Scheme of central heating of a five-story building. Heating and hot water supply of an apartment building: getting acquainted with an open heat supply scheme

A large part of residential and utility rooms heated centrally, despite the variety of other options. First of all, heating schemes multi-storey buildings relevant in the construction of entire microdistricts and small settlements. One boiler house is capable of providing heat to a large number of objects.

Benefits of Centralized Networks

A distinctive feature of such systems is the location of boiler equipment in separate building. The coolant is delivered through pipelines that are laid directly along the street to each facility.

Such networks are not arranged with their own hands, since the amount of work being done is very large.

  • Any heating scheme high-rise building well thought out by specialists, so serious failures rarely occur.
  • The operation of such systems is usually carried out on fuel, the price of which is low.
  • A centralized heating network, as a rule, is serviced by special services, which means that there is no need for performance monitoring.
  • With this option, it is not necessary to place the boiler within the dwelling, which saves space.

As for the minuses, they include the functioning of the system according to a certain schedule and the inability to carry out individual settings temperature regime.

Approximate system structure

Centralized heating in terms of device practically does not differ from autonomous systems. However, the cross section of pipelines in this case much more, and the equipment installed in the boiler room is much more complicated.

  • The heating source is large and small boiler houses, as well as special thermal power plants.. In the first case, the coolant acquires a given temperature directly during the combustion of the fuel. In another embodiment, heat is provided by steam. In addition, thermal power plants are capable of generating electricity.
  • With the help of a network of pipelines, the coolant is transported to the facilities. The diameter of the input and output elements usually reaches 1000 mm. As for laying, it can be done both on the ground and underground.
  • Heating equipment provides the ability to transfer heat to rooms. They act as the main instruments. They are installed in heated rooms.

One thermal power plant (CHP) allows you to replace several small boilers, in connection with this, construction costs are reduced.
It also frees up a lot of space.

Basic classification methods

Any scheme of the heating system of a multi-storey building can belong to one category or another. Classification of centralized systems can be carried out according to several criteria. You can learn more about them by reading the information below.

Depending on the type of coolant

  • Liquid networks are most widely used for heating multi-storey buildings. They allow you to deliver the coolant over long distances without a sharp deterioration in quality characteristics.
  • Steam systems are used much less often, but still occur. They allow you to produce with a smaller diameter. This option is mainly used where water vapor is required.

Based on connection method

  • Independent networks involve heating the coolant in a special heat exchanger.
  • Dependent systems involve providing heat directly through pipeline branches.

More about the device

To heat an apartment building centrally, it must be connected to a thermal route that runs from a CHP or boiler house. For this in main pipeline inlet valves are made for thermal units.

Immediately after the locking elements, mud collectors are installed, which are necessary for the precipitation of salts and metal oxides. Thanks to these devices, you can extend the operating period.

Directly in the house contour, tie-ins are made for hot water. After them, the main unit should be located - the heating elevator.

System wiring

Usually the heating circuit in apartment building assumes the presence of one supply pipe with a lower or top filling. It can diverge into a certain number of branches that are sent to the building from the basement or attic.

With the lower wiring, pairs of risers are combined using special jumpers located in the attic or top floor. An air vent must be installed at the top point.

The heating system with top filling implies installation on technical floor expansion tank with air vent. The valves serve to cut off each riser from the common network.

The correct slope during the installation of pipelines makes it possible, when opening the air vents, to ensure the discharge of the coolant.

The branch with the top bottling has some features.

  • The temperature of the heating devices decreases with the advancement of the coolant down, so it will be lower on the lower floors. compensate heat loss possible by installing additional sections radiators.
  • Starting the system is quite simple, because for normal operation you only need to open special valves, as well as air vents for a certain time.
  • Draining the coolant from the risers is somewhat complicated, since it is necessary to first overlap on the technical floor. Only then does the reset open.

Setting heating system multi-storey buildings is produced by changing the diameter of the elevator nozzle.
That is, when its size changes, the heating level increases or decreases.

Optimization process

When the coolant is delivered from the source to the heating devices, rather large heat losses occur, so certain measures must be taken to maintain the temperature regime.

In fact, there are only two ways out of this situation.

  • Installing equipment with higher efficiency improves the performance of the system.
  • Additional thermal insulation of pipelines can significantly reduce heat loss.

About the main cons

  1. Any centralized system works according to a certain schedule, so during operation you have to adapt to it. In addition, it is impossible to independently adjust the temperature regime.
  2. The cost of boiler equipment and pipelines is quite high, which means that with poor-quality work, huge amounts of money can be spent.
  3. Work on the installation of centralized heating is very time-consuming, therefore, in the event of an emergency, it will take quite a bit of time to fully or partially restore the system.
  4. Periodic pressure drops in the centralized network can reduce the heating efficiency to some extent.

As a conclusion

Above, an instruction was presented that considers the installation of heating systems in multi-storey buildings, so that apartment owners can evaluate the scale of the centralized network and its effectiveness. If necessary, a standalone branch can always be created that will support desired temperature in a residential area. More information on this topic can be found by watching a special video.

Central heating in an apartment building, cottage, private or country house and other buildings, intended for their quality heating. This happens with the help of one thermal center, in which heat generators or heat exchangers are located. They can be located both in a building, for example, in a boiler room or heating point, or outside it, for example, in the central heating station, thermal power plant or thermal power plant.

Central heating is divided into water, steam and air. Great distribution V last years received and combined heating.

Central heating device of an apartment building

For heating apartment buildings, the most commonly used water central heating, consisting of the following elements:

  1. Entrance valves that cut off the house from the heating main. With their help, the pipeline is divided into external and inner part. The employees of the thermal service are responsible for the serviceability of the first. Responsibility for the interior lies with the utilities.
  2. Inserts of pipes of hot heat supply on supply and return pipelines. With their help, water is distributed to heated towel rails located in the apartments.
  3. A heating elevator, with the help of which, the water temperature is regulated in the system. This is possible due to the fact that in it hot water is mixed with the already cooled water from the return. The volume of the latter depends on the diameter of the passage opening of the elevator. It can be changed, which allows you to adjust the temperature of the water in.
  4. House valves required for shutting off during an unheated period apartment building from the heating main.
  5. Dumps - valves with the help of which, in case of repair, water is drained from the system.

Attention: Central heating in high-rise building, provides for the presence inside the building of special spills, which are pipes through which the coolant enters the vertical risers. If you live in an old Soviet five-story building, then in the basement there will be lower spills, from which risers come, connecting to each other in the attic or in the upper part of the building.

But this type of connection has a significant drawback. There is a high probability of freezing of the central heating coolant of an apartment building in winter if the water circulation is stopped. To avoid this, attention should be paid to their high-quality insulation. Air vents are usually located in the upper part of the building to discharge excess air. Quite often they are represented by the Mayevsky crane.

If you live in a nine-story building, then the spill will not be in the basement, but in the attic. Similar arrangement makes it possible to almost immediately distribute water to the risers when heating is started. There are no problems with air getting into the risers. This is a big advantage of the top spill over the bottom one.

Heating in-house appliances and temperature conditions

The type of batteries installed in the apartments depends on the year the building was built. If it was built in the Soviet era, then one of the the following types radiators:

  1. Steel convectors, having a metal case, in which there are coils of the DU-20 pipe and connected by a cross section.
  2. Cast iron sectional batteries, which have not only a solid weight, but also a significant heat transfer. Each radiator has up to 150 watts. Their disadvantages include the risk of leaks and unattractive appearance.

The size of radiators or sections in them depends on which floor the apartment is located on and what type of coolant circulation in the house. For example, if it is upper, then the coolant, reaching the first floor, will lose its temperature. This means that in order for the heating of an apartment building to be efficient, in an apartment, if it is located on the lower floors, the number of sections should be increased or larger radiators should be installed.

In modern high-rise buildings, usually mounted bimetal radiators. Of course, if the heating system is water. Attention: Such radiators are made of aluminum and have excellent heat dissipation, which is approximately 200 watts per battery. But the cost of such radiators is quite high. But their effectiveness is also high. To a fairly common question - to install bimetallic batteries or not, the owner of the apartment must answer on his own, deciding for himself whether he is ready to "fork out" so that he has warmth.

The temperature regime in the apartments is indicated in the current regulation of SNiP. In the presence of central heating, it is:

  • bathroom - 25 degrees;
  • living rooms and bedroom - 20 degrees;
  • kitchen - 22 degrees;
  • corner rooms - 22 degrees.

The maximum water temperature in the pipes of the heating system is also set. It should not exceed 95 degrees.

Centralized heating of an apartment building allows you to effectively heat the room, but at the same time, the temperature in the apartment is completely dependent on the operation of the boiler room and other external factors. In this, this system is significantly inferior, which is devoid of this drawback.

Central heating in a private house

The presence of central heating in a private house is quite common. It has a lot of advantages. The concept of central heating implies the presence of a heat carrier generator, the function of which is taken over by the central boiler room.


The connection of heating occurs after the conclusion of an appropriate agreement between the owner of the building and the organization providing this service. There are three options for connecting central heating to a private house:

  • dependent direct-flow circuit;
  • independent scheme;
  • dependent scheme with the installation of an elevator.

Each home heating scheme presented above has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account.

Independent system

Quite often, it is used for heating private houses. It is ideal in cases where for some reason it is not possible to increase in the heating system. Most often this happens for constructive reasons. In particular, if a residential building has a heating system consisting of plastic pipes, an independent circuit using a circulation pump will be required. In the house, the system can be filled from the water supply or from the heating plant using a special shut-off valve. But it must have an expansion tank.

dependent schema

Central heating of a country or private house can also be carried out using a dependent scheme. But it requires the installation of a transitional device. This function is performed by an individual heating point with an elevator unit. The latter is designed to transfer heat energy. After all, in central system heating, the temperature of the coolant is approximately + 150 degrees, while in the house itself, it should not be more than + 90 degrees.

Attention: It is the elevator that is responsible for lowering the temperature. It is worth noting that despite the temperature of +150 degrees, the water in the central system does not boil. This is prevented by high pressure.

The elevator is necessary to transfer heat from the main heating system. It, due to the presence of an injection nozzle, makes the speed of water movement in the home heating system much faster. Due to its presence, the water will be heated due to the ongoing partial mixing with the coolant from the central heating system, the temperature of which is very high. The elevator has a steel body with a mixing chamber inside it. It is also equipped with a nozzle, in the form of a narrowing hole.

Rapid mixing of water in the heating system of the house occurs due to its high speed at the outlet of the nozzle. Its rarefaction occurs behind the jet. Already cooled water from the return heating system enters this rarefied space.

In the presence of an elevator, it is also possible to control the amount of hot water consumed. This is due to the ability to adjust the cross section of the nozzle. Management occurs by overlapping part of the hole with a “needle”, which has the form of a cone with a slight slope on top. It moves with the help of a special mechanism equipped with a control handle brought out to the outside. In proportion to the temperature of heating water, its consumption also changes when passing through the nozzle.

Also, the elevator simultaneously performs the role of a temperature controller, a mixer and a pump. These devices are quiet and reliable. Thanks to them, the dependent water circulation scheme is very popular.

Dependent once-through scheme

The simplest central heating scheme country house, is a dependent direct-flow. This system does not have mixers, expansion tank, mixer and other additional elements. It consists only of pipes and radiators. The system, even at high pressure and temperature, perfectly ensures the safety of the elements. But it also has a significant drawback. The temperature in a private house is completely dependent on the central boiler room.

Attention: plastic pipes, which are now in solid demand, should not be used with a dependent flow scheme.

Experts believe that of the three systems listed above, with the help of which central heating is produced in a cottage or in a private house, the most universal is the dependent one, which has an elevator. This is due to the fact that it does not require the use of a priming pump.

Despite the presence of some disadvantages, it is central heating that is the most common. With its help, you can effectively heat the apartment or a private house even in severe frosts.


On the territory of Russia, the central heating system of an apartment building is usually used, the coolant in which comes from a city boiler house or a CHP. At the same time, water circuits are equipped according to different schemes because they come in single or double sided. Usually, heat consumers are of little interest in such nuances, but if necessary, repair an apartment and change old batteries for new modern heating radiators, it is advisable for owners of residential real estate to understand such subtleties.

Individual heating in residential buildings

In addition to the central one, one can meet heating system apartments in an apartment building, usually such a heat supply is rare and has been installed in new buildings in recent years. Also, local heating systems are used in the private residential sector. When the boiler room is usually located either in the building itself in a separate room or close to the house, since it is required to regulate.

In addition, dependent heating systems are used in apartment buildings. In this case, the coolant is transported to apartment batteries without additional distribution directly from the CHP. At the same time, the temperature of the water is independent of whether it is supplied through a distribution point or directly to consumers.

Types of heating systems in an apartment building are open or closed (in more detail: "").

In the latter version, the coolant from the CHP or central boiler house, after entering the distribution point, is supplied separately to heating radiators and hot water supply. In open systems, such a separation is not provided for by the design and heated water for the needs of residents is supplied from the main pipe, so consumers outside the heating season are left without hot water supply, which causes a lot of complaints about utilities. See also: "".

Single pipe heating system

Single-pipe heat supply of an apartment building has a lot of disadvantages, the main among which are significant heat losses in the process of transporting hot water. In this circuit, the coolant is supplied from the bottom up, after which it enters the batteries, gives off heat and returns back to the same pipe. TO end users living on the upper floors, before hot water comes in a barely warm state.

There are cases when a single-pipe system is further simplified, trying to increase the temperature of the coolant in the radiators. To do this, the battery is cut directly into the pipe. As a result, it seems that the radiator is its continuation. But from such a connection, only the first users of the system receive more heat, and the water reaches the last consumers almost cold (read also: ""). In addition, the single-pipe heat supply of an apartment building makes it impossible to adjust the radiators - after reducing the coolant supply in a separate battery, the water flow along the entire length of the pipe also decreases.

Another disadvantage of such heat supply is the impossibility of replacing the radiator in heating season without draining water from the entire system. In such cases, it is necessary to install jumpers, which makes it possible to turn off the battery and direct the coolant through them.

It does not matter how the battery is connected - to a riser or sunbed pipe, the coolant has a constant temperature throughout its transportation through the supply pipes.

One of the important advantages of two-pipe water circuits is the adjustment of the heating system of an apartment building at the level of each individual battery by installing thermostatic taps on it (read also: ""). As a result, the apartment provides automatic maintenance desired temperature setting. In a two-pipe circuit, it is possible to use heating radiators with both bottom and side connections. You can also use different movement of the coolant - dead-end and passing.

Hot water supply in heating systems

DHW in multi-storey buildings is usually centralized, while the water is heated in boiler rooms. Hot water supply is connected from heating circuits, both from single-pipe and from two-pipe. The temperature at the faucet hot water in the mornings it is warm or cold, depending on the number of main pipes. If there is a single-pipe heat supply for an apartment building with a height of 5 floors, then when a hot tap is opened, cold water will flow from it for half a minute.

The reason lies in the fact that at night rarely any of the residents turn on the tap with hot water, and the coolant in the pipes cools down. As a result, there is an overspending of unnecessary cooled water, since it is drained directly into the sewer.

Unlike a single-pipe system, in a two-pipe version, hot water circulates continuously, so the above problem with hot water does not occur there. True, in some houses, a riser with pipes - heated towel rails, which are hot even in the summer heat, is looped through the hot water supply system.

Many consumers are interested in the problem with hot water after the heating season has ended. Sometimes hot water runs out long time. The fact is that utilities are required to comply with the rules for heating apartment buildings, according to which it is necessary to carry out post-heating tests of heat supply systems (read also: ""). Such work is not carried out quickly, especially if damage is found that needs to be repaired.

Features of heat supply in an apartment building, details on the video:

Radiators for heating systems of high-rise buildings

Familiar to many residents of multi-storey buildings are cast-iron radiators, which have previously been used for decades. If necessary, replace this heating battery it is dismantled and a similar one is installed, which is required by the heating system in an apartment building. Such radiators for centralized heating systems are considered best solution, because they can withstand quite high pressure without problems. In the passport for the cast-iron battery, two numbers are indicated: the first of them indicates the working pressure, and the second indicates the test (pressure) load. Usually these values ​​​​are 6/15 or 8/15.

The higher the residential building, the greater the value of the working pressure. In nine-story buildings, it reaches 6 atmospheres, so cast-iron radiators are suitable for them. But when it is a 22-storey building, then 15 atmospheres will be required for the working functioning of centralized heating systems. In this case, steel or bimetallic heaters are needed.

Experts do not recommend using with centralized heating aluminum radiators- they are not able to withstand the operating condition of the water circuit. Professionals also advise property owners when conducting overhaul in apartments, in case of replacing batteries, change the pipes for distributing heat carriers by ½ or ¾ inches. Usually they are in bad condition and instead of them it is desirable to put ecoplast products.

In some types of radiators (steel and bimetallic), the watercourses are narrower than those of cast iron products, so they become clogged and subsequently lose power. Therefore, at the place where the coolant is supplied to the battery, a filter should be installed, which is usually mounted in front of the water meter.

To meet the heating needs of residents of high-rise buildings, district heating systems are well suited. District heating involves the transfer of heated coolant from the boiler room through a network connected to a multi-storey building insulated pipes. Centralized boiler houses have sufficient efficiency and make it possible to combine low operating costs and acceptable indicators of the heat supply efficiency of multi-storey buildings.

But in order for the efficiency of central heating to be at the proper level, the heating scheme in an apartment building is drawn up by professionals in their field - heating engineers. The fundamental principles by which a house heating scheme is designed are to achieve maximum heating efficiency at minimum cost resources.

Contractors and builders are interested in providing apartment owners with a reliable and productive heat supply system, so the heating scheme for a multi-storey building is developed taking into account the current cost of heat resources, heat output indicators of heating appliances, their energy efficiency and optimal sequence connection to the loop.

Any scheme for heating an apartment building is fundamentally different from the method and sequence of connecting heating devices in private homes. It has a more complex structure and ensures that even in severe frosts, residents of apartments on all floors will be provided with heat and will not encounter such troubles as air-filled radiators, cold spots, leaks, water hammer and frozen walls.

A well-designed heating system for an apartment building, the scheme for which is developed individually, ensures that optimal conditions are maintained inside the apartments.

In particular, the temperature in winter will be at the level of 20-22 degrees, and relative humidity will be about 40%. To achieve such indicators, not only the basic heating scheme is important, but also high-quality insulation of apartments, which prevents heat from escaping to the street through cracks in walls, roofs and window openings.

Schema Design

On initial stage heating specialists are working on the development of the heating scheme, who carry out a series of calculations and achieve the same efficiency indicators of the heating system on all floors of the building. They draw up an axonometric diagram of the heating system, which is used later by installers. Calculations correctly carried out by specialists guarantee that the designed heating system will be characterized by optimal pressure coolant, which will not lead to water hammer and interruptions in operation.

Inclusion in the heating scheme of the elevator unit

The central heating scheme of an apartment building prepared by heat engineers assumes that a coolant of an acceptable temperature will flow into the radiators located in the apartment. However, at the outlet of the boiler room, the water temperature can exceed 100 degrees. To achieve cooling of the coolant by mixing cold water, the return line and the supply line are connected by an elevator unit.

A reasonable layout of the heating elevator allows the node to perform a number of functions.
The main function of the unit is direct participation in the heat exchange process, since the hot coolant, getting into it, is dosed and mixed with the injected coolant from the return. As a result, the unit allows you to achieve optimal results in matters of mixing hot coolant from the boiler room and cooled water from the return. After that, the prepared coolant optimum temperature served in apartments.

Design features of the circuit

An efficient heating system in an apartment building, the scheme of which requires competent calculations, also implies the use of many other structural elements. Immediately after the elevator unit, special valves are integrated into the heating system that regulate the supply of coolant. They help control the heating process of the entire house and individual entrances, however, only employees of utility companies have access to these devices.

In the heating circuit, in addition to thermal valves, more sensitive devices are used to adjust and adjust the heating.

We are talking about devices that increase the performance of the heating system and allow you to achieve maximum automation of the heating process at home. These are devices such as collectors, thermostats, automation, heat meters, etc.

Piping layout

While heat engineers are discussing the optimal scheme for heating a central heating house, the issue of proper piping in the house is raised. In modern multi-storey buildings, the heating distribution scheme can be implemented according to one of two possible patterns.

Single pipe connection

The first template provides for a single-pipe connection with an upper or lower wiring and is the most used option when equipping multi-storey buildings with heating appliances. At the same time, the location of the return and supply is not strictly regulated and may vary depending on external conditions - the region in which the house is built, its layout, number of storeys and construction. The direct direction of movement of the coolant along the risers can also change. The variant of the movement of heated water in the direction from bottom to top or from top to bottom is provided.

Is different simple installation, affordable cost, reliability and long service life, however, it also has a number of shortcomings. Among them, the loss of coolant temperature during movement along the circuit and low efficiency indicators.

In practice, one can use various fixtures in order to compensate for the shortcomings that distinguish a single-pipe heating scheme, the beam system can become effective solution Problems. It is designed to use a collector that helps regulate temperature conditions.

Two-pipe connection

The two-pipe connection is the second version of the template. The two-pipe heating scheme of a five-story building (as an example) is devoid of the disadvantages described above, and has a completely different design than a single-pipe one. When implementing this scheme, the heated water from the radiator does not move to the next heater in the circuit, but immediately falls into check valve and sent to the boiler room for heating. Thus, it is possible to avoid the loss of temperature of the coolant circulating along the contour of a multi-storey building.

The complexity of the connection, which involves heating batteries in the apartment, makes the implementation of this type of heating a long and laborious process, requiring large material and physical costs. Maintenance of the system is also not cheap, but at the same time high price compensated by high-quality and uniform heating of the house on all floors.

Among the advantages that a two-pipe scheme for connecting heating batteries gives, it is worth highlighting the possibility of installing a special device on each radiator in the circuit - a heat meter. It allows you to control the temperature of the coolant in the battery, and using it in the apartment, the owner will achieve significant results in saving money on payment utilities, because he will be able to independently regulate the heating if necessary.

Connecting radiators to the system

After the method of piping has been selected, heating batteries are connected to the circuit, while the scheme regulates the connection procedure and the type of radiators used. At this stage, the heating scheme of a three-story building will not be fundamentally different from the heating scheme of a high-rise building.

Since the central heating system is characterized by stable operation, versatility and has an acceptable ratio of temperature and pressure of the coolant, the connection scheme for heating radiators in an apartment may involve the use of batteries from various metals. In multi-storey buildings, cast iron, bimetallic, aluminum and can be used, which will complement the central heating system and provide apartment owners with the opportunity to live in comfortable temperature conditions.

Final stage of work

On last step radiators are connected, while their inner diameter and volume of sections are calculated taking into account the type of supply and the cooling rate of the coolant. Since central heating is complex system interconnected components, it is quite difficult to replace radiators or repair jumpers in a particular apartment, because dismantling any element can cause interruptions in the heat supply of the whole house.

Therefore, apartment owners who use central heating for heating are not recommended to independently carry out any manipulations with radiators and piping systems, since the slightest intervention can turn into a serious problem.

In general, a well-designed, productive scheme for heating a residential apartment building allows you to achieve good performance in matters of heat supply and heating.

Owning an apartment in the city is a luxury item. It is also comfort and coziness for its owners, as city ​​apartment is the most common place to live among modern citizens. It should be noted that an important role in creating a comfortable environment in such an apartment is good system heating. The heating scheme of a multi-storey building is very important detail for any person.

IN modern life such a scheme has many design differences from conventional ways heating. Therefore, heating schemes for a three-story house and more guarantee effective heating of the walls even in the most unpredictable weather.

Features of heating an apartment in a multi-storey building

After carefully reading the instructions for the heating scheme of a multi-storey building, you can make sure that all norms and requirements must be observed without fail.

In any apartment there should be appropriate heating, raising the air temperature to 22 degrees and keeping the humidity in the room within 40%.

The scheme of the heating system of an apartment building provides for its competent installation, thanks to which it is possible to achieve such a temperature and humidity.

In the process of designing such a heating scheme, highly qualified specialists should be invited who will be able to qualitatively calculate all the necessary aspects for work. They must also ensure that uniform pressure of the coolant is maintained in the pipes. Such pressure should be the same both on the first and on the last floor.

Main feature modern system heating of a multi-storey building is manifested in the work on superheated water. This coolant comes from the CHP and has a very high temperature - 150C with a pressure of up to 10 atmospheres. Steam is formed in the pipes due to the fact that the pressure in them rises greatly, which also contributes to the transfer of heated water to the last houses of the high-rise building. Also the heating scheme panel house assumes a considerable return temperature of 70C. In the warm and cold seasons, the water temperature can vary greatly, so exact values will depend solely on the characteristics of the environment.

As you know, the temperature of the coolant in the pipes that are installed in a multi-storey building reaches 130C. But the batteries are so hot modern apartments simply does not exist, but all due to the fact that there is a supply line through which heated water passes, and the line is connected to the return line using a special jumper called the "elevator unit".

The heating system of a multi-storey building, the scheme, which is the most efficient, in any case, should provide for the presence of an elevator unit.

Such a scheme has many features, since such a node is designed to perform certain functions. The coolant with a high temperature must enter the elevator unit, which performs the main function of heat exchange. The water reaches high temperature and with the help high pressure passes through the elevator to inject the coolant from the return. In parallel, water is also supplied from the pipeline for recirculation, which occurs in the heating system.

Such a 5-storey building is the most efficient, therefore it is actively installed in modern multi-storey buildings.

This is how heating in an apartment building looks like, the scheme of which provides for the presence of an elevator unit. On it you can see many valves that play an important role in heating and uniform heat supply.

As a rule, such valves are manually adjusted without problems. But the adjustment of valves, as a rule, is carried out only by highly qualified specialists who work in public services.

When installing heating in an apartment building, the scheme should also provide for the presence of such valves at all possible points so that in the event of an accident it is possible to shut off the flow of hot water or reduce pressure. This is also facilitated by various collectors and other equipment that operates in automatic mode. Therefore, this technique provides greater heating performance and efficiency of its supply to the last floors.

A large number of multi-storey buildings have one-pipe heating systems, which involve lower wiring. It is worth noting that the design of the high-rise building itself and many other aspects that may affect the heating scheme are also taken into account.

Depending on these aspects, the coolant can be supplied both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Some houses have special risers that act as a supplier of hot water up and cold down. Therefore, in many apartments they install cast iron batteries which are very resistant to temperature extremes.

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