Rating and statistics of VKontakte groups. How well-known publics work on VKontakte

Exams will begin very soon, but how you want to be distracted by hundreds of other things! Of course, you don't want to waste your time on other things. But sometimes it's good to take a break and admire the beauty. We have compiled a list of the top 10 interesting, exciting and beautiful groups Vkontakte, where you can hang out during one of your breaks. We allow! ;)

1. Forest- a group of talented girl Nicole, who runs a blog in parallel. In the Narnian forest (this is how Nicole describes her group) you will find beautiful and unusual photos. Go to the Forest for inspiration and good mood.

2. Movie Confessions. Don't know which movie to watch? Ask Movies Confessions for advice or share your movie experience with other members. The group posts opinions on various films or requests for movie recommendations. Perfect option for all movie lovers.

3. LOOKBOOK- Vkontakte version of the famous site of the most stylish people in the world. In the group you will find real fashion icons, learn how to combine the incongruous and gain courage for the craziest look of all time.

4. NEW ALBUMS. Dedicated to everyone who believes that "music is my life". Now there is nothing to surf the Internet in search of news about your favorite artist - all the news from the world of music is in one group. You can also listen to studio recordings of albums in good quality.

October 10 social network Pavel Durov's VKontakte is 10 years old. Over the past years, this platform has survived the departure of the creator, has become part of the Mail.Ru holding and has been greatly transformed. Now VKontakte allows not only to communicate with friends, but also unites strangers by interests in different publics. Among them are both publics of extremely specific topics with a couple of hundred subscribers, and groups that consist of hundreds of thousands of people and that have generated new trends in the offline world. The Motherland festival, rapper Pharaoh, VV17CHØU7 parties and Slaughterhouse are just some of the phenomena that were born and actively developed on the social network. The Village talked to the creators of MDK, Russia Without Us, Goal: 1 billion rubles per year and other large publics that have grown into musical associations, businesses and media, having started on VKontakte.

When did we start attracting investments it turned out that they read me, including
and investment bankers
By the way, one of them became our private investor

Ayaz Shabutdinov, creator of the public and holding Like: I am 24 years old and I am the founder of the Like holding. According to RBC, at the end of 2015 we hold 8.2% of the market in the Coffee to go segment in Russia. We have more than 1,200 beds in hostels in the CIS. We have attracted more than 80 million rubles of investments in our projects. We became semi-finalists of the EQ GSEA International Entrepreneurship Award and the Young Billionaire School Forbes magazine, RBC Award nominees in the Startup of the Year category. Revenue from all projects and the franchise network from January to July 2016: 507 million 428 thousand 580 rubles. The publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber is planning to publish my book. If it weren’t for the blog on VKontakte, nothing would most likely have happened.

In 2013, namely on January 1, inspired by the story of the founder of Dodo Pizza Fyodor Ovchinnikov, I decided to start doing business publicly. For the blog, some defiant name was needed, “Diary of an Entrepreneur”, “Business Quote Book” and other formats did not arouse interest, so I decided to do something more daring. This is how the blog “Goal: 2 million rubles per year” appeared. The following year, it was already called "Goal: 30 million rubles per year" and, finally, "Goal: 1 billion rubles per year." We post on the blog financial reports on the work of companies. And the name changed based on our financial goals. When the blog was created, there was no such format yet, then a thousand clone blogs appeared in which the guys set themselves such goals.

Such openness is both a motivator and an obligation to be responsible. In the summer of 2015, we experienced a big box office gap, and I can say with confidence that if it weren’t for personal responsibility to hundreds of thousands of people and moral support from subscribers, it would have been much more difficult to get out of the peak we entered due to rapid growth business.

Subscribers saw how I assembled beds for the first hostel three years ago, participated in the creation of the concept, and together we chose the name of the company. Now I am sharing with them the results of a meeting with people from Silicon Valley, describing how partners scammed us, how we are suing over a new bill banning hostels in housing stock, how after the 2014 crisis and the fall of the ruble we closed travel agencies and I I'm still paying the company's debts. Because of this, each person feels a sense of belonging.

Everyone can contribute to the development of our business. For example, now we are developing a network of barbershops, and 200 subscribers acted as a focus group. When we started attracting investments, it turned out that investment bankers were also reading me - by the way, one of them became our private investor. Every month we make about 400,000 purchases, from coffee to pizza. Among the buyers, of course, there are blog subscribers.

I get constant feedback that many other entrepreneurs don't have. For example, after buying coffee, we gave a check with a phone CEO: if suddenly a person was poorly served, then he could call the director of the company directly. So for all the time there was, if I'm not mistaken, only one call. But I receive thousands of messages directly or in the comments. This allows you to constantly improve. There is such a book "A Complaint as a Gift" - it's about that. People see that we are far from perfect, but there is a huge difference between what was two or three years ago and what we have now. And this is also the merit of the blog subscribers on VKontakte - criticism on the case allows us to become better every day.

The blog also helps to close vacancies. Once, with a good HR manager, we assembled a sales department for 17 people in a week. When it comes to product sales, the VKontakte blog is one of the key channels. This was even written in the "Secret of the Firm". Depending on the product, the revenue that comes from sales through the blog on VKontakte can reach up to 30% of the total sales.

Now I have returned from Silicon Valley, where I went to study the experience of accelerators. We launched our own in Moscow. Most of the participants in the first stream are entrepreneurs from the blog. Among them, for example, a company not from Russia with a revenue of more than a billion rubles and a staff of 300 employees. As a result, we have the right to acquire 24.9% of the share in the company at its current value. We are now negotiating with the guys who own a chain of hotels in Kenya - they were valued at $4 million. It is still difficult to say how much money such transactions will bring in the future. But many of them are born thanks to our publicity and blogging on VKontakte.

Motherland is my main job right now. Every morning
I start
from listening to a couple of dozen new artists

Maxim stepakov, founder: I liked all this wave of new domestic music - Motorama, Manicure, Narkotiki, Galway, Magnetic Poetry, Ifwe. In 2012, there was still no community that could add some coherence to this whole movement. Then I decided to start creating such a community myself. To begin with, everything was done at the level of the Motherland track blog.

The public fired almost immediately. People had no idea that there is so much cool music in Russia. After a few months, we started holding concerts and small festivals. Our first event is the Fatherland picnic in the Nagatinskaya floodplain. Hostel, Lisichkin Bread and others performed there. Our subscribers came there, brought blankets with them, homemade cookies, tea and lemonade. Then we held the first club concert at the Chocolate Factory - together with the groups Ruble Gang, Region 77, Hearttseder.

Soon we were noticed by various journalists, publications, art directors of clubs.
In February 2013, Shurik Gorbachev called us to a meeting, suggested that we maintain our own personalized section, Motherland Playlist, on the Afisha website (well, the Map of the Motherland, later on Vozdukh). It was a stimulus for further development.

In June 2013 we found sponsors (two large companies) and held the first big festival Motherland Summer 2013 on the territory of the Flakon design factory. The lineup was powerful: On-The-Go, Motorama, SBP, The Retuses, Tesla Boy, EIMIC, Sonic Death, Trud, Lemonday, Human Tetris and many others. Already next year we didn't have to look for sponsors - Motherland Summer 2014 in Muzeon Park was held with the support of the city.

Motherland is my main job right now. Every morning I start by listening to a couple of dozen new artists. Today, four people are involved in the public: me, two editors and my assistant. Every year we hold several festivals, periodically organize city holidays, such as City Day, Christmas, Russia Day, we hold concerts and parties. Of course, we continue to introduce subscribers to new groups in our public. All posts in the public were published and are published for free. Motherland Summer is a free entry festival. Almost all other events are paid.

It seems to me that we have radically changed the attitude towards domestic groups, and now every city has its own wonderful musicians. When we started the public, most people had foreign artists in their audio recordings. Now every second person in the audio recordings on VKontakte has Buerak, Killers, Pompeya, Summer of Haze or Pasosh.

(he has a separate

1. Selections of movies, films

Public with the same "save to your wall, so as not to forget to look." For convenience, in the publications, along with the lists of films, the videos themselves are also given. Lifehacker does not call for piracy: collections can also be used to watch movies legally.

2. KinoPoisk

Representation of the largest Russian portal about cinema. Trailers, rumors and news from the world of cinema and, of course, live discussions - all this in the KinoPoisk community.

3. Let's take a look at home

A public that recommends movies for home viewing - films that are no longer shown in cinemas, but which are always a pleasure to revisit.

4 Lost Film TV

Public, administered by some of the most popular voice-over authors of modern series. In a convenient navigation menu, you can find information about dozens, and interesting news is published on the wall.



For those who love soundtracks as much as the movies themselves. Other publics publish music from popular films, but movie.soundtracks will also delight you with selections of songs from old or little-known movies.

6. New Albums

By this public will not pass any more or less noticeable worthy release. For supporters of legal listening, the collections are provided with links to Apple Music.

7. Perception of music

Musical selections of different genres. There are only two unifying criteria: quality and beauty. For convenience, the community has a search by genre, as well as a schedule according to which thematic collections are published.

8. Native sound

Public for fans eager for new discoveries. Native Sound publishes both selections of fairly well-known performers (Tesla Boy, Pompeya) and little-known, but very picky administrators who have passed the test.

9. Music history

In this group, multi-genre selections are accompanied by generous Interesting Facts references. For example, “A Day in Music History” posts are published daily, reporting on events in the world of music that took place many years ago.


10. Books & Audiobooks

This community publishes both book collections and individual works. Great option for those who like to listen to VKontakte audio while on the go: most wall posts are accompanied by audiobooks.

11. A thousand devils, what a book!

Public, telling about worthy writers and their works. In addition to collections, audiobooks and background information, TCCC has another important advantage - the ability to communicate with like-minded people. The works are actively discussed in the comments, and the administration daily publishes the evening entry “What book do you read at night?”.

The science

12. Museum of Cosmonautics

The official public page of the Museum of Cosmonautics, founded in Moscow in 1981. The wall publishes not only news from the life of the institution, but also interesting facts about the history of space exploration.


Representation of the popular science publication N + 1 "VKontakte". Articles are published on the topic of the latest technological developments, news from the world of physics, biology, astronautics and robotics.

14. Arzamas

"The history of culture in videos, texts and photographs" - a description that is fully consistent with the content published by the Arzamas publication. In the community you can learn a lot about interesting things, which are not taught in the lessons of history and literature, for example, about vegetarianism in pre-revolutionary Russia and secret signs in Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov.

15. History elective

Texts in which the character and individuality of the author are felt are sometimes much more interesting to read than the usual articles written in an informational style. The author of the public is Olya Andreeva, a columnist for the publication Diletant, who delights subscribers with weekly articles on the topic of history.

Business and motivation

16. Startups and business

Public edition vc.ru, writing about startups, growing businesses and new models of earnings. No useless quotes and general motivational advice - just facts, news and interviews with entrepreneurs.

17. IQ Blog - Business Secrets

For those who need motivation and support with advice on, this public will help. Various entries are published on the wall: quotes and facts from life historical figures, useful articles and thematic book collections.

Sports and fitness

18. Sports articles | Body-building

In this public, not catchy quotes are intended to motivate, but detailed useful texts, recommendations from which can be applied in practice. Articles from this community will help not only to give the body the desired shape, but also to do it correctly, without harming your health.

19. Personal trainer

Another public for those for whom improving the body is not just another hobby, but one of the prevailing goals in life. Many posts are supported by videos.

20. Bodyfitness, bikini fitness, fitness

In this community, you can find all the information you need to keep your body in shape: motivating quotes, funny pictures, exercise instructions, nutrition tips and even diet recipes.


21. PP. HLS. Recipes

In continuation of the previous category: a public with recipes for dishes that will not harm the figure. Administrators assure that all recipes are copyrighted, and photos of dishes are real.

22. Cook it! - delicious recipes

Public with the usual recipes, not only for losing weight. Its audience is more than two million people, and the number of entries is approaching 60 thousand, which allows us to talk about Cook it! as one of the most popular and complete recipe books on VKontakte. For convenience, in the "Information" block, a special item "Search for recipes" is displayed.


23. Freakbook

Every day, Freakbook collects interesting articles on the Russian Internet and offers them to the reader with a note about the time it will take to read.

24. New what

Another public broadcasting best materials Internet, this time - foreign. Administrators invite subscribers to vote in a poll for an article on English language which they would like to read. Some time later, a translation of the article is published.

25. Lifehacker

And finally, we could not help but mention our public. The community broadcasts articles from the site on various topics, united by a common goal - to make the reader's life better.

In the same way that a child moves from the stage of knowing the world around him to realizing his “I”, SMM specialists have just finished understanding the functionality of social networks, they learn to think critically and try to analyze their work in terms of objective indicators and statistics.

For the convenience of this complex process of "growing up", good developers have already prepared a number of services and small programs that help in collecting and analyzing information. This review is dedicated to the most convenient and popular services for analytics of activity in social networks, namely "In contact with".


Reincarnation of the deceased Postee service. the main task- analysis of the interests and hobbies of the audience in order to prepare the most suitable content for it.

After analyzing the community, Popsters.ru provides information on the percentage of likes, reposts, comments and bots in the community, as well as the engagement rate (ER). The main advantage of the service is the ability to work with a feed of records. It can be sorted by content type, activity and many other parameters, and then select the most relevant posts from it to your Favorites.

By linking the service with Time2Post or Novapress auto-posting, you can fill your own group with selected posts from someone else’s feed without a twinge of conscience and wasting time. The only disadvantage of this method is that the uniqueness of the content suffers.

WITH Popsters.ru convenient to work on mobile devices. There is a trial version. The service interacts with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Odnoklassniki. The only negative is the lack of detailed information and the lack of analysis of subscriber data. Although for a repost - it's the most.


A carload of free analytics and data, and for a modest fee - also a small cart of detailed statistics on any possible parameters. Alas, the service analyzes only your own community, so spying on other people's pages will not work.

Sections socialstats.ru:

  • Scan all posts, likes, comments and other things in the community and segment the audience by type of activity.
  • Many options for engagement metrics, from the standard calculation of ER to special methods of Active core activity and SocialBakers.
  • Analysis of photo albums, rating photos by the number of likes, comments, user reactions and post authors.
  • Video statistics, everything is the same as in photo albums.
  • Rating of adjacent communities in which your subscribers are present. A very handy feature for understanding your audience.
  • Page Popularity Rating. Alas, only the top 5 pages by user interests are available here.
  • Sort friends of subscribers. The rating is based on the number of friends who are also connected to the community. Shows a kind of "word of mouth" effect.
  • User geography rating.

The socialstats.ru service is free, which explains the gloomy interface and the lack of a mobile version. If you want to improve it - you can thank the developers by making a modest or not very contribution through Visa or master card.


One of the most popular and successful services For smm. Convenient, polished interface and the presence of its own Wiki with explanations for work.

It provides a huge amount of statistics, so before downloading, you should select at least some researched period. For example, last month. And voila - all the information about the duration of user visits, content analysis, ER, etc.

JAGAJAM.com draws very convenient and beautiful graphs on the dynamics of filling the group with content and its attractiveness to users.

Also, the huge advantages of the service are:

  • Detailed audience analysis.
  • Separation by user activity cores.
  • Statistics on former subscribers, how they reacted to the content when they stopped.
  • Segmentation of the activity core into special categories.

It also contains complete information on subscribers, starting from the date of registration and ending with the geography and gender of the participant.

The most important advantage of the service is the ability to analyze adjacent communities. The service package includes uploading reports in XLSX, automatic reporting to a smartphone or mail, but, alas, among the minuses is the lack of a mobile version and a high price.


A simple but effective community analysis service. Specify public addresses on the service website and receive a link to detailed reports on your email.

The statistics collected data on community members, their geography, gender, age, rating of 30 publics to which group members are subscribed, as well as a collective image of the average subscriber. The maximum number of people in the sample is 30 thousand people.


In addition to external community analysis services, the social network itself also provides detailed community statistics. And, frankly, at first it is more than enough.

Internally, the service is divided into four sections: reach, attendance, activity and records.

Attendance unloads and structures statistics of community users in the form of diagrams: their age, geography, gender, source of transition to public, as well as the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Reach successfully combines the functions of the previous section, namely, it analyzes the third-party audience that has viewed the group's posts. Activity, in turn, gives more than detailed information for all user actions: uploading photos, comments, discussions, average time spent and, as a result, the level of user engagement.

Recordings provide feedback on user activity: their reactions to publications, the number of likes, transitions and reposts. It also displays the negative effect of the posts in your group: how many people have hidden your posts or complained about the content. This is perhaps the most convenient part of the service, which allows you to process the negative of visitors in time.

Alas, mobile version service is not yet available. But there is an option to upload statistics to CSV or XLSX. The statistics of third-party publics can only be seen if their administrators directly allow it.

It's no secret that most of the users of our country have accounts in social networks, and the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS is VKontakte. But this site is suitable not only for communication, but also for making money, because popular groups and public pages (publics) make very good money on advertising.

TOP 10 largest publics on VKontakte

The largest publics on VKontakte as of November 2018.

Each of them has 8.6 million subscribers or more. As you can see, these are mainly entertainment-themed publics (humor), as well as communities dedicated to cinema and music.

The largest public VKontakte - New music 2018. He has over 16 million subscribers.

Overview of popular VKontakte publics

"Laugh to tears"

For all ages there will be humor hot topic. In the Laugh to Tears community, you will always find various demotivators, jokes and jokes. There are no monotonous stories "stolen" from other sites. For a better visual perception, a picture is attached to each entry. Yes, and the administrator of the group tries to select really funny and original jokes.

“Cookery Masterpieces”

The most popular culinary public VKontakte has 6.7 million subscribers. Basically, these are, of course, women who are interested in cooking and looking for interesting and delicious recipes with photos and videos.

In this community, you can subscribe to the recipe mailing list. Such categories are offered as: New Year's recipes, super breakfast, homemade dinner, fragrant lunch. The burning question “what would you cook?” filmed!

Did you know?

Informative public, a collection of facts and interesting life stories. After the first visit, you can find a lot of new and interesting things for yourself. This group has amassed 5.5 million members since its inception.

Nice line

This community is posting beautiful words about happiness, love, the meaning of life. You can immerse yourself in reading poetry, apt expressions, stories - there is plenty of material here. A couple of years ago, the public feed was literally crammed with advertising posts. Today there are much less ads and more interesting information. The community has 6.5 million followers, 79% are women.

Relationship psychology

Gender group - in simple words about the most, perhaps, burning topic. Subscribers find this public interesting and useful. In addition to romantic, touching and motivating posts, the community publishes tips, games, and in discussions you can even get a consultation from a psychologist. Among the 6.3 million participants, there is no significant bias between the male or female audience - the psychology of relationships in equally both sexes are involved. The public has its own page on Instagram, where there are already 50 thousand subscribers and more than 2 thousand publications.

Watch related videos:

How much do VKontakte publics earn

Having a multimillion-dollar audience on VKontakte is not only pleasant, but also profitable, because all communities make money on advertising.

Let's take a popular community - Laugh to tears, which has more than 11 million subscribers.

You can also see community statistics there.

Ordinary subscribers are not allowed to write new posts on the wall of this community, only an administrator can do this. This rule is applied so that high-quality and fresh jokes are not lost among the heaps of rubbish. The developer has achieved great popularity among users and has more than 11,000,000 VKontakte subscribers in his "arsenal".

The average age of subscribers also matters. There is an opinion that VKontakte is a social network “for shkoloty”, i.e. for young people under 18 who do not have their own income and the ability to buy anything. Therefore, potential advertisers always evaluate not only the number of subscribers, but also other factors.

Develop your Vkontakte community wisely: Explore complete guide on earnings in Vkontakte

How to choose a VKontakte public for advertising

  • age and gender of public visitors (are subscribers your target audience);
  • the number of unique visitors per day;
  • subscriber activity (number of views, likes and reposts).

A large number of subscribers can be cheated, so you can’t focus only on this indicator. The percentage of unique visitors is important - the higher it is, the better. This indicator should be at least 2.7% - if the group has 1 million subscribers, there should be at least 27 thousand unique visitors every day. If less, it is possible that the subscribers are “cheated”.

As a rule, large publics publish their statistics themselves so that advertisers can make sure that they are not throwing their money away in vain. For example, in the “Laugh to Tears” group, statistics can be seen next to prices.

On the first graph - the total audience coverage

On the second chart - Feedback(likes, comments)

On the third - the gender and age of the audience

Thanks to this information, the advertiser can evaluate the effectiveness of advertising. Advertising in a group with 1 million subscribers and 95,000 unique visitors every day is much more profitable than in a group with 2 million subscribers and 40,000 unique visitors.

How to view group statistics

If the group does not publish statistics, you can check them yourself.

Firstly, there is the socialboard.ru/stat service, where you can see the statistics of popular communities.

Secondly, to see the statistics, just type in the search bar https://vk.com/stats?act=reach&gid=12345678 where 12345678 is the community id. If the group is interested in advertising, then the administrators, as a rule, do not close this data.

All of these groups are the product of the hard and successful work of their creators. If you understand your needs target audience, stubbornly go to your goal and have iron patience, then you can achieve such results.

If you are interested in VKontakte publics from the position of an advertiser, carefully study all the indicators of the community and do not be fooled only by the number of subscribers, because this figure can be cheated. In addition, do not forget that in addition to advertising in groups, there is also targeted advertising on the VKontakte social network.

If you are interested in making money on VKontakte, as well as other ways to make money on the Internet, all the most actual information 50 better ways make money online

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