"Airbag SRS" caught fire - causes and remedies. Did the airbag malfunction icon light up on the prior and the sound signal disappeared? You will have to repair the driver's airbag connector cable

On this page, we will consider how the Lacetti airbag light on the instrument panel should behave.

According to the statistics of requests, the Lacetti airbag light is an inexhaustible topic for beginners and for those who have not yet encountered this. But sooner or later, your car will definitely remind you of the existence of this bulb with a non-characteristic indication.

By the way, it would be more accurate to call the article the Lacetti airbag indicator, and not the Lacetti airbag light, but, again, on request, most often people use the word light bulb, not indicator. Therefore, we will write about the light bulb

This bulb really likes to cause problems for any reason, and the algorithm for its indication will lead any novice breeder into a dead end. And some do not even realize that the indicator behaves incorrectly on their car and, of course, continue to drive without realizing that there are problems.

And these problems are most often associated with a broken contact in the wiring or a tired battery. In general, I call the Lacetti a car of bad contacts. The loss of contacts in the wiring regularly makes itself felt, and neither the place of assembly nor the year of manufacture play a role - everyone suffers from this.

The airbag chain was no exception.

Self-diagnosis of this system allows us to see three options for the behavior of the airbag light on the instrument panel. Let's take a look at them briefly.

Lacetti airbag light flashing

If, when the ignition is turned on, the airbag light flashes 6-7 times and goes out, then this means that there are no problems in the system. And there are no problems now and there weren't in the past.

Only such an indication is evidence of a working system.

There may be two options, but they all indicate the presence of problems at the moment or the presence of such problems in the past.

If, when the ignition is switched on, the airbag light does not flash, but remains on for a few seconds and then goes out, then there are stored errors in the system.

Stored errors mean that the system had problems before, but now the system is working correctly.

IN this case it is enough to erase the saved errors and the airbag light will start flashing again. If the situation repeats, then you need to find the problematic connector and restore it, and then process it and erase the error.

By the way, the problem is most often not difficult to find, because the error code usually gives a direction to search in which part of the circuit the problem was present. Very often, for example, there is a high-resistance passenger airbag error. In this case, the prevention of the yellow airbag circuit connector located under the glove box (glove compartment) usually helps.

The second scenario is when the airbag light continues to burn after a few seconds. It is always on when the ignition is turned on and after the engine is started. Periodically, it can go out for a second and again continue to be an eyesore with its glow.

This is the saddest situation and it needs to be sorted out as soon as possible. It means that there is an active problem in the system.

If, when the ignition is turned on, the airbag light does not light up and does not flash, then with a very high degree of probability this means that the light has burned out and needs to be replaced. There is nothing complicated in this, but how to do it is shown on the page

I would like to touch on another point that some are misleading.

Remember - if the airbag light is on, then there is an error! And it must be considered to facilitate troubleshooting.

Why did I highlight this moment? Because not infrequently, in such a situation, people tell me that there are no errors, the BC does not give errors ...

The on-board computer will never report such errors, because it works with the engine control unit, and not with the airbag unit or the ABS unit!

To work with the airbag unit, you need to purchase a diagnostic adapter. How to choose it is shown on the page. And how to use it is described in the rubric. The adapter costs a penny, and its use is not difficult.

That, in principle, is all about the indication of the Lacetti airbag light.

Peace and smooth roads to all!

The modern car is made up of many complex systems. The passive safety system SRS Airbag is perhaps the most important in the car, because the quality of its work in an emergency depends on the health and life of people. If it fails, the corresponding light on the dashboard lights up. This light usually causes panic among drivers, because it indicates that the airbags in the event of an accident may not work. Today we will take a closer look at the SRS system, find out what to do if the airbag light comes on, and look at a few concrete examples from the life of car owners.

SRS system

In all modern machines in the cabin you can find the marking means? This abbreviation stands for Supplementary Restrain System, which in Russian means "Deployed Security System". Often the phrase Air bag is added to it, which translates as "airbag". It is the pillows that are the main attribute of the system. But besides them, SRS also includes:

  1. Seat belts.
  2. Tension devices.
  3. Impact sensors.
  4. Igniters.
  5. Electronic control system.

Like any other automotive component, the security system can fail if one small part breaks down or the reliable relationship between the elements is lost.

Principle of operation

When the sensor detects an impact, it sends an alarm to the system and the airbags deploy. From the moment of impact to the opening of the pillows, 30-35 milliseconds pass. IN modern cars there are special batteries that put the system into action even when the main battery is damaged.

Why does the Airbag light come on?

If the airbag light comes on in your car, then there is some problem in the system. The indicator can be on constantly or flash at regular intervals, thereby informing the driver of the error code.

If everything is good in the security system, then when the ignition is turned on, the light flashes about six times. Thus, the system lets the driver know that everything is in order with it. After that, the indicator goes out on its own and reminds of itself only the next time the engine is started. But if any problems or errors are found, the lamp continues to burn. As soon as the electronics has noticed an error, it automatically starts searching for the cause and transfers the fault code to the memory.

After a certain period of time after the first testing, the system checks all elements again. If the identification of the breakdown was erroneous or the signs indicating a malfunction disappeared, the diagnostic module erases the error code sent to the memory earlier. In this case, the lamp goes out and the machine continues to operate normally. When the system re-learns the fault, the light continues to flash.

Common faults

As you already understood, if the airbag light comes on in your car, then there is definitely a malfunction in the system. Modern car manufacturers approach the safety organization system with special responsibility. Therefore, the devices involved in this node are considered the most reliable and trouble-free in the entire car. So if the airbag malfunction light comes on, it makes no sense to complain about the unreliability of the system itself. Remember that SRS Airbag diagnostic organs are very rarely wrong!

If the Airbag indicator is on in your car, this may be due to such problems:

  1. Violation of the integrity of one of the elements of the system. It doesn't matter if it's small or big, important or not.
  2. Signal disruption between system elements.
  3. Problems with contacts located in the doors. Most often this happens after repair or replacement of contacts. If you forget to connect one of the connectors, the light will turn on.
  4. Damage to shock sensors.
  5. Short circuit or any kind of damage to the wiring in the system circuit.
  6. simple problem, which many people remember last, having already dismantled half the car.
  7. Software or mechanical damage SRS Airbag control unit.
  8. Violation of the integrity and consistency of the circuit elements due to the replacement or repair of the alarm.
  9. Carelessness when replacing seats or cleaning the cabin. Under the seats lies the wiring, damaging which can disable the entire chain of devices.
  10. Restoring pillows after an accident, without resetting the memory in the control unit.
  11. Too much resistance on one of the pads.
  12. Too low voltage in the car's electrical network. If the airbag light comes on for this reason, when you change the battery, everything will fall into place.
  13. Exceeding the life of the squibs or the pillows themselves. As a rule, this period is about 10 years.
  14. Unprofessional tuning, which often leads to a violation of the integrity of the electrical circuit or sensors.
  15. Wet sensors during car wash.
  16. Incorrect battery replacement.
  17. Inaccurate steering wheel replacement.


Now we know why the airbag light comes on. It remains only to figure out how to solve this problem. Troubleshooting consists of the following steps:

  1. To begin with, the system itself checks its performance when the ignition is turned on. If errors are detected, it writes their code to the central control unit.
  2. The wizard reads the code and determines the cause of the problem.
  3. Special diagnostic equipment checks the system.
  4. The master performs repair operations.
  5. It remains only to update the memory of the control unit, and the problem is solved.

It is strongly not recommended to try to repair problems with the SRS Airbag system at home! First, the elements of the system are not so easy to get to. Secondly, in order to eliminate the breakdown, it must be identified. And without special equipment it is impossible. Third, this system can save your life, so it's better to entrust its repair to professionals. Driving while ignoring the indicator is also dangerous. In the event of an accident, the airbags may not deploy. But they can easily hit you for no reason at all.

Now let's look at a few examples of solving this issue by drivers. different brands machines.

The airbag light came on on the Chevrolet Lacetti

Once the driver of this car noticed that during the engine start, the SRS light does not blink, but burns for five seconds, then goes out. This happened every time the engine was started. The reason turned out to be the following - when removing the seat, the driver disconnected the pillow and turned on the ignition in order to gain access to the cigarette lighter. The system considered an error, and this caused the airbag light on the Lacetti to light up. Then, when the seat and contacts were returned to their place, the car continued to remind of the problem.

"Renault Logan"

The owner of this car had a more significant problem. It all started with the fact that one day the SRS indicator came on. Since the driver had some experience in this matter, he decided to figure it out on his own. Having removed the front driver's pillow, the man disconnected the wires from it (having previously disconnected the "mass"), removed the steering wheel and plastic cover. By the way, he had to remove the steering wheel with a friend, as he was tightly pressed. This happens not only on Renault Logan cars. The airbag light came on, as it turned out, after removing the cover, due to the fact that the airbag plume was torn off, and on both sides. Having removed the steering column switch block, the man took out the damaged element and replaced it.

"Nissan Note"

After cleaning the car, the owner noticed that the SRS light was on. Apparently, the reason was that the man touched the connection located under the seat with a vacuum cleaner. At first he tried to simply remove the battery terminal. On some machines, it helps if the airbag light comes on. Nissan, on the other hand, is designed so that information about the error is immediately saved. Fortunately, this is not the only feature of Nissan cars. It turns out that in cars of this brand, to clear the system of errors, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Squeeze out the brake pedal. It should not be released until the end of the procedure.
  2. Turn the key to "ON" mode.
  3. Wait until the SRS indicator starts flashing.
  4. Quickly turn the key to the "OFF" position.
  5. Items from the second to the fourth need to be repeated 3-5 times.

If it does not help, then there is a more serious problem, and you need to contact the masters.

"Toyota Camry"

One motorist's Camry 40 airbag light came on for a very interesting reason. As already mentioned, not only pillows, but also belts are connected to the security system. So, once, in an emergency situation, the owner of the Toyota Camry, as they say, "shot the belt." Shot - it means that it was pulled back with such speed that the stopper worked, and the belt jammed. The pillows did not open, but the situation was recognized by the system as an emergency and persisted, as a result of which the light bulb lit up.


Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the SRS indicator may light up for various reasons. In any case, do not wait for it to go out on its own. If the light is on, and you have no idea about the reason for its breakdown, contact the masters to protect yourself and your passengers.

The Russian auto industry does not stand still, and finally, driver airbags appeared in the basic configuration of the Priora AvtoVAZ model. Such an addition pleases not only the owner of the car, but also the diagnostician. Pleased? Perhaps put this word in quotation marks. The diagnostician only got more work from this addition. And so, on a typical weekday, a Prior's car, all in poplar fluff, which pleases the inhabitants of Yekaterinburg every summer, drove to our place at the light. We ask the client about the problem and immediately get an answer:
- Guys, the “pregnant man” caught fire on the tidy. So with humor, some call the airbag icon, but what really looks like - :)

We ask after, but does the sound signal work? We get the answer:
- Oh, yes, and the sound signal periodically either works or not ...
Knowing about this malfunction already firsthand, what conclusion can be drawn? Let's think? We will not think, since we are already 99% sure that it was the driver's airbag cable on the steering wheel that broke. It is called differently - a clock spring (Airbag Clock-spring) or "in Russian" a connector with a rotating device.

We get into the car, start the engine. The airbag light is on, but the horn does not work.

We connect the diagnostic scanner (the diagnostic block is located behind the glove compartment).

Read block errors airbag systems SNPB.

Fault B1003 - high resistance of contacts 1-2 of the driver's airbag.

Below is a photo of the SNPB.

We are interested in part number 1118-3709315 (connector with rotating device assembly). Well, you need to check the integrity of the loop of this node.

Disconnect the "negative" terminal of the battery
Removing the steering column cover
Removing the steering wheel
And the following picture opens before us (photo below)

Here it is the same connector with a rotating device (in the photo “white box”). In it is our train, which apparently broke. We call the signal circuits:

In our case, none of the circuits rings, which indicates a complete break in the loop.

We disassemble the connector with a rotating device. What we see inside, the photo below.

If you look closely, you can see the place where the train broke.

So the rotating connector needs to be replaced (P/N 1118-3709315) or the cable rebuilt/repaired. The customer agrees to the repair. Well, it's the client's business. We are in the process of rebuilding.

First you need to unsolder the broken cable, but you need to do this very carefully, with a low-power soldering iron, so that the insulation of the cable does not melt. Solder gradually, contact by contact.

We cut off a piece of the cable to a broken place and clean the contacts.

Carefully solder the cable in place ...

we collect everything in the reverse order.

So what are we checking? We've got a sound signal. We remove error B1003 with a diagnostic scanner. We start the engine and check. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right, then all the way to the left. Everything is working. the airbag light no longer comes on.

Along with seat belts, airbags are one of the most effective and common means of protecting the driver and passengers of a car in the event of an accident. If your airbag warning light comes on, we strongly recommend that you immediately contact the service to fix the problem.

Crash test frets priors with airbags.

We all know what airbags are, why they were invented and that in English their name sounds like - "Airbag" (literally - an air bag, package). This device belongs to the active safety system and saves hundreds of human lives every day. All this is clear in in general terms Anyone can tell you about pillows.

Another thing is a burning indicator light " Airbag SRS", "Airbag", or " SRS", not everyone knows the answer to this question. It is this alarm signal that will be discussed in our today's article.

Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, airbags are not only one airbag flying out of the steering wheel in the event of an accident or an accident. A modern Airbag is a whole system that includes a lot of sensors, airbags: driver, passenger, as well as rear row passengers, and protection can be not only frontal, but also lateral. Pillows work in close contact with: the control unit, pretensioners, belts, squibs, shock sensors and more ... We will not delve into theory and get away from the topic, I advise you to read if you want to know more about airbags. Today we are going to talk about why is the airbag light on And what does it mean.

The first thing that comes to mind when you see a red light bulb with the inscription Airbag is that something is broken. In short, in most cases it is so, this light does not light up if everything is in order in the security system, with the exception of a brief fire when starting the engine. However, there is no reason to throw a tantrum and fall into depression. Like all car breakdowns, this one is repairable.

It is important to understand that when lit. "SRS or Airbag" this does not mean that the reason lies precisely in the pillow, as we said above. Airbag is a whole system that includes mass various devices, therefore, if the Airbag indicator lights up, a comprehensive check must be performed.

In good condition, the lamp lights up after turning the key to the "ON" position, while the module performs a self-test of the entire system. When the Airbag/SRS is checked, the light may flash (about 6 times). Having found no malfunctions, the pillow bulb should stop burning, at least until the next start of the engine. If malfunctions are still detected, the SRS / Airbag indicator will continue to light.

After that, the error code (malfunction) is recorded. After a few seconds, the check is performed again, if no problems were found during it, or let's say you turned off the ignition and turned it on again, the diagnostic module deletes the recorded error, and the light simply goes out.

When does the Airbag safety light come on and what are the possible causes?

  1. The problem of the integrity of the pillows. The module may stop receiving a signal from: sensors, pillows, belts or other elements of this device. It is possible that the seat belt buckle is equipped with a “fastened” sensor, that is, when you are not fastened and the metal rod is not installed in the buckle, the light will flash. What is it for? The fact is that the use of an airbag is justified only when you are fastened, the speed of the airbag is 200 km / h, and the impact of the airbag if you are not fastened is equal to the impact on brick wall at a speed of 25 km/h. Given this fact, automakers have programmed their "Airbags" in such a way that if you are not fastened, the airbag will not fire, in which case, as you understand, there is no need to talk about any safety. "Smarts" who allegedly deceived the security system by stretching the belt behind the back of the seat or installing special "emulators" or snags in locks instead of belts are deceiving themselves, in the event of an accident, such "smarts", as well as their passengers, have no chance to survive. ..

  1. Loose or no contact in system power wiring air bag. Connectors are loose.
  2. Faulty or damaged shock sensors.
  3. Moisture. If moisture has got on the belt lock or contacts, or other important parts for which water is contraindicated.
  4. . When doors are changed or some repair work and the connector is disconnected, when the power is on, the SRS / Airbag lamp will light up, because the system has detected malfunctions. To eliminate it is necessary to reset the module memory.
  5. Malfunctions of the control module itself. In this case, only a replacement will help you.
  6. Circuit breakers. Defective fuses quite often cause the airbag indicator to light up, but the fuse is the last thing to "think" about, or not suspect at all.
  7. Replacing seats or dashboard. If the wires or terminals were damaged during replacement, problems with the light bulb may occur.
  8. Mistakes made during Poor contact or damage to the power cord may cause Airbag or SRS light will be on constantly.
  9. The light bulb does not stop burning after recovery. When airbags have been rebuilt or replaced after they have deployed, the security system can remember the old position from the corresponding log entry. The solution is to remove the error.
  10. The cushion has expired. As a rule, an Airbag is considered serviceable for 8-10 years, after which no one can guarantee safety.
  11. The mains voltage is too low. In this case, if necessary, replace it in sequence.

As you can see, the reasons why Airbag light flashes or lights up there are many. It is quite difficult and unsafe to establish the cause on your own, because the slightest violation of the rules for diagnosing or replacing the airbag can lead to the fact that in an emergency it simply will not work. Do not take risks and entrust it to professionals, in this case you will have a guarantee that the work will be done with high quality, and your Airbag will not let you down in difficult times.

Everyone, perhaps, is aware of the purpose of airbags and knows what they are. This invention is directly related to the active safety system and saves many lives every day. With this, everything is clear, and even a schoolboy can tell you about these devices in general terms. Another issue is the airbag indicator. What does it mean if the airbag light comes on? These can be "Airbag SRS", "Airbag" or "SRS" indicators. On this question not everyone you know can answer you. But we can. And in this article, we will discuss the problems and solutions associated with this alarm signal.

The airbag light came on

The first thing that comes to mind when the red Airbag light comes on is that there is some kind of problem with the car. In a nutshell, that's exactly what it is. When the airbag sensor caught fire, then everything is definitely not in order in the system, except that a short circuit did not occur when the engine was started. But we want to reassure you right away: there is no reason for depressive thoughts. Like most car breakdowns, this one can also be repaired.

It is important to understand that when the “SRS” or “Airbag” indicator lights up, the malfunction is hidden in the airbag itself. The Airbag system is very large and combines many different devices. This means that if the corresponding light comes on, then it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive check in the entire system.

In good condition, the Airbag lights up immediately after turning the ignition key to the "ON" position, the system checks the performance of all its elements. When checking the Airbag / SRS, the indicator may begin to blink - this is normal. If no faults are found, the light will flash about six times and turn off until the next engine start.

But if malfunctions are still present, then the indicator will continue to burn. Then a fault code will be stored. In a few seconds, another verification will take place. If no new problems are found, or the ignition has been restarted, the diagnostic module will simply delete the error from the registry, and the light will simply go out.

Why does the airbag light come on?

The car's interior security system includes airbags (the number depends on the vehicle's configuration), shock sensors, belt tensioners, a control module and squibs. The entire system is wired to each other.

Therefore, the airbag icon is lit in the following cases:

1. One or more pillows are damaged.

2. There is no signal from the elements of the security system.

Interesting! The airbag for two-wheelers deploys in one-tenth of a second, providing better protection than any helmet. The authors of this technology are Swedish designers. The Miracle Pillow is placed inside a waterproof cover that is attached around the driver's neck.

3. Door contacts broken.

4. Impact sensors damaged.

5. Loose contact or damage to part of the wiring that connects the entire system. Frayed or shorted wiring.

6. Connectors are not connected well.

8. Damaged control module. It should only be replaced after the problem has been corrected.

9. Installed incorrectly

10. If the steering wheel was incorrectly replaced, the wires were damaged. You need to do this only according to the instructions.

11. Replaced chairs - damaged passing wires or terminals.

12. When replacing deployed airbags. The system can remember their old position, and the module has made a record of the operation, as in

13. In case of poor-quality repair or replacement of the dashboard, the wires were damaged.

14. High resistance is being applied to the driver's seat cushion.

Good to know! A car moving at a speed of 100 km/h travels about 30 meters per second. Turning the head of a parent driving a car towards children in the passenger seat takes an average of three seconds. And this is almost a hundred meters, which the car raced "blindly"!

15. Towers life airbags. Usually it is from 8 to 10 years.

16. Tuning was performed by unprofessional specialists who damaged the sensors or broke the wiring.

17. Moisture has got on the contacts or its lock.

18. When cleaning was done in the cabin, the terminals were affected.

19. Insufficient voltage battery. Here it should be replaced.

20. The battery was replaced in the wrong sequence.

How to troubleshoot?

Oddly enough, but the discussion of topics: “The Airbag is on” or “How to turn off the burning airbag lamp?” quite common in many automotive forums. Of course, some may think that there is nothing to pay attention to it, well, it burns and burns for itself, the car is moving. But you can't do that. This is a security system, and if it gives alarm signals, which means that there is some kind of problem that cannot be postponed, but must be solved. There are also many options for solving these problems in the discussions, but all advisers follow the path “the simpler and faster the better”, leaning towards completely turning off the pillows or using glue.

So, if the airbag sensor in the cabin of your car caught fire, you must immediately take the following measures:

1. First, swipe full check Airbag systems at the start of the power unit.

3. Repair the failing security element or replace it. Just remember that this should only be done with the battery disconnected. Upgrade your Airbag Modular Memory.

Interesting to know! An airbag in a car is up and running in 25 milliseconds on average. And blinking an eye, for example, lasts four times longer.

Many motorists think about the seriousness of a particular problem, which is signaled by the Airbag indicator. Drivers with extensive experience recommend making the most complete diagnosis of the entire outdoor system security. This is due to the fact that the bulb can constantly burn both with a small problem with the terminals, and due to the fact that the pillows were removed after a serious accident in which the car was.

Do not forget also that not only the health and even the life of the driver of the car, but also all the passengers in it depend on the Airbag security system. Therefore, you can not be negligent about the fact that the pillow is burning. It is necessary to regularly diagnose the entire system and immediately correct any problems identified.

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