Steampunk flowers. Steampunk interior: design features, interesting ideas and recommendations. Elements of loft and urban styles

Not everyone will decide to create an interior in the steampunk style, only a brave person with the lion's share of imagination. After all, the outrageousness of the room immediately catches the eye of the layman. Industrial paintings are present in huge valves and levers, pronounced metal structures, massive factory chimneys.

The predominance of smog and sepia in the interior creates an ominous feeling. But with the right choice of color palette and decorations of the urban "landscape", you can recreate a retro-futuristic setting with elements of Victorian romance.

History of occurrence

Steampunk, as an interior style, gained popularity in the 60-80s of the last century. The protest style has become an organic addition to the beloved science fiction works of Jules Verne and HG Wells.

The concept of the literary style is based on an alternative reality within which the world develops with the help of apparatuses driven by steam engines. That is why the second unofficial name of the style is steampunk. In the interior, steampunk is represented by an abundance of elements related to the science of those times: airships, balloons.

The essence of steampunk is characterized by a time period, "wandering" between the past and the future. In the world of steampunk, mechanics rule.

Color spectrum

The palette of shades of steampunk is characterized by restraint and simplicity. Colorful colors are best left for an interior in modern or boho style. In addition to the classic nuance range (including brown tones, sepia and terracotta), shades of metal (mainly brass, bronze, copper, steel) and black graphite are widely used.

So that the color background of the interior does not look so gloomy and ominous, it is recommended to combine the tones characteristic of steampunk with smoky patches of muted blue, mountainbatten, green and red.

Steampunk is often used to create a special atmosphere in the kitchen, where the classic combination of black and red adds mystery to the interior.

Industrial shades of the interior should be softened with moderately warm diffused lighting.

An appropriate solution would be the use of gas discharge lamps.

You can create wall lamps yourself from pipes and framing in the form of a metal wire cage.

Steampunk ceiling

Steampunk favors high ceilings with asymmetrical lines. Much attention is paid to decorative elements. Cold metal strips combined with rivets and screws of different sizes create a sense of brutality.

Wooden elements work surprisingly well with fabrics.


Steampunk is relentless. Only natural materials are used in the design. The ideal solution is a varnished oak wood floor. But for the realization of ideas from the world of fantasy, both laminate and parquet are suitable.

In the bathroom and in the kitchen, you can use decorative tiles imitating stone.

wall decoration

As you already know, the steampunk interior does not tolerate synthetic materials. The walls of the room should become an unobtrusive continuation of the style of the Victorian era.

Wall decoration involves the use of natural bulky materials: dark vintage wood, stone. But decorating the walls of the house with expensive elements is not for everyone. Cheaper, but high-quality analogues look no worse. If desired, you can leave the concrete walls in their original form.

The wallpaper on the walls in the English grunge style blends organically with the general atmosphere of the room.

Do not forget that steampunk is associated with the past. Therefore, on the masonry, you need to create the effect of wear and antiquity or use plaster with a large fraction.

Steampunk maps and atlases on the walls look unusual in the interior. You can give them an aged look by soaking them in diluted black tea.

In the bathroom, stone-look wall tiles look perfect.

The simplicity of the walls can be complemented by interior metal doors, more associated with the entrance to the cabin of the captain of an underwater ship.

Appearance of furniture

The main requirement for furniture is massiveness. Of the materials, preference is given to leather, upholstery made of coarse fabrics. The most popular fabric for upholstered furniture is brocade.

Cabinets and cabinets can be made not only of wood, but also of metal or have metal fittings.

If you want to focus on dark furniture made of solid wood, the ceilings should be decorated in light, calm colors.

Tables resembling large ancient suitcases look unusual and slightly avant-garde.

Key decor elements

Decorative elements play a key role in recreating the era of retro-technical progress. True, their task is only to set off the “inlay” and organically merge into the atmosphere of the interior. Otherwise, there is a chance to get museum archaism instead of extravagant chic.

An aged watch with rusty gears brings science fiction lovers back to the 19th century. They are associated with the period of the industrial revolution.

Styling modern devices and peripherals under the Victorian era looks authentic.

An original solution can be a fireplace with a metal finish.


Steampunk welcomes openness and urban motifs. Pipes act not only as a decorative element. And the airships on the wallpaper make it possible to achieve a reliable stylization of the 19th century.

The bath must be massive and aged. Artistic forging adds a special sophistication to it.


The interior of the kitchen should be simpler than in other rooms. The use of bulky bar counters and countertops made of natural wood is encouraged. In addition to lamps with diffused light, additional illumination will not hurt in the kitchen.


To decorate the bedroom, all the same gears, an abundance of metal and natural “decorations” are used.

The steampunk interior is a protest against the bored traditional solutions imposed on society. Fantastic elements of steampunk look menacingly aggressive, but when interacting with unusual-looking illumination and calm tones of natural shades, a feeling of romance and paradoxical simplicity is created.

In the 60s - 80s of the twentieth century, a socio-cultural steampunk movement (sometimes steampunk) appeared among lovers of alternative history. The ideological essence of steampunk lies in the version of the development of civilization based on steam engines. It is logical that the influence of steampunk manifested itself not only in fiction, but also in architecture, design and interior design.

Since steampunk is based on steam engines, the steampunk interior is associated with the Victorian era. Experts determine that steampunk can be an independent style, but can be used as an addition to vintage, retro and modern styles.

The color of steampunk is aged in brown tones, from dark beige to almost black. Many details are painted to imitate copper and brass. In accordance with the color scheme, the backlight is also selected, the main requirement for which is warm and muted tones. Aerobatics in steampunk is considered to be an imitation of the diffused yellowish light of gas lamps, as a rule, gas discharge lamps are used for this.

Steampunk walls in the interior

Since steampunk is seen as a kind of projection of the Victorian era, the walls in the house should also look like the walls of a Victorian house (experts often use the term natural country). As a material, both natural stone and wooden or metal panels can be used. Sometimes metal strips with rivets are used to imitate the inner skin of a submarine, like the Nautilus from Jules Verne. Alternatively, battered brickwork or Victorian-style fabric paneling can be used.

Floor and ceiling in the steampunk interior of the apartment

Natural natural wood, varnished. Only such a floor in a steampunk interior, however, it is not very expensive, and since the style is quite democratic, less expensive flooring can be used that imitates expensive varieties of natural wood. It is recommended to lay tiles in the color of natural stone in the kitchen and bathroom. As an extremely radical expression of style, the floor in the bathroom is lined with street cobblestones, it makes a strong impression and conveys the essence of the style as much as possible. As for the ceilings, they should be high and vaulted, while asymmetry in the form of various steps and arches is welcome.

Arches, columns and niches are required in steampunk

Steampunk furniture

There are two approaches to choosing furniture in a stipanka: Victorian and futuristic. In the first option, the furniture is selected massive, maximally imitating the furniture of a bygone era. Genuine leather or heavy fabrics are used as upholstery. Many details of such furniture contain metal elements, most often copper or brass. In the futuristic version of the furniture, one of the main components is metal pipes, which give the room an unreality and at the same time hint at its own functional purpose. Often there are no shelves in the rooms, pipes are used instead, both for storing books (shelves) and for storing kitchen utensils.

Steampunk decor

As designers sometimes joke, a steampunk house risks turning into a museum. Indeed, a variety of objects from a past life are used as decor. Only in such a house can you find a typewriter or a landline phone. Everything from nuts and bolts to pistons, valves and geographical maps is used as decor. According to observations, romantic and creative personalities, who are often called physicists and lyricists, live in houses and apartments stylized as steampunk, which does not prevent them from being original and bold.

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As a child, did you read novels by Arthur Conan Doyle, did you discover the world with Jules Verne? You might like the steampunk style that is also gaining popularity thanks to the modern but Victorian gadgets of Sherlock Holmes movies. Steampunk is a relatively new trend, totally unique!

On the one hand, steampunk refers to the Victorian era, the industrial revolution, on the other hand, it is associated with well-known fairytale aesthetics from science fiction films. It's also called Victorian Science Fiction! How to create a steampunk style in the interior with your own hands, photos of room design, tips on how to choose furniture, accessories, lighting - this will be discussed in the article.

What is Steampunk style?

The name of a peculiar style arose from a combination of two English words:

  1. "steam" - steam, which has become a symbol of the inventions of the 19th century;
  2. "punk" - the tendency refers to rebellion, rebellion, violation of the usual patterns.

This is steampunk, combining Victorian elegance, surprising with punk peppercorns, an unobvious choice of accents, straight from the dark mechanized world. The style is mysterious, a little mystical.

Steampunk, known as Victorian Science Fiction, was originally a science fiction trend stylistically related to the Victorian era, the Industrial Revolution. It created a dark industrial vision of the past, inventions that never came to be. In the literature, the authors often referred to the works:

  • Jules Verne;
  • Herbert George Wells;
  • Arthur Conan Doyle.

The trend has settled in other areas of culture - cinema, comics, fashion, computer games. It is a combination of Victorian darkness with industrial elegance, nineteenth century machines. Interior architects also draw inspiration from this aesthetic.

The interior contains:

  • a lot of old wood, full of characteristic color changes, cracks;
  • a large amount of copper;
  • steel;
  • glass.

Steampunk is a bit industrial, but urban chic is definitely giving way to Victorian, vintage elements.

Color design

The interiors are romantic, preserved in a relatively dark palette of colors.

Among the characteristic colors, the following can be especially distinguished:

  • a lot of brown
  • colors of rotten greens;
  • shades of walnut;
  • Red tree;
  • shades of rust;
  • old gold.

Furniture selection

When choosing furniture, the main role is given to wood. The style prefers dark shades, so you can choose exotic breeds:

  • rosewood;
  • merbau.

Popular leather chairs, sofas - preferably quilted, with comfortable armrests. Chesterfield style furniture looks great!

You can take a chance, introduce typical loft furniture:

  • coffee tables on steel wheels;
  • cast iron chairs;
  • metal cabinets from working workshops;
  • reclining chairs, like in old movie theaters.

Selection of materials – opposites attract

The original interior is created by combining durable, delicate materials:

  • leather;
  • delicate fabrics;
  • lace;
  • silk.

The next combination is a combination of Victorian ornaments (such as the floral sofa cover) and gilding with loft elements - a tangle of pipes, glass, concrete visible on the wall.

Connecting the past with the future

In addition to classic, elegant furniture, you should choose original models, you should not be afraid of experiments. You can safely make a design in the steampunk style with your own hands, using items from your grandmother's attic:

  • bottom from an old sewing machine, turned into a table;
  • old floor lamp, updated by painting;
  • vintage chairs.

An armchair made of sheet metal and finished with rivets? Great! Steampunk style is a romance of the past with a bold vision of the future. Interiors should look like they were designed by 19th century visionaries thinking about how the world would change over the centuries.

Fashion mechanisms

This style rejects intrusive electronics, but loves everything that has to do with mechanics.


Gears should definitely appear in these defiant interiors - the older, the better! It is worth going to a flea market, looking for gears from antique dealers, in old workshops. You can find a designer who can make decorative gears.

Candlesticks, lamps, stylish decor

Interesting additions - a candlestick, a mirror frame, a lamp. The following items are welcome:

  • bolts;
  • pistons;
  • teeth;
  • various machine parts.

Accents with soul

In addition to "mechanized" jewelry, it is worth picking up old, antique items with a soul:

  • paintings, pictures;
  • watch;
  • globes;
  • microscopes;
  • telescopes;
  • astrolabe;
  • old cards;
  • old photos;
  • leather suitcases;
  • chests.

Often it is the additions that create a unique atmosphere. It combines the richness of the Victorian style with elements related to the development of science and technology. It takes time to find knick-knacks from the 19th century (original or stylized).

Stylish wall decorations:

  • yellowed black and white photographs;
  • old cards;
  • herbarium with frame, sketches of biology lessons.

Unusual extras:

  • old clocks, their mechanisms;
  • barometers;
  • telescopes;
  • old typewriters.

A steampunk room should be a bit like the adventures of Sherlock Holmes! Airships will perfectly decorate the interior:

  • layouts;
  • plans;
  • miniatures.

Steampunk is not only a sophisticated retro aesthetic in modern interiors, but also a meeting of old mechanics with modern technology. Contrary to appearance, this combination works in any interior - in men's, women's bedrooms, so it is enough to distribute the additives correctly.

Steampunk is a great offer for lovers of history, romance, eclecticism.

Red, rusty, black walls

What wallpaper is suitable for steampunk? The best wallpapers are richly embellished.

You can look for interesting steampunk wallpapers with a characteristic decor:

  • airships, balloons;
  • images of watches, gears, various mechanisms;
  • futuristic drawings;
  • imitating old maps;
  • imitating concrete, brick;
  • imitation of metal, rust.

The basis of the design is a combination of contrasts in the choice of colors and materials. A characteristic, spectacular combination is a duet of black with red and metal (steel, copper). It can be obtained by matching black leather sofas or a Chesterfield chair with a rusty red or copper color on accessories, a wall. In the latter case, you can achieve a distinctive effect by decorating a wall with copper, rust, an architectural element - plinths, a fireplace.

There are many original solutions to choose from:

  • wallpaper;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • special decorative paints.

A metallic sheen wall in a dark shade or gemstone color is a popular decorating trend that can be achieved using acrylic paints with metallic pigments. Victorian style is great for original wall decoration with a velvet effect. You can choose industrial style:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • rust effect paint.

It is desirable to balance an attractive wall decoration with white and dark colors:

  • brown;
  • sepia;
  • cream;
  • dark blue;
  • dark green.

Choose one strong accent color and fill it with a palette of neutrals.

original lab

Spectacular steampunk loves "laboratory" elements. You can safely invite the following items into the interior:

  • characteristic tubular screens;
  • steel tables mounted on wheels;
  • glazed medical cabinets.

Interesting fact! A popular restaurant decorated in this style took chairs reminiscent of a dentist's chair for color!

The following decorations will help to emphasize laboratory aesthetics:

  • glass elements in the form of test tubes;
  • flasks;
  • droppers;
  • jars.

An interesting decoration is black-and-white engravings of fauna and flora, reminiscent of illustrations from encyclopedias of the 19th century.


This style loves lamps! Ideally, these are steampunk lamps built from "bare" designer light bulbs in a vintage style. You can use table lamps decorated with:

  • gears;
  • screws;
  • caterpillars;
  • other elements from the mechanical workshop.

A great idea - oil lamps, acting as a whimsical addition to classic lighting - instead of the usual candles, recently fashionable lanterns.

Original finishing elements

When furnishing the interior, it is important to use every industrial detail that you can find. Original technical elements - a favorite decoration:

  • damp, brick, concrete walls;
  • steel beams, columns;
  • technical boxes;
  • antique ovens;
  • pipe fragments;
  • cables.

The more colorful accents, the more authentic the design looks.

Punk style elements

There are more elements of "punk" than "steam". To add more punk will allow furniture, accessories "with pepper":

  • furniture decorated with studs, spikes;
  • wall cladding with rivets;
  • stairs trimmed with corrugated metal.

Such elements are closer to the modern trend, which in this interior should naturally intertwine with an elegant, rather dark Victorian decor.


The combination of Victorian elegance with industrial austerity, symbols of the industrial revolution, looks intriguing. The stylistic trend called steampunk can be successfully used in interior design. This offer is for lovers of eclecticism, retro, Sherlock Holmes. Steampunk is really an amazing style! Maybe not everyone will like this type of aesthetic, everyone should learn about it - even out of curiosity.

Production designer Roger Morgan once said that steampunk is "a dream of the past for the future."

Doesn't such a dream apply to us - who can imagine what reality will look like in 100 years?

Steampunk is a style that definitely cannot be called ordinary. Not every owner will dare to use it in his home, and besides, the creation of such an interior will require significant material investments. The original and original steampunk will suit those who are not afraid to take risks and make an impression, sometimes even contradictory.

Steampunk kitchen interior

Steampunk living room

Do you read science fiction and are you an ardent admirer of HG Wells or Jules Verne? Then you are moving in the right direction. The works of these writers became a source of inspiration for designers, allowing the steampunk style to be born.

Such an apartment is a small isolated world in which creative extraordinary personalities will feel comfortable. In addition, its creation requires a special aesthetic taste and design abilities.

If you recognize yourself, then boldly act, because the steampunk style is definitely for you.

A bit of history

Steampunk is not just a trend in interior design. This style has also spread in the field of painting, literature and architecture. Disputes about its appearance do not stop, however, it is reliably known that it acquired its modern interpretation in the 60-80s of the last century.

This style is of particular interest for the reason that it displays an alternative reality, the future through the eyes of a person from the past. It belongs to the category of retro-futurism, carries a hint of the era of Queen Victoria and echoes of fantasies on the development of a steam engine.

chic steampunk bedroom design

Steampunk room design

Steampunk bathroom

What is

The most accurate description can be given literally in three words: steampunk is “the future from the past”. It is created as a result of an amazing mixture of elements of the Victorian style and unusual mechanisms, and personifies the fantasies of the people of the twentieth century. It is characterized by an abundance of fantasy devices, pipes, gears, light bulbs, levers and other elements of technology. The man of that time considered the steam engine to be the main engine of progress, so all the designs used in this style are inspired by it.

steampunk room

A special place in the design of the room is given to heating and water supply systems. What is customary to hide in an ordinary apartment, it is customary to flaunt in the steampunk style.

Such interiors are often decorated with completely atypical decor elements. Images of various aircraft such as hot air balloons and airships quite often contribute to the design of steampunk interiors.

Bright steampunk bedroom

steampunk features

Like any other style, steampunk has its own characteristics.

  • Blurred time frames.

Steampunk does not force you to abandon all the latest inventions of mankind in 50 years. To give modern electronics the effect of antiquity, it is painted in the color of copper or framed with wood. An interesting tactical move is the combination of techniques from different times. For example, a modern tile can be replaced with gas, and a keyboard can be found made in the form of a typewriter.

steampunk room

Steampunk room design

  • Naturalness.

In the last century, synthetic materials have not yet become widespread, so the steampunk style in the interior implies naturalness and natural finishing materials, as well as room decoration.

  • Fantasy.

The interior should be reminiscent of travel in time and space, and the more distant its details are from reality, the better. Antique clocks and compasses, rotating gears, as well as pirate paraphernalia will fit in here very handy.

  • The spirit of the Victorian era.

The ideal steampunk room is reminiscent of the home of a scientist-inventor from the last century. Decorate it with various elements of steam engines, put in Victorian furniture and the interior will be almost ready.

  • Original lighting.

There is definitely no place for modern lamps and fixtures here. The best option is gas lamps, which can also be replaced with lamps made with the effect of antiquity.

Steampunk in the interior of the room

Colors and materials

Steampunk style is a kind of nostalgia for bygone times. Therefore, the materials used here are typical for the twentieth century: brass, iron, leather and wood. Moreover, they are used not only in furniture and accessories, but also the wall decoration imitating them is selected.

Preference is given to rough textures and raw materials, emphasizing the industrial character of the design and making the interior even more spectacular.

steampunk room

The color palette of the style is muted, even a little gloomy. The main colors are:

  • beige;
  • brown;
  • black;
  • grey.

It is quite acceptable to complement them with shades of red, blue and dark green, as well as any colors with a metallic sheen.

Steampunk room interior

Stylish steampunk room

Furniture and accessories

When decorating the interior in the steampunk style, you do not have to buy new furniture and update appliances. Old or artificially aged items will give the apartment a special charm and fit perfectly into the overall look of the room.

Steampunk furniture is purchased not only in antique shops, but also made independently. It looks simple and completely uncomplicated. Even industrial shelves will do.

However, it is necessary to focus on belonging to the Victorian era. For this, an exquisite sofa with leather upholstery, wooden cabinet furniture, as well as elegant metal fittings are suitable.

chic steampunk room design

Furniture should be of high quality and solid, look expensive and noble, emphasizing the viability of the owner. It is preferable to stay on dark shades of wood, but for rooms with a modest size, bleached wood is also suitable. The decor should be restrained and concise, and present in the form of metal corners and forged hinges.

Books and bookshelves give a special color to the room. Chests, caskets and open shelving are also used to store things.

In search of accessories, go to the attic. Everything that used to be a pity to throw away, will now become a stylish addition to your interior. Feel free to take out chests, jewelry boxes, antique clocks, TVs and phones and arrange them in the bedroom or living room.

Steampunk bedroom

steampunk room


Steampunk style in the interior of any room pays special attention to lamps. It is they who create the mood, bring this or that atmosphere into the room.

What kind of lighting is better to arrange? There are a couple of great ideas.

  • Lamps in industrial style. The abundance of pipes, deliberately exposed wires or even ordinary incandescent lamps will become a reference to the era of industrialization.
  • Classic or Victorian chandeliers. Such a luxury item is suitable for an apartment with a high ceiling and owners with good taste. Such a light source will attract attention, so you need to try so that it does not look too pretentious and fits into the overall design of the room.

red steampunk room

Steampunk living room

The steampunk-style living room will immediately let guests know that the owners of this apartment are creative and non-standard people. In order to make an impression, you do not need any lush decor, expensive modern technology, or luxury furniture. All you need is a creative approach and a willingness to implement the most daring ideas.

The main task of arranging a steampunk living room is to properly distribute the space. The room should not be cluttered, but also not look empty. Let the living room feel a sense of creative chaos, and moving around it will be simple and convenient.

Steampunk room design

Consider lighting in advance. Choose original lamps with soft subdued light. Look out for Victorian-style chandeliers and metal sconces.

The decoration of the room is carried out in such a way that the freshness of the repair is not striking: old wooden parquet, rough plaster or raw brick on the walls. Designers also suggest using wallpaper with an unusual pattern. It can be an imitation of natural wood or stone, images of various mechanisms or geographical maps.

The color palette of steampunk is quite restrained, so it is better to save bright solutions for another occasion. However, it is quite acceptable to diversify the interior with a few catchy details: sofa cushions, carpets, curtains or other items.

Beautiful steampunk room

Forget boring standard furniture and accessories. Striking the imagination of a person of the twentieth century designs, tables and chairs on wheels, metal racks with a rusty coating - all these ideas are the embodiment of steampunk in its purest form.

Decorate the walls with maps showing the way to pirate treasures, or abstract diagrams of intricate mechanisms.

Light room in steampunk style

Steampunk in the bathroom

The bathroom and toilet open up a wide scope for the actions of the designer who decorates the apartment in the steampunk style. These rooms are ideal for creating such an interior.

A network of decorative pipes and levers will create the desired effect, and their analogues made of copper tubes can become an alternative to furniture. The sink and bathtub are usually made of stainless metals and noble materials like marble or granite.

Steampunk room interior

Even ordinary taps here are real works of art. As if they came to us from past centuries, these details create the effect of antiquity inherent in steampunk.

It is customary to decorate the walls with decorative tiles in the appropriate theme. Pay attention to the tiles with images of balloons, steam locomotives or an imitation of an old map - these are exactly what we need.

Summarizing all of the above, here are the main "chips" of steampunk that must be used to create the right interior.

Interior element


Space planning

    Not too spacious, but not cluttered interior either.

    Creative chaos effect.


Natural materials characteristic of the last century:

Color spectrum

Calm muted colors: beige, brown, gray.

    The effect of antiquity

    Wallpaper and tiles with thematic drawings

    Wooden parquet

    Rough textures, raw materials


    Soft subdued light

    Unusual lamps

    Victorian chandeliers

    Old or artificially aged items

    Leather upholstery

    Laconic decor

    Metal parts and structures


Pipes, levers, gears and other elements of mechanical structures are used. The more unusual the accessory, the better.

Steampunk room design

Surprising and unique steampunk will not appeal to everyone, but such an original idea will impress anyone. Plunge into the past while looking into an alternate future. The steampunk style in the interior of any room is a portal to a parallel reality, charming and alluring.

Video: Steampunk in the interior

Steampunk is a new word in interior decoration. This is an original style in which the past and the future, brutality and romanticism, a sense of "museum" and boundless comfort are intertwined in an amazing way. However, steampunk strikes not so much with unusual combinations as with warmth and harmony, which, in spite of everything, are present in rooms made in this style.

Steampunk: history of appearance, concept and features

Steampunk is not just an interior style, but a socio-cultural movement

Steampunk, or steampunk, is not just an interior style, but a socio-cultural movement, which is also reflected in painting, literature and architecture. Disputes about the time of its appearance are still ongoing. Some argue that steampunk was born in the 60-80s of the last century, others - that long before that, but during this period it was simply reborn and received its official name. But be that as it may, it exists today and is only gaining popularity every year.

Interesting steampunk concept. In fact, it is an alternative to modern reality with its scientific and technological progress and nanotechnologies, but it makes it possible to see the world without them. Thus, on the one hand, the steampunk interior is a kind of retro picture of the past, and on the other hand, it is a dream of a probable future. That is why the style itself is considered retro-futuristic and at the same time reflects the characteristics of the Victorian era and fantasizes about the development of steam engines.

Designers who are working on the creation of such interiors often combine the incongruous in their projects, which gives zest to the finished premises. They try to capture the thoughts of people of the 19th century who sincerely believed in the success of the development of mechanics, not electronics, and display them in separate details and whole pictures. This is how well-forgotten things and objects used in new roles appear - tables and clocks made of gears, metal panels, and so on.

You can recognize steampunk by its characteristic features, namely:

  • The harmony of the past and the future - in the interior, it is most often manifested by the stylization of modern antique items, for example, repainting them in copper color or enclosing them in a wooden case;
  • Naturalness and naturalness - the style does not accept artificial materials either in decoration or in decorating the room.
  • Originality bordering on unreality - objects whose appearance indicates their fantastic origin will become a successful accent of the finished interior. For example, maps with the designation of the treasure, old chests decorated with gears, compasses, clocks with a pendulum, pirate paraphernalia. Designers take ideas for their creation from steampunk literature dedicated to traveling through time and space.
  • The presence of elements of steam engines - they can be real interior details or guessed by the outlines in the paintings and wallpapers. The main thing is that they support the created spirit of the era.
  • Originality of lighting - steampunk does not accept modern lamps and chandeliers, but, on the contrary, favors gas lamps. However, due to impracticality, designers replace them in the interior with unusual sconces made in the Victorian style and decorated in antique style.
  • The presence of asymmetrical lines and curls throughout.
  • The presence of objects from the past - old telephones, typewriters, balloons, gramophones or iron utensils.

In interior design, there are two directions of steampunk - historical and fantastic. The first requires the use of only real objects from the past in the design of the premises, which, due to their prescription, have an imprint of antiquity. The second one focuses on furniture and details of fantastic origin. However, in both cases, the design is developed taking into account the peculiarities of the development of Victorian England and the industrial revolution of the XIX century.

Colors and finishing materials

The color scheme of the style is maintained mainly in warm, harmonious and restrained colors.

The color scheme of the style is maintained mainly in warm, harmonious and restrained tones - from pale beige to red-brown and jet black. Not only walls or ceilings can be painted with them, but also individual details that imitate their ancient origin. In such rooms, it is customary to use metallic shades - copper, brass, bronze or golden. In turn, you can place accents and dilute the existing palette, giving the room a mystery, with blue, green or red colors, so that the finished rooms create a feeling of smoke, soot, sepia.

Steampunk does not accept synthetic materials, but recognizes only natural ones. Therefore, interiors styled after it should contain wood, metal, stone, glass, leather, tiles and fabrics - all of them point to a past era.

Thinking through the design of a steampunk room, you can:

  • Sheathing the walls with wood, with the addition of fabric or metal strips with rivets, which were very popular in the Victorian era. You can replace them with aged brickwork, wallpaper in a cage, stripes or with the image of gears, springs and other details.
  • Make a vaulted ceiling with arches or wooden and metal ladders.
  • Lay out the floor with tiles or wood, opened with varnish. Fans of shocking and romanticism in the corridor can decorate it with a real street cobblestone. And connoisseurs of luxury and comfort - parquet or laminate, stylized antique.


Steampunk prefers successful compositions of voluminous pieces of furniture from the Victorian era and individual futuristic details.

Implying a combination of incongruous, steampunk prefers successful compositions of voluminous pieces of furniture from the Victorian era and individual futuristic details that imitate finished steam engines or their parts. Therefore, organizing space, you can:

  • put huge sofas covered with dark leather or fabrics;
  • focus on a heavy desk with elaborate handles, stylized as an old massive oak;
  • decorate cabinets and cabinets with metal inserts or paint them in the desired shades;
  • decorate the room with small pieces of furniture that have features of heavy Victorian and futuristic styles. Thus, an ordinary coffee table can be made with a real clockwork on the table top or with an original metal leg, resembling a gear in its entire appearance. And the shelves are made of cut pipes or parts that have never been used in a similar role before;
  • bring original and unusual products to the interior - forged chairs, beds and sets with a steel top or wicker chairs.

When decorating a room in the steampunk style, you need to remember that the most pretentious details should be those that are less functional. This will avoid obvious inconvenience and even injury.

Lighting in a steampunk space should be soft, diffused and subdued.

Lighting in a steampunk space should be soft, diffused and subdued, and the light sources themselves should be unusual, fantastic and brutal. Victorian-style chandeliers and sconces or antique-styled metal lamps fit well into the interior.

When organizing the space in the room, you need to make sure that there are no voids or clutter in it that would complicate the process of moving or communicating with the owners. The highlight of steampunk is in freedom and a place for creativity that inspires and attracts to it.


In order to harmoniously fit modern technology into the interior, it is necessary to style it antique

Steampunk is not alien to modern household appliances in the form of laptops, toasters, microwave ovens, dishwashers, coffee makers and plasma TVs, rather, its real appearance. That is why it is possible to successfully fit it into the interior thanks to decoration with natural materials. These can be frames made of them or finished metal cases, stylized antique and decorated with levers, buttons and taps, each of which performs a specific function. Recently, ready-made steampunk appliances, which can rightfully be considered real masterpieces, have been made and sold by craftsmen.

Placement of accents

Decorating the interior with the help of peculiar accents is the most important stage of its design. Here it is important to put a maximum of useful and unusual items without overdoing it. Old things can help with this, thanks to which unexpected interior solutions are created - cameras, sewing and typewriters, rotary phones, old radios and clocks with pendulums. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to repair them and bring them into working condition. Steampunk loves the "museum" feel they create.

In addition, you can add:

  • aged geographical maps, spyglasses, binoculars, a compass, etc. - they all preserve the spirit of travel and bring it into the interior;
  • space suits, air balloons or real attributes of 19th century scuba divers;
  • valves, antique lamps and levers that may have been present in Captain Nemo's Nautilus;
  • original panels of gears, metal pipes and plates;
  • decorative elements that repeat the shape of an airship - ceiling structures, lamps, pieces of furniture;
  • clocks - floor, wall and table, large and small, with pendulums and unexpected design elements - they only emphasize the spirit of a bygone era and add sophistication to the interior.

Small details allow you to emphasize the created atmosphere:

  • aged globes;
  • retrotelephones;
  • false windows in the form of portholes;
  • door handles imitating valves;
  • riveted chests;
  • voluminous vintage refrigerators;
  • railways in miniature;
  • photos in sepia;
  • suitcases;
  • paintings, old books, barometers, diagrams, aircraft models, vases, ashtrays and other decorative elements with metal or wooden inserts.

Gallery of design solutions

Steampunk is called the masculine direction in design, however, it is used in the design of the interiors of different rooms. Style fans are bribed by the originality and surprise of design solutions, as well as a sense of peace and harmony that are present in the finished premises.

Steampunk combines the features of many styles, but at the same time differs significantly from them. A vivid example of this is steampunk interiors: living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, baths, offices and kitchens. Vintage pieces of furniture and decor fit especially harmoniously into the latter.

Bright accents are the highlight of steampunk interiors Steampunk spaces impress with their functionality, pretentiousness and originality The secret of steampunk success is that it never gets bored

Video: creating a DIY steampunk brooch

The author of the master class tells how to choose and connect the details correctly to get a real masterpiece. Meanwhile, the brooch is not the only thing that can be created thanks to his story. By the same principle, you can decorate finished pieces of furniture and interior or develop new ones.

Video: Steampunk Guitar Styling Workshop

Steampunk is not just a direction in design or art, but a lifestyle, a whole philosophy. You can verify this by plunging into its atmosphere. Therefore, do not be afraid to let something new into your life, experiment, inspire yourself and your family and be happy!

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