Kindergartens with visual impairments are an excellent option for educating and educating visually impaired children. Classes for children with visual impairments

Children with visual acuity problems have developmental disabilities and require a different approach to learning than those who see well. First of all, this is manifested by the compensatory development of other sense organs that allow you to cognize the world - touch, hearing. Depending on the degree of visual impairment, the methods of conveying knowledge to them will differ.

Types of visual impairment

Visual impairment in a child can be functional or organic. The former are characterized by transient changes that can be corrected or can pass on their own (for example, strabismus, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, etc.). Organic lesions are based on morphological changes in the structure of the eye or other parts of the visual analyzer (optic nerves, pathways, etc.).

Often with organic visual impairment, concomitant lesions are detected. nervous system or congenital malformations - cerebral palsy, hearing impairment, mental retardation, etc.

According to the reason that caused visual impairment, they are classified into:

  • Congenital - if the damaging factor acted during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus (more often infections and metabolic disorders);
  • Hereditary - when an eye disease is passed down from generation to generation (for example, color blindness, cataracts, glaucoma, etc.);
  • Acquired - if the cause acted after the birth of the child (infections, injuries, etc.).

According to the degree of visual acuity reduction, children are divided into visually impaired, with residual vision or totally blind.

Thanks to vision, a person receives up to 90% of information about the world around him. Therefore, when this sense organ falls out, information to the child mainly comes through hearing and touch. A feature of visually impaired children is that they form somewhat different ideas about the world around them than sighted children, since other sensory images are formed. In the upbringing of such children, regular attention to all kinds of audible sounds plays an important role.

Reduced visual acuity, in addition to limiting the knowledge of the world around the child, somewhat slows down the development of speech, attention and memory. Blind children may misunderstand words because they are weakly related to the real objects that these words stand for.

Physical activity plays an important role in the development of visually impaired children. When educating, it is especially important to devote more time to outdoor games and entertainment, as they develop coordination and the ability to correctly navigate in space, muscle sense, teach important skills, or even stimulate vision. It is important to take into account the recommendations of an ophthalmologist and a specific diagnosis when forming options for motor activity in young children. This is necessary in order to prevent negative consequences with improperly selected loads.

Another feature of visually impaired children is that when teaching specific skills and actions, they need to be repeated “hand in hand” many times. Moreover, this must be repeated until the action is brought to automatism.

Select toys for young children poor eyesight need large, bright, with textured surface(stimulates the development of touch and residual vision), they are especially interested in musical toys and those that make certain sounds.

In the family, a visually impaired child should be involved in the process of implementing intra-family responsibilities and fulfill them as far as possible. It is not necessary to limit his contacts with normally-seeing children.

Psychophysical characteristics of children with visual impairment

In the development of a blind preschooler, 3 general patterns can be distinguished:

  • Such a child is somewhat behind in physical and mental development in comparison with a sighted peer, since his activity in relation to the development of the world around him is lower;
  • The periods of development of a blind child do not coincide with those of a sighted child. This happens until the other senses develop mechanisms to compensate for the lack of normal vision;
  • The development of a blind child is characterized by disproportionality - some aspects of the personality develop faster (speech, thinking), while others develop more slowly (mastery of space, movement).

An important characteristic of visually impaired children is that due to insufficient development of motor coordination, blind preschoolers are clumsy and not confident enough. So, with congenital blindness, the lag in the formation of walking skills can be 2-3 years. The impulsivity of preschoolers is at the same level as that of sighted children, but due to the lack of sufficient coordination, impulsivity manifests itself sharper and brighter.

Prevention of visual impairment in children

To maintain good vision for a long time, it is necessary to prevent its violations in children. This should be done from the first months of a baby's life. So, a healthy child should make the first visit to an ophthalmologist together with his mother at the age of 1 month. The doctor will diagnose possible congenital problems with the organ of vision and give recommendations on the prevention of visual impairment in children. At the age of 2-3 years, you can already check visual acuity using special tables. Early diagnosis will help to avoid many problems with studying at school in the future.

Education of children with visual impairments should take into account the recommendations of the ophthalmologist. Completely blind children can attend specialized kindergartens and study at boarding schools for the blind and visually impaired. It is possible to receive secondary education at home. With residual vision, education of children with disabilities can be carried out using special equipment and manuals.

If a child can read, he must follow the rules of reading hygiene - do not read lying down, take breaks for about 3-5 minutes, performing special exercises for the eyes. Doctors also recommend limiting TV viewing and computer time for games.

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Classification of children with visual impairment

Category of children with visual impairmentniya is very diverse and heterogeneous. Bydegree of visual impairment and visualHowever, it includes the following subcategories:

I. Blind children.In terms of visual acuity, thischildren with visual acuity from 0 (0%) to 0.04 (4%) onbetter seeing eye with corrective glasses. INthe subcategory "Blind" also includes children withhigher visual acuity (up to 1, i.e.100%), in which the boundaries of the field of view are narrowed to10-15 degrees or until fixation point. Suchchildren are practically blind, because incognitive and orientation activitiesthey can use very limitedvision. Thus, visual acuity is notis the only criterion for blindness.

II.visually impaired children . To this slidegoriya include children with visual acuity of 0.05(5%) to 0.4 (40%) in the better seeing eye withglasses correction.

III.children with low vision or children with borderline vision between low vision andnormal, that is, children with visual acuity of 0.5(50%) to 0.8 (80%) in the better seeing eye with correction.

Note: Children with visual acuity 0.9 -1.0 (90%-100%) refer to normal vision.

All children with vision pathology, taking into accountacuity and visual field, as well as organicand functional reasons for its violation, moredivided into three groups:

I.Blind (see above).

II.Visually impaired (see above).

III.Children with functional disordersvision. Most of them are children withamblyopia and strabismus.
Let's characterize each of these groups.

In the blind children is most pronouncedthe degree of disturbance of the main visualfunctions (acuity and field of view, light sensitivityvalidity, color differentiation, charactervision). Profound decrease in visual acuityBarks impossible or very limitedvisual perception. In the typhlopedagogicalpractice of training, education, development and(re)habilitation of blind children by degreevisual acuity impairment appropriatebe divided into the following groups:

1) Totally or completely blind. At absolute blindness in both eyesno visual sensation

2) Blind children with light perception. These children they see only light, that is, they distinguish light from darknessAt the same time, children who have light perception withcorrect projection can correctly show the direction of the light, and children who havelight perception with incorrect projection is notcan indicate where the light comes from.

3) Blind children who have light sensation and color perception , that is, they distinguish not only light from darkness, but also distinguish colors.

4) Blind children who have thousandths fraction of normal visual acuity (approx. from 0.005 to 0.009).With such a vision comfortable conditions a person sees movementhands in front of the face, at a very close distancecan distinguish colors, contours, silhouettesitems. In medical records such sharpnessvision is fixed as 0.005 or hand movements in front of face.

5) Blind with residual uniform (objective) vision, that is, children who have
there is a shaped or object vision.
TO this group includes children, visual acuity towhich varies within 0.01 - 0.04.

According to the degree of visual disturbances under category "Visually impaired children" also arbitrarily divided into groups:

1. Visually impaired children with visual acuity inrange from 0.05 to 0.09 with glasses corrected forbetter seeing eye.

2. Visually impaired children with visual acuity from 0.1up to 0.2 with correction glasses for better seeing eye.

3. Visually impaired children with visual acuity from 0.3up to 0.4 with glasses correction for better vision eye.

In visually impaired children of the 1st group (acute vision from 0.05 to 0.09), usually fromcomplex visual disturbancesfunctions. Along with decreased visual acuitytheir field of vision is narrowed,strange vision. All this makes it difficult to seeperception of the surrounding world, includingnumber and educational material. They needcompliance with the regulated visualload, as well as in measures for the protection andrational use of inferiorvision. When teaching these children,use a system of special technicaland optical means (various magnifiers, binoculars,monocles, etc.) and rely on the possibilitiessafe analyzers for the purpose of correction andcompensation for disturbed and underdevelopedvisual functions. The vision of this group of childrennot stable enough. With unfavorableconditions worsen. In educational and correctiveeducational processes these childrenrequire more attention from teachers. Theiryou need to plant at the first desks, make sure thatso that the lighting is comfortable, visualthe material is made in a contrasting colorgamut and, where possible, provided forindividual use. Among childrenthis group of many needs in parallelteach Braille. At least thoseof them with visual disordersanalyzer are progressive, thenis leading to blindness.

Visually impaired children of the 2nd group (with visual acuity from 0.1 to 0.2) according to hisvision, like children of the 1st group, belong todisabled people, although their visual acuity is higher.That is why in many literarysources on typhlology vision up to 0.2 (onfor an example, see the works of A.G. Litvak) is designatedas "medical low vision". Generally,learn using flat waywriting and reading is easier for them than for children of the 1st group.However, there are children among them (this is due tostate of visual functions), whichneed increased attention teachers.For example, if a child has a combinationsuch clinical forms of visual pathology,as farsightedness of a high degree, partialoptic nerve atrophy with concentricnarrowing of the field of vision and at the same time he suffersphotophobia, then many types of educational and householdactivities related to the usevision, cause him to have very largeProblems. So, when reading and writing for a reasonperipheral vision impairment needs good lighting, but in suchwhich would only illuminate the working areasuperficiality, but in no case did it shine in the eyes ..

In addition, to work near such a childglasses are needed for near, and for movement andcheating off the board - points for distance.

Visually impaired children of the 3rd group (sharpness vision from 0.3 to 0.4) by disabled people in our countryare not yet recognized, although for their successfultraining, education and development is also notit is necessary to observe certain ophthalmo-hygiene recommendations and requirements,use special equipment and methods.

Every newborn baby perceives the world through hearing, sight and touch. Unfortunately, nature does not favor every baby, and sometimes a child is born with some kind of disorder. Toddlers with visual impairments see the world in a completely different way, and their upbringing and development has its own characteristics. Proper upbringing of such a child is very important for his development, subsequent and later life. What you need to know about the development of children with vision problems?

Classification of visual impairment in children

  • The mildest known violations - functional. These are cataracts, strabismus, astigmatism, corneal clouding, myopia, etc. If measures are taken in a timely manner, then there is a chance to correct this condition.
  • Violations that relate to the structure of the eye and other parts of the visual system are called organic. The cause is disorders and anomalies of the eyes, diseases of the retina, optic nerve, etc.

Unfortunately, when diagnosing visual impairments in many children, other disorders are also detected - cerebral palsy, hearing impairment, mental retardation, etc.

Visual impairment in children is divided into three types:

  • Strabismus and amblyopia (visual acuity below 0.3).
  • visually impaired child (visual acuity 0.05-0.2 in the best seeing eye, with correction).
  • blind child (visual acuity 0.01-0.04 in the best seeing eye).

Concerning causes of visual impairment, they are divided into

  • acquired (e.g. due to injury)
  • congenital,
  • hereditary.

Features of education and development of children with visual impairment

As you know, kids with visual impairments get acquainted with the world around them. through touch and hearing, to a greater extent. As a result, their idea of ​​the world is formed differently than that of seeing children. The quality and structure of sensory images are also different. For example, children recognize a bird or transport by sounds, and not by their outward signs. Therefore, one of the main points in raising kids with such problems is focusing on different sounds . The participation of specialists in the lives of such children is an obligatory part of their upbringing for normal development.

What are the features of teaching children with visual problems?

    • Reduced vision affects not only the process of studying the surrounding world, but also on the development of speech, imagination of the child and his memory . Visually impaired children are often unable to understand words correctly, given the poor correlation of words with real objects. Therefore, it is quite difficult to do without the help of a speech therapist.
    • physical activity - an important component of treatment and development. Namely, outdoor games that are necessary to stimulate vision, strengthen muscles, develop movement coordination, and teach the necessary skills. Of course, only taking into account the recommendations of the ophthalmologist and the diagnosis of the baby, in order to avoid the opposite effect.
    • Be sure to learn the correct orientation in space by completing certain tasks/exercises.
    • When teaching a child to do something, repeat many times until it becomes automatic. Training is accompanied by words and comments so that the baby understands what exactly he is doing and why.
  • As for toys - they should be large sizes and certainly bright (not poisonous-bright). It is advisable not to forget about musical toys and those designed to stimulate tactile sensations.
  • Inside the family parents should involve the child in the implementation of household chores . Limiting the child's communication with children who do not have vision problems should not be.

Kindergartens with visual impairments are an excellent option for educating and educating visually impaired children

All children need education, both in school and preschool. Children with visual impairments special education. Of course, if the violations are not too serious, then the child can study in an ordinary kindergarten (school), as a rule - using. In order to avoid various unpleasant situations, other children should be aware of the health features of a visually impaired child.

Why is it better to send a child to a specialized kindergarten?

  • The education and development of children in such kindergartens takes place taking into account the characteristics of the disease .
  • In a specialized kindergarten, the child gets everything what he needs for normal development (not only knowledge, but also appropriate treatment).
  • Groups in such gardens are smaller than in ordinary ones. – about 8-15 people. That is, more attention is paid to children.
  • Used to teach children in kindergartens special equipment and techniques .
  • In a group of visually impaired children no one will tease the child - that is, the child's self-esteem will not fall. Read: .

In addition to specialized gardens, there are also special children's vision correction centers. With their help, it will be easier for parents to cope with the problems of learning and development of a visually impaired child.

Man perceives the world through touch, sight and hearing. Some children are born with pathologies of the organs of vision. This is reflected in their ability to familiarize themselves with the environment and further development. For the successful adaptation of such a child in adult life should be given Special attention his development and education.

Types of visual impairment

All visual impairments are divided into functional and organic. Functional include amblyopia (vision loss that is not optically adjustable) and strabismus, which can be corrected. Organic disorders - pathologies of the structure of the eye and other parts of the visual system. They can lead to residual vision, low vision, blindness.

According to the international classification of visual impairment, if the sharpness of the better seeing eye after optical correction is less than 0.3, then this is low vision. If visual acuity is below 0.05, then the person is considered visually impaired. If visual acuity is below 0.02, then such people are officially recognized as blind. Children with residual vision, the visually impaired and the blind study in specialized institutions.

Development features

The child's psyche is affected by the time of formation of visual pathology, its severity, the presence of concomitant diseases, the effectiveness of treatment and the situation in the family. The earlier the defect of vision appears, and the more pronounced it is, the more mental development is disturbed.

In children with visual impairment, personality formation is influenced by physiological and social factors: hypo- and overprotection, unfavorable social environment or family conditions, limited opportunity access to communication and information. It is difficult for such children to navigate in space, because of this they lead a sedentary lifestyle. This, in turn, causes muscle weakness (muscle hypotension). To develop spatial orientation skills, it is necessary to constantly train the remaining analyzers (vibration perception, hearing, tactile and skin-kinesthetic sensitivity).

A feature of the development of infants with visual impairment is the absence of a grasping reflex. Such children do not reach for objects, they begin to crawl, stand and walk late. Fearing head bruises, babies crawl with their feet forward. Their walking skill is formed 2-3 years later than their peers. The lack of a normal opportunity to explore the surrounding space sometimes causes a delay in speech development.

In many children with visual impairment, speech is normally developed, but the scope is narrowed. cognitive activity, active communication, imitation. Often the blind use many words in their speech, the meanings of which they do not know. Therefore, when teaching such children, attention should be paid to the practical use of the acquired skills and knowledge, and, if possible, to use visualization.

In children with visual impairments hands are an important organ of perception of the surrounding world. Therefore, it is necessary to develop finger, palmar, carpal methods of perception. Blind older children should be able to tactilely read a relief-graphic image.

With low vision and blindness, children perceive fewer signs and properties of objects than their peers with normal vision. Decreased perception of color, integrity and completeness of the picture, low speed perceptions complicate the knowledge of the surrounding world as a whole. Because of this, children with visual impairments lag behind in development.

Visual concentration and differentiation in the visually impaired are reduced. They slowly memorize information, while getting very tired. But if they remember something, then it is stored in their memory for a long time. Visual memory in the blind is absent, and in the visually impaired is weakened. In children with visual impairment, the possibility of visual control is absent or difficult. They have to memorize information about landmarks in space, about where objects are.

Blind and visually impaired children have reduced interests, needs, motivational sphere, activity. At the same time, visual impairment does not affect their beliefs, worldview, temperament, character.


The education system for visually impaired and blind children covers all age groups. There are preschool and school institutions. IN preschool institutions not only raise a child. They also carry out therapeutic and rehabilitation measures, develop visual functions, motor and cognitive spheres, and the personality of the child as a whole.

School institutions for visually impaired and blind children are boarding schools that provide secondary education. In such schools, the class size is low - 10-12 people. Cabinets are equipped special equipment. Are used special tricks and teaching methods such as visual aids big size with high contrast and clear image. During training, hygienic requirements for visual work are strictly observed.

In high school, much attention is paid to career guidance, so that the student chooses a profession, taking into account the characteristics of his health. Social rehabilitation classes are held, in which children are prepared for independent life in society. To this end, the curriculum includes lessons on physiotherapy exercises, home economics, spatial orientation. The main task of the special school is the correction of visual impairments, the development of a full-fledged personality, the provision of secondary education (the same level as in a regular school), the conduct of labor training and the development of the individual abilities of the child.

IN mental development In the child, the most important role is played by optical perception (vision), carried out by means of a visual analyzer. It is through the visual analyzer that a person receives the most impressions from the world around him. Such signs of an object as light, color, size, shape, extension in space, we know primarily with the help of vision. The development of orientation in space is also directly related to the activity of the visual analyzer. Visual control is of great importance for the development of human movement. If the activity of the visual analyzer is disturbed, the child has significant difficulties in understanding the world and orienting in it, in making contacts with people, in different types activities.

From the point of view of special pedagogy, blindness and low vision are a category of psychophysical disorders that manifest themselves in the limitation of visual perception or its absence, which affects the entire process of personality formation and development. Individuals with visual impairments have specific features of activity, learning and psychophysical development. They are manifested in the lag, violation and originality of the development of motor activity, spatial orientation, the formation of ideas and concepts, in the methods of subject-practical activity, in the originality of the emotional-volitional sphere, social communication, integration into society, adaptation to work.

Children with visual impairments include:

blind with a complete lack of vision and children with residual vision, in which visual acuity is 0.05 or lower in the better seeing eye;

visually impaired with a decrease in vision from 0.05 to 0.2 in the better seeing eye with spectacle correction;

children with strabismus and amblyopia.

Visual impairments can be either congenital or acquired.

Congenital blindness is caused by injuries or diseases of the fetus in utero or is the result of hereditary transmission of certain visual defects.

Acquired blindness is also the result of diseases of the organs of vision - the retina, cornea and diseases of the central nervous system, complicated after infectious diseases(measles, flu, scarlet fever), traumatic brain injury (head wound, bruises) or eyes.

Violations of the visual analyzer can be progressive or non-progressive. A progressive disorder leads to a deterioration in visual functions (for example, in glaucoma, under the influence of an increase in eye pressure, pathological changes occur in the tissues of the eye). Brain tumors also lead to visual impairment. Non-progressive disorders include some congenital malformations of the visual analyzer, such as astigmatism, cataracts.

For the psychophysical development of the child, the time of onset of visual pathology is essential. The earlier blindness sets in, the more noticeable are the secondary deviations, the peculiarity of psychophysical development. The lack of visual orientation affects the motor sphere, the maintenance of social baggage, especially in those born blind. Sometimes for the blind, the main factor of orientation can be sound.

Loss of vision forms the originality of the emotional-volitional sphere, character, sensory experience. The blind have difficulties in learning, in playing, in mastering professional activity. At an older age, everyday problems arise that entail complex experiences and negative reactions. The peculiarity of the character and behavior of the blind entails in some cases uncertainty, passivity, a tendency to self-isolation; in others - increased excitability, irritability, turning into aggressiveness. The development of cognitive processes (attention, logical thinking, memory, speech) in the blind-born is normal. Violation of the interaction of sensory and intellectual functions are manifested in a certain originality of mental activity with a predominance of the development of abstract thinking.

The later the child lost his sight, the more visual representations he has, which can be recreated on the basis of verbal descriptions. If you do not develop visual memory, visual images can gradually be erased. In the conditions of special education, adequate methods and methods of using auditory, skin, olfactory, vibrational and other analyzers are formed, which represent the sensory basis for the development of psychophysical processes. Thanks to this, higher forms of cognitive activity develop, which are leading in the compensatory restructuring of perception. Blindness compensation is a holistic mental education, a system of sensory, motor, intellectual components that creates the opportunity for a blind child to master various types activities. The visually impaired have some opportunity to use their vision when they get acquainted with objects, phenomena, with spatial orientation and when moving. The leading analyzer in the visually impaired is vision, but their visual perception is partially preserved and not entirely complete. Their review of the surrounding reality is narrowed, slowed down, inaccurate, therefore visual representations have qualitative originalities, visual perception is limited. Color sensations are disturbed color characteristics depleted. In visually impaired people with strabismus, binocular vision is impaired, that is, the ability to see with two eyes. Timely special training develops and improves shaped, spatial and stereoscopic vision.

Residual vision of a visually impaired person plays a significant role in his development, education, and social and labor adaptation. In the correction of the cognitive and personal development of visually impaired children, special attention is paid to the formation of their mental activity purposefulness (in particular, the processes of visual perception), activity and consciousness, expansion and deepening of their circle of interests. Study and work should be accompanied by constant consultations with an ophthalmologist, typhlopedagogue, psychologist.

Great importance in the perception and cognition of the surrounding reality, the blind and visually impaired have a sense of touch. Tactile perception provides a complex of various sensations (touch, pressure, movement, heat, cold, pain, texture of the material, etc.) and helps to determine the shape, size of the figure, establish proportional relationships. Various sensations perceived by the nerve endings of the skin are transmitted to the cerebral cortex. So, the blind and visually impaired learn to “look”, “see” with their hands.

With the help of sounds - the main reference point - the blind and visually impaired can freely determine the subject and spatial properties. environment. By sound, the source and its location are determined with great accuracy. In the process of teaching and educating the blind and visually impaired, special exercises are carried out to differentiate, distinguish and evaluate the nature of an object using sound, analyze and evaluate a complex sound field. The success of mastering various types of activity: subject, game, labor, educational - depends on the level of development of visual-figurative representations, spatial thinking, spatial orientation.

Questions and tasks:

1. Determine the causes and consequences of visual impairment. By what signs are children with visual analyzer defects differentiated? What is the difference between the developmental patterns of blind and visually impaired children? What do they have in common?

2. What methods of compensation for impaired vision do you know?

3. Based on the general patterns of the defect compensation process, explain why the blind and visually impaired can achieve significant progress in their development? Give examples.

Additional literature:

1. Ermakov V. P., Yakunin G. A. Development, training and education of children with visual impairments. - M., 1990.

2. Feoktistova V. A. History of Soviet typhlopedagogy, schools of the blind and visually impaired. - L., 1980.

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