How to dissolve silicone sealant to a liquid state at home? We tell you how to dissolve silicone sealant How to dissolve silicone sealant

When conducting construction works very often there is a need to dissolve silicone sealant. But not everyone knows how to dissolve silicone sealant so as not to spoil the work surface. We analyzed in detail in this article how you can dissolve silicone sealant if there is no special tool at hand.

How to dissolve silicone sealant

Silicone sealant is mainly used for joining various surfaces, sealing joints and grouting. Silicone sealant joints are very durable and resistant to external influences. Silicone joints have excellent adhesion to various materials. Due to its high adhesion, silicone sealant is extremely difficult to remove from the surface after it has dried. Today we will talk about how to dissolve silicone sealant, how to safely remove excess silicone from various surfaces, as well as hands and your clothes, and how to dilute thickened sealant in an open tube.

Types of silicone sealants and their application

Before proceeding with the dissolution of silicone sealant to a liquid state, it is necessary to find out its type and composition. All silicone sealants are complex substances and consist of the following components:

  • The basis is silicone rubber;
  • vulcanizer - the ingredient is responsible for curing the sealant composition;
  • fill - gives the sealant volume and color;
  • plasticizer - gives the composition elasticity after drying;
  • amplifier - allows the composition to achieve the required strength;
  • adhesion activator - is responsible for the strong connection of the sealant with the surface.

Fillers for silicone sealant

Also, according to the type of vulcanizer, all silicone sealants are divided into three main groups:

  • acid sealants - in them, acetic acid acts as a vulcanizer. Such a sealant can be distinguished by a sharp bad smell vinegar and labeled with the letter "A". Such a sealant cannot be used on materials that react with acids (copper, marble, cement mortar);
  • neutral sealants - in this type of silicone sealants, the vulcanizing agent is alcohol or ketoxime. This type of silicone sealant has a low odor that disappears quickly after application and is suitable for all surfaces.
  • alkaline sealants - in this case, the vulcanizer works on the basis of ammonia compounds. Such a sealant belongs to special-purpose compositions and is used very rarely. It can be distinguished by the specific smell of stale fish.

Also, silicone sealants can be divided into several types according to the type of purpose:

  • Plumbing, which have high moisture resistance and resistance to the formation of fungus and mold. Such a sealant is used to seal gaps between plumbing fixtures and other surfaces. Plumbing sealants can be acid or alcohol based. (How to properly use plumbing sealant can be found in this)
  • Construction sealant. It is used for outdoor work and is suitable for filling gaps in building structures. Most often, universal sealants on a neutral basis are used.
  • Sealants for wood - used for sealing wooden frames and elimination of defects wood flooring. They very often include a filler, which gives the sealant a characteristic woody color, imitating the desired wood species.
  • sealant - it is used to install gaskets in car systems. This sealant is very resistant to moisture and can withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees. It is not recommended to use in direct contact with gasoline!
  • Red Silicone Sealant - Cures quickly when exposed to air. It is used for sealing electrical connections and during the installation of pumping and plumbing systems.
  • Adhesive sealant based on silicone, which is used to connect glass surfaces and install aquariums. After the sealant dries, the parts are very firmly connected to each other even with a small contact area.

IN repair work ah today, silicone sealant is often used - primarily in the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen. It protects the seams from moisture and leakage, protecting materials from destruction. However, nothing lasts forever, and it's time to take off old glue to apply a new one, replace the bath bowl, etc. In such cases the best option- use a special cleaner. If silicone accidentally stained clothes, you should first contact folk methods so as not to damage the fabric.

Special funds

In case of repair work, you should immediately resort to household chemicals to quickly dissolve the silicone sealant and proceed with the main repair. This will significantly save time and effort.

The procedure is similar for all types of flushing:

  1. Cut off part of the silicone, leaving no more than 2 mm (as a rule, this is required when the material accidentally spilled onto a surface other than the surface to be glued).
  2. Let the reactions go. As a result, the adhesive softens to a gel-like state and loses most of its adhesive properties.
  3. Remove residues with a spatula, dry cloth or other tool.
  4. Degrease, removing the remains of the cleaner and preparing the surface for a new seam.

Important! Shooting with a blade upper layer silicone, be careful not to damage the enamel of the bathtub, tiles, and other surfaces to be cleaned.

TOP effective means against silicone sealant:

  • Tytan - the most popular solvent represented by the Polish brand "Selena". The wash is packaged in a 80 ml syringe, not very convenient, but quite suitable for work. The tool takes from 20 minutes to 3 hours to cope with the glue, but the result justifies itself: the remnants are removed easily, without effort. The main drawback of the product is a pungent odor, which requires good ventilation or exhaust operation.
  • Silicone Remove r from a Belgian company soudal- a cleaner of the average price category. 100 ml cost an average of 300 rubles. Includes spatula and brush. However, buyers do not respond very well to the wash. There is a poor-quality spatula, which is not enough for all the work, a sharp smell of a cleaner and its low efficiency.

  • HG - one of the best means to remove silicone sealant. Container - 100 ml, a spatula and a brush are included, which are enough to apply a wash and remove the glue. In 30 minutes, the seam corrodes so much that it can be removed even with a simple napkin. At the same time, buyers note a pleasant smell.
  • Kudo - a cheap remedy against silicone, 520 ml cost only 150 rubles. However, the downside is high consumption and relatively low efficiency.

  • Auster Silicone Cleaner - silicone and mold cleaner, which ranks 5th in popularity. It belongs to the middle category and costs 200 rubles. for 60 ml. It copes well with silicone sealant, after half an hour the material is removed with a spatula without effort.
  • Mellerud - another widely used medium-priced product, with approximately the same characteristics as Auster.

Folk methods

For various reasons, a special solvent for silicone sealant may not be at hand. In this case, non-core cleaners are used.

From non-special household solvents are used:

  • "White Spirit", which noticeably softens the silicone, so that after 30-60 minutes it is easier to separate, but you cannot do without a knife, spatula or the like as a tool, i.e. the effectiveness of the agent is average or lower;
  • cleaner polyurethane foam copes well with the traces that remain after the dismantling of the main layer of sealant, however, in some cases it will have to be finalized with a knife or spatula;
  • the solvent copes with the task rather poorly, but still softens the silicone and makes it easier to remove it, the seam needs to be soaked, and for this it is necessary to constantly update the solvent layer, since it evaporates quickly;
  • acetone is useless against old sealant and traces after it mechanical removal, while doing a good job with fresh drops of silicone, so it will be enough during the repair to clean up accidental drips.

Remove drops of silicone sealant from clothing, furniture upholstery, and plastic with special care. In these cases, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide will help dissolve the silicone. Both products are suitable for small fresh dirt, they cope worse with old ones.

Advice! Peroxide can discolor dark and colored fabrics - first check its safety on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.


  1. If possible, place a clean napkin or cotton pad under the stain.
  2. Moisten the trace with plenty of vinegar or peroxide.
  3. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Remove the remnants with a dry cloth, if the texture of the fabric allows - sandpaper or with a stiff brush, the abrasive side of a regular dish sponge.
  5. Wash with laundry soap or dish gel.

If you need to wipe the upholstery, then the stain itself is not moistened - it is treated with a cotton pad or rags soaked in vinegar or peroxide.

Folk remedies effectively cope with fresh and small pollution, they are practically useless against old ones. They will help soften the seam in the bathroom or in the kitchen, but it will take time, repeated soaking and effort when cleaning. Therefore, for repair purposes, it is worth giving preference to special solvents for silicone sealant.

In this article we will talk about how to dissolve silicone sealant. This topic is quite relevant, because often, wanting to save money, we begin to do repairs ourselves. Subsequently, you can regret making such a decision, because in inept and unaccustomed to such work hands everything goes awry, and ends with soiled building materials, furniture, dirty clothes and body. In addition, a few years after the repair, it often becomes necessary to remove the old sealant, as it can collapse, let moisture through and lose its thermal insulation properties.

What is silicone sealant?

Silicone adhesive-sealant is a means for covering joints and seams. It protects these vulnerabilities from moisture and increases the thermal insulation properties of the coating of walls and floors. All varieties of such glue are made on the basis of silicone rubber with the addition of special components.

By consistency, it is a mastic, which, when applied, becomes harder and through a short time dries up completely. Most often, this tool is used in bathrooms, ventilation systems, aquariums. It doesn't spoil in any way. appearance double-glazed windows, tiles or flooring, as it is absolutely transparent.

Removing sealant from surfaces

Hardened silicone sealant is almost impossible to remove. The surface on which it is applied, together with the adhesive, become one. Therefore, if you have a need to dissolve silicone, then this process should not be delayed, you must get to work right there.

Important! The sealant dries very quickly. The time required for this depends on the thickness of the application and the type of surface. average speed drying time is approximately 2 mm layer thickness per day. But it also happens that in just 20 minutes the sealant seizes the surface tightly.

Special solvent silicone sealant

Available at hardware stores special remedy- solvent for silicone or sealant. It can be in the form of a spray, paste or liquid. The most popular products are on sale from such trademarks, How:

  • Soudal;
  • Silicon Entferner;
  • permaloid;
  • Hammerite;
  • Smellex Multiclean.

Important! When choosing a solvent for silicone, be sure to consider its component composition. Some cleaners are suitable for acidic products, others are suitable for neutral ones.

Such a tool removes not only silicone, but also enamel, paint, varnish and other similar substances. After applying the product to problem areas, the sealant can be easily cleaned with a wooden scraper.

Important! Before using a similar silicone thinner, you should test it on a small invisible area of ​​the material to make sure that it will not damage the coating.

Mechanical way to remove silicone

In these cases, the sealant is removed using a pumice stone and sharp knife. First, a knife is used, after which the remaining silicone is cleaned with a piece of pumice.

Important! The knife should be thin and very sharp. Choose one that has a sharp tip - this will help remove the sealant from small gaps.

When can silicone be removed mechanically?

This method should only be used in the following cases:

  • When there is no risk of scratches on the surface.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to clean the tile in this way, since damage to its outer layer is simply impossible to avoid.

  • When it is possible to restore the outer layer of the surface without any problems.
  • Removing sealant from an area that is hidden or not conspicuous.
  • When the appearance of the surface does not matter much.
  • If the use of chemicals damages the surface material.

Mechanical removal process:

  1. First, large growths of dried silicone are cleaned with reverse side knife.
  2. Smaller ones are removed with the sharp side of the knife blade.
  3. After that, the residues are cleaned off with a pumice stone or a hard eraser.

Important! The probability of damage to the surface of the material during this process is quite high, so it is worth removing it very carefully and slowly to avoid scratches.

  1. As a rule, after removing the sealant, the surface remains greasy spot. To remove it, use a dry hard washcloth or the hard side of a dishwashing sponge. If the stain does not come off with a simple washcloth, then try using a glass cleaner.

Important! The mechanical method of sealant removal is most suitable for smooth and even surfaces.

If this method does not help, then it is used in combination with chemical or other auxiliary means.

White Spirit

This chemical acts as a solvent for silicone sealant:

  1. Soak a rag in the solvent.
  2. Process small plot contaminated area.

Important! You should not treat all problem areas at once, as white spirit evaporates very quickly.

  1. After 20-30 seconds, the sealant will become soft and you can try to quickly remove it with a sharp knife.
  2. If the silicone layer is thick enough, then the procedure should be repeated until complete removal all layers of sealant.


This tool, as a silicone solvent, is more aggressive than white spirit. Therefore, first of all, focus on the compatibility of the liquid and the material to be cleaned.

Important! Clean with acetone plastic products strictly prohibited, as the liquid can corrode the material.

The procedure for cleaning with such a tool occurs in a similar way to cleaning with white spirit.

Important! For safe use acetone treatment is best done in a well ventilated area and using individual funds protection.


This product is used to remove a residual stain or thin layer of silicone sealant.

  1. Make a salt swab out of thin cloth, gauze, or a wide bandage.
  2. Soak a saline swab in warm water and rub the problem area.
  • If the basis of the material on which the sealant has fallen is ceramic or glass, then for easier removal of the silicone stain, the object should be preheated. When the temperature rises, the sealant will melt and can be removed with a simple rag or cotton swab.
  • Excess “fresh” silicone can be easily removed with a cloth dipped in table vinegar.
  • All procedures with solvents should be carried out as dry as possible. So the tool will work faster and the sealant will be easier to remove.
  • If you get dirty drywall lining, then it makes no sense to clean it with solvents. The material will soften when exposed to liquid. Since the drywall will still be finished off, it's best to simply cut off the patch of silicone close to the surface of the sheet.
  • If the sealant comes into contact with plastic surfaces, such as polyolefin or polyvinyl chloride, it can be removed with acids. Hydrochloric acid is fine.

Important! Almost all silicone thinners change the color tone of the painted surface and dampen the shine of the tile. Therefore, use them on painted surfaces only when absolutely necessary.

How to dissolve silicone on clothes?

If the sealant gets on your clothes during work, it must be washed immediately in water with high temperature. Soft, not yet hardened silicone is washed off fabrics quite easily.

If the glue has had time to dry, you will have to sweat to get rid of it.

Method number 1

Work clothes can be treated with any silicone solvent. Apply it on the stained area and leave it on for 30-60 minutes. After that, wash the clothes as usual.

Method number 2

Soak a cotton swab in the solvent and apply the sealant to the stain. After that, iron the product in the problem area with an iron through several layers of paper.

Method number 3

Chemicals can ruin colored clothing. In this case, you can try mechanical cleaning:

  1. Pin the fabric taut on a flat surface.
  2. Gently remove silicone from clothing with a scraper or wire brush.
  3. Wipe the remaining mark with gasoline, vinegar essence, alcohol or white spirit.
  4. After that, immediately soak the clothes and wash in the washing machine.

How to dissolve the sealant on the hands?

As with clothing and objects, it is easiest to remove silicone on skin before it has completely dried. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • rub your hands plastic bag. The silicone should stick to the polyethylene. After that, just wash your hands with soap.
  • Soak a cloth in kerosene and rub the contaminated areas of the skin. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after this treatment.
  • Prepare a solution of vinegar and water by mixing the components in equal proportions. Use prepared hand wash. After contact with vinegar water, clean the skin with clean water and soap.
  • Fresh sealant can be removed from the skin of the hands with a pumice stone. To do this, steam the skin by placing your hands in hot water for a few minutes. After that, lather it well and gently rub it with a pumice stone.
  • When making repairs, always clean up any spills of caulk on floor or wall surfaces immediately. If the stain has had time to dry, then do not fall into despair. One of the proposed methods, for sure, will help return the surface to a smooth and clean look.

Sealants on silicone base widely used in finishing works ah, for grouting tiles and plumbing fixtures. IN certain cases it may be necessary to dilute the mixture to a liquid state for its subsequent removal. How to dissolve silicone sealant, it will be useful to know for every person who starts a DIY repair.

Material Features

Silicone based sealant has excellent technical specifications owing to which it is so often used in finishing works.

Consider the main characteristics and features of the material in more detail.

  • Humidity resistance. Silicone-based sealant is almost indispensable in the bathroom.
  • The mixture perfectly adheres to almost any material and reliably fills gaps and seams.

  • Resistant to temperature extremes. It is also worth noting that the mixture withstands exposure to both very high and low temperatures and can be operated in a mode from -50 to +200 degrees.
  • Good elasticity. Due to this quality, the sealant does not crack when it dries. In addition, the mixture can be applied to areas that are subject to deformation.
  • The composition of most modifications of silicone sealant includes fungicides, which are an antiseptic substance. Thanks to this component, the mixture prevents the appearance and spread of microorganisms.
  • High strength.

The advantages of the sealing compound discussed above can cause certain difficulties when it comes to removing the sealant. It is impossible to completely remove the frozen layer of the mixture by applying mechanical method. In order to clean the coating well, it is necessary to resort to chemical agents that will soften or dissolve the sealant.

Solvent types

When choosing one or another means for diluting a cured sealant, it is important to take into account some features of its composition.

Silicone-based mixtures are divided into three main groups.

  • Acid based. In production of this type silicone solution, acetic acid is used. Such material has a low price and a not very pleasant smell. The composition is incompatible with some metals and marble.
  • Based on alkali. This type of mixture is made on the basis of amines and, as a rule, has a specific purpose.
  • Neutral. They are considered universal compositions that are suitable for almost all materials.

On modern market building materials you can find special impregnations for diluting the sealant. However, folk remedies are no less effective and will help in a situation where there is no special-purpose composition at hand.

improvised means

Application folk remedies for diluting the sealing compound, it is convenient, first of all, because solvent mixtures can be found in almost every home. If it becomes necessary to wash off the sealant that has not yet cured, you can use plain water and a rag. This method is suitable only when more than twenty minutes have not passed since the application of the mixture.

Light traces of sealant can be removed with petrol or kerosene. Silicone mixtures can also be treated with acetone or acetone-containing solutions.

Special formulations

One of the popular means for thinning silicone sealant is "Penta-840". This solution is suitable for application on almost any surface. The disadvantage of the mixture is the high cost.

The process of diluting silicone sealant at home with a composition "Penta-840" pretty simple. It is necessary to apply the solution to the area to be cleaned and leave for the time indicated on the product packaging. After that, the softened silicone is easily peeled off the surface.

A cleaner can be used to soften fresh sealing compound. Quilosa Limpiador. The product is suitable for all types of hard surfaces.

Means permaloid is ideal option for removing hardened sealing layer from plastic. It does not dissolve plastic, nor does it leave any marks on the material. The purifier is also used for cleaning metal surfaces and car parts.

Purifier Dow Corning OS-2 designed for cleaning surfaces before further processing paintwork materials, sealants or adhesives. The product is safe for human health and can be used to clean surfaces that come into contact with food.

Paste for removing cured silicone Lugato Silicon Entferner used on the most sensitive surfaces. The product can be used for cleaning painted structures, wood, natural stone, tiles and so on. The mixture does not spoil the structure of the material and does not affect the color and gloss of the surface.

Purifier Silicone Remover available in the form of a gel and is designed to liquefy hardened silicone. The mixture is universal for all materials. The only requirement for the treated surface is that it must be absolutely dry. Silicone Remover is different high speed effects on cured silicone sealants. It is enough to hold the solution on contamination for ten minutes, after which the sealing mass can be easily removed.

Remove from various surfaces

When choosing suitable remedy for diluting silicone, it is worth considering the type of surface to be cleaned. Most types of solvent formulations have a limited scope and are far from being combined with all materials.


Hydrochloric acid can be used to thin the sealant to a liquid state on the plastic surface. However, it is best to use special products for cleaning plastic products. There are compounds that effectively soften the silicone without corroding the plastic.


Removing a dried silicone-based mixture from glass at home is not difficult. The material has a fairly dense structure, so that the sealant cannot penetrate deeply into it.

You can dissolve the sealant on glass surfaces with white spirit, Penta-840 specialized professional composition, kerosene or refined gasoline. The most effective compound in this case will be Penta-840. It will take more time and effort to dilute the sealant with other solvent mixtures indicated.


Most organic solvents have negative impact on the tile. If the solution gets on the ceramic coating, the material in the treated area will lose its original luster. On ceramic tiles of poor quality, it is forbidden to act with white spirit.

When liquefying silicone sealant on a tiled surface, products containing abrasive components should be avoided. Small particles can spoil the appearance of the tile by scratching it. In this case, it is better to use lighter fluid or kerosene.

Hand skin

During the finishing work, not everyone takes care of their own precautions. When applying the silicone composition without gloves on the hands, there is a high probability of contact with the mixture on the skin. If the sealant got on your hands and had time to harden, you can remove it with medical alcohol.

A cotton pad must be soaked with an alcohol solution and treated with a contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Instead of medical alcohol, you can use alcohol-containing solutions, but in this case the effect will depend on the concentration of alcohol in the mixture.


If an acid-based silicone compound gets on the fabric, it will be easiest to dissolve it with a 70% solution of acetic acid. Vinegar is impregnated with an area with a frozen silicone composition, after which the diluted mixture is cleaned off mechanically.

It is possible to dissolve the neutral-type sealing compound with the help of alcohol solutions. In this case, you can apply an alcohol-containing mixture to the contaminated area or soak the thing in a solution of water and medical alcohol until the sealant softens.

How to dissolve cured silicone?

After choosing the right agent, you can proceed to the procedure for diluting the sealant. First of all, you need to take care of your own safety. If the work will be carried out indoors, then it is necessary to ensure good ventilation of the room.

Work must be done with gloves, since chemical solutions, if they come into contact with the skin of the hands, can severely damage it. To protect organs respiratory tract From harmful fumes, it is recommended to wear a respirator.

The procedure for liquefying the sealant is carried out in several stages.

  • The solvent composition is distributed over the contaminated surface. You can apply the product with a rag or sponge.
  • The solution is left on the contaminated area for a while. When using folk remedies, the time can be from several minutes to one hour. When the sealant visually becomes like jelly, it can be removed. If a special liquefaction agent was used, then exact time, during which the solution must be kept on the sealant layer, will be indicated on the product packaging.
  • Under the influence of solvent mixtures, the sealing adhesive will soften to the consistency of a jelly or gel. You can remove the remnants of liquid silicone with a dry sponge or rags.
  • After removing the silicone-based mixture, greasy traces often remain on the surface. You can clean the surface of fatty contaminants with dishwashing liquid.

Outwardly, such a tool looks like a transparent mastic. It is made on the basis of a special rubber. Due to its fluidity, the sealant is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places, thereby achieving maximum tightness. When applied to the surface, it will be viscous, but will begin to harden over time. The sealant serves to increase the level of protection against moisture, as well as improve the thermal insulation qualities of a particular material.

A tube of silicone sealant

Fluidity in some cases can have a negative connotation. The fact is that the tool sometimes gets into places where it should not be. It is then that you will need to take care of removing it. But this event is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance.

A fully cured sealant has a very strong structure. By by and large, this is glue, respectively, it will not be possible to remove it just like that. Its components literally penetrate deep into the surface structure, becoming one with it.

When deciding how to remove silicone sealant, you need to consider its features. The sooner a correction is made, the better. The frozen agent will be virtually impossible to remove without problems. On average, it takes about a day for the silicone composition to dry completely. However, it is strongly recommended to remove its excess immediately after the completion of the repair work, because after twenty minutes it hardens significantly.

Therefore, it is advisable to prepare all the means for high-quality dissolution of the sealant in advance. It should be borne in mind that it can get not only on the work surface, but also on clothes, flooring and even skin covering person.

Before embarking on such a responsible event, you need to find out exactly what type of sealant was used. To date, the most common species are aquarium, sanitary, universal and automotive. This is a very important factor, since the choice of a suitable means and method for removal will need to be carried out, starting from it.

Types of sealants

Of great importance is the type of surface from which the silicone-based sealant must be removed. It is easier to remove it from some surfaces, it is almost impossible to remove it from others. It must be understood that some materials can be seriously damaged when attempting to remove the sealant.

It is easiest to dissolve excess sealant from this surface. Glass has a very dense structure, and therefore it will be very difficult for mastic to “squeeze” into it. The best option in this case seems to be the use of a universal and very effective solvent. If there is no desire to spend money on its purchase, use ordinary gasoline or kerosene - the efficiency will be noticeably lower, but it will be possible to save financial resources.

White spirit should be applied on surfaces where there is no paint.

White Spirit

Otherwise, the sealing adhesive will dissolve with it. Therefore, for cleaning, for example, clothes or furniture, this tool is categorically not suitable.

Despite the apparent strength, facing tiles cannot boast of significant structural strength and resistance to chemicals. If your tile is not of very high quality, from the use of the same white spirit and other means on chemical basis must be abandoned.

Use gasoline to clean tiles

The best option for tiles is gasoline or kerosene. It is necessary to carefully rub the contaminated places, after which the silicone softens and can be removed mechanically. But even here there are limitations, because the tile is very easy to scratch. Accordingly, the use of any abrasive materials is not recommended.

In this case, it all depends on the type of sealant, as well as the characteristics of the fabric from which the contaminated clothing is sewn. If this is a universal glue, then you can try to wipe it off with alcohol-containing products, for example, vodka or medical alcohol. It is strongly recommended not to use strong chemicals as they can cause tissue damage.

Acetic acid

If the silicone adhesive is acid based, the problem becomes more difficult to fix. Here, it is still impossible to resort to household chemicals, but alcohol will not help much either. The best option- acetic acid. I mean not normal table vinegar, and its concentrated composition is at least 70 percent. They rub the clothes until the sealant softens enough to be removed mechanically.

If the sealing agent gets on such a surface, it is recommended to immediately wipe it with a napkin or cloth soaked in gasoline or kerosene. If the material has already dried, then you have to work hard.

It is possible to use chemicals, but only if the surface (for example, a countertop) is made of natural stone. artificial material strongly exposed to household chemicals, which can cause significant damage.

Use gasoline in combination with a concentrated cleaning solution

What can be used in the second case? The same gasoline will work well, but they will need to rub the surface for a very long time, combining with a concentrated solution of ordinary detergent. As soon as the sealant begins to soften, you should immediately try to remove it. Do not use abrasive cleaners such as washing powder, since its particles can leave on smooth surface stone unaesthetic scratches.

This is the most difficult problem, since no chemical agents can be used even in this case. The skin is very sensitive to the action of such substances, as a result of which burns can remain on it.

So how to dissolve silicone on the hands or other parts of the body where it got through negligence? First of all, you need to remember that the skin must be cleaned as quickly as possible, immediately after the glue has got on it. For this, alcohol or vodka, as well as ordinary alcohol wipes, are well suited. You need to rub until the sealant is completely erased.

It is safest to use alcohol or alcohol wipes

If for some reason you were not able to remove the silicone sealant from the skin in a timely manner before it dried, then it will not be possible to solve the problems without causing harm to health. You can try to use gasoline or kerosene, but the porous structure of the skin absorbs silicone very quickly, which may make this method ineffective. It is quite possible that you will have to wait until the skin is renewed on its own, dropping dead cells along with adhesive composition.

Solvent application

Almost all modern chemical solvents have a similar principle of action, and therefore the methods of application will also be similar.

To get the best possible result, you will need to do the following operations:

  • apply the purchased product to the place of contamination. This must be done taking into account the requirements in the instructions for the drug. For example, sometimes it will be necessary to pour the substance directly onto the stain, observing a certain thickness of the layers. In other cases, you will need a rag or sponge;
  • be sure to wait for the time specified by the manufacturer. No need to try to start peeling off the sealant earlier due date. The duration of the onset of action of the agent can be different - from an hour to a day, which depends not only on the type of household chemicals used, but also on the sealing composition itself;
  • most solvents do not remove adhesive stains - they only make them soft. You will need to erase them from the surface. This can be done with an ordinary dry cloth, but sometimes you need to apply soap solution or a sharp object such as a knife. Again - here, too, you need to focus on the instructions.

Do not forget about the rules of personal safety. Wear gloves and a face shield when working with chemicals. Hand protection will also be needed during the application of the sealing adhesive - this will help prevent many problems.

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