We are expanding our collection of garden plants by growing wonderful levkoy from seeds. Growing levkoy from seeds at home and photos

One can guess with closed eyes that levkoy grow in the garden - the flowers smell deliciously, and it is impossible to forget this enchanting aroma. A large family of Levkoys is represented by herbaceous perennials and annuals, growing mainly in Africa, Southern Europe and selectively in Asia. Beautiful flowers are an integral part of the classic park style: it is the Levkoy plant that sets the tone for the general mood of the garden. If you get to know this flower better, then by all means invite it to your garden. Read the article about the features of growing and caring for Levkoy.

Advanced gardeners know that Levkoy has another name. The plant is also known as matthiola, after the Italian botanist Pietro Mattioli. In the 16th century the scientist did a great job in the field of studying the Cruciferous (Cabbage) family, to which the levkoy belong. There is also a third name - in literal translation from Greek "Levka" means "white violet".

Description of Levkoy

Levkoy is a herbaceous plant or semi-bush with strong, branched stems standing upright. Its height ranges from 20 to 80 cm. Completely smooth or fleecy stems are framed by lanceolate or elongated foliage with an uneven or solid edge. Simple and double flowers of levkoy, painted in white, pink, lilac, dirty yellow, united by spicate or racemose inflorescences.

The family includes annual and biennial plants, as well as levkoy and perennials. Flowering begins in June and ends in November. The plant bears fruit in pods filled with narrow-winged and flat seeds. A distinctive feature of the left-handed man is his pleasant aroma, all notes of which are revealed in full after 8 pm. Non-double plant varieties have gained fame as wonderful honey plants, and terry levkoy makes even the most modest flower beds incredibly elegant. To decorate the garden with a fragrant flower, you do not need to be a specialist - the levkoy is distinguished by a complaisant and unpretentious character.

How to grow levka from seeds

Before you start growing levkoy, pay attention to a few important points.

Sowing levkoy for seedlings

To increase the percentage of germination, plant seeds need special processing: to begin with, they are filled with water room temperature for one day, and then the swollen seeds are wrapped with wet gauze and left for several days in a cool place for stratification.

Then comes the time of sowing - at the end of March or at the beginning of April, the seeds of levkoy are laid out on a moistened substrate in a container. The components for the substrate are 1 part of sand and 3 parts of sod land. The seed is laid out evenly, but not thickly, by 0.5 cm, gently pressing it into the ground with your finger. After sowing, the container is tightened from above plastic wrap and transferred to a well-shaded warm (about 21 - 22 0 C) place. Healthy strong seeds germinate already on the 5th day, but they can “sit out” longer, sprout only 10-14 days after sowing.

Levkoy seedling care

After the emergence of sprouts, the film on the container is no longer needed. The container is placed under scattered Sun rays, and the temperature in the room is reduced to an average of 12 0 C. Under such conditions, the seedlings will quickly grow, but they will not stretch much. Perfect option for growing seedlings of levkoy - a bright veranda without heating.

After 2 - 3 days after the appearance of the seedlings, they are watered. Please note that this is the first time this has been done since sowing. After 2 weeks or a little earlier, the picking time comes. Seedlings are planted in separate small pots filled with soil with drainage holes at the bottom. The composition of the earth includes sand (1 part), leaf and sod land (2 parts each) and a little hydrogel (to feed the roots). At this stage, the seedlings are usually still without true leaves, and this is normal. Seedlings of mid-flowering and late plant varieties can be planted immediately in the garden.

After the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, the seedlings are fertilized. The nutrient solution is prepared by mixing zinc sulfate (0.1 g), manganese sulfate (0.1 g), blue vitriol(0.3 g) and boric acid(0.3 g). Next, the mixture is dissolved in 1 liter of water. In addition to top dressing, it is also advisable to harden the seedlings: on the balcony or veranda where the seedlings are located, a window is periodically opened, each time increasing the session time. Shortly before landing in open ground seedlings should be with the whole day open window. Hardening begins approximately 10 - 14 days before the transfer of young levkoys to the garden.

Landing Levkoy in open ground

On open area garden levkoy planted in last days May. It is best to start planting in cloudy weather or shortly before sunset, otherwise the sun will destroy the young flowers that have not yet matured.

Note! The areas where other representatives of the Cruciferous family used to grow are categorically not suitable for planting levkoy. There, the plants, most likely, are already waiting for the pest - cruciferous flea. It is also not worth digging up the ground from this place for sowing seedlings, since the seedlings are likely to be infected with the black leg disease.

In the garden, Levkoy is planted in a well-drained area with diffused lighting. The plant will feel great in fertile soddy-sandy or soddy-loamy soil with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction.

Planting and caring for Levkoy begins with the preparation of holes. Small holes dug at intervals of 15–20 cm (25–30 cm if the variety is tall and sprawling) are filled with water and seedlings are planted in this slurry. Then all the holes are covered with earth and compacted well.

Levkoy care in the open field

Caring for the left first of all provides for moderation in everything. The plant accepts exceptionally balanced regular watering, since too much moisture or a long dry period will adversely affect it to the same extent. After watering the flower with Levkoy, it is advisable to loosen and weed the soil around it. In the year of planting, perennial levkoy do not need mulching.

Let's also remember about top dressing: levkoy prefer organics in the form of ash, complex mineral compositions in spring and potash-phosphorus fertilizers when they bloom.

Features of breeding levkoy

The number of garden levkoy in short time increase thanks to the seed propagation method: you can sow a plant at least every two weeks, and as a result, the plot will be full of exquisite flowers for the whole summer.

It is important for novice gardeners to know that double levkoy does not propagate by seeds, since it is sterile, however, it has been noticed that double flowers produce seeds of poorly developed levkoy specimens with simple flowers. The fruits of such plants are represented by short, blunt pods, pressed close to the stem. From such seeds, simple and double flowers appear in approximately the same quantity.

If you want to know in advance what kind of seedlings to expect a gift in the form of beautiful double flowers, the seedlings are first placed in a place where the temperature is kept at around 12 - 15 0 C, and after a while the planting container is moved to where the temperature is much lower - about 6 - 8 0 C. As a result of such manipulations, an interesting difference appears: shoots, which will give terry flowers in the future, are overgrown with large and not very bright cotyledon leaves. Thus, the required planting material can be sorted already at the stage of seedling cultivation.

Diseases and insects dangerous for levkoy

The greatest harm garden levkoy causes an insect cruciferous flea. If a small number of pests are detected from potential damage, the plant is saved with an ash solution, treating the outer surface and inner part leaves. For efficiency, 3 treatments are carried out with an interval of 4 to 5 days. In the event that a large number of fleas attacked the left, you can not do without insecticidal preparations. Decis, Actellik, Bankol, Intavir have proven themselves excellently.

In addition to the harmful effects of insects, levkoy suffer from blackleg. The disease is expressed by a change in the color of the basal section of the stem: at first it becomes brown, and then completely blackens. An infected plant can no longer be cured. To protect young seedlings of levkoy from illness in the future, the area before planting the plant is treated with a special drug Hom. The remedy has a remarkable effect: the disease, as a rule, no longer develops, even if its causative agents were present in this area before.

Levkoy seed collection

The sowing crop of levkoy is harvested in September - October, when their pods turn brown. mother plants uprooted and laid out in a dry, ventilated area to dry completely. Dry pods are stripped and small seeds are extracted from there.

wintering levkoy

In a harsh winter, heat-loving levkoy do not survive, therefore, on the eve of cold weather, flowers are pulled out of the ground, without waiting for their final withering, they are disposed of, and the soil in the place of the former flower bed is carefully dug up. In areas with a warm and mild climate, levkoy bushes are simply cut off at the root. You can also transplant your favorite flower into a separate container or pot and put it in the house so that you can enjoy the pleasant fragrance of levkoy all winter.

Varieties of Levkoy

The most popular representative of the family is recognized as a species called gray-haired left. motherland beautiful plant Mediterranean countries and the Canary Islands. A strong annual is not afraid of the cold. This tall (up to 60 - 70 cm) plant has strongly branching, very often lignified stems and large alternate diamond-shaped or narrowed leaves of different shades of green. Lush flowers together "sit" 10 - 60 pieces in loose inflorescences.

The gray-haired levkoy begins to bloom magnificently in June, and you can admire this spectacle until November itself. In the conditions of the southern climate, such levkoy acquire flowers even in winter time of the year! Seeds do not lose their germination until 4 - 6 years. Today there are about 600 varieties of gray levkoy, which are distinguished by the type of flowers. In the photo - a riot of colors of gray-haired levkoy:

In addition to the gray-haired left hand, there are many others no less beautiful views plants. We list the main ones:

  • bouquet levkoy. These are mid-early plants up to 30 cm in height, which pamper gardeners. abundant flowering all summer. They are large and very beautiful flowers all sorts of shades. The bush itself looks slender due to the same length of the central and lateral stems;
  • gigantic levkoy. They give double flowers that last until the arrival of the first cold weather. The plant reaches a height of 60 cm. A specific feature of the species is that the flowers on the central stems bloom earlier than on the lateral ones;
  • Quadlinburg Leftists. The plant has two types of large flowers - double and non-double. The species is divided into subgroups consisting of six-shaped and bush levkoy. Those, in turn, are late high, early low and high;
  • Erfurt lefties. These Levkoy know how to attract the attention of others - they have large and very fragrant flowers. The plant itself reaches 40 cm in height;
  • large-flowered treelike levkoy. They resemble a small tree, because they rise above the ground at a distance of 1 m, while only the upper part of the stem is decorated with flowers. The flowers are large and incredibly fragrant;
  • single stem levkoy. Quite tall - up to 80 cm in height - plants, during the flowering period they give large double flowers of various shades;
  • pyramidal levkoy. By the name, you can guess which geometric figure look like plant bushes. The height of the flower "pyramids" varies. Some of the most beautiful representatives of the species are Ruby and Sapphire;
  • sprawling levkoy. They are divided into two subgroups, represented by remontant and large-flowered plants.

As you can see, Levkoy is very graceful and beautiful, which is why landscape art specialists often pay attention to this culture. Basically, flowers are used to build picturesque flower beds in the garden. A variety of shades of weightless colors will transform even the dullest corner on personal plot.

Levkoy, mattiola or, in common people, night violet is a plant that can be grown not only for decorative purposes, but also to attract pollinating insects to the site. This unpretentious, easy-to-grow flower was previously widely used in landscape design, and later went out of fashion, but even now it is able to decorate any garden plot. To enjoy the look and aroma of the plant, the gardener needs to know the main features of the Levkoy culture: growing from seeds, the rules and subtleties of caring for it.

Levkoy belongs to the cruciferous family, and is distributed in many countries of the world, including the southern part of Europe, Africa and Asia. Its name comes from the Greek phrase "white violet", and the plant received its second name in honor of the Italian scientist Pietro Mattioli.

This is an annual or perennial crop, which may have different characteristics, depending on belonging to a particular variety (there are about 50 in total). The stems of Levkoy are straight or slightly curved, with a smooth or slightly pubescent surface, from 20 to 80 cm high, but some can reach a meter. The leaves are narrow, oblong or lanceolate, with a smooth and corrugated edge.

Levkoy, or mattiola - a spectacular decorative culture with a delicate aroma

Matthiola blooms starting from mid-summer - from 10 to 60 flowers bloom on each bush with bright petals, which can have almost any shade. The aroma of the plant is thick and spicy, especially well felt in evening time. As a rule, flowering ends closer to autumn, but in some regions it can continue until November.

Interesting! Levkoy has not only decorative, but also healing properties- it has an antiseptic effect, and the delicate aroma of the essential oil that is obtained from this flower helps with headaches.

Varieties and varieties of levkoy

Levkoy is different big amount varieties and varieties that differ in appearance and have their own characteristics. According to the shape of inflorescences and other characteristics, the plant is divided into several varieties:

The conditions and rules for caring for different types of levkoy practically do not differ from each other, so varieties are chosen depending on the purpose of their cultivation. gigantic and high varieties most often used in landscape design and flowerbed design, and plants with short stems - in floristry.

Table 1. The most popular levkoy varieties for growing.


The most common type of plant. The height of the bush can vary from 20 to 80 cm, the stems are straight or branched, the leaves are narrow. Flowers can be small or large and come in a wide variety of colors.

Representatives of this variety have a small (about 35 cm) height, straight stems with flowers collected in small brushes. Key Feature- subtle, pronounced aroma

Annual tall variety with hard stems that grow up to 70 cm in height. The flowers are large, double with rich red petals, bloom in July

Compact, dense bushes about 40 cm in height with spike-shaped inflorescences and simple or double flowers. Feature - a wide variety of shades (most often there are red, pink and purple flowers)

Miniature variety growing up to 35 cm with big flowers collected in inflorescences in the form of spikelets. The flowering period is from June to August. The color scheme is varied, the aroma is thick and well pronounced.

The most difficult variety to cultivate, which does not form fruits with seeds. Careful selection is necessary for cultivation - each bush is carefully studied, after which shoots with double inflorescences are separated from the rest. But even in this case, there is a possibility that plants with ordinary inflorescences will grow from seeds.

Low-growing variety (20-30 cm) with a dense mass of greyish-green foliage and spikelet inflorescences with flowers that bloom in June.

Peculiarity! When using Levkoy for making bouquets and flower arrangements it is better to take half-blown inflorescences, as they are able to stand in water for at least 10-14 days, filling the room with a delicate aroma.

Growing levkoy from seeds

Seed material for growing levkoy is sold in gardening stores in a wide range. First, you need to germinate it at home, and then plant the seedlings in an open place. It should be borne in mind that this is an unpredictable culture, and the flowers obtained after cultivation may differ significantly from those shown in the photo.

Growing seedlings

The optimal time for growing seedlings is the end of March or the beginning of April in order to get strong young plants by May.

Table 2. Step-by-step instruction for growing seedlings of levkoy.


Take suitable, deep enough containers and fill them with a soil mixture consisting of sand and soddy soil(ratio 1 to 3)

Mattiola seeds put for a day in warm water, then carry out stratification - wrap them in a damp flap of natural tissue and put them in the cold for several days

Water the earth a little before sowing so that it becomes moist, but not wet. Spread the seeds on the surface at intervals and dig them into the soil by 0.5 cm. Watering the seeds is not necessary

Cover the seed container with foil and place in a dark, warm place - optimum temperature 20-22 degrees

After the appearance of the first sprouts (this happens after 4-5 days, but sometimes the process drags on for two weeks), remove the shelter and put the boxes under bright but diffused lighting. Temperature - no more than 10-12 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will stretch too much. The first watering is carried out 2-3 days after the emergence of seedlings.

Young plants at the age of 10-12 days are transplanted into individual cups with drainage for outflow. excess fluid. Soil - one part of sand, two turf and leafy soil. You can add a little hydrogel to the mixture so that the root system of the seedlings is strong

When growing mid- or late-flowering levkoy varieties, the stage with picking into separate containers can be skipped - they are planted immediately in an open area.

Caring for matthiola seedlings includes moderate watering - for this it is better to use a spray bottle to slightly moisten the ground. With too much moisture, there is a possibility of damage to the plants by the black leg. Top dressing is done once after the appearance of two true leaves in the seedlings, for which special preparations can be used.

Seedlings of some varieties of matthiola can be planted immediately in open ground

Before planting the plants on the site, they need to be hardened - in the room where the containers with seedlings are, open the window for a short while. You need to start with a short hardening session, then gradually increase the time, and at the end keep the seedlings in an open place. The procedure should be started 10-14 days before flower transplantation.

Important! To obtain double flowers, planting care should be reduced to a minimum, since they develop only on weakened plants.

Transplanting seedlings

You can transplant young levkoy to an open area already in early May - well-hardened seedlings are not afraid of late frosts. It is better to choose a site in a well-lit place, with loose, well-ventilated, fertile soil without excess acidity. Levkoy should not be planted where cabbage used to grow, as pest larvae could remain in the ground. Fertilizers need to be applied only in cases where the land is severely depleted.

The procedure is carried out on a sunny day, as the rays can simply burn young plants. Planting holes are made at a certain distance from each other, depending on the variety of plants:

  • 15 cm for low, dwarf or single stem;
  • 25 cm for high pyramidal;
  • 35 cm for sprawling.

The wells are well shed with water, after which the earth is slightly mixed until liquid state and plant seedlings in the resulting mud so that it takes root better. After that, the wells fall asleep and compact well.

Advice! Planting levkoy next to potatoes or eggplant can significantly reduce the number colorado potato beetle. An important condition is that at the time of planting the left-handed vegetables, the vegetables should already give the first shoots.

Landing Care

Levkoy do not require special care, and care for them includes standard activities - watering, weeding, top dressing.

In anticipation of winter, the bushes of levkoy must be completely cut off or dug up, and the site dug up. Plants can be planted in containers and placed indoors so they can bloom in the winter.

Levkoy seeds are harvested in September or November, when fruits in the form of pods ripen on the bushes. As soon as they turn brown, you need to pick the bushes along with the root and place in a well-ventilated place to dry. The dried fruits are broken off and the seeds are extracted from them.

Attention! It is not recommended to use manure to feed levkoy - in this case, the soil may become infected with a fungal disease called fusarium.

Pests and diseases of levkoy

Levkoy are susceptible to the same diseases as other cruciferous - fungi, as well as damage by harmful insects.

The best way to prevent damage to plantings by diseases and pests is the right choice of site and care for seedlings. If exists high probability the fact that pathogens or larvae are contained in the soil, it can be treated with special preparations (for example, Hom) before planting.

You can grow levka not only in an open area, but also on a balcony or indoors as houseplant. At proper care it will bloom all summer, autumn and winter, delighting its owner bright colors and captivating aroma.

Video - Levkoy, sowing seedlings

​Related articles​​From time to time, you need to feed mattiola with humus or mineral fertilizers. It is impossible to fertilize the soil with manure in the first year after planting, as this can lead to plant disease with fusarium.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Growing levkoy gray

Levkoy, or mattiola gray-haired. It happens with one stem or with several, branching. Her flowers are double, they are brighter and much more beautiful than those of the two-horned matthiola, but do not have such an outstanding aroma. Levkoy is mainly grown in seedlings.

These are the words from the Ukrainian folk song of the same name, which is very loved in our area. But no less I like the mattiol flowering period, which, if desired, can be continued for the whole summer. I usually sow matthiolas twice - in spring and in summer time when the old ones have faded. Therefore, the period of flowering and fragrance of these fragrant plants continues...​

  • In this section you will find posts on the care, cultivation, watering, reproduction of Matthiola or Levkoy. Community users share tips and secrets among themselves. A huge number of photos.​
  • ​To receive quality seedlings gray matthiola seeds are recommended to be sown immediately in separate peat humus cups. Sowing is carried out in February - early March in a mixture of sand and soddy soil (1: 3), previously etched with a pale solution of potassium permanganate. At a temperature of 13 - 15 ° C, seedlings hatch in a week. To prevent seedlings from stretching, the temperature is reduced to 8 - 10 ° C and good lighting is provided. Hardened seedlings easily tolerate temperatures of minus 5 ° C and can be planted in mid-May in a permanent place with an interval of 20 - 25 cm. Plants grown in seedlings are not inferior to those grown from seeds in open ground, but naturally bloom earlier. Sowing seeds of levkoy every 2 weeks makes it possible to extend the flowering of the plant until late autumn, and in the southern regions - even in winter.
  • Hot Cakes

In individual pots, you should dive no earlier than two weeks after the plants have sprouted.

Growing from seed - technique

Most gardeners especially liked the bicorn mattiola. It has an average height of only 30 centimeters, blooms with very small, at first glance, inconspicuous flowers, which are painted in a rich lilac-pink color (in the photo - a gray-haired two-horned left).

Levkoy gray, or as it is also called mattiola, is a fairly popular ornamental plant. Basically, this plant is an annual, it can be from 30 to 80 centimeters in height, in some cases even a meter, it will depend on its variety. The leaves of this species are gray-green - gray, quite beautiful in appearance, the stem is very dense, the flowers exude a pleasant, but rather strong aroma.

In those regions where winters are not very cold, matthiola can easily tolerate them and even bloom in winter. In cold areas, it can only be grown as an annual plant. After flowering is complete, it is advisable to pull the roots out of the ground so as not to waste the valuable nutrients contained in the soil.

In order for Mattiola to grow well, you need to follow simple rules:

To collect seeds for planting, in winter, preferably in frost, the yellowed pods of the plant are selected, cut off or pulled out straight from the root, after which they are hung in bunches in a room with dry air. It is important that this room is well ventilated. After the pods have dried thoroughly, it is necessary to remove the seeds from them and clean them thoroughly. Before planting seeds, it is advisable to treat them with a light solution of potassium permanganate to protect them from diseases.

The goal of our project is to share experience so that each project participant can learn how to care for a plant at home. Register.​

You should pay attention to the fact that it is possible to determine the type of “terry” levkoy already at the stage of cotyledons when growing seedlings: terry specimens will grow from seedlings with large bright green leaves, and simple specimens from seedlings with dark green and small leaves. Knowing these differences allows you to purposefully grow especially prized decorative terry varieties.​

- terry, up to 40 cm lush bush, one-color, very large flowers.

Growing gray-haired levkoy - useful nuances

- up to 50% double flowers, 10 color options;

By this time, the seedlings had already developed enough, got stronger, but their real leaves had not yet grown. All pots must have special holes for drainage, it will not be superfluous to add hydrogel to the soil, which will help strengthen the root system of small matthiols and subsequently make it easier to transfer relocation to open ground.

It is curious that they close during the day, and in the evening they spread an unusual, similar to the best French perfume, and therefore very pleasant aroma.

They can be painted in the most diverse ways: in yellow, red, purple, pink and even white colors. This again depends on the type of plant. Mattiola has been growing in our gardens for a long time and pleases the eye with its beauty. It goes without saying that in order to grow a plant from seeds in the open field, you should know about some of its secrets. Matthiola, grown in a pot, must be placed for the winter in a warm and well-lit place. Before the onset of spring, it is regularly watered, but not fed. Potted matthiols do not tolerate wintering at home. At the same time, they often lose their aesthetic appearance, so it is still recommended to grow a new plant every year.

  • Location.​ When growing two-horned matthiola, seeds can be sown immediately in open ground. They are planted at the end of the spring season. The soil for matthiola seeds is prepared in advance, since the fall - it needs to be dug up and fertilized.
  • Once upon a time, these flowers were very popular among the inhabitants of our town. But over time, the tradition of planting levka in the spring gradually began to be forgotten. This spring, I decided to grow these flowers in my garden to enjoy their beautiful appearance and unforgettable aroma. I grew seedlings, planted them in the ground, ...​Latest in blogs​
  • The conditions for caring for Levkoy are simple: a sunny place, good drainage, light soils, moderate watering. Since double flowers do not form fruits, to maintain decorative look faded inflorescences are plucked. Plants left to form seeds are pinched for early ripening. Flowering of plants is not only an amazing unforgettable sight, it is a unique aromatherapy session in its own way. Mattiola is considered one of the few flowers grown solely for its enchanting aroma. Not too catchy appearance and flowering only in the evening-night time are absolutely not considered its shortcomings. After all, mattiola, as the most exquisite miracle, is still often planted separately from other flowers next to walking paths, benches, in planters on terraces and balconies, under windows open in summer.
  • Cinderella However, some gardeners plant seeds immediately in open ground at the end of April. This is suitable for mid-flowering and late matthiol varieties.​
  • So, the cultivation of levokoya from seeds should initially be done not in open ground, but in seedling boxes. And you need to do this in about last week March or when April comes. It will take about 1.5 months before germinated seeds can be released in open swimming, that is, transplanted into open ground. In the second half or at the end of May, matthiola sprouts are ready for transplantation. Yes, and the weather then on the street already corresponds. There are simple levkoy and large-flowered. The latter have especially beautiful terry flowers, collected in lush inflorescences that resemble brushes. Growing terry mattiol from seeds is especially attractive.


Mattiola: cultivation and care.

The most common matthiola pests are the cruciferous flea, cabbage butterfly and whitefish. Regular inspection of the leaves will help to identify the pest in a timely manner and provide assistance to the plant.

The best location for matthiola would be an open area well lit by the sun. Matthiola cannot be planted next to plants of the cruciferous family.

Growing mattiola bicornu

Matthiola seeds are very small, so they are planted at a shallow depth, about 3 cm, while the distance between them should remain at least 10 cm. You can not fertilize the ground with organic matter before planting the seeds. It is also not recommended to plant mattiola where cruciferous plants used to grow. It is best to sow matthiola seeds where there is enough sunlight.​

Mattiola is distinguished by its unusual ability to bloom fragrant flowers at night or in the evening. So that the plant does not suffer from diseases, it is necessary to take into account some rules for planting and caring for mattiola.

Growing matthiola gray

Every year I try to plant new flowers. So this year, among other things, I planted seedlings of levkoy, previously grown from seeds, in a flower bed. At first, it seemed to me that the flowers took off well and began to grow. And although the weather was unusually hot in the yard, leaves developed on the levkoy. But then it rained - and the flowers seemed to ...

Of course, matthiola bicorne and mattiola gray-haired are great for making bouquets. With their exquisite aroma, they will bring originality and airiness to any composition. To do this, plants with 8-10 blooming flowers and slightly colored upper buds are pulled out with roots, washed from the ground and placed in a vase. In this form, they will remain fresh for ten days.

Genus Mattiola (Matthiola) has more than twenty species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants. Of these, Mattiola bicornis (Matthiola bicornis) and Mattiola gray-haired (Matthiola incana) are the most common in floriculture.

- dwarf (up to 20 cm), very early flowering– 10 weeks after sowing;​

You need to temper the gray-haired left one gradually, so open it in the loggia or on the balcony where the plants stand, at the beginning of the window, then the whole window. So that landing in open ground does not become stressful. You need to plant in the ground either in the evening, or choose a cloudy day for this. Having done such an operation in the scorching sun, you will almost certainly doom it to failure.

In order to plant a gray-haired levka in the ground without a problem in May, you need to prepare it in the fall, carefully fertilizing it with humus. On square meter soil should consume about 8 kilograms of humus and no less.


Regardless of the species, matthiols are photophilous and very frost-resistant plants. Ideal for them would be any sunny, but as windless as possible place. They are quite demanding on the part of the soil. The earth should be loamy, neutral, but fertile. It is also advisable to fill the soil well with organic or mineral fertilizers, excluding fresh manure.

Against the whitefish, the treatment of the plant with the usual soapy water. In order to prevent mattiola from being damaged by a cruciferous flea, it is recommended to sprinkle it with ashes with a small addition of tobacco. And if you spray the plant with valerian diluted in water, you can prevent the invasion of cabbage.


For planting levkoy, prepared seedlings are usually used. To prepare it, in March, the seeds are planted in low containers filled with a mixture of soddy soil and sand in a ratio of 3 to 1. The seeds are sprinkled a little on top of the earth and wait until sprouts appear. They don't need to be watered yet. Until sprouts appear, it is necessary to keep containers with seeds in a warm and dark place.

Materials on Mattiola or Levkoy

Levkoy or matthiola inflorescences - bright, lush, different shades

Mattiola was born in the Mediterranean. It is an annual herbaceous plant with an erect stem and taproot. Its height is fifteen to fifty centimeters. The leaves are lanceolate in shape, their color is light and dark green, sometimes the leaves are covered with down. Matthiola blooms with white, pink, blue, cream, dark purple, lilac flowers, which are collected in a brush.

Levkoy - the flower of summer

Matthiola two-horned is often called the "night violet", since by night its aroma is greatly enhanced. This is a low (30 - 60 cm) annual plant with densely leafy straight stems and simple lilac-pink flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. This species prefers open sunny places with sandy, calcareous, well-drained soil, as the plant stretches and blooms reluctantly in the shade.


The intoxicating scent of levkoy2

If earlier plants from the Cruciferous family grew in this place, you can’t plant levkoy there - the cruciferous flea will stick. And the land for seedlings from there also does not need to be recruited. So you infect the mattiola with a black leg or keel. For them, these are extremely dangerous diseases.

When the sprouted plants turn to transplant into the ground, a distance between the bushes of about 30 centimeters should be observed. Throughout the entire period of adaptation, and even after, they must be regularly watered and fertilized. They will fully bloom only if they receive enough nutrients.

Growing these plants from seeds with the same success is possible in any group landings, as well as in discounts or flower beds. They are not particularly gentle or sensitive. But any garden beauty will envy their beauty. A wide variety of species of gray-haired levkoy makes it possible to experiment and compose compositions according to flowering time, height and shape of the plants themselves. As a result, you can ensure that your flower bed is fragrant and pleasing to the eye from May until almost the first frost. Conventionally, matthiols are divided by flowering time into:

In the evenings smell of matthiols ... 3

Any of these pests settles in the soil, so it is recommended to carefully dig the site every fall.

Mattiola will grow well on fertile soils- loamy, chernozem or sod-loamy sandy.

Levkoy - beautiful summer flowers1

Usually shoots appear after a maximum of 5 days. Then the containers are moved to a room with a temperature in the region of 8-12 degrees and good lighting. If the seeds are not provided with the correct temperature, they may die.


Matthiola or Levkoy: planting and growing, care, photo

Mattiola is ornamental plant, which is famous not only for its excellent appearance, but also for the wonderful aroma that the flowers of this plant exude in the evening. Due to the peculiarity of this plant to bloom its flowers in the evening and at night, the people called it "night violet".

It is difficult to convey in words the sweet aroma of levkoy. But in order to enjoy it early, you need to plant flowers correctly and on time.

Non-double forms of matthiola produce seeds with which the plant reproduces. In March, they are sown for seedlings. Already on the fourth or sixth day shoots appear. Seedlings dive into peat-humus pots. In May, it is planted in the ground at a distance of fifteen to twenty centimeters. July - August - the time of flowering matthiola.

Mattiola types

Growing through seedlings for mattiola bicornu is not recommended, its tap root system does not take root well after picking and transplanting. But since this plant is cold-resistant (withstands up to minus 5 ° C), its seeds are sown in open ground already in April, after mixing them with sand. Shoots appear in 7-10 days, and seedlings bloom in 1-2 months. Young shoots with 2 - 3 leaves should be carefully thinned out at a distance of 15 - 20 cm. Watering should be carried out regularly, but not abundantly, do not flood; in no case should fresh manure be applied as fertilizer. Seeds of matthiola bicorne can be sown 2-3 times, keeping a two-week break between sowings. This will make it possible to extend the flowering period of the plant and, naturally, saturate the air with fragrance, from June to October. Seeds collected after matthiola flowering in dry flat pods can be successfully used for sowing before winter (in November), only on light sandy loamy soil.

  • - dwarf, early, terry, 6 colors;
  • With the onset of cold weather, plants can and even need to be transplanted into pots and brought into the apartment. It would be optimal to attach left-handed people to a cool window sill. Top dressing for winter period stop, additional lighting do not apply, for plants of this species this is a dormant period.

Growing and planting matthiola

How to prepare seeds for planting

From the moment of sowing the seeds to the onset of the flowering period, it takes from 70 to 100 days, therefore, to increase their flowering period, seeds should be sown as seedlings, and not immediately in open ground.

How to plant matthiola seeds


Mattiola can be sick with fusarium and clubroot. Fusarium can occur when organic fertilizers are added to the soil. Keela is fungal disease, which affects cabbage and other cruciferous plants. That is why it is impossible to plant mattiola near plants of this species.


Growing seedlings

After about 10-14 days, the seedlings dive into separate containers containing leafy soil, turf and sand. When it gets warmer outside, you can plant seedlings in open ground, preferably together with the land in which they were previously. By following these rules, you can increase the resistance of mattiola to enough low temperatures, down to -5 degrees.​

Matthiola, planting and caring for which will not be a problem even for a novice florist, in nature has almost 50 different species, but in home floriculture only two-horned matthiola (in Latin matthiola bicornis) and gray matthiola, which is also called left-handed (matthiola incana) are grown .​

Seeds should be planted in a box at the very beginning of March and kept at a temperature not lower than 18C, the earth should be constantly wet. As soon as the first leaves appear, dive the seedlings into pots and keep it already ...

Matthiola needs nutritious soil, without excess moisture. Matthiola should be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Matthiola gray-haired is known by many under the name Levkoy. This plant not only has a pleasant aroma (although it is inferior to mattiola bicorn), but it can also decorate any flower garden with its attractive appearance. White, lilac, dirty yellow and pink flowers, which can be simple (like Mattiola bicorn) or terry. It is interesting that the seeds for planting gray matthiola are collected from faded simple 4-petal flowers that live for about 5 days. Terry flowers in some varieties may contain about 70 petals, bloom for up to 20 days and are valued precisely for their decorative effect, since they do not form seeds.


  • Hybrid varieties are more difficult to care for and are sensitive to any changes in the external environment. Growing seedlings without By the way, it will not be superfluous to carry out disease prevention before sowing. To do this, the soil a few days before sowing should be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. During the sowing of seeds, the earth should not be very dry or, on the contrary, very wet, the so-called “golden mean” is well.
  • medium; With proper care, the plant will reward you with magnificent flowers and amazing aroma. Usually, growing levkoy does not cause any particular difficulties.
  • On hot and dry days, you need to water the plant regularly. If it is left without watering for a long time, its leaves may become smaller and wither. It is better to water in the morning. Deep holes for planting levkoy are not required. Their depth should not exceed the size of the root system of the seedling. You can dig a shallow trench under the seedlings. Seedlings are not planted very densely, about 20 cm between seedlings. If you plant them more densely, if one bush is affected by a fungal disease, all nearby plants may die.
  • Mattiola bicorn grows up to 50 cm in height, has thin creeping stems and fluffy leaves. This type resistant to cold, so the seeds can be sown directly into the soil, without growing seedlings in greenhouse conditions. It is recommended to plant a two-horned matthiola next to denser plants, along paths or near summer arbors to inhale the fragrance of her flowers while relaxing or strolling through the garden. Bicorn mattiola can be content with diffused light, so it is not necessary to plant it in places open to the sun. In leaving it is extremely unpretentious. The flowers are usually pinkish or light purple, bloom only in cloudy weather, at night or in the evening, emitting a very pleasant smell. It is this species that is called the “night violet.” kotykmax

This plant is used in the design of flower beds, borders, balconies.

Levkoy (see photo) is one of the most popular garden flowers, which is ideal for creating compositions in classical style. This plant is also known under the name mattiola, which comes from the name of an Italian doctor and botanist who studied the flower. Literally translated from Greek The name of the flower means "white violet".


Levkoy is a genus of herbaceous plants with up to 50 varieties, among which there are perennial and annual flowers. Levkoy is included in the cruciferous family, or Cabbage. This plant is originally from South Africa, but is also common in many countries in Eurasia. About 10 varieties of levkoy are cultivated culturally.

Levkoy can be undersized - about 20-25 cm in height, or tall - up to 80-90 cm. There are varieties with a one-year development cycle, and there are those that grow for many years. root system well developed in perennials, with numerous shoots that grow close to the soil surface. Stems erect, branched. The leaves are medium in size, can be oblong or lanceolate.

Levkoy inflorescences can be racemose or spike-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter, formed from small flowers of a wide variety of colors. Common in white, purple, pink, yellow and blue levka. Inflorescences can be double or simple. The flowering period is long - from the beginning of summer until frost.

Levkoy planting and cultivation.

Growing levka in the garden is very simple. It is viable, hardy and unpretentious plant. Before planting, seeds must be treated with a growth stimulator, and at the end of March, sow in pots or boxes with a soil mixture. After sowing levkoy for seedlings, the boxes are covered with foil and kept warm. It is important to frequently spray the surface of the substrate with water to speed up germination.

Seedlings can be transplanted into open ground in mid or late May. The distance between the bushes of undersized levkoy can be about 10-15 cm, and it is better to plant tall ones less often, at a distance of 20-30 cm. The flower is not picky about the composition of the soil, but it grows better in loose soil with neutral acidity. It grows in partial shade and in the sun, but in too shaded areas it can stretch out and lose its decorative effect.

Levkoy care.

Levkoy, planted in soil rich in drainage and nutrients, grows quickly and without any problems. Most important rule plant care - frequent but moderate watering. During the dry period, you can add a little water daily, but preferably in the evening, or before sunrise.

Fertilizers are needed by the plant three times during the entire season. For the first time during the period of intensive growth, they feed the levka with full mineral fertilizer. Before flowering, potash-phosphorus mixtures are added, and at the end of the season, perennials fertilize wood ash. Weeding, weed removal and trimming of dried inflorescences are carried out as needed. Perennials before the onset of winter are cut almost to the root, and left in the open ground for the winter.


Propagated by annuals and perennial varieties only seed way. Perennials can be propagated vegetatively. In order to grow new shrubs from existing ones, you can dig them up after 3-4 years and divide and replant. The seed method is good because it is simpler and more efficient, but it does not always allow you to save varietal characteristics.


Most diseases do not affect levka, but there are those to which this plant has a predisposition. Most often, flowers suffer from blackleg infection - a disease that cannot be treated. Shrubs are burned, and the site is treated with alkaline preparations, or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Of the pests, the cruciferous flea is the most dangerous. They destroy the insect with chemical insecticides, and for prevention purposes it is not recommended to plant a flower next to vegetable crops, as well as on the site where representatives of the Cabbage family used to grow.

Ease of care and hardiness make this plant attractive to those gardeners who cannot devote much time to the beauty of the flower bed.

Levkoy can be both annual and perennial. There are three different types Levkoev. They are divided according to their development cycles. These are such species as summer, autumn and winter.

The most popular among amateur gardeners enjoys summer look plants. It blooms almost all summer, starting in June.

All varieties of levkoy differ from each other. Distinctive features are height, number of lateral shoots, flower shape, flowering time. The palette of colors is also varied, ranging from pure white to purple hues.

Levkoy are grown to decorate flower beds, rabatok and even entire household plots. They are also planted in pots or garden containers. Flowers look good in bouquets. Levkoy do not cut like other flowers, but pull them out of the ground with roots. In this case, the flower can stand in the water for more than two weeks.

Growing from seed

These flowers are fairly easy to grow. hallmark cultivation of levkoy can be considered the sterility of its flowers. This applies only to terry plant varieties. If you do not follow it, then from the seeds of a simple levkoy, you can end up with plants, both with terry and with ordinary petals.

Seeds are sown both in open ground and sown at home for forcing seedlings at home.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Sowing in the garden begins at the end of April. After the appearance of the first two true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out. The distance between them can be up to 5 cm. But plants sown in this way begin their flowering from the end of August.

Also, the seeds can be sown earlier, so that the left flower blooms at its usual time. IN this case sowing of seeds begins in February under snow. To do this, beforehand, even in the fall, small grooves for seeds are made in the garden.

In February, the bed is freed from snow, seeds are sown into the grooves and covered with dry sand. Then the top is covered with snow again. The first shoots appear in May.

In this way, seeds can be sown in open ground every three weeks. And then the levkoy will bloom all summer until the first frost.

Growing seedlings at home

In order for the levkoy to bloom from the beginning of summer, the seeds are sown at home for forcing seedlings. Sowing starts in March.

First, prepare the land for planting. A mixture of soddy soil and sand is best. Also, before planting seeds, the soil is shed with potassium permanganate.

Seeds are evenly spread on the surface of moistened soil, without deepening them into the ground. Sand is poured on top with a thin layer and pressed to the ground with a plank. Then the seed containers are covered with glass or film and placed in a warm room with good lighting and an air temperature of 15 degrees. Seeds are irrigated with water moderately and only as needed.

The first shoots usually appear in about a week. Immediately after their appearance, the boxes are moved to another cooler but equally bright place. As soon as the first two leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate pots, while the roots of the plants are slightly pinched.

Pots with already strengthened seedlings are placed in a bright, cool room. Seedlings must be hardened off. At the same time, do not forget about their regular watering. But the first watering is recommended to be done no earlier than 3-4 days later. This procedure is best done in the morning, so that the soil has time to dry and ventilate during the day. After the appearance of the fifth leaf, the seedlings can be watered for the first time with fertilizer dissolved in water.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in May, approximately in the middle. Hardened seedlings can withstand light frosts. If the seedlings are planted later, then due to a lack of nutrition, the stem of the plant may simply become stiff. In the future, there will be no side shoots from it, and the inflorescences will be small.

Levkoy prefers sunny and wind-protected places. The flower grows well on any type of soil, but nutritious loam is especially suitable for it. Before planting a plant, organic or mineral fertilizers can be preliminarily applied to the soil.

Levkoy care

This flower, like all other plants, needs comprehensive care. But it is nothing complicated and comes down to the usual watering as needed, loosening the soil and weeding the beds from weeds, as well as feeding the plant with mineral and organic fertilizers. Levkoy - growing at home

Seed collection

After the levka fully flourishes at the end of summer, you can start collecting seeds. They are in fruit boxes, formed in withered inflorescences. By appearance they look like small pods. It is worth remembering that seeds can only be formed on ordinary levkoy. Terry plant varieties cannot boast of this.

The seeds are harvested and stored directly in the pods. This way they will keep their viability. The shelf life of seeds is 6 years. They should be stored in a cool place. And you can sow the seeds the next spring after harvest.

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