges may appear on it, which will later be difficult to get rid of.


Any plant needs light, some less, some more. It is very important to follow these recommendations, otherwise it will die. You should familiarize yourself with the requirements for a particular species in advance so that later there are no problems with the plant. In addition, it will be easier to find him the best placeso that the flower is as comfortable as possible.


It is important to know that all plants breathe with the help of leaves, so it is necessary to wipe them from time to time with a damp cloth. Such a measure will not allow him to wither away. It is also recommended to occasionally spray the leaves with water. For these purposes, you should purchase a sprinkler. This is especially relevant water treatment for those plants whose leaves constantly dry at the tips. This suggests that they lack moisture, because the room is too dry.

In a normal environment, plants can take care of themselves. They will consume right amount moisture, hide from excessive sunlight. Caring for plants at home is not difficult, but this activity requires certain skills.

The dependence of plants on humans

The life of indoor plants depends entirely on the person. If you do not water the flower, it will soon wither. For the life of a plant, it needs: moisture, light, heat, top dressing, fresh air. Washing the leaves, cutting and pinching the plant is not so important, if you deprive them of this "pleasure", they will not die.

Plants do not like frills. You can not over-water them, expose them to constant sunlight, overfeed with fertilizers. Indoor plants have a period when they cannot be touched, often watered, rearranged from place to place. Experiments have shown that if you talk to a plant, it will grow better.

Daily inspection

During the period of plant growth, it is necessary to inspect the leaves, stem, crown every day. The presence of defects on them will indicate errors in care or possible diseases. Plants need to create a certain temperature regime. It ranges from 13 to 23 degrees. Some species and varieties like cooler climates, while others are thermophilic. Many home plants are unpretentious and easily tolerate temperature changes, its decrease or increase.

The need for light

Light is a necessary factor for the normal life of a plant. Therefore, the light regime should be maintained. This includes: the length of daylight hours and the level of illumination. The plant must have access to natural light from 13 to 16 hours. This is enough for the process of photosynthesis. Lack of light leads to disease.

Microclimate in the apartment

It is equally important to monitor the humidity of the air. In winter, when the central heating is running, the air becomes dry, which is unacceptable for plants. Therefore, you should arm yourself with humidifiers or sprayers. They will help maintain the desired microclimate in the room and apartment. Spray plants in winter should be early in the morning, so that by night the drops of water have completely evaporated.

Houseplants do not like drafts. They need fresh air, although some varieties can grow indoors with glass. Fresh air makes the plant resistant to diseases and strengthens the stem.

Plants should be dusted from time to time. A layer of dust creates on the leaves protective film, clogs the stomata, thereby slowing down the process of photosynthesis. large leaves can be sprayed with water and wiped with a cloth, small leaves completely immersed in water. Cacti should be cleaned with a soft brush. Rotten and dried leaves must be removed in a timely manner.

How to choose a plant?

It does not matter what plants you decide to decorate the space around you, the main thing is that caring for them does not cause trouble. At good flower the following danger signs are absent:

  • the plant is unevenly leafy;

  • sluggish leaves;

  • there are voids between the wall of the pot and the earthen clod;

  • roots grow through the opening of the pot;

  • all flowers open - no buds;

  • signs of disease or pests;

  • green plaque on the outer walls of the pot and on the surface of the soil.

The importance of the right interior

For most plants, the best backdrop is a simple, unpatterned wall in a light pastel color.

Variegated or flowering plants with numerous pale flowers suitable dark background.

Keep in mind that small leaves are lost against the backdrop of wallpaper with a large pattern.

And don't be afraid to boldly contrast the color and shape of the plant and the background!

Choosing the right conditions

Shade is preferred by aglaonema, aspidistra, gelksina, sansevieria, scindapsus.

In partial shade keep aglaonema, aspidistra, dracaena, fern, ivy, sansevieria, scindapsus, dwarf ficus.

Light, but without direct sunlight, place suitable for hibiscus, irezina, cacti, coleus, lantana,.

Occasional direct sun- ideal conditions for zebrina, capsicum, codeum, saintpaulia, nightshade, tradescantia.

Put on a sunny window azalea, asparagus, royal begonia, dieffenbachia, monstera, ivy, chlorophytum, cyclamen.

Close to a central heating source put bilbergia, geranium, zebrina, oleander and palm trees, but in a cool place - white perone, gelksina, cacti, clivia, rose, fatsia, chlorophytum, cyclamen.

10 golden rules for a beginner grower

  1. Be sure to get the necessary equipment that will take care of plants easy and enjoyable.

  2. Choose only those plants that you can provide the required care.

  3. Don't flood the flowers!

  4. Do not forget about humidifying the air in the room.

  5. Leave your plants dormant during the winter months.

  6. Learn right.

  7. Before buying a new plant, learn the rules for caring for it.

  8. Group plants: this is how they look and develop better.

  9. If the plant looks unhealthy, take action immediately!

  10. The lifespan of individual plants is short - keep this in mind.

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