Oregano growing at home. Origanum vulgaris - growing from seeds. An amazing plant with a fragrant name

The oregano plant is known as a spicy perennial herb used in cooking, traditional medicine, landscape gardening art. We also call it the mother, and in Italy and Greece - oregano. Breeders have created many different varieties. Also, oregano is not difficult to grow, so it enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Where oregano grows, people are calmer and healthier, because tea with this herb calms nervous system, fights inflammation of the respiratory system, helps with digestion, enriches with vitamin C.

This perennial herbaceous plant grows everywhere in Europe and the Mediterranean, and in Russia, except in the Far North, you will not find it. Oregano prefers open sunny places, therefore it grows in glades, meadows, on hillsides. She has a straight tetrahedral stem with a soft edge, a creeping root, oblong leaves that end in a pointed edge, dark green on the upper side, slightly silvery on the lower side. It grows to a height of 0.5 - 0.7 m. It blooms in mid-summer. The flowers are small, red-lilac, collected in corymbose-paniculate inflorescences, the seeds ripen by the end of August.

The plant has a delicate spicy smell, slightly bitter taste, it is grown for the production of essential oil and as a honey plant. Many summer residents plant it on their plots to add fresh leaves to salads, and then drink fragrant tea all winter or be treated for a cold, if necessary.

Video “Useful properties of oregano”

From the video you will learn about the beneficial properties of this unusual spice.


People are often interested in how to grow oregano, because even without considering it useful properties this beautiful grass grown for ornamental purposes. It is often used in borders, mixborders, discounts, on Alpine rollercoaster and in the gardens of moths, gardeners also plant it to scare harmful insects. It propagates by seeds, cuttings, root division, layering.

If it is possible to take part of the plant in nature or from friends, then this does not have to be done only in the spring. The transplanted part of the root (always with several buds), rooted cuttings or cuttings are accepted even in the middle of summer, they only need to be planted in light, non-acidic soil, and then watered well until new shoots begin to grow.

Seeds are usually dealt with in early spring. If you sow them on the site, and this will not happen until May (they will then still need to be transplanted once or twice), new plants will bloom only next year. If you need to get flowering in the current year, then you must first grow seedlings, and then plant them in the planned place.

Seeds for seedlings are sown in March. They take dishes with drainage holes, fill in light nutrient soil (you can just take garden soil and add sand), moisten it, make grooves or holes up to 1.5 cm deep, place the seeds, sprinkle with a thin layer of earth, moisten again with a spray bottle. Then the crops are covered with glass or film until germination. It is recommended to ventilate and moisten them periodically.


After the appearance of a pair of true leaves, the plants dive into separate cups, watered, turned, hardened until May, when a real warm spring comes to the garden. Seedlings grow without requiring extra hassle, it needs to be watered regularly, preventing the soil from drying out, you can water it once or twice with a solution of mineral fertilizers so that it gains strength, but you should not be zealous with this - plants can grow too rapidly.

Planted oregano on a light open space with a distance of 30 cm between plants and 50 cm between rows. It is undemanding to the soil, but it grows best on light fertile neutral soils, well-drained sandy loam is suitable. The main thing is not to plant this plant in a wetland, she will not like heavy clay soil, but she will still grow, the bushes will be smaller, decorative and useful substances there will be less in the grass. In oregano, cultivation can take place not only in a flower bed or garden, it grows well in a pot that can be attached to a windowsill or balcony, there are even varieties for ampel cultivation. Some owners plant individual plants in the garden among vegetables to protect them from pests; many harmful insects do not like the aroma of oregano.


In oregano, cultivation is possible even for beginners; maintenance is minimal. It must be watered moderately, since overfilling, as well as underfilling, will necessarily affect the amount of essential oil. The first two to three years, you often have to weed the site and loosen the ground around each plant. And after three years they will grow so much that there will be no place left for weeds, so weeding will become very rare.

This perennial grass can grow up to 25 years in one place, but it is advisable to replant it, dividing the bushes every 5 years, so the decorative effect will remain.

If cutting grass for drying or obtaining oil is carried out several times per season, then after each time it is advisable to feed with a solution of infusion of chicken manure (you can use mullein) or complex mineral fertilizers. When fragrant herbs are grown for themselves or in flower beds, it is better to do without dressings so as not to provoke too rapid growth.


When to collect oregano is a simple matter, it is harvested almost all summer, as soon as all the buds are fully opened. When all the branches with leaves and flowers are collected (they are cut 20-30 cm long), they need to be dried for fresh air under a canopy or in a ventilated room. In properly dried grass, the leaves crumble and the stems break.

Store oregano in paper or linen bags separately from other herbs. Sprigs can be used for a year and a half, when the ground grass is stored in a hermetically sealed container, the period of use increases to three years.

Video “Cultivation of oregano”

From the video you will learn how to grow oregano.

Common parsnip, or field parsnip, or sowing parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) in the wild is widely distributed in regions with a temperate climate (central Russia, North Caucasus, Crimea, Ural, Altai, etc.), but is still rarely found in garden plots. True, today the popularity of parsnips is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping, it is used as fodder plant and honey plant, and in cooking - as a tasty and healthy vegetable.

The universal favorite among the decorative and deciduous perennials of the host conquers not only the beauty of the leaves. It is durable and relatively undemanding, in right place growing long years, but it can hardly be called fast-growing. The hosta propagates easily, although you will have to be patient to get spectacular, highly decorative bushes. To independently increase the host collection, first of all, you need to remember the features of this culture.

Dill spreads well by self-sowing, so many summer residents do not consider it necessary to sow this crop every year on the site. But at the same time, everyone understands that dill and dill are different. And the greens of carefully grown dill in the garden in their taste and aroma, as a rule, are superior to the greens of dill, which grows on its own. In this article, we will tell you how to have green dill in the beds in sufficient quantities from early spring to late autumn.

Stir fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and Iceberg lettuce - a recipe for a quick dinner or lunch for busy person. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare it, and you can feed it to a couple of hungry mouths, which cannot bear to wait for a sophisticated dinner. Stir fry is a way of quickly frying vegetables and meat, which came to us from the east. Don't be upset if a wok is not among your kitchen utensils. Regular frying pan with a thick bottom non-stick coating will fit too.

Among plants that can boast of variegated foliage, alpinia claims to be not only the rarest, but also the most original culture. It simultaneously reminds of bamboos and arrowroot calatheas, and sometimes even vriesias. True, it looks like the latter only with its inflorescences. Luxurious leaves, most often covered with variegated contrasting stripes, look so modern that the beauty of their flawless patterns and brilliance is impossible not to admire.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls from savoy cabbage with mushrooms - steamed cabbage rolls for dietary, vegetarian and Lenten menu. Cabbage rolls are unusually tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their counterparts from white cabbage, stewed in a brazier or fried in a pan. savoy cabbage tastier than the white head, the head is loose, it is easier to disassemble it into individual leaves. The color of the leaves is from pale green to emerald green.

IN winter time every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first crops of flower and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the place on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place it in the apartment. right amount seedlings in cups. In addition, some of the crops may simply not sprout, something will die ... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much you plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, at least some seedlings, but almost every gardener buys.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennials. First, most of the popular annual plants bloom profusely throughout growing season. Secondly, many letniki are freely sown and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which letniki can be planted only once, and then, following simple tricks, meet them in the garden every season?

You can cook jelly and meat salad with onions from pork knuckle. The knuckle, especially the back knuckle, is a very tasty and affordable part of the pork carcass that you can feed small company. From a 2-kilogram shank you get a bowl of meat salad and a large plate of jellied meat. There will still be meat broth, on which I advise you to cook cabbage soup or borscht. For this dish, we take the back knuckle weighing from 1.7 to 2 kilograms, I advise you to beg the meatiest one from the butcher.

Eggplants require sunny but short days, medium-warm temperatures without sweltering heat, sufficient moisture, but without flooding the root system. It is quite difficult to provide such conditions in the open ground of most regions of Russia. Therefore, earlier eggplants were grown only in protected ground conditions. With the development of breeding, it became possible to grow eggplants in open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in middle lane.

Among predator plants, sundew rightly claims to be the brightest and most expressive beauty. This plant attracts, first of all, with unusual textures and a play of colors. But the nutritional mechanism of this marsh and quite hardy miracle is so exotic that it is very easy to forget about sundews as plants, primarily ornamental ones. Sundews are quite demanding on humidity, but they are not so difficult to grow in ordinary living quarters.

A chocolate cake with custard made from simple and affordable ingredients turns out to be so tasty that rarely anyone is limited to one piece. Biscuit cakes are moist, it seems that they are made of real dark chocolate, although the recipe contains only cocoa powder. Creamy custard is delicate and light, goes well with chocolate biscuit. All this splendor of tastes complements coconut flakes, the ingredient is simple, but in this recipe, like a cherry on a cake, it comes in handy.

Although the calendar spring begins in March, it is very difficult to call this month spring. But May is already a real long-awaited spring, filled with aromas and multicolors of awakened nature. Fresh young leaves on trees and shrubs attract the eye yearning for greenery during the long months of winter. In May, the parade of primroses continues in the garden, delighting with colorful foliage and flowering ornamental shrubs, perennials, conifers are updated.

In the middle lane, the formation of grapes suggests the possibility of shelter on winter period, which means that the guideline should be to maintain the head of the bush at the level of the soil. Even further north, one cannot count on a large harvest, but such areas also have their own pruning principles. The article considers a sleeve-fan formation scheme grape bush, often used in the middle lane, and cordon - which has shown itself well in regions with a more severe climate.

Beef with eggplant with vegetable sauce in the oven is a simple, very tasty and not very high-calorie dish, which is quite important in our time. Sauce only from vegetables, no flour, sugar, milk or cream. Meat without fat, and, nevertheless, it turns out juicy and tender. Can be replaced with chicken fillet or veal. Eggplants do not need to be fried first, just a little salt to make them soft. I advise you to prepare a light yogurt sauce for the finished dish.

The article describes (Origanum vulgaris) on the windowsill. Its regular use in food perfectly helps to cope with anxiety and depression. This spice improves brain function, since one teaspoon of oregano contains more antioxidants than a cup of fresh blueberries. Oregano is one of the record holders for the content of vitamin B6, which improves cerebral circulation and is great for high blood pressure.

Tea from oregano leaves normalizes the functioning of the digestive system (especially the intestines), helps well with insomnia, as well as flu, pneumonia, bronchitis and tonsillitis. And the addition of oregano to pickles gives them an excellent taste and aroma, while at the same time increasing the shelf life of the blanks.

Oregano can be used both fresh, as a seasoning for a huge number of dishes, and dried. Fresh leaves are added to salads, and dried flowers and young shoots are used to make delicious tea drinks. At the same time, oregano is not difficult to grow, as in personal plot or a flower bed, and in an ordinary apartment.

Room conditions: growing oregano at home

For indoor cultivation oregano, you can take ordinary flower pots and any peat-based soil mixture with almost neutral acidity (pH 6.0-6.5). The plant is a perennial, it can be propagated by dividing the rhizome or seeds. IN last case oregano seeds are soaked for a couple of days in warm water (but not more than 35 ° C), which is updated 3-4 times in 24 hours. At the same time, part of the essential oils is removed from the seeds, which facilitates their swelling and germination.

After pecking seeds, they are sown in 2-3 pieces. in standard cassettes, pots or cups with a volume of 60-100 cm³, filled with ordinary seedling soil. Caring for seedlings of oregano is minimal and consists only in regular watering. The approximate time for growing seedlings is two to three weeks.

After reaching a height of 5-7 cm, the plants are transferred to flower pots with a volume of 2-3 liters (the more, the better, since oregano grows strongly under favorable conditions). Care for adult oregano plants consists of regular pruning and infrequent (1-2 times a week), but abundant watering. With excessive soil moisture, oregano can suffer from root rot. Pledge successful cultivation oregano in conditions closed ground- regular feeding organic fertilizers(names and doses are suitable, as for indoor flowers) once every 2-3 weeks.

The most useful leaves of oregano are during the flowering period, however, in room conditions this doesn't happen often. Therefore, the crop is harvested already a month after transplantation, when the height of the plants reaches 15-20 cm. The stems of oregano are cut to 1/3 of the height, which leads to further intensive growth of additional shoots. If inflorescences nevertheless appear, they must also be cut off so that the stems of the plants do not begin to stiffen.

Compliance with the conditions of care allows you to grow oregano at home and use herbs at any time of the year..

Is it possible to grow oregano (oregano) on the windowsill

Ways decorative design suburban area, independent production pure herbal spice plants, which can be used for cooking, are increasingly interested in summer residents. We bring to your attention a description of the popular spice - oregano (materials, amulets, oregano).
Oregano - herbal perennial, which has pleasant aroma, which puts it on a par with rosemary, mint and lemon balm, used everywhere.

Characteristics of culture

Before buying seeds, familiarize yourself with the main signs of oregano:

  • The height of the spice bush reaches 70 cm.
  • Root creeping, branched.
  • The stems are pubescent with a red base, have the ability to grow back every year.
  • The leaves are dark green, oblong, 2-4 cm long.
  • The flowers are small, red (white, yellow), form a lush panicle.
  • The fruits are trihedral, consist of 4 nuts (0.5 mm long).
  • Seeds are small, like poppies, red.

Please note that the plant is unpretentious to growing conditions and soil, cold-resistant, does not need shelter. Easily tolerates hot climates, but in such conditions without watering grows small. The spicy smell of the culture attracts bees to the garden and drives away harmful insects.

Varietal variety of oregano

When choosing a variety of fragrant spices, pay attention to its purpose. Breeding scientists, when breeding different varieties, focused on decorative properties and the quality of the aroma, spicy qualities (the ability to use as a spice or for making tea), high yield. Varietal names speak for themselves:

  • White oregano is a white decorative, high-yielding variety.
  • Honey aroma is a red productive variety with a strong aroma. Height up to 35 cm.
  • Caramel has excellent spicy properties.
  • Rainbow - has enhanced medicinal properties. Reaches a height of 60-70 cm.

Gardeners, for sure, will want to try out decorative varieties bred abroad:

  • Variety is a small but spreading shrub with white, fragrant flowers and greenish-golden foliage. Good fragrance.
  • Beauty Kent - a variety intended for planting in flowerpots, decorating the veranda. Flowers-brushes of the plant have a different color.
  • Herrenhausen is an oregano that attracts with clusters of purple inflorescences.

Notice the bushes are different sizes. Large ones will require a larger area and more distance between plants when planting.

How to choose a place to land

Oregano loves sunny places. It can also grow in the shade, but the sprout will stretch, flowering will be slow, the aroma is weaker, the medicinal properties are lower. To plant a plant, choose the most illuminated place on suburban area or penumbra.
Culture can grow on any soil. You can grow a large crop on sandy, neutral acidity, well-drained soils. Bushes grow unsatisfactorily on acidic soils.
The area should not be too dry or too wet. Oregano loves moisture, but not too much.

Culture propagation methods

Oregano can be propagated in two ways - by seeds and vegetatively by dividing the bush.
The most optimal for primary planting is sowing spices with seeds. On large areas for sale, by the way, oregano is grown from seeds.
Traditionally, very small seeds are sown first for seedlings, as the seedlings are too tender, they are easily clogged with weeds. plant in open ground well-strengthened sprouts are best.

Features of sowing seeds for seedlings

Plant seeds for seedlings you should plant in March. Before planting, prepare a planting container. It could be Plastic container, wooden box or regular pot.
Make drainage in the container with pebbles or broken bricks. Fill the container with loose earth by adding sand or agroperlite.
Follow these landing rules:

  1. Draw grooves up to 1 cm deep or make holes up to 1.5 cm deep.
  2. Moisten the ground.
  3. Sow the material.
  4. After sowing, sprinkle the seeds with earth (approximately up to 1 cm).
  5. Using the method of fine showering from a spray bottle, a spray bottle, re-moisten the ground.
  6. Cover the container with plastic wrap or glass to create a greenhouse effect (if you want to speed up germination).
  7. Maintain a seed germination temperature of 18-20 degrees.
  8. Moisten the soil as the soil dries out.

The first shoots will appear in two weeks. When shoots appear, the cover should be removed. When the sprouts have 2-3 leaves, dive them into separate containers (pots, cassettes).
If necessary, arrange additional lighting with a phytolamp (or fluorescent lamps).
Planting seedlings in open ground occurs in May. Planted sprouts that have reached two months of age.

Soil preparation for planting seedlings

Undemanding oregano will grow on unfertilized soil. And yet to get lush greenery under this perennial spice, it is advisable to apply organic fertilizers in the amount per square meter in the fall:

  • Humus - 3 kg.
  • Complex mineral fertilizer - 2 tablespoons.
  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate.

Rules for planting sprouts in open ground

Planting seedlings in open ground occurs in the month of May, when the ground is warm. The following recommendations are followed:

  • bushes are planted with ribbons with a distance of 45-50 cm;
  • between the lines of the tape leave 20 cm;
  • in a row - 10-15 cm.

The distance will depend on the variety you choose. For undersized and tall varieties, the numbers will be different.
Planted plants in the first year of planting do not bloom and develop slowly. Flowering begins in the 2nd year of life. Bushes become lush, sprawling, decorative.

Sowing seeds in open ground

When sowing seed material immediately into open ground, you will need to carefully prepare the soil, free it as much as possible from weeds. Planting takes place in May. The earth will warm up enough to start sowing. The seeds are small, when sowing, please note that you will need to take 0.1 mg per 10 square meters. Do the work in this order:

  1. Dig up the ground prepared in autumn shallowly, free from weed roots, loosen well.
  2. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm with a row spacing of 25-45 cm.
  3. Compact the earth, moisten with shallow sprinkling.
  4. Mulch to retain moisture longer.

Shoots will appear in 14-20 days.

spice care technology

Spice care consists of watering, loosening, thinning, fertilizing, weeding. Fragrant bushes do not attract pests.

  • Watering is done as needed in dry weather. In general, oregano loves hydration.
  • Mulching is done with rotted straw to retain moisture longer.
  • To get lush greenery, you should feed the oregano. Apply fertilizer in this composition per square meter:
    • ammonium nitrate -200, 300 g,
    • superphosphate - 150-200 g,
    • potassium salt - 150-200 g.

    Top dressing is done with complex fertilizer 2-3 times per season. Before the flowering of the bushes, 0.5 tablespoons of nitroammophoska are added to 5 liters of water.

  • Ornamental bushes can not be fed, as they grow excessively and lose their decorative effect.
  • The culture does not like weeds, weeding should be carried out regularly until the plant reaches maturity.
  • Thinning is performed 2 weeks after germination. A distance of 15-20 cm is left between plants. The plucked sprouts are used as seedlings.
  • If you cut the flowers, the foliage will be thicker.

After the second year of cultivation, oregano produces vegetative propagation dividing the bush. In one place, the plant cannot grow for more than 5 years. Therefore, in early spring, the division of the bush is performed. The rhizomes of a plant with several shoots are transplanted to another place.


You can start harvesting oregano after growing from seeds from the second year of plant development. In the first year, you can cut just before winter.
Most varieties involve harvesting twice a season. The first time - before the spice begins to bloom, the second time - at the time of flowering in July.
From an adult bush, at the first collection, 3 branches can be removed, having a length of up to 20 cm.
In practice, the branches are tied in bunches and hung in a shaded place (possibly under a canopy), where the direct rays of the sun do not fall.
If you lay out the grass on paper, it will need to be turned over from time to time.

When the drying process is over, the leaves are removed from the branches and sent for storage in hermetically sealed glass containers. Stems are removed.
The shelf life of fragrant herbs is 2 years.
For medicinal purposes, in dry sunny weather, flowering, well-leafed stems are cut. The drying temperature should not rise above 40 degrees. Essential substances evaporate at this temperature.
If you are going to harvest seeds from a bush, choose a large bush and leave it to bloom.
Seed collection takes place in September. It is necessary to cut off the shoot with seeds, dry them and grind the boxes by hand to obtain seeds. Separate foreign debris. If necessary, the seed material should be dried.
Store material in paper bags in a dry place.

The use of oregano

Leaves of the plant and flowering tops are used for making fragrant and original teas, tinctures, drinks, culinary spices, for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms.
Culture is popular not only as a spice, but has medicinal properties, due to the increased content of antioxidants, vitamin C, essential oils, tannins.
Fees are used to normalize the work of digestion.
To prepare the infusion, pour 10 g of herbs with a glass of boiling water, insist, use 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
The spice is part of the fees for the treatment of sore throats, pharyngitis, stomatitis and diathesis.
Tea has a calming and mild hypnotic property, relieves headaches.
To protect against moths, grass bags are used, hanging them between clothes in closets.
Grow fragrant oregano in the country. How to use it - in cooking, how medicine or as decorative element- the choice is yours.

Oregano on the windowsill will give you not only beauty, but also bring great benefits. How to grow this fragrant and medicinal plant, read on…

In another way, this fragrant spicy herb is called oregano or motherboard, and many people know precisely these names of it.

Useful and taste properties, and magical properties This fragrant spice is so unusual that you will definitely want to try growing it at home.

Oregano on the windowsill - how to grow and care

Useful properties of oregano

Regular consumption of this spice helps to cope with anxiety, depression, it is an excellent antiseptic and expectorant.

Healing properties of oregano:

  • Oregano is the absolute champion in the content of vitamin B6, which is necessary to normalize high blood pressure and improve cerebral circulation ...
  • Improves brain function.
  • Tea from the leaves of the motherboard perfectly improves the functioning of the entire digestive system, especially the work of the intestines.
  • Oregano essential oil helps with sore throats, colds, flu, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, SARS, as it has amazing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • Relieves insomnia

One teaspoon of this herb contains several times more antioxidants than one small cup of fresh blueberries!

The use of oregano in cooking

Oregano is a very popular aromatic spice that is widely used in cooking, giving dishes a special taste and unusual aroma.

Its taste can be appreciated by both gourmets and culinary specialists. Oregano is universal!!!

Culinary properties:

  • Adding this spice to pickles gives them a wonderful taste and aroma.
  • The property of oregano is known to extend the shelf life of dishes, pickles, preparations.
  • It is used both fresh and dried.
  • Salads with the addition of fresh leaves of this spicy herb acquire a very interesting taste.
  • And tea from the leaves has an amazing aroma and unsurpassed beneficial characteristics.

oregano on the windowsill at home

Growing oregano at home on an ordinary windowsill is not at all difficult.
We recommend watching this video first.

For indoor growing plants, you can take any flower pots and any soil mixture purchased at a flower shop, which is made on the basis of peat and has an almost neutral acidity - about 6-6.5.

Reproduction of oregano

The plant is a perennial, it can be grown in the garden and at your summer cottage.

It can be propagated by seeds and by dividing the rhizome of an adult bush into parts.

Propagation by seeds:

  • Soak the seeds for two days warm water, which must be updated 3-4 times a day. This will facilitate and accelerate the swelling and germination of the seed.
  • After pecking the seeds, they are planted 2-3 pieces in pots, standard cassettes or other containers for planting, to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  • First you need to lay drainage in the tank, pour the earth, moisten it.
  • Lay out the swollen seeds, sprinkle a layer of earth on top, moisten the soil again a little.
  • It would be good to cover the top with a film.
  • The plant germinates in about two to three weeks.

Growing oregano vegetatively:

  • This is done in the fall.
  • An adult bush is carefully dug up and its rhizome is divided into small parts so that in each part there are at least four healthy buds capable of producing full-fledged sprouts.
  • In the prepared pots, where the drainage was previously laid with a layer of 2-3 cm, the soil was poured and moistened, the cuttings of the plant were carefully placed and sprinkled with earth.
  • Next, you need to moisten the soil.
  • Water no more than once every 3-4 days, trying not to do it very plentifully.

Features of plant care

Let's analyze the basic rules for caring for fragrant oregano.

You need to know that oregano grows quite quickly, so it needs planting containers of at least 2-3 liters.

Care basics:

  • You can first drive out the plant in small cups and pots, and then transplant it - do it as it is more convenient for you.
  • Do not water the plant too often and abundantly, this will provoke its rot and subsequent death.

The secret to successful cultivation of oregano is regular, once every two to three weeks, top dressing with organic fertilizers for indoor flowers.

  • Select the sunniest place on your windowsill for the oregano bush. This is a very photophilous plant.
  • It is known that the most useful leaves- during the flowering period of the bush, but at home it is a little difficult. Therefore, feel free to collect fresh leaves a month after planting.
  • If you cut the stems of oregano by 1/3 of the height, then this will contribute to the intensive growth of additional shoots.
  • Cut off regularly appearing inflorescences. If this is not done, then the stems of the plant will become stiff.
  • If after planting the seeds you covered the soil with a film, then remove it once a day for a couple of hours to let the plant breathe. It is better to do this in the evening hours.
  • Many recommend adding a little sand when planting oregano in the ground. However, one must take into account the fact that wild nature oregano feels great on sandy soils.
  • If your spice does not receive enough sunlight during growth, then its aroma and taste will be quite poor, since the essential oils contained in the plant are actively produced only if there is a sufficient amount of sunlight.
  • Be sure to loosen the soil regularly.

Garden on the windowsill - useful and beautiful

What kind of oregano is best to grow - choose a variety

It is very important to choose the right plant variety and then the oregano grows very well on the windowsill!

For culinary use and medicinal purposes The following varieties are recommended for cultivation:

  • Arbat Semko - this bush with big amount leaves up to 80 cm high.
  • White oregano is a very productive bush of this spice.
  • The fragrant bunch is a low bush, only up to thirty centimeters in height, with a rather strong aroma and pubescent leaves.
  • Caramel - it has excellent taste, very high-yielding.
  • The magician is a shrub up to 50-60 centimeters in height, of medium aromaticity, with a fairly large number of leaves.
  • Honey aroma - a plant no more than thirty centimeters in height, very fragrant and high-yielding.
  • Mila is a shrub reaching a height of 50-55 centimeters, with rather strong aromatic and taste characteristics. It has a very high yield of leaves.
  • Nadezhda is a low-yielding oregano variety with an average degree of aromaticity.
  • Elegant - oregano, which has an average degree of productivity, with a pleasant, unobtrusive taste and aroma of leaves.
  • Rainbow - recommended for therapeutic use, due to its increased useful characteristics. Bush up to 70 centimeters in height, with high yield and a high content of essential oil in the leaves.
  • Slavnica is another variety with increased medicinal properties of leaves, with a very good yield.
  • Northern Lights, Fairy, Hutoryanka and Sibirskaya Melodiya - these varieties are not very widespread, but they have a fairly good yield and moderate aromaticity of the leaves. Very good for culinary use.

Be sure to try growing oregano at home on the windowsill!

And you can always enjoy its extraordinary taste and amazing aroma, brew yourself healing tea and get a good mood.

This interesting article will tell you about what other aromatic herbs you can grow at home.

It does not take much time and effort, but it will bring undeniable benefit your health and enrich the taste of your culinary delights!

Be healthy!!!

I am a big fan of pizza and respect the Italian spices that give baked goods a unique flavor. My favorite Italian Herbs spices include oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme, savory and onion. Since I've recently become obsessed with home cultivation herbs, I decided to sow the seeds of Oregano (aka Oregano). It is this spice that smells like my favorite pizza and spaghetti. In addition to the unusual aroma, oregano has a number of useful properties.

How to grow oregano from seeds

  • To harvest oregano from a windowsill, you must first allocate it to the sunniest place.
  • TO undemanding soil, however, it sprouts for a long time (you will have to wait three weeks), so you still have to slightly moisten the soil after sowing once every 3-4 days.
  • It is advisable to cover the landing site (in our case, a pot or box) with a film so that the earth does not dry out. In the evening, I give the soil a chance to breathe a little by removing the film for an hour.
  • The root of the oregano is creeping and branched, if you let it grow, it will shoot shoots along the walls of the pot. Try planting in a narrow elongated cactus.
  • At the bottom of the drainage, you can add a little perlite and vermiculite to the soil (they loosen the soil, do not allow it to dry out quickly) and sow to a depth of 0.5 cm. The seeds are microscopic, so I sow with a pinch. If everyone has risen - you are lucky))), leave the strongest sprouts, the rest can be thinned out.
  • Water the sprouts very carefully and moderately. For all my kids, I practice watering from a sprayer (without sharp pressure, so as not to break the delicate stems with a jet).
  • Watering adult plant once every 2 days, daily irrigation. On particularly hot days, water the oregano daily, but do not flood or allow the water to stagnate.

My young bush

When to collect oregano:

You need to collect oregano before flowering, and flowering ovaries can be cut so that the stems do not become stiff. Most likely, after flowering, oregano will gradually dry out and may even fall asleep, preparing for wintering. In this case, place the pot in dark place until the first sunny days. Lightly moisten the soil every 2 weeks. If you notice that the oregano has started young shoots in the middle of winter, put it on the brightest window sill.

The first attempt to grow oregano failed miserably - a couple of days after sowing, I had to leave for two weeks, and my husband, of course, tried, but could not follow some care instructions. I will try again.

oregano bush, top view

Photo report on the first flowering of oregano and tarragon on the windowsill in the article Garden on the windowsill Part 4

Oregano is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology, as well as its fragrant and healthy essential oil.


Grow in a garden with spices different plants, among which you can often find oregano ordinary. Oregano is better known to culinary experts as oregano, whose piquant spicy taste perfectly complements fish, meat, this spice is included in salad dressings.

In order to always have fresh oregano in the kitchen, this crop can be grown at home. In this case, there will be no lush rosettes of leaves, but subject to the growing conditions, you can always have fresh spicy greens on the windowsill.

In many forests and meadows, you can find wild oregano, but it is easier to grow it in the garden. Breeders have bred several varieties of this spice, among which the following are distinguished by high yields: Rainbow, White, Smart, Khutoryanka. Caramel and a number of others.

Common oregano: cultivation

Since this plant is quite demanding and tender, certain rules of agricultural technology should be followed when cultivating. Growing oregano is possible through sowing seeds directly into the ground, seedlings, dividing an adult bush or cuttings.

Oregano: growing from seed

There are no difficulties in growing oregano in this way, but the plot for sowing should be prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up, carefully choosing all the roots of weeds. In the spring, humus is added to the soil (about a third of a bucket per "square"), complex mineral fertilizer (2 spoons). The bed is carefully leveled so that it becomes loose, without lumps.

To have a plant like oregano, growing from seeds should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of sowing. It is necessary to sow oregano only in moist soil, for which the cut grooves are shed with water. The seeds of this crop are very small, so they should be planted in the ground to a depth of no more than 1 cm. A distance of 25 cm is left between the rows so that the plants have enough light and food area. The sown seeds are sprinkled with soil, the planting site is compacted and the surface is mulched to retain moisture.

The first shoots of oregano appear 15-20 days after sowing. At this time, it is important to ensure that weed grass does not drown out plantings. To get a good crop of oregano, growing from seed is further reduced to periodic watering, and fertilizing with mineral fertilizer in case of poor plant growth.

At the age of two weeks, shoots of ordinary oregano are thinned out, leaving about 15-20 cm between plants. However, do not rush to throw out the oregano removed from the rows - it can be used as seedlings. Planting oregano requires attention for the first two months, after which the mature plants grow on their own.

Growing oregano seedlings

To ensure that oregano grows in the garden, growing from seeds is not always suitable. Small seeds germinate slowly and are often washed out by rain in open ground. The easiest and most economical way to grow this plant is through seedlings.
At the beginning of March, seedling boxes or individual cups are filled with loose nutrient soil, moisten it with water and sow the seeds of oregano, planting them to a depth of 1 cm. Until the emergence of seedlings, containers with seeds are kept at a temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius.

In order for the seeds of oregano to germinate faster, they are pre-soaked and sown already with the sprouts already pecked. With dry sowing, seedlings will appear in 2 weeks. Seedlings need watering when the soil is drying and scattered sunlight. Oregano grows slowly, so it is important to create optimal conditions for its normal development. As in the case of oregano, which is grown from seeds in open ground, when seedling method also apply
pick. With the formation of 1-2 pairs of true leaves, oregano is seated in separate containers. This should be done carefully, trying to minimize damage to the root system of the plant. As the transplanted plants continue to grow, the room temperature should be gradually lowered to prepare the oregano seedlings for planting outdoors.
From the second half of May, oregano seedlings can be planted in open ground. A place for planting is chosen sunny, the soil must be fertile. Since this plant does not tolerate stagnant water, with a close occurrence ground water and in low-lying places, the soil is drained before planting. Perennial plants also include oregano, which has been grown in one place for several years, so you need to take care of applying enough fertilizer before planting spice seedlings.

It is advisable to plant seedlings of oregano with a clod of earth in a well-spilled hole. About 20 cm of distance is left between plants, which is enough for normal development and nutrition. The soil around the seedlings is lightly compacted, gently watered and immediately mulched to retain moisture.

In the first year of planting, oregano does not bloom and grows rather slowly. In the second year, its growth intensifies, and bushes up to 60 cm high are formed. Before planting flowering, it is advisable to feed it with mineral fertilizer using a solution of nitroammophoska for this (take a spoonful of the substance for 10 liters of water).

Growing oregano by dividing the bush

An adult bush of oregano can be divided into parts, each of which should have several shoots. Using part of the oregano bush, growing at home can be continued by planting it in a suitable size pot.

When transplanting, the separated bush of oregano is buried 5 cm into the soil. Rejuvenation of oregano bushes is carried out every 3-5 years. Such divisions of oregano take root well if they are planted in fertile soil. After a few weeks, the plants begin to grow and by autumn they have grown a large number of young shoots.
The strong aroma of spicy oregano repels pests, so it is practically not damaged by insects. The plant is also resistant to fungal diseases.

Oregano is harvested from August to mid-September, when the maximum amount of essential oils accumulates in the plant.

Buy oregano seeds

Oregano (Oregano) cultivation and care

oregano is a plant that is easy to grow and does not require too much care. With success, you can grow it in the garden or in a pot, on the windowsill. Oregano is inextricably linked with Italian cuisine, used to flavor many dishes and drinks. It also has medicinal properties, it is also used in cosmetology. In addition, it can be an interesting ornamental plant in the garden, in country style.

Origin and distribution

oregano or Oregano(lat. Oríganum vulgáre), sometimes called wild marjoram, is a perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family. In nature, it grows in zones temperate climate, is found in North Africa, Asia and Europe, as an alien species also in North America. In our area, this plant is very common, growing in light thickets and deciduous forests, meadows and clearings, sunny slopes and hills, and areas located along rivers and streams.

Oregano is one of the most popular herbs and is also found in many spice mixes, e.g. Provencal herbs. Oregano is used to flavor Italian dishes (pasta, pizza), as well as meat, salads, sauces. It is used in cosmetology and perfumery production. In addition, it has healing properties. Oregano can be grown both in the garden and in a pot on the windowsill. This plant is not difficult to grow.


Oregano is a perennial plant that emits a fairly strong, characteristic odor. It has a straight, rigid and raised stem, which is quadrangular in cross section. The stem is branched, can reach up to 100 cm in height, however, mostly lower - it grows up to 40-70 cm in height, green or reddish (sometimes even purple) in color and all fluffy. The stem grows from an underground, highly branched rhizome, which has many tendrils.

The leaves of oregano are juicy, bright green in color, egg-shaped, with blunt ends, sometimes slightly serrated, small dots can be seen on the surface - these are glands that secrete essential oils, with a characteristic odor.

Oregano blooms from July to September. The flowers are collected in small bunches at the tops of the shoots. They can be white, pink, red. Oregano flowers are honey-bearing and attract many insects, with the help of which they are pollinated. The fruit is formed by 4 dry round nuts, brown or brown in color, appear in late autumn.

Growing conditions

oregano should grow in a warm, sunny place, protected from gusty winds. Prefers light, permeable, sandy-loamy and moderately moist soils. Water the plant only when upper layer the earth is noticeably dry. Slight overdrying is less dangerous for oregano than overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

The soil should be enriched with recycled compost, which will improve soil structure and provide the plant with essential nutrients. Oregano (like other herbs) is not fertilized with mineral fertilizers. As a rule, we also do not use manure to feed grasses.

Oregano is a perennial plant that can grow in one place for approximately 5 years. After that, you need to plant new plants.

Oregano can also be grown in a container on a balcony or terrace, as well as in an apartment - on a windowsill, in a flower pot. The plant needs to provide a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. It is worth remembering that the oregano is watered only when the top layer of soil in the pot does not dry out. At the bottom of the pot there should be a layer of drainage that will ensure the free outflow of excess moisture.

Reproduction of oregano

Oregano is propagated by seeds, less often by division. Vegetative division of the bush is well suited for overgrown, adult (three-year-old) plants, should be carried out in the spring. The newly obtained plants are immediately planted in the allocated place. We plant seeds for seedlings in March, after about a month the seedlings should dive into separate pots. Hardened young plants can be planted in the ground at the intended place in late April - early May. They are planted at a distance of 50 cm x 60 cm. Oregano seeds can also be sown immediately in open ground, we do this in late April or early May. We sow seeds in rows every 30 cm. Plants should not grow too close to each other. Oregano seeds can be purchased at gardening stores or obtained from own site. They are collected in September, from specimens that are at least two years old.

Care procedures

oregano- a plant that is not difficult to grow, and does not require big care. However, care must be taken to regularly weed and loosen the soil. We water the oregano only when the soil is clearly dry, the soil must not be allowed to flood. This plant is quite frost-resistant, which winters without problems in our climate, so there is no need to cover for the winter.

Fragrant leaves of oregano can be plucked as needed. If we are going to dry, we cut the plant at a distance of a few centimeters from the ground with whole stems. It is best to do this at the time of flowering - then the oregano is the most fragrant, and fully justifies its name Oregano. In the first year of cultivation, we cut the grass only once, in subsequent years, when the plant is stronger and easier to recover, we can cut even 2-3 times during the growing season. Freshly cut plants are best tied in small bunches. Then they should be dried in a dry, ventilated, shady and warm place. Never dry herbs in the sun! It is worth knowing that the stems of oregano are not suitable for use, they must be removed. Store dried leaves in tightly closed containers or glass jars. Dried oregano is more aromatic than fresh leaves.


Oregano is used to flavor dishes. Inextricably associated with Italian cuisine. It is also included in many seasoning mixes. Oregano is used in the preparation of classic Italian dishes (pasta, pizza), as well as meat, fish, soups, salads, sauces. It is also used in the production of vodkas, liqueurs and vermouth.

Oregano contains thymol essential oil and has medicinal properties. According to the mechanism of action, properties can be distinguished: detoxification, disinfectant, expectorant, antispasmodic, antidiarrheal, diuretic. Stimulates the digestive system and improves appetite.

This herb also has cosmetic properties: it is part of bathing liquids, as well as mouthwashes (disinfects the oral cavity). Thymol oil is used for skin diseases.

Oregano can also be seen as an ornamental plant - ideal for planting in a country, rustic, naturalistic garden. Can be planted in flower beds, alpine slides. Oregano has several interesting varieties:

  • Аureum- height from 20 to 50 cm, with yellow-green leaves and pink flowers.
  • Сompactum– low grade, up to 20 cm in height, with small leaves and purple-pink flowers, covered with villi;
  • Variegataornamental variety, up to 50 cm high, green-cream leaves.

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