Potted plants as a gift. What flowers are given for housewarming

Choosing a gift is a very complex and responsible process, on which the reaction of the person being presented will depend. Of course, a polite birthday man will always thank you and say that your gift is exactly what he always dreamed of. But in fact, I want the gift to really come in handy, please, be needed. In our country, it is customary to give flowers or sweets to the main gift. Not everyone likes sweets, and the flowers do not stand for a long time - they wither. That is why many come up with the idea to give a flower in a pot. Home flowers are modern trend which is really relevant for any person. Such a flower does not fade, and if you continue to take care of it, it will grow, more long years remembering your donor.

Why not give flowers in pots?

A few decades ago, giving a flower in a pot was a bad omen, there were several reasons for this. Most often, the pot was associated with damp earth, which could attract death. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to make such gifts to a seriously ill person. In addition, in ancient times, along with a sprout of a living tree or flower, they could convey damage that entered the house and grew, taking strength, luck and prosperity from the owners. That is why you can accept a flower in a pot as a gift only from loved one whose intentions you have no doubt about.

How to give a flower in a pot?

Before choosing this gift option, you need to find out something about the birthday man.

  1. Some people do not like indoor flowers, as a rule, they do not have house plants. To give such a person a flower in a pot, at least, is not rational.
  2. An allergy to indoor flowers, or rather, to some of their types, is quite real. To avoid a detailed embarrassment, try to find out in advance about the possible allergic reaction someone close to the future birthday boy.
  3. Try to choose a plant that does not require complex care or special living conditions. It is necessary to transplant the plant in advance, “feed” the flower with the necessary fertilizers, etc. Give only healthy and strong specimens of flowers. If the flower dies for some reason, the birthday boy will be upset. In addition, some may conclude that the flower was given with evil intentions.
  4. Together with the flower, give the birthday man a small memo on how to care for the plant, how much to water, how to fertilize, etc.
  5. The flower requires attention, so you do not need to give flowers that are difficult to care for busy people. Such a gift will appeal to women, they are by nature ready to take care of everyone around. But men should give a flower in a pot with caution.
  6. If you give a flower experienced florist ask about his preferences. Agree that the one hundred and first red violet is useless to him, but rare view plants may please more than the most expensive gift.
  7. If you are worried about whether the birthday boy is worried about signs and whether he will accept the gift with hostility, just change the type of plant. You can get rid of damp earth if you transplant a flower into wet decorative soil. It looks simply stunning, such a gift will definitely be remembered. In the future, a person can transplant a flower into a pot of the desired size.

A houseplant is better to give in blooming form, this will enhance the effect of the gift. The exception is small and rare sprouts, which in themselves are of high value.

There are a lot of indoor plants, each of them has its own meaning and secret meaning. Here are a few options you might find helpful.

  1. Spathiphyllum, or Women's Happiness. This is a very beautiful and spreading flower that pleases with white flowers. It is not difficult to take care of such a flower, it is believed that it brings harmony to a woman in family and love relationships. Moreover, you cannot buy a flower, you can only receive it as a gift. Therefore, any representative of the fair sex will be happy with such a gift.
  2. Fat woman, or money tree. Such a gift is given to the strong and successful people with the wishes of prosperity and wealth. This is one of the few flowers that can be given to men. Together with a tree, they often give a red thread woven into the foliage as a symbol of good luck and success in business.
  3. Cactus and ficus. If the birthday boy works at a computer or is constantly surrounded by technology, Benjamin's cactus and ficus are perfect for him. Both of these plants have quite tangible benefits - they neutralize harmful radiation.
  4. Pepper. On sale you can find decorative pepper, which after colors gives quite real and edible fruits. They have a pungent taste and pronounced aroma. Such a gift will not only decorate the kitchen, but can also be used as food. This is sure to be appreciated by culinary specialists or women of the older generation.
  5. Anthurium, or male power. This is another one of the few male colors, which is given only to the representatives of the stronger sex. It is believed that anthurium grows well next to spotiphyllum, these flowers should be paired in the house. Anthurium is a symbol of sexuality, power and masculinity.
  6. Orchid. This is a way to admit to a woman that she is beautiful. White or pale pink shades of the flower are more suitable for young ladies, purple and red will emphasize the dignity and life experience of an adult lady.
  7. Mother-in-law's language. This plant can be a wonderful wedding gift for newlyweds. And it's not that you want to bring discord into the family with this gift, quite the contrary. It is believed that the flower of the mother-in-law's tongue absorbs all the home negativity, leaving the owners with a bright and kind aura.
  8. Bonsai. small decorative tree is a real philosophy, an ideal gift for the wise and deep people. By giving a man or woman a bonsai, you acknowledge that you deeply respect the intellect of the new owner of the plant.
  9. Lemon Tree. It is believed that this plant will surely bring a lot of bright and bright emotions to the house. It is customary to give a lemon tree to a house where there are children; it is able to protect small family members from the evil eye. Moreover, it is not only beautiful, but also useful plant, who refuses homemade, personally grown citrus fruits?
  10. Dracaena. This plant symbolizes the beginning of a new love and the birth of a family. If a young guy or young girl cannot find a soul mate, be sure to give a dracaena. The plant will help you find your man and find the love of your life. The main thing is that the new owner begins to take care of the flower - he watered it reverently and carefully, hilled it, etc.

When giving a flower, be sure to take a small coin or small bill from the birthday person. So he pays off from possible evil signs.

A living flower in a pot is a symbol of the continuation of life, growth, energy and development. This is a great gift for anyone on any occasion. Moreover, if you donate indoor plant from the heart, it will bring the new owner only happiness, prosperity and good luck.

The Salon Flowers online store offers you to buy potted plants as a gift. They are grown on plantations in Holland, Kenya, Ecuador and other countries. We have established uninterrupted supplies, which allows us to talk about the freshness and safety of the assortment.

Potted plants as a gift are contained in special cold rooms. They have installed optimum temperature for renewal life cycle. Thanks to proper care our flowers will be fragrant for a long time and delight the addressee.

What can we offer you?

By becoming a client of Salon Flowers, you provide yourself with the following opportunities:

  • order potted plants as a gift with free delivery at any time of the day or night. We work around the clock and are ready to serve you 24/7.
  • control the result. Before sending the courier to you, we will send a photo of the bouquet. You will evaluate it and be able to make your own adjustments, if any.
  • place a corporate order. We do not only retail, but also wholesale trade Therefore, we are open to cooperation with individuals and legal entities.
  • pay for the bouquet in any way: cash and bank transfer, transfer from bank card or e-wallet, etc.
  • buy flowers worth from 990 rubles. Direct cooperation with suppliers allows us to set prices much lower than those of competitors. Here you will find benefits and savings in one bottle.

2 years ago

At the moment, many people are wondering what original surprise make for any celebration. In our world, most often they prefer to present a bouquet, and at the same time people do not pay attention to the original flowers in a flower pot. Although such a surprise will delight its owner for many years, and remind him of who he was received from. But many do not know how to choose such a surprise. When choosing it, it is worth considering what event it will be presented to, what person and with what character. At this time, it is very fashionable to choose them according to the person's zodiac sign.

We give flowers according to the signs of the zodiac

  • Cornflower, violet and hawthorn are more suitable for Aries, they will perfectly highlight the inner strength of this sign and at the same time it will be friendly;
  • In order to touch the calf to the core, he should be presented with lilacs, and lilies of the valley will do;
  • A daffodil in a flowerpot is most suitable for twins, they will be able to appreciate it;
  • Trembling crayfish fit jasmine and exclusively white;
  • Chrysanthemums will suit the lion, the king of animals, which will emphasize his courage and valor;
  • Cornflower will please the maidens very much, as well as pansies and white lily;
  • With the fickle nature of the scales, violets and roses will be lovely;
  • Scorpios are romantic and red carnations suit them;
  • Carnations or daffodils are suitable for such a sign as Sagittarius. Carnations are also suitable for Capricorn, but white;
  • Domineering and selfish Aquarians are suitable for myrtle, daffodil and violets;
  • Several options are suitable for fish, such as violets, forget-me-nots and jasmine.

What are the signs that do not give flowers

Often people believe that gifts in the form of flowers in a flower pot are unacceptable for several reasons:

  1. Because handing the raw earth Bad sign. But this is a misconception, since now they come with a dry soil mixture;
  2. Because the flower comes with roots, it is such a surprise for a sick person to wish to grow with roots in the ground. But even such a sign, perhaps, can be circumvented by handing a person not root plant, for example, tillandsia;
  3. When it is given, along with it, according to popular beliefs, negative moments from the life of the giving person are transmitted. It is possible to exclude this when receiving such a surprise in return, you must give a coin for redemption;
  4. It is generally accepted that sprouts often die in a new place. This can be avoided by attaching to the surprise a little instruction to care for him. So that the recipient knows how to properly handle it, since each plant requires a certain amount of care.

Flowers in pots: how to give, and for what reason

Many people do not know on what holidays it would be appropriate to present a flower in a flowerpot. There are many suitable events for which it is possible to present a plant in a planter. These events include anniversaries, birthdays, weddings and New Year.

The most popular event to which it is presented is the name day. But before presenting this surprise, you need to find out what the birthday person's preferences are.

Our country has a very cold climate, but despite this, on the New Year's Eve, you can also present a plant in a flowerpot. To make the surprise more original, you can make it on a New Year's theme and present a cypress or a small Christmas tree. This plant can be transplanted into the garden in the spring, so that next year you can decorate a real Christmas tree in your own yard.

Also, a flower in a flowerpot is suitable for a gift to newlyweds, they will observe its growth throughout their marriage and remember the one who gave it.

On March 8, it is customary to give gifts to your soulmate, and at the same time, on this spring holiday, men are used to buying bouquets of different types and sizes, depending on the tastes of their soulmate. But, without thinking about the fact that the presented bouquet will not please the woman for more than a week. And if you present a flower in a pot, then it will delight a woman for a long time. Each time it blooms, she will remember that beautiful day when this surprise was made, and again experience the same feelings as on the day it was presented.

What flowers in a pot are best to give

  • Tulips - spring bright flowers have been pleasing women for a long time, and if such tulips are presented in a flower pot, they will bring a lot of positive emotions to a woman and will delight her even more for a long time after the holiday. Tulips are the herald of spring and they are mostly given for the spring holidays (March 8, etc.);

  • Hyacinths are one of the most commonly purchased potted flowers given today. Thisthe flower will convey to the recipient the romantic and most tender feelings with which the gift was made;
  • Violets are one of the most unpretentious flowers. Violet lives at home most often. Many people think that this is a simple flower and pass by when choosing a gift, but when correct design unusual pot and beautiful packaging this flower evokes a sea of ​​positive emotions;
  • Orchids are one of the most luxurious and beautiful flowers, any woman will be delighted with such a surprise. An orchid will transform any home and evoke many emotions;
  • The rose is one of the most popular flowers. Roses are given for any holiday and for any reason, this flower seems to scream about Great love and pleasant experiences. Roses are very well suited to the home interior.

Plants in a cache-pot are a very good surprise for a woman, it will please her for a long time and remind her of those wonderful moments when it was made.

An indoor flower can be presented to any person, even one whose taste preferences are completely unknown to you. It can be a girl, a new boss, or new neighbors, in general, people whose tastes and preferences you still don’t know anything about. In such a situation, a flower in a pot is the most preferable and win-win option.

What is the best indoor flower to give?

If the owners have a large spacious house, you can quickly buy interior-type flowers for them, because they have big size, and therefore successfully fit into such a room.

This type includes aracuria, dracaena, cordilina, fatsia and other houseplants.

In small houses, such giants will only clutter up the extra space, and look completely out of place. Therefore, this type of plant is likely to be an ideal gift for people who are fond of design or have office space.

Women who love to decorate their homes in every possible way with various paintings, and perhaps even fountains, will also surely be delighted with flowers in a pot. It is in such an exquisitely furnished interior that arrowroot, calathea, euonymus, rheoasplenium will look great.

Now very popular flowering plants, but if you choose such, you need to think about buying a flower that has not yet blossomed and let the owner grow it, or give it right away “in the prime of life”. Flowers such as spathiphyllum, saintpaulia, begonia and others are especially beautiful.

These flowers are very beautiful and not whimsical to care for, so they will suit even the busiest people.

When the flower has already been selected, you must ask the flower shop to carefully pack the gift, especially if you purchase it in winter time of the year. Even a couple of minutes outside can be fatal for a plant.

What flowers in pots can not be given

By folk beliefs it is believed that it is forbidden to give palm trees, as well as climbing varieties of plants (lianas and others), as they promise quarrels in the family. Another flower is hoya during its flowering "", so among the people he has the nickname "widow's tears", from such a name to beliefs - just one step.

The names of colors should always be biased. For example, ivy is popularly called a “husband”, even if in a particular family they don’t believe in beliefs, it is best not to give flowers with similar nicknames as a gift.

It is not in vain that so many various beliefs have been formed for so many years, perhaps those people to whom this gift is intended, firmly believe in the so-called magic of flowers.

Without plants, the house seems inhospitable and uncomfortable. But it is worth putting at least one flower pot on the windowsill, then the space around will instantly sparkle with new colors!

The article will focus on plants that are best suited for growing at home.

There is a great variety of potted fresh flowers. But most of them are difficult to grow, as they require constant care. And the result will not please you. But there are plants that will appeal to everyone! They are among the most popular of the flower variety.

This TOP 10 popular potted plants should not be ignored. After reviewing it, you will choose the one that suits your interior!

The first place should be given to this beauty, who wins the heart of a passerby! If you do not know what gift to give a woman, then blooming orchid will be a delightful surprise!

It will add aesthetics to the room space. But also it requires attention, so it is worth devoting some time to care.

The first time after buying an orchid, it is better to leave it alone, do not fertilize or water it, it is even worth protecting it from bright sunlight.

She has known us for a long time. Some in childhood had a pot with fragrant plant. And still it attracts flower growers.

Due to the fact that Just, it is worth buying a beginner in this field.

Since ancient times, people have been growing this plant so that it creates a powerful energy that scares away all sorts of troubles.

These are the real heralds of spring! Delicate and lovely flowers will delight you in the last winter month. An endless variety of their shades will suit even the most picky taste.. They will not bring you much trouble, but they will drive away the blues that comes in early spring. They will be a kind of alternative to snowdrops in your room!

Another conqueror of hearts! Captivating flowers will decorate the room and capture the attention of your guests! No wonder they are so often used in the preparation of expensive bouquets.

At proper care flowering also occurs in winter.

Gerberas do not tolerate dry air in the apartment, so you need to ventilate the room often. It also requires regular spraying with a spray bottle.

It will provide some charm and brightness to the space.

If you want to buy a plant that almost always blooms, then it is for you! Became a gardener's favorite unpretentious and undemanding!

Does not tolerate drafts. Loves high humidity air.

Faithful representative! But if you give care and love, then she will answer you with a gentle flowering. This is an amazing spectacle that looks amazing live!

For the sake of this, it is worth trying, then this capricious beauty will be tamed! Longevity is another of its many virtues.

People prefer to call her by two nicknames: "mother-in-law's tongue" and "pike tail". But agree scientific name sounds a little better.

- This is a succulent of greenish shades with dark transverse stripes. The leaves are pleasant to the touch.

Looks great in almost any room. With him, even an unattractive and boring office is transformed, which is why he can be seen there so often.

Another one of a kind of succulents.

Long known for its healing properties Therefore, it is considered medicinal. Some believe that it draws negativity out of the atmosphere, this is also a reason to bring it into the house. Drought tolerant because it accumulates water in its leaves. Especially suitable for those who are not particularly punctual to watering.

Enjoys the love of women. Well, how to remain indifferent to such small and velvety to the touch plants? Still attracted by dark purple flowers, looking advantageous against the background of saturated in green leaves.

Should be kept on the northern windows, as plentiful sunlight has a detrimental effect. Because of this, you may lose the sight of blooming violets.

This beautiful plant called the Chinese rose.

There is nothing complicated in breeding, so this option is suitable for beginners.. In southern countries, hibiscus trees grow right on the street, with which many tourists like to take pictures.

You can also create an atmosphere of warm summer by simply planting this wonderful plant. Its appearance will warm you even in cold and bleak times!

All plants are pleasing to the eye! The main thing is to find one that suits you in all respects. Floriculture is an entertaining hobby suitable for everyone. And these plants in pots are found indoors for various purposes. No wonder, after all they create coziness and comfort, so necessary in Everyday life each person!

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