Planting and caring for anemones. Anemone, planting and care - we create a beautiful garden Growing anemones in the open field

Anemone (lat. Anemone), or anemone from Greek, literally translates as “daughter of the winds”, since anemone flowers react with a flutter of petals even to the weakest gust of wind. The flower belongs to the buttercup family and is a perennial corm or rhizome herbaceous plant. Found in areas temperate climate on the plains and in the mountainous regions of both hemispheres. There are about 160 species that bloom in different time and very differently, which confuses even experienced flower growers.

Anemone growing from seeds

If you decide to grow an anemone from seeds, you should know that anemone seeds have a low germination rate: no more than a quarter germinates, and only from freshly harvested seeds. But if you subject the seeds to stratification, that is, expose them to cold for 1-2 months, you can increase their germination. To do this, the seeds are mixed with coarse sand or peat at the rate of 1 part of seeds to three parts of sand, well moistened and sprayed daily with water to maintain the required moisture.

As soon as the seeds swell, add some substrate, mix, moisten and place in a ventilated room with a temperature not exceeding 5 ºC. After a few days, when the sprouts hatch, the seed container should be taken out into the yard, buried in snow or in the ground and sprinkled with sawdust or straw.

In early spring, the seeds are transplanted into germination boxes. But in order to save yourself from all these troubles, it is better to plant the seeds in the fall in boxes with loose soil and bury them in the yard, covering them with cut branches. During the winter, they will undergo natural freezing, and in the spring you will dig them up and plant them.

By the time of planting, anemone seedlings should have at least two leaves. Seedlings are planted in the ground in a slightly shaded place in the second year of growth. If planting is carried out in the fall, the sown area is covered with branches or leaves from frost. Anemones grown from seeds can bloom only after three years.

As for the timing of planting tubers or seeds, you can ensure that anemones will bloom on your site from April to November if you purchase different varieties and plant them at the optimal time for each of them.

Anemone planting in open ground

Soil preparation for anemones

Before planting anemones, you need to choose a place for planting and prepare the soil. The site will need a spacious, shaded and protected from drafts. Anemone rhizomes grow strongly during the season, but are so fragile that they are harmed by contact, and this must be taken into account. In addition, anemones do not tolerate extreme heat and drafts. The soil is well-drained, loose and fertile. Loam or deciduous soil with peat is best. To create an ideal structure, add plain sand to the soil, and you can reduce excessive acidity, which is harmful to anemones, by adding dolomite flour or wood ash.

Preparation of anemone tubers

Before planting, anemone tubers are awakened from sleep by soaking in warm water for several hours to swell, and then planted to a depth of 5 cm in pots with a wet mixture of peat and sand for germination. Moisten the soil in pots should be moderate, but regular. Some gardeners recommend "soaking" anemone bulbs by wrapping them in a cloth well moistened with an epin solution and keeping them in a plastic bag for about six hours. After that, anemones can be immediately planted in the ground.

Planting anemones in the ground

Planting anemones does not involve any particular difficulties, the main thing is to determine the point of growth. Pre-treated, swollen tubers show bud tubercles, and it is clear how to plant them. But if in doubt, remember: the top of the anemone tuber is flat, so you need to plant it with the sharp end down. If you are confused by the shape of the tuber, plant on the side. The hole for the anemone should be 30-40 cm in diameter and 15 cm deep. At the bottom of the hole, you need to pour a handful of humus and ash, then place the tuber, sprinkle it with earth and lightly crush it. Place the planting of anemone flowers well to water.

Anemone outdoor care

Caring for an anemone is simple and easy. the main problem in this matter - maintaining the required level of humidity throughout the growing season. The danger is that when waterlogged root system may die of decay. And the lack of moisture, especially during the period of bud formation, does not contribute to the growth and flowering of anemones. To balance the level of humidity, plants should be planted on a hill, in an area with good drainage. After planting, it is highly desirable to mulch the area with a five-centimeter layer of foliage. fruit trees or peat.

Concerning watering anemones, then in the spring it is enough to moisten the soil once a week; in moderate summer, the anemone does not need additional watering, the only exception is the crown anemone during the flowering period. In hot, dry summers, water daily in the morning or after sunset.

feed the anemones preferably during flowering with liquid organic matter (anemones do not like only fresh manure) and complex mineral fertilizers in autumn time. If you fertilized the bed before planting the anemone, then top dressing can be completely excluded. It is also recommended to regularly loosen the soil and weed out weeds. Rather, do not weed, but break through with your hands, since you can damage the fragile anemone root system with a chopper.

In the climate middle lane with the onset of autumn, anemones must be removed from the soil and prepared for winter storage: dry the tubers, cut off the tops (above-ground part of the bush) and store in the dark and cool, placing in peat or sand. A non-damp basement is best suited for this.

If you decide not to dig up anemones for warm winter, throw the area with fallen leaves or spruce branches so that an unexpected frost does not destroy the flowers.

anemone breeding

The anemone propagates by seeds, tubers, division of the rhizome or bush. We have already talked about reproduction by tubers and the most unpromising method, seed. When dividing the rhizomes, they (rhizomes) are dug up in the spring, cut into pieces 5 cm long with an obligatory bud on each segment and planted, placing horizontally in loose soil to a depth of 5 cm. Such a plant reaches maturity in three years. Transplantation with dividing the bush can only be carried out with plants that are 4-5 years old.

Anemone diseases and pests

Anemones are disease resistant; they are sometimes attacked by slugs and snails, but a metaldehyde solution will help you deal with these pests, which must first be collected by hand. Some anemones suffer from winter worm (cutworm caterpillar) or leaf nematode. When affected by a nematode, it is better to destroy diseased plants, and replace the soil in which they grew.

Anemone species and varieties

Among the variety of species and varieties of anemones, there are quite unpretentious, and there are those that require special care, and this difference is explained by the fact that some anemones have rhizomes, while others have tubers. Species with rhizomes are easy to grow, and mistakes in the care of tuberous anemones lead to serious consequences.

Since the anemone is a flower in culture and nature, presented in a wide variety, and different types require different care, let's get acquainted with the most common representatives of the anemone family. According to the flowering time, anemones are divided into spring and summer (or autumn).

SPRING ANEMONES very graceful, a wide range of pastel shades: snow-white, cream, pink, blue, lilac ... There are even terry varieties. Spring anemones are ephemeroids, that is, their above-ground flowering cycle is short: waking up in April, they bloom together in May, and in July they already retire, although in many species the leaves remain until autumn. Anemones differ in the type of rhizome. In the anemone of the lute and oak forest, the rhizome is jointed, fragile, and in the anemone of the tender one, it is tuberous, slowly growing.

Anemone tender

The plant is miniature, 5-10 cm in height, the most popular varieties are Blue Shades (blue), Charmer (pink), White Splendour (white).

oak anemone

Not so popular in our latitudes, the height of the bush is 20-30 cm, the diameter of the flower is 2-4 cm, the flowers are usually simple white, but in the culture there are varieties with blue, lilac and pink flowers. There are even terry specimens. The main advantage is unpretentiousness.

Lute anemone

It is also unpretentious, also has terry varieties, the height of the bush is 20-25 cm, the flowers of bright yellow color are slightly smaller than those of the oak anemone, it grows in almost any soil.

SUMMER FLOWERING ANemones(or autumn), mostly large perennials, whose powerful root system is well branched. They bloom from late summer to mid-autumn. Crown anemone blooms twice - in early summer and autumn. Peduncles in autumn species are strong and slender, from 80 cm to one and a half meters high, they have up to several dozen simple or semi-double flowers of different shades.

Japanese anemone

The Japanese anemone is most often represented in culture by species such as Pamina, with large dark pink, almost burgundy double flowers, Hadspen Abundance - a tall anemone with cream flowers and Prinz Heinrich with semi-double bright pink flowers.

Anemone hybrid

Known for such varieties as Honorine Jobert with white, slightly pinkish flowers below, semi-double dark purple Profusion anemone, Queen Charlotte, also a semi-double anemone of juicy pink color.

Crown anemone

The most popular varieties of the crown anemone are the De Kaen anemone, which has simple single flowers of a variety of colors, Mr. Focker - blue flowers; anemone terry varieties"Don Juan" (bright red), "Lord Jim" (blue flowers).

Where to buy anemone bulbs

The Scientific and Production Association "Gardens of Russia" has been implementing the latest achievements in vegetable, fruit, berry and vegetable breeding for 30 years. ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening. The association uses the most modern technologies, a unique laboratory of plant micropropagation has been created. The main tasks of the NGO "Gardens of Russia" is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material popular varieties various garden plants and novelties of world selection. Delivery of planting material (seeds, bulbs, seedlings) is carried out by Russian post. Looking forward to shopping:

With the onset of spring, the shelves of flower shops begin to literally burst with all kinds of seeds, seedlings, tubers and other planting material. One of the most popular flower products is anemone tubers, pretty poppy-like flowers. Anemone can rightfully be considered one of the most spectacular spring primroses, but with its cultivation at home, problems often arise. In this article, we will look at one of the most attractive varieties - the crown anemone.

The crown anemone is annual plant with flowers strongly reminiscent of the common field poppy, but their shape is more accurate and noble. The color is also different, which can be scarlet, azure, white, purple, pinkish, blue and even fawn with multi-colored specks and edging. In the center of the flower there are many pistils and stamens of dark color, collected in a tight bunch. The petals themselves are saucer-shaped and quite large. They are terry, semi-double and smooth.

Anemone attracts with its diverse colors and unpretentiousness. It can equally well grow on flower bed or at home on the windowsill. The plant gets along well with other cultures, which allows it to be used in landscape design. It loves the neighborhood with daffodils, Spanish hyacinthoid, chickweed and other bulbs. They will also look favorably against the background of undersized perennials, for example, shaving or evergreen iberis. Anemones look very beautiful in composition with forget-me-nots and violets.

However, there are some conditions for planting a crown anemone, following which, you will achieve intensive growth and lush flowering. One of the most important is the absence of drafts and frosts. If you're going to grow cut anemones, you can save space by planting them in vegetable beds.

Bright anemone flowers will become a real decoration of a rocky garden. Plant the tubers in the ground in the spring, and you will enjoy flowering until the end of summer. Anemones bloom according to planting time, so you can manage this process and make sure that your garden always has a spring holiday atmosphere.

Types of crown anemone

There are several varietal forms of the crown anemone. All of them differ in the period of flowering and the characteristics of the color of the flowers.

Varieties of crown anemone:

Features of growing crown anemones

To lush bloom pleasing your eyes as early as possible, you need to plant plants before winter, if you are ready to wait, plant anemones in crowned spring. However, before that, you need to buy a quality planting material and how to prepare it. From well-conducted preparatory work a large part of success depends, but, unfortunately, many do not take this into account, after which they are disappointed in anemones and refuse to breed them. Because it bulbous plant, you need to buy these same bulbs. Choose them very carefully, rejecting those that are too small and dotted with spots. If there are spots on the bulb, then it is affected by mold or other diseases, and nothing good will grow from it.

Sprouting crown anemone tubers

Before planting the crown anemone in a pot or open ground, it is necessary to soak the tubers for a while. This must be done in a special way, without lowering the bulbs completely into the water. If this is done, the planting material will simply absorb the liquid, and then rot.

How to prepare planting material:

Planting an anemone

After transplanting young anemones for growing, it is necessary to continue to maintain indoors not too high temperature within 12-14C. Otherwise, the flower sprouts will not harden and develop very weak, which in best case will lead to their breaking off after the blooming of large flowers, and at worst - to death. Also, if too warm conditions tubers may rot. After full rooting and the appearance of full-fledged sprouts, plants can be transferred to more warm room or planted outdoors.

If you will keep flowers in the house, place the anemone pots in a place where Sun rays will fall all day or at least 5-6 hours. After the buds open, you can cut off a few flowers if you wish - this will not hurt general condition plants. After flowering, do not cut the foliage so that the plant absorbs through it solar energy- photosynthesis will strengthen the bulbs for the next season. In late August-early September, the anemone begins a period of natural dormancy. Now you can cut off the foliage and leave the plant alone for several months, rearranging it in a cool room.

Tubers can be planted in open ground immediately after soaking:

  1. Pick a spot in a well-drained area. It is easy to determine this: if there are still puddles in this place a few hours after the rain, then the earth does not pass moisture well enough, and you need to try your luck elsewhere, or dig up the soil and mix it half with river sand. Together with sand, it is also a good idea to add organic matter in the form of moss, peat, compost, crushed bark or rotted compost. And although anemones are not too demanding on the fertility of the soil, it never hurts to fertilize it a little (it is important not to overdo it and remember that the main thing is good drainage).
  2. Plant the anemones in a well-lit area that receives at least 4-5 hours of sunlight per day.
  3. Plant the anemone tubers soaked according to the above instructions in shallow holes of 3-4 cm. This way you protect them from birds and drying out and at the same time do not create an insurmountable barrier to germination if the tubers are located upside down.
  4. Moisten the soil well and cover the beds with foil for a week. The first signs of life will appear in 10-14 days, after which it remains only to water the flowers in a timely manner and wait for the buds to open.

Crown Anemone Care

Crown anemones thrive best in full sun, but can grow in partial shade if needed. The only factor that the plant will not put up with is hyperacidity soil, so if necessary, neutralize it by adding a little dolomite flour. You may be interested in the article "". Also, the flower will not be happy if you place it in a lowland, as moisture will collect there, and good drainage of the soil is out of the question. The best option- light and loose soil with an alkaline or neutral reaction.

Unlike waterlogging, which leads to the death of anemones, they tolerate a lack of moisture quite painlessly. By by and large plants need regular watering only during periods of intensive growth and swelling of buds, and then if the weather turned out to be dry. If it rains periodically outside, you can not be distracted by watering.

As for top dressing, complex fertilizers are suitable for anemones, which should be applied before flowering. Diseases and pests very rarely pay attention to the anemone and are almost always bypassed, so that in this respect care does not cause any problems. Under favorable development conditions, small child bulbs will form around the main tuber, which can be used for subsequent propagation. Seed propagation is also possible, but such anemones will bloom only in the second or third year. If this suits you, choose only the most bright flowers, since the color of the offspring will be noticeably paler.

The crown anemone is not adapted to wintering in the ground, and even a good shelter will not protect the tubers from freezing, so it must be dug up in the fall. This should be done after the end of the flowering period, when the stems dry out a little and the leaves wither. Carefully dig up the tubers with your hands, shake off excess soil and spread in a well-ventilated area to dry. Store material in paper bags or fabric bags, shifting with sawdust, sand or peat, at a temperature not exceeding 7C.

Anemones, or anemones, are ornamental plants. Over 150 species of this culture grow in nature. Anemones have been valued for centuries for early flowering during which they look impressive. These flowers are white, pink, blue, purple and yellow in shape similar to poppies or daisies. Anemones are flowers of beauty, tenderness and inspiration.

These flowers are native to the Mediterranean. As early as the 16th century, some varieties of anemones were known to gardeners. They are currently distributed in Europe, East Asia, America and Russia. In nature, anemones grow in broad-leaved forests, on slopes, lawns and edges.

Anemone: plant description

These flowers have long won the sympathy of connoisseurs of all that is beautiful. Anemone is admired for its beauty. Its single flowers with a diameter of 3-8 cm with a variety of colors are simple, double and semi-double. The anemone stem is erect, 50-80 cm high, there are few leaves on it. All of them are collected in the form of a rosette at the base of the flower, which looks very impressive.

Photos of which are presented in the article for review, bloom twice: in late April - early May and from August to October. They begin to bloom when there are no leaves on the trees yet. These plants are highly decorative, which allows them to be used in arrays and plantings in groups. Anemones look good in a flower pot, flower pots and vases, complementing the interior of any home.

How to choose a place to land?

Requirements for the growing conditions of these flowers various kinds- different. But there are universal conditions that are suitable for all varieties of anemones. which is carried out in fertile, loose, well-drained soil, will feel great. To create an ideal soil structure, you need to add sand to it or make drainage. Bulk materials loosen the ground, provide access to water and air to the roots. Small pebbles or brick fragments can be used as drainage.

Very responsive to right choice plot of anemone flower. Planting and care are carried out taking into account the composition of the soil. If it is acidic, wood ash should be added or the site, depending on the variety of anemone, should be chosen shaded or well lit by the sun, sheltered from strong winds and drafts.

How to get the right fit?

Before growing these lovely plants in your garden, you need to find out what the flower prefers to be held in the shade of tree crowns. These flowers love moderate heat and moisture. fertile soil. Anemones - perennials, V natural environment no one digs up their growth with the onset winter season. Don't do it in the garden either. But it is necessary to cover the anemones for the winter so that they do not die from frost and lack of moisture.

For faster germination, before planting, soak the tubers in warm water and allow them to swell. Next, you need to dig a hole, cover the bottom with a nutrient mixture with the addition of humus and ash. About half a cup. Put the tubers upside down in it and sprinkle with earth so that they do not turn over. Planting depth should not exceed 5-10 cm. Then the flower is well watered. Then the soil is mulched. This will retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

Reproduction methods

Anemones reproduce in different ways. When to plant and in what way, the flowers themselves will "prompt". It depends on their variety. With seed propagation, seeds can be sown immediately after harvest or in winter. At a germination temperature of 15-18 degrees, seedlings will appear in a month or a little later.

Seeds need to be sown not entirely, but at a distance in order to get sparse seedlings immediately. Since it is impossible to transplant and dive seedlings. If absolutely necessary, this can be done only in a shaded room. Of course, it is necessary to thin out the anemones when they decided to plant them with continuous sowing. After 2-3 years, the flowers will bloom.

Reproduction by division of rhizomes is best done in the spring, when the movement of juice is slowed down. They need to be cut so that the renewal buds are on each piece.

When propagating by tubers, an anemone flower requires preparation. Landing and care must be carried out in accordance with the rules for their implementation. The tubers must be lowered into warm water for swelling. Larger in size, they will take root better. It is recommended to plant them at a depth of 3-7 cm. Regular watering is required. It is better to immediately determine the place of permanent growth of the anemone. This is especially important for varieties with a tuberous root system. These flowers do not like to be transplanted.

Anemone: plant care

If a flower grows in your garden and care involves a number of activities. First, it is regular watering. In addition, it is necessary to fertilize every week with a one percent solution of complex fertilizer. The plant needs constant ventilation, but not a draft.

Before the onset of cold weather, greenhouses should be closed with frames and well insulated. Such conditions the best way suitable for wintering anemones, and they bloom early. With the onset of warm days, you need to open the greenhouses and carefully ventilate the plants, feed them and moisten the soil.

Some gardeners keep anemones in boxes, which they expose to greenhouses for wintering. This makes it possible to periodically take them out to the greenhouse, where they spend winter cutting. If anemone tubers are planted in boxes and placed in a greenhouse in August, and placed in a greenhouse in early October, they will bloom by mid-December.

Anemone flowers, the photos of which you see, are moisture-loving. Therefore, they need to be watered not only during flowering, but also at rest. However, grown plants do not need watering. Fertilize anemones during planting and during flowering. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers, humus, ash.

Who damages the anemone and how to deal with it?

Sometimes the leaves of the plant are damaged by slugs and snails. This phenomenon must be combated. Damaged leaves will not add beauty to the anemone. Metaldehyde is used to control pests, it is dissolved in water and sprayed throughout the plant. Snails and slugs are best collected by hand and burned.

Tubers left in storage should be checked periodically. If rotten ones appear, immediately remove them. In general, anemones are not very susceptible to disease and pest damage. Therefore, they do not need special care.

Many flower growers plant such a flower as an anemone on their plots. This representative of the buttercup family, which the Greeks called the "daughter of the winds", is a perennial that looks like a poppy. Most gardeners grow undersized varieties, growing up to 30 cm, but there are also higher representatives (up to a meter), but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to meet such specimens in mid-latitudes. In total, there are more than 150 species of anemones that bloom at different times, so you can create a flower bed from them that pleases the eye with its flowering for quite a long time.

Many gardeners say that there are anemone flowers that are quite difficult to plant and care for, although unpretentious specimens are also found. The difference in care is explained by the different structure of the root system: for some it is tubers, for others it is rhizome. The most unpretentious in care are the owners of the rhizome. It is with such that it is better to begin your acquaintance with the “daughter of the winds”.

In case of improper care of anemones that have tubers, the flower harvest may not be expected.

Landing Secrets

It must be remembered that if you decide to grow a flower like an anemone, growing and caring involves following a number of rules:

  1. Anemone is demanding on watering, especially in dry and hot weather.
  2. The flower needs to be fed: in the fall, using complex mineral fertilizers, and during the flowering period and before planting, organic matter is introduced into the soil.
  3. Anemones are not frost-resistant flowers, so for the winter they need to be covered with dry foliage.
  4. The best time for anemone breeding is spring. To do this, you can use either root suckers or seedlings grown from seeds.

Depending on the type of anemone, cultivation varies. Those varieties that are considered spring are ephemeroids. This means that they have a short flowering cycle: they “wake up” in April, delight in flowering in May, and July is the beginning of the dormant period, although if you provide the flowers with optimal growing conditions, you can save the leaves until the onset of autumn. Spring varieties after flowering can be seated, as they grow very much.

Anemones with rhizomes are planted either in the spring, after the snow has melted, or in October. Before planting, the rhizomes must be soaked in warm water, and they are planted to a depth of 10 centimeters.

Buttercup and oak anemone are shade-loving, so they need to be planted in the shade of trees or building walls that will protect not only from the sun, but also from the wind.

The crowned and tender anemone is best planted in a sunny area, but not under direct rays. Watering for them needs moderate, in no case excessive, so that the soil has time to dry out. Stagnation of moisture will lead to decay. It is better not to plant anemones near bushes.

How to prepare the soil

Before planting flowers, you need to choose the best place for them and properly prepare the ground. by the most the best place is a spacious area in the shade, protected from wind and draft, as the flower does not like draft or heat. Since the anemone grows very quickly and strongly, and its roots are very fragile, you need to find a place so that they do not come into contact with anything. For the same reason, the soil should be loose and well-drained. Ideal for anemones deciduous-peaty or loamy soil.

To make the structure of the earth ideal, you can add sand, and in case of excessive acidity, wood ash or dolomite flour.

How to prepare seeds

When the soil is ready, you can start preparing the seeds, which, by the way, have a rather low germination ability: if the seeds were collected in the previous year, then no more than a fourth of them will germinate. It is possible to increase germination. To do this, they must be exposed to cold for 1-2 months, i.e. subject them to stratification. It is quite simple to do this: take the seeds and mix them with sand or peat, which should be 3 times more than the seeds, moisten well and spray every day plain water until the seeds swell. Immediately after this, you need to add a little more substrate to the seed container, mix and moisten a little. Until sprouts appear, the seeds must be kept in a ventilated area where the temperature does not exceed 5ºС. After germination, the container can be taken out into the street, buried in snow or earth. So that the sprouts do not freeze, the place where the seeds were buried should be sprinkled with sawdust or covered with straw.

With the advent of early spring, flowers can be transplanted into boxes. There is a more carefree option: sow the seeds in boxes in the fall and bury them in the ground, so natural stratification occurs in the winter, and in the spring all you need to do is dig out the container and plant the anemones - the planting is completed.

How to prepare tubers

Before planting tubers, they need to be awakened. To do this, you need to take a container, pour warm water into it and lower the tubers there for several hours. When the tubers swell, they can be planted in pots with a sand-peat mixture to a depth of about 5 centimeters. The soil should be regularly moistened.

Another way to prepare the tubers for planting is to moisten the cloth with an epin solution, wrap the tubers in it, put it in plastic bag and hold it for 5-6 hours. Now you can plant in pots.

How to plant tubers

The most important thing in planting tubers is to correctly determine the growing point. You need to look at the tuber itself: the top should be flat, and the bottom should be sharp. In addition, if the tubers were pre-treated and swollen, then tubercles of the kidneys can be seen on them. If the shape is incomprehensible, then it is better to plant the tuber sideways.

Disembarkation rules

Before planting seedlings in pots, you need to wait until at least two true leaves appear. If you plant an anemone flower ahead of time, planting and care will require additional effort. If the flowers are planted in the fall, then they need to be covered with fallen leaves or hay. Anemones grown from seeds can please with flowering only in the third or fourth year.

In order for anemones to bloom from spring to late autumn, it is necessary to select varieties that bloom at different times and plant them each at its own time.

How to care for an anemone

So, the anemone flower has been successfully prepared, planting and care is now simple. The most important thing is to monitor the soil moisture, because if it is waterlogged, the roots will rot, and if the soil is dry, the flower will grow poorly and may not bloom at all. In order for the humidity level to be balanced, it is better to choose a place on a hill and take care of good drainage. Mulching the soil will also not be superfluous. For this, peat or leaves from fruit trees are perfect, which must be laid on the soil with a layer of 5 centimeters.

In the spring, one watering per week is enough; in the summer, when the weather is cool, it is also enough to water once a week; when it gets very hot, you need to water it every morning or evening after sunset.

During flowering, anemones need to be supported, for this you can use liquid organics, with the exception of fresh manure, in autumn period can be fertilized with complex mineral fertilizer. But if the soil was fertilized before sowing the seeds, then top dressing is not necessary.

Since the anemone's root system is very fragile, care must be taken that the soil is loose and that there are no weeds that need to be pulled out by hand, and not weeded out.

With the advent of autumn, anemones need to be prepared for wintering. Varieties that have tubers must be dug up, cut off all the leaves, dry the tubers, bury them in sand or peat and lower them into a cool, dry basement. With rhizomes, it is better to do the same, storing them in a room that is well ventilated. If the winters are not very cold, then the flowers may not be dug up, but then they need to be covered with hay, foliage or spruce. The crown anemone can be left in the ground, but for the winter it needs to be covered with manure or leaves.

The main pests of the flower are snails and slugs, from which metaldehyde solution, winter worm and leaf nematode can save. In case of damage by a nematode, it is better to get rid of the plant and replace the soil.

Now you know what secrets anemone flowers have (planting and care). Photos of these plants reliably reflect the simplicity of all manipulations.

Certain types of these beautiful flowers can be called capricious, while others, on the contrary, are quite unpretentious - and all these are anemones. Planting and caring for them in any case will bring you many pleasant minutes. As for care, efforts must always be made: the cultivation of each ornamental plants needs patience and hard work.

How to describe anemones

The varietal diversity of the anemone is striking in its multiplicity and dissimilarity. Here you will find both tall, stately beauties from half to one meter high (Forest, Crowned, Japanese anemones), and her small, modest relatives from 10 cm to 30 cm (Tender, Dubravnaya, Lyutichnaya).

Flowers can be almost any color: blue, red, yellow, white, pink, purple, lilac. The size of the flower varies from very small (2 cm) to large (8 cm). The number of petals and their shape are also different: these are five-pointed stars and pointed daisies. Large inflorescences of large individuals are very similar to poppy flowers.

difference anemone

Different cultivation is due, first of all, to a different structure. So, there are species with a common rhizome and specimens that have tubers.

The following types of flowers can also be separated into groups (depending on the period of formation of inflorescences): spring anemones and summer-autumn.

Different species relate to light differently: there are shade-loving and light-loving ones, and there are those that are suitable for partial shade. Planting anemones should be carried out taking into account these features.

Some require alkaline soils, while others will be comfortable growing on neutral or slightly acidic soil.

Let's talk more about distinctive features cultivation of anemones belonging to different varietal groups.

Anemone breeding methods

Flowers can be propagated as follows:

  1. With the help of seeds.
  2. Using tubers.
  3. Rhizome.

Let's consider each of the methods.

We propagate by seeds

Complicated, requiring patience, the process of propagation by seeds is not popular. Why? Not all seeds planted will sprout (only one third). In addition, you will only wait for flowering when the cultivation has been done for two or three years. At the same time, considerable care will be required for anemones.

Only freshly harvested material is suitable for sowing.

Advice! If you are growing anemones from seeds, to increase their germination, it is recommended to carry out the stratification procedure, and more than once. This is an imitation of the natural conditions in which the plant grows. Seeds are exposed to cold and as a result gain endurance and resistance to diseases and adverse external influences. The creation of a humid cold environment provokes softening and swelling of the seeds, nourishes them beneficial substances, which they will give to the processes.

The stratification is done like this. Seeds are removed from the ground, moistened, wrapped in a wet napkin. Then placed in the refrigerator for several days. After that, they are buried in the ground, which is again put in the cold for a long time (several months).

For seedlings in early spring seeds are sown in autumn. If you sow in the spring, wait for germination in a month (in this case, stratification is indispensable).

For breeding seed way it is better to take varieties of anemones Lyutichnaya, Forest, Gentle, Crowned, Dubravnaya.

It is necessary to sow at a shallow depth, then weak sprouts will quickly break through to the top.

The right soil is the key to success. It should be loose, airy, breathable.

Sprouted anemones are planted in boxes for seedlings.

We propagate by tubers

Growing is as follows:

  • When the anemone fades, it is dug up, and the tubers are divided (cut off pieces that have buds). Then the parts obtained by division are planted in the ground.
  • The tubers should be allowed to soak in moisture and swell before planting. To do this, they are wrapped in wet gauze and left in it for up to six hours. You can add substances that stimulate root growth to the gauze wetting solution.
  • A box of shallow depth is filled with sand and peat. In wet ground spread swollen tubers.
  • Cover the box with foil and refrigerate. Maintain high soil moisture.
  • When the tubers germinate, they can be transplanted into separate pots or grown in open ground.

Advice! When you transplant tubers, bury them so that the sprout is at the top. Planting depth should be twice as large as the tubers themselves.

We carry out reproduction by rhizome

This is the easiest way for beginner gardeners. The procedure is carried out at the beginning of spring or at the end of summer: during these periods, the metabolism slows down, and the separated root gets more opportunity to survive.

What need to do?

  • We dig up the anemone and clean it. We cut off the dead parts of the root, leaving the young.
  • We cut off the young roots and carry out disinfection, for this you can take a fungicide.
  • Roots can be planted after a few days.
  • We leave two germinated leaves above the soil surface, remove the rest.
  • Planted roots should be watered rarely (for three months once) after the formation of the first shoots.
  • It will take one year of growing roots, and you will have an adult specimen of the anemone.


When choosing a place where our anemones will be grown in open ground, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the varieties chosen for breeding.

The shadow will be to the taste of individuals of such varieties: Oak, Amur, Luciferous, Flexible, Smooth, Shadow anemones. They can be safely planted with north side garden. Such anemones will also be cozy under a tree that gives a big shadow.

Sun lovers are Caucasian, Gentle, Crowned anemones. They will be more comfortable in the open sun, in the southern section of the garden. Such varieties do not need abundant watering, as they are considered to be resistant to dry conditions.

There are flowers that are preferable to plant in partial shade. These include the anemone Forest, Canadian, and also Forked. It will be good for them in the eastern part of the garden plot.

What kind of soil do you need

Each variety has its own preference:

  • The general rule for all: the soil should be porous, well pass moisture and air. To create such soil, you can take sand, small stones, broken bricks and mix it all with peat.
  • For the Caucasian anemone, as well as the Crown or Apennine, soil with an alkaline composition is suitable.
  • The forest anemone can be planted even on poor soils, such as sandy ones.
  • Most varieties prefer slightly acidic soils. Planting in open ground with a neutral composition is possible.
  • Those varietal crops that have tubers instead of roots are recommended to be grown in soil where the acidity level reaches no more than eight.
  • To reduce the acidity of the soil, it is subjected to liming. It will be good for flowers if ash is added to such a land.

Advice! Anemone has powerful branched roots. Plants growing nearby should not take a large portion of moisture and nutrients. This will be an obstacle to the normal growth and development of the anemone.

How to transplant

Anemone does not like to be disturbed, especially if it has already been growing in one place. for a long time. The Hybrid anemone will endure such a procedure the hardest.

Those crops that bloom early can be transplanted in summertime. Usually at this time there are already renewal buds on the roots, so they can be easily divided for transplantation.

Varieties that are propagated by root division should be transplanted in late winter or early autumn. For example, such as: Hybrid, Forest, Forked anemones.

When transplanting roots, plants do not need to be watered for a long time.

The soil should be loose and fertile.

flower care

Here are some basic care rules:

The tubers are dug up, cleaned and dried. Then they are stored in a basement or cellar, buried in sandy or peat soil.

Rhizomes can also be dug up and then stored in a well-ventilated area.

Sometimes the flowers are left to winter in the ground. In this case, they are protected from frost with leaves, spruce paws or hay.

If you decide to have one or more varieties of anemones, you will have a lot of freedom of choice. From the abundance and variety of varieties and species, everyone will find something to their liking. Not all types of anemones lend themselves well to breeding, many are very capricious. But if you spend a lot of effort, you will be rewarded with the achieved result.

Anemones make exquisite bouquets and boutonnieres, they can decorate any celebration. Distinguished by special beauty large flower Anemones Coronaria. The beautiful De Kaen has very tall stems. And Lesnaya is loved by beginners for her unpretentious character and long flowering. The oak anemone is also not demanding in care and can easily do without light. The small flowers of the Tender anemone will delight you with their flowering before other species.

It is impossible to list and describe all the species, each flower is beautiful in its own way. Try to grow such beauty on your site - and you will not regret it.

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