How to clean the pond with your own hands from mud, silt and algae - vacuum cleaner and aerator. Cleaning the reservoir using various methods

The only disadvantage of such a "zest" will be regular cleaning the pond itself and its surrounding area.

For cleaning large reservoirs, it is possible to use specialized machines (dredgers). And only when you need to clean a small water area, many are interested in how to clean the pond with their own hands.

Cleaning methods

First you need to decide on the type of reservoir and the ecosystem created in it. The biggest problem is artificial reservoirs with a surface area of ​​up to 100 m 2 . It is almost impossible to create a self-sufficient and self-cleaning system in such a small reservoir (from the point of view of biology). Therefore, to maintain normal life, home ponds must be cleaned regularly.

Currently, there are only four ways to self-purify the reservoir:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

With any of the methods, one cannot do without the use of devices, fortunately on the wound modern technology there are plenty of them.

mechanical cleaning

You can clean the pond in the most primitive way using an ordinary net. It is not difficult for them to remove debris floating on the surface, small plants, leaves. More modern version- the use of a specialized basket with a bottom grate and a small pump. Such a device is fixed anywhere in the reservoir just below the surface of the water. The pump draws in the debris, which is then simply thrown out of the grate. Thus, it is possible to clean not only the surface, but also almost all the water in the pond. But to clean the muddy bottom, you will have to use more powerful devices.

One of enough modern devices are cleaning containers with a filter. In this case, specialized granules, quartz sand, gravel are used as a filter. As soon as the filter becomes clogged and stops passing water, it should be replaced. At the same time, it should be remembered that if the filter is sandy, it must be completely changed after each cleaning, but if it is gravel, there is no need to replace it, it is washed and laid back. Dirty water and bottom silt are fed into the device by means of a pump.

The most effective mechanical cleaning of the pond is carried out with the help of a suction pump. It can be automatic or manual, as more economical option. The bottom line is that the device moves manually or independently along the bottom of the pond and sucks up debris and silt along with water. Clean water is thrown back into the reservoir, and foreign substances remain on the filter. Thus, it is possible to easily clear a 10-meter water area.

Biological treatment

There are several other ways to clean the pond yourself. Biological cleaning involves the action of special bacteria on all pollutants of the pond, as a result of which they decompose into hydrogen sulfide, simple carbon dioxide and methane. This method is good to use after mechanical cleaning. The cleaning filter consists of a porous sponge inhabited by anaerobic and aerobic bacteria that feed on the organic waste of the pond. At the same time, all biological filters differ in size depending on the area they are intended to clean, as well as on the presence of plants, crustaceans, coastal birds or fish in the reservoir. After all, it is necessary not only to clean the reservoir, but also to preserve the existing ecosystem.

Recently, Russian developers have introduced the new kind biological treatment of reservoirs - a floating island "Atoll". This is a box divided into sections that house some species of zooplankton. Water is automatically poured from one side and, having been cleaned by plankton, merges from the other. Sectional protection prevents birds and waterfowl from destroying plankton. For the winter, the device is sunk to the bottom or taken ashore (depending on the climate).

Chemical cleaning

With a heavily polluted pond, the absence of fish in it, with a complete environmental disaster in the reservoir, there is another way to purify water - dry cleaning. Specialized reagents are added to the reservoir, they, in turn, dissolve algae, normalize acidity, bind ammonia and other harmful substances, and increase the percentage of oxygen. The only drawback is to swim and use such water in economic purposes it will be impossible for a long time.

UV cleaning

And the last way to clean the pond is ultraviolet disinfection. The essence of the device is in the ultraviolet lamp and the mechanism located on the body. It is designed to clean the device from algae and silt. During the operation of the device, the DNA of bacteria, microorganisms and microalgae is decomposed. The emitted wavelength is usually from 180 to 300 nanometers. The lamp is changed approximately once every two years. The choice of model depends on the area to be cleaned, required power and the degree of pollution (the size of the territory is a priority). If the reservoir is very large, you need to install several of these lamps.

Change of water in the pond

There are cases (completely neglected) when cleansing by all the above methods is not suitable and does not bring results. In this case, only a complete replacement of water in the reservoir saves.

Only an artificial pond can be cleaned in this way.

To begin with, the water is completely drained. To do this, it is pumped out with a pump or a trench is dug, which will become a channel along which the discharged water will go. It should be the same depth as the pond, usually up to 1 m. At greater depths, a pump is used, having previously protected it with a mesh to avoid blockages. The mouth of this channel is also protected with a net so that fish and flowering plants do not get into it along with water. All living inhabitants of the pond (fish, crayfish, etc.) with the help of a net are carefully transplanted into a pre-stocked aquarium.

After draining the pond, it is manually cleaned. With a ladle, a scraper and a brush, they clean the bottom of silt, mud, debris and accumulated dirt. Then the reservoir is thoroughly drained, the necessary ornamental plants are planted and filled with new water, after removing the dug trench. Fish can be released only after a couple of days - the water should settle slightly and find its own ecosystem with microorganisms.

Having studied all of the above, you can decide which cleaning method is suitable for a particular pond.

All four types of cleaning are best used in combination with one another. At the same time, applying various devices and gadgets. During the use of the reservoir, in order to clean as little as possible, it is necessary to avoid the ingress of chemicals, small animals, leaves, branches, plants, oils and other debris into the water. After all, this is the only way to avoid unnecessary expenses and efforts to clean and maintain the pond in proper condition.

May your pond always be beautiful, pleasing to the eye.


This video shows how to clean the pond from silt:

Ilosos Gardena will effectively clean your pond:

A natural reservoir is a complex self-regulating living system. The mutual activity of the inhabitants of the reservoir ensures the self-purification of the reservoir and maintains the biological balance in the system. Factors of self-purification of a natural reservoir are conditionally divided into chemical, physical and biological.

In the ecosystem of an artificial reservoir, due to the lower biological diversity, the ability for self-regulation and self-purification is much lower. A pond is much more like an aquarium than a lake, and the smaller the artificial reservoir, the more pronounced the effect of the laws and principles of aquarism.

Therefore, ponds and other artificial reservoirs need regular maintenance.

The problem of water pollution and its solution

The most a big problem artificial reservoirs- accumulations of organic matter. In balanced ecosystems, organic residues decompose into simple inorganic compounds that serve as fertilizer for aquatic higher plants. With a lack of oxygen, the decomposition of organic matter is accompanied by the release of toxic compounds, in particular, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. An excess of organic matter and organogenic elements provokes the rapid development of blue-green algae, which leads to deaths.

Biological purification of a reservoir is the introduction of microorganisms, plants and animals into the reservoir, the vital activity of which in one way or another increases the ability of the ecosystem to self-purify and self-repair. Among the useful inhabitants of the ponds are herbivorous fish, bivalves, microscopic green algae and higher aquatic plants.

Chemical and mechanical methods of cleaning water bodies are a stressful effect on the ecosystem.

Therefore, the use of some methods is associated with the need to temporarily remove the inhabitants of the pond. Row chemicals used for water purification is unsafe for environment, use of water from a reservoir for economic purposes. Certain companies do a great job - they are worth trusting.

Purification Benefits

Biological impact naturally restores the ecosystem of the reservoir, increases its ability to self-regulate. Temporary resettlement of fish and removal of plants is not carried out. Possibilities of chemical and mechanical cleaning of the reservoir are very limited.

These methods are effective against one type of pollution present in the reservoir, and do not cope with others. The spectrum of action of biological preparations is much wider, complexes of microorganisms successfully suppress the development of harmful microflora and decompose organic residues of various origins. At correct selection the drug is almost complete purification of water in the entire thickness of the pollutants of various nature.

Methods for cleaning the reservoir

There are several ways to biologically clean water bodies:

  • breeding of herbivorous fish;
  • planting higher plants;
  • the use of specially bred strains of microorganisms;
  • biological filtration.

The choice of one or another method of cleaning for a particular reservoir depends on its area and purpose. In some cases, the most justified solution is A complex approach to water purification, when biological methods complement each other or are combined with other purification methods.

Fish breeding

One of the most effective methods combating unwanted aquatic vegetation is the breeding of herbivorous fish. Excessive growth of macrophytes restrains grass carp. This fish eats young reed shoots, duckweed, elodea, pondweeds and some other plant species. At temperatures above 25 degrees, one individual of grass carp weighing about 1 kilogram eats up to 2 kilograms of aquatic vegetation. Calculations show that 15–20 individuals of grass carp are enough to prevent the overgrowth of an average pond.

Microscopic algae that cause water blooms are no less of a problem. The natural regulators of phytoplankton abundance are silver carp and tench. In fish farms, white and motley silver carp are bred. Both species can be populated in artificial and natural reservoirs. Breeding herbivorous fish can be an additional source of income, but is not suitable for small water bodies, in particular ornamental ones.

Higher aquatic and semi-aquatic plants as a purification factor

In the practice of water treatment, higher plants are also increasingly used. The best known are Pistia, Water Hyacinth (Eichornia) and Arundo, or Giant Reed. Plants actively absorb mineral salts and some soluble organic compounds contained in the water, and also saturate the water with oxygen. The resulting biomass can subsequently be used as feed for farm animals or as a raw material for some industries. The mentioned species are prone to excessive reproduction, therefore, the improvement of the reservoir ecosystem with the help of plants requires strict control. In the world, experiments are being carried out on the arrangement of so-called irrigation forests, where wastewater undergoes final filtration in specially created poplar plantations.

Bacterial preparations for water treatment

The most universal method of biological treatment of water bodies is the use of bacterial preparations. Specially created bacterial complexes contribute to the formation of a healthy biocenosis, decompose the resulting sludge, inhibit the development of unwanted microflora, maintain biological balance during wintering, and regulate nitrification processes. The composition of the drug includes several strains of bacteria that use different components of the pollutant as a substrate.

The choice of the drug depends on the purpose of the reservoir and the characteristics of the problems that need to be addressed. Among the best known drugs trademarks PondLogic and CrystalClear. Bacterial preparations can be used both in artificial and natural reservoirs. The product line of both manufacturers includes complexes for the elimination of silt deposits, the so-called water clarifiers, preparations for the treatment of fish.

If water pollution is not too strong or water treatment is of a preventive nature, after the introduction of bacterial preparations, the mode of use of the reservoir can not be changed. The water is suitable for irrigation, fishing, bathing, watering pets and other activities. For achievement best results the choice of the drug is desirable to coordinate with specialists.

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biological filtration

To clean relatively small reservoirs, experts recommend equipping the so-called bioplato, or dam. In him are located technical means biological water treatment. Water is forced into the dam, using pumps, and after filtering, it returns by gravity to the main pool.

One of the varieties of biological filtration can be considered the settlement of the reservoir with freshwater mollusks of the genus Dreisena, which perfectly cope with organic suspensions and serve as food for some fish species.

Living systems are characterized by significant inertia, the effect of the use biological methods clearing becomes noticeable after a few weeks or even months. The lack of an instant result is compensated by the formation of a healthy ecosystem capable of self-regulation over a significant period of time.

If the reservoir has large area, then it is better to use a special machine called a dredger to purify water from silt. But suburban area is not suitable for such manipulations, so it’s better to figure out how to clean the pond with your own hands.

The order of self-cleansing

Currently, it is possible to clean the pond without involving specialists through the following methods:

  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • mechanical;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

Almost each of them involves the use of some special device or device.


How to purify water and at the same time not spend too much money? Very simple - with a special net that allows you to get rid of small debris and leaves on the surface, however, this tool is unlikely to remove silt.

In this case, a special cleaning container equipped with filter elements (gravel, quartz sand, special purpose granules) is much more effective. The device must be placed near the pond and periodically change the filter elements every time the water stops flowing out of the filter. Water is supplied from the pond to the container by special pumps, the power value of which must be selected based on the size and depth of the reservoir.

Also, cleaning can be carried out with a special underwater vacuum cleaner of a manual or automatic type. The equipment, mounted on a telescopic tube, sucks in everything: water, dirt, debris, silt, and then drains the filtered liquid back into the pond. If you do not know how to clean a pond, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 m, then a vacuum cleaner is what you need.


The biological method is based on the decomposition of substances. Often this method is combined with mechanical.

With the help of biological treatment of a reservoir, it is possible not only to carry out prevention, but also to eliminate irreversible phenomena, the cause of which lies in the products. Wastewater, gradual shallowing, flooding and other natural anomalies.

The principle of operation is as follows: proteins, carbohydrates and fats decompose into carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide in a special filter. Its containers contain granules with microorganisms that have a cleansing effect on the water.


Problems of a reservoir with small size, can be solved by using drugs based on natural possibilities. Beneficial bacteria and enzymes isolated from natural environment, accelerate and stabilize a number of denitrification and nitrification processes, which positively affects the biobalance.

If it is impossible to use any device to cleanse the reservoir, then you should resort to a chemical method. By adding chemical reagents to the pond, normal acidity is achieved, the oxygen content is increased, and algae are dissolved. The only problem chemical method- it cannot be used if the pond serves as a source of water, it is used for swimming, or fish live in it.

The natural mineral zeolite is very popular - a high-quality water purifier. The level of its activity is so high that it is used even in exceptional cases, for example, in wastewater treatment.

This mineral often replaces quartz sand in many devices. And mixing zeolite with aluminum sulphate makes it possible to create a coagulating mixture, which is characterized by a high degree of ability to adsorb any heavy metal and radionuclide, and suppress the development of harmful microorganisms.

You can also use the device to purify water. ultraviolet radiation. Components such a device is usually: a housing, an ultraviolet lamp and a mechanism, the main task of which is to protect the equipment from algae and silt. The effective operation of this unit is impossible without annual lamp replacement.

Even at the stage of construction of the pond, you need to think about the features of the functioning of a particular system for cleaning the reservoir. This is influenced by many individual characteristics: depth, size, bottom topography, intensity of water load (living creatures, plants). A flowing pond requires more frequent cleaning.

When to do a complete water change

If the reservoir is very polluted and none of the above cleaning methods can cope, then you should move on to a more radical method - a complete replacement of the water in the pond.

Preparatory work includes the search for:

  • a suitable aquarium or container;
  • shovels, mops and brushes;
  • net;
  • scoop or ladle;
  • a piece of mesh with a fine grid.

Before carrying out the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a trench, which in depth must completely coincide with the reservoir. This will be the channel for the discharged water.

Note! This method can only be used if the depth of the pond does not exceed one meter. With a higher value of the indicator, it makes sense to pump water using a pump. A fine mesh must be attached to the end of the pump to prevent clogging.

Before you start digging a trench, you need to fix the grid (on the side where the work will be done) so that crayfish and plants - lotuses, lilies, water lilies, etc., do not leak along with the water. After that, you should catch each fish from the pond (using a net, of course) and dig each desired plant. All this can be placed in a specially prepared for this aquarium.

After completely draining the water, you can begin to clean the pond - removing mud, silt and dirt from the surface of the bottom. For these purposes, a ladle and a brush are useful. When the pit dries out a little, you can proceed to the next event - planting plants and filling the pond clean water. Important: fish can be released only after 2-3 days, when the water settles.

The use of the above cleaning methods allows all year round keep the pond in excellent condition. Self-purification of the reservoir eliminates additional expenses, because employees specialized company will charge a "good" bill for their services. Besides, pure water excellent for fish breeding and cultivation of cultivated aquatic plants.

About the rules for maintaining a pond

Through timely water purification, a number of problems can be solved. But it is necessary to learn and apply certain rules even at the stage of pond construction.

Waterproofing should be carried out using a high-quality film, the service life of which is at least 20 years, because only this will save the reservoir from the penetration of polluting and toxic substances from the soil. For the same purpose, it is necessary to monitor the quality of concrete, since under a certain impact it can crack, which, in turn, will lead to the destruction of the bottom. The acquisition of a rigid form for a pond should be accompanied by a check of its environmental characteristics so that all the same toxic substances do not penetrate into the water.

Vegetation and fish deserve special attention - they must be healthy, since water is a unique environment for the development and spread of various pathogenic factors.

How to clean up a pond own site if it is dirty and has ceased to please you with a beautiful appearance? Reservoirs on the plots are specially arranged so that in summer time in the evenings, relax by the beautiful water surface and contemplate the pleasant landscape. An ideal pond mirror can have a calming effect on a person and give a charge of positive emotions. But when arranging such a reservoir on the site, you need to think about how exactly you are going to clean it from pollution. Otherwise, it may turn into a foul-smelling puddle with large number mosquitoes.

If a large amount of greenery, duckweed and debris appears on the water surface, the first thing that comes to mind for inexperienced pond owners is that the water must be completely replaced. But you can try to clean the reservoir yourself or entrust this work to specialists.

    Show all

    Why do you need regular cleaning of the pond?

    After the pond is filled with water, microorganisms begin to actively multiply in it after a few days. They produce a lot of mud at the bottom, and the wind brings dust, debris and leaves, which can create a real crust on the surface. Decay products take oxygen from the pond, the pond often begins to bloom, becomes covered with duckweed, algae multiply in it and an unpleasant smell arises.

    If the water in the pond in the country is not cleaned, it becomes silted and dragged on by reeds and reeds, and other plants. The fauna often dies, after some time the reservoir simply dries up or turns into a swamp.

    What are the ponds on the plots

    Ponds on the plots arrange a variety of. Some of them resemble puddles - these are small reservoirs with an area of ​​​​less than 100 sq.m. Such ecosystems do not allow organizing a natural biological balance in them due to their small volume. The vital activity of such ponds is supported by artificial filtration. If the care is not carried out correctly, from time to time the water will bloom with algae.

    Ponds with a large area can be divided by size into the following groups:

    • small (up to 1 thousand sq.m.);
    • medium (from 1 thousand to 5 thousand sq.m.);
    • large (from 5 thousand sq.m.).

    For such a pond, it is possible to maintain a natural biological balance only if timely and thorough care is taken. To do this, it is necessary to competently carry out its settlement with fish and plants. A reservoir is a closed, independently functioning ecosystem, in which the balance is maintained only with the help of internal biological processes. Pollution can be prevented by regular maintenance of the pond. It is necessary to provide protection against the ingress of debris into the water and harmful substances. Summer residents inexperienced in this matter can carry out cleaning using special filtering devices.

    Known ways to eliminate silt and greenery

    If you do not know how to clean the pond from dirt, you can choose from the following cleaning methods:

    • using ultraviolet radiation;
    • in a biological way;
    • chemical agents;
    • mechanical cleaning.

    Before you clean the pond in the country from pollution and silt with your own hands, read mechanical method closer. It is considered the least expensive and allows you to get rid of unnecessary garbage and vegetation in the pond. For such equipment, the principle of operation is to purify the water in the pond by passing it through a container with a filter, where quartz sand, granules or gravel of a suitable fraction is located. If the water does not flow out well when the filter is dirty, then it means that it is time to change the filter element. For example, gravel should be washed thoroughly, but this method is not suitable for sand.

    To pump water through the filter, pumps are used, which are selected depending on the size of the reservoir and the type of filter.

    If carried out biological treatment pond in the country, its principle is based on the decomposition of organic matter to the state of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane. For its implementation, devices with special bacteria are needed. This method is often used in conjunction with mechanical. At the biofilter device, the chamber is filled with a porous substance. Microorganisms that feed on organic matter multiply, it is retained by a special material. At filters, the volume is adjusted taking into account the presence of living creatures in the pond. If there are a lot of fish in it, a larger filter should be used.

    When performing chemical treatment, special reagents are added to the water. Their functions are:

    • help in restoring acidity at the right level;
    • saturate the water with oxygen;
    • dissolve bottom plants.

    When using this method, try to carefully observe the dosage of substances. Otherwise, when cleaning the pond from algae, processes can begin that are dangerous both for the fauna inside the reservoir and for people.

    You can not use chemical treatment if there are plants in the water, such as bogwort, hornwort, tillea, etc. They are able to purify it and help in the formation of oxygen.

    It is also useful to use a device with ultraviolet radiation to clean the pond from silt. It consists of a body, inside of which there is a lamp and a mechanism that protects the reservoir from the formation of dirt. Lamp replacement is required once a season.

    Actions in case of heavy contamination

    With a large pollution of the reservoir, even filtration equipment may not be able to cope with the task. Then you should do this:

    • water is drained from the pond;
    • plants, fish are transferred to temporary storage;
    • silt and debris are independently cleaned from the bottom and walls.

    It is almost impossible to completely destroy the duckweed, but it is possible to limit its reproduction. Be sure to pay attention to plants and living organisms planted in the pond. If they are from a natural reservoir, it is possible that duckweed also got along with them. With a large number nutrients in water, it begins to grow rapidly, so you can not overfeed plants and fish, and the water must be regularly freed from debris.

    You can try to lime the duckweed by launching fish that feed on it into the pond. Underwater and floating plants can take food and oxygen from duckweed.

    With excessive growth of duckweed, try to remove it using a rake or net. Can be used as compost for ridges.

    Algae: how to get rid of them

    Blue-green algae can be removed using the following methods:

    • chemical;
    • mechanical;
    • limit growth by creating unsuitable temperature, light, organic matter.

    Pollution of the reservoir is associated with a violation of waterproofing. The walls or the bottom may crack, earth gets through the cracks. Cracks may appear due to subsidence of the soil or the use of poor-quality mortar.

    To eliminate problems, the pond is drained, the detected cracks are cleaned and coated with sealant in two layers. If large defects are found, they should first be covered with mastic, then a sealant should be laid with the next layer. This repair does not guarantee that the base will not crack again. The most reliable way to eliminate the leak is by laying a special form of plastic.

    Planned water maintenance

    To ensure that cleaning activities are not wasted, it is necessary to perform certain actions in a timely manner.

    It may be necessary to decide in advance the issue of arranging the inhabitants of the pond for the winter. For example, move fish to a home aquarium. In winter, you also need to pay some attention to cleaning the pond from debris, perform preventive measures by the freezing of the water surface.

    In order not to accumulate underwater gas, which is quite harmful, you should make a hole in the ice after the reservoir freezes. Then you need to monitor it so that the hole does not drag out: for this you need to regularly update it or install a special heater. From small ponds, it is recommended to drain all the water for the winter.

    With the advent of spring, the pond should be put in order. The pump and wiring must be checked. The mesh is removed from the surface, debris is removed, the reservoir is cleaned.

    Plants planned for planting are best arranged in May. If you plant them in boxes or baskets, you just need to pull them out during subsequent cleanings. It is useful to feed overwintered plants with special fertilizers.

    The question of how to clean the lake is relevant for all property owners who have such a reservoir of natural or artificial origin on the site. The purity of the lake is negatively affected by many factors, most of which are provoked by the person himself. So, sewage, rain-washed fertilizers, and even fishermen who scatter fish bait in abundance can hopelessly poison the ecosystem. In addition, the water is polluted by the waste products of the inhabitants of the pond, the reproduction of algae or debris that is brought by the wind. With absence proper care the shore is overgrown with weeds and reeds. This situation can lead to the fact that in just a few years the once clean and picturesque lake will turn into a fetid swamp, teeming with snakes and mosquitoes. It is worth considering ways to clean the pond with your own hands and keep it clean for decades.

    Complete cleaning with flushing

    A similar decision is made in cases where the reservoir is so polluted that it is simply impossible to clean it in other ways. Before you clean the pond from perennial sediment and plants that have grown over its entire surface, you need to make sure that the drained liquid will not harm the buildings and plots of neighbors.

    Complete cleansing of the lake is carried out in the following order:

    1. A ditch is dug to the drain. If this is not possible, then the water is pumped out using a pump. The entrance to the ditch and the intake pipe must be equipped with a mesh so as not to pump out useful plants, fish and insects.
    2. When a little liquid remains at the bottom, fish and crayfish are collected with a net. If available beautiful plants, whose roots are fixed at the bottom, then they are carefully dug out. Flora and fauna are transferred to a reserve reservoir, where there is enough water for their temporary stay.
    3. The bottom of the pond is cleaned from accumulated debris. Tires, flooded stumps and tree trunks are removed, concrete blocks and steel structures. If these items are left, then silt and debris will accumulate in them.
    4. All silt, dirt and household waste from human activity is removed. If the catchment area is large and the bottom is deep, then it is better to clean the lake with an excavator with a mounted dump. The collected sludge can be taken to the field, where it will be used as fertilizer.
    5. The shore is cleared of weeds. The most effective result is the use of a bulldozer. Only with the help of a blade can you remove the roots of the reeds. After that, the shore is covered with fine gravel and sifted sand.
    6. This is followed by planting ornamental plants and installation of stationary treatment equipment. The cleaned pit is filled with clean water. 2-3 days after it settles, you can launch fish, crayfish, insects and amphibians into the lake.

    Easy to clean a pond or lake (video)

    Mechanical cleaning of polluted lakes

    You can clean them up in the following ways:

    1. With the use of an underwater vacuum cleaner. Using various nozzles, you can systematically clean the most intricate and difficult areas of the bottom from debris, silt and algae. The substance extracted from the bottom is collected in a mobile tank, which is emptied as it is filled.
    2. Homemade dredge. This device is made according to the design of the dredge. This will require several buckets weighted with lead from old batteries, a gate and a conveyor. At large volume work on the dredger is installed engine.
    3. Using various hand tools. Garbage from the surface is collected with a net and a rake. Silt from the bottom is selected with a net or a steel box with holes. Large objects are hooked by the cat and pulled out of the water with the help of muscle power or a car.

    You can get rid of unwanted vegetation on the shore by freezing it. To do this, before the onset of winter, the soil is loosened with a pitchfork or walk-behind tractor. Cold, penetrating to the roots of plants, destroys them throughout the plowing area. During the warm season, the strip of terrain along the lake should be regularly mowed. This will get rid of most weeds.

    How to clean the pond with your own hands (video)

    Chemical and biological treatment of lakes

    When deciding how to clean up a pond, many aspects need to be evaluated, including environmental and financial cost factors. In addition, not all owners of land allotments have the opportunity to spend time on mechanical cleaning of various sizes.

    In order to bring the lake into a state of natural purity, the following methods are used:

    1. biological cleaning system. It is a biofilter installed in different places reservoir. Each biofilter consists of three or more connecting containers, which contain bacteria that decompose organic matter. Passing through the filter system, algae spores, fish excrement and other organic matter decomposes into carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide. These gases are removed from the water and dissolved in the atmosphere without harming anyone.
    2. Chemical water treatment. The principle of operation of the reagents is based on the dissolution of organic substances and the replacement of carbon dioxide with oxygen. Chemical substances are added to the lake in the form of a solution or powder. The concentration and amount of a substance is determined by the characteristics of the reservoir. The amount of reagent should be carefully calculated so as not to harm aquatic inhabitants.

    You can fix the result with the help of ultraviolet lamps that destroy bacteria, microorganisms and small algae.

    Reviews and comments

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    Eva 01/16/2017

    The cost of regular cleaning of the reservoir and its maintenance can always be covered by the profit from fish farming. This is both pleasant and useful at the same time, even though initial stage you need to work out all the nuances and invest some money. The main thing is to work hard to think everything through, establish contacts and find a sales market, the main thing is the desire and focus on results.

    Evgenii-Ilunin-vkontakte 10.02.2017

    Good day, I want to make a small pond on suburban area. I would like to launch crucians and carps there. For fishing, what size should the pond be and what requirements must be met so that the fish can live and grow in peace, and that it is important to survive the winter. Do you need any water filters? I would also like to know how it is possible to cover the bottom (stones, sand) so as not to get stuck in clay when you bathe and do not harm the fish.

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