Do-it-yourself artificial pond in the yard. Decorative pond in the country with their own hands. What are the ponds

Such a luxurious garden decoration can be made with your own hands in various stylistic directions. Also, the pond can be decorated with decorative streams, paths, a neat coastline, etc.

Place for a pond

In order for the pond to have natural light, it is better to place it near the house, on the south or east side, away from areas densely planted with shrubs and fruit trees.

It is advisable to place the reservoir near the water source, so that after cleaning it is easier to fill.

How to make a fence plastic bottles with your own hands, as well as which model to choose, read.

Shrub to create a hedge -.

Shape and size

When choosing the size of the reservoir, you need to focus on the area garden plot. For example, on 6 acres it is better to build a 3x3 m structure with a depth of 80 cm or 2x2 m with a depth of 50 cm.

If it is planned to launch fish and other aquatic inhabitants into the pond, the water expanses will have to be expanded, otherwise the inhabitants in a cramped space will not survive.

Choosing a form, you need to be based on personal preferences and stylistic features of the site. Drop-shaped or bean-shaped designs look natural. For garden plots with height differences, designers are advised to consider options for small creeks with streams.

Pond Base Selection

When the place and size of the pond are chosen, you need to decide on its basis. You can build a pond in the country from:

Step by step instructions for creating

To create an artificial pond with your own hands, you need to perform several stages of work with high quality. Before that, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • PVC coating;
  • fine gravel;
  • rope;
  • stone slabs;
  • round stones;
  • sand;
  • bricks.

To create an artificial reservoir, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

You can also see how to make a film pond with your own hands in this video:

A small artificial pond can be made from an old bathtub. It is installed in the pit, after closing drainer. The inner sides are treated with glue for ceramic tiles with added paint. A chain-link mesh is laid around the perimeter of the container, applied to it cement-sand mixture, and on top - various decorative elements - stones, tiles, gravel, etc.


When the main part of the work is completed, you can proceed to the decorative stage.

Stones and water

If there are cobblestones, they can lay out the perimeter and bottom.

It is important to remember that only stones without sharp corners can be laid on the bottom, especially if the base is made of film.

Water is poured from the hose in a weak stream. Within 2-3 weeks, the liquid may be cloudy - this is a biological process, then the water will become clear and clean.

To maintain these qualities, you can have tadpoles that feed on algae and filter the water.

Find out how to plant and care for a delphinium in the garden at.

Additional decorations

The pond can be equipped with underwater lighting, which will look spectacular in dark time days.

You can also install mini spotlights. For this, LED and halogen lamps are used. To make fountains, you will need special surface and underwater pumps.

The use of lighting in the pond - a modern design solution

Life in the pond

If you want to populate the pond with fish, create the necessary living conditions for them

A pond without vegetation and living creatures will soon lose its aesthetic appearance.

That is why landscape designers are advised to think in advance who will live in the reservoir. For example, tall species of plants, lotuses, water lilies, duckweeds can be planted at the bottom.

Before buying fish, you need to clarify the conditions of their habitat. It is important to remember that some species are at enmity with each other and will not be able to survive in the same territory.

Pond care in summer and winter

Summer is a period of active vegetative growth, so you need to monitor the plants planted in the pond and nearby.

It is necessary to remove overgrown algae, they can be used on suburban area as fertilizer and mulch. Plants blooming in a pond in the summer months are fertilized with long-acting agents. Weeds growing on the shore are regularly removed.

From June to August, you can plant exotic plants: calla, lotus, lazichiton, water lettuce, cinquefoil.

It is important not to forget about constant control water quality.

A pond in which amphibians and fish do not live can be drained and covered with garden film before winter.

If there are inhabitants in it, then before the first frosts, a de-icer is turned on.

The beautiful atmosphere of a garden in a country house, painted with exquisite colors of nature, will be ideally complemented by an artificial reservoir sparkling under the rays of the sun, which today is an integral element of landscape design. A quiet water harbor, fish, waterfalls, ornamental plants will emphasize the good taste of the owner and his aesthetic nature like nothing else. How to build a pond in the country with your own hands, so that it brings a minimum of trouble during operation? In this article, we bring to your attention variety of options solutions for creating an artificial reservoir, near which you, your family and friends will rest your soul and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Varieties of reservoirs

Today there are a large number various ponds, qualifying according to the principles of construction and various features.

According to the shape and style, the following types of ponds are distinguished:

  • formal or with regular geometry;
  • landscape or with irregular geometry.

The first type of decorative reservoir is distinguished by a strict outline, its sides intersect at right angles, forming diamond-shaped, rectangular or other similar combinations. As facing materials most often they use brick or tile, giving a certain severity to the structure. A formal pond is appropriate in the country, where there are already other buildings, rectangular paths.

Landscape ponds are often also called decorative. According to the device, such reservoirs are similar to formal ones, but their outline most often has a smooth shape in the form of a coastline. Of course, the appearance of such a reservoir can be the most diverse, it all depends on the imagination, the main thing is that the pond should have the most natural look.

According to the water level, decorative ponds are divided into:

  • raised;
  • buried.

Raised ponds mainly performs decorative function landscape design of a summer cottage, and they are created with geometry correct form. The depth of such a reservoir is quite small - within the borders. The advantages of such a decorative element in the country are minimal physical and financial costs.

However, the disadvantages are immediately visible - in winter time such a pond freezes through, and you can breed in it only annual plants and there is no place for fish here.

To create a buried pond, you will need to perform some earthen robots using waterproofing materials. In such a pond, you can grow without problems perennials and start fish.

Choosing a place for a decorative pond in the country

The key to a well-groomed pond is its correct location. A decorative pond is best created near the house or a place to relax, for example, gazebos. So you can watch the game water surface while drinking coffee or reading a book. However, the main criterion for the location of the pond are the surrounding landscapes.

It should be built in an open area, as large deciduous trees will not only create problems in the fall, but their rapidly growing roots can damage the pond system. It is also important that the reservoir is protected from strong winds, as they will negatively affect the development of coastal plants.

You also need to consider natural lighting. For a favorable reservoir of development in the rays sunlight it should be no more than 10 hours, otherwise small bacteria may begin to multiply in the pond, as a result of which it will become overgrown with mud and algae. With very little illumination, the development of already existing deep plants will be difficult.

Construction of artificial reservoirs based on the bowl

When building a reservoir, mistakes cannot be made, as it can turn into an ordinary swamp, the inhabitants of which will be frogs and midges.

Unlike pools, water in a reservoir should not only be ozonated and breathe, but also have a certain acid balance. And only by observing these conditions, the pond will be in a natural state, and growing plants and living fish in it will flourish and multiply.

Choosing a pond tank

Most in a simple way to make a mini-lake in the country is to build a pond based on a bowl.

Depending on the capacity and material of manufacture for the structure, you can choose the following bowls:

  • polyethylene container with a capacity of 150-900 liters

This option is the most optimal for a small suburban area. Depending on your wishes, you can choose a variety of colors, shapes and configurations of the bowl, its service life is about 3 years.

  • plastic vessel with a capacity of 1200-1600 liters

Such a base is more durable and strong, the service life is about 10 years.

  • propylene or fiberglass form with a capacity of 5000-6000 liters.

With the help of such a bowl, it is possible to equip an artificial reservoir with an area of ​​​​more than 10 m² and a depth of about 1.5 meters in the country house. Service life is approximately 30 years, in addition, if necessary, various types of repairs are allowed.

Having determined your financial capabilities, and having opted for some kind of bowl, you can start building a pond in the country.

Stages of building a pond in a country house based on a bowl

Having chosen a suitable place for a mini-lake, we proceed to the arrangement of the pit:

  • The first thing to do is markup. To do this, we lay the container upside down on the intended place of the reservoir and make notes along its contour.
  • Then we drive in the pegs with an indent of 15 cm from the marking contours, while its outlines should be completely repeated.
  • The next stage is digging a pit, and it should be borne in mind that the pit must fully comply with the parameters and shape of the bowl. The depth must be done with a margin of about 25 cm for a sand cushion.

  • Thoroughly clean the bottom from various stones and roots.
  • It is necessary to carefully level the bottom of the pit, for this you can try to fit a bowl into it and see if it needs to be earthworked, or if the pit already corresponds to the dimensions of the container.
  • If the parameters of the pit correspond, then it is necessary to carefully compact its bottom.
  • Then the ditch is completely covered with waterproofing material.
  • At the bottom should be laid sand cushion layer 20-25 cm.
  • Now you can start laying the bowl on the sand cushion. Checking her horizontal position, after that free space covered with sand. Along with backfilling sand, you need to gradually fill the container with water.
  • Then you can already show your imagination and start arranging a mini-lake in the country.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country house based on a flexible insulating polymer

Types of insulating film

If you are planning to build a reservoir large sizes, then a flexible insulating material is ideal for these purposes, thanks to which you will not limit yourself in choosing the shape and size of the pond.

We are talking about polyethylene, PVC film and butyl rubber.

Build a pond using polyethylene film only possible if it is planned to be temporary. The thing is that this material is quite fragile and easily damaged. The term of operation of a polyethylene film, as a rule, becomes no more than three years.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) film is quite in demand in the construction of an artificial reservoir, it is very durable and reliable, its service life is 10-15 years.

Today is the most best solution for the equipment of a reservoir in the country with their own hands is butyl rubber rubber. This material is as strong as possible, reliable, not afraid of the sun and frost. It will serve you from 30 to 50 years.

For the price, of course, the most economical option, but not the most durable, is polyethylene film. The most expensive and reliable is butyl rubber. If it is too expensive for you, then stop at the insulating material made of polyvinyl chloride, it is almost half the price, but at the same time strong enough.

Construction stages

It is best to carry out work on the construction of a pond based on an insulating film in summer time when the air temperature is about 20 degrees. In order for the film to become more elastic, it must be kept in the sun for several hours.

  • At the first stage, marking is made and a pit is dug.

This is done according to the same principle as when building a pond using a bowl, but here more attention should be paid to the depth and shape of the pit - a correct division into zones is necessary, which are performed in steps. The width of the steps must be at least 40 cm.

The optimal depth of an artificial reservoir:

From 20 to 40 cm in shallow water, or rather the first stepped zone;

From 50 to 100 cm in deep water, on the last step of the pond.

If you plan to grow fish in a pond, then for them it is necessary to provide for a “wintering hole”, which is made about 150 cm deep.

  • The next step is a thorough leveling of the bottom
  • After removing all large and small stones, roots, etc. the surface is backfilled with a layer of 5 cm with a clean layer of sand and covered with geotextile, due to which it is possible to extend the life of the film coating.
  • Now you can proceed to the actual laying of the polymer

Settle the material freely, while securing it around the edges with bricks. It is not worth rushing to cut off the film, since initially you need to fill the resulting container with water in order for the material to take the desired shape.

The dimensions of the insulating film are calculated as follows: the length of the film is equal to the length of the reservoir, 2 depths plus a margin of about 40-50 cm. In the same way, the required width of the polymer can be calculated.

  • Underwater design

Immediately after laying the insulating film, you can start pouring water, but it will look very impressive and beautiful if you decorate the underwater part in a special way, overlaying it, for example, with tiles, bricks or stone.

If the angle of inclination of the underwater shore is not more than 30°, then the stones can be laid without fastening them to each other, but with dressing of the seams. To do this, the space between them should be covered with clay. If the angle of inclination of the bank is steeper, then the stones must be fixed with cement mortar.

Decorative design of the reservoir in the country

When all construction works behind, proceed to the design of the reservoir - last stage arrangement of an artificial pond in the country. The coastline can be laid out with pebbles, tiles, stone or a wide variety of other flooring.

The decoration of the banks with small stones is carried out by backfilling, while the blind area has the form of a gutter, the remaining insulating film is held by poured pebbles.

If you plan to decorate the shore with large stones, then you must first organize concrete base, as otherwise loose stones may slip and ruin the resin.

Ponds look very impressive in combination with fountains, alpine slides, small streams. An excellent option for a small artificial reservoir there will be a floating fountain, it is already sold with everything necessary equipment, just plug it into electricity.

If there is enough free space in the pond, then be sure to make an artificial waterfall with 2-3 cascades, through which water will flow into the bowl.

Its organization will require such main components as a powerful pump and a drain pipe, which will supply water from the pump to the top of the cascade. To create cascades, molded pallets or a thick waterproofing film can be used. The outlet pipe is best done underground, but if this is not possible, then just carefully disguise it. The following figure shows a diagram of the organization of a waterfall with 3 cascades.

Plants such as reeds, ferns, feces, iris, lake reeds, etc. will perfectly decorate the pond. Plastic or metal vessels are used for their planting. Coat the walls of the container with clay so that the water does not wash out nutrients earth.

Flowers and leaves of aquatic plants must be above the surface of the water. For example, for water lilies, the required depth is up to 100-130 cm, and for an arrowhead, 10-20 cm will be enough.

Must be planted in a pond aquatic plants- oxygen generators that produce oxygen and prevent the reproduction of various algae.

It is best to plant ground plants in containers dug near the pond in order to prevent the roots from growing under the pond. Put the fish in the water. You can decorate the ground part of the pond with a bridge or other decorative elements let your imagination run wild.

A pond in the country - a photo of beautifully decorated artificial mini-lakes:

Filters, weir and lighting

To ensure that the water in your pond is always clear and clean, you need to take care of its filtration. To organize this purification system, you will need plastic pipes and reinforcement hoses. The pump and filter system should be selected based on the volume of your mini-lake and the desired degree of filtration.

When arranging a reservoir in the country, you need to think about such an element as a spillway. Thanks to it, it will be possible to regulate the water level, for example, in the spring during rains or when snow melts, our pond will never overflow its banks. A spillway is a small depression at the bottom of a pond filled with pebbles. To this depression are brought drainage pipes, with the help of which and will be given excess water from the mini lake.

Any artificial pond will look more spectacular if it is equipped with various types of lights.

If you choose the right spot lighting, then at night the artificial pond will come to life, fill with new highlights and take on unusual delightful forms.

Lighting can be placed permanently at the bottom of the pond, or it can be equipped with lamps that, using weights of various weights, will float at several levels of water. But the light bulbs located on the fountain nozzle will illuminate each jet of beating streams of water.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that all products that live by electricity must be appropriately labeled, which allows them to be used in water or outside.

A pond in the country - a photo of finished reservoirs with beautiful illumination:

  • The ideal depth of the reservoir is about 5 m with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 15 square meters. m, if you plan to increase the area of ​​​​the pond, then accordingly you should increase its depth, for example, at 20 sq. it is desirable that the depth be more than 1 m.
  • In order not to upset the balance of the ecosystem, it is better not to change the water in the artificial lake.
  • Plant all plants closer to the shore.
  • The ratio of water and vegetation should be 1:4, in which case the ecosystem will not be disturbed.
  • It is desirable that the stones in the reservoir are not made of limestone, as it makes the water alkaline, which will negatively affect the fish living there.
  • Do not be alarmed if after the first pouring of water into the reservoir it becomes cloudy. This is due to the fact that the stage of colonization by microorganisms is taking place, after some time, after the equilibrium of the ecosystem is reached, the water will be purified.

We maintain order in the pond

Like other structures, the pond needs some care. spend special physical strength it is not required here, with the right selection of water plants in your mini-lake, a biological balance will gradually be established, and the system will control itself, but you just have to help it a little.

Caring for a pond is very simple and logical:

  • In summer and spring, regularly remove filamentous algae from the reservoir with the help of sack, and around weeds. If your pond does not have a filtration system, then you can buy special chemicals that will saturate the water with oxygen without harming all its inhabitants. In the summer, when water evaporates quickly, top up as needed.
  • In autumn, remove fallen leaves to the surface in time, as they will eventually sink to the bottom. Some plants that do not tolerate frost, transplant into separate containers for wintering. Thin out overgrown plants. To protect the reservoir from various debris for the winter, stretch a special mesh over its surface.
  • In the spring, somewhere in April, it is already possible to start the pond - cut off the dried stems, clean the walls and bottom of the silt, if available, turn on the lighting of the fountain.

As you can see, care is quite insignificant considering how many emotions and joy this living wonderful corner brings you.

Many owners of suburban, private, summer cottages dream of having own pond. As practice shows, it is quite possible to create a decorative pond with your own hands. In this article, we will talk about the main features of making a pond with our own hands, pay attention to the recommendations of experts on this topic, and determine the main criteria for choosing a place for digging a pit for an artificial reservoir on the site.

The main types of reservoirs in your area

Have your own water oasis on a private plot in last years has become a fashion trend. As a rule, each owner tries to diversify this type of landscape structures with various original ideas. But, before we talk about specific varieties of artificial reservoirs, let's consider what they generally are. The table shows the main types of reservoirs in summer cottages:

The main types of reservoirs
Waterfall This is an artificially created reservoir, a feature of which is considered to be falling, noisy water from top to bottom. Such structures work due to a specially equipped pumping system. The right place for arranging a waterfall is a territory with a sloping terrain.
Fountain This type of artificial reservoirs is usually divided into two groups: submersible and stationary. Stationary structures represent independent elements territories, submersible most often are additional element pond.
Creek Requires a water supply system (eg small pond, etc.). Due to overflows, bends, stone obstacles, the stream own production looks not only original, beautiful, but also as natural as possible, naturally.
Pond This is a reservoir, the principle of which is considered to be the overlap of the watercourse. It usually forms on small rivers or in the process of creating a dam. The sizes of such reservoirs can vary from the smallest to significant dimensions.
Swamp original creation the area is considered to be an ornamental swamp. On such artificial reservoirs, it is customary to breed attractive, rare waterfowl plants. For this to be possible, the depth of such a water system must be negligible.

Another criterion, based on which reservoirs are divided into types, is the purpose of this structure. So, the following are distinguished:

  • small;
  • decorative;
  • for swimming;
  • ponds for breeding fish.

The creation of an artificial water structure on the site does not require special financial investments. in this case, attention to detail is important, and not to specialists, beginners should familiarize themselves with the advice and recommendations of real professionals.

The correct location of the reservoir on the site

When choosing a suitable territory for the construction of a reservoir with your own hands, you should be extremely careful not to damage gas system and so on. Taking into account all generally accepted rules an artificial pond (or other type) should not occupy more than 3% of the site. In order for the design to become not only an ornament, but also to be practical at any time of the year, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • there should be no trees on the territory around the reservoir: the leaves will fall off, this will require frequent cleaning, and strong roots can destroy structures from underground;
  • from the aesthetic side, the reservoir should be clearly visible from the house;
  • a correctly chosen place implies a convenient approach to a water structure, the ability to equip any path;
  • it is also important that sunlight hits the reservoir, ideally it should be illuminated for about 7 hours a day;
  • it should be possible to shelter, protect the reservoir from strong, cold winds.

Basic materials and tools for making a pond with your own hands

For the manufacture of a pond on the site with their own hands, as practice shows, they choose the most various materials. Rigid plastic, PVC film, concrete and other building materials initially lay the foundation for the time required for the work and the budget for the process. Often, the owners use improvised materials available on the farm in order to build a small pond in the yard. This range includes various fiberglass bowls, old sinks and tubs, barrels, etc.

To create an artificial reservoir, liquid rubber, butyl rubber film, EPDM membrane, etc. are also used.

To work with different types of materials, as a rule, it is required different instruments, but still for some work there are a number of indispensable tools:

  • digging shovel;
  • roulette;
  • gloves;
  • bucket;
  • pegs and rope;
  • Master OK;
  • hammer;
  • rakes and pitchforks;
  • scissors of different types;
  • copper pipes, grinder, etc.

Do-it-yourself hard plastic pond

The basis for creating a pond in the garden can be a ready-made structure made of hard plastic. The advantage of this option is the minimum time spent on installation work(in comparison with others), reliability of use at any time of the year, the ability to create a reservoir of any shape, etc. At the same time, one of the main disadvantages is the financial cost of quality material, since cheap, not durable material can soon become the cause of defectiveness and unsuitability of the pond. The creation of a rigid plastic pond can be characterized by several stages.

1. The marking of the selected territory is being prepared.

2. A pit is dug, cleaned, with a margin of at least 8-10 cm.

3. A hard plastic container of the desired shape and size is placed in the finished pit.

4. Using the building level is checked horizontal installation containers.

5. A third of the vessel is filled with water. Then, the fixation of the bowl begins with the help of sand, which falls asleep from the sides.

In the presence of a ready-made bowl, small size, it will take no more than 3-4 days to work. A do-it-yourself hard plastic pond is a good alternative along with other options.

Do-it-yourself pvc film pond

Equally well known is the creation of private ponds based on various types of construction film, including PVC. The durability of this type of structure directly depends on the strength, thickness and quality of the selected material.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film is the most best option for the production of a small pond with their own hands on the site. It is known for the following features:

  • usually does not contain harmful substances;
  • Sold in rolls of various thicknesses and widths;
  • resistant to temperature extremes, has good frost-resistant qualities;
  • with the right thickness of PVC film, the durability of the pond will be more than 10 years.

When choosing a PVC material for work, you should pay attention to such characteristics as moisture resistance, resistance to ground salts, UV resistance, etc.

Do-it-yourself pond from a reinforced concrete bowl

One of the most difficult technical specifications, options for creating a reservoir on the site is considered concrete structure. Firstly, it is a rather time-consuming, time-consuming and financially costly process. Secondly, this business requires certain building skills. However, reservoirs made of reinforced concrete material are distinguished by durability, strength and reliability. By creating this type of ponds, you can make the most of any original ideas and create water structure any dimensions.

Using given material when producing your own pond on the site, you should additionally take care of:

  • construction waterproofing;
  • additional processing of the structure with a frost-resistant agent;
  • strengthening the structure with reinforcement, etc.

This type of reservoir requires building materials such as sand, cement, cement primer, crushed stone, etc.

The main work on making a pond with your own hands. Sketch

The main work on making a pond with your own hands is based on a ready-made, individually created sketch. This construction document allows you to graphically display all the nuances future design and work on it. At home, masters, beginners rely on ready-made drawings and ideas that are richer than the Internet. Specialists-builders write that when creating a sketch for the construction of a pond, it is important to pay attention to the presence of steps (ground drops) in the reservoir. The detail in the drawing will avoid a huge number of construction problems and inaccuracies.

We have already briefly mentioned the main stages of work on the manufacture of a pond above, but it is worth considering in more detail the issues related to the preparation of the pit, the laying of the substrate and the film.

Digging a pit, laying the substrate and film

Physical work, regarding the manufacture of a pond with your own hands, begins with digging a foundation pit. But before you start digging a hole, you must first clean the area from possible debris, foliage. Next, mark the selected area and only then remove the sod. Experts recommend digging from edge to center, while constantly adjusting irregularities and respecting the edges of the marked area. Do not forget about the reserve of land of 10 cm (even such minor errors in the process can be very significant).

Next, the finished pit must be equipped with high-quality waterproofing. This is done so that the water from the pond does not go into the ground. In construction, there are several options for how to form the so-called substrate in the pit:

1. Using different kinds lay stones and tamp the pit;

2. Apply geotextile, which should be covered with sand;

3. Use film.

The most common of the above methods is the latter.

Pillow inside the excavation of PVC film requires special attention, as incorrectly carried out installation work may result in damage to the film layer, for example, tree roots, etc.

When laying this material at the bottom of the pit, it is important to follow some rules:

  • usually the relief of reservoirs is characterized by folding, so professionals advise making one large fold, and avoiding the appearance of many small ones;
  • in order to fix the film in the pit, it is better to create an additional trench;
  • it should be ensured that the film material is so stretched in the pit, at this point it is important that the PVC material lies freely, otherwise after filling the pond with water, it may break;
  • in order to lay out the film with stones, it is best to use small species. One more moment good option there will be small rounded stones, without ribbed surfaces;
  • the edges of the film are recommended to be cut after the pit has stood for more than 2 days.

Do-it-yourself pond care

In order to turn the pond into a multifunctional system, filtration systems, pumps and other equipment are additionally installed. There are several methods for caring for a pond in different time of the year:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • UV.

The mechanical method consists in the use of special filter containers that clean the reservoir from small particles. By choosing a system with fine nozzles, even the smallest particles can be neutralized.

To normalize the biological parameters of water in the pond, use biological method. Its principle of operation is to use filters that are able to neutralize biological residues, etc.

The chemical method of cleaning allows you to normalize the acidity of the water in the pond, saturate it with oxygen, etc. However, if fish live in a pond, this method can only do harm.

The last method is the use of ultraviolet lamps, the main function of which, in this case, is the disinfection of water. Ultraviolet light does a great job of killing harmful viruses and bacteria.

To the above methods, you can add the most elementary physical work that will keep the pond clean. The owners are required to thoroughly clean the water from leaves, regularly change the water, clean it from silt and algae, etc. Experts recommend breeding a number of waterfowl plants that are considered natural filters. It is not only useful, but also very beautiful.

For additional information how to make a pond on the site with your own hands, see the video:

The construction of a garden pond begins with the choice of a method for waterproofing it. Film insulation is a modern material that greatly simplifies the work and leaves the need for time-consuming concreting in the past. You can build a pond from a film in just a couple of days, without having at hand special equipment. Today - this is the easiest way available to every owner of a suburban area.

What you need to know before starting construction

Armed with the necessary knowledge and inspiring photos of film ponds, you can build a pond with your own hands no worse than those that cause delight and envy.

Is it possible to close the bottom of the pond

There are two opposite points of view on the waterproofing of a reservoir with a film:

  1. The film bottom should be organized in such a way that the coating remains as clean as possible. Any closure of the film with stone, silt or soil leads to decay of organic particles with the release of methane and hydrogen sulfide.
  2. Gravel laid on top of the film membrane protects it from accidental punctures, for example, after a large branch falls or as a result of contact with a dog's claws.

How to calculate the required amount of film

The formula for budgeting for a future reservoir is as follows. To the length, and then to the width of the pond, add 2 depths and 1 meter of margin. For example, for a man-made dam with dimensions of 3 by 4 meters and a depth of 1.5 m, it is necessary to take a film measuring 7 by 8 m (3 + 1.5 x 2 + 1 = 7).

A piece of film membrane 6x7 meters (without a meter margin) will also be enough, however, in this case there is a danger of overtightening the material, which can lead to its damage. To bring to the coast, you will need from 20 to 50 cm of film coverage.

What material to choose for a reservoir

On sale there are several varieties of materials suitable for organizing the waterproofing of a reservoir:

  • butyl rubber film (synthetic rubber) - has the highest wear resistance and strength, but differs by no means in the budget price;
  • PVC film with a thickness of 0.5 mm - suitable for organizing a small decorative pond, it is desirable to choose a reinforced or reinforced material;
  • material used to create advertising banners - if you wish, you can get it absolutely free.

The technology of organizing a man-made reservoir with a film

After the outlines of a do-it-yourself pond made of film have been outlined (it is desirable to have a photo of the desired result in front of your eyes), you can proceed to land work.

The stage of creating the bed of the dam

It is recommended to calculate the area of ​​the reservoir in such a way that the slopes of the recess are at a slope of 20 to 45°. The maximum allowable slope angle is 60°, but the probability of shore slippage increases significantly.

For reliable fastening of the film membrane along the perimeter of the dam, it is recommended to dig a ditch-berm, 10 cm deep. Under it, the remains of the film should be brought, and the channel can be used as a kind of bioplateau that filters water. It is advisable to clean a functioning pond once a week with a mud pump immersed in the deepest mark of the bed.

For marsh plants, it is necessary to organize terraces at least 40 cm wide, which, along with the main function, will also play the role of steps. It is optimal to create two terraces - at a depth of 20-30 cm and 60 cm.

Terraces can cover only part of the dam perimeter

On the shallow plateau, it will later be possible to plant marsh irises in containers, the planting depth of which should not exceed 40 centimeters, and at the deepest stage - cattail and water lilies. Higher marsh plants-oxygenators maintain balance in the artificially created ecosystem of the dam, "taking away" food from unicellular algae, because of which the "bloom" of water occurs.

At this stage, a stream or ditch should also be provided to drain excess water from the reservoir. The exit from the pond should be lined with a film, and the main channel of the ditch should be left uninsulated so that moisture is absorbed into the ground.

Preparatory work before waterproofing

After finishing earthworks it is necessary to carefully calibrate the level of the future reservoir and, if necessary, add drops to the places. The final stage of leveling the relief of the pond is the creation of a 10-centimeter sand cushion. It will act as a buffer, preventing film breaks during heaving of the underlying soils.

Before you make a pond out of a film with your own hands, the leveled area should be covered with geotextiles with a density of at least 300 g / m2. This will protect the material from tearing caused by mole digging and tree roots sprouting, and will also strengthen the banks. Strips of geotextile should be laid with an overlap of 20 cm, fixing them with adhesive tape, which will help prevent tearing of the edges due to gusts of wind and stretching of the film.

In addition, the lining material is a good heat insulator, it also helps the membrane to glide better, which makes it easier to install. Up to 50 cm of geotextile should be left on the banks of the reservoir in order to be able to correct the coastline and wrap the edges on the film in those places where sharp stones are planned.

Laying waterproofing on the bottom of the pond

A roll of membrane that acts as a waterproofing in a pond must be partially unfolded on a flat area and carefully rolled from the edges to the center, rolling evenly towards the middle. Thanks to this action, it will be more convenient to spread the film along the slopes from the depths. It is advisable to think over the nuances of how to properly make a pond from a film with your own hands before directly performing laying work.

By dragging the roll to the center of the recess, the waterproofing should be evenly distributed over the entire recess, leaving a margin of up to 50 cm on the shore. The folds on the membrane must be laid out in one direction - their presence will increase mobility insulating material under the influence of temperature differences. Upon completion of all work, unnecessary film residues can be cut off. For the coastal zone, it is appropriate to take a membrane covered with pebbles, or stick pebbles to it yourself for more natural look pond.

An isolated reservoir should be filled with water gradually, giving the film the opportunity to stretch and checking the correct organization of the dam bed. Plants inside the pond should be placed in special containers lined with stone for more aesthetic appearance, or in bags-pockets sewn from geotextiles.

Even the presence of the smallest pond in the summer cottage allows you to create a unique picturesque landscape. An artificial pond, by the way, can also change the microclimate. In dry areas, it will increase humidity, which will have a beneficial effect on all plants.

How to create a small pond in the garden or in the country with your own hands? We will try to answer this question in this article.

Choose a place

First of all, you need to determine where exactly the pond will look better. A suitable site looks like this:

  • there are no trees on it (their leaves clog the pond, and the roots can damage the bottom);
  • enough sun (minimum 6 hours) for the development of aquatic plants;
  • there is free space in case of a possible expansion of the pond;
  • the surface is as smooth as possible.

Also remember - a reservoir cannot occupy more than 3 percent of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire site.

In order for a variety of aquatic plants to feel good in it, it is necessary to create a special zone for them. In general, the bottom is always made with steps:

  • water lilies are planted in shallow water;
  • on lower level hibernate ornamental fish.

Do not make a hole more than 180 centimeters deep. In terms of size, the largest deepening, ideally, is no more than 20 percent of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir.

You still need to leave room for coastal plants.

Foundation Options

Arranging a pond with a ready-made plastic container will cause the least problems. You can find it at hardware stores. These tubs are relatively inexpensive, and are installed very simply. The disadvantages include the inability to change the shape.

If you have on the farm old bath- it can also be put on a decorative pond. Its form, however, will be quite primitive, but it is suitable for small areas and will last for decades.

A very small pond is also easy to make from tires (for example, from a tractor).

More beautiful landscape ponds are constructed using a PVC film. Its thickness is up to 0.5 mm. She is perfect for small pond. Its indisputable advantage is the ability to freely choose the shape of the reservoir - even a very bizarre one is created very simply.

Since the installation of the first options cannot cause difficulties even for an inexperienced person, we will talk about the last method.

Step-by-step execution of work will avoid mistakes and unnecessary waste of time and money.


Even a small pond will need to prepare a lot:

  • PVC film;
  • large stones (preferably round);
  • ruberoid;
  • slate slabs;
  • bricks;
  • sand;
  • fine gravel or screenings;
  • aquatic plants.

foundation pit

To make it easier to work, draw a drawing of the future pond and indicate on it all required dimensions, including:

  • curtain width;
  • the size of the sides;
  • depths.

It is better to decide on the form will allow the photo artificial ponds which are easy to find on the Internet. Think of an accent element. It can be a large bizarre stone, a sculpture, a ceramic vessel, etc.

We draw the contours of the reservoir on the ground. We mark them either with string on pegs or with a sand line. It is important that the coast on all sides is located on the same level. After that, we remove the sod and fertile soil.

The pit is initially dug to a depth of the first level - it is approximately 40 centimeters. Along the bottom, we mark the line of the next recess - here the pit is made 0.9 meters. And, finally, we dig a depression for the wintering of fish - 1.8 m. If there are no living creatures, then we skip this stage. The soil must be immediately removed from the site; in particular, it should be used to create an alpine slide.

Upon completion of earthworks, the bottom is cleaned of:

  • roots;
  • sharp stones;
  • irregularities.

This ensures the safety of the film.

Along the coast, about 30 centimeters from the edge, a ditch is dug 20 cm deep. It is necessary to strengthen the film. After that, measure the pond along with the groove along the length and width. We add to the results obtained by the meter. It is with such a margin that you should buy a PVC coating. If its width is not enough, then the film is soldered.

Bottom arrangement

The entire bottom must be covered with sifted sand. The thickness of the pillow is 15 cm. It must be well tamped. Roofing material is laid on top of it with an overlap of up to 100 mm.

Then comes the turn of the film. It is deployed over the pit and laid as freely as possible, but so that a normal supply remains on the shore. The edges are pressed with bricks around the perimeter. This stage is easier to carry out on a hot sunny day - PVC will become more elastic, and it will be easier to work with it.

Finally, water is poured into the pond. In this state, it is left for a day - during this time the film will take the necessary shape. Only after that, the excess is cut off, and the edges are laid in the prepared ditch and covered with gravel.

Coastal decoration

In order for the reservoir to turn out to be durable, it is not enough just to lay the PVC sheet correctly, it is also important to prevent the shore from collapsing. To do this, you need to strengthen the edge. This is done with:

  • concrete blocks;
  • PVC pipes and stakes;
  • bricks.

Lay out tiles along the bank natural stone. We additionally decorate one of the banks with a composition of large boulders. One big one will fit here.

We cover the bottom with pebbles or rubble. We place prepared plants in containers along the curtains. For a pond, those that saturate the water with oxygen are suitable:

  • water lily;
  • hornwort;
  • swamp.

After the arrangement of the banks, the reservoir is filled to the top.

A submersible pump is installed at the bottom. We lay the tubes from it to the source and connect it to the filter there.

With the help of this video you will get a better understanding of the construction of the pond:

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