The role of speech in the mental development of the child. The role of speech function in the mental development of the child

Tatyana Putintseva

Being, on the one hand, a tool for expressing our ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and on the other hand, a means to enrich and expand them, to form our consciousness, the word serves the goals of all life, both ordinary and everyday, and the highest.

To master as perfectly as possible all types of manifestations of speech means to own the most powerful tool mental development man, and therefore the culture of mankind.

The relationship between language and thought requires special attention. Language is the immediate reality of thought.

The child draws his first basic, exclusively concrete ideas from the material environment around him through his analyzers. The word reinforces perceptions obtained by sensory means. The linguistic development of the child is inextricably linked with sensory.

For a child in the first period of his life, words are only the second originals of reality. The first are perceptions that enter his consciousness through the organs of external senses - from the material world surrounding him.

Any knowledge embodied in the word follows from experience, i.e. perceptions received by the subject from the outside world, the world of concrete phenomena and things.

In the early childhood, language is something inseparable from a person and the concrete world he comprehends. The child cannot yet distinguish the word from the thing; the word coincides for him with the object he designates.

Language develops in a visual, efficient way. In order to give names, all the objects with which these names are to be associated must be present. The word and the thing should be offered to the human mind at the same time, but in the first place - the thing as an object of knowledge and speech, Comenius spoke about this

Outside the concrete world, language cannot develop, and we know that nothing has such a negative impact on general development child, as a retardation in the development of the language.

In order for the child's language to develop, understood as a reflection of clear and distinct ideas, and not empty, harmful chatter, children must be surrounded by things that they can consider, compare, study in games and work, and reflect the results of observation in the word.

The expansion of the range of ideas of children is inextricably linked with the organization of their environment. The teacher must arrange

an environment so that children can easily and freely draw ideas, concepts, images from it; to create conditions in which they would have the desire and need to speak, to turn the perceived, observed into speech. An organized environment is the foundation on which the whole matter of education should be built and which determines the development of the language.

It is necessary to adapt the already existing, ready-made environment to the interests of the development of children, work on it, change, update, and thereby expand the circle of children's ideas and the range of their speech forms. To assist the child in mastering the space, in the accumulation of specific ideas, concepts, to guide, with the support of the word, the process of his orientation in the environment, to teach him observation and language in an inseparable unity - these are the requirements that should be presented to the educator.

Sensations and perceptions are the first step in the knowledge of the world; developing speech is based on the base of sensory representations. The organs of external senses are the instrument of knowledge, and they play the most important role in the development of the child's speech. The correct perception of objects is the main mental work of the child. Sensory and speech development takes place in close unity, and work on the development of speech cannot be separated from work on the development of the senses and perceptions.

First of all and most importantly we must take care that by all means, with the support of the word, to promote the formation in the minds of children of a rich and lasting inner content, to promote accurate thinking, the emergence and strengthening of thoughts, ideas of considerable value, and the creative ability to combine them. In the absence of all this, language loses its value and meaning.

A clear thought, conditioned by exact knowledge, independently acquired by a person, will find its verbal expression; to ensure this process, to promote it is the main goal of the school of speech.

The word associated with visual representation must be perceived by ear, pronounced and stored in memory. In order for a word to be preserved in memory, a child must reproduce it by ear and consciousness many times, and in order to master the correct pronunciation of a word, he must repeat it often.

Nelli Paramonova

Speech is not an innate ability of a person, it is constantly formed, along with child development. Speech arises in the presence of certain biological prerequisites, primarily in the presence of normal maturation and functioning. nervous system. However, speech is the most important social function, therefore, for its development biological prerequisites alone are not enough, it arises only under the condition of communication child with adults.

Allocate 3 functions speeches:

Communicative - this function is one of the earliest. The first form of communication child with an adult is visual communication. By 2 months child well fixes the look on the face of an adult, follows his movements. From 2 months, communication with an adult is established with the help of vision and the first facial movements, child smiles at an adult in response to his smile. Then hand movement is added to facial and visual communication.

Simultaneously with facial and visual communication, communication with an adult is carried out with the help of a cry.

Cognitive - closely related to communication child with others. child with speech not only receives new information, but also acquires the ability to assimilate it in a new way. As speech development such intellectual operations as comparison, analysis, synthesis become possible.

Regulating function speeches formed at an early stage development. However, only by the age of 5 does the word of adults become a true regulator of activity and behavior. child.

Development of the child's speech starts from 3 months, from the period of cooing;

7 - 8.5 months - babbling,

8.5 - 9.5 - modulated babble.

At 9-10 months he pronounces separate words.

The first meaningful words appear in child's speech by the end of the first year of life. Around the middle of the second year of life in speech development significant shift: he begins to actively use the vocabulary accumulated by this time in order to address an adult. By 1.5 years in active speeches about 100 words are used, by the age of two - about 200 words. But individual characteristics development are different.

The main thing in this period is not in the quantitative growth of the dictionary, but in the fact that child starts using words in sentences. By the age of three, a dictionary child increases to 1000 words. Often, by the age of four, all the sounds of the native language are assimilated. Under normal speech development by 5 - 6 years in a child formed correct pronunciation all sounds.

Speech is the youngest function developing intense in the first years of life child. It is known that a young function, most rapidly developing, usually turns out to be the most vulnerable. Therefore, various adverse effects, both in the prenatal period and during childbirth, and in the first years of life child may lead to speech impairment. development: slowing down, distort or suspend for some period the formation of speech activity.

At the same time, the characteristics of disorders speeches in organic lesions of the brain, first of all, they depend on the location and extent of the brain lesion. A variety of levels and departments of the central nervous system take part in the implementation of speech activity. However, damage to some parts of the brain leads to the most pronounced speech disorders, while damage to other parts may not cause any speech disorders.

Severe speech disorders most often occur when the cortical regions are affected. brain: frontal, temporal, parietal lobes.

Rice. 1. Lobes of the cerebral hemispheres

Among the causes that cause damage to the cortical regions of the brain, are:

Maternal toxicity during pregnancy


Brain injury in the first years of life child

Diseases gastrointestinal tract, as the nutrition of the body and the cerebral cortex will be disturbed

Early organic lesions of the brain with damage to the speech zones for the first time can manifest itself in 2-3 years in the form underdevelopment speech activity. In the future, these children develop underdevelopment of all aspects of speech, difficulties in the formation of visual and spatial perception, violation of intellectual activity in the form of increased exhaustion, uneven performance, impaired memory, attention.

Mild cases of damage to the cortical zones can manifest themselves most clearly only at school, when high demands are placed on speech function.

The frontal lobe is responsible for articulation speeches, writing and movement.

1. Carries out a regulatory function speeches. At underdeveloped child is impulsive, does not notice his mistakes, loses the final task, switching to side, insignificant stimuli. The frontal lobe is the center of articulation speeches.

2. From articulation speech is directly related to writing, the center of the letter is located here. Therefore, in groups of compensatory orientation we do articulation gymnastics. The hand is the second center speeches.

3. Development speech zones goes in parallel with development subtle small movements of the fingers.

In violation of the frontal lobe in children, the so-called "frontal behavior". "Execution" behavior - euphoria - increased mood, slovenliness, apathy, a complete decrease in the distance between people and a feeling of criticism towards oneself.

The parietal lobe includes stereognosis, mnemonic speech, praxis, gnosis, counting and reading, carries out spatial orientation, temporal concepts and the body scheme are assimilated here.

1. For development spatial orientation the following types are offered assignments:

Stenciling a human figure (drawing, application)

Making figures from parts

Consolidation of concepts « right hand» And "on right", « left hand» And "left". Then these concepts are introduced into the active speech of children. After this concept "right left" fixed on a sheet of paper in the figure.

Spatial orientation is fixed in drawing, sculpting, application, using stencils, tracing, coloring. Necessary develop spatial awareness. Before class, show how child must hold a pencil, a brush, then, without visual control, give the fingers the appropriate position.

2. Stereognosis - recognition of objects by touch. Is fixed in games: "Magic bag"(What is it? Shape, large - small, smooth - rough, soft - hard, cold - hot. We determine the signs of the object.)

3. Mnestic speech (mnesis - memory).

Parieto-occipital lobes: praxis, gnosis.

1. Praxis - targeted semi-automated movements. With a lesion - apraxia, there may be several species:

Kinesthetic - unable to perform articulatory movements.

Structurally-spatial - closely related to spatial perception, therefore, to overcome these violations, prefabricated pictures are offered, construction material, mosaic, split pictures from 2, 4, 6, 9 parts. On a walk - snow and sand construction.

2. Gnosis - recognition. In case of violation - agnosia:

Visual - with normal vision, it cannot recognize objects and their image. Games: "What's gone?", "What changed?", "Correlation of figures and real objects", For example, watermelon - circle, roof - triangle. "Identification of an object by part, by contours". In preparatory group - letter gnosis.

Auditory - does not recognize familiar melodies, sounds, noises, voices. Games: "Tell me what you hear?", "Who will hear what?", "Where does it ring?"

Tactile - not recognizing objects by touch. Games: "Magic bag", "Recognize the letter" (from sandpaper, plastics)

Temporal lobe - responsible for phonemic hearing, auditory attention.

Phonemic hearing is the ability to distinguish sounds. We learn to distinguish sounds according to various signs. (hardness-softness, deafness-voicedness). Several stages:

1. Recognition of non-speech sounds (toys: tambourine, bell, rattle, hammer). Games: "Where does it ring?", "What do you hear?"

2. Sound discrimination word complexes by height, strength, timbre. Games: "Who said "Ay?", "Far or Near", "Dolls cry: quieter-louder ". Fairy tales: "Three Bears", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "The wind blows", "Cuckoo".

3. Distinguishing paronyms (sound similar): com-tom-house, bear-bowl, braid-goat.

4. Syllabic rows: say a syllable in the child's ear he repeats it out loud.

5. Distinguishing phonemes of the native language (using sound signals from a fairytale "Teremok": frog - sound [a], wolf - [y], mouse - [and], bear - [s], fox - [o], bunny - [e].

There are three levels underdevelopment of speech:

The first level is characterized by the absence speech as such. These are the so-called "speechless" children. In children 4-5 years old, vocabulary is limited to babbling words, onomatopoeia. Along with babbling words, children sometimes use generally accepted words, but they are so distorted that they are incomprehensible to others, parents often say that child understands everything but does not speak. But understanding in this case restricted to a familiar situation.

The second level is characterized by a simple phrase, a small vocabulary, the pronunciation of the sounds of all groups, violation of the syllabic structure of words and sentences.

The third level is characterized deployed phrase speech with elements underdevelopment of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.

All children have a disorder mental processes: memory, attention, perception; skills constructive activity.

IN the development of children's speech leading role belongs to adults. From culture adult speech from the way they talk to child how much attention is paid to verbal communication with him, the success of preschoolers in mastering the language largely depends. Therefore, it is necessary that the speech of an adult complies with the norms. literary language, literary colloquial speeches.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
federal state budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin"

Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work

Department of Personality Psychology, Special Psychology and
correctional pedagogy



Completed by: student of OZO (3.0)

group №4264

department "Special
(defectological) education”

Ryabova N.G.


Speech is not an innate human ability, it is constantly formed, along with the development of the child. Speech arises in the presence of certain biological prerequisites, primarily in the presence of normal maturation and functioning of the nervous system. However, speech is the most important social function, therefore, for its development, biological prerequisites alone are not enough, it arises only if the child communicates with adults.

There are 3 functions of speech:

Communicative - this function is one of the earliest. The first form of communication between a child and an adult is visual communication. By 2 months, the child fixes his gaze well on the face of an adult, follows his movements. From the age of 2 months, communication with an adult is established with the help of vision and the first facial movements, the child smiles at an adult in response to his smile. Then hand movement is added to facial and visual communication.

Simultaneously with facial and visual communication, communication with an adult is carried out with the help of a cry.

Cognitive - is closely related to the child's communication with others. With the help of speech, the child not only receives new information, but also acquires the ability to assimilate it in a new way. As speech develops, such intellectual operations as comparison, analysis, synthesis become possible.

The regulatory function of speech is formed already in the early stages of development. However, only by the age of 5 does the word of adults become a true regulator of the activity and behavior of the child.

The main meaning of speech in mental development the child is that it frees him from the bondage of the situation, momentary events and opens up the opportunity to act not only with things, but also with their substitutes - signs embodied in the word; pushes the time perspective of the baby's life, allowing him to turn into the past and the future.

Speech helps the child to free himself from "naturalness" in relation to the objective world: he begins to appear before him as the world of objects of human culture. Speech allows the baby to get to know him not only through personal experience but also with the help of the word. Through verbal communication with adults, the child learns about what he himself did not directly perceive.

The timely development of speech provides the child with a deepening and expansion of mutual understanding both with relatives and with strangers. Speech pushes the boundaries of the child's social existence. Through a new attitude towards an adult, not only as a source of warmth and care, but also as a model, a bearer of human culture, he goes beyond the narrow framework of exclusively individual connections into the wider world of human relationships.

Mastering speech allows the child to overcome the limitations of situational communication and move from purely practical cooperation with adults to "theoretical" cooperation - extra-situational-cognitive communication.

The appearance of speech restructures mental processes and activities.

It changes the nature of the child's perception of the environment: it becomes independent of external provisions object, on the way it is presented. At this age, children recognize and name images of objects, people, animals in drawings, photographs, and films.

The influence of speech on the development of a child's thinking is invaluable. At first, the baby does not know how to think with the help of words without relying on a visual situation. Words only accompany an action or state its result (for example, when a child sees a fallen doll, the child says: “Lalya has fallen”). In the third year of life, his speech is increasingly freed from the dictates of the visual situation. With the help of speech, he makes generalizations, draws conclusions, begins to reason. Now the baby can not only discuss specific actions with objects or what he sees in front of him, but also talk about his experiences, recall episodes from his life, and plan future events.

Gradually, speech becomes the basis for the formation of voluntary behavior, begins to perform a planning function. For example, the child tells the mother that he is going to build a garage for the car, or tells the doll about what they will do: "Now I will cook you soup, then we will eat."

In many situations, the word becomes a means of controlling and managing behavior. For example, a two-year-old kid, going to fulfill the instructions of an adult, repeats to himself: "I'm going, I have to go." In another situation, with difficulty moving the loaded toy car, he tensely says: "Lead, lead, Kolya."

In the same period, the child begins to accompany his actions with words of an evaluative nature, imitating an adult. For example, when collecting a pyramid, after each stringing a ring, he says to himself: “so ... so ... so” or “not so ...”

However, at an early age, the regulatory function of speech is still not sufficiently developed. It can be difficult for a child to switch from an interesting activity, to keep the task set, fulfilling the instructions of an adult or realizing his own plan.

A characteristic feature of children with developmental disabilities is their lack of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality. It is known that in the formation of the psyche an important role is assigned to the relationship of action and speech. Although effective analysis and synthesis precedes the development of the verbal method of cognition, the participation of speech is necessary in the formation of correct and meaningful ideas.

The designation of an object or phenomenon with a word contributes both to the identification of each of them and to their unification. In the process of active interaction of the child with the outside world, complex associations are formed in children, from which representations develop. In children with movement disorders, the formation of complex associations is difficult, so their ideas about the environment are not only limited, but sometimes erroneous.

Defects in the development of speech lead to difficulties in the formation of comparison operations, differentiated perception of objects. Therefore, in children with underdevelopment of speech, there is usually a lag in mental development.

The development of sensorimotor functions and preverbal communication in the first year of life is the basis for the formation of speech and thinking. At the age of one to three years, speech begins to take central location in the mental development of the child.

By the age of 3, the child communicates with the surrounding extended phrases. His active vocabulary is growing in leaps and bounds. Pronounced speech activity is noted, the child constantly comments on his game actions starts asking questions to adults.

The development of speech at this age stage rebuilds all the mental processes of the child. It is speech that becomes the leading means of communication and development of thinking. By the age of 3, the child begins to talk about himself in the first person, he develops a sense of "I", that is, the ability to distinguish himself from the world around him.

During this period, the child has a pronounced desire for independence. Attempts by parents to treat him like a baby cause him a feeling of protest. If parents stubbornly suppress the independence of the child, he develops stubbornness and the desire to do everything the other way around, which subsequently becomes the rule.

If a child aged 2.5–3 years does not begin to speak simple two-word phrases, he must be consulted by a doctor (child neurologist or psychiatrist) and a speech therapist.

Thus, the baking function plays an important role in the mental development of the child, during which the formation of cognitive activity, the ability for conceptual thinking takes place. Complete verbal communication is necessary condition the implementation of normal social human contacts, and this, in turn, expands the child's ideas about the life around him. A child's mastery of speech to a certain extent regulates his behavior, helps to plan adequate participation in different forms collective activity.

Therefore, significant deviations in speech development child have the most negative consequences:

a) mental development of the child lags behind;

b) formation slows down higher levels cognitive activity;

c) violations of the emotional-volitional sphere appear, which leads to the formation of special personal qualities(isolation, emotional instability, feelings of inferiority, indecision, etc.);

d) there are difficulties in mastering writing and reading, which reduces the child's progress and often leads to repetition.


Astapov V.M. Introduction to defectology with the basics of neuro- and pathopsychology. - M.: International Pedagogical Academy, 1994. - 216 p.

WITH psychological point language ability is considered as a set of speech skills and abilities developed in a child, with the help of which he speaks in accordance with the communicative situation and the laws of his native language. In this case, the formation of a speech skill shows the correct construction and implementation of the child's statement, and the development of speech skill implies the subordination of the form of speech statement to the tasks of communication. At the same time, E.N. Negnevitskaya assessed the speech skills of preschoolers in terms of automation, stability, ability to be transferred to new speech material, arbitrariness of the introduction to control the content of the utterance; speech skills - in terms of purposefulness, speed, unpreparedness, effectiveness in solving new communicative tasks for a person. Their combined effectiveness determines the success of the development of the language ability of preschoolers.

The mechanism of language skills is as follows: EARNINGS - need - COMMUNICATION - ACTIVITY - LANGUAGE ABILITY - "sense of language" - language competence.

Language ability is activated from early childhood through exposure to other people. This is facilitated by biological mechanisms. Many researchers have commented on this. A.R. Luria wrote in 1975: " The genetic roots of language should be sought outside the language", "in those forms of specific human actions in which external reality is reflected and the subjective image of the objective world is formed, the main methods of communication of the child with others".

Many researchers believe that communicative ability depends on the communicative situation. Language competence is associated with the rules for constructing sentences, and communicative competence is related to the rules of speech actions. Accordingly, linguistic competence characterizes the possession of the norms of "speech genres", and communicative competence reflects the rules of verbal and non-verbal communication. Communication with peers is strongly influenced here. Communication with peers contributes to the transition of the corresponding abilities to another level.

So, in the process of communication in a younger child preschool age linguistic ability develops consistently. The ability to speak is inherent in man, since he is a social being. Its peculiarity is the reflection in linguistic forms of genuine relations that exist in reality. Therefore, subject and cognitive activity is the second criterion for the development of language ability in preschoolers after communication.

While children may have similar social conditions, preschoolers differ in language acquisition strategies. According to scientists, there are children with different strategies for language acquisition. Some of them show a higher level lexical development, are passionate about hanging labels on various objects, as S.N. Zeitlin; others rather master syntax and morphology, strive to use the language to regulate their own activities and establish contacts.

In addition, the first preschoolers are not very capable of imitation, and the second, on the contrary: at the first stage of speech development, they repeat mostly common nouns and use narrative constructions. Later, both categories of children develop unconscious linguistic generalizations about "how people talk." They describe the child's sense of language.

There are two types of "sense of language". One of them is based on associations that arise in memory, the other arises on a selection by analogy. The first comes down to the predominance of clericalism in speech, the second - to the appearance of many errors due to incorrect transfer. However, many scholars believe that a "sense of language" based on analogy is more productive. The sense of language is determined by the level of competence. At the same time, according to E. Clark, preschoolers evaluate not their own language skills, but the rules of speech behavior in a communicative situation. This shows that the child evaluates not the grammatical correctness of the utterance, but its use in place, based on knowledge of the variability of the grammatical component of the utterance in different speech acts.

However, metalinguistic judgments are more common, evaluating not the truth of the message, but the observance of social norms and stereotypes associated with a particular situation of communication. In particular, this is manifested in the ability to reorient the message depending on the background knowledge of the interlocutor, which is possible already at the age of five.

CHAPTER 3. Development of speech at an early age

The role of speech in child development

The acquisition of speech, which occurs at an early age, produces a whole revolution in the mental life of the child. Speech rebuilds all mental processes: perception, thinking, memory, feelings, desires, etc. Mastering speech allows the child to control himself and his behavior, think and fantasize, build an imaginary situation and be aware of his actions. Speech has such a magical effect due to the fact that it frees the child from situational connectedness and allows him to build his own inner world. Unlike any other signal or any vocalization, a word is a sign that always carries a universal meaning, including not just a specific object, but a thought, an image of a concept. Mastering the language, the child masters the sign system, which becomes a powerful tool for thinking, self-management and, of course, communication.

The child masters speech in communication with adults. The primary function of speech is communicative. Speech is primarily a means of communication, a means of expression and understanding. Communication based on the transmission of thoughts and experiences certainly requires an adequate system of means, which is speech. In order to convey some content to another, there is no other way than to assign this content to a class known to both, or to famous group phenomena. And this presupposes not just speaking, but necessarily generalization. Thus, it turns out that communication necessarily involves the generalization and development of verbal meaning.

The development of speech is inextricably linked with the development of the child's thinking. In the first year of life, thinking and speech develop independently of each other - thinking exists in the form of manipulations with objects and objective actions, and speech - in the form of babble, emotional exclamations, inverted gestures. But at an early age (about two years old), the lines of development of thinking and speech, which until now have been separate, intersect and coincide. According to L.S. Vygotsky, there is a meeting of thinking and speech, which gives rise to a completely new form mental life, so characteristic of man. Vygotsky considered the meaning of the word "not only as a unity of thinking and speech, but also as a unity of communication and generalization, communication and thinking." Growing out of communication and becoming a means of thinking, speech opens the way to a completely new form of human life - verbal, speech thinking, which is the most specific to a person and whose possibilities are endless.

CHAPTER 1. Objective activity of a young child

CHAPTER 2. Development of cognitive processes at an early age

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