What does an alfalfa plant look like? Forage grasses: photo and description. Crescent or yellow alfalfa species

Red clover

Red clover is most common in the non-chernozem zone. In the south and southeast of the chernozem strip, clover is sown very little, and there, especially in the southeast, it is unsuitable for field sowing. The southern border of red clover cultivation is carried out as follows: along the southern border of the Volyn region, through Kiev and Orel, Ryazan, Tambov, Penza and further to Ulyanovsk, somewhat north of Kazan, to Saranul and Ufa. From this southern border, clover is bred everywhere, to our northernmost borders, including the Arkhangelsk region.

Southern clovers, for example, Volyn, Kyiv and other regions are very different from northern clovers. Clover from the southern regions ( curly) bloom early, can produce two cuts in the summer, but the hay yield is lower than northern clovers. However, they are more likely to freeze. On the contrary, northern clovers endure frosty winters well, bloom later, give one cut a summer, but their hay harvest is higher than southern clovers. According to the experimental fields of the Leningrad, Moscow and Tula regions, the highest productivity and the best endurance turned out to be in the clovers of Perm and Ufa, i.e. northern and Central Russian (Oryol region).

soil for clover

Fertile, deep, clayey and loamy soils, with permeable subsoil, are the most favorable for clover cultivation. Soils that are sandy, not too dry, if properly fertilized, are also suitable for growing clover on them. On damp soils, with a waterproof subsoil, clover does not succeed. In water meadows, clover can only be sown if the water stands here for a very short time. The presence of lime in the soil favorably responds to the growth of clover.

Clover likes deeper plowing. At the Shatilovskaya experimental station, after dung fallow, clover yielded 482 poods in two years after plowing by four inches, and only 402 poods by two-inch plowing, that is, 80 poods less. The fertilization of the field responds strongly to the clover crop. At the same station, it was sown on oats, that is, in the third year after fallow. In the case when the fallow was fertilized, the two-year harvest of clover hay was almost 8 tons, and when the fallow was not fertilized, only 5.5 tons of clover hay were harvested. Clover is sown either on rye or on oats.

Sowing clover in spring

Clover is sown on rye as soon as the snow leaves the field, in the morning after frost, so that it is easier to walk across the field. No seals are made in this case. Damp, wet earth itself draws in small clover seeds. When sowing oats, sowing oats should be done as early as possible. Following the incorporation of oat seeds, clover seeds are immediately sown and covered with a light harrow. It is very useful to apply rolling after this. For a more uniform sieving of clover, a Crone seeder should be used. In the absence of it, it is recommended to sow clover in two “cross-to-cross” steps. In the more northern regions, clover is sown on rye and oats. In the area of ​​the Shatilov Experimental Station, the sowing of oats turned out to be better. Clover in the fields is usually sown in a mixture with timothy, and in meadows and marshes, seeds of other herbs are also mixed with them. The term of economic use of clover is two years. The largest yield is usually obtained in the first year of use. In the more western part of Russia, two cuts can be more often harvested, while in the eastern part there is usually one cut. Clover of the second year of use is very useful to fertilize with gypsum. Gypsum increases the yield of clover hay by more than 1 ton 638 kg per tithe. 328 kg of gypsum is taken per 1 hectare. Gypsum crumbles in the first year of use of clover after its beveling, or in early spring in the second year of use, and is not sealed with anything. Gypsum has a good effect only in the first years after the introduction of grass sowing. Then he stops working. Then you need to fertilize the clover with superphosphate. In the Leningrad region, superphosphate is scattered superficially over clover, in early spring in the first year of clover use and is not covered with anything.

clover swedish

Clover Swedish is most suitable for the northern part of Russia. The culture of Swedish clover is found in almost all areas of the non-chernozem part of Russia, where it is usually sown in a mixture with red clover, timothy grass and other herbs. In warmer and drier areas it goes badly, worse than red clover. It is less demanding on the soil than red clover, and it tolerates shallower and moister soils better, on such soils it either completely or partially replaces red clover. It develops well on clay and loamy soils, as well as on wet meadows and on the soils of meadow and moss bogs after they have dried. Sandy and sandy soils, in addition to appropriate fertilizer, must be sufficiently moist. Tolerates subsoils and less permeable than required for red clover. It is bred in short-term mixtures in the fields, and mainly goes in mixtures for variable and permanent meadows. The term of economic use is 3-5 years. It gives the highest yields of hay from the second year of use. Regrowth after mowing is satisfactory.

white clover

White clover is rarely bred in the black earth zone and in most cases it fails because of drought. White clover is more common in the non-chernozem part of Russia, where it is sown in a mixture with other herbs, although here its culture, compared with the culture of red and Swedish clovers, is very limited. Tolerates better than red and Swedish clover, soils are shallower, poorer and wetter, and develops well in almost all soils. It fails only on very dry sands and on heavy shrinking clays. The nature of the subsoil is a little demanding. Particularly suitable in mixtures for pastures, as it regrows very well after grazing. The term of economic use is 6-8 years.

Clover crimson

Clover crimson or incarat. An annual plant. Distribution is very limited. After experiments with him in some farms b. Livonia region, its crops have been stopped, as it is inferior in yield to red and Swedish clovers. Crimson clover turned out to be of little value economically, and according to the test in Petrovsko-Razumovsky, as well as in the semi-steppe area of ​​the valley of the Medveditsa River, where he suffered from drought.

Alfalfa when to sow

Ordinary Alfalfa crops are concentrated mainly in the black earth part of Russia. Its greatest distribution is observed in the southwestern regions; in the non-chernozem zone, alfalfa was sown almost exclusively in the former. Privislinsky regions. Successful experiments in breeding alfalfa were in the Livonian region. Experiments of sowing alfalfa in the Tver region. did not give entirely satisfactory results. In Transcaucasia and especially in Turkestan, alfalfa is widely distributed. The northern border of alfalfa sowing, based on existing experience and practice, can be defined as follows: it passes through the southern part of the Minsk, Mogilev, Smolensk regions, passes through the Tula and Ryazan regions, from here along the northern part of the Tambov region. goes to the East through the Penza, Ulyanovsk and Samara regions.

Drought alfalfa tolerates relatively well. Practice in the Saratov region indicates that alfalfa endures winter frosts even with little snow. But in the extreme southeast (the south of the Samara and Saratov regions, as well as the cities of Ural, Astrakhan and Tsaritsyn), alfalfa is not successful. Here she dies from severe snowless winters, from sleet. And if it does overwinter, then it degenerates and disappears from heavy, clayey alkaline soils of dense and very saline subsoils in 2-3 years. Soils for alfalfa require loose, with the same loose, permeable to deep roots of alfalfa subsoil, not excessively wet. Soils with high standing ground water, slightly waterlogged, stony, heavy clayey and poor sandy soils are not very suitable for alfalfa. The presence of lime in the soil responds very favorably to its growth. In the chernozem part of Russia, marly chernozems with borehole marly or calcareous subsoil are the best places for alfalfa. Fertile loams from under oak, linden, maple, and generally black forests with permeable subsoil are also good for her on chernozem.

Alfalfa is very sensitive to weeds. Therefore, the field for her must be prepared so that it is clear of weeds. Plowing is done as early as possible: in late summer or autumn. Sometimes at first, in the summer, the field is peeled, and then it is plowed up in the fall. It is necessary to plow deeper by 20-27 cm. In the spring, if the soil is caked, they first start up an extirpator, and then they harrow and sow. Alfalfa in the western part of its breeding area is most often sown with a cover plant, in southeastern places it is recommended to sow alfalfa without a cover. As a cover, oats and barley are most often used, less often wheat. Lucerne is usually sown with ordinary hay, less often with wide-row hay. Row sowing has an advantage over broadcast sowing mainly in that it saves on seeds and facilitates care. Wide-row crops have a significant advantage in that they make it even easier to deal with weeds, and this is especially important for peasant fields. In the southeast, preference should be given to wide-row crops. At the experimental stations there, the following results were obtained:

Alfalfa planting and care

Caring for alfalfa is as follows. If a crust appears on the field before emergence, then it is destroyed either by light harrowing or a ringed roller. Then it is necessary to carry out the weeding of weeds manually with ordinary sowing and with a "planet" with wide-row. Finally, starting from the second year, alfalfa is harrowed annually in early spring during the sowing of spring crops, and also during the summer, after each mowing. Harrowing begins in the spring of the second year of alfalfa life. At first it is produced with lighter harrows in 3-6 tracks, and in the following years it is thoroughly harrowed in 3-6 tracks, with heavy harrows or Randal. Alfalfa is sown either in crop rotation in the fields, or in special areas, the so-called alfalfa. It is sown sometimes in its pure form, sometimes mixed with other herbs. When cultivating alfalfa in the fields in the south, the period of use is determined at 4-5 years and in the southeast at 3-4 years, and in the North. The Caucasus is larger, at 6-7 years old. On alfalfa, the period of use is usually longer. Alfalfa suffers greatly from livestock grazing, but if you have to take alfalfa for pasture, then you need to take older crops.

crescent alfalfa

Crescent alfalfa, otherwise called Swedish, yellow alfalfa or burkun, endures severe snowy winters, as well as severe and prolonged droughts. It is also very undemanding to the soil, it goes even on solonetsous steep mounds, on the very shore, where no cereals grow anymore. Does not tolerate only damp soils. Based on this, it is especially recommended for our southeast, namely for the southern parts of the Samara and Saratov regions, as well as for the provinces of the Urals, Astrakhan and Tsaritsyn, where the usual sowing alfalfa fails. Crescent alfalfa can go further north than common alfalfa. In the chernozem belt of Russia, it is especially suitable for mixtures with cereals, both for cuttings and for pastures. On hayfields, it lasts 5-7 years.

Esparcet is more common in the southwestern and Little Russian regions: Kharkov, Poltava, Kyiv, Podolsk and Volyn, it is also found in the Caucasus. Sainfoin grows well on fat soils, rich in lime, and with permeable, also rich in lime, subsoil. With regard to soil, the requirements of eeparcet are very similar to those of alfalfa, but differ from it in that it tolerates even fine and lean soils better than alfalfa, if the subsoil is calcareous. It tolerates droughts as well as alfalfa. It withstands winter frosts worse than alfalfa, requiring good snow cover. Suffers from spring late frosts. Sainfoin gives the greatest cuts in the second, third years; the period of use is 4-5 years, in the southeast it is less and only under especially favorable growth conditions 10 or even more years. It is used in mixtures for crop rotations for the purpose of long-term use of herbs.

Common vetch is distributed throughout almost the entire European part of Russia, mainly in the non-chernozem zone. On the chernozem, vetch is cultivated mainly in the central agricultural regions. Soils are sandy, loamy and clayey, although not particularly rich, give good vetch cuttings. On calcareous, not very dry soils also gives good harvests. Carries out soils to damp. Vika annual plant. It is used for sowing hay or green fodder in the fields in a spring wedge or with a busy fallow. When establishing permanent and variable meadows, it is used as a preliminary crop in the initial cutting of a meadow or swamp, and then used as a cover plant when sowing grasses. It is sown in a mixture with other herbs.

Vika hairy

Hairy vetch (black, sandy) on the Poltava experimental field gave high mowing. Successful experiences of its breeding are available in the Tver province. There are indications that it tolerates frosts of 20°C even without good snow cover.

Seradella sativa

Seradella (an annual plant) is distributed in the Minsk, Chernigov and Gomel regions. It is not demanding on the soil. It can also go on sandy dry soils, but here its full yields are obtained when these soils are fertilized. Seradella is sown in spring in rye or spring. She is sown in rye early spring, sown even as the snow melts. At the same time, if the soil immediately dries up in the spring, then it is necessary to do a small seed embedding with a harrow: on sandy soils in one or two traces, and on more connected ones stronger. Sowing is done by spreading, and even better by ordinary, between rows of rye seedlings, or across the rows. For spring crops, it is better to sow seradella to barley, but it is also possible to sow oats. Once the cover plant is removed, the seradella grows quickly and produces good hay cuts by September.

gray pea cultivation

Belyushka (gray peas) is bred in the Leningrad, Pskov and some other western regions. It is undemanding to the soil, it tolerates dry sandy soils better than vetch and therefore successfully replaces it on these soils. It is sown for the same purposes as common vetch.

Awnless bonfire

Its culture is distributed mainly in the black earth of the central agricultural and Volga regions. In the non-chernozem zone, it has recently begun to spread more and more when meadows are seeded; it is not afraid of frost, which is why it can be bred in our North, including, for example, up to the Arkhangelsk lips. The awnless bonfire tolerates drought well and therefore should be of particular importance for the south of Russia. The best soils for it are light loams and sandy loams, rich enough in humus. Gives excellent yields on sandy and sandy floodplains of large rivers and their tributaries. It will be badly born on dense clays, on unfertilized sands and on acidic soils. The subsoil must be permeable. The proximity of groundwater, especially stagnant water, adversely affects growth. It cannot be bred on solonetsous soils and solonetzes. The term of economic use is 6-10 years, and with good conditions growth even up to 20 years. In drier places, the period of economic use is shorter and vice versa, in more humid areas it is longer. The highest yield is obtained from the third year of use. Regrowth after mowing is good. Cereal, rhizome. Awnless bonfire is sown in the spring as early as possible. Sowing it is done with a cover plant, which is best to take oats. In the southeast, a fire is lit as follows: as soon as the snow has melted, a fire is scattered, then, when the field can be harrowed, oats are sown and harrowed. At the same time, oats are taken, instead of the usually sown ISO kg (8 pounds) per tithe, only 80-100 kg. If the summer turns out to be dry, then the oats are cut for hay before the grain ripens; Otherwise, the fire may die due to lack of moisture. Sowing a bonfire is usually done scattered, but with well-cut soil, an ordinary and wide-row with a row-to-row distance of 8 inches is used.

Bonfire awnless care

With wide-row sowing of an awnless fire, in the event of the appearance of weeds, it is easy to deal with them by processing row spacings. Taking care of a fire consists in harrowing it in early spring in the first year of use, that is, in the second year after sowing. But harrowing is done with a light harrow in 1 track, and in the following years they are harrowed with heavy harrows in 2-3 tracks. Cattle on the aftermath of the fire, allowed, starting from 2-3 years of his life. Avoid grazing in damp weather with damp soil. When the fire begins to be experienced, zero is allowed under pasture. In Saratov, for example, lips. quite often it happens like this: for the first 4 years the fire is used for hay, for the next 2-8 years it is used for pasture.

wheatgrass plant

Zhitnyak is suitable for breeding in arid areas of the South-East; it does not enter north of Syzran. Its crops are found in the West. Siberia. It develops well in the area of ​​chestnut and southern brown and light lands. Sandy soils and salt licks give good crops of wheatgrass. Zhitnyak does not tolerate acidic soils. Snowless and the most frosty winters, wheatgrass endures icy conditions without any damage. spring frosts he takes it well. Of all the perennial grasses, wheatgrass is almost the most drought tolerant grass. It is quite durable, but gives the best hay yields in the 3rd-4th year. After that, his cuts fall, but he becomes very thin only from the age of 7. Wheatgrass is sown in the spring, but in places with a very dry spring it is better to sow it in the fall, in such a way that it has time to sprout and get stronger before frost. Sowing is done with and without a cover plant. It is used both ordinary and scattered sowing. Seed placement should be small. In the case of the appearance in the spring, in the first year of the life of the wheatgrass, crust, it should be broken. If the seeds have just begun to germinate, then light harrowing can be used, when there are already large sprouts, then a roller with blunt protrusions must be used. In the second and subsequent years of the life of the wheatgrass, harrowing is used in the spring. Zhitnyak gives 1 cut per summer. Zhitnyak is sown in crop rotation or in separate plots. On the Krasnokutskaya op. stations, row sowing gave a smaller yield than broadcast sowing. On heavily weedy and flooded soils, wheatgrass should be sown in wide rows at 35 sant.

Sudanese grass description and photo

Sudanese is an annual herb that is heat demanding. Gives good hay cuttings in Ukraine (except Chernihiv region), in the Crimea, in the Don and Kuban regions, the Mountainous Republic, in the lower Volga region, starting from the Ulyanovsk region. to the south, in the Tatar Republic and the Ural region. To the north, the Sudanese can go to those places where corn can grow - even a little further north. Sudanese is very drought tolerant. In this respect it surpasses all other herbs of our south and southeast. In summer, after the bevel, it quickly grows back. Even in the driest years, the Sudanese gives several mowings, which ensures the production of hay of at least 2.2-3 tons per hectare, while in wet years it produces 5.8 tons or more. Damp and too heavy, or very sandy soils are unsuitable for the cultivation of Sudanese. The best soils for Sudanese are rich, loamy-chernozem. Plowing under the Sudanese is done in the fall, and early in the spring the field is harrowed. Sudanese sowing is late, simultaneously with corn and millet, when the earth warms up well and matinees pass. Sowing is scattered, but even better is ordinary, and in the dry southeast even wide-row with a row spacing of 27-36 cm. Seeding is 2-3 cm, very deep, sowing harms Sudanese seedlings. Seedlings are very tender at first and are afraid of weeds. herbs. The processing of row spacing responds very well to the harvest. Sudanese after the bevel grows well. She can give two cuts, and the third goes to silos. In some cases, the second cut is also used for silage.

mogar plant

Mogar, in its drought resistance, approaches millet. It is sown simultaneously with millet, and its culture is similar to that of millet.

Grain sorghum cultivation technology

Sorghum is a plant of the south and southeast. It gives a large cut of green fodder. At the Bezenchukskaya station, in this respect, it turned out to be higher than corn and mogar. Sorghum yielded 22 tons of green mass per hectare. Corn gave green mass per hectare. 19.8 tons. Mogar gave green mass from a hectare. 15.8 tons.

For silage, sorghum is considered as good as corn. Sorghum is sown at the same time as millet. Best Seeding wide-row. Scattered crops and ordinary continuous ordinary crops in the arid Volga region easily burn out. Care consists in a shelf of weeds and in mo-tyzhenni 1-2 times a summer.

Timofeevka meadow is distributed throughout Russia, with the exception of the most southern and southeastern regions. The southern border of its profitable cultivation in the fields, that is, the border, south of which it is unreliable, passes approximately through Akhtyrka and Sumy, Kharkov region, goes to Voronezh, Kozlov, Penza, Bugulma, Ufa. To the south of this border, its seedlings can be somewhat provided with sowing not in the spring, but in the autumn, which makes it possible for it to become stronger in the autumn and, thanks to the winter moisture, develop satisfactorily from the spring. Clover, in this case, should be sown to it in the spring. In the Saratov, Samara, Simbirsk regions. she is completely unreliable; the hay turns out to be rough, the aftermath grows poorly and gives very little foliage. From grazing cattle quickly degenerates. The best harvests gives on fresh, sweaty loamy, clayey and marsh soils with a sufficient amount of humus. Sandy dry soils, as well as dry loams and clays and podzols, are unfavorable for timothy grass. The low standing of groundwater associated with the dryness of the soil does not respond well to the growth of timothy grass. Timothy meadow is sown in short-term crops in the fields and in mixtures for variable and permanent meadows. In field crop rotations, it is sown in a mixture with red clover. The term of economic use of timothy grass is 3-4 years. greatest development it reaches in the second year. Post-cut regrowth is good. Top cereal, bush. In the north of the non-chernozem belt (Vologda region), timothy grass crops are very common on undercuts. The forest felled at the beginning of summer remains in place for a year to dry and is burned the next year. After removing unburned residues from the site, the undercut is harrowed and timothy grass is sown under the cover plant - winter rye.

Meadow fescue is cultivated mainly in non-chernozem provinces in meadows. In the southern regions it is less common. For the non-chernozem belt of Russia, a very stable plant and very suitable for sowing in cultivated swamps. With good moisture, humus-rich loams, clays and cultivated swamp soils are the best soils for it. On podzols, on thin sands and on acidic soils, fescue gives poor yields and soon falls out. For sowing, it is taken on variable and permanent meadows. When field sowing fescue with a period of use of sowing grasses of 3-4 years, fescue is also introduced into the mixture. The term of use is 5-7 years. Fescue reaches full development 2-4 years after sowing. It regrows very vigorously after mowing. Top cereal, bush.

The hedgehog team has found the greatest use in the non-chernozem zone of Russia. The climate is more moderate. Deep, sufficiently moist, humus-rich loams, clays and sandy loams are the best soils for the hedgehog team. On acidic, damp soils and on dry sands it fails; there were cases when the hedgehog quickly fell out when
sowing it in a mixture with other grasses in the swamps. The hedgehog is used for sowing on permanent and variable meadows. In the cases indicated in relation to fescue, it is also used for field sowing. The term of use of the hedgehog is 6-8 years. It reaches its greatest development by 3-4 years after sowing. The development of hedgehogs from spring is very fast, and flowering is early. The hedgehog grows well after mowing. Top cereal, bush.

Perennial ryegrass (French) prefers warmer climates. It works very well in the western part of Ukraine. Successful experiences of its breeding are available in the central non-chernozem zone of Russia, in the Leningrad region. and in the Baltic region. Ryegrass does not like dry sands and damp soils. In swamps, ryegrass can grow after drying and pre-treatment. It is used for sowing on variable and permanent meadows, as well as in field grass sowing, when the period of use of grasses in the latter case lasts 3-4 years. Durability 3-4 years. Development of ryegrass from spring going fast, regrowth after mowing is good. Top cereal, bush.

Foxtail is cultivated in small quantities in Kursk, Ryazan, Saratov, Kharkov, Podolsk, Kaluga, Moscow, Tver and some other regions. It works well on moist, fertile, loamy and sandy soils. In lowland swamps, after drying and processing, it also gives good cuttings. Podzolic, dry sandy and heavy clay soils are poor foxtail soils. The foxtail is not afraid of the proximity of groundwater. Foxtail is usually introduced in a mixture of long-term meadows. In particularly favorable places for it, for example, in wet or irrigated meadows, it is sown in its pure form. Foxtail is a very perennial plant, it gives mowing for 8-12 years. The highest cuttings begin from the 3rd year of using it. Since spring, it starts flowering very early, compared to other herbs. This circumstance is an inconvenient moment when sowing foxtail in a mixture with other herbs, non-simultaneous flowering in this case of different herbs does not allow hay to be collected. top quality. After mowing, the foxtail grows back quickly and, under good growth conditions, gives a second cut. Cereal, rhizome.

It is rather indifferent to the climate - it is found throughout Russia. It tolerates drought, frost, and wet areas well. good soils for meadow bluegrass, loose, humus-rich loams and sandy loams, as well as marsh soils after drying and processing. Bluegrass does not grow well on dry sands, on strong podzols and on acidic, poorly drained peat bogs. It is used as a perennial grass in mixtures for permanent and variable meadows. Full development reaches 4-5 years of use. Bluegrass grows from spring and blooms early (close to hedgehog). After mowing and grazing, regrowth is very vigorous. Therefore, bluegrass meadow seems to be an excellent plant for the establishment of artificial pastures. Grass grass, rhizome.

Common bluegrass is suitable for the non-chernozem zone of Russia, while preferring a temperate and humid climate. Common bluegrass is born very well on loams and clays, sufficiently moist and rich in humus. It is very suitable for the culture of swamps. The common bluegrass does not like dry and strongly podzolized soils. It is used for laying long-term and variable meadows. Full development reaches pa 3-4 year.

The bent white in culture is found in the non-chernozem zone of Russia. Prefers a climate with abundant, comparatively, precipitation. winter cold takes it out well. Dry soils are unfavorable for the development of white bent grass; it goes well on wet sandy loams, loams and cultivated swamps. It is sown in mixtures mainly for pastures and long-term meadows. Full development reaches 8-4 years. After mowing and grazing grows well. Grass rhizomatous, grassroots.

Lucerne - amazing plant which has a number of useful properties. This extraordinary herb conquered humanity with its healing and nutritional capabilities many hundreds of years ago. Lechuha, honeydew, burkunchik - all this is alfalfa. The plant has a rich vitamin and mineral complex, oils, phytoestrogens and other valuable substances.

To date, alfalfa is actively used in pharmacology, cosmeceuticals, alternative medicine and culinary. How to use this plant for health benefits, we will consider further.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Lucerne has a number of useful substances. The plant is replete with vitamins and various components that favorably affect the work of the whole organism.

Part medicinal herb includes such useful elements as polyunsaturated omega 3 and 6 acids (or vitamin F). They strengthen nails, hair, blood vessels, prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the ligaments, help restore vision, and normalize the level of estrogen in the blood. In addition, the vitamin is involved in the synthesis of calcium and other important trace elements. Honeydew contains a lot of omega 3 and 6 acids, so its health benefits are invaluable.

In her a lot of carbohydratesessential elements involved in the energy metabolism of the body. Alfalfa contains "healthy carbohydrates that do not lead to overweight, but saturate the body with energy and activate brain activity.

Also included are steroid substances - phytosteroids not as harmful as synthetic counterparts. But they saturate the body with strength, give vigor, relieve physical stress. It is they who explain the tonic properties of alfalfa.

Alfalfa contains many essential oils that rejuvenate the body and stimulate tissue regeneration.

Ketone substances and saponins in the plant are strong natural antioxidants, lower cholesterol and strengthen the immune system. Helps reduce blood sugar

Vitamin substances and mineral elements in the composition stimulate the work of the nervous system, normalize all metabolic processes. Alfalfa is especially rich in calcium and magnesium. This helps to eliminate uric acid from the body. Its excess leads to joint diseases.

In alfalfa there is pantothene, which prevents the development of skin diseases, normalizes blood circulation, eliminates allergies, stimulates the intestines. Carotenoids I restore vision, pyridoxine relieves nervous tension. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system.

Lucerne is rich and tocopherol which promotes skin regeneration. Phyloquinone renews the blood and protects the liver from overload. Nicotinic acids useful for the walls of the stomach, intestines and ulcers.

Useful properties of alfalfa

All medicines, where alfalfa extract is included, are quite effective and beneficial to health. They normalize metabolic processes, stimulate the endocrine and circulatory system. Contribute to the breakdown of cholesterol plaques and the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Alfalfa is used as anti-inflammatory and diuretic, with pathologies of the urinary system. And also to strengthen the body's resistance to viral infections.

Alfalfa decoctions can be used for:

  • inflammatory processes in the joints
  • underproduction breast milk,
  • elevated blood sugar levels,
  • nervous disorders, anxiety, emotional and physical fatigue,
  • fractures for the speedy fusion of bones,
  • prostatitis, urolithiasis, cystitis of various forms,
  • high blood pressure, ischemia and other cardiovascular diseases.

Isoflavones and phytoestrogens help the female body during the climax normalizing hormone levels. Alfalfa is also effective in other gynecological diseases associated with hormonal imbalance.

Sprouted sprouts and seeds can be used to treat:

  • flatulence and bloating,
  • dental problems, bad breath,
  • cataracts,
  • external wounds, bruises,
  • stings of wasps and bees,
  • constipation due to mild laxative action.

Alfalfa prevents the formation of blood clots due to its high coumarin content. Saponin substances reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Grass promotes the breakdown of fat cells, which leads to normalization of weight. Helps get rid of swelling and due to the property to remove excess fluid from the body and increase lymph flow.

Alfalfa is rich in calcium and other important trace elements. At the same time, it does not cause allergic effects in children, therefore it is useful for women who are breastfeeding. Through milk, babies receive substances that help the formation of bone tissue and strengthen the immune system and nervous system.

Apply alfalfa to various types to boost immunity and to improve overall health.

How to use sprouted sprouts?

Alfalfa seeds can be germinated at home. It's not difficult at all. To do this, you need to soak the seeds in filtered water for a day. Then, drain the water, distribute the seeds on a piece of natural tissue and leave to germinate. So that the alfalfa seed does not become moldy, you need to wash it every morning and evening under running water. When the first sprouts germinate, you need to rinse the seeds again and put them in plastic container. Store in a cold place for no longer than a week. Sprouted alfalfa is used in cooking and folk medicine.

Sprouted alfalfa is an ideal ingredient for salads.

Since the shoots are soft and tender, it is easily digested. But already a mature plant with hard, hard stems is not recommended to be eaten raw. This can only be done after thermal exposure. For example, you can pour boiling water over the grass to make the fibers softer and more tender.

In order to resist viruses and other infections in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to use the young leaves and seedlings of alfalfa, as well as the juice of the plant. So, you will replenish the element necessary for the body - ascorbic acid. The lack of which leads to a decrease in immunity.

Alfalfa in folk medicine

Alfalfa has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is widely used in alternative medicine. All parts of the plant can be prepared medicinal teas, decoctions and infusions. There are very few contraindications for alfalfa and this makes it a unique remedy for getting rid of many diseases.


There is a universal alfalfa tincture recipe. For one tablespoon of chopped herbs - a glass of boiling water. Cover and leave until cool. Drink within 12 hours three to four times.

You can also cook alcohol infusion. For five tablespoons of crushed leaves, take half a liter of vodka or alcohol. Keep for about two weeks in a dark place with an average temperature. Drink one teaspoon thirty minutes before meals. Twice a day.

For arthritis, arthrosis, gout you need to pour 50 grams of grass with a liter of alcohol or vodka. Leave for fourteen days to insist. For fifty milliliters of water, it is recommended to take 10 drops of the finished tincture. Drink thirty minutes before meals. Take three times a day.

For cuts, abrasions, burns or after surgery, it is very useful to take alfalfa infusion. Proportion: 5 grams of alfalfa grass per half cup of boiling water. The mixture must be poured into the bath. Take 10-15 minutes. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

To increase lactation it is necessary to add half a teaspoon of alfalfa infusion to tea. Drink tea in the morning, afternoon and evening, for a week. In addition, you can drink fresh juice from sprouted alfalfa sprouts. Five to six tablespoons a day is enough.

For an immune-boosting infusion you need to take ten tablespoons of grated alfalfa per half liter of boiling water. Cover the mixture and leave for five hours. Filter through double cheesecloth. Herbal cake is thrown away. Decoction to drink half a cup three to four times a day. You can add some honey for taste.

The infusion is suitable for stimulate the heart muscle. At 6 st. l. dried raw materials pour 500 ml of boiling water. Then let it brew for five hours. Next, strain through cheesecloth. Take one hundred milliliters three times a day. Definitely before meals. The duration of therapy is four weeks.

Against pancreatitis and diabetes you need to grind the stems of the plant. Pour boiling water (0.5 l). Wrap with a warm cloth and towel. Leave for five or six hours. Strain. Drink five tablespoons an hour before meals. Morning, afternoon and evening. Or dilute the juice of the plant in equal parts with water.


The basic recipe for a decoction of alfalfa is as follows: for 2 tbsp. l. alfalfa herbs - 500 ml of water. Put on fire, boil and keep on low heat for ten minutes. Most often, such a recipe is used when douching.

Against nervousness need 15 gr. dried alfalfa grass pour one and a half glasses of liquid. Boil. Simmer for ten minutes. Pour into a thermos and leave for three hours. Filter. Take half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening one hour before meals. Great for helping relieve nervousness during pregnancy or menopause.

In the treatment of diabetes this recipe will help: pour 200 ml of boiling water onto ten grams of grass. Simmer in a water bath for twenty-five minutes, stirring gently. Time to insist. Strain. Drink in small doses throughout the day.

During the menopause good to drink soothing decoction. For a glass of water - five grams of raw materials. Boil five minutes. And leave to infuse for about three hours. Drink 125 ml. Three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Relieve inflammation and pain from hemorrhoids sitz baths with a decoction of alfalfa help. You will need a teaspoon of dried stems and 250 ml of boiling water. Steam twenty minutes. Pour the strained broth into the bath.

For weight loss and appetite suppression you need to take sprouted alfalfa and pour a liter of boiling water over the floor. Cool and take 200 ml per day before the main meals.

With oncology effective hop variety of alfalfa. For two tablespoons of dried raw materials - half a liter of liquid. Boil five minutes. Then leave to infuse for an hour. Take small doses 15-20 minutes before meals.


The juice from the leaves and stem of the plant is also very useful. It should be diluted clean water in a one to one ratio. Applies to enhance the production of breast milk, with elevated blood sugar levels.

If you are being tormented nasal and vaginal bleeding, drink 25 g of juice from the leaves of the plant twice a day. To do this, squeeze fresh juice from alfalfa leaves. Use twenty-five milliliters in the morning and evening.

Can cook vitamin tonic drink. A little fresh peeled alfalfa grass, mixed with the same amount of water, grind with a blender until creamy. Take the prepared mixture daily. First, start treatment with small portions, then gradually increase this amount. This vitamin drink activates the work of all body systems. Strengthens the nervous, cardiovascular, immune systems. Gives energy, relieves sleep problems, normalizes bowel function.


From bleeding it is enough to put a bunch of dry alfalfa on the wound. In order for bruises to resolve faster, you need to apply pieces of cotton wool soaked in a decoction of grass to them.

To improve the body's immune functions fit alfalfa sprouts. They are eaten raw. For example, as an addition to a salad. With regular use, hemoglobin increases, vitality increases, metabolism accelerates.

Use in cosmetology

Lucerne is widely used for cosmetic purposes. Since it contains a lot of essential oils, vitamins and acids, it is good for hair and skin.

Suitable for those who want to find firm and fresh skin rejuvenating mask. Crush the grass with a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder. Dilute a teaspoon of the powder with a small amount hot water. To make a pasty mixture. Cool slightly. Apply the gruel on the face and neck, avoiding the nasolabial triangle and around the eyes. Hold for fifteen minutes. wash away warm water without soap. Lubricate the skin with a nourishing agent to prevent dryness. One or two masks a week are enough for good effect.

Remove puffiness and redness such a soothing mask will help: it is recommended to add a little honey to the medicinal infusion. Next, dip a piece of gauze into the resulting mixture. Put it on your face. Lie down for 15 minutes at rest. Then remove the mask and lightly wipe the face with a swab dipped in warm water.

For hair loss, this will help effective recipe: 20 gr. herbs - a liter of boiling water. Boil for ten minutes. Cool, strain. Rinse hair along the entire length after washing. Such a decoction softens the hair, strengthens, makes obedient and alive. Great alternative to synthetic conditioner.

For aging skin wash your face effectively with an infusion of medicinal herbs, and also use lotions. With regular use, fine wrinkles disappear, the skin rejuvenates, becomes elastic.

An excellent prophylactic against aging is wiping the skin with ice cubes prepared from a decoction of the plant.


The abundance of useful properties does not make alfalfa a panacea for all diseases. She also has contraindications, but they are not so many. When to limit the use of the plant:

  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • When taking drugs that increase blood clotting.
  • You can not drink alfalfa for a long time, because it contains a lot of vitamin fat-soluble substances, it leads to weight gain and hyterminosis. The optimal course of treatment is eight to twelve weeks with a break of four weeks.
  • In acute gastritis, colitis and other intestinal pathologies, you can not eat fresh honeydew stems.
  • Should not be taken with lupus erythematosus.
  • Individual intolerance.

Before taking any medicines with alfalfa, you need to carefully study the indications and contraindications for use. For any signs of allergic reactions: skin rash, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, you need to consult an allergist and stop taking the remedy.

Sowing alfalfa from the legume family. Alfalfa is a medicinal plant that grows wild in Asia Minor and the Balkans. As an adventive plant and in cultivation, it is distributed throughout the world. Alfalfa can be found on the edges, dry meadows, grass pastures and slopes, gravel, in the steppes, river valleys, along screes, in bushes. In crops and near them, alfalfa grows like a weed.


Lucerne is a herbaceous perennial plant. Alfalfa has many tetrahedral, erect, pubescent or bare, densely leafy stems. In height, the stems grow from 30 to 90 centimeters. Stems are branching in the crown part. The plant has a powerful, thick, deep-lying rhizome. The leaves are arranged on petioles, alternate, entire, trifoliate, compound. The leaves are elliptical, oblong-wedge-shaped, oblong-obovate.

Flowers moth type, blue-violet, small, concentrated 20-30 flowers in capitate racemes. Peduncles of alfalfa are axillary, slightly longer than leaves. The calyx is hairy, tubular-funnel-shaped, reaches 0.5-0.6 cm in length. The raceme is dense, capitate, many-flowered, 2-3 cm long. Alfalfa blooms in June-July.

The fruits are beans of a spirally twisted shape, reaching 0.6 cm in diameter. Fruit ripening occurs in August-September.


Although the alfalfa plant can grow in any soil in sun or partial shade, it prefers light and dry soils. Lucerne propagates before winter or in spring by seeds. Seeds must be soaked in water for 12 hours before sowing.

Alfalfa, like many other legumes, is a good soil-improving crop.

The root tubers of alfalfa contain bacteria that, remaining in the roots, accumulate atmospheric nitrogen, and it, in turn, passes into the soil during plowing. Thus, the place where alfalfa grows receives fertilizer and the land can not be changed for 50 years, while the quality and quantity of raw materials will not deteriorate.


IN medicinal purposes above-ground parts of the plant are used. The grass is collected during flowering, then it is dried in the air under sheds, for this it should be spread out in a thin 3-5 cm layer.

Chemical composition.

Alfalfa contains ketones, essential oil, carbohydrates, steroids, triterpinoids, organic acids, alkaloids, pantothenic acid, glycides, vitamins K, C, D, E, B2, B12, B1, higher fatty acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, carotene.

Vitamin C, anthocyanins, tocopherols, carotene, carbohydrates, phenolcarboxylic acids, catechins are found in the aerial part of the plant.

pharmacological properties.

Medicines from alfalfa (herb) have antidiabetic, diuretic, wound healing, diuretic, bactericidal, tonic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drugs have a beneficial effect on the intestines, thyroid gland, stomach. Also, drugs can improve metabolism, increase lactation, lower cholesterol, normalize the state of the circulatory system, and increase hemoglobin levels.

Alfalfa contains a large number of trace elements, almost full complex vitamins to improve general state organism.


Alfalfa herb is prescribed to weakened people to relieve pain from heart pain, arthritis, gout, atherosclerosis,. To reduce pain in muscle cramps, rheumatism, liver intoxication. And also to lower cholesterol levels, remove toxins. It is used to treat nephritis, cystitis, bladder diseases, constipation, acne, anemia, allergies. Alfalfa is able to normalize water balance, prevent tooth decay and remove uric acid. Also, this medicinal plant can improve appetite.

Powdered alfalfa leaves are used externally for cuts as a hemostatic and wound healing agent, and is also used for malignant neoplasms. The leaves also have diuretic properties.


3 art. l. crushed alfalfa grass is poured with 500 ml of boiling water and left for 4 hours, then filtered. The infusion is consumed 1/3 cup three times a day.

In case of dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas, diabetes mellitus, it is advised to take this infusion: pour 2 teaspoons of finely chopped alfalfa grass into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. We drink during the day after complete cooling.

With diabetes.

To lower the blood sugar level, it is necessary to dilute the alfalfa juice with water (1: 1). Diluted juice is taken before meals for 30 minutes, 1/3 cup.


Fill with water (1 cup) 1 tbsp. l alfalfa, put on water and boil for ten minutes. Then we set aside and wait until it cools down, we use the cooled broth for douching with trichomonas colpitis.

For outdoor use.

For malignant tumors in the form of a powder, it is advised to use leaf powder.


Pour one tablespoon of alfalfa (you need to take dry grass) with 40% alcohol (100 ml), insist in heat for 14 days. Take ten drops half an hour before meals.

If a nursing mother does not have milk.

50 g of fresh crushed oat grass, pour 100 ml of 40% alcohol, insist 14 days in a dark place, filter. We take 10 drops together with alfalfa tincture (in equal doses).


Genus Alfalfa (medicago) has more than 100 species of annual, biennial and perennial herbaceous plants, less often shrubs. It belongs to the legume family (Fabaceae). The natural range of its representatives is Southwest Asia, it is not for nothing that the name of the genus is translated from Greek as “food from Mussels”.

Alfalfa portrait

Alfalfa is highly developed. A dense network of roots extends to a depth of 1-1.5 m. This helps the plant survive in various conditions- in floodplains of rivers, on roadsides, in meadow steppes. An important feature of the structure of the underground part of alfalfa is the presence of numerous nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Thanks to this, the plant supplies up to 800 kg of nitrogen to 1 hectare of soil in two years of cultivation.

The aerial part is represented by ascending or prostrate stems with a height of 0.1 to 1 m or more. They are covered with trifoliate leaves with stipules, from the axils of which, in the middle and upper parts of the shoots, dense oval inflorescences-brushes of yellow or purple, less often white flowers appear from late spring to autumn.

Lucerne: planting and care

Fresh, well-drained and sunny locations are preferred for alfalfa cultivation. Alfalfa for a month, but does not tolerate prolonged waterlogging. Rarely found in places where the groundwater level is closer than 1 m to the soil surface. soil (pH below 4.5) has a negative effect on nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, so alfalfa does not grow on such soils.

Lucerne - unpretentious plant. Tolerates low levels of fertility, tolerates drought well. It winters equally well in harsh climates and in areas with mild winters.

The use of alfalfa

Alfalfa - is also used as a fodder plant. At good development frequency of mowing 3-5 times per season. Resistant to trampling, grows well after mowing. The presence of nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the roots allows the use of alfalfa as valuable, supplying the soil with minerals and making it loose. The optimal period from sowing to digging is eight weeks, during which time the alfalfa will develop enough green mass, and the roots will not have time to become woody. Decomposition in the soil occurs within four weeks, after which the sowing can be repeated. In the garden, you can grow alfalfa to decorate sunny areas with poor soils.

Reproduction of alfalfa

Alfalfa is propagated by seed. lightly sprinkled with earth. It should be taken into account that only a part of the seeds germinate in the next year, and the rest - in subsequent years.

Pests and diseases

Alfalfa is rarely affected by pests and diseases. Of the pests, the most common are alfalfa gall midge and alfalfa moth that damage flowers. not only affects plants, but also carries viral diseases. The most harmful viral disease for alfalfa - a mosaic of leaves, as a result of which the leaves acquire a whitish spot, curl, and prematurely fall off. mushroom and bacterial diseases(, spotting, fusarium wilt; bacterial wilt) occur with thickened crops and unfavorable conditions for the plant. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of plant residues. In the event of the appearance of pests and diseases, chemical treatment. From pests - drugs Decis, BI-58. from mushrooms and bacterial diseases - Fundazol, Bordeaux mixture.

Popular types of alfalfa

Alfalfa crescent (Medicago falcata)- perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m tall. Yellow flowers are collected in dense oval inflorescences-brushes, bloom from May to August. The beans are sickle-shaped.

Alfalfa, or blue (Medicago sativa), has less tall stems (up to 80 cm long). In the middle and upper parts they are covered with hairs. The leaves are pubescent below. The flowers are purple, rarely white. The beans are snail rolled.

Alfalfa hop-like (Medicago lupulina)- annual or biennial, rarely growing as a perennial herbaceous plant. Stems creeping or ascending, up to 40-50 cm long. Leaves and calyx pubescent. Yellow flowers are collected by 10-50 pieces in a dense brush or capitate inflorescence, bloom from May to October. The bean is nearly black, glabrous or slightly hairy, and contains one seed. In culture, the plant is less in demand compared to sickle alfalfa and sowing alfalfa.

Lucerne is an unpretentious plant. Tolerates low levels of fertility, tolerates drought well.

Sin .: doctor's clinic, grass lechuha, red burkun, burkunets, burkunchik, medunka, blue alfalfa, dawn, steppe vezil, meadow widdle, mouse steppe, snorer, ionzha.

Alfalfa is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family, used as a fodder crop. In addition to use in agriculture also used in herbal medicine, traditional medicine and in the manufacture of dietary supplements. Alfalfa is listed in the pharmacopoeias of some countries Western Europe as a cholesterol lowering agent.

Ask the experts

flower formula

Alfalfa flower formula: P(5)L1.2.(2)T(5+4).1P1.

In medicine

Alfalfa is cultivated as a valuable fodder plant and as a phytosanitary agent for improving the soil. The plant is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used by official medicine. However, herbalists consider the plant a source of a large amount of vitamins and useful mineral elements; in folk medicine, alfalfa grass is used as a sedative.

Alfalfa is also used in the manufacture of dietary supplements containing flavonoids and isoflavones (Cardiin, Artriosin international formula, Alfalfa-Santegra.).

Contraindications and side effects

Reception of alfalfa and its preparations is contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women, children, as well as for autoimmune diseases, the diagnosis of "systemic lupus erythematosus".

In cooking

More recently, alfalfa has been used to make purees and soups. There is also such a dish as pickled alfalfa, but it contains a lot of salts, so it is better not to use it for diseases of the joints.

In other areas

Alfalfa is an excellent honey plant, you can collect up to 300 kg of transparent honey per hectare of irrigated land.

Alfalfa grass serves as food for worms and soil microorganisms. Where alfalfa grows, soil formation conditions improve. On such soil, the incidence of plants decreases, and the yield of subsequent crops increases.


Alfalfa (lat. Medicago sativa) is a herbaceous plant, a type species of the genus Alfalfa (lat. Medicago) of the legume family (lat. Fabaceae).

Botanical description

The stems are tetrahedral, glabrous or pubescent, strongly branched in the upper part, reach a height of 80 cm, can be straight, widely bushy or lying. The rhizome is powerful, thick, lies deep, can reach a depth of 10 meters. Leaves are located on petioles, 1-2 cm long and 0.3-1 cm wide, oblong-obovate, entire. Peduncles axillary, longer than leaves. Raceme capitate, dense, many-flowered, 2-3 cm long. Flowers blue-violet. Calyx 0.5-0.6 cm long, tubular-funnel-shaped, hairy. The formula of the alfalfa flower is Ch(5)L1.2.(2)T(5+4).1P1. The fruit is a spirally twisted bean, with kidney-shaped achenes, about 0.6 cm across.


Alfalfa grows wild in Asia Minor and the Balkans. Cultural forms and as an adventive plant are found almost all over the world. Most often, alfalfa can be found in dry meadows and in river valleys, in the steppe and on the edges of the forest, on grass pastures and hillsides.

The plant is also found in warm temperate Europe, Central Asia, North Africa and Australia.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, aerial parts are used in alfalfa. They are harvested during flowering, in June - July. The collected stems and leaves are dried, spreading out in a thin layer (about three to five centimeters) in the fresh air, preferably in the shade. Alfalfa seeds are harvested from the grass stand of the first mowing. The best term for harvesting alfalfa for seeds is the presence of 75-80% of brown beans in the brushes. Freshly threshed seeds are cleaned, dried to a moisture content of not more than 13% and stored. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Chemical composition

Alfalfa is rich in active substances: iron, phosphorus and calcium. The plant also contains vitamins A and C, unsaturated fatty acids, tannins, amino acids, phytoestrogens (coumestrol and genistein), cyclic compounds and saponosides.

Alfalfa seeds contain vitamins B 1 , B 2 , B 12 , C, D, E, K, chlorophyll and amino acids. The concentration of vitamins and the accumulation of nutrients in the seeds increase during the ripening period of the pod. Alfalfa leaves also contain niacin, biotin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid.

Pharmacological properties

Alfalfa is rich useful trace elements and contains a large amount of vitamin C, and also has general strengthening properties. The active substances contained in the plant (phytoestrogen stachydrine and 1-homostachidrine) regulate menstruation and increase milk secretion in women. Alfalfa has a diuretic effect. An extract prepared from alfalfa protects against sunburn and radiation.

Alfalfa is used for exhaustion, fatigue of the body, to maintain strength during the recovery period. The use of alfalfa increases the elasticity of arteries, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, stabilizes blood sugar levels, effectively lowers blood pressure, has an antitumor effect, improves immunity and regulates the function of the pituitary gland.

Application in traditional medicine

Among the people, alfalfa is used for obesity, atherosclerosis, heart pain, coronary disease heart, joint diseases, to relieve pain in arthritis, arthrosis, gout, rheumatism. Alfalfa also helps with colds, bronchial asthma.

With liver intoxication, general exhaustion of the body after an illness, alfalfa helps to cleanse the body of toxins and gain strength again. Can be used for detoxification in the treatment of alcoholism. Alfalfa can help with cramps, removes excess cholesterol from the body.

Alfalfa is effective for constipation, acne, allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, removes uric acid, and normalizes water balance. Helps with diseases of the bladder, with cystitis, nephritis. A decoction of alfalfa herbs is used for douching with trichomonas colpitis.

Alfalfa improves the condition of patients diabetes and those suffering from dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas.

Alfalfa contains a significant amount of vitamin K, which prevents hemorrhages and bleeding, is used for various forms hemorrhagic syndrome, one of the causes of which is radiation injury. Powder from the leaves of alfalfa is used externally as a hemostatic and wound healing agent, especially for cuts.

Just like mint, alfalfa helps to improve appetite, for this it is enough to brew it like a tea. The high content of fluorine allows the use of alfalfa to prevent caries.

Historical reference

The plant got its name "alfalfa" from the Latin word "lampshade", "lamp". This was due to the glow of the seeds in the pods at night due to the high content of phosphorus in the seeds.

"Medicago" - the Latin name for alfalfa, translated means "food from the Mussels" - that was the name of the Central Asian state, considered the birthplace of the plant. Alfalfa was brought to Europe more than 6 thousand years ago, and from there the plant spread to different continents.

The Arabs called alfalfa the mother of all food. And in the medieval medicine of Armenia, the seeds of the plant were used as a male potency enhancer.

There are more than 50 varieties of alfalfa, but only a few are widely distributed. Currently, alfalfa is grown worldwide, especially in irrigated lands in the United States and Argentina, and is the leading forage crop in the Western United States.


  1. Flora of the USSR. In 30 volumes / Ch. ed. acad. V. L. Komarov; Ed. Volumes B. K. Shishkin. - M.-L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1945. - T. XI. - S. 148-150. - 432 p. - 4000 copies.
  2. The World of Medicinal Plants NSP: An Illustrated Guide / ed. P.V. Druzhinina, A.F. Novikov; comp. I. Turova. - M., 2010
  3. Pocket Encyclopedia. medicinal plants. - St. Petersburg: OOO SZKEO, 2010.
  4. Abrikosov Kh. N. et al. Alfalfa // Dictionary-reference book of the beekeeper / Comp. Fedosov N. F. - M .: Selkhozgiz, 1955.- S. 179.
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