Basil: growing and caring for a spicy plant. How to grow basil, in a garden plot in a greenhouse and open ground. Tips for planting basil outdoors and caring for the plant

Growing basil at home and in open field

Basil is an ornamental herb native to Africa. Growing basil is possible outdoors at home. At proper care in both cases, fragrant greens will grow, suitable for cooking or making tea.

Growing from seed

In order to receive good seedlings, basil is grown from seed at home.

Source: Depositphotos

Growing Basil Doesn't Take Much Effort

Basil seeds should be planted in early April. Here's what to do:

  1. Pick up a small wooden box or planting pot.
  2. Prepare the soil: mix the same amount of humus, peat and garden soil. Sprinkle on the ground a nutrient mixture consisting of clean water, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate.
  3. Scatter the seeds over warm and moist soil, sprinkle a little with earth.
  4. Cover the crate or pot with plastic wrap or glass. Place it in a warm and well lit place. The temperature in the room should not be lower than 20 ⁰С. If there is not enough light, arrange additional lighting.

While the seeds germinate, water the soil as needed. It should not be dry or too wet.

Growing basil for seedlings is quite simple. With proper care, after 1.5 weeks, the first shoots should appear.

Outdoor cultivation

Seedlings are planted in open ground in early June, when the air warms up to 20 ⁰С and above. Wherein:

  • The soil should be nutritious, that is, it should contain compost, peat and dry mullein.
  • Make the distance between the seedlings at least 20 cm, and between the rows - at least 30 cm. This will allow the seedlings to grow and develop quickly.
  • After planting, you need to water the basil warm and clean water.
  • Seedlings should be covered for 14 days in the evening to keep warm and moist.

Follow a simple algorithm so that the seedlings do not die during transplantation.

You can grow basil from seeds in the garden. They are sown at the end of May, when the soil warms up to 15 ⁰С. To do this, prepare the soil and sprinkle seeds on it. The procedure is similar to planting in boxes. However, in this case, it is possible to obtain only fragrant greens, and it will be impossible to use basil for seedlings.


Seedling care is easy. Enter the first nitrogen fertilizers into the soil 2 weeks after planting. And in the future, feed the basil once a month.

Loosen the soil frequently, weed and remove weeds. Water the plant regularly. Trim the flower stalks and the upper part of the shoots 3 times per season.

Proper care of the plant will allow you to grow fragrant greens and serve as a good prevention of diseases. Choose the right way to grow a plant, follow it, then basil will be a great addition to any table.

But in order to get the desired harvest, it is important to know how to properly plant basil and what conditions to observe when growing this crop indoors. After all, basil is quite demanding plant especially to heat, light and moisture.

To minimize errors when planting and caring for basil at home, it is more rational to first study the material below.

A photo selection and a video master class will help you better perceive the information presented.

Basil at home, plant description

Basil is a popular genus of annuals or perennials. herbaceous plants family Lamiaceae. Shrub forms of basil are also found.

  • IN natural environment Basil grows in tropical and temperate climates. Africa is considered the birthplace of fragrant grass.
  • A popular food spice, basil is also known as raikhon, reyhan, regan, rean, or fragrant cornflower.
  • The root of the basil is superficial, the stem is straight, branched, densely leafy.
  • The oblong, serrated basil leaves are covered with sparse hairs and can be dyed green or purple.
  • Nondescript small flowers basil white, light pink or purple color, collected in an inflorescence spike or brush.

  • The fruit of basil is nuts. Seeds remain viable for about 5 years.
  • Outwardly, the fragrant herbal spice resembles a small lush bush, height 15-80 cm, depending on the variety.

Useful properties of basil

  • The main advantage spicy herb its pronounced aroma is considered due to the presence in the plant of a complex essential oil.
  • The plant contains a number beneficial vitamins(C, PP, B2,), trace elements, carotene, phytoncides, provitamin A, rutin, etc. Thanks to the complex useful substances, basil stimulates work immune system, has a bactericidal, antipyretic, tonic and antioxidant effect.
  • It is especially useful to eat basil for viral, infectious and respiratory diseases.
  • In addition to its therapeutic effect, basil has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves memory, stimulates mental activity and strengthens the nervous system.
  • Aromatic spice perfectly copes with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (caries, tartar, stomatitis), neutralizes bad smell from mouth.
  • The use of basil is shown to people suffering from flatulence or gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Basil is widely used in food, as a seasoning to improve the taste. Purple varieties of basil are considered the most fragrant. They are especially popular in the Caucasus and Asia. Green varieties are more in demand in European and Mediterranean cuisine.
  • Basil also has contraindications. So, it is not recommended to abuse this spice for people with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, thrombophlebitis and vegetovascular dystonia.

Types and varieties of basil

In culture, there are a huge number of different varieties of basil, differing in smell, color, appearance bush and maturity.

The most popular types of basil are:

  • Camphor (fragrant).
  • Purple (ordinary).
  • Green leaf.
  • Mexican (brown).
  • Spoon-shaped (salad-leaved).
  • Large.
  • Small-leaved.
  • Puchkova.
  • Lemon (Thai).

For growing basil at home, it is better to choose small-leaved low-growing varieties of basil, which form not high (up to 0.5 m) compact bushes.

Consider the most common and popular varieties of this series:

  • Marquis - medium early variety, reaches a height of no more than 25 cm. The bushes are compact, spherical in shape. Green leaves have a bright clove-pepper aroma.
  • Basilisk - early maturing undersized variety, not more than 20-25 cm high. It has a pronounced peppery-clove aroma.
  • Dwarf - grows no more than 10-18 cm in height, it happens with green or purple leaves. It is considered a popular aromatic herb. It is used both as a food and as an ornamental herb.
  • Troll is a small-leaved green-purple variety, growing up to 40 cm in height. A high-yielding variety that is resistant to temperature changes.
  • Clove - a medium-sized variety, characterized by an unusual clove-anise smell.
  • Spicy Globe - forms sprawling low bushes with small leaves spicy aroma.
  • Philosopher is a low-growing purple variety with a pronounced clove aroma.
  • Bush Minette is a variety of miniature shrubs, great for growing in a pot.
  • Cinnamon - forms small bushes, has a cinnamon smell.
  • Balconstar is a low-growing variety with small lettuce leaves of high palatability. Grows well in pots on windowsills.

Of the large leaf representatives of basil, the most famous are the following varieties:

  • Table - characterized by the average size of the bush and large light green tender leaves. Has high productivity and average terms of maturing.
  • Yerevan is a productive clove-pepper variety. The leaves are medium sized, purple.
  • Genoese - productive variety, with large, dark green fragrant leaves. The spicy aroma is complemented by subtle minty notes.

When choosing varieties of basil according to the desired aroma, you should pay attention to the following varieties of basil:

  • Lemon, Lemon Aroma, Freshness - have a pronounced lemon aroma.
  • Lemon miracle - a variety with lemon-mint notes.
  • Velvet, Mint Gourmet - varieties that stand out for their bright menthol taste and smell.
  • Favorite, Malachite and Caramel are unusual varieties for basil with a caramel aftertaste.
  • Karakum, Cinnamon, Cinnamon - have the aroma of cinnamon.
  • Robin Bobin, Rapture, Red Rubin, Robin Hood are bright representatives of clove varieties of basil.
  • Pomegranate Muscat, Gigolo, Fantazer - varieties with nutmeg - peppery notes of smell and taste.

Basil, planting features at home

By planting basil in an indoor pot, you can have fresh herbs practically all year round. Consider all the features and conditions for growing basil at home. Compliance with the key rules for planting spices will ensure a 100% positive result.

Conditions for planting basil at home

  • Before planting or seeding basil, it is important to take care of quality soil for a plant. Basil prefers light, sandy, loose and fertile soil. If the soil turned out to be scarce, you can correct the situation by regular top dressing of the plant.
  • Basil needs regular watering. It is important that the soil is well permeable and moisture does not stagnate. Stagnation or excess moisture provokes rotting of the plant. Good water circulation will be ensured by light structural soil or a good drainage layer in a container or flower pot. Fine gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay is suitable as drainage.
  • Soil composition may vary. Suitable ready-made, purchased, soil mixture or self-prepared substrate. For him, take equal amounts of peat, humus (or compost) and garden soil. Gardeners - gardeners are advised to take the land for the germination of basil, after calcining it in the oven and thus ensuring its disinfection.
  • A place for growing heat-loving basil in a house is chosen sunny, warm, well-heated, protected from drafts.
  • Basil is grown from seeds or cuttings (shoots).

Planting time for basil at home

  • You can grow basil in a pot all year round. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions for the full development of the plant. The best would be, of course, spring time when there is an increase in daylight hours and it becomes noticeably warmer. During this period, it will not be necessary to organize additional lighting and warming of the plant. Sun rays become more intense and warm well through the window glass.

Rules for planting basil in a pot

  • Basil can be grown directly in indoor pot(seeds or cuttings) or transplant the plant from the garden (greenhouse).
  • To transplant a plant into a pot, take a young, non-blooming basil bush and, preserving the natural clod of earth as much as possible, plant it in a prepared flower pot.
  • The plant quickly takes root and blossoms. Experienced flower growers it is recommended to pick flowers so that the bush actively builds up green mass.
  • Given the well developed root system basil, flowerpots or pots take voluminous and deep.
  • If an indoor basilica during short daylight hours is not enough sunlight, you will have to organize additional lighting for the plant. And with a lack of heat - you can wrap the pot in a film.

Propagation and planting of basil cuttings at home

  • To propagate basil, young shoots or the tops of adult basil bushes are cut with cuttings.
  • The shoots are placed in a container with water for germination for 1-1.5 weeks. The appearance of roots indicates the readiness of the shoots for planting.

  • Sometimes, they practice rooting cuttings directly into the soil substrate, without keeping them in water. Then, the planted cuttings are covered from above with banks or cut plastic bottles. It will speed up the process of survival by watering with a root formation stimulator.
  • The cuttings planted in the ground quickly take root and after 2-3 weeks actively increase the green mass, delighting others with fresh fragrant greens.
  • Plants grown this way will last about 3-4 months. After flowering, the leaves, unfortunately, become unusable and lose their aroma.

Propagation and planting of basil seeds at home

  • Sowing basil seeds is considered a longer process, but also more productive. Whereas, plant propagation by thin, delicate processes often does not have a positive result.

  • Grown basil bushes from seeds are fully formed only after 8-12 months. But, the lifespan of such a plant will also be much longer.
  • When planting basil seeds in containers or pots, it is important to prepare the soil and drainage first.
  • A layer of drainage is laid out at the bottom of the container, about 2 cm thick. Then the soil mixture is poured (humus and peat in a ratio of 1: 2). The soil can be additionally watered with liquid mineral fertilizer.

  • Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 1-2 days in warm water and disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours. Water should be changed every 10-12 hours.
  • Seeds are placed on leveled moistened soil and covered with a small layer of soil (1-1.5 cm), not reaching the edge of the container by at least 3-4 cm. The distance between the seeds should be about 3-5 cm. thin out.
  • The pot with seeds is covered with a film until the first shoots appear. This greenhouse effect stimulates faster seed germination. It is important not to forget to ventilate the container (lifting the film) and moisten the soil.

  • Basil - thermophilic plant, so the temperature in the room should be at least +20 - 25 0 С.
  • Subject to all conditions, after 1.5 weeks the first shoots will appear. In this and the subsequent period, it is important to provide seedlings with the most favorable conditions: heat, light, loosening, watering.

  • When the basil bush is large enough, you need to pinch off its top so that it grows in width, and not in height.

Basil at home, plant care

Planting and caring for basil requires patience and constant attention. After all, if a pot of basil is in a draft, it will stop growing and “wither”, and if the ambient temperature is below +20 0 C, the plant will begin to lose its valuable spicy aroma.

The winter period of growing spices also requires a special approach. Light day, less than 12 hours, will require an additional basil artificial lighting, otherwise the plant simply will not be able to actively develop.

Otherwise, caring for basil includes the usual agricultural activities: watering, loosening, fertilizing, protection from diseases or pests.

Watering basil at home

Water the plant regularly as the soil dries out. Moderate humidity has a positive effect on the growth of green mass by the plant. Stagnation of moisture is also undesirable, as well as drought. Watering is best done in morning time. Water for irrigation should be settled and warm. Along with watering, you can spray the basil bushes from a spray bottle or watering can. After watering, the soil must be loosened so that a crust does not form.

Feeding basil at home

It is enough to apply complex fertilizers once a month to stimulate the growth of basil foliage. The first feeding is carried out during the period of active vegetative growth of the plant, before flowering. For these purposes, a solution of nitrophoska is used, at the rate of 2 tbsp. fertilizer for 10-12 liters of water.

Diseases of indoor basil

Basil is a fairly disease resistant plant. In rare cases, the culture can be affected by fungal diseases such as black leg, fusarium, gray rot.

Often, these diseases are the result of improper care of basil: excessive and frequent watering, hyperacidity and poor aeration of the soil, thickened plantings.

The name of the disease "Black Leg" fully reflects the signs of the disease, when the stem at the base turns black and the plant dies. To cope with the trouble, basil bushes are shed with a solution of manganese, the affected plants are removed along with a clod of earth. In the acute phase, fungicides (Fitosporin, Topaz, Fundazol) cannot be dispensed with.

With Fusarium disease, the stem becomes thinner and darker, the top of the plant dries up. Gray rot manifested by the appearance of light brown spots on the leaves and other parts of the plant. To treat these diseases, basil is treated with infusion onion peel or, failing that, fungicides.

As for pests, dangers for basil grown in room conditions, is practically non-existent.

cleaning basil

To prolong the life of the basil and preserve all the aromas of the plant as much as possible, you need to regularly pick off the flowering shoots of the basil. This procedure, moreover, stimulates the branching of the bush.

The correct formation of the bush also depends on the timely and regular pinching of the top of the basil. The procedure begins to be carried out in the phase of the appearance of 4-6 true leaves and continues as the plant further develops.

Basil leaves can be dried and ground into a powder to make it convenient to use seasoning for cooking various dishes. You can harvest when the plant reaches at least 10-15 cm in height.

Tearing a few leaves from a basil bush, you need to choose the oldest, side leaves first. It is important to ensure that the plant always has at least 4 lower leaves, otherwise the basil will stretch upward instead of bushing properly.

Thus, knowing how to properly plant basil and how to properly care for the plant, there will be no difficulties in growing this valuable spicy crop.

The main thing to remember is that light and heat-loving basil does not tolerate cold, drought and, conversely, stagnant moisture. Otherwise, the requirements are similar to many other vegetable crops.

For those who will be cultivating basil for the first time at home, it will be appropriate to view a photo of how a healthy, well-developed basil grows and looks.

Photos of the basilica

Video: "Growing basil at home"

Indeed, every culture in the country needs attention, and especially basil, which, although it can easily cope with many pests and diseases, is very demanding on soil and heat. How to grow this greenery without crazy loss of time and effort, and get decent harvest, which will delight our table with spicy seasoning by the end of the season?

Soil for planting

Basil cultivation requires fertile and well-maintained soil, which means that we will have to work hard to create best option for growing crops.

The plant is best planted in well-warmed areas that are protected from wind and drafts. It prefers light sandy loams, well seasoned with organic matter. The best predecessors plants in the garden are considered to be legumes, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers, since stable application takes place under them organic fertilizers.

Soil preparation starts at autumn period when the bed is well dug up and fertilized. The depth of the dig is about 20-25 cm, about a shovel bayonet, soil fertilizers (per 1m2) - 3-5 kg ​​of humus or compost, 22-25 g of superphosphate and about 15 g of potassium salt.

If cultivation is planned on heavy soils, clay and loam, then since autumn it is required to form the correct ridges, which in spring period must be well killed with a hoe (depth up to 15 cm).

Growing from seedlings in open ground

Growing basil seedlings is a fairly popular way to quickly and efficiently grow a crop and get a crop. Sowing for seedlings takes place at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, the sowing depth is up to 1 cm. In order for seedlings to sprout quickly, within about 10 days, temperature adjustment is required, which given term should be kept at + 25 + 27 ° С. Next, there is a pick in small pots.

Pots with young seedlings are kept in a greenhouse, where they are fertilized and hardened. It will be necessary to introduce mineral fertilizers in the phase of the first leaf (unless, of course, the seedlings develop poorly). It is easy to prepare them - dilute 3 g of potash, 2 g of nitrogen and 5 g of phosphorus fertilizers per liter of clean water and irrigate. Already before planting in open ground, about a week in advance, it is necessary to harden the plants - limit watering, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse with a decrease in temperature.

Around the beginning of June, when the danger of night frosts has completely passed, the basil is planted in open ground. Location on the bed in rows, 30 cm apart, and a distance between plants of 25 cm. Planting takes place in small holes, 7-8 cm deep, where in front of the room young plant pour in about a liter of water. Basil is planted in pots, but only so that the central bud and young leaves remain on the surface.

While the plant takes root, it is watered constantly, after this period - watering only as needed.

Basil Care

Basil should be broken through for planting density, plucking upper shoots, remove flowering from young plants, timely weed weeds in the garden, water and loosen the soil.

Also, one should avoid thickening of the landing and high humidity soil, otherwise, the basil will suffer from gray mold.


When the greenness of the basil reaches 10-12 cm, it can be removed little by little. The leaves are tied into bunches and dried, then finely ground and used as a seasoning for a variety of dishes.

Growing basil at home

The essence of the process is to grow a culture from seeds in a pot or transplant an already adult basil with cuttings. As in a vegetable garden, you will need a fertile bud and warm, windless conditions.

Basil is planted in several plants in one pot, containers are placed in sunny, well-heated places, watering occurs as the soil dries up, about once every 5-6 days. Also, supplements will be needed. mineral fertilizers, according to the scheme described earlier. Top dressing is carried out approximately once a month.

Growing basil from seeds at home is a little slower than growing in a greenhouse and outdoors, but you can always achieve excellent result, providing the culture with the necessary conditions of detention.

Basil varieties

Now that growing basil at home or in the garden has become clear to you, you can choose the most suitable variety.


A plant with leaves of a deep bluish color and with a persistent aroma of tea and allspice.


A culture with light green leaves, the aroma of which resembles a mixture of the smell of cloves and bay leaf.


A plant with purple-brown leaves that, when harvested, can add a clove and mint flavor to any dish.

Basil grown in the country (video)

It is also always possible to grow purple or lemon basil, which do well in pots on a windowsill or outdoors if you are originally growing greens through seedlings in a greenhouse. We recommend reading the article about.

Reviews and comments

(7 ratings, average: 3,50 out of 5)

Katya 04/07/2016

If you grow basil just for yourself, in small quantities, then there is nothing complicated. I once bought a bag of seeds, sowed them, and now every autumn I collect seeds from my bushes. I noticed that it is necessary to sow the seeds thicker, because. germination is not very good. It is probably at this stage that the basil is capricious. If it grows too thick, then thin out.

Inna 05/15/2016

Can green and purple basil be planted side by side if you plan to get the same seeds to plant next year?

Imran 02.06.2016

Elena 06/13/2016

Sowed basil
in open ground: it turned out densely, is transplantation possible?

Fedor 17.08.2017

I plant on the windowsill, in the apartment. Of all the varieties that I have tried, the best is the Regan variety. Grows well, up to 60 cm. Violet. Fragrant. In a room after a thunderstorm pleasant aroma. When planting seeds, I don’t bother, I scatter two sachets thickly, water and cover with a film. After a week, shoots appear. I water it with water diluted with milk, once a week. Also organic. True, subsequently a film appears on the ground, I break it with a plastic fork. Soil purchased, for seedlings and flowers.

Add a comment

Many today seek to create spicy garden on the windowsill. It is both a hobby and decorative element kitchens, and permanent source fresh greens for food. Basil is great for this purpose, but you need to know that this overseas guest can be very picky.

Varieties of basil for growing on the windowsill

In general, to organize a basil garden on the windowsill, any variety is suitable, but it is preferable to choose undersized and tufted ones.

Did you know? Ukrainian folk names fragrant basil: fragrant cornflower, fragrant cornflowers, cornflower, cornflower, church cornflowers. "Cornflower" in Russian is a plant from the genus Astrovye, in Ukrainian - "voloshka".

Soil selection

Basil loves light, fertile, well-drained soil. For growing basil in a pot, it is easier to buy ready ground in a specialized store, but the usual one is also suitable garden soil if enriched with mineral fertilizers. Purchased or garden soil before planting, it is necessary to calcine in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 ° for an hour to prevent the appearance of pests. You can independently prepare the substrate from one part of humus and two parts of peat or coconut fiber, it must also be watered with liquid mineral fertilizers.

Important! Basil is a southern culture that needs the right conditions. The land in which the seeds are sown should not be cold.

Basil growing container

For growing basil at home, a pot with a depth of at least 20-30 cm or an oblong flower box is suitable. It must be borne in mind that in the future the sprout will turn into a bush, and it should have enough space. Seeds are planted either in the main pot, or in small containers (cups), from where the sprouts are transplanted when 2-3 leaves appear.

At the bottom of a pot or box, a drainage layer of expanded clay, pebbles or broken bricks 2 cm thick must be laid out.

Did you know? In Europe, green basil is more common, it is a popular ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. purple basil more common in Asia, its sharper smell is valued in oriental cooking.

The optimal time for sowing seeds is the beginning of March. To speed up the germination of basil seeds before growing, it is recommended to soak for a day in gauze moistened with a growth stimulator or simply in warm water. Change the water every 12 hours or less. Disinfection of seeds is carried out by soaking in a manganese solution for two hours. Dry the seeds with a paper towel.

Sowing basil seeds

The soil must first be well moistened. Basil is sown to a depth of 1 cm. It is recommended to leave a distance of about 7 cm between the seeds. The container is covered with a film and left in a warm place until the first shoots appear.

Conditions for seed germination

The optimum temperature for seed germination is 20-25 °C. The film must be periodically opened for ventilation and light spraying. Seedlings do not need watering. Under such conditions, seedlings appear after about 10 days. When the seedlings grow up to 5-7 cm, another 2-3 cm of soil can be added to the pot to strengthen the young shoots.

Did you know? In some central regions of Mexico, basil is placed on a shop window. It is believed that such an action reflects the state of the business: if the owner takes care of the basilica, then he is diligent and follows his business just as well.

How to care for basil at home

Temperature. Basil feels good at a temperature of + 16-25 ° C, does not tolerate drafts and low temperatures. On cold days, containers with basil can be wrapped in foil.

Light. In the warm season, the basilica has enough natural light, but in autumn and winter it will need artificial lighting.

Watering. Basil loves moderate humidity. You need to water the plant with settled water every day, it is better to do it in the morning. In the summer heat, watering is also done in the evening, spraying with water will not interfere either. room temperature from a spray bottle. Soil loosening. It is time to start this process when the basil sprouts become stronger and grow by about 5 cm. Once every few days, you need to loosen the soil around the plants so that it can be enriched with oxygen. For plants grown indoors, this is an important factor.

Top dressing. Suitable for feeding basil universal fertilizers with humus, which are used for indoor plants. Once a month, you can add 1 tsp. Agrolife fertilizers on the soil surface.

Important! When the flower stalks appear on the plant, they must be cut off immediately. The greens will be more fragrant and abundant, and the plant itself will grow longer.


The first basil greens can be cut in a month and a half. The upper leaves are carefully cut off, leaving at least three. When the basil has three tiers of leaves, pinch the top, cutting off the top of the stem. This manipulation limits growth, the plant begins to bush profusely, forming lush foliage. But some recommend not to do this, so as not to harm the plant.

Basil is a favorite spice culture. It is added to meat dishes, soups, salads, desserts, when pickling vegetables. Due to the compactness of the bush, various shades of leaves, it is used to decorate the site. Decorated with pinks, whites, white and purple flowers basil looks great garden plantings. Fragrant greens growing close to berry bushes repels insect pests. To get early greens, it is grown through seedlings. Knowing how to plant it correctly, you can achieve excellent results.

To get early greens, it is grown through seedlings.

Sowing dates

Sow basil at the end of March. 35–50 days after germination, seedlings are planted on the site.

Soil selection for planting

The soil is used light, loose, without lumps. You can buy ready soil mix. It is shed with a solution of manganese or Fitosporin. If you prepare the earth mixture yourself, you should steam it for 1 hour. The soil should consist of peat, compost and sand (4:2:1).

Soil for basil seedlings can be prepared by yourself

Basil does not like waterlogging. To avoid stagnant water, expanded clay, crushed polystyrene with a layer of 3 cm are laid out at the bottom of the tank.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the tank

Selection of containers

For growing seedlings, shallow containers (up to 7 cm) with a pallet are used. However, it is preferable to immediately plant the seeds in separate cells, since when grown in a common container with subsequent picking, the seedlings will need extra week to adapt to new conditions.

Shallow containers with cells are suitable for growing seedlings.

Advice! Better to use peat pots. When transplanting into the ground, the plant is planted together with the container, without damaging the young roots.

Seed preparation

For better germination, the seeds are kept in a solution of a growth stimulator - Zircon. Then let them dry a little.

Basil is grown from seeds

Seeds in the shell are wrapped in gauze and placed for an hour in water or for 15 minutes in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Seeds are disinfected before sowing

How to plant at home: a step by step process

  • In a container with drainage layer fall asleep prepared soil.
  • Moisturize it and make grooves 0.5 cm deep with a distance of 5 cm between them.
  • Seeds are laid out every 2 cm, covered with earth and lightly tamped.
  • Cover with a film and put in a warm place with a temperature of + 25–28.
  • Pots with sown seeds are placed in a greenhouse

    Moisture, heat and air access are the main conditions for seed germination. The greenhouse is regularly ventilated, condensate is removed, and watering is carried out.

    Sprouts will appear in 7-14 days. Shelter removed - heat no longer needed. To prevent seedlings from pulling out, they withstand a temperature of + 16 ... + 20 ° С.

    To prevent seedlings from stretching, maintain a temperature of + 16–20 degrees

    How seeding is done: video tips

    seedling growing conditions

    It is not difficult to grow strong seedlings, providing it with favorable conditions: choose suitable soil and good seed material, observe light and temperature conditions, water and fertilize regularly.

    Grow healthy seedlings you can make it comfortable


    Small seedlings are in great need of light. Basil does not grow well in areas with little sun exposure. Seedlings are placed on the southern windowsill and additional lighting is turned on, especially in the first five days. It is best to use Reflux lamps that are installed above the plants. They have a built-in mirror reflector that allows all the light to be directed to the plant. It is necessary to carry out supplementary illumination of seedlings until it is planted in the ground.

    For additional lighting, lamps are installed on top


    This crop is demanding on moisture, especially during seed germination. But basil is watered very carefully, once every 3-4 days. But only warm water. Make sure that the water in the pan does not stagnate. Waterlogging of the soil leads to the decay of the roots, increases the risk of black leg disease. After watering, be sure to loosen the earth.

    Water the basil very carefully

    top dressing

    Basil is very responsive to fertilizers: the introduction of nitrogen contributes to the growth of green mass, phosphorus and potassium - increases the content of essential oil in the leaves.

    7 days after germination, top dressing is carried out with a solution of ash (10 g / 1 l).

    A week after picking, a solution of complex fertilizer is applied. After feeding, seedlings are watered with clean water from a watering can to prevent burns.

    In the future, the plants are fed after each cut.


    At the age of 20–25 days, when the first two true leaves grow, the seedlings dive into pots. Seedlings are not heavily buried, watered. Plants will take time to get used to the new environment.

    When diving, seedlings do not deepen much

    When sowing seeds in individual cells, the plants are thinned out as they grow.

    After the appearance of 5-6 pairs of leaves, the top of the seedling can be pinched, which will allow the plant to bush and not form flower stalks for a long time.

    Cutting greens can be carried out a month after sowing, by which time the plants will rise 10-12 cm in height.

    Basil. Seedling in a snail - video

    Possible problems with basil seedlings

    Seedlings are practically not affected by pests, but under adverse conditions they can get sick, which will immediately affect their appearance.


    With a lack of light and heat, too dense planting, seedlings wither and stretch. It is necessary to move the plants to a warmer and brighter place, use additional lighting. Densely planted plants should be thinned out.

    In adverse conditions, basil seedlings are pulled out

    When pulling out seedlings, a long stalk is placed in a small depression next to the plant, sprinkled with earth, watered. Soon, small roots will appear on the buried part.


    With excessive moisture or watering cold water seedlings may suffer from blackleg. root collar becomes thin, blackens, the plant disappears.

    The soil must be moderately watered with warm water and monitor the temperature regime.

    To avoid such problems, plants are not planted too densely. Then they do not interfere with each other to develop, receive the necessary nutrition and light. To prevent the black leg, the soil is sprinkled with ash before watering, which not only disinfects the soil, but also nourishes it due to the content of potassium and phosphorus.

    Yellowing leaves

    Yellowing and drying of seedlings can be caused by a lack of trace elements. IN nutrient soil The plant has bright green leaves. You can correct the situation by adding Fitosporin.

    Yellowed leaves - a signal that the plant needs to be fed

    Spots on the leaves

    Spots may appear on the leaves - this is sunburn obtained by the plant when under too bright spring sun. It is necessary to shade young seedlings on a hot afternoon with blinds or curtains.

    Healthy basil seedlings are stocky, with 4-6 true leaves and rich color typical of the species.

    Strong basil seedlings ready for planting in the ground

    2 weeks before disembarkation, they begin to harden it for fresh air at a temperature not lower than +5–10°С.

    Seedlings are planted on the site in late May - early June, when the soil warms up to + 15 ° C. Choose a place protected from the wind, illuminated most of the day. Planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other - for high grades, and 15 cm for compact specimens.

    At the end of May, seedlings are planted in the ground.

    After planting, watering is carried out. Basil will quickly grow green mass.

    This is a unique quote.

    On a note. The ancient Romans considered basil a symbol of success: for prosperity and longevity, you need to use it as much as possible.

    Basil grows quickly after planting in the ground

    Growing basil seedlings requires attention, accuracy and patience. Only when creating necessary conditions and holding preventive measures protection from disease, you can grow strong, viable, healthy seedlings.

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