Scenarios for the autumn holiday in a preschool. Material on the topic: Autumn matinees

The script of the autumn holiday

"Autumn is wandering at the gate"

in a mixed age group

Children to the music with leaves enter the hall

and perform the Dance with the Leaves


Here the summer is over,
Resounded and turned green
The warm days are gone
And the moths don't fly anymore.

1st. Sad autumn has come
There were no leaves on the bushes,
And all the trees
They are also naked.

2nd. The strong wind blows off your feet,
The storm is coming
Dirt and puddles everywhere -
I won't walk...

3rd. It's raining, they're not too lazy to pour,
We stay at home all day.
This rain... why is it
I am sick, I have a cold.

4th. Autumn is knocking at our door
And after autumn, winter.
We do not expect it, we do not ask,
And she goes by herself!

The song "Autumn knocked on our door"

Children sit down

The girls come out
5th. No, I won't let Autumn in for anything!
Have I ever dressed so warmly in the summer?

6th. Would I sunbathe in autumn,
Or swim in the river, pick flowers?

7th. No, we don't need a dull autumn.
We won't let her in, let her go!


Oh, and sad Autumn at the door:
She was hurt to tears, to tears.
And Autumn is crying with rain at the entrance.
And the weather is getting rainier.

Girls perform "Umbrella Dance"

8th. The day goes by so fast
The night comes on so quickly.
I'm sad, so bored!
Autumn - it's just flour!

Leading . Stop, friends, this is not good,
Boredom can be contagious!
No you don't, no doubt
We are in such a mood!
You look - the forest is all painted,
Only in autumn you can see this.
Its leaves burn with golden fire
And they lie down on the ground with a multi-colored carpet!

Song "Autumn, sweet rustle"

Leading . Autumn, warm and bright,
She brought so many gifts!
So many colors, so much light!
Have you already forgotten it?

9th . But, it’s true, we can’t live without Autumn.
We need to bring autumn here as soon as possible!


We are waiting for the holiday
Miraculous Autumn
She has come to us now!

Autumn comes to the music.

Autumn : Hello, friends,
Here I am!
The summer was hot -
For a long time I was not inferior!
But everything has its time
I arrived at the threshold.
I came to your holiday
Sing and have fun
I want with everyone here
Make strong friends.

Round dance "Autumn in a golden scarf"

Autumn: And now guys
I'll tell you riddles
Say it in order
What grows in the garden?

1. Drop a little under the bush -
Look out into the light ……………….. POTATO.

2. A bush grew in the garden there.
Heard only: crunch yes crunch!
In cabbage soup, hodgepodge is thick.
This is ………………………….. CABBAGE

3. For tops, like for a rope,
You can pull out …………….. CARROT

4. Mi and la, fa and salt -
Musical beans.
Why am I bad for songs?
Also a relative …………… PEA

5. Do not be afraid if suddenly
Will make you shed tears…………. ONION

6. Well done grow in the garden -
Green ……………………….. CUCUMBERS

Autumn: For vegetables to grow
It needs to rain.

Presenter: Suddenly it got dark
There was a lot of noise in the sky
The rain fell a little,
The paths got wet.

Dance "Rain"

Presenter: Thanks rain! He watered the beds well. Guys, look what a rich harvest has grown. Come on, vegetables, tell us about yourself!

Potato: Many dishes from potatoes
You can cook
Both simple and complex:
It is boiled, fried, rubbed.
What is tastier in the whole world,
Than a potato in uniform.

Zucchini: Zucchini, zucchini
Lie down on the bed on the barrel,
He looks like a pig
Tail with a thin curl,
But where is the piglet?

Beet: Aunt Fekla,
Red beetroot!
I am salads, vinaigrettes
Decorate with scarlet.
There is nothing tastier
And make borscht.

I am the ray of all diseases.
I'm the best guys.
Even though I'm bitter, it doesn't matter.
Need to eat me always

Green pea:
Everyone knows how good
I am a green pea.
I decorate all dishes
And they respect it.

I'm fresh and crispy.
I am a real cucumber.
I was green in the garden,
I will become salty in a jar.

I am a very important signor,
Ripe, sweet tomato.
Red, juicy and smooth.
I treat everyone, guys,
Who drinks my tomato juice
Not sick for a whole year.

And I, juicy cabbage,
Proud of vitamins.
In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads
I'll be nice, of course.
And how delicious
Shchi my cabbage soup!

All: We are all from the garden bed,
Remember us guys.
Rich in vitamins
And we need all the guys!

Autumn: Well done boys!
And now we're going to play interesting game.

And it is called "".

1.Game "Vegetables and fruits"

2. The game "Collect mushrooms (cones)" (Blindfolded)

3. The game "Run the puddles under the umbrella"


Like ours, honey mushrooms
A whole kindergarten grew up.
All sons and daughters
Hiding in leaves.

Dance "Mushrooms" (boys)

Song "Autumn, Autumn one, two, three"

Autumn: Thank you dancers, thank you singers
We had fun, today we are from the heart!

I have been visiting you
Here is the scarf I found.
colorful, painted,
Unusual, difficult!
I offer you friends
Play with a handkerchief!
Want to? Children: Yes!

The game "Magic Scarf" is being held:
Cheerful music sounds, children are freely located around the hall, perform various dance movements. The music suddenly changes to a calmer melody, the children sit down and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, straightening out a large scarf, bypasses the guys and covers someone with a scarf.

Autumn: One two Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn
Answer quickly!

Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed it, then they raise the handkerchief. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to the cheerful music, and all the children clap for him.
Playing, for the last time, Autumn covers with a handkerchief, a basket of apples, imperceptibly brought into the hall. Autumn speaks again. The children say the name of the child.

Presenter: No! All the guys are here!
What then is under the scarf?

Autumn: We raise the handkerchief
What do we find out under it now!
What is this? ………………
And in the basket?
Children: Apples!

Autumn: I harvested - hard work.
Take a treat - apples without an account.
Eat, yes, be healthy!

Autumn distributes apples to children

Presenter: Thank you Autumn for apples

Autumn: Well guys, I had fun with you. But, it's time to say goodbye. Next year, I will come to you with a new harvest! Goodbye, guys!

Presenter: Goodbye!

(Autumn is leaving)

Presenter: It seemed to us autumn boring and not friendly. And how much beauty and joy in it, especially for those who love to work. Guys, our autumn holiday has come to an end.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 16" gold fish»

The script of the autumn holiday

"Autumn is wandering at the gate"

in a mixed age group


Traditionally, the first matinee in kindergarten, in which the kids are directly involved, is dedicated to the Autumn Festival. This is a very bright and memorable holiday in kindergarten, with an original scenario, many interesting numbers and useful knowledge for children. Often, the script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten is prepared within the framework of the autumn theme, consecrating the main changes taking place in the world around us and the characteristics of this time of year. With this scenario of the Autumn Festival for the younger and older groups of preschool educational institutions, they differ from each other in some key points. The same applies to the scenario of the autumn holiday for children from preparatory group kindergarten. In our today's article, you will find some original and interesting ideas for the Autumn Festival script for kindergarten, which will definitely make your matinee memorable and colorful.

Script Ideas for the Autumn Festival in Kindergarten

At first glance, the Autumn Festival script ideas for kindergarten may seem rather limited in subject matter. In fact the name of this children's matinee already speaks for itself: the holiday is dedicated to the arrival of autumn and therefore should be exclusively on the autumn theme. But besides the traditional kindergarten options with coverage of changes in the weather, harvesting fruits and vegetables, major natural transformations, there are a number of other topics that can be touched upon during the Autumn Festival. For example, mention that in the fall children go to school and kindergarten and a new school year begins. In addition, in the scenario of the Autumn Festival for kindergarten, you can replace the traditional presentation of numbers with songs and rhymes with more interesting option. For example, put on a children's performance with the participation of invited animators or talented parents. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the design of the venue for the celebration in kindergarten, creating the right atmosphere, colorful costumes. Otherwise, even the most original scenario of the Autumn Festival in kindergarten will remain only interesting idea, for the implementation of which there was not enough appropriate surroundings. We will talk in more detail about the ideas for the script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten later.

Scenario of the Autumn Festival for the younger group of the preschool educational institution

Let's start with options for the scenario of the Autumn Festival for the little pupils of the preschool educational institution - the younger group. As a rule, for them, the Autumn Festival in kindergarten is the very first matinee in their lives, and therefore the most exciting. Therefore, it is very important to make the kids feel as comfortable and at ease as possible, and the matinee in kindergarten itself has become a real holiday for them. The easiest way to achieve this is to put on a colorful performance with a fairy tale motif. At the same time, it is important that children directly take part in the holiday: they play the simplest roles, read short poems, and dance simple dances. As an option for such an Autumn Festival for the younger group of preschool educational institutions, you can take a scenario in which the villain Koschey (the insidious Amanita, the cunning Leshy) stole all her bright colors from the beautiful Autumn and turned this season into a gloomy bad weather. Children come to the aid of Autumn, some of whom play the roles of forest animals, and some remain ordinary children from kindergarten. During the holiday, children return to Autumn all its colors, performing dances and reading poems about each individual shade.

The original scenario of the Autumn Festival for the younger group of kindergarten

Another interesting version of the script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten for the younger group can be built around the changes in nature that occur with the advent of this season. It is good to involve several artistic children from older groups or invite professional animators to implement the scenario in kindergarten. They will get the main roles: Autumn, Wind, Rain, Fog, Old Man-Borovichka, etc. The meaning of the script for the kindergarten is to beat natural metamorphoses in the form of an impromptu meeting in the forest, at which Autumn checks the readiness of all her assistants for the new season. Each of the main characters will have their own "retinue" of children. For example, Rain will have a group of children symbolizing drops, and Old Man-Borovichka will have children playing the roles of helper forest animals. All groups must demonstrate their readiness to Autumn and the guests of the holiday: dance the rain dance, sing a song about the wind, read poems about forest animals and autumn. At the end of the matinee, Autumn declares its full readiness and announces the start of a new season in kindergarten.

Scenario of the Autumn Festival for the senior group of the preschool educational institution

In the senior groups of the preschool educational institution, the Autumn Festival also takes place according to a fun scenario. But unlike kids, older children take a more active part in the holiday. They not only dance and read poetry, but also play big roles in an impromptu performance dedicated to the holiday autumn in kindergarten. If we talk about ideas for the Autumn Festival scenario for the senior group of the preschool educational institution, then the choice in this case is not limited to simple options. With the help of kindergarten students, you can make a theatrical performance or hold a real amateur concert. At the same time, children themselves can act as leading, main positive or negative characters.

An interesting scenario for the Autumn Festival for the senior group of kindergarten

The main theme for the scenario of this holiday is autumn and everything connected with it. For example, you can prepare a script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten, consisting of small thematic scenes: morning in the autumn forest, dance autumn leaves, the arrival of autumn in the city, etc. Between the scenes, you can insert reading beautiful poems and singing songs dedicated to the golden age. In addition, a small video presentation of autumn-themed crafts performed by pupils of the older group can be inserted into the script for kindergarten.

Idea for a script for the Autumn Festival in a sports style (senior group)

An excellent version of the autumn holiday scenario for seniors DOW groups there will also be a matinee with sports elements. For example, you can do several active competitions related to the autumn theme: picking apples for speed, relay race with different fruits, sack jumping, etc. Such small active retreats will help diversify the scenario in kindergarten and children will definitely like it.

The scenario of the Autumn Festival in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

The preparatory group of the kindergarten is attended by the oldest children, who are preparing to become first graders soon. Therefore, for them, the Autumn Festival in kindergarten should become not just another matinee, but also a kind of preparation for the beginning. school life. To do this, you can build a script for the autumn holiday in kindergarten for the preparatory group in the form of an acquaintance with the school and its rules. To this end, you can invite the beautiful Autumn herself, who will try to assess how ready the children are to leave their native kindergarten and join the ranks of first graders. Evaluation can take place in the form of special competitions or amateur performances. For example, Autumn can ask children to list hibernating animals, or name the main signs of their arrival (decreased daylight hours, cooling, changing foliage color, etc.).

Original script for the Autumn Festival for the preparatory group

An interesting script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten can also be written in the form of a fantasy journey. For example, you can imagine that according to the scenario, Autumn has disappeared and in order to return it to the children, you need to go on an adventure trip to the Land of the Seasons. Along the way, the kids will meet many funny characters who, in exchange for challenges and riddles, will give clues on how to find Autumn. For example, children can meet the Flower Fairy, who will ask them to dance a beautiful autumn dance. Also, the kids will get acquainted with other seasons - Spring, Summer and Winter. Each of these characters will hold a quiz on the knowledge of the main characteristics of their season. Questions should be simple, but at the same time smart. For example, you can ask children to name all the months of summer that begin with the letter "I". At the end of the scenario, having clearly demonstrated all their knowledge and talents, the children find Autumn, which, as it turned out, disappeared due to resentment towards them. Children ask for forgiveness and promise Autumn to love and respect her no less than Summer and other seasons.

Target: Creating conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in different kinds activities.


The development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech, motor activity in preschoolers.

To contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the surrounding world.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand near the chairs.

Presenter: - Here again, autumn came to our doorstep, decorated the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. Glad that her time has come.

First child:

Autumn flew into the kindergarten in the morning,

Throwing new leaf fall onto the path.

The leaves rustled: “Flyer, goodbye!

Autumn will color us, as if by no means.

Second child:

In kindergarten, a birch is crying at the gate,

Fluffed out her braids. The rain pours and pours.

And here is Autumn dancing with rain again.

No, she doesn't cry. Why should she be bored?

Everything around is in order, in succession.

That's why Autumn dances and sings.

Third child:

Autumn comes unnoticed

He walks cautiously towards us.

Will paint the leaves on the branches,

Gathers migratory birds.

The breeze sweeps the path

And rustling with fallen leaves.

You came to us, golden autumn,

Glad to meet you again.

Fourth child.

And paths and paths

The sun's ray gilded.

Rain crystal teardrops

Dropped it on the leaves.

Leaves, flying around from branches,

Circling motley crowd.

This autumn is golden

Makes us happy with beauty.


1 child:

Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is pouring down,

Leaves fall rustling ....

How beautiful you are autumn!

Leaves embroidered with gold

The paths are washed with rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

Everything, we are autumn, you give!

2 child:

Forests are turning

In painted sails.

Autumn again, leaves again

Without beginning, without end

Across the river and at the porch.

Here they are floating somewhere -

Back and then forward.

From dawn to dusk

The wind is tearing them apart.

Rain all day long

Pulling threads through the woods

As if mending painted

Golden sails...

3 child:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

Air tired forces invigorates;

The ice is fragile on the icy river

As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,

You can sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not faded yet,

Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

4 child:

Look like in the picture

The scarlet clusters are burning.

These are thin ribs

Try on your outfit.

Scatters the sun sparks

Leaf fall swirled.

And on golden branches

Raindrops are trembling.

5 child:

The wind died down. stopped

Clouds in the blue sky.

Sparrows huddled in flocks.

And the river murmurs, murmurs.

All paths and paths

As if in colorful patches.

It's autumn carefully

He walks with paint in his hands.

Presenter: - Today, on this wonderful autumn day, I will tell you an amazing story that I heard from a birch when she rustled her leaves and told her friends. It all happened last autumn in a small village. Once upon a time in this village there was a very kind and cheerful girl - Nastenka. Only now a misfortune came to her - her sister Masha fell ill. And you can help this trouble if you give Masha to drink hot tea with viburnum. But just where to get this viburnum? What kind of berry and where does it grow? Nastenka decided to go and look for this berry herself. She took the basket and went on her way. The path ran through the forest...

Dance: autumn tracks

Nastenka: - All the same, I will find this magical berry, you need to help Mashenka. Oh, it's just scary ... But I'll go on anyway!

Presenter: - Nastenka entered the forest and gasped.

Nastenka: How beautiful it is in the forest! And this leaf is beautiful and big. Oh, oh, he moved...

Mushroom: - Do not be afraid, Nastenka, it's me, Borovik mushroom. I hear someone's steps. I already thought, didn’t the mushroom pickers come?

Nastenka: - No, grandfather Borovik! It's me, Nastenka.

Mushroom: Why did you wander so far into the forest? It's not good to go here alone.

Nastenka: - My sister got sick - Masha. We urgently need to find one berry for her, called viburnum. Only she can help her.

Mushroom: - You have a good heart, Nastenka. Oh, and your path will be far. I'll tell you, but you help me too. My sons and daughters played out and do not want to go home, but mushroom pickers walk through the forest, I'm afraid I won't count them.

Nastenka: I will help you in any way I can, just tell me how.

Mushroom: - And you find them all, but put them in baskets.

Nastenka: - Do you have many of them, daughters and sons?

Mushroom: - Oh, a lot ... I lost count myself.

Nastenka: - How can I have time, it's already evening ....

Presenter: - Do not worry, Nastenka, the guys will help you.

Nastenka: - Here, your grandfather mushrooms, sons and daughters.

Mushroom: - Thank you, Nastenka, and thanks to the guys! They were quickly found and collected. Now listen. You go to the right - there is a swamp. Don't be afraid: jump from bump to bump, and you'll cross the whole swamp. And there you will find your own way! And it's time for us. Goodbye, bye everyone.

Nastenka: - Thank you, good mushroom Borovik!

Presenter: - Nastenka turned to the right, and there, indeed, the swamp is gray, inhospitable ... Let's help Nastenka cross it.

Presenter: - Nastenka crossed the swamp and is glad, happy. She walks along the path, she even sang a song. The frogs heard her, and let's dance. Even a whole dance turned out.

Dance of the Frogs

Nastenka: - Goodbye, funny frogs, you are real musicians! I'll take the path to the left. Strange, I went out into the clearing - have I lost my way? And who here forgot a basket full of colorful leaves?

Autumn comes to the music.

Autumn: - It's me, Autumn! Hello, Nastenka. I know where you are heading, and I will show you the way further if you complete my autumn task. The autumn breeze took the leaves from my basket, and now they need to be found and put in a basket.

Nastenka: - How can I find these leaves alone?

Presenter: - Do not be sad, Nastenka, we will help you. After all, we are your friends!

Dance with leaves

Nastenka: - thank you guys for your help, that's how many leaves we collected.

Autumn: - I'm very happy for you, because it's great to have so many friends. Here is a maple leaf as a reward, it will show you the way. You follow him boldly, and you will find what you are looking for. And you guys, help, with a fun song.


Nastenka: - Thank you, Autumn, for your kindness. It's time for me to move on.

Presenter: - And Nastenka went further through the forest. Tree after tree, cloak by hillock, he sees - there is an old stump.


Oh, I'm tired of walking.
Here is a stump on the way
I swear, rest
I'll wait here for the rain.

Presenter: And to make Nastya more fun, let's sing a song.


The hedgehog runs out.


I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
And I can't bear to know:
Where are you going girl?

Nastenka: - My sister is sick, Masha. We urgently need to find a berry for her, called viburnum. Only she can help her.

Hedgehog: - Nastenka, sing a song for me, and I'll show you the way.

Nastenka: - You, friends, help me sing a song for a hedgehog.


Presenter: - You see, Hedgehog, We sang a song, and you tell Nastenka the way.


You go to the left - there is a forest,
Lives in it Petya-Cockerel.
He will help you
Of course, than he can.
Well, I'll go to the hole
Sleep through the long winter.

Nastenka: - Thank you, Hedgehog, for the advice, but for the hint ...

Nastenka: - And where is Petya-Cockerel?

Cockerel comes out

Cockerel: Where are you going girl?

Nastenka: - Who will tell me, who will tell me where Kalinushka grows?


Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
It's close here.
Turn for the hillock
And then across
There at the edge of the forest
The viburnum bush is growing.

Presenter: - And Nastenka went obliquely, turned over the hillock, she sees ...


Here it is, here it is, the viburnum bush!
Autumn bush, beautiful bush,
Allow me to collect berries,
To give to my sister.


Pick delicious berries
Put hot tea
Mashenka will become healthy
And laugh again.

Nastenka takes viburnum berries and puts them in a basket.


Thank you my dear friends
Without you, I would not have found viburnum.

Thanks to everyone who was with me!

Presenter: - And now for all of you our cheerful dance.


Nastenka: - Thank you, friends, you have fun, and I will run to treat Mashenka.

Presenter: - Nastenka gave her sister hot tea with viburnum berries to drink, and the disease disappeared as if by magic. That's a miracle - a berry! Mashenka became cheerful and healthy again.

- How glad I am that viburnum berries in my autumn forest helped Mashenka. And for you, my friends, I brought the juiciest, sweetest, ripest apples.

And next year
Autumn will come to you again
Autumn will come to you again
Will bring a fairy tale again.



Autumn Festival in kindergarten AUTUMN STORY. Scenario

Target : Creation of conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in various activities.

Tasks :

The development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech, motor activity in preschoolers.

To contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Develop children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand near the chairs.

Presenter: - Here again, autumn came to our doorstep, decorated the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. Glad that her time has come.

First child:

Autumn flew into the kindergarten in the morning,

Throwing new leaf fall onto the path.

The leaves rustled: “Flyer, goodbye!

Autumn will color us, as if by no means.

Second child:

In kindergarten, a birch is crying at the gate,

Fluffed out her braids. The rain pours and pours.

And here is Autumn dancing with rain again.

No, she doesn't cry. Why should she be bored?

Everything around is in order, in succession.

That's why Autumn dances and sings.

Third child:

Autumn comes unnoticed

He walks cautiously towards us.

Will paint the leaves on the branches,

Gathers migratory birds.

The breeze sweeps the path

And rustling with fallen leaves.

You came to us, golden autumn,

Glad to meet you again.

Fourth child.

And paths and paths

The sun's ray gilded.

Rain crystal teardrops

Dropped it on the leaves.

Leaves, flying around from branches,

Circling motley crowd.

This autumn is golden

Makes us happy with beauty.


1 child:

Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is pouring down,

Leaves fall rustling ....

How beautiful you are autumn!

Leaves embroidered with gold

The paths are washed with rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

Everything, we are autumn, you give!

2 child:

Forests are turning

In painted sails.

Autumn again, leaves again

Without beginning, without end

Across the river and at the porch.

Here they are floating somewhere -

Back and then forward.

From dawn to dusk

The wind is tearing them apart.

Rain all day long

Pulling threads through the woods

As if mending painted

Golden sails...

3 child:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces;

The ice is fragile on the icy river

As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,

You can sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not faded yet,

Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

4 child:

Look like in the picture

The scarlet clusters are burning.

These are thin ribs

Try on your outfit.

Scatters the sun sparks

Leaf fall swirled.

And on golden branches

Raindrops are trembling.

5 child:

The wind died down. stopped

Clouds in the blue sky.

Sparrows huddled in flocks.

And the river murmurs, murmurs.

All paths and paths

As if in colorful patches.

It's autumn carefully

He walks with paint in his hands.

Presenter: - Today, on this wonderful autumn day, I will tell you an amazing story that I heard from a birch when she rustled her leaves and told her friends. It all happened last autumn in a small village. Once upon a time in this village there was a very kind and cheerful girl - Nastenka. Only now a misfortune came to her - her sister Masha fell ill. And you can help this trouble if you give Masha to drink hot tea with viburnum. But just where to get this viburnum? What kind of berry and where does it grow? Nastenka decided to go and look for this berry herself. She took the basket and went on her way. The path ran through the forest...

Dance: autumn tracks

Nastenka appears, goes and sentences.

Nastenka: - All the same, I will find this magical berry, you need to help Mashenka. Oh, it's just scary ... But I'll go on anyway!

Presenter: - Nastenka entered the forest and gasped.

Nastenka: How beautiful it is in the forest! And this leaf is beautiful and big. Oh, oh, he moved...

Borovik mushroom rises from under the leaf. The mushroom is played by a child in a suit covered with a yellow cloth.

Mushroom: - Do not be afraid, Nastenka, it's me, Borovik mushroom. I hear someone's steps. I already thought, didn’t the mushroom pickers come?

Nastenka: - No, grandfather Borovik! It's me, Nastenka.

Mushroom: Why did you wander so far into the forest? It's not good to go here alone.

Nastenka: - My sister got sick - Masha. We urgently need to find one berry for her, called viburnum. Only she can help her.

Mushroom: - You have a good heart, Nastenka. Oh, and your path will be far. I'll tell you, but you help me too. My sons and daughters played out and do not want to go home, but mushroom pickers walk through the forest, I'm afraid I won't count them.

Nastenka: I will help you in any way I can, just tell me how.

Mushroom: - And you find them all, but put them in baskets.

Nastenka: - Do you have many of them, daughters and sons?

Mushroom: - Oh, a lot ... I lost count myself.

Nastenka: - How can I have time, it's already evening ....

Presenter: - Do not worry, Nastenka, the guys will help you.

Game-competition "Collect mushrooms".

Nastenka: - Here, your grandfather mushrooms, sons and daughters.

Mushroom: - Thank you, Nastenka, and thanks to the guys! They were quickly found and collected. Now listen. You go to the right - there is a swamp. Don't be afraid: jump from bump to bump, and you'll cross the whole swamp. And there you will find your own way! And it's time for us. Goodbye, bye everyone.

Nastenka: - Thank you, good mushroom Borovik!

Presenter: - Nastenka turned to the right, and there, indeed, the swamp is gray, inhospitable ... Let's help Nastenka cross it.

Game-competition "Cross the swamp".

Presenter: - Nastenka crossed the swamp and is glad, happy. She walks along the path, she even sang a song. The frogs heard her, and let's dance. Even a whole dance turned out.

Dance of the Frogs

Nastenka: - Goodbye, funny frogs, you are real musicians! I'll take the path to the left. Strange, I went out into the clearing - have I lost my way? And who here forgot a basket full of colorful leaves?

Autumn comes to the music.

Autumn: - It's me, Autumn! Hello, Nastenka. I know where you are heading, and I will show you the way further if you complete my autumn task. The autumn breeze took the leaves from my basket, and now they need to be found and put in a basket.

Nastenka: - How can I find these leaves alone?

Presenter: - Do not be sad, Nastenka, we will help you. After all, we are your friends!

Dance with leaves

Nastenka: - thank you guys for your help, that's how many leaves we collected.

Autumn: - I'm very happy for you, because it's great to have so many friends. Here is a maple leaf as a reward, it will show you the way. You follow him boldly, and you will find what you are looking for. And you guys, help, with a fun song.


Nastenka: - Thank you, Autumn, for your kindness. It's time for me to move on.

Presenter: - And Nastenka went further through the forest. Tree after tree, cloak by hillock, he sees - there is an old stump.


Oh, I'm tired of walking.
Here is a stump on the way
I swear, rest
I'll wait here for the rain.

Presenter: And to make Nastya more fun, let's sing a song.


The hedgehog runs out.


I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
And I can't bear to know:
Where are you going girl?

Nastenka: - My sister is sick, Masha. We urgently need to find a berry for her, called viburnum. Only she can help her.

Hedgehog: - Nastenka, sing a song for me, and I'll show you the way.

Nastenka: - You, friends, help me sing a song for a hedgehog.


Presenter: - You see, Hedgehog, We sang a song, and you tell Nastenka the way.


You go to the left - there is a forest,
Lives in it Petya-Cockerel.
He will help you
Of course, than he can.
Well, I'll go to the hole
Sleep through the long winter.

Nastenka: - Thank you, Hedgehog, for the advice, but for the hint ...

Nastenka: - And where is Petya-Cockerel?

Cockerel comes out

Cockerel: Where are you going girl?

Nastenka: - Who will tell me, who will tell me where Kalinushka grows?


Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
It's close here.
Turn for the hillock
And then across
There at the edge of the forest
The viburnum bush is growing.

Presenter: - And Nastenka went obliquely, turned over the hillock, she sees ...


Here it is, here it is, the viburnum bush!
Autumn bush, beautiful bush,
Allow me to collect berries,
To give to my sister.


Pick delicious berries
Put hot tea
Mashenka will become healthy
And laugh again.

Nastenka takes viburnum berries and puts them in a basket.


Thank you my dear friends
Without you, I would not have found viburnum.
You helped me, surrounded me with kindness -
Thanks to everyone who was with me!

Presenter: - And now for all of you our cheerful dance.


Nastenka: - Thank you, friends, you have fun, and I will run to treat Mashenka.

Presenter: - Nastenka gave her sister hot tea with viburnum berries to drink, and the disease disappeared as if by magic. That's a miracle - a berry! Mashenka became cheerful and healthy again.

Autumn (brings out a fruit basket):- How glad I am that viburnum berries in my autumn forest helped Mashenka. And for you, my friends, I brought the juiciest, sweetest, ripest apples.

And next year
Autumn will come to you again
Autumn will come to you again
Will bring a fairy tale again.

Autumn is leaving, music is playing, everyone is leaving the hall.

1. Raise a love for nature through a children's matinee dedicated to the season.
2. To consolidate children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, dramatizations, games.
3. Develop the musical and creative abilities of children.
4. Create a joyful mood in children from mutual learning.
5. Contribute to the disclosure of the creative abilities of children

Preliminary work:

  • Examination of reproductions with autumn landscapes.
  • Observation of autumn nature.
  • Reading stories, fairy tales, poems and riddles about trees and autumn.
  • Conversations with children.
  • Drawing on the theme of autumn.
  • Listening to classical music on the theme of autumn.

Characters: adult presenter, autumn (adult), Baba Yaga (adult), children.

Holiday script

To the music, children enter the hall, holding hands, snake through the hall and stop in a semicircle in front of the audience.


Let's start our holiday!
This holiday is for you!
I want to give you a riddle!
Try to guess it quickly!
In the morning we go to the yard! /
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...
If you know, don't be silent!
Name the season! (Autumn)

Leading: So autumn has come to us - the golden time! Autumn covered the whole earth with a golden carpet, bared trees and bushes, asked great job gardeners and farmers. Wheat is being ground so that later we can eat fragrant and gingerbread pies. Our mothers and grandmothers cook jam, compotes, make vegetable stocks for the winter, and mushroom lovers salt and dry them, gathering them in the forest after the rain.

No, whatever you say - autumn is a wonderful time!

1st child

Autumn fox step
Sneaking through the ravines
Along rivers and streams
And along the forest edges.
Steals and at the same time
Everything is painted in fox color.

2nd child

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
She gently ran the brush over the foliage.
Yellowed hazel,
And the maples blushed
In the purple of the aspen,
Only green oak.
Comforting autumn.
Don't miss the summer.
Look - autumn is dressed in gold.

3rd child

Came at dawn
Didn't sit down for a moment
I looked around
And straight to work.

4th child

Kalina with rowan
painted thickly,
On strong teeth
She squeaked cabbage.

5th child

At the mills
Turned white with fresh flour,
orange silk
Dressed birches.

6th child

Curly winter
Spread a carpet,
On a distant flight
Cranes spent.

Children sing a song about autumn "Autumn Nesmeyan walks"


1. Empty orchard,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors open...
What month did you come to? ... (September)

2. All the darker face of nature -
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear fell into hibernation,
What month has come to you? (October)

3. The field has become black and white,
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Freezing in the field of winter rye,
What month, please? (November)

Leading: And here is the Queen of Autumn! Meet!

Raindrops sound, Autumn comes out.


Autumn, Autumn, what's wrong with you?
Where is your radiant look?
Why are you crying all of a sudden?
Everything dimmed around!


I'm very sad in the morning
Nobody needs me
From me only harm and slush,
How can my friends not cry?
Goblin with Baba Yaga
They told me: “Autumn, stop!
All the kids love summer
Turn home."


Not true, don't trust them. We were all waiting for you, and the guys have prepared a surprise for you.

Children read poems about autumn.


I'm very happy friends
that you love me.
I won't grieve anymore
I will forget about insults.
I want to have fun with you
And it's fun to spin in the dance.

Dance "Wizard Falling Leaves" with autumn leaves.


Autumn is gradually coming into its own. It can be cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But we love autumn for its generosity and beauty, for the rare but glorious warm days.

Song "Autumn leaves rustle"

Suddenly, the sound of a motor is heard, Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga: Who is having fun here? You see, they have a holiday, they meet Autumn here, they rejoice, they sing songs! And here I have sciatica from the autumn cold and dampness, and this one, what’s it like there ... autumn blues ... and, I remembered, DEPRESSION! Leaves filled the whole hut! And how much dirt, how much dirt! In general, yes, irises! We do not need any autumn, let it be better that winter comes right away. In winter, it will somehow be more fun. Now I’ll say a magic spell (I’ve been looking for it in my witch book all night!) And I’ll conjure this fall of yours so that not a single rain falls from the sky, not a leaf falls off!

Baba Yaga conjures, making magical passes around Autumn with her hands.

Baba Yaga:

Autumn, we don't need you.
Autumn, you must go!
I want for the summer -
Winter is upon us!

Autumn falls into a half-asleep state and, obeying the movements of Baba Yaga, leaves the hall. The howl of a blizzard sounds.

Host: Baba Yaga, what have you done! You have no idea how much trouble you brought to your forest!

Baba Yaga: Yes, what troubles can be! All forest dwellers will only be happy with snow, frost! Oh, let's remember our youth with Koshchei, but go to the skating rink! ...

Leading: Yes, you yourself look (the wind howls).

B.Ya: (aside) Mdya ... I hurried, however ... I entered without thinking ... (to the children and the presenter): And why is this, I'm a charmer, I have to think about everyone! Who will think of me? Who will help harvest the crops, prepare supplies, and, most importantly, relieve the autumn blues?

Host: Baba Yaga, And if our guys help you do all this, will you disenchant autumn?

B.Ya: Well, I don’t know… (looks at the children), it hurts young… how can they cope with all the affairs… They probably only know how to watch cartoons on TV…

Leading: Yes, our guys are getting ready to go to school, you know how much they can do! Really guys? And what fun they are with us! ... There will be no trace of your blues!

B.Ya.: Well, so be it! If you fulfill everything that you promised, I will return your Autumn to you, and if not ... I will leave it forever in my attic! Just in case, it will suddenly come in handy when ... And there are a lot of things to do, you can’t manage it alone! The harvest is ripe, my favorite potatoes! (scatters potatoes around the room). But I can’t collect it: my back hurts!

Here you are, irises, baskets and spoons so that your hands do not get dirty! (gives two children each a basket and a tablespoon).

Attraction "Who collect more potatoes with a spoon

B.Ya .: Hmm ... You did it, my dears ... Oh, but you don’t know my grief! I'm starving for the third day!

Host: Why are you starving, granny? You don't have food, do you?

B.Ya .: And all because, my yachts, because I’m 500 years old, and in old age, you know, this one, like him ... Sclerosis! So I don’t remember: how to cook this food? I'm sitting, my dear, poor, hungry, emaciated all over, only bones stick out! (pretend sobs)

Host: What's in your basket?

B.Ya. : Potato, tomato, cabbage, apples, berries ...

Leading: Guys, what do you think you can cook from all this?

Children: Soup and compote.

Host: Guys, can we help Baba Yaga? Shall we cook soup and compote for her?

Relay "Soup and compote"

Two teams are playing. At a distance of 5 m from the first players there is a basket with fruits, berries and vegetables mixed in it. The children of one of the teams have to select vegetables for soup, the other - fruits, and I have years for compote. At the command of the host, the first players run to the basket, choose from it what they need for soup (compote), carry the fruit to the soy pan, which is located at the starting line. The first team to prepare their dish wins.

B.Ya. : Oh thank you! What diligent - they did such a difficult job for me! Thank you! Everyone in the forest knows that I always have order: a blade of grass to a blade of grass, a worm to a worm, a fly agaric to a fly agaric. And then so many children came running - they littered me, littered (she treacherously, in front of everyone tears and scatters papers), sketched candy wrappers (she immediately takes out candy, unfolds it, puts it in her mouth, and throws the candy wrapper on the floor) - and who will clean it up ? Here are the panicles for you - get down to business!

Game with brooms.

Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, we see that you are amused! How's your blues doing?

B.Ya: What a blues? There is no blues! It turns out that autumn can also be fun, if the company is right! (winks at the children) And the sciatica... (feels his back) is gone! Thank you, killer whales! I return your Autumn to you, don’t give it to anyone else to offend!

Brings Autumn to the music.

B.Ya.: (shaking off dust particles from Autumn) Here, I return it in the form in which I took it. Well, you are having fun here, and I will fly to Leshy, share my joy with him! (flies away)

Host: Autumn! It's good to have you back! Now everything will go on as planned by Nature!

Autumn: Thank you guys for helping me and all the forest dwellers! Well, now guess the riddles.


1. As in our garden
Mysteries have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
In summer they turn green
In autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes.)

2. Sundress on a sundress,
Dress on dress.
How are you going to undress?
You will cry enough! (Onion.)

3. Unsightly, knobby,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
"Well, crumbly, delicious!" (Potato.)

4. A cramped house split
into two halves
And fell into the palms
Pellet beads. (Peas)

5. Like a plum is dark,
Like a turnip round
I saved up strength in the garden,
To the hostess in borscht pleased. (Beet)

6. The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

7. Pink cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark all day long.
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun. (Radish)

8. For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Feels very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar. (Carrot)

9. Born in a greenhouse,
Good for food.
Little blue boy. Who is this? ... (Eggplant)

10. “Drop one, drop two,
Very slowly at first.
And then, then, then
All run, run, run"
Children: Rain!


We're not scared at all
Run in the rain.
If the rain is heavy
Let's take umbrellas.

The dance "Dance with Umbrellas" is performed.


Well, the children told us -
They are friends with vegetables.
Can't you taste them?
Guess their taste for yourself.
Only, mind you, with your eyes closed!

The attraction "Guess the vegetables to taste" is held.

They bring in a large plate with pieces of vegetables: beets, potatoes - boiled; carrots, garlic, onions, cucumber - fresh. Several children are selected, according to the number of pieces, they are blindfolded. Each child from the teacher's hands tastes vegetables (serve on a spoon), says what he ate, and then shows a model of the eaten vegetable. Thus, the correctness of the child's answer is determined.


Autumn is a beautiful time, but also a little sad.
After all, it will immediately become cold around,
And the birds will fly away from us to the south.
How sad to see somewhere out there, far away,
How cranes fly like a wedge.

The song "Crane" is performed.

Host: I know that you know a lot of poems and songs about birds, and I wanted to play the game “Birds Have Arrived” with you. I will only name birds now, but if suddenly I make a mistake and you hear something else, then you can stomp or clap. Begin.

The game "The birds have arrived."

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts... (Children stomp.)

Host: What's wrong?

Children. Flies!

Leading. And who are the flies?

Children. Insects.

Leading. You're right. Well, let's continue:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta! .. (Children stomp.)

Leading. Let's start again:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, foxes!...

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits.
Chibis, siskins,
Kettles, swifts... (Children stomp.)

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Mosquitoes, cuckoos... (Children stomp.)

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Chibis, siskins.
Storks, cuckoos.
Swans, starlings...

All of you are great! (Applause to yourself!)


Autumn walks along the path, legs soaked in puddles.
It's raining, and there is no light... Summer is lost somewhere.
Autumn rain poured puddles, you need to cross them as soon as possible!

Contest "Who will run through the puddles faster"

You galoshes, ladies umbrella
And you are not afraid of rain.
Let's see who can quickly and deftly manage to escape from the rain.

Sheets of paper are laid out on the floor - “puddles”. 2 teams are selected. The task of the players is to run through the "puddles" as quickly as possible without getting their feet wet.

Leading: We are convinced that you guys are funny and mischievous. And now let's check how friendly and dexterous you are. And let's see how well you know fairy tales. For example, do you remember the fairy tale "Turnip" well? (Asks the children to remember all the fairy-tale characters of this fairy tale and the sequence of their appearance.) Our next competition is called "Turnip".

Competition "Turnip"

At the opposite end of the hall, 2 chairs are placed, children are put on the chairs - these are “turnips”. Line up 2 teams of 6 people: "grandfather", "grandmother", "granddaughter", "bug", "cat", "mouse". The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it, returns, the “grandmother” clings to him (takes him by the waist), they continue to run together, run back, the “granddaughter” joins them, and so on, until the “engine” is lined up from all participants. At the end of the game, a turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip faster wins.

Autumn rewards children with diplomas and medals for drawings and crafts.

Autumn: For your songs, poems, dances, I want to treat you with apples.

I'm sorry to part with you
But Winter's turn is coming.
I'll come back to you guys
You are waiting for Autumn in a year! (Autumn is leaving)

Leading: So the autumn holiday is over. I think he lifted everyone's spirits. Our guests, goodbye! Thank you all for your attention!

Children leave the hall to the music.

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