Making 6 acres with your own hands. Services of a specialized company

A serious question about how to plan a plot of 6 acres arises not only among novice gardeners, but also among those owners of the "fazend" who decided to completely change appearance their possessions. This is explained simply - if you are lucky enough to have a place where you can escape from a noisy and stuffy city at least for a weekend, it is not at all necessary to use it exclusively for growing organic vegetables, berries and fruits. It would be quite nice to equip one or even several zones for a good rest.

Landscaping is the whole art of designing certain areas of the territory. There are several schemes by which they prefer to work professional designers. With independent planning, you can also use one of the ready-made developments, taking it completely as a basis, or use only individual elements from it that are suitable for a particular site.

Whichever plan is chosen, the most important criterion for the residents of the house will be the maximum convenience of using all the facilities provided for comfortable rest and work with objects.

Typical site planning projects

Landscape designers have developed six basic planning schemes suburban area, which professionals usually rely on when carrying out work, enriching, of course, these templates with their own ideas.

  • Rectangular layout

This type of territory planning can be called the most popular, since basically all summer cottages have a rectangular or square shape. And it should be noted that they are also the most comfortable for arrangement.

The most uncomplicated - rectangular layout

It is convenient to carry out the distribution scheme of objects on a sheet of paper lined in a cage (or on graph paper), and when drawing it, it is necessary to predetermine and observe a certain scale, for example, 1:100.

Defining different zones in a territory with right angles is much easier to make than creating complex intricate schemes that bring disorder to the general appearance of the site. It is easier to make a rectangular area more open by placing on it in the correct order various residential and outbuildings, ponds, beds, alpine slides, fruit trees and shrubs. In addition, with this approach, it is easier to plan the various communications necessary to ensure a comfortable stay on the site.

  • Diagonal layout

Diagonal layout can be made on a rectangular, square plot, or on the territory irregular shape. The defining elements of such zoning are the paths dividing the section, which are laid diagonally, from corner to corner. Sometimes designers, when drawing up a diagram, prefer to completely move away from horizontal and vertical lines, even planning the placement of a house diagonally across the site.

The main "reference lines" are diagonally drawn tracks

This way of placing objects will visually expand the space and make the territory more spacious. In addition, there is the possibility of the original distribution of zones. With this approach, they can be distinguished much more, since the paths drawn will connect the corners of the territory, which quite often remain completely unused.

Diagonal layout is usually used if it is intended and to complete the entire design of the site in a certain style.

  • Irregular planning

Irregular scheduling includes various ways to organize zones. Here, elements of a rectangular, diagonal and curvilinear layout can be applied, but they must be mutually placed so that they are in harmony with each other.

On the presented plan, which was drawn up for a specific site, you can well consider all the areas of the territory conceived by the designer:

1 - Entrance zone, naturally located in front of the site, overlooking the road. Here, a covered parking lot can be arranged for a car, or a full-fledged garage can be built.

2 - The entrance zone is a continuation of the entrance. A path leading to the house is arranged on it, and it is most often decorated with flower beds.

3 - The recreation area is almost always located in the depths of the site, but not far from the residential building. In this area, they organize a playground, a swimming pool, a gazebo, install a swing or garden benches for relax. Fruit or ornamental trees can also be planted here.

4 - The economic zone is most often located in the far corner of the site. The necessary outbuildings are being erected there, and a sanitary zone is being equipped - a summer shower room and a toilet.

5 - The garden in this diagram is located in the corner of the territory. If this zone is organized in this way, then the fencing of the site in this place should not be continuous, since usually horticultural crops natural ventilation is necessary, otherwise a lack of sun and an excess of moisture can lead to rotting of vegetables right on the beds.

6 - Alpine hill. Usually it is also included in the recreation area, but it is somewhat isolated, as it can become a corner for solitude, sometimes so necessary for communicating with nature.

7 - Garden area. Ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs are planted here, and this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cottage can also be used for recreation.

Irregular site planning can be applied to the territory having any geometric shape. When distributing zones, you don’t have to adhere to any strict rules for the location of objects that are not connected by communications, so this type of planning is quite popular among owners land plots.

  • Curvilinear planning

Curvilinear planning can be called spontaneous, since the paths on the site are laid along convenient well-trodden routes. Therefore, in landscape design, this type of distribution of zones is called natural or natural.

The emphasized smoothness of the lines is the main principle of the curvilinear layout

In this version of the arrangement of the site, there are no straight and sharp corners, and all paths have smooth, almost imperceptible turns, so the territory looks aesthetically pleasing and elegant. Along the paths passing through the site, they land various shrubs, flower beds are broken, which will need to be carefully monitored throughout the summer, otherwise they will quietly begin to capture the path area.

  • Tangents and arcs in layout

The use of tangents and arcs in the planning of a site can be applied to a site of any shape. This distribution of zones makes the territory more dynamic, where the shapes and turns, replacing each other, have rounded corners, which is very comfortable for leisurely walks.

A similar layout of the arrangement of the site can be used for any architectural style of the house. On the presented diagram, you can clearly see all the objects located on the site.

  • Radial layout

The radial or circular planning scheme is different in that all the objects of the site are located in a circle or semicircle, which fit into a certain area of ​​the territory. In order to emphasize the unusual shape of the arrangement of elements on a rectangular plot, its corners are planted with shrubs or fruit trees.

In this case, when drawing up a project, in addition to a square grid, they also use a compass to draw a circle inscribed in a square or rectangular shape plot and divided into rays. These radially divergent beams are used to place decorative elements of the landscape and the main structures.

A house in such a layout can be located in the central part of the circle or on one of the beams, but in order for the dynamics to be observed, the building will have to fit harmoniously into this shape. In the event that a residential building on the site has already been erected, then planning can be done around it or on one of its sides.

The example project used a radial layout inscribed in a square area:

1 - The residential building is located on the arc of the central circle.

2 - . A path leads to it, which is part of a circle located near the house.

3 - Garage. This building is located at the entrance to the territory, and its own semicircle is organized around it.

4 - A small secluded gazebo.

5 - Greenhouse, remote to the corner of the site.

6 - The garden, located next to the greenhouse, has beds in the form of rays.

7 - Fruit trees are planted in this case along the edge of the site.

8 - A playground installed next to the house, so it can be clearly seen from his window, and the children will be under the control of adults.

9 - Rockery - a flower bed with various plants well matched to each other, and additionally decorated with stones.

10 - Ornamental trees or shrubs. They can be selected in such a way that flowering will continue from early spring to late autumn.

11 - Tracks that are arranged in circles.

12 - Entrance zone, which can be used as a parking lot for a car.

Criteria for determining the main purpose of the site

To apply one or another basic planning scheme, you need to decide in advance what the area around the house will be intended for:

  • It will only be a place of rest, a garden, a garden or a complex divided into different zones.
  • Will one of the varieties be located on the site artificial reservoirs- a pond, decorative waterfall, pool or fountain.
  • Do you need a playground, and what will be on it.
  • Will there be a zone.
  • Which of the outbuildings is planned to be erected on the site.
  • The number of flower beds and their varieties.
  • Do you need parking or a garage for a car in the country?
  • Where will the sanitary zone be located - on the site or in the house itself.

After a clear answer to the questions listed, the owner of the site will most likely have the first outlines of the plan.

What should be considered in the project?

In order for the planning to be successful, the plan of the site attached to the cadastral passport must be taken as the basis for the drawing, which must be transferred to graph paper on a scale of 100: 1, that is, 1 m of the site per 1 cm of the scheme. In the case when the house has already been erected, it is applied immediately to the scheme, and already around it other buildings, objects and elements of landscape design begin to “place”.

Plumbing and artificial reservoirs

The plan for distributing water pipes must be drawn up as rationally as possible, since the network being created should cover all areas where water is required - this is, first of all, a residential building, then a bathhouse, a swimming pool, a garage, a barbecue area, a garden and a kitchen garden.

  • It is desirable to deepen the pipes into the ground by 500 ÷ 700 mm. If the pipeline is planned to be light, which will pass through the ground, then it will have to be dismantled annually for winter period, and in the spring - put in place.

It often makes sense to limit yourself to light "summer" plumbing.
  • In the event that a country house is planned to be used only in summer, you can use ordinary reinforced hoses, polyethylene or polypropylene pipes, which are installed only for this time and are brought to the desired zones.

How to install plumbing in the country

This largely depends on the type of main water source. Read more about how you can - read in a separate publication of our portal.

  • Further, the water supply is directed to the area where a bathhouse will be erected, as well as a shower and a toilet. Even if the bathroom is planned to be made in the house, it is recommended to have a toilet on the site, so that during work in the garden you do not drag dirt into the house. It is best to install these objects in the far corner of the site.

The toilet and shower are usually installed in the complex, and sometimes a utility block is attached to them. Thus, you can save not only on materials, but also on the organization of sewage.

Complete Solution- toilet, Summer shower and utility room

This area is usually covered by prying eyes tall shrubs or planted with evergreens such as pyramidal thuja, boxwood and others.

  • Naturally, it is necessary to provide vegetable beds, berry bushes and fruit trees with high-quality watering. To do this, it is recommended to bring the water supply to the garden and garden area.
  • If it is planned to equip a pool or pond on the site, then it is also necessary to lay a pipeline to them, but not only for supplying water, but also for sewage. These reservoirs require periodic flushing and water changes.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that a pool or pond is arranged in different places, but what for one, what for another reservoir important condition there will be no tall trees nearby.

The pool is usually located in an open sunny area, near the house. It is desirable that it is clearly visible from the window, especially if the family has small children.

The pond is recommended to be located at a distance from the house among low shrubs, which can shade the surface of the water, since ultraviolet rays will contribute to its flowering, and it will often have to be changed or provided complex system cleaning.

This reservoir should not be located close to the house, and because in evening time many different insects gather in the grass near the water, which will fly into the light of the windows and into the house.

Artificial reservoir - decoration of a suburban area

It is quite possible to build such an original element of landscape design and on your own. Read more about that in a special publication of the portal.


It is impossible to do without a sewerage system or collection of household waste in a summer cottage, especially if the house is used for living all year round. In order not to have problems with regulatory organizations, it is necessary, in accordance with existing sanitary standards, to properly locate and equip a septic tank or an isolated cesspool on the territory. At the same time, they adhere to certain rules established by SNiP and SanPiN.

  • Sewer pipes must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the water main. If possible, a treatment or storage facility on the terrain of the site should be located below the water intake so that in the event of a breakthrough, sewage does not enter clean water.
  • The septic tank must be at least 5 m away from the foundation of the house - this will eliminate the risk of washing away the walls of the building in emergency situations, and also eliminate the unpleasant smell in the house. However, you also need to know that it is also not worth removing the septic tank too far from the house, as this will provoke internal blockages. If you still have to equip it at a more distant distance, then it is necessary to provide an inspection well every 15 m.
  • The septic tank must be located at least 5 meters from a busy road.
  • A septic tank is located from the fence between the sections, stepping back at least 2 m.
  • From fruit trees or shrubs, the distance should be at least 3 m.
  • Distance from a river or stream -10 m, from a stagnant reservoir - at least 30 m.
  • Access to inspection hatch the septic tank must be free, since periodically it will have to be cleaned of accumulated deposits using sewage equipment.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that sewer system and the location of the septic tank must be planned immediately when building a house before dividing the site into zones.

Sewerage in country house- serious question

In order not to have problems with regulatory organizations, with the sanitary-epidemiological or environmental service, and with neighbors in the area, special attention will have to be paid to issues - details are set out in the corresponding article of the portal.

And another publication will help with, optimally meeting the specific conditions of living in a country house.

The main elements of the arrangement of the site and its landscape design

  • At the entrance to the site, parking is often provided for a car, with or without a canopy. If, however, it is not so much a summer cottage that is being equipped, but a house for long-term or permanent residence, then it is more expedient to think about a stationary garage.

Sometimes a garage is also arranged under the house, but this can only be foreseen at the stage of drawing up a project for a residential building, even before the foundation is erected.

  • Recently, more and more often in summer cottages, in their recreation areas, barbecue stoves are being installed. The convenience of this zone lies in the fact that it can serve as a gazebo and a summer kitchen, which makes it possible to spend more time outdoors. Such zones are arranged close to the house, but at the same time - and not too close to it, so that during cooking, smoke does not enter the open windows of the living quarters.

Great place to relax - BBQ area

The stove itself cannot be installed under the crowns of trees, otherwise the hot air emanating from the pipe will dry the leaves on the branches, after which the tree may die, and the leaves can easily ignite from a spark that has fallen.

Barbecue prices

  • If instead of a barbecue area it is decided to install a gazebo, then it is usually placed near the house. A pleasant shade that will be created in it thanks to dense greenery will make it possible to relax in coolness and freshness on hot days. In addition, in such a place it is good to spend not only days, but also quiet evenings with a cup of tea and a pleasant conversation.

The variety of gazebos is extremely large, so it is possible to choose the right one both in terms of area and design, so that it harmoniously fits into the created landscape of the site.

  • If there are children in the family, then you can’t do without a playground on the adjacent plot. It can be made stationary, but there is another solution. So, for example, in the modern assortment of specialized stores, original inflatable complexes are attached, including slides, trampolines, pools, as well as other elements of interest to the child.

good decision- safe inflatable playground

The convenience of such towns is that they are stable, but light in weight, and they can be rearranged to a shady or, conversely, sunny place. In addition, for the winter period they are easily assembled, packed and do not take up much space in the pantry.

  • If there is a land plot, then few people will refrain from planting at least a small amount of greenery or vegetables on the beds. And in fact, do not carry on own dacha tomatoes or beets grown in Turkish greenhouses, when it is possible to get an environmentally friendly product from your own garden. To obtain decent harvest, you need to choose right place for landscaping. For this, it is best suited open space on the south side of the house, where most of the day there is sun.

Fruit trees and shrubs are usually planted along the fence - so they will not block the natural lighting of the beds. Tall trees are often planted near the walls of the house to create dense shade and keep the rooms cool on hot days.

  • Many summer residents dream of getting fresh vegetables in the first month of summer, and for this it is necessary to install a greenhouse or hotbed. It is not necessary to build a building large sizes- it is enough to allocate for this only two or three square meters area. In early spring, seedlings grown in advance on the windowsill are planted under the film.

It is worth equipping the greenhouse in such a way that the film or transparent walls on it can be removed, periodically giving access to greenery fresh air and sunbeams. In established warm weather, such a greenhouse can be easily turned into an ordinary bed, removing the cover from it completely.

The construction of a greenhouse or greenhouse can be approached creatively

Greenhouses and greenhouses can have a very original designs, and various, sometimes even unexpected materials are used for their construction. If you want to get more information on - take a look at the publication of the portal dedicated to precisely these issues.

  • Fairly common when available land plot there is a desire to start breeding birds, and it should be noted that it is quite possible to implement this even on six acres by installing a compact and fairly aesthetic chicken coop.

This object is best installed at the end of the site, away from the residential building, in order to bad smell did not get into the rooms through windows open in summer.

Prices for chicken coops

chicken coop for birds

The chicken coop can fit perfectly into the overall style of the site.

How to correctly, and what sizes and proportions should be followed at the same time - all this can be found in a special publication of our portal.

  • The Alpine hill has become one of the favorite elements of landscape design among the owners of private houses. It can be located in a fairly large space or compactly occupy a small corner.

There are many different types of alpine slides, and choosing one of them to decorate a small corner will not be difficult. In fact, this decorative object is a kind of flower bed, elevated above the main space of the site and decorated with plants that can grow on slopes among stones, as well as large and small boulders and pebbles.

To create an alpine slide, you can use the soil left after digging a foundation pit for one of the buildings. It is not necessary to use to raise the slide fertile soil- it will be enough to lay it only with the top layer, the thickness of which is determined by the depth of the root system of the plants selected for planting. Around evergreen shrubs and ornamental perennial grass, stones matched to them are laid. An alpine hill can be installed near a pond or in front of the windows of the house, so that you can admire the flowering of plants and their harmonious arrangement on the slope of this artificial elevation.

  • Upon completion of the planning of the site, all objects on it are connected by paths that can be laid from various materials. Paving should be laid out on a place prepared in advance for it.

To form the paths, crushed stone of a small fraction, slabs are used different sizes and shapes, round logs sawn from tree trunks and other, sometimes quite unexpected materials.

Paths in the country - space for creativity

Creative owners should not have problems with arranging convenient and beautiful paths on their territory. How to rationally arrange, and from what it is possible to cover them - all this is detailed in a separate publication of the portal.

  • After the distribution of the tracks on the territory, you can think about their design. The best option, which will emphasize the direction of the paths and become a wonderful decoration for the entire site, is the arrangement of flower beds.

Flower beds can be different forms and sizes - specialists involved in landscape design have special patterns for their arrangement. If there are no flower beds on the site, then it looks boring and uninteresting, so you should not refuse this decorative element, although it will cause a lot of trouble, as it requires constant care. And it is best to make flower beds from different varieties plants that will bloom in succession from the warm spring months to late autumn.

In addition to laying out flower beds, free areas of the site are quite often decorated with various decorative items that you can make yourself - you just need to turn on your imagination and make some effort.

Video: basic rules for placing objects on a suburban area

The procedure for drawing up a plan

Now, having information about all the main functional and decorative structures and elements that can be located on the territory of a suburban area, in summing up, it is necessary to consider the general sequence of drawing up a plan:

  • The first step is always to choose a place to build a house.
  • If it is planned to equip the bathroom in the house, then, determining the location of the building, the area where the septic tank will be installed is immediately calculated, sewage pipes coming from the house are laid.
  • Further, it is planned to build a parking lot or garage.
  • It is planned, if necessary, the location of the summer toilet and shower, which, in order to save space and money for building materials, can be combined into a complex and installed in the far corner of the site.
  • After that, you need to determine a place for a garden and garden plantings.
  • Places are allocated for recreation areas - a playground, barbecue, gazebos, etc.
  • When these objects that require communications are distributed, the layout of the pipes of the stationary or summer water supply must be indicated on the plan. At the same time, the issue of laying power cables, if necessary, is being considered.
  • The next step is the planning of specific objects of landscape design - a pond and an alpine slide.
  • After that, you can think about the rest of the elements of landscape design.
  • Now you can combine all the objects with paths along which you can place flower beds or flower borders.

It may be necessary to draw several site plans so that each of the stages of arrangement (for example, laying communications) can be seen as clearly as possible. Therefore, separate schemes will be required, but all of them must be fully consistent with each other.

Drawing up a placement plan for garden plot everything you need is a creative process that requires imagination, the use of your own developments and ideas within the framework of existing regulations related to fire and environmental safety. Of course, you can entrust site planning to specialists who know their business and do it professionally, but it will be quite expensive. And, frankly, no one except the owners will be able to better provide for all their own requests and wishes aimed at maximum comfort of living in their possessions.

Video: some examples of a successful layout of a suburban area

Often you want to somehow change or transform the living space. If it is reasonable to use every corner with benefit, then six acres will not seem like such a small area.

So, any plant can be transplanted to another place, demolish an unnecessary barn, or an old arbor and it is beneficial to free up space.

Relief features - a profitable solution

Any lack of relief (pit, depression, failed soil) can be turned into advantage with profit!

That is, a deep hole can be completely turned into a beautiful functional pond, overlaid with gravel and live fish in it.

In too windy and damp corners of the garden, which rarely get the rays of the sun, you can quite successfully place unpretentious structures and plant moisture-loving plants.

A steep ravine on the site will help to successfully separate the recreation area, or an outbuilding.

On any site there are special infertile places, with a lack of plants. It is reasonable to decorate them with a sculpture, a small fountain, placing armchairs nearby.

Flowers are an excellent antidepressant.

A garden plot is hard to imagine without blooming greenery! Flowers, undoubtedly bringing joy and delight, should be everywhere: flower beds with luxurious plants, flowering shrubs, all kinds of flower pots, etc.

As an example: in early spring crocuses, snowdrops, daffodils delight the eye, then, in summer, lilies, roses, gladioli bloom, and asters, dahlias and colchicums bloom in late autumn.

Break the flower beds various sizes around the entire perimeter of the site, beautifully decorating their edges decorative stones, brick, or a special plastic fence.

Site planning - the main initial task

On a land plot of six acres, of course, I want to place as much as possible: living quarters, a garden with trees, a bathhouse with a steam room, a spacious garden, a recreation area with a fountain, etc. Everything is possible!

The most the main task- it is correct to plan this rather modest area. To begin with, you need to competently study the regulatory indicators garden construction, the number of outbuildings, the maximum - the permitted dimensions of the house and the utility block.

The next step will be to submit documents for registration of individual buildings to the regulatory authorities, which will help determine the distances between the buildings, their correct location, as well as sanitary and fire safety standards.

In order to reasonably fit the entire future economy, it will be correct to draw up a layout plan (sketch) on which to distribute everything in accordance with the norms. Numerous Internet programs will help to cope with this work, which even an ordinary user will understand.

There are three groups of factors that must be considered when planning a site:

The location of the world. The sun's rays should not fall directly on the facade of the house, and obscure the area from the light is also unacceptable.

Site relief. Most often, the house is located at the highest point of the site, if this, of course, is possible. In any situation design fantasy No limit!

Creation of a garden. On the garden plot, it is imperative to place a decorative garden for relaxation and a garden with beds (strictly individually, if desired).

The scope of the imagination of the interior and design of the garden plot must be planned based on the financial capabilities of the owner.

Garden path as a decorative element

The paths on the garden square fulfill not only their functional mission, but are also an independent decorative element that sets the style for the entire site.

Design options garden paths a huge number: they can be made from wooden beams, sprinkled with fine special gravel, laid out paving slabs and natural stone.

Paving stones laid with an original pattern will serve for a long time and faithfully, which will emphasize the tone of the buildings.

It is not at all difficult to try to equip a standard six-acre plot with your own hands, turning it into your favorite vacation spot.

And if you also include a garden with environmentally friendly products, then this is absolutely wonderful!

Photo of landscape design of a plot of 6 acres

Can be made comfortable and beautiful using the most simple rules adopted in landscape design.

Unusual, memorable buildings and compositions will give the site originality and charm, you just have to show a bit of artistic taste and work with your hands.

Consider design options for various corners suburban area 6 acres. Quality photos will give you a lot of creative ideas. It is especially valuable that all the accessories for decorating the dacha, which will be discussed, can be made with your own hands from improvised means.

Principles of landscape design

It is right to start the design of a summer cottage with careful planning, which takes into account the purpose of the territory. On six acres, it will not be possible to breed farm animals, beekeeping or poultry farming. Usual purpose small dacha- a place of rest in the bosom of nature and a source of fresh vegetables in season.

First, priority objects are applied to the paper: a house, a barbecue area or a barbecue area, a utility yard, a well or a well, places for beds and fruit trees. Then they think over the location of paths, lamps, small decorative compositions.

Rules for the design of a plot of 6 acres:

  1. Do not use massive structures. Arbor, veranda, terrace, fence, attic (if any) should look light.
  2. Do not put a blank fence around the perimeter - while you are in the country, you will be haunted by the feeling that you are in a cage. A translucent fence pushes the boundaries of a small area and makes it optically larger.
  3. You can not plant vegetation, which eventually reaches a gigantic size. In the garden, low-growing trees are planted, placing them in compact groups. With such a landing, they will not only be a source of fruit, but also elements of landscape design.

Fences, hedges and fences - how to make beautiful?

- a key issue when making a summer residence. Familiarity with the site begins with the fence. According to it, passers-by will judge the dacha as a whole and the owners themselves. Beautiful, neat, made with fiction and "zest" - such a fence characterizes the owners of the site from the best side.

Country fences are built from plastic, brick. When designing a fence, you need to adhere to the style in which the entire site is designed. The design should unobtrusively fit into the design of the cottage and the landscape surrounding it.

Metal welded and forged fences look solid. Forging is expensive, but the result is always excellent - openwork, but very strong and durable construction. She can become calling card your cottage.

If you need to give the wrought fence more solidity or reduce visibility, the supporting pillars and the lower parts of the spans are laid out of brick or wild stone. The disadvantage of this option is a significant increase in cost, since it will be necessary to build a foundation and hire masons.

Working with wood does not require special equipment and special skills. Wood is easy to process, so a wooden fence can be given the most amazing look.

Typical wooden fences inexpensive and quick to install. But if you need exclusivity, you have to forget about the banal picket fence. Instead, it is better to install a stylish wattle fence, which will give the cottage a rustic flavor.

The simplicity of the village tyna is apparent. It is not easy to weave such a fence, so most summer residents simply buy ready-made spans, then fixing them in the right place. Those who want to make a wicker fence with their own hands will have to stock up on a huge amount of branches, flexible trunks and a good guide to weaving wood.

Tynom can enclose the entire allotment around the perimeter or fence flower beds, a front garden. A wicker fence is well suited for delimiting two adjacent areas, because due to its low height it does not obscure the land of its neighbors.

Instead of branches, you can take any fairly flexible lumber to make a tyne. If it is leveled and well processed, the fence will turn out to be extremely elegant.

How to arrange a flower bed or flower garden?

In a small area there is not always a place for a full-fledged flower garden. Many owners of six acres have to be content with a small flower bed. In this case, it is better to place it in the most visible place: under the window, near the porch, at the entrance to the site.

Low along the central path instantly creates festive mood. Unlike geometrically correct borders and borders, which are usually used to decorate paths, mixborders have irregular shapes.

In their composition can be any plants - from ground cover to shrubs. In the photo below, the mixborder is made up of decorative cabbage, which harmonizes well with the deliberately rough paving of the path.

Track design

Thinking through the appearance of the tracks, you need to consider that they must be comfortable. Usually the central path is made so wide that it can pass garden wheelbarrow and other inventory. The paths can be made narrower - about 60 cm wide.

Material No. 1 for - concrete. To make the path look unusual, the hardening cement mortar can be given the appearance of a wild stone.

Look interesting concrete walkways, filled in part. Missed areas will soon be overgrown with grass. These trails are incredibly comfortable.

Brick paving is one of the most durable. Brick-lined paths give the spirit of antiquity. They are especially beautiful against the backdrop of bright greenery. For the perfect color harmony in the area with red brick paths fence, facade and gazebo must be white.

Wooden paths - the most inexpensive and fast way arrange the area. For decorating a garden Japanese style wood can be painted red and a landscape accessory with hieroglyphs placed next to the path. Being in this part of the garden, it is easy to imagine that you are right in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Decoration of commercial buildings

Outbuildings affect the perception no less than a house or a fence. Therefore, sheds, a toilet and even a water barrel should look appropriate.

It is most convenient to hide the ugly walls of the summer kitchen under vertical gardening. To do this, weaving plants are planted nearby:, a rose garden of rambler roses, ivy.

Old boards and bricks can be painted with multi-colored paints to become an interesting backdrop for a plant composition. The photo shows how dark vertical surface emphasizes the brightness of the tall flowers planted around the perimeter of the building.

- the most intimate building on the site. But it can also be made extremely attractive. For example, decorate the walls with hanging planters and antique accessories.

If you can never look into the gazebo for the whole season, then the washbasin and lavatory are a place that is used increased attention hosts and guests. For its design, do not spare fiction and materials. Possessors of boundless imagination and skillful hands wins, as usual. It will not be difficult for them to give the garden bathroom the look of a medieval carriage.

Installed in an economic or recreational area - depending on whether it will be used for burning garden waste or as a place of rest.

A place under the fire is laid out with any heat-resistant material: brick, natural stone, concrete blocks. On sale you can find portable fireplaces for the garden made of metal, cast iron or ceramics. This is ideal for a small cottage. Portable fireplaces do not take up much space, they are easily transferred to any corner of the garden.

Small pond - relaxation zone

Small ponds are now in big fashion. A mini-pond decorates the site, gives the design individuality.

The unfinished sandstone artificial pond looks good when complemented by lush coastal vegetation. In the photo, this is the yaskolka.

Modest in size with a plastic or concrete bottom, it is almost completely hidden by lush aquatic vegetation. On the bank of a reservoir or directly in it can be installed garden sculptures depicting fairy tale characters, fountains. They make this area of ​​the garden very attractive to children, so the pond should not be deep.

On the shore of the pond, paved with marble-like artificial slabs, it is convenient to relax, contemplating the unique beauty of aquatic plants that spread their leaves on a mirror surface.

You just need to sit in the shade on a comfortable bench. A wooden bridge gives this section of the garden an oriental flavor.

The fence, bench and bridge are made in the same design and create an integral composition.

It goes well with the lush multi-colored ground vegetation characteristic of the Chinese style of landscape design. Plastic bumpers frame pool for swimming it is better to hide behind the masonry.

It gives the hydraulic structure the appearance of a medieval oriental fountain. The Mediterranean plants surrounding the pond - oleander, myrtle, boxwood - make the similarity even more complete.

If a good one is equipped in the country, it will become the best place recreation for children. This will allow the whole family, including her younger generation, to have a good rest from the bustle and noise of the city, enjoying a weekend in the bosom of nature.

The main requirement for the design of a playground is safety. All its elements are made of non-traumatic materials. It is best to use well-cleaned and sanded wood for the construction of the site. Instead of a synthetic springy coating, you can use pieces of elastic bark, sprinkled with a layer of 10-20 cm.

For the design of this, marine motives are taken. The awning over the head, protecting the kids from the sun's rays, is made of dense multi-colored canvas. The sandbox-boat, in which you can not only build a sand castle, but also stand at the helm like a captain, or fish with a bamboo rod, will delight the boys.

The task of parents is to make a sandbox. How to play it, the kids will figure it out for themselves. The simplest design, which does not require large expenses, is to make a side of concrete, in which large multi-colored smooth pebbles were used as a filler.

If weather permits, the playground can be used for overnight stays. Of course, if it has such a cozy house, almost like a real one. This wooden structure combines a simulator, a slide, playhouse and a sandbox.

How to arrange a gazebo in the country?

The purpose is to provide the family with the opportunity to gather for communication and meals in the open air, in a place protected from rain and other weather disasters. Very often summer residents spend most of the day in the gazebo, entering the house, only to spend the night. Usually a gazebo is the most stylish element in the landscape of the site.

The open version of the gazebo is a regular canopy attached to pillars. This design is simple and beautiful at the same time.

Closed gazebos are similar to small houses. Those who sit in them are reliably protected by walls from gusts of wind.

A closed gazebo makes the space more closed, so for small plots of 5-6 acres it is better to use open version- it visually expands the territory.

Easiest to build. This is an environmentally friendly material, it is easy to process. For the manufacture of the roof, you can use polycarbonate.

The most budgetary recreation area is a structure made of fabric stretched over a prefabricated metal carcass. It is better to supplement such a gazebo mosquito net to be able to relax in it in the evenings.

How to use stumps and driftwood?

Compositions from roots or rutaria are an independent direction in landscape design that replaced Japanese stone gardens. Rutarium means "root".

An ordinary snag or rotten stump is already the simplest rutary. After a slight alteration, it will turn into a flower bed or planter.

The easiest option is to make a mini-flower bed out of driftwood, after painting it with varnish or paint.

Nutrient soil is poured into the center of the tree trunk and unpretentious long-flowering plants are planted, for example,. Along the perimeter of the driftwood, low flowers are placed in this case - salvia.

A sawn tree can be turned into a pretty garden furniture. But the easiest way is to use them as beautiful flower beds, especially since you can not find another place for flowers in a small area.

Another way to decorate the garden is to arm yourself with a chisel and make fancy park figures. , which can be interesting to decorate the beds.

Lighting equipment

Has not only functional purpose. Lamps and flashlights, installed in the right places, allow you to highlight the most beautiful compositions, create accents in design. Well-chosen lighting demonstrates the good taste of the owners and their viability.

On lawns and flower beds, flood light electrical appliances are used. Their spectral composition is important. It should match the color of the plants in the flower bed.

To enhance the brightness of certain plants, lamps of the same spectrum are inserted into the lamps:

  • mercury lamps enhance blue and blue hues;
  • sodium lamps emphasize the brightness of red plants.

An important technique of lighting design is the illumination of paths. In small individual sections, the paths are decorated with columnar lamps. How less plot, the smaller electrical appliances should be.

Lamps along the paths can be simultaneously used to illuminate the flower beds, as is done in the photo below. Miniature lanterns not only emphasize the beauty of the path paved with glossy stone, but also make it possible to admire the lush balsams even in the dark.

Six acres is the standard size of land. Imi in Soviet times endowed most of the working population of the USSR. For this reason, it is the most common size of the land area of ​​a garden or vegetable garden.

If a few years ago no one was interested in design on 6 acres and the land was used for household needs, today the priorities are land owners have changed.

Modern trends make it possible to turn even a small area into a place for comfortable rest and pastime, while the garden fades into the background. But with proper design and design, you can ideally combine both a place for and a recreation area.

We divide the site into functional zones

The landscaping of a summer cottage can be divided into several stages, the first of which is zoning. The optimal location of zones can provide good harvest and comfortable stay.

Regardless of the area of ​​the site, it is necessary to clearly define where the territory for recreation, garden, vegetable garden, amenities and residential area will be located. It is recommended to draw plan and try to identify all the objects in as much detail as possible.

There can be many zones, but three main ones should be distinguished:

  • home zone. Central location of any plot is the territory where the house is located. The location of other zones depends on this. On 6 acres, the residential area in most cases includes a garage and an area for household needs. They are located in the immediate vicinity of the house or adjacent to a residential building.

  • Ogorodnaya And garden area. Most fans of growing vegetables on their site have their own priorities, favorite plant varieties. Based on this, it is possible to plan the arrangement of beds and fruit trees in a small area. At the same time, experienced gardeners take into account the fact that some crops cannot be planted next to each other. Experts recommend dividing the garden and fence zone into several small areas for berries, vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs.

Trees and berry bushes can also be placed in the recreation area, where they will protect from the scorching rays and delight the eye.

  • Rest zone. It should be located away from the road where cars pass, in the depths of the site and not be viewed by strangers. It is possible to attach a recreation area to the house.

You can think about the presence of other zones: for playground, For flower garden and or . It depends on the priorities and interests of the owners of six acres.

When zoning, it is necessary to highlight the zones of the sun and shade, since some types of plants are quite thermophilic and require a lot of light, while others prefer to grow in the shade.

Rules for creating landscape design on 6 acres

After the final definition of the zones, the creation of a plan on paper and the decision made what exactly the person wants to see on six acres: beds, flower beds or trees, it is necessary to proceed with the installation of amenities and consider the location of the paths. At the same time, do not forget about the material from which country paths will be made.

Features of landscape design on 6 acres

Competent design can turn a small area into a spectacular and functional area. When carrying out work, it is necessary to take into account some aspects:

  • fence from wooden planks or stone will make the territory visually smaller, so it is advisable to create hedge with your own hands;
  • after designating the dominant zones, you can think about the location of additional elements, if the area allows: a well or. They can become the center of attention and highlight of the site;
  • modern designers recommend creating a small clearing in the center of the territory, which will visually increase the area and give it originality;
  • it is better to place fruit trees around the perimeter, and not in one place - this will help save valuable space and create a three-dimensional effect;
  • do not forget about the beautiful front gardens and flower beds. Even a small flower garden can transform a site;
  • No need parking for personal vehicles, place in the depths of the garden, since it will be impossible to use the area through which the car will regularly pass;
  • if the house has not yet been built, then it is recommended to determine its future location so that the building does not cast a shadow on the site;
  • in low areas where rainwater accumulates, you can create water. It can be a small pond with a thoughtful design, the role of which is ideally handled by various flowers, plants and animal figurines sold in shopping malls especially for cottages.
  • for building summer kitchen, arrangement or barbecue, personal observations of the direction of the wind must be taken into account. In some places of the site, gusts are especially sensitive, while in others they are not felt, since buildings and structures located on their own or neighboring site interfere with the air flow;
  • the southern part of the summer cottage is best used for beds;
  • a small playground or playground for children harmoniously looks in the center of the site;
  • flower beds near the main entrance, along the paths and gazebos look organic.

Given these simple rules, you can create a really attractive, functional and original site.

  1. On 6 acres, regular and straight lines emphasize a small area, so you should pay attention rounded shapes and all kinds curves. This rule applies to almost all elements, even zoning is recommended to be done in ovals, not rectangles or squares.
  2. The idea of ​​​​creating blind fences should be abandoned. If you can't grow your own hedge, then you can use an ordinary chain-link mesh and plant your favorite climbing plants at the base.
  3. Do not clutter up the space with an abundance of flowers. Only a specialist will be able to combine a large number of colors in a small area.
  4. Modern specialized stores offer a wide range of items and products for decorating the land: figurines of animals, birds or fabulous creatures, artificial stones, fountains and much more. These elements can be placed on the site. They emphasize individuality and give originality to the garden.
  5. Recommended to do major accents: gazebo, alpine slide or other element that does not take up much space, but looks impressive and beautiful.
  6. Many land owners forget about the very important detail- This lighting. Today in shopping centers you can buy a variety of flashlights that can work from solar energy, without electricity.

To create with your own hands really beautiful and unique, without forgetting about functionality, you can view photos finished works. After reviewing the images, it is possible to finally decide what will be on the ground and what should be a summer cottage of six acres in the end.

The arrangement of small and large suburban areas will last in several stages. Each of them is an integral part of the layout, and maximum attention should be paid to each.

  1. Zoning of the territory. Regardless of whether there is a house on your six acres or not, first of all you will have to determine where the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing, recreation, a garden, perhaps amenities and other details will be located. Draw the zones on a piece of paper as detailed as possible, so that later you have something to build on. The layout of the zones, for your own convenience, should be applied as detailed as possible.
  2. After defining the zones, you will have to decide what exactly you want to see on your kitchen garden whether you will plant vegetables or fruits, or whether it will be shrubs and flowers. Depending on this, you will have to designate shadow zones and sun zones on your plan, since different landings require different amounts of solar heat.
  3. Installation of amenities. If they are located in the house, then this item can be skipped.
  4. Designate exactly where six acres will pass on your site, and what material will serve as their basis. Paths do not have to be straight, winding paths look much more spectacular and are much easier to arrange.

Zoning of the territory

Zoning a summer cottage of six acres is of decisive importance. Proper arrangement of zones guarantees you always a prolific harvest, as well as a comfortable pastime in the country.

home zone

The center of any suburban area is the zone of the house. It is from housing that the location of all other zones will depend. On a small plot, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house can also be combined with economic zone, terrace And garage. All these elements can either directly adjoin the house or be located directly next to it.

Garden and garden area

If you think in advance what exactly you will grow in the beds, then you will be able to accommodate the maximum number of beds even in a relatively small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden and vegetable garden. Many vegetables and plants can grow in close proximity to each other, this must also be taken into account. We also advise you to divide the garden and vegetable garden area into small zones of vegetables, flowers, berries and shrubs.

Rest zone

The seating area should be located as deep as possible in the area, away from prying eyes and the dust of cars. A recreation area can also be adjacent to the house.

Features of landscape design

Landscaping can turn your six acres into a dream summer cottage. Its features in such a small area are as follows:

  • wood or stone will make your six acres visually even smaller. The ideal solution can be hedge that you can grow with my own hands or create from artificial plants;
  • after the main zones of your site are designated, try to add as many additional elements to it as possible: a small well, small , pergola entwined with artificial or live plants. They will bring zest to your summer cottage. Thanks to these elements, your site cannot be circled with one glance, which will create a feeling of its infinity;
  • create in the center of your site a small clearing to emphasize the originality of your landscape design;
  • try to post fruit trees around the perimeter, and not in one place, to create a sense of the volume of the garden;
  • curved tracks from large stones they will create a feeling of a large space;
  • do not forget about the flower beds.

Do-it-yourself arrangement of a summer cottage of 6 acres

Before you take on the arrangement of a summer cottage of six acres, you will need to do a lot of work with your own hands. You must completely rid your site of roots, weeds, former plants, stumps, possibly bird nests or insects.

If the abundance of large trees or the shade from the house gives your site little light, then we advise you to plant more plants and flowers with bright fruits. We also recommend painting the fence, perhaps the house and other decorative elements in bright yellow or Orange color, which itself will create the sensation of the sun and will automatically attract it.

If you find a hole on six acres, you can either completely level it, or deepen it even more and create small pond or pool. Such a reservoir in the garden always looks very impressive and attracts the attention of guests.

Surely there are objects on your site that you would like to hide from yourself and from prying eyes. Show the maximum of your imagination in order to create a work of art out of them.

A few ideas and tips will help you turn your six acres into a fabulous place where you will constantly want to return.

  1. If you plant shrubs and plants on the site, then decorate them interesting design. It can be specially purchased or created with your own hands from old tires or containers.
  2. In the very corner of the garden, create screen which will create shade for you on a hot summer day. In addition, you can always retire there for reading or just relaxing.
  3. Due to lack of funds for new furniture or garden decorations, take the trouble to create a second life for old garden furniture. Connect maximum ideas and originality.
  4. Don't forget about lighting in your garden area in order to create additional comfort and safety in your garden. dark time days. hang up lanterns around the perimeter.

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