Plants give off the oxygen needed by butterflies. What indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom. Oxygen Plants: Sansevieria

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Many people like it when there are flowers in the apartment. And it's not just that they enliven and decorate any interior. They also give off oxygen, and some of them do this even at night.

website I am sure that every apartment must have at least one of these 9 plants. They will give you a healthy and sound sleep.

These bright sunny flowers not only perfectly purify the air, but also decorate the interior. In addition to absorbing such a toxic substance as benzene, gerbera also improves sleep: By absorbing the carbon dioxide we exhale, the flower releases oxygen instead.

It cleans the air remarkably. In addition, it acts as a natural pesticide, protecting against mosquitoes. To grow him at home, you will have to work hard: he needs good soil and a lot of light.

More interesting things about this plant.

Aloe Vera is a unique plant. It known not only for its healing properties, but also helps to calm and sound sleep, as it releases a large amount of oxygen at night. Aloe is an unpretentious plant and does not require frequent watering.

More information about aloe can be found in this place.

This type of cactus produces oxygen throughout the night, which helps you sleep well. Flower can grow in dark rooms, so the bedroom is also perfect for him. Schlumbergera is picky, so caring for her will not give you much trouble.

Tulasi is useful not only for eating, but also for purifying the air. The smell of the leaves this plant calms the nervous system and reduces anxiety. This is what you need after a long and tiring day at work.

Learn more about other beneficial properties of tulsi.

palm plants remarkably clean the air from all kinds of harmful gases and at the same time still moisturize it. They are suitable not only for bedrooms, but also for offices. Palm trees love places with less light. In everyday life, they need delicate care, but it's definitely worth it.

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As a rule, people breed indoor plants in order to decorate their home with their help, making it more comfortable and attractive. Indeed, juicy bright greens and colorful flowers are the best elements for decorating any house or apartment. Plus, plants carry a large charge of positive energy and aesthetic pleasure.

And yet, most flower lovers do not even imagine that many domestic plants are a real oxygen bomb, not only releasing the most valuable oxygen, which is so necessary for all living beings, but also destroying toxins and other harmful substances. Everyone knows that with enough oxygen in the air, a person becomes less susceptible to negativity, his level of anxiety decreases, nervousness disappears, sleep and well-being improve.

Back in 1989, scientists from NASA, as part of one of the programs to study plants in space, determined that they have a unique ability to effectively clean the air and at the same time fill it with oxygen.

With the onset of the dark time of the day, with a lack of sunlight for the production of the photosynthesis process, most flowers begin to actively release oxygen.

Biologists have identified 10 plants that, thanks to this remarkable property, are able to provide people with health, a hardy nervous system and sound sleep.

Aloe vera or agave

Aloe is one of the oldest plants on the planet and has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat many diseases.

"Aloe vera" or "Aloe real" refers to the flowering plants of the xanthorrhoe family and has about 500 different species, most of which are succulents, that is, they have special reservoirs and mechanisms inside to preserve valuable moisture.

Individual representatives of this species can reach a height of 10 meters, but the bulk of the plants are small in size. Their characteristic feature is thick xiphoid leaves that serve to accumulate water, which are equipped with sharp thorns along the edges.

In addition to the exceptional healing properties of this unique plant, scientists have proven that aloe releases a significant amount of oxygen at night. In addition, it perfectly filters the air, purifying it of toxins and other contaminants.

At the same time, aloe has natural endurance and is absolutely not whimsical in care, and its leaves can be used to treat various diseases, including skin diseases.

Aloe vera contains in its composition a large number of vitamins (groups A, C, E, B1, B2, B12), macro and microelements, resinous substances and enzymes, thanks to which it effectively heals wounds, cuts and burns.

This plant is a truly magical flower, which, moreover, can be easily grown at home.


Sansevieria has many unpleasant names, including "pike tail", "mother-in-law's tongue", "snake skin", "wolf tail". However, this flower is very common and, despite such unfriendly names, is very popular among lovers of indoor plants.

Sansevieria is an evergreen perennial and has an original dark green color of erect leaves, the pattern of which can contain both vertical and transverse stripes. In this case, the height of individual leaves can reach one meter.

Few people know, but sansevieria is considered one of the most powerful natural air purifiers, while being a very unpretentious plant with powerful immunity, and therefore does not need special care.

In addition, it is able to strengthen the immune system of people, so it is recommended to place it even in a room where small children sleep.

Among the natural diversity, it is very difficult to find a plant with a richer set of signs, riddles, superstitions and prejudices.

The orchid is one of the oldest flowers on earth, since it appeared on the planet in the late Cretaceous period, but it is also considered a symbol of chastity, charm, peace and unity.

Among other things, this flower has high aesthetic qualities and can become a real decoration of any room.

Biologists have proven that these beautiful flowers are ideal plants for the bedroom, as they release a large amount of oxygen, thus providing residents with a healthy and sound sleep.

Among other things, the orchid has the ability to purify the air of harmful xylene, which is usually contained in various artificial dyes, now often used in the manufacture of household goods.

In order for the orchid to feel great indoors, it is quite enough to follow the elementary rules for caring for the plant. All she needs is enough light and moisture. At the same time, excessive perseverance and fuss around a flower can only damage it.

In indoor floriculture, geranium is a very popular plant. She is loved for her unpretentiousness, beauty and ease of care, especially since there are innumerable varieties and varieties of these flowers.

Geranium is an annual or perennial herb growing up to 50 centimeters in height, with vibrant green leaves and colorful flowers in clusters.

It is noteworthy that geranium leaves have a pleasant aroma of lemon and mint.

The plant contains a large number of flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, as well as unique macro and microelements.

In ancient times, it was believed that geranium has miraculous properties and a large number of beliefs and legends are associated with it. This wonderful flower actually has the unique ability to purify the air, resist harmful bacteria and perfectly remove bad odors.

In addition, due to the high content of essential oils, geranium calms the human nervous system, has a beneficial effect on it, improves well-being and strengthens sleep.

Chlorophytum is a perennial herbaceous shrub with greenish, light or cream stripes on narrow leaves that hang down to form small pretty bushes. At the same time, it is absolutely undemanding to care, feels great and multiplies well in an apartment, periodically releasing numerous shoots.

As it turned out, chlorophytum perfectly cleans the air of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) and other harmful impurities, so it is an ideal place for the kitchen. In addition, due to its spreading, the plant has a fairly large leaf area, so it releases a large amount of oxygen.

For normal existence, chlorophytum needs nitrogen oxides and formaldehydes, which it receives from the air. Scientists were able to establish that this plant is also able to absorb acetone, benzene, ammonia, nitrogen, while releasing phytoncides that kill up to 80% of pathogens.


This plant belongs to the genus of the Aroid family and its name comes from the Greek word " skindapsos", which literally translates as "tree like ivy." Indeed, it is a beautiful climbing vine with shiny heart-shaped leaves.

In its natural habitat, scindapsus grows by wrapping itself around trees and has the ability to rise to a height of up to 15 (!) meters.

It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of Florida and Sri Lanka are fighting this plant, and consider it a dangerous and ubiquitous weed that interferes with normal life in the region.

Being in room conditions, the scindapsus does not bloom, but due to its rich greenery and unpretentiousness, it is often used as a decorative decoration for landscaping both indoors and outdoors.

Usually flower growers grow a variety of scidapsus (golden epipremnum), which has yellow spots or stripes interspersed on bright green leaves.

Scindapsus also belongs to plants - filters, because it has the ability to perfectly purify the air in rooms containing formaldehyde and benzene vapors. Therefore, it is recommended to place it in places where there are synthetic finishing materials or modern furniture made using harmful wood chipboards.

However, scindapsus should be kept away from small children and pets, as the plant contains toxic substances that can cause diarrhea.

This popular subtropical plant is an evergreen tree and is an indispensable component of such a trend in art as bonsai.

Ficus Benjamina fits perfectly into any interior, is very unpretentious in care and allows you to easily shape your appearance.

There is a centuries-old belief that the ficus has magical properties, and the souls of the dead live among its leaves. Ancient people believed that this plant promotes enlightenment and the acquisition of wisdom, relieves unnecessary anxieties and worries, provides support in case of failures, and even helps women get pregnant (this belief still exists, so families who dream of having children should place ficus in the bedroom) .

And yet, the greatest benefit that ficus brings is the purification and improvement of indoor air composition, since it is a powerful source of oxygen. Ficus has the ability to absorb toxic substances, in particular formaldehyde, which can cause nausea and severe headaches in people. It also neutralizes the action of many other toxins and harmful substances, such as benzene and phenol.

In addition, ficus has a positive effect on the emotional sphere of human life, calming the nervous system, relieving stress and giving a sense of confidence in the future.

Ficus Benjamin is also widely known for its healing properties. For example, an infusion of leaves helps in the treatment of radiculitis, arthritis and osteochondrosis. The leaves of the plant are used to prevent diabetes and asthma, and are considered an effective anti-cancer agent.

When growing ficus, it should be remembered that this plant does not tolerate drafts and low temperatures. For example, for broad-leaved plants, the temperature of +18°C is critical, and small-leaved plants can grow normally even at +10°C.

Ficus loves light, but is not tolerant of direct sunlight.

Among other names of this plant, “leaf tree”, “friend of the tree”, “monstera deliciosa” and others are often found.

This evergreen plant belongs to the Aroid family and, according to botanists, has up to 900 different species, although disputes between scientific minds on this subject have been going on for more than 150 years. The fact is that in the classification of philodendrons at the moment there is complete confusion associated with the constant transfer of one species to another and vice versa. And while nerds are breaking spears, proving their case, the philodendron, thanks to its unpretentiousness and rapid growth, is successfully popularized and is increasingly found in apartments and ladies as a houseplant. Obviously not in vain in translation from ancient Greek the name "philodendron" means "I love a tree."

However, the main value of the philodendron is its ability to purify indoor air from formaldehyde, absorbing up to 76% of this toxin.

This plant, like "Aloe Vera" refers to plants - succulents. Its beautiful dense serrated foliage has a rich green color at any time of the year. In this case, the lower leaves, as a rule, are more purple or bluish in color.

Scientists have proven that Kalanchoe fills the air with oxygen around the clock, and its smell helps fight stress, depression and improves sleep.

In addition, this plant has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and bactericidal action. With the help of it, wounds are healed, burns, abscesses and boils are treated. All this became possible thanks to a variety of useful substances, enzymes, flavonoids, as well as vegetable acids, natural stimulants and a large number of macro and micro elements found in the plant.

For this reason, Kalanchoe is often grown not only as an ornamental, but also as a medicinal plant.

Nephrolepis belongs to the fern family and usually grows in tropical and subtropical countries with a humid climate, where the plant can reach three meters in height.

In total, there are about 30 species of this representative of ferns.

Nephrolepis also has powerful antibacterial activity and is therefore often used to purify indoor air. It promotes the removal of microbes and toxic substances, in particular, it fights formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. In addition, it has the ability to accumulate heavy metal salts in its root system, which is why nephrolepis is often called a “natural filter”.

Usually at home, nephrolepis looks like a chic and lush bush, the branches of which go down, so that the plant has a very attractive decorative look.

Scientists advise: in a room where people spend a lot of time, you must have at least three indoor plants.

Choosing home flowers is not only for beauty, but also for usefulness. In city apartments, plants are needed that purify the air of dust, microbes and toxic substances, enrich it with oxygen, saturate it with useful aromas and phytoncides. And you should know that there are plants that will bring more benefits in the kitchen, where, as a rule, high humidity, stuffiness and burning.

There are those that help improve the atmosphere in the office - they remove the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation from a computer, scanner, TV. And there are indoor flowers that are very useful to grow in the bedroom.

Here are five of the most useful indoor flowers:

1 Chlorophytum. This is the champion among colors for the improvement of premises. Several of these plants are enough to absorb the formaldehyde released by the thermal insulation of synthetic materials in a medium-sized apartment. And if you put activated charcoal in flower pots, the cleansing properties of chlorophytum increase several times.

This "orderly" also kills harmful bacteria. By the way, it is no coincidence that chlorophytums are never affected by pests.

The plant is unpretentious, easily propagated - it is enough to separate the "kids" from a long stem, just stick them into the moist ground, and they will immediately take root and begin to take root. It should be watered infrequently, but plentifully, especially in summer.

If you put chlorophytum in the kitchen, it will act more efficiently than expensive air purifiers - it will clean the room from harmful gas oxides and odors in a few hours.

2 ficus. It has phytoncidal properties, cleans the air of toxins, so the best place for it is the kitchen or rooms whose windows overlook, for example, a busy highway or industrial area. Glossy ficus leaves are ideal for the kitchen: they retain a large amount of dust, but they are easy to wash and wipe. Ficus will also help to humidify the air and saturate it with oxygen. It is only important to know that ficuses emit oxygen during the day in sunlight, but absorb it at night. Therefore, they should not be placed in the bedroom, and even more so in the nursery.

The plant prefers lit places, but not direct sunlight. Watering - moderate. In autumn and winter, it often sheds healthy leaves due to excessive waterlogging. Therefore, experienced flower growers advise not to water the plant in winter, but only to spray the leaves.

3 Geranium. It is recommended to keep in the bedroom. The beneficial compounds produced by pelargonium (this is the scientific name of geranium) have a calming effect, which is very important for stress and insomnia. It also releases biologically active substances that kill staphylococci and streptococci, disinfects rooms and drives away flies, so it will be quite appropriate in the kitchen. Moreover, geranium tends to absorb dampness and waste, clean and refresh the room with a stagnant, "sour" smell.

The plant is unpretentious, easily propagated. Light-requiring - it is best to keep on the windowsill, on the sunny side. In the warm season requires abundant watering. Virtually unaffected by diseases and pests.

4 Lavr. Useful to grow in the bedroom. This small evergreen shrub kills microbes and has a beneficial effect on people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, intestinal spasms and biliary tract.

Laurel is photophilous, grows well only in a sunny place. The plant is easy to shear, usually it is given a spherical shape.

5 Aloe. At night, it releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide, so it belongs in the bedroom. And he removes the electrification in the apartment. Plus, aloe is a real first aid at home. The washed sheets can be applied to a bleeding or infected wound. Aloe juice helps with headaches and colds.


Among indoor plants, and very common, there are poisonous ones - for example, oleander and dieffenbachia. Make sure that small children do not put them in their mouths.

Scientists have found that in the air of rooms where ordinary myrtle grows, there are two times less pathogens than where it does not exist.

And the antibacterial properties of amaryllis, agapanthus, ziferantes, hypeastrum, dracaena are so strong that some bacteria die faster from their volatile phytoncides than from garlic phytoncides.

Asparagus absorb heavy metals.

Plants with large leaves - dieffenbachia, anthurium, philodendrons - can improve water-gas exchange in an apartment.

With the help of flowers, you can achieve an increase in air humidity. Flowers that need a lot of moisture usually return it through the leaves. These are violets, cyclamens, ferns. Abutilon, aphelandra, hibiscus, azalea also increase humidity.

Dracaena, philodendron, sheffler, spathiphyllum, dieffenbachia, sansevier will get rid of formaldehydes and phenols emitted from new furniture.

Destroy staphylococcal microorganisms ruellia, sanchetia, dieffenbachia, myrtle, psidium, and the risk of streptococcal infection is reduced by begonias, aglaonema, Japanese euonymus.

Plants in the kitchen suffer from fat droplets that fall on the leaves. Therefore, once a month, arrange a "bath day" for them.


Chlorophytum perfectly moisturizes the air in the room and purifies it of harmful substances, poisons, as well as microorganisms and bacteria. This is one of the most unpretentious additions to the decor of any apartment and benefits its residents. Four adult flowers purify the air in a room of 10 square meters. m by 70-80%.

Aloe is widely used in folk medicine due to its medicinal properties. In addition, it reduces the level of harmful substances, including those emitted from chipboard furniture, by 90%. At night, this plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

Kalanchoe - unpretentious. Only water and bright sunlight are needed for its growth and flowering. The aroma of this flower helps relieve depression, and also saturates the air with oxygen day and night.

Begonia, especially royal, is a symbol of material well-being. Indoors begonia harmful substances and microbes. Its aroma improves well-being, so the bedroom of the elderly is perfect for this flower.

Geranium improves mood, relieves internal stress, relieves depression, and also saturates the air with oxygen and ozone. Due to such valuable properties, this flower is widely distributed in apartments and office premises.

Sansevieria, or mother-in-law's tongue, is ideal for both the bedroom and any other indoor space. Several of these plants in a room provide clean and oxygenated air day and night.

Cactus is perfect for rooms in which there are electromagnetic devices. The longer the needles, the more effectively it neutralizes ionization and absorbs radiation. The cactus is a hardy plant, but it needs more light to grow better and be more efficient.

Indoor plants are our irreplaceable helpers!

We spend most of our time indoors, especially in winter. Our premises are filled with furniture made of chipboard, plastic, synthetic coatings, which release harmful impurities into the air. This is what we breathe. Despite the fact that street air is very far from ideal, the air that we breathe while in our apartment or any other premises is much more dangerous and exceeds street air by 5 times and 6-10 times by toxicity, and indoors we spend at least 2/3 of the time. There are quite a few sources of home air pollution, finishing materials, perfumes, household chemicals, furniture, natural gas combustion products, and various household appliances. Poisoning does not occur immediately, but over a rather long period, it all depends on the level of air pollution in the room. Fatigue, irritability increase, health worsens, sleep is disturbed, immunity decreases. The risk of various diseases occurring in a chronic form, such as allergies, asthma, runny nose, bronchitis, etc., increases.

What to do? In order to qualitatively improve the air in the house, it is recommended to ventilate the premises as often as possible, as well as cabinets and various closed kitchen drawers, carry out wet cleaning or use air purifiers, and of course

keep indoor plants, which absorb carbon dioxide and fill the air with oxygen in return. Plants can absorb some harmful substances and gases, some of the substances settle on the leaves and enter the leaf tissues (in particular, plants collect dust well)

It is worth decorating the apartment with indoor plants, which will not only create comfort, but also help get rid of odors and improve the environment. As a result of research conducted by NASA (American Aeronautics and Space Agency) scientists, the ability of domestic plants to absorb toxins and release pure oxygen into the atmosphere has been proven.

During the experiments, scientists found that plants purify the air from harmful synthetic impurities. A single houseplant can improve the air in an area of ​​10 square meters. There are about 50 plants on the list.

Ficus (Ficus), Dracaena (Dracaena), Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum), Ivy (Hedera helix), Chlorophytum (Clorophytum) and Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) received the highest marks.

Only one plant Chlorophytum (Clorophytum) able to reduce the dangerous level of carbon dioxide in indoor air by 96% per day and purify the air from formaldehyde vapors. In addition, Chlorophytum has a strong bactericidal effect.

Some of the indoor plants neutralize radiation from household appliances.

Among programmers, there is an opinion that cacti absorb the radiation of the monitor well. But there is no serious justification for this. The cactus is well adapted to transpiration - the evaporation of water. However, due to the fact that the majority of cacti are leafless, their surface area is too small to effectively humidify the air.

The monitor of a working computer emits a substance harmful to the environment - xylene. Plants that absorb this substance will help you get rid of it. Such plants include dwarf date palm or dracaena.

Dracaena (Dracaena) well absorbs vapors of trichlorethylene, which sources are computers, printers and copiers.

Air in the house: Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is necessary for life, it stimulates the work of various body systems, the activity of the brain, heart, lungs, etc. The normal concentration of CO2 in the air should not exceed 0.1%. The air in the house oversaturated with carbon dioxide can adversely affect a person’s well-being, up to death. We ourselves are the source of carbon dioxide. When we inhale oxygen, it is carried through the body with blood, and as a result of chemical reactions, when interacting with food, it turns into carbon dioxide and is excreted into the atmosphere through the lungs. In unventilated rooms, its concentration can exceed the norm, and then you can feel symptoms such as headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, and many others.

Carbon dioxide is also one of the products of combustion of natural gas, usually used in domestic cooking and in the kitchen its concentration is higher than in any other place in the dwelling, so it is very important to make sure that the ventilation system is working properly.

All plants absorb carbon dioxide. Particularly effective

PLANTS - CONDITIONERS, with maximum air cleaning capacity: crested chlorophytum, pinnate epipremnum, asparagus, monstera, spurge, tree-like krasula.

Ivy (Hedera helix) especially noted in the report for its excellent ability to purify the air in the room and saturate it with oxygen.

Ficus (Ficus) is an excellent air filter that absorbs exhaust gases. These plants can be placed near windows that overlook a highway or an industrial area.

chlorophytum crested, cleans the air from microbes by 88 percent in 24 hours! In addition, this plant absorbs many harmful substances, purifying the air better than many air purifiers. It is no coincidence that scientists have proposed chlorophytum for air purification in spacecraft.

Chlorophytum has been grown indoors for 200 years. This plant has beautiful curved leaves with a white-cream stripe. In spring and summer, small flowers first appear on thin shoots falling in a cascade, and then - leaf rosettes, which look very impressive in a hanging basket. Chlorophytum grows rapidly, rarely gets sick, unpretentious, but loves sunlight.


improve the air in the kitchen monstera, pelargonium, ferns, saintpaulia

Air in the house: Toxins

So the air in the house can be dangerous because it concentrates substances such as formaldehyde, radon and benzene.

FORMALDEHYDE is a toxic carcinogen that is released from plastic, fibrous materials, has a very negative effect on the respiratory system, skin, eyes, and reproductive organs, often in residential premises the concentration of formaldehyde exceeds the permissible norm (10 micrograms per cubic meter)


absorb from the air formaldehyde and phenol, released from new furniture, destroy germs:

aloe tree, chlorophytum, climbing philodendron

Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) It is distinguished by its ability to absorb carbon dioxide and formaldehyde vapors. It is especially suitable for the bedroom.

Aloe and Gerbera- allow to neutralize formaldehyde and benzene. Think about them after repairing and buying new furniture.

In addition, Aloe (Aloe) emits substances that disinfect the air. This plant is very unpretentious and has a lot of healing properties. No wonder it is called a home pharmacy

BENZENE found mainly in paints and solvents, motorists are especially often exposed to benzene because it is often added to motor fuel. It can cause dizziness, headache, and at higher doses, nausea, but if a person is constantly exposed to this substance, this can cause leukemia and anemia.

PLANTS - FILTERS successfully cope with benzene:

common ivy, dracaena

Ivy (Hedera helix) and Dracaena (Dracaena) destroy up to 90% of benzene vapor emitted by varnishes, paint and furniture.

Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum)- indispensable helper in the house. She is able to cope even with the ammonia contained in many household chemicals.

Azalea (Azalea) cleans the air of ammonia and toxic substances present in household chemicals. Azaleas are afraid of moths, ants, and bugs. However, Azalea is very beautiful and can decorate any room.

In addition, our house plants will humidify dry air, which is also very dangerous for health.

dry air


In conditions of dry air, our eyes strain too much, get tired faster.


The consequence of dry air is the body's susceptibility to colds. Colds and runny nose are spread by airborne droplets or through bodily contact with the sick. The main function of the skin is to be a barrier to bacteria. If the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are dry (and they lose moisture under the influence of dry air), then the barrier becomes less effective. The likelihood of getting sick after contact with an infection increases significantly if the air humidity is less than optimal.


Dry air leads to a weakening of the immune system as a whole. Cold, dry air prevents oxygen from entering the circulatory system. Symptoms of insufficient oxygen intake are exhaustion, poor concentration, fatigue.


Dry air irritates and dries out the mucous membranes of the nose, which causes bleeding.

In terms of air humidification and dust removal, almost all indoor plants are suitable. In addition, the interior, decorated with indoor plants, has a beneficial effect on the psyche and reduces fatigue.

Perfectly moisturize air Cyperps (Cyperus), Chinese rose (Hibiscus roza-sinensis), Schefflera (Schefflera).

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