Plastic melting. Types and types of plastic, classification of plastic. What kind of material is used in the production of plastic containers. Plastic. Making a cut shape

Recycling plastic bottles as a home business, do-it-yourself equipment is of interest to many due to the availability of raw materials. You can only use material that has the appropriate symbol. This is an image of a triangle made up of three arrows. Inside the triangle, the marking of the specific plastic from which the product is made is placed. For recycling, only such plastic is selected that, when heated, does not emit harmful substances for good health.

In some cases, when stripes are made from plastic bottles for the subsequent production of wicker products, bottles from any type of plastic can be used.

An interesting recyclable material is bottles made from HDPE, a high-density polyethylene. Plastic is made from petroleum products, it is easily chipped, resistant to alkalis and acids. The scope of manufacturing from such material is very extensive. Tanks for storing motor oils, water, bearings, and various handles were created from it.

Do not use plastics with a different label for recycling at home - when melted, they can release harmful substances or simply ruin the composition.

General principles for recycling plastic containers at home

Plastic becomes plastic at a temperature of 180 ° C, so it can be used for recycling at home. Previously, the plastic is crushed, and then the resulting mass is heated. It is sometimes advised to heat the plastic at home, as it is sometimes advised - in the oven, it is impossible to reach the state of such a liquid, it simply becomes plastic, therefore any product can be easily formed from the heated mass of crushed plastic in the appropriate form, but there will be cavities in the craft.

Modern equipment for small business

Russian-language sites traditionally describe the processes of processing plastic bottles on domestic equipment, which requires more than two hundred square meters to accommodate and about six hundred thousand rubles to purchase. Along with this, today there are a lot of equipment, small in size and very cheap in terms of production cost, for processing plastic bottles at home.

Such equipment does not require a lot of space for placement, it is easy to rebuild it to change the products produced, to do it yourself. Naturally, it will not make it possible to earn millions every month, but it will make a start-up for the processing of plastic raw materials accessible to almost everyone and will serve as the foundation for the further development of such a business.

A complete plastic bottle recycling line includes:

  • shredder;
  • agglomerator;
  • extruder.

Such a set of units will ensure the complete processing of plastic bottles.


This unit is designed for grinding plastic products. The resulting small plates of plastic are called flex. Industrially manufactured devices are quite expensive.

For example, the simplest AMD-200D crusher, which processes about fifty kilograms of feedstock per hour, will cost about one hundred and thirty-five thousand rubles. And do similar unit Doing it yourself won't do much work.

Those interested will benefit from drawings:

If conditions permit and it is possible to place a bath for washing the resulting flex, a centrifuge for drying in the room, it can be limited to its production. Today, according to Flagma, such material is sold from thirty-five to forty-nine rubles per kilogram, and bought - from twenty to thirty-five rubles per kilogram.


This unit is intended for sintering flex. The cost of the cheapest industrial designs is about two hundred thousand rubles. Therefore, it is not surprising that craftsmen make such units on their own. Of course, it is impossible to make such a unit from scratch without milling and turning. However, you can use the drawing and ask friends working at the factory to make the necessary parts.

Many of those who organize the recycling of plastic bottles in garages and other utility rooms are outside the scope of government agencies that monitor compliance with sanitary environmental standards as working chamber agglomerator, already existing electric furnaces are used, since the flex begins to sinter at temperatures starting from 180˚C. Dave Hackens' agglomerators are the most popular.


This unit is a device for receiving finished products or pellets used later for processing. The screws feed the flakes into the chamber, where they are heated and become plastic, up to liquefaction. Passing through the filter, the plastic is cleaned and, after passing through the extruder, it takes the form of threads. These threads can be used for various products, or cut and sold.

Dave Hakkens offers homemade extruders that are combined with a press and allow you to get any product that fits the shape. In the unit, the flex is heated to almost liquid state and screws under pressure is fed into the mold.

What can be made from PET bottles

For people with creative imagination, plastic bottles are an inexhaustible material for inspiration.

You can also make strong ropes from plastic bottles. To do this, you need a "bottle cutter". Craftsmen make this simple device from a blade, a few washers, mounted on a wooden base.

When assembled, the bottle cutter looks like this.

Spools that are wound with threads obtained from PET bottles can also be made from bottle necks. First, cut off the necks of two bottles and the tops of two caps. Cropped caps are fixed on the rod, on which the cut necks are then wound, holes are made in the necks with a red-hot carnation, through which the beginning of the thread is passed and, having tied a knot, fix it.

The resulting tapes can be used not only for the manufacture of ropes, but also to make tubes from them. To do this, a strip cut from a plastic bottle is passed through a hole of the diameter required for the tube and heated, they begin to be pulled through it. The principle of operation is clear from the photo.

It is quite possible that such a mini-business is suitable for someone, requiring only a bottle cutter with coils and premises, such as making brooms and brooms from plastic ribbons. How such products are made can be easily understood from the picture.

It may seem to many that the bottle ribbon business is very small, not noteworthy. However, in India it is a serious business. Several vertically placed bottle cutters are used, the cut strips are wound on reels that rotate from a mechanical drive. One worker sets the bottles on the bottle cutters and ties the resulting strips, the second worker controls the speed of rotation of the coils, on which the strips are wound, from which ropes are subsequently made.

Recently, tiles made from PET bottles have become increasingly popular in southern countries. The molten flex is mixed with mineral filler (sand fines) and filled into molds through an extruder. In the countries of the former USSR, such a business is just beginning, so the field for the activities of craftsmen is quite wide.

Also made from plastic bottles paving slabs, chain-link mesh, greenhouse walls and much, much more.

But, so that an entrepreneur does not decide to make such recycled materials - success, as in any business, will depend on the literacy of drawing up a business plan. Such a document will not only streamline knowledge, build a system of actions, but can be useful if you need to attract investment money.

Principles of writing a business plan

Like any other business plan for the organization and operation of an enterprise aimed at processing plastic bottles, other plastic products are drawn up in accordance with the requirements for such documents by the considering specialists. This must be taken into account, because the business plan is prepared not so much for oneself, but for those who, on its basis, will allocate the money needed to turn the idea into practice. Financial professionals are the most picky. If they themselves do not know something thoroughly, they will definitely turn to specialists to obtain an assessment of the proposed document. Therefore, the created document should correspond as much as possible to accepted norms, because, as they say, they meet by clothes.

Before writing, you need to clearly understand for yourself that a business plan, in fact, is just a written explanation of the proposed project, the amounts necessary for its implementation, as well as the optimal implementation timeframe. Such an approach to the matter will immediately clarify what is the main thing in it and what is secondary, what needs to be emphasized, and what should be moved to the background.

Information about the project of the future enterprise is divided into several sections:

  • Section I Title page. Preamble information about the name of the enterprise, its form of ownership and address is placed here, the name of the proposed project is placed, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are placed. The date of preparation of the document is indicated and information is provided on the need to calculate cash costs and profits, which are included in the document or placed in a separate application.
  • Section II. This copyright section is often referred to as the "Privacy Statement". It sets out data on the authors of the business plan materials and their rights, obligations not to disclose the information received without the author's consent, as well as obligations to return the business plan after reading it if the decision on it is not positive.
  • Section III. This section is often referred to as the "Summary". This section summarizes the entire business plan and outlines the essence of the project. This section is recommended to be created after writing the entire business plan and arrange the information following the following structure:
  1. project description;
  2. availability of resources;
  3. ways and means of implementation;
  4. the answer to the question - what is the uniqueness of the project;
  5. required investment amount;
  6. projected profit;
  7. ways to return money to investors;
  8. the effectiveness of the proposed project.
  • Section IV. Objective of the project. This section describes special purpose of the proposed business, describe the services or products to be placed on the market, and indicate the benefits that customers will receive. For this, the advantages of the products produced are described in detail. If there is their uniqueness, this moment should be described as carefully and extensively as possible. If the latest technologies are used, it is necessary to indicate how copyrights will be implemented.
  • Section V Market analysis in the area of ​​the proposed business. Here the results of marketing research on the proposed products are presented, as well as the activities of competitors are analyzed. If, when writing a business plan, there is no uniqueness of the proposed business in a given region, the emphasis is on reducing costs through the use of new technologies, reducing energy costs, personnel, and so on. Be sure to take into account that today there are practically no areas that are no longer covered by business, therefore, having found competitors, you need to justify how the proposed business is more attractive.
  • Section VI. Position of the created enterprise in the industry. Here the main characteristics of the enterprise are described and, based on their analysis, the place of the planned production or trade in the existing industry is noted. The preferred form of ownership of the enterprise and what costs will have to be incurred to create it are indicated. The section also contains information about:
  1. company address;
  2. the type of premises required, indicating whether it already exists or needs to be purchased, whether it is necessary to make repairs or not;
  3. economic indicators work;
  4. temporal characteristics of the specifics of production activity.

If the business is planned to start from scratch, the prospective management has or does not have experience in this area. The lack of managerial experience in the proposed area is a very negative characteristic, as a rule, it initiates the refusal of third-party investors.

  • Section VII. Product Description. The section is created after the analysis of the existing market. Based on the analysis, a conclusion is made about the advantages of the proposed product and the competitiveness of the company. This section must contain or be accompanied by product samples or their photos, a description of technical characteristics. If several units of the product are produced, each of them is described in detail. Structurally, the section is divided into several subsections:
  1. the name of the product, as well as its description;
  2. purpose and areas of use;
  3. specifications
  4. competitive advantages;
  5. the presence or absence of copyright;
  6. environmental friendliness of the product or its absence;
  7. quality certificates;
  8. service and operation.
  • Section VIII. Sales of products. The section contains a marketing plan for the implementation of the manufactured product. Such a plan should include:
  1. models of behavior in the market;
  2. a reasoned explanation of the quantity of the purchased product by customers;
  3. describes the methods used to influence demand;
  4. describes the methodology for calculating prices;
  5. provides information on how to sell;
  6. the legal status of the main consumer is indicated.

Any material on organizing a business includes a governing advice - find a consumer. That's what the marketing plan is for. This structural unit is under close scrutiny, so it must be specified in detail:

  1. what criteria for evaluating the product from the point of view of the consumer were studied when writing a business plan;
  2. what place in the supply chain is occupied by the customer to whom the goods are supplied.

This section is based on the characteristics by which the product is evaluated not by the manufacturer, but by the consumer. It is highly desirable to analyze the evaluation of a similar product by consumers of competitors and, on the basis of this information, justify the attractiveness of your own product. This section also includes the logistics concept - how and to whom the goods are delivered, who is responsible for sending them. A strategy for conducting advertising campaigns is given. Prices and sales volumes are indicated by time periods. Payback periods and profitability are calculated.

  • Section IX. Production plan. The material of the section requires close attention and elaboration, especially in cases of planning to open a company from scratch. The section describes and analyzes in detail the production chains of the product, considers the premises and the equipment located in it, its location, ways of transporting the source material, parts, finished products and so on. Not only an exhaustive description of production is given, but also the control over its processes, it is indicated what moments will be entrusted to subcontractors, the reasons for their choice are indicated. This section describes all the costs of production, and also calculates the cost of the product, provides an estimate of costs, indicates variable and fixed costs. Information is arranged following a specific structure:
  1. production structure;
  2. technology used;
  3. what premises are needed;
  4. the need for staff;
  5. raw materials;
  6. equipment characteristics;
  7. production capacity;
  8. cost estimate;
  9. selection of subcontractors;
  10. cost analysis.
  • Section X. Organizational plan. The section describes organizational issues, laid out regulations and describes how they will be implemented.
  • Section XI. financial planning. Here you will find information about the required financial investments and their spending. It also sets out the timing of financial movements, the timing of the stages, finances are determined for working capital. It also indicates if there is a need to attract loans and how they will be returned. In this section, the conclusion of the above is an analysis of the effectiveness of the company and its work. Structurally, it looks like this:
  1. received profit;
  2. tax payment structures;
  3. the need for investment;
  4. loan servicing;
  5. description of the effectiveness of the project
  • Section XII. Risk analysis. The section contains information about the difficulties that may impede the implementation of the project. This includes difficulties provoked by legislation, weather, competitors, and so on. The more complete the list, indicating ways to solve difficulties, the higher the assessment of the plan as a whole.

The difficulties of doing business include the wrong choice of employees - success does not depend on the degree of acquaintance, but on professionalism.

To assess the degree of risk, the following methods of analysis are used:

  1. statistical method (the basis is the study of named statistics);
  2. analogy method - analysis based on studying the development of similar projects;
  3. expert method, basis of analysis - expert opinion;
  4. modeling - the response to external influence is analyzed.

Also, a description of possible systems for countering risks is carried out, possible guarantees are called - authorities, guarantees for goods, bank guarantees, and so on.

  • Section XIII. Applications. Documents that are not included in the planning description but are important are collected here, copies of contracts for similar products, data sources, price lists, and so on.

What material is used in production plastic containers. How are plastics different from each other? Plastic

It is quite easy to determine the type of plastic if there is a marking - but what if there is no marking, but it is necessary to find out what the thing is made of ?! For quick and high-quality recognition of various types of plastics, a little desire and practical experience. The technique is quite simple: the physical and mechanical properties of plastics (hardness, smoothness, elasticity, etc.) and their behavior in the flame of a match (lighter) are analyzed. It may seem strange, but different types of plastics burn differently! For example, some flare up brightly and burn intensely (almost without soot), while others, on the contrary, smoke heavily. Plastic even makes different sounds when it burns! Therefore, it is so important to accurately identify the type of plastic, its brand by a set of indirect signs.

How to determine LDPE (polyethylene high pressure, low density). Burns with a bluish, luminous flame with melting and burning streaks of polymer. When burning, it becomes transparent, this property is preserved long time after extinguishing the flame. Burns without soot. Burning drops, when falling from a sufficient height (about one and a half meters), make a characteristic sound. When cooling, the polymer drops look like frozen paraffin, very soft, when rubbed between the fingers, they are greasy to the touch. Extinct polyethylene smoke has the smell of paraffin. Density of LDPE: 0.91-0.92 g/cm. cube

How to identify HDPE (polyethylene low pressure, high density). More rigid and dense than LDPE, fragile. Combustion test - similar to LDPE. Density: 0.94-0.95 g/cm. cube

How to identify Polypropylene. When introduced into a flame, polypropylene burns with a brightly glowing flame. Burning is similar to burning LDPE, but the smell is more pungent and sweetish. During combustion, streaks of the polymer are formed. When molten, it is transparent; when cooled, it becomes cloudy. If you touch the melt with a match, you can pull out a long, fairly strong thread. Drops of the cooled melt are harder than those of LDPE, they crush with a crunch with a solid object. Smoke with a sharp smell of burnt rubber, sealing wax.

How to identify Polyethylene teraphthalate (PET). Durable, tough and light material. The density of PET is 1.36 g/cm3. It has good thermal stability (resistance to thermal degradation) in the temperature range from - 40° to + 200°. PET is resistant to dilute acids, oils, alcohols, mineral salts and most organic compounds, with the exception of strong alkalis and some solvents. When burning, a very smoky flame. When removed from the flame, it self-extinguishes.

Polystyrene. When bending a strip of polystyrene, it bends easily, then breaks sharply with a characteristic crack. A fine-grained structure is observed at the break. It burns with a bright, strongly smoky flame (flakes of soot soar up in thin cobwebs!). The smell is sweetish, floral. Polystyrene dissolves well in organic solvents (styrene, acetone, benzene).

How to identify polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Elastic. Slowly combustible (when removed from the flame, self-extinguishes). When burning, it smokes strongly, a bright bluish-green glow can be observed at the base of the flame. Very strong, pungent odor of smoke. During combustion, a black, carbon-like substance is formed (it is easily rubbed between the fingers into soot). Let's dissolve in carbon tetrachloride, dichloroethane. Density: 1.38-1.45 g/cm. cube

How to identify Polyacrylate (organic glass). Transparent, fragile material. It burns with a bluish-luminous flame with a slight crackle. The smoke has a sharp fruity smell (of ether). Easily soluble in dichloroethane.

How to identify Polyamide (PA). The material has excellent oil-petrol resistance and resistance to hydrocarbon products, which provide wide application PA in the automotive and oil industry (manufacture of gears, artificial fibers ...). Polyamide has a relatively high moisture absorption, which limits its use in humid environments for the manufacture of critical products. Burns with a bluish flame. When burning, it swells, “puffs”, forms burning streaks. Smoke with the smell of burning hair. Solidified droplets are very hard and brittle. Polyamides are soluble in phenol solution, concentrated sulfuric acid. Density: 1.1-1.13 g/cm. cube Drowning in water.

How to identify Polyurethane. The main area of ​​application is shoe soles. Very flexible and elastic material room temperature). In the cold - fragile. Burns with a smoky, glowing flame. At the base, the flame is blue. When burning, burning droplets-streaks are formed. After cooling, these drops are a sticky, greasy substance to the touch. Polyurethane is soluble in glacial acetic acid.

How to identify Plastic ABC. All combustion properties are similar to polystyrene. It is quite difficult to distinguish from polystyrene. ABS plastic is stronger, tougher and more viscous. Unlike polystyrene, it is more resistant to gasoline.

How to determine Fluoroplast-3. It is used in the form of suspensions for applying anti-corrosion coatings. Not flammable, charred when heated. When removed from the flame, it immediately extinguishes. Density: 2.09-2.16 g / cm3

How to determine Fluoroplast-4. Non-porous material white color, slightly translucent, with a smooth, slippery surface. One of the best dielectrics! Not combustible, melts when heated. It is insoluble in virtually all solvents. The most resistant of all known materials. Density: 2.12-2.28 g / cm3 (depending on the degree of crystallinity - 40-89%).

Physical and chemical properties of waste plastics in relation to acids

Influencing factors
H 2 SO 4 (to)
H 2 SO 4 (to)
HNO 3 (c)
HNO 3 (c)
HCl (k)
HCl (k)
from under
coca cola
Without changes
Got color
Without changes
Without changes
Without changes
Samples curled up
Plastic bags
Without changes
Almost dissolved
Without changes
Without changes
Without changes

Physical and chemical properties of plastic waste plastic waste in relation to alkalis

ANY plastic releases chemicals of varying degrees of danger into the contents of the bottle.

Depending on the type of polymer materials, the level of release may be different, but all types are potentially dangerous.

Sometimes you can see a picture of how lovers to sit outdoors in a fire burn disposable plastic utensils, bottles, bags and other garbage left after a fun time. Of course, with this method of getting rid of garbage, there is no need to go to a landfill and the forest remains seemingly clean. You can also meet people who use plastic to create crafts and melt it at home. But how harmless is plastic melting and burning?

Burning and melting of plastic. Small overview

Many plastic products are marked with a special sign with a number that varies from 1 to 7. Each number corresponds to a specific type of polymer materials, with the exception of 7, which corresponds to all other materials that cannot be attributed to the first 6. Plastics 1 to 6 are thermoplastics , i.e. they begin to soften when heated. Various types Plastics react differently to fire: some start to smolder, some melt, some barely react.

Most plastics carry the potential hazard of releasing toxic substances related to their production technology and their composition, but there are also safer types among them.

1. PET or PETE (PET) - polyethylene terephthalate

PET bottle with straw. Melting and burning PET can be potentially hazardous.

PET is the most common plastic in Food Industry, which is most often used in the production of bottles. It is also a very popular material for creating various crafts. There are many ways to recycle plastic bottles.

PET melts at a rather high temperature - 260 ° C, but when heated to 60 ° C, PET softens and loses its shape.


PET is notorious for containing antimony and carcinogens. When bottled water is stored, these substances can get into it, especially when heated. Also, these substances can be released during combustion or melting.


There is a potential risk of release of harmful substances when burned or smelted. To create PET bottle crafts, you can find many ways that do not require heat treatment.

If it is necessary to deform PET, it is better to heat it in boiling water, it is safer than inhaling fumes from dry-heated plastic. Also remember to always work in well-ventilated areas or outdoors.

2. HDPE or HDPE - high density polyethylene or low pressure polyethylene

HDPE is the safest plastic. It is best used for making crafts as it is also the easiest to work with. Bottles for milk and detergents are made from this plastic.

Need to know:

It is safe to use HDPE containers or bottles to store water as nothing is leached out of them. HDPE is a fairly durable plastic and does not "melt" except at VERY high temperatures. This plastic may not be flexible enough, but sometimes it is very good for creating rigid structures.


This type of plastic can be used without much concern. Melting of plastic occurs at temperatures of the order of 120-135 ° C.

3. PVC or PVC - polyvinyl chloride, also known as vinyl

PVC is the most dangerous plastic produced today. Most records are made from vinyl. Despite its danger, many people, not knowing about it, heat and burn PVC. The melting point of PVC is 150-220°C, but it begins to deform at 65-70°C.


PVC releases carcinogens as well as lead. When exposed to heat, it releases dioxins, one of the most dangerous pollutants and toxins.


PVC can be used, but heating and burning it is VERY DANGEROUS!!!

Again, with the strict need for melting pvc is better use boiling water and do not expose it directly to the flame. Of course, this should be done in a well-ventilated area.

4. LDPE or LDPE - low density polyethylene or high pressure polyethylene

LDPE is another safe plastic. It is used to make buttons in appliances, and it is also used to make plastic wrap, grocery bags, trash bags, and some food containers.

What you need to know:

LDPE is a strong material, but less strong than HDPE. For its melting, a considerable temperature is also needed - 90 ° C.


HDPE is a fairly safe plastic to use. Melting requires quite a lot of heat, and you need to be careful if you want to melt the material, then packages, for example, can easily catch fire.

5. PP or PP - polypropylene

PP is a fairly safe plastic, and is used to create a variety of things, such as bottle caps, dispensers, and plastic tableware. It does not melt easily, its melting point is 160 - 170 °C, but heats up quickly.


Polypropylene is quite safe, however, some studies have shown that some types of polypropylene can release a biocide. So, this material should be used with caution.

6. PS or PS - polystyrene

Many products are made from this type of plastic, it is used in disposable tableware, packaging, children's toys and in the manufacture of heat-insulating (for example, foam) and other building materials. Hopefully everyone knows to avoid heating Styrofoam because it contains styrene.

The melting point of polystyrene is 240 °C, but it begins to deform at 100 °C. When heated, a characteristic odor appears.


Allocates the most dangerous poison and carcinogen styrene.


Never heat Styrofoam. As a last resort, do it in a well-ventilated area.

7. OTHER or OTHER - various plastics not listed above

These plastics include both safe and unsafe plastics. For example, PLA is a biodegradable plastic and can be handled quite safely. Polycarbonate (PC) is not as safe, there are studies confirming that it can release bisphenol A.

Plastic without marking and unfamiliar plastics must be handled very carefully, it is not known what materials they are made of and what potential danger they carry.

It is necessary to burn plastic in a well-ventilated place, preferably outside. PVC and PS cannot be burned.

Due to its versatility, low cost and durability, plastic has found its application in all spheres of life. Today, plastic is the most common artificial material on the planet. He is also the first in the list of garbage. The amount of plastic waste on the planet is reaching epidemic proportions. Many scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs began to pay attention to this problem.

Industrial machines for recycling (recycling) plastic, as a rule, are very expensive and quite complex in design. And let's face it, let's face it, industrial scale plastic recycling does not pay off. Because the production cycle raw material - plastic product"much shorter and cheaper than -" garbage - sorting - plastic product - recycling - cleaning - raw materials - plastic product". That is why not all cities in the world have factories for processing plastic waste. And their mass appearance is not expected in the near future.

It turns out that the niche plastic recycling at home open. And waiting for those who monetize it from any side. A common man don't need much. After all, the beauty of this niche is that junk plastic, in fact - garbage, lies under everyone's feet and is not needed by anyone. That is, excellent durable material- for free! It remains to pick up, recycle, in one form or another, and reuse. And if you don't like the result, recycle it again!

Project " Precious Plastic» helps all consumers to give plastic waste new life. He invites everyone to process plastic on their own using household machines, the drawings of which are freely distributed on the Internet.

This project, developed by the Dutch designer Dave Hakkens, shows what can be done to help stop the "plastic plague" in the environment.

Dave, preoccupied with the problem of plastic waste, found on the Internet drawings of several devices that allow you to somehow recycle plastic at home. Having collected the first samples, improved them, developed a modular concept for future devices, Hakkens created an international project " Precious Plastic". In which he invites everyone to assemble and use four simple but effective plastic recycling machines.

The use of devices allows you to extend the life of various plastic household items by simply processing them into others. Unnecessary to necessary. Dishes, artificial rattan, various interior elements - here is a small list of items that can be made from household plastic waste using these machines.

Four devices, depending on the type and quality of plastic, allow you to process it in different ways:

  • shredder or grinder - a device for grinding plastic waste into crumbs for further processing - heating;
  • extruder or squeezer - a device that squeezes out a heated plastic mass in the form of a bundle or tape. That is, it turns out artificial rattan or consumable for 3D printer.
  • Injector or an injector - heats the polymer crumb to a plastic mass and injects it into the desired shape;
  • Press- plastic crumb under the influence of pressure and high temperature is pressed into various new objects.

The most amazing part of the project Precious Plastic» the fact that such unique machines are given away for free. More precisely, the drawings of the device and instructions for assembling them are available to everyone (there will be video instructions below). It remains only to assemble the cars and start making money on them.

How to make money recycling plastic at home? Recycling plastics and polymers at home!

Firstly. Recycling waste plastic into the right plastic products and selling them as unique handmade items. This is the simplest and most affordable solution.

Secondly. Entire creative labs and co-working spaces are being opened on the basis of Hackens machines. Where anyone can come with their plastic waste, pay money, and work on the machines.

Third. Assistance in the assembly and implementation of devices. Not everyone can master device drawings. And, even more so, to collect them. But, they are ready to buy assembled similar machines. Why not take advantage of this? Moreover, ready-made devices are quite expensive. Assembly, with everything you need, will take no more than a month for any handy man in the garage.

Fourth. You definitely have your own ideas!

Video number 1: how to assemble a shredder for shredding plastic

Video number 2: how to assemble an extruder for plastic recycling

Video number 3: how to assemble an injector for plastic recycling

Video number 4: how to assemble a plastic recycling press

So, having studied the video, you can start assembling devices. For more convenient operation we invite you to study the drawings on the official website of the project. In English.

If the devices are too complicated, you can look at an easy way to recycle plastic bottles at home.

Bonus: the simplest device for cutting plastic bottles

There's a new project on Kickstarter plastic bottle cutter which empowers consumers to reuse plastic bottles.

The simplest device (and you will see this by seeing the photo below) allows you to turn an ordinary plastic bottle into a plastic thread of various thicknesses that you can use at your discretion.

From this thread you can weave various items- from small baskets to elegant pieces of furniture.

In general, single-use plastic bottles are a valuable resource due to the fact that plastic is used in their manufacture. highest quality. But, this advantage is not taken into account by most people and the bottles are simply thrown away. The rate of bottle throwing is increasing every day. Therefore, the problem of efficient reuse and recycling of these materials is simply necessary and mandatory. This will reduce the scale of environmental pollution.

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