Winter and summer sports list. What sports are included in the Summer Olympics

A sport is a concept that includes a specific competitive activity, formed historically. Competitions in the field of physical disciplines are very popular among various peoples of our planet.


How many sports are there now? Over two hundred. At the same time, there is a steady trend towards the emergence and development of ever new variations. One hundred and fifty different physical disciplines are cultivated in Russia alone.

Moreover, each of them differs in the features of actions, as well as different ways wrestling and competition rules. The variety of sports has led to the need for their classification.

Olympic classification

In sports circles, all sports are divided into categories. Moreover, many of them are on the list of competitive programs of the Olympic Games.

What are the sports under this classification? They are divided into:

Speed-strength: speed skating, track and field competitions, throwing;
- disciplines of a cyclic nature: biathlon, skiing, cycling, canoeing and kayaking, as well as athletics;
- complex coordination: gymnastics (both sports and artistic), figure skating, trampoline and water jumping;
- sports games: water polo, hockey, handball, football, etc.;
- martial arts: boxing, judo, karate, etc.;
- all-around: in skiing, biathlon and pentathlon, in track and field athletics, seven- and decathlon.

The emergence of new sports

New competitive disciplines are constantly emerging. Their rules and conditions are based on the material that has been accumulated historically. What are the sports that have developed relatively recently? For example, freestyle. It contains various elements of ski jumping, acrobatics, downhill skiing and dance figures.

What are the sports that have appeared recently and have become popular at the present time? These are aerobics and armsport, bodybuilding and sports dancing.

At the intersection of wrestling and boxing, a new discipline appeared - kickboxing. Billiards and bowling, softball and beach volleyball are officially transferred to the category of sports. In the old days, they were considered a way of entertainment.

There is a special sport that stands apart and is widespread among young people. This is extreme. Interest in such sports is growing steadily. For example, mountain biking has already been included in the Olympic program.

Extreme sports include those types of sports disciplines, the implementation of which is often life-threatening. At the same time, a person receives a huge portion of adrenaline. What are the types of sports in this group? Rollers and skateboarding, snowboarding and BMX are popular among young people.

Seasonal classification

What are the sports according to the time of the competition? They are divided into summer and winter. The principle of such classification is based on the period when these competitions are held.

Summer sports differ from winter sports in that they do not require snow and ice in arenas and stadiums. Tournaments in these disciplines can be held at any time of the year. This will require a hall or stadium with a heating system.

What are the sports that are played on outdoors and refer to summer? Traditionally, this is athletics. This list includes football, field hockey and volleyball, basketball and gymnastics - both sports and artistic.

What are the winter types those competitions for which are held in cold period. These disciplines include ice hockey and Nordic combined, as well as ski jumping and biathlon. These sports require special conditions (ice and snow).

Summer sports disciplines

The program of the Olympic Games organized during the warm period is very extensive. It currently includes twenty-eight sports disciplines on its list. It is worth saying that in 1896, only nine sports participated in the first Olympics, which was held in Greece. Championships were held in wrestling and gymnastics, shooting and cycling, weightlifting and athletics. Already at the second Olympiad, the list of sports disciplines has grown significantly. It included twenty kinds of sports. Later, some disciplines were excluded from the list, and at present they are exotic. These include cricket and rugby.

What are the summer sports? Presented at the Olympics various varieties water disciplines. Combat sports are included in this list. It also has cycling. The audience is especially interested in championships in gymnastics. One of her disciplines since 2000 has been trampolining.

Summer sports that have a significant place in the Olympics are team games. Among them are basketball and volleyball, football and handball. Initially, only football was included in the list of the Olympic Games. Other disciplines were included in this list much later.

Summer sports are swimming and wrestling, as well as weightlifting and athletics. These classic martial arts were included in the program of the 1896 Olympics. It is worth saying that the beginning was laid back in ancient times.

Olympic List

The list of disciplines, competitions in which are held in the warm season, includes basketball and badminton, wrestling and boxing, water and cycling, handball and volleyball, gymnastics and trampolining, rowing and judo. This list includes sailing and equestrian sports, pentathlon and athletics, triathlon and tennis, archery and bullet shooting, fencing and football, taekwondo, and field hockey.

New disciplines are constantly being accepted into the Olympic program. In this regard, the registry may undergo various changes.

Winter sports

Fifteen disciplines are included in the Olympiads held during the cold period. For competitions in these sports necessary condition is the presence of snow or ice.

At the Winter Olympics, competitions are held in:

figure skating;
- bobsleigh;
- skeleton;
- curling;
- freestyle skiing;
- luge;
- ski jumping;
- snowboarding;
- short track;
- Nordic combined;
- speed skating;
- hockey;
- skiing;
- biathlon;
- cross-country skiing.

Historical facts

Alpine skiing, as well as slalom and downhill skiing were included in the competition program of the Winter Olympics in 1936. For the first time, championships in these disciplines were held in Germany. It happened at the IV Olympiad.

From 1924 to the list winter games cross-country skiing included. This happened at the Olympics in Chamonix (France). Bobsleigh, Nordic combined and speed skating started at the same time.

It's hard to imagine the Winter Olympics without figure skating. This sport is one of the oldest. True, the debut of figure skating took place at the 1908 Summer Olympics, which were held in London. Since 1924, this sport has been officially included in the list of disciplines participating in international winter competitions.

The Chamonix Olympics has become a truly cult event. The organizers of these Games delighted the audience with an extensive list of new sports, the popularity of which continues to this day. One of these disciplines was ski jumping. At the same time, its height was ninety and one hundred and twenty meters. Since 1924, ice hockey has also become a regular sport in which the Winter Olympics competed.

In the nineties of the last century, the list of winter sports was replenished. Extreme disciplines were included in it. So, from the 1992 Olympics, freestyle and short track began to participate in the championships, and since 1998 - snowboarding.

Children's sports

Swimming and athletics, skiing and skating, football and cycling, gymnastics and judo are quite numerous.

At what age should a child be enrolled? Boys and girls are encouraged to start athletics at the age of ten. This sport will help develop proper breathing and chest muscles. This will improve the supply of oxygen to the body. Athletics also develops the muscles of the whole body, which is very beneficial for girls.

From the age of six, a child can practice ice skating and skiing. But regular bike rides should only be done when your child turns eight.

From the age of seven, boys can practice judo, and from the age of twelve - football. It is worth signing up for rowing only after the age of fourteen.

There are also age limits for tennis. This sport is considered "one-sided". It contributes to the greater development of one side of the body compared to the other. Therefore, you can play tennis only from the age of twelve.

Gymnastics is an amazing sport. She is most popular among girls. You can start this sport from the age of eight.

Artistic gymnastics, athletics, skiing, skating, swimming, rowing, cycling, wrestling, boxing, weight lifting are main sports. Each of them has its own characteristics, consisting mainly in the effect it has on the body. When choosing, one should be guided by these features and take into account the individual inclinations of the person starting to play sports. However, you should always remember that health effect mainly depends on the methodology of training, that is, on how much and how they do this or that sport.

Characteristics of the main sports

Briefly describe main sports:

- the basis of all physical exercise. The so-called basic gymnastics, which includes both morning hygiene and general developmental gymnastic exercises used by athletes of various sports specialties, aims to maintain health and general physical development. Sports, or shell, gymnastics on the crossbar, uneven bars, rings and other shells brings motor abilities of a person to a high perfection. The movements become precise, smooth, the muscles are well developed. However, the presence of a large number breath holding exercises can have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in cases where the gymnast does not combine gymnastics with track and field exercises in running, walking, skiing, skating, swimming.

- This walking, running, jumping and throwing the discus, javelins and shots. These natural views movements are especially well dosed and can be widely used by beginners in sports.

In adolescence and youth, sprinting is recommended (from 60 to 100 meters). At the age of over 40, when speed qualities deteriorate, endurance running exercises are mainly recommended. Athletics classes held all year round on fresh air, extremely beneficial effect on the body: nervous system, heart, lungs, blood. This allows us to recommend athletics even to people who have some deviations in their health.

It is one of the most popular and affordable types exercise. When skiing, they are involved in work large groups muscles, respiration, blood circulation is activated. The winter landscape has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Learning to ski is relatively easy. Once the movements are mastered, you can gradually increase the dosage of walking, mainly due to distance. The age range for skiing is very large. Skiing can be recommended for children from 5-6 years of age. Sports activities are practiced from the age of 12.


Classes speed skating also have a beneficial effect on the body, like skiing. Ice skating is a fascinating form of outdoor activity for both schoolchildren and older people. Sliding on ice reduces the effort spent on movement during normal running, and this allows you to use speed skating, even with pronounced deviations in health. Speed ​​skating can be recommended in middle and even old age with a particularly gradual increase in load.

Hygienic value swimming very large. A person experiences a whole range of influences here:

  1. water affects the skin
  2. air procedures,
  3. sunbathing.

The difference in temperature at the entrance and exit from the water hardens the body, accustoms it to proper thermoregulation. Overcoming water resistance by active movements is breathing exercises. Rib cage at the same time it becomes convex, which creates the most favorable conditions for the work of the lungs. The work of the heart during swimming due to the difficulty of inhalation is increased more than in other sports. Therefore, in order to avoid a negative effect on the heart vascular system it is necessary, first of all, practice proper breathing, and only then move on to speed swimming. Children can go swimming from 6-7 years of age. At the age of 12, they can go in for sports swimming and participate in competitions.

- one of the most tedious types physical activity. All muscles of the body are involved in the work - arms, legs, back, abdominals. Therefore, rowing requires a good preliminary general physical preparation. Rowing, as a sport, cannot be recommended for people with deviations in the state of the cardiovascular system. You can learn rowing from the age of 10, and go in for rowing from the age of 14, and very gradually increasing the load and under the guidance of experienced teachers. When rowing, as well as swimming, an important healing element is the natural breathing exercises . It is impossible not to note rowing as the most effective means of strengthening the abdominal muscles. Despite a very intense load, with systematic training and rowing, you can practice until old age.

It has some features that make it very careful to treat this type of physical activity. The long bent position of the cyclist, the work of the legs with a motionless torso create not entirely favorable conditions for blood circulation and respiration. Therefore, the cyclist should especially remember the need for versatile physical activity: systematic exercises general developmental gymnastics, running and so on. Only in this case, classes cycling bring about a healthy effect. Using a bicycle for walking, you need to gradually increase the distance only, without bringing yourself to clear signs of fatigue in the first weeks. Riding a two-wheeled bicycle can be taught to children 8–9 years of age. At 11–12 years old, they can be allowed 30–40-minute bike rides, and at 13–14 years old, cycling.

lifting weights, or weight-lifting, is very popular among the population due to its visual and quick effect from doing them. Indeed, weightlifting exercises with a barbell, kettlebells perfectly develop body muscles, muscles of the arms, torso, chest. However, the effect on the nervous system, respiratory organs and blood circulation with one-sided passion for lifting weights may be negative, because associated with breath holding. Success in this sport can only be achieved by long-term general physical training: gymnastic exercises in combination with other types of physical exercises and sports. And even when you start exercising with a barbell, you need to systematically include in your workout running, skiing, ice skating and so on. This sport is allowed for people who do not have significant deviations in health, starting from the age of 16.

is one of the oldest sports. There are many types national wrestling. The greatest distribution enjoys classical or Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling. The impact on the body of all types of wrestling is very high. Resistance exercises are good for developing muscles and intensely affect internal organs . However, one-sided training in a struggle saturated with elements of tension can, like lifting weights, lead to overstrain. nervous and cardiovascular systems. Required here careful preparatory work and combination with other types of physical training of track and field type(jogging, skiing and hiking). You can engage in wrestling from the age of 14, but the first 2-3 years of training should be preparatory in nature, general developmental exercises and the study of technical and tactical techniques. In middle and old age, one can only continue wrestling, begun in youth. Starting wrestling after the age of 40 is not recommended, as this can negatively affect the cardiovascular system.

belongs to the so-called speed-strength sports. The combination of the alternating movement of the arms, torso with the work of the legs contributes to a good muscle development. In the process of preparing for the fight in the ring, boxers must use athletics exercises - running, throwing, jumping, general developmental gymnastics. The boxing match itself is replete with various situational moments that bring up speed reactions, agility, determination, endurance and other moral and volitional qualities. With proper training management, boxing does not cause negative changes in a state of health and perfectly strengthen the body. Classes in the boxing section are allowed from the age of 13. From overview health value of the main sports, it is clear that they are all good in their own way and the result of practicing them mainly depends on proper organization the training process in accordance with age, health status, physical fitness and the regularity of classes. Only systematic studies sports give persistent health-improving effect, provide sports success, significantly prolong working capacity.

Summer olympic sports

Sports in the program of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games

Sports classification

The development of sports around the world has led to the emergence and development of many individual sports, of which there are currently more than 200. Each of them is characterized by its subject matter, a special set of actions, methods of competitive struggle and competition rules.

The most common sports are included in the program of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Therefore, in the theory of sports, the "Olympic classification of sports" is mainly used. This classification is based on taking into account the main patterns of competitive and training activities in various sports, as well as the rather similar specifics of several sports. In this classification, sports are divided into six groups.

1 group- cyclic sports (running disciplines athletics, swimming, rowing, cycling, skiing, speed skating, etc.)

2 group- speed-strength sports (track and field sports, throwing, sprint program numbers in various sports).

3 group- complex coordination sports (sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc.).

4 group- martial arts (all types of wrestling, boxing, fencing).

5 group- sports games (football, hockey, volleyball, etc.).

6group- all-around (cross-country skiing, athletics decathlon, modern pentathlon, etc.).

Summer olympic sports

The program of the modern Olympic Games includes 28 summer sports (41 disciplines). Two of them (golf and rugby) did not compete at the last Olympic Games, and for the first time after a long break they will be presented in the program in 2016. When classifying sports, the IOC follows the principle of "one federation - one sport". After the name of the sport, the name of the relevant international federation is indicated in brackets. The item indicates the sport, and the sub-item indicates the discipline.

Summer olympic sports.

1. Rowing (FISA)

2. Badminton (BWF)

3. Basketball (FIBA)

4. Boxing (AIBA)

5. Wrestling (FILA)

5.1 Freestyle wrestling

5.2 Greco-Roman wrestling

6. Cycling (UCI)

6.2 Cycle track racing

6.3 Mountain biking (Mountain biking)

6.4 Road cycling

7. Water sports (FINA)

7.1 Water polo

7.2 Swimming

7.3 Diving

7.4 Synchronized swimming

8. Volleyball (FIVB)

8.1 Volleyball

8.2 Beach volleyball

9. Handball (IHF)

10. Gymnastics (FIG)

10.1 Artistic gymnastics

10.2 Artistic gymnastics

10.3 Trampolining

11. Golf (IGF)

12. Canoeing (ICF)

12.1 Kayaking and canoeing

12.2 Rowing slalom

13. Judo (IJF)

14. Equestrian (FEI)

14.1 Dressage

14.2 Jumping

14.3 Eventing

15. Athletics (IAAF)

16. Table tennis (ITTF)

17. Sailing (ISAF)

18. Rugby (IRB)

19. Modern Pentathlon (UIPM)

20. Shooting (ISSF)

21. Archery (FITA)

22. Tennis (ITF)

23. Triathlon (ITU)

24. Taekwondo (WTF)

25. Weightlifting (IWF)

26. Fencing (FIE)

27. Football (FIFA)

28. Field Hockey (FIH)

Summer sports

1) Academic rowing is a cyclic sport, racing on water. One, two, four or eight rowers in a crew cover the distance in boats, being with their backs in the direction of travel (as opposed to rowing in kayaks and canoes).

2) Badminton is a game sport in which players sit on opposite sides divided into two parts of the court (court) of a certain size and throw the shuttlecock over the net with racket strikes, trying to win the match.

3) Basketball is a team sport in which players throw the ball into a "basket" (a metal ring covered with a net without a bottom) located at a height of 10 feet from the floor (a little over 3 meters).

4) Boxing is a fistfight between two athletes in the ring. Boxing should be done in special soft gloves weighing 8 ounces (about 227 g), striking the front and side of the head and torso of the opponent.

5) Wrestling is a single combat between two unarmed athletes using a set of specific techniques. The goal of the fight is to put the opponent on the shoulder blades (carcass) or win on points. The fight can take place both in the stance and in other positions, strikes are prohibited.

6) Road cycling race - a type of cycling race held on highways and roads with good coverage at high speeds, over long distances. No more than 200 athletes can participate in each race. A cycle track is a race on an artificial track in a circle.

7) Water polo - a team game with a ball on the water. It is conducted by two teams of 7 people on a rectangular water platform.

8) Volleyball is a team game in which two teams compete on a playing field divided by a net. The object of the game is to send the ball over the net to land it on the opponent's court and prevent the opponent from making the same attempt.

9) Handball - sport game, during which two teams seek to score from a distance not closer than 6 meters, the largest number of balls into the opponent's goal.

10) Golf is a sport game in which individual participants or teams compete by driving a small ball into special holes with club strokes, trying to cover the allotted distance in the minimum number of strokes.

11) Rowing in kayaks and canoes - kayaks are rowed while sitting, with an oar with two blades, which is operated alternately from different sides. Canoes are paddled with a single-bladed oar, kneeling. Since the strokes are performed from one side, so that the single canoe does not move in a circle, but goes straight, at the end of the stroke it is necessary to perform a complex technical element - taxiing.

12) Rowing slalom - an Olympic sport that involves the passage of sections on a boat mountain river or rough water with natural and artificial obstacles for a while.

13) Judo is a type of martial arts in which, along with throws, suffocating and painful holds on the hands are allowed. Athletes perform in kimono (loose jacket with a belt and pants) on special mats - tatami.

14) Equestrian - in dressage competitions, the rider and horse must perform exercises that are evaluated by the judges on a 10-point scale. The team championship is determined by the sum of the points of the three best team members out of four.

15) Athletics - athletes compete in the 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 5000 and 10,000 meters, marathon (42 km 195 m), 110 hurdles (women's 100) and 400 m, steeplechase - 3000 m steeplechase, 20 and 50 km race walk (men only), high jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump, shot put, discus, hammer and javelin throw and all-around - decathlon for men and the heptathlon for women.

16) Table tennis is a game, the essence of which is tossing a special celluloid ball over a net stretched over a special table. The table measures 9 x 5 feet (2.74m x 1.525m) and is 30 inches (76cm) high.

17) Sailing - 9 classes of boats participate in the Olympic races, the races take place on a triangular Olympic track, the length of which is determined in accordance with ocean currents, prevailing wind directions, weather conditions and the number of competing vessels.

18) Swimming - a sport that consists in overcoming a competitive distance from 50 to 1500 m in a pool or open water with a certain style.

19) Beach volleyball is a game on a sandy court divided by a net, in which two teams located on different sides nets, throw the ball over it with their hands in order to land it on someone else's half and prevent the ball from falling in their own half of the court.

20) Diving is carried out from a springboard (1 m and 3 m) and a tower (5 m, 7.5 m and 10 m). The competition consists of a series of jumps, the winner is determined by the sum of points for each of 5 attempts.

21) Trampolining - Individual trampoline competitions for men and women - the competition includes preliminary and final exercises. The trampoline consists of metal frame, holding a springy net, from which athletes are repelled.

22) Rugby is a contact team sport that originated in the 19th century in England. A rugby match is a competition between two teams. The main task of each of the opponents is to perform effective actions, that is, hitting the goal or bringing the ball into the opponent's end zone.

23) Synchronized swimming is a women's sport, synchronized swimming requires a wide range of skills from athletes - move horizontally and vertically in the water, on the chest, on the back and on the side; combine different types of movements and movements into a single composition; have choreographic and acrobatic training.

23) Modern pentathlon - sports all-around, consisting of 5 disciplines: show jumping, fencing with swords, shooting, running and swimming. Athletes earn points based on the results of participation in each event.

24) Artistic gymnastics - 14 sets of Olympic medals are played in artistic gymnastics. Modern program gymnastic all-around consists of: floor exercises, vaults, pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and crossbar exercises for men and exercises on bars of different heights, balance beam, vaults and floor exercises - for women.

25) Olympic shooting is bullet and bench. Bullet shooting is carried out from pneumatic, small-caliber and large-caliber types of weapons.

26) Archery - shooting with an arrow the smallest inner ring on a round target with a diameter of 1.22 m. Modern bows are made of fiberglass, arrows are made of aluminum and carbon fiber.

27) Tennis - a game with a ball and rackets on a special court (court 23.77 m long and 8.23 ​​m wide), divided by a net fixed at a height of 1.07 m. The mesh is stretched over square and round posts with a side and a diameter of not more than 15 cm.

28) Triathlon is 1500 m swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running around the stadium. There are no breaks between disciplines - therefore, triathlon is considered one of the most, if not the most severe sport in the world.

29) Taekwondo (“the way of the fist and foot”) is a modern Korean martial art based on Japanese karate. Its main difference from karate is a large number of kicks.

30) Weightlifting competitions include snatch and clean and jerk. Snatch is an exercise in which the lifter lifts the barbell from the platform to full arm length overhead in one movement. In the process of lifting the sports equipment, the legs can be apart or bent, the bar can slide along the hips and knees.

31) The aim of the swordsman is to stab the opponent and avoid the stab himself. The victory is awarded to the one who first inflicts a certain number of injections on the opponent in accordance with the rules or inflicts more such injections in a set period of time.

32) The essence of football is that 2 teams of 11 people each try to score a goal against the opponent's goal by kicking or heading the ball.

33) The essence of field hockey is for the players of two teams of 11 people in each to hit the ball into the opponent's goal with a club the most number of times and not let it into their own.

34) Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport in which athletes compete in technical skill and expressiveness in the execution of complex body movements combined with the manipulation of objects to music.

They are divided into gaming (team and individual), combat, cyclic, power and extreme. The most popular of them are game types, namely football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, tennis. Football is deservedly the No. 1 sport for most people on our planet.

It is estimated that there are more than 200,000 sports in the world. And this is not the limit, because they are created almost daily. In Russia, there is an official list of sports, where 159 entries are made. In addition, each type is divided into at least 3 subspecies, and the maximum of this value reaches 200. For example, motor racing has 104 subspecies.

Sports classification

Sports are divided into main groups. The first place in the number of disciplines is occupied by gaming competitions. The second place is occupied by the classics - light and weightlifting, martial arts, sports and rhythmic gymnastics. In third place, increasingly gaining popularity, extreme sports. In addition, there are specialized sports competitions: auto and motorcycle racing, cycling, shooting, skiing, swimming, etc.

The division of sports is carried out according to features that are common to all disciplines. Consider what sports are in the world, and how they are characterized:

  • individual - sports in which one participant competes (golf, billiards, tennis, chess, croquet, etc.);
  • cyclic - moving the body in space with the help of cyclically repeating movements (biathlon, swimming, kayaking, a number of types of athletics, etc.);
  • team (game) - a team of players participate in the competition, which, as a rule, competes with a similar team of opponents (football, hockey, basketball, tug of war, etc.);
  • power - participants compete in exercises with special heavy equipment (weightlifting, kettlebell lifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting);
  • martial arts - an athlete defeats another as a result of force exposure under certain conditions (boxing, sambo, aikido, kick-boxing, belt wrestling, hand-to-hand combat, etc.);
  • complex coordination - requiring from the participants special skills related to the control of their body and coordination of movements (parkour, diving, skiing, sports acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, etc.);
  • technical - competitions related to the use of the technical achievements of the society (shooting, speedway, karting, motoball, rally, etc.);
  • applied - the participants of the competition demonstrate the skills of a military or economic plan (sport fishing, equestrian sports, sailing, orienteering, casting);
  • extreme - competitions are associated with a great risk to the lives of participants (mountaineering, diving, speleology, sports tourism, winter swimming, etc.);
  • aviation - the use of aircraft (helicopter and gliding).

Classic sports.

Athletics in terms of entertainment is comparable to team games: running at various distances, long jumps, high jumps, pole vaults. Throwing projectiles: discus, spear, hammer.

Weightlifting aims to lift record weights in the bench press, snatch and clean and jerk while standing. This includes kettlebell lifting, bodybuilding.

Martial arts include all types of wrestling: classical, sambo, judo. Amateur and professional boxing. National martial arts: karate, taekwondo, jiu-jitsu, hand-to-hand combat. Fencing with swords, rapiers, sabers.

Artistic gymnastics is the performance of a complex acrobatic program. Performances on classic sports equipment: pommel horse, crossbar, uneven bars, rings. Jumping over a projectile from a running start, with the performance of acrobatic elements in the air.

Rhythmic gymnastics is presented among women. This is the fulfillment gymnastic exercises with musical accompaniment, showing the flexibility and grace of the body.

Winter sports

On the eve of the Sochi Olympiad, interest in them only increases. Particularly popular are:

  • – competitions of shooting skiers;
  • – the most beautiful, aesthetic and cultural winter sport;
  • is a young but actively developing winter sport.

But he surpassed everyone, of course. According to one version, this name comes from the Old French "hoquet", which means "shepherd's crook with a hook." Hockey is a team sport; game, main driving force which is the desire, with the help of individual or team actions, to score the maximum possible number of goals into the opponent's goal.

Back in the 16th century, the Dutch practiced playing with sticks and a ball on ice. Later they taught this to the English and Scandinavians. But modern ice hockey owes its origins to Canadians. Numerous reservoirs and long winters helped the inhabitants of this country to come up with affordable entertainment. Initially, a heavy ball was used instead of a puck, and the number of players reached 50 or more.

In 1870, ice hockey became a compulsory sport for all sports holidays. The first rules for the game were invented by students of McGill University, and in 1879 the Canadian Robertson proposed a version of the first official rules, at the same time the first rubber puck was thrown into the game.

Montreal became famous for the fact that it was here in 1899 that the world's first indoor ice hockey rink was built. And even then she had artificial ice. The stadium could accommodate an unprecedented number of spectators at that time - 10,000 people. All these events took place simultaneously with the registration of the Canadian Amateur Hockey League. It is worth adding that the first team of professional hockey players is also Canadian, and was organized in 1904.

Water sports

All sports related to water are commonly referred to as water sports or "aquatics". Competitions can take place both on open water bodies and in pools; both between teams (synchronized swimming, water polo), and between singles (surfing, diving), with the use of additional equipment (rowing, sailing), and without it (swimming, diving). Learn more about water sports.

Ten sports are listed in, three more - regatta, surfing and diving - have every chance of getting there in the near future. Competitions in these types have long been held regularly according to clearly defined rules and attract big number fans.

Water athletes pay a special approach to the choice of equipment for classes and competitions. Indeed, in addition to its aesthetics and convenience, it must also have water-repellent characteristics, the ability to fast drying and resistance to constant wet-dry cycles.

The popularity of these sports is quite high and has its own audience of fans.

extreme sports

This is a sport with a risk to life. Dangerous and unpredictable. Extreme sports include: mountaineering, rock climbing, acrobatic, giant slalom, motorcycle acrobatics, mountainboarding, diving, flyboarding. Surfing is a particularly fast-growing and popular sport among young people. New directions and currents in the extreme section appear daily.

Today, about 40 species are already known, and it is possible that a new one is being born at this moment. Everywhere: on the ground (boking, trial); on the water (aquabike, windsurfing), in the air (parachuting, hang gliding), under water (diving) and even underground (speleology) a surge of adrenaline and human emotions is used.

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Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.