The man wears a watch on his right hand. On which hand do men wear watches? How to choose a watch for a man. So right or left

How to wear on watch? How do boys and girls wear watches?

  • Its cultural, technological and often reference advantage, watches have been demonstrating for several global eras.
  • Since the invention sundial, a person relentlessly looks at time in an attempt to determine his working and free from work schedule, which will affect his entire system of calculating cases.
  • Mechanical and electronic watches have become a standard for every user and have the right to be in the most relevant and main place of a person - the hand.
watch & suit
  • The rules of etiquette in the effective use of watches often collide with their classification and types, so you can determine what, for example, classic watches are comfortable to wear at business meetings, where they, emphasizing their rigor and quality, will play on the general idea of ​​​​a person and his role in this environment.
  • In this case, as in other cases, the clock is also selected according to the conditions of the event, the type of person, his purpose and role in the event, as well as based on the creation of the necessary effect by the clock.
  • In an attempt to choose a hand for which a unique accessory will be assigned, a person develops a certain etiquette, according to which it is realistic to determine why it is worth wearing a watch on this particular hand. So, for example, for left-handers it is recommended to wear a watch on the right hand, and for right-handers on the left.

how girls wear watches
  • You can also determine which hand the watch should be on using mechanical head hours, it controls the time setting, the clock itself and is most often located either on the left or on the right. In this case, it is likely that it is necessary to wear the watch on the installed side.
  • You can wear the watch face inward, it looks quite extraordinary, but it allows you to keep track of the time discreetly, without violating the etiquette of communication, for example, during a conversation.

elegant suit and watch

Video: "How to wear a watch in style?"

On which hand is a woman's watch worn?

Referring to the general watch etiquette between women, it is worth noting that the hours for which this case special attention is emphasized, it is customary to select according to the size of the wrist and according to the type of character.

Strong and purposeful women prefer to wear a watch on their active hand, it does not distract them and vice versa makes them go through difficulties to success.

Selena Gomez, with the clock on right hand
  • Just as important appearance hours on the main hand, because with the help of it to characterize the type of woman.
  • The case is selected individually under the woman's arm, so as not to emphasize her miniature or, on the contrary, her bulkiness.
  • In order for the watch not to be distracting and to fit tightly on the hand, women pick up the strap or bracelet of the watch a little wider than the size of the hand. This will help to make sure that the watch does not pinch your wrist and does not dangle, attracting attention.
  • In other cases, when a woman is preparing to attend an event or celebration, it would be rather inappropriate to wear a large "commander's" watch, in these cases it is recommended to give preference to more modest and miniature watches.

miniature and large watches

But there is another interpretation that says that girls need to wear watches on their right hand, regardless of whether they are right-handed or left-handed. This is due to the fact that a person unconsciously associates his stages of life with the past - left and future - right, hence the desire to look into the future now and do everything to be happy now.

On which hand is a man's watch worn?

  • Men, paying special attention to watches as an item of luxury and status, focus their attention on the ambiguity, functionality and price of watches.
  • Conservative views in relation to the watch also help to maintain the utmost aggressiveness and seriousness of the watch and its owner. This is of particular importance in the business sphere of work.
  • Men, in order to save hours in the conditions of active working days, tend to place them as far as possible from main hand to protect against sudden shock, rain or unwanted contact with the watch.

combination of clothes with a watch on the left hand

On which hand do guys and girls wear watches?

Keeping pace with progress, watches are gaining momentum, creating unimaginable forms, mechanisms and styles so quickly that even today's youth are faced with questions about the difficulty of choosing their watches and placing them on their hands. In most cases, the watch is combined with the rest of the clothes and accessories, so there is nothing complicated here.

At the moment, more attention is paid to the respectability and style of watches, so their main essence is that - they should be noticeable. This can be the wrist or further from it, closer to the elbow of both the left and right hands.

how the watch looks on the right and left hands

It is worth remembering that there are no strict rules and places on the human body for watches, so everyone is free in their choice. The only condition that opposes this judgment is relevance. It must be remembered that the people around you also improvise, improving fashion, and your “new feature” may be regarded as not unique enough or, on the contrary, tasteless.

On which hand is a right-handed watch worn?

Among the population on Earth, six out of seven people are right-handed, which is probably why the watch is most often worn on the left hand, which makes it easy to practice with the right hand and help to keep it when performing most operations with the right hand.

This desire to preserve watches dates back to the beginning of the Second World War, at the time of which mechanical wristwatches appeared. As a replacement for pocket watches, they gained their first popularity among officers, who often damaged watches during combat operations. Watches are a valuable thing, so the desire to keep them is understandable.

Many watches in those days did not have a sealed crown, so when used on the right hand, they often broke from splashing rain and broke. What can not be said about the use of watches on the left hand, where when the watch is held down, the crown is completely sealed and inaccessible to rain.

ease of use of the watch on the left hand

On which hand do lefties wear watches?

People who have left hemisphere dominates over the right, previously right-handers were often not accepted in society under the pretext that left-handed people serve the devil, allowed themselves to show aggression and is extremely unforgivable. But over time, this idea of ​​left-handers became outdated and eradicated, they began to be treated as normal people.

During the mass production of watches in the USSR, there was a GOST, which emphasized that the watch setting head was installed only on the right side, so that the watch on the left hand was convenient for people with the main right hand to use. It was more difficult for lefties, as they were forced to wear watches in the same way on their left hand.

watch on the left hand of a left-hander

For left-handers, it is most relevant to wear a watch on the right hand, this will help maintain the quality of the watch, and can also strengthen the impression of yourself at the time of the handshake, which is carried out mainly by the right hand. A person will certainly notice the watch on your hand and fully appreciate it, even if the contract happens very quickly.

The handshake is carried out only with the right hand. Since ancient times, the left hand has been treated as a dirty hand, which serves to carry out dirty deeds. Therefore, there is a condition under which a person who greets with his left hand does not respect the other person or wishes him harm.

the clock on the right hand is expressed during a handshake

On which hand do Muslims wear watches?

In the Muslim world, there is no exact answer that could explain which hand the watch should be worn on, but there is a belief that says that the Messenger of Allah used the ring with both his left and right hand.

A mechanical watch can be considered an element of decoration, which, like a ring, can be worn both on the right and on the left hand. But also in the Muslim world there is a belief that says to do good things with the right hand.

muslim watch

On which hand do Jews wear watches?

The Jews have no taboo about where the clock should be. It is allowed to wear watches, both on the right and on the left hand.

"no watch" clock with reverse hand and Jewish time numbering

Video: " On which hand should the watch be worn? Signs and superstitions«

Since the appearance of the first wristwatch and up to the present day, such an accessory has always been an indicator of the status of its owner. Until recently, chronometers helped the owner navigate the time, but with the advent of smartphones and tablets, the direct appointment of watches has lost its relevance. And if it is style, status that comes to the fore, Business Etiquette, then a completely natural question arises, connected with all these nuances, on which hand men wear watches. Let's look at a few theories about this.

Which hand to wear?

Question of etiquette and profession

If a man is an entrepreneur, has his own business or occupies a respectable position, then it makes sense to adhere to the canons of etiquette in order to inspire more trust among partners and emphasize his reliability. In this case, there is a clear rule as to which hand men should wear watches on - on the left.

Representatives can afford more liberties creative professions– artists, musicians, designers, poets, as well as those individuals whose activities are associated with the need for development creative ideas and directions, for example, PR-managers. In this case, it is allowed not only to wear a man’s watch on his right hand, but also to completely abandon it in favor of the original pocket ones or choose a model with a strap of a very unusual and bright design.

The main thing is that in general the image should be harmonious and the accessory fit organically into it.

Important! Remember that in order to maintain a business image, it is important to follow some rules for choosing an accessory:

  • the watch must be fully combined with a trouser suit;
  • the chronometer on the hand should be large enough, suitable for the size of the owner's wrist, but of a strict form and laconic design;
  • if a man uses cufflinks for a shirt, the watch should be combined with them in color, design, decoration;
  • the watch should clearly sit on the wrist according to its size, and not dangle on it.

A question of history

It is today that on the shelves of shops you can see both mechanical, and quartz, and electronic models, and multifunctional chronometers, which you can’t even call ordinary watches. But all this abundance appeared not so long ago. Back in the middle of the last century, people were content exclusively with mechanical chronometers that required constant winding.

Under such conditions, it was not necessary to be particularly puzzled on which hand to wear a watch for men - they were worn only on left hand to make it more convenient with the right, as necessary, tighten the small head of the chronometer.

A matter of convenience

As for personal convenience, it all depends on whether the person is right-handed or left-handed. A few decades ago, left-handers were "outlawed." Even in kindergartens and schools, they retrained to use only the right hand if it was noticed that the child takes everything with the left. Today, this moment is not fundamental, no one retrains anyone and does not infringe on the sole reason that it is more convenient for a person to work, write and perform any household chores with his left hand.

Based on this, it is easy to say on which hand a man should wear a watch correctly:

  • Left-handed - on the right.
  • Right-handed - on the left.

A question of psychology

Psychologists can tell a lot about a person only by looking at him and evaluating what he is wearing, exactly how and many other nuances about which a common person doesn't even think about it.

Representatives of this profession also have an opinion on which hand a man should wear a watch on:

  1. Adherents classical style- both in clothes and in life, as well as pedants and clear practitioners put an accessory on their left hand.
  2. Purposeful, strong personalities who are not afraid of change and always look to the future for the future, wear a watch on their right hand.

Bioenergy issue

Chinese medicine is known all over the world today. Despite the fact that not everyone understands the whole essence of the action of the methods of healers from the Middle Kingdom, many tend to trust them, since the results are sometimes stunning.

According to these teachings, in the body of each person there are many energy points, by influencing which one can not only improve one's physical condition, but also improve life in general, including work, personal relationships with the opposite sex, etc.

In relation to the clock, the importance of the location of the energy points responsible for the work of the heart is emphasized. In men, they are on the left hand, in women - on the right. Therefore, in order not to block them, but to allow free circulation of energy, men should wear a watch on their right hand.

Signs and superstitions

In addition to practical, bioenergetic and psychological considerations, there are many more signs and superstitions associated with wrist watch. There are claims that the fate of a person is influenced not only by which hand a chronometer is worn, but also by its shape, size, and many other nuances. By choosing the right accessory and adding it to your image, you can change your destiny in better side, and vice versa.

Here are the signs and tips associated with them regarding wristwatches:

  1. The square dial is suitable to get rid of frivolity and properly organize yourself, help the person become more serious and collected.
  2. Diamond-shaped - good for those who can not reach internal balance And peace of mind. But at the moments of solving serious business issues or active work activities they should be abandoned.
  3. Round - welcome to wear to those individuals who often prioritize prejudice and are conservative in the rules of human behavior. Such a chronometer on your hand will help you become more tolerant and less critical.
  4. Oval - it is recommended to wear such a watch to those who find it difficult to achieve their goals and establish contacts with other people. Plus, such an accessory is considered a kind of talisman of good luck, especially in the field of professional activity.
  5. The triangular dial is the choice of hidden leaders who lack decisiveness, self-confidence. It is advisable only to replace this model with another from time to time in order to increased self-esteem did not develop into ambition and arrogance.
  6. Hexagonal models will help develop your creativity and improve your intuition, will contribute to the emergence of new ideas and finding harmony with yourself.

Important! Many speculations and superstitions are associated with giving watches. This decoration is not suitable as a gift:

  • to the wedding, as this is fraught with an early divorce of the newlyweds;
  • for a birthday, since from the moment the present is received, the hero of the occasion will begin a "countdown to death."

The choice of the jewelry itself, and the way it is worn, largely depends on the personal preferences of a particular person. In any case, this is very interesting topic with which you can experiment endlessly. Perhaps it is with the help of the right watch, worn on the right or left hand, that you will finally be able to achieve those goals that you have set yourself for a long time, but have not yet realized, or you will have new ideas that will help both personally and in professional development.

We always try to adhere to certain rules. How to stay in society, how to conduct a dialogue correctly and, of course, how to look appropriate for the moment. Therefore, there are hundreds and thousands of norms and standards in fashion and etiquette. How to tie a scarf or tie? What to wear to a formal meeting? How to wear a jacket? All this applies to watches. This accessory has firmly entered our lives and is no longer a traditional indicator of time. Today, a watch is an addition to the image, which can tell almost everything about its owner. What is the right way to wear a watch? On which hand? Are there any rules? Or maybe there are even interesting signs ... We will talk about this with you today.

Watch on the right hand: symbols and signs

Why do people choose different, if I may say so, hands for wearing watches? There is an explanation for all this.

It is generally accepted that the watch on the right hand can wear only left-handers. In fact, everything is different. The fact is that it is with the right hand that we produce large quantity movements. Accordingly, the watch on the right hand will be most noticeable to others. It is logical to assume that in order to somehow stand out from the crowd, you will choose the right hand for your accessory, even if you are right-handed. That is why, most often, young people prefer to wear watches on their right hand, who tend to deviate from generally accepted norms and habitual customs. If you prefer to wear a watch on your right hand, then here you can most likely talk about a philosophical preference rather than a practical side.

According to psychologists the left side is characterized by negative shades, and the right side is positive, the left is the past, the right is the future. And all this can be attributed to wristwatches. If you are a purposeful person, try to move forward without looking back at past mistakes - choose the right hand.

Ancient Chinese philosophy also speaks in favor of wearing a watch on the right hand.. According to her theory, on the left wrist, just in the place where the watch strap should be, there are energy points. Including the point that responds to the work of the heart. If you wear a watch on your left hand, you can involuntarily put pressure on this point, which can even lead to cardiac arrest (again, this is all ancient Chinese philosophy). That is why, in China, it is recommended to wear watches on the right hand.

Why should you wear a watch on your right hand?

There is another rather interesting version,The fact is that in this way you can protect the accessory from theft - in criminal circles, a watch on the right hand is a sign of "one's own", and pickpockets do not steal from their own.

Do you agree that this watch will look perfect on the right hand? ;-)

There is no specific etiquette in the field of wearing wristwatches. There are rules recognized in the business environment, even if you wear a watch on your right hand. This applies to the size and design of the watch (they should not distract your interlocutor from the conversation).

A large number of signs and beliefs are associated with the clock. Probably the most common is that you can’t give a watch for a wedding, you can’t give a watch for a birthday either. Although, according to psychics, the donor needs to give a coin in return so that everyone negative sides nullify. But the watches that you inherited are the most powerful talisman attract good luck and protection. Such watches store all the energy of your ancestors and protect you from the evil eye and damage.

Clock on the left hand: etiquette and meaning

If you trace the history of wristwatches, then we will see that they received the greatest popularity at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, this accessory most often adorned the wrists of officers. And since the majority were right-handed, the watch was worn on the left hand so as not to damage expensive thing. Over time, watch production was established, and even models for left-handers went on sale, but the habit developed over a hundred years remained. Agree, because it is much more convenient to bring the mechanism and fasten the strap with your right hand.


Due to the fact that more than 80% of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, it is customary to wear watches on the left hand. And the point here is largely due to practicality. Indeed, in this way, we, first of all, get the opportunity to protect the accessory from unexpected damage, because we do most of the work with our right hand.

As for etiquette, then in a business environment, the watch should be on the left hand, whether it be a man or a woman. The choice of this side will indicate the elegance and education of a business person. It is also worth paying attention that the watch does not look out much from under the shirt cuff, is not very defiant (so that the interlocutor is not distracted) and corresponds to the business style.

Why do people choose their left hand to wear wristwatches:

It's just convenient, because putting a watch on your left hand and helping yourself with your right hand is much more practical.

The watch can be wound without even removing it from your hand.

On the left hand, the watch is the least susceptible to damage and any other influences. After all, according to one sign, a damaged watch promises problems to its owner, therefore, you should treat your wristwatch as carefully as possible.

According to the esoteric version, wrist watches for the left hand are chosen by those who cannot accept their past, constantly experiencing events that can no longer be changed.

The watch on the left hand indicates that its owner is a creative person.

Etiquette stipulates many things, including which hand a man wears a watch on. The rules of behavior and wearing of personal wardrobe items exist for a reason, therefore it is important to understand where this or that rule came from, this is the only way to understand whether it is important to fulfill it today.

On which hand should men wear a mechanical watch?

The rule to wear a watch on the left hand has been around for decades. This is due to several features:

  1. The watch face is covered with glass, so this accessory is worn on the hand, which is less involved in everyday work. This helps to reduce the chance of damage to the glass and therefore to the mechanism. By the way, today there are also watches for left-handers, but in Soviet time there was simply no such thing.
  2. Previously, there were only mechanical watches. The screw, which was used to wind the mechanism, is located in such a way that it is much more convenient to wind the watch with the right hand than with the left.

In our time, there is no longer a consensus on which hand it is correct to wear a watch. A man can choose for himself what is more convenient for him. After all, today you can buy the most different models hours, and not all guys prefer to use mechanical devices. And the glass that protects the dial is now made more durable.

On which hand should you wear an electronic watch?

If we talk about electronic wristwatches, then they appeared on sale relatively recently, so there is a single rule for this question does not exist. But, if we are talking about sports models, then it is customary to wear them on the left hand of the right-hander, and on the right left-hander. This is due to the usual self-security measures. Sports watches are often equipped with additional sensors and timers, sometimes manufacturers indicate how to put on this useful accessory in order for it to function correctly.

During active sports or hiking, a person should wear an accessory on the hand that is less involved in various activities. Compliance with the rule on which hand you need to wear a watch can keep in order not only the mechanism of this useful accessory from damage, but also a person’s life. However, there are also exceptions. If a man is used to wearing a watch on the other hand, then it is better not to change your own rules in favor of generally accepted norms. The habit of looking at the other hand can contribute to the fact that in a critical situation precious seconds will be lost. Although experts recommend observing generally accepted rules safety in sports and tourism, but at the same time they do not deny the fact that their own can be too strong and ineradicable, and also that you should not always overdo yourself and force yourself to do what is inconvenient.

Who and why wears a watch on his right hand?

During the existence Soviet Union, the person who put on mechanical watches on the right hand considered dangerous. It was a kind of insignia by which pickpockets recognized each other. Does it given fact historical, or is it just a romantic fiction, is not known. But, in many sources it is said about this. Nowadays, of course, there is no such insignia among malefactors. Now no one will think badly about a person who wears a watch on his right hand.

If you do not think about the old legend, then wearing a watch on your right hand will rather say that the person is left-handed. It is left-handed people who are often more comfortable if the accessory is on this hand.

Wristwatches today are used by women and men not as a practical and necessary accessory, but rather as an adornment and addition to style and image. Experts note that many people manage to demonstrate their impeccable taste and preferences with the help of luxury and branded watches. It is only important to pay attention to the questions on which hand men wear watches according to etiquette, so as not to spoil this impression.

Stylists and designers advise every modern man to have at his disposal 3 pairs of watches for different cases everyday life, sports watches for active pastimes, as well as branded luxury watches for special occasions and formal occasions. It is important to understand the rules of etiquette regarding the use of such accessories.

In past centuries, people tried to invent all kinds of devices and accessories, thanks to which it would be possible to measure and control the passage of time. Today, most men wear wristwatches worth several thousand dollars just to complement the accessory to the overall image and style. As soon as the first wristwatch appeared in the world, it was predetermined which hand a man wears a watch on.

Since then and until today, most people, regardless of gender, age and other characteristics, choose the left wrist for a wrist accessory. To understand why men wear watches on their left hand, it is enough to understand the principle that you need to wear a watch on the hand that is less exploited by a man. Thanks to this, it is possible to preserve the integrity of the accessory from mechanical impact, in addition, the straps modern models watch is easier to fasten on the left hand.

In the rules and regulations of etiquette clear requirements on which hand men should wear watches is not indicated. Etiquette only teaches how to select and harmoniously combine the shape and type of watches with wardrobe items and certain events. But most often business men they wear a watch on their left hand, thereby confirming their education and elegance.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Men who are interested in whether a watch can be worn on the right hand of a man should understand the reasons why business etiquette accepts wearing an accessory on the left hand. Firstly, it is much easier to put on and fasten the watch with the right hand; on the left hand, the accessory can be wound without removing it. Secondly, it will help to maintain the integrity of the watch in the course of professional activities.

Can the accessory be worn on the right hand?

As practice shows, many representatives of the strong half of society today put on a wrist accessory precisely on the right limb, despite business etiquette. The reason for this is mainly ignorance of the rules and trends male fashion, as well as imitation of many famous people. Psychologists explain differently why men wear watches on their right hand. This trend tends to be more likely for those who are left-handed by nature and vice versa, the right-hander rather wears a watch on his left hand.

Today, the most important man who wears a watch on his right hand is Russian President Vladimir Putin. In solidarity with him, many men also changed their watches to their right hands, thus demonstrating the spirit of patriotism. According to statistics, a watch is worn on the right hand creative people With out of the box thinking. And etiquette does not contradict such a choice of a man, providing freedom of choice.

For reference! In China, many sages believe that it is unhealthy to wear such an accessory on the right wrist. The thing is that important energy points are located on it, one of them is responsible for the work of the heart. Constant wearing of the watch will provoke irritation of the points and deterioration of well-being, respectively.

How to wear a watch with a bracelet?

To look flawless and stylish, it is important to choose the right models and types of watches for your style and image, as well as learn the etiquette of how to wear Men's Watch. special attention deserve a watch with a bracelet, the strap of which can be made of metal, plastic, precious metals, textiles, ceramics and leather. Belts can be purchased separately from the accessory or bundled with it.

Do you wear a watch with a bracelet?


Models with metal belts are suitable for active and mobile men, besides, the skin wears out faster. Everyday models can be made of titanium, brass or steel, and for formal and festive occasions, you can take a model made of precious metals. According to the rules of etiquette, the watch bracelet should be slightly free, and its width should correspond to the width of the wrist. And the color of the bracelet must be in harmony with the color palette of the clothes.


Only an educated, intelligent and intelligent man knows which hand according to etiquette, as well as which models to combine with images. In fact, the rules for choosing and combining an accessory are a whole science, moreover, today the assortment offers a huge number of types of such accessories for all occasions. You need to wear them on your left hand, and it is also important to harmoniously combine their texture and colors with clothes and other accessories.

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