What kind of cucumbers are crunchy in pickling. What varieties of cucumbers are best suited for pickling and canning for the winter. Description of the best pickling varieties, which one to choose

Of course, one of the most grown greenhouse vegetables is cucumber. This is facilitated by the successful work of breeders who create high-yielding ultra-early and very hardy varieties. Many of the modern cucumber varieties cultivated in greenhouses are suitable for salting and conservation - their description, photos, reviews on cultivation and use are presented in the article below.

Features of cucumbers and their cultivation in a greenhouse

Cucumbers according to the method of using greens are divided into 3 groups:

  • universal;
  • salad;
  • pickling.

Attention! Among the variety of cucumbers, large-tuberculate ones are the most crispy, the preservation of this property even after pickling is facilitated by the presence of transverse vascular bundles in the cucumber pulp.

The latter are characterized by a compact size, thin tuberculate skin with black spikes, elastic dense pulp. For canning, universal varieties can also be used, the greens of which have reached a size of 6-12 cm. Salad varieties are good for fresh consumption and the preparation of salted cucumbers, quick consumption.

Regardless of the purpose of the greens, the cucumbers selected for canning must meet the following parameters:

  • caliber - 6-10 cm;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • thin peel and dense core;
  • not bitter.

Medium and late-ripening cucumbers are best suited for pickling.

The quality of pickled cucumbers is affected by the ripening period of greens. Early and ultra-early varieties are considered less suitable for conservation than medium and late-ripening ones. In addition, experienced housewives noted that cucumbers picked at the end of summer or autumn, in pickling, are tastier than those that were picked at the beginning of summer.

Recently, the greenhouse method of growing cucumbers has become especially widespread. Its main advantages are:

  • the possibility of obtaining ultra-early and very late crops;
  • independence from weather and climatic conditions;
  • creation of optimal conditions for the development of cucumber vines, and, accordingly, obtaining higher yields.

The only drawback of greens grown in a greenhouse is the taste of cucumbers grown in open beds always brighter and richer.

Attention! For cultivation in greenhouses of any type, self-pollinating and parthenocarpic varieties and hybrid forms are best suited. When choosing varieties in order to grow a pickled cucumber in a greenhouse, one should pay attention to its size, skin thickness, pulp density.

Among the parthenocarpic varieties, the best are those that are able to form many ovaries in one bundle. Beam greens are small-fruited, elastic, have a good taste.

Cucumbers "Alekseich"

Parthenocarpic varieties for pickling

Designed specifically for cultivation in greenhouses, parthenocarpic hybrid varieties cucumbers are different increased productivity, tolerance to most diseases typical of cucumbers, endurance, extended fruiting period, versatility in use. When planning to grow them for conservation, you should pay attention to the following varieties:

Attention! The disadvantage of parthenocarpic varieties is the impossibility of harvesting planting material due to the lack of seeds.

Other parthenocarpic hybrids F1, which have proven themselves in salting and conservation:, "Crunchy", "Little Finger", "Spino", "Masha", "Buran", "Tournament", "Moravian Gherkin", and others.

Reviews of gardeners

Vegetable growers and housewives with experience know which cucumbers to choose for canning. For those who are just going to grow greens for pickling in their greenhouse, this article and reviews will help determine the variety.

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling - video

Almost everyone, without exception, loves pickled or pickled cucumbers. But not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for pickling and canning. We will talk about how to choose the right varieties for blanks in the article.

All varieties of cucumbers for their intended purpose can be divided into 3 types:

  • Universal
  • Salad
  • Pickling or canning
  • Universal

This group of varieties is characterized by medium-density skin and pulp, combined with a regular oblong shape. The size of such cucumbers is 8-11 cm.

The fruits of these varieties can be used for salads or pickling. But you should not expect a great crunchy taste from them.

The main advantages of this group of varieties are:

  • Very high weather resistance
  • Intensive growth
  • friendly fruiting
  • No bitter fruit

The following varieties of universal cucumbers are popular among vegetable growers:

  • Annushka F1
  • Minion F1
  • F1 trump card
  • Fontanelle F1
  • Real Colonel F1
  • Parisian Gherkin F1
  • Boy with thumb F1
  • Salad

Most varieties of this group are early elongated cucumbers with thin skin, soft and juicy pulp. They are grown mainly under film or in greenhouses in order to obtain an early harvest.

They are very good in salads, but they are not suitable for preservation. When processed, they have a soft texture and bland taste. They also make good salted cucumbers.

Among this group, the following varieties are popular:

  • May
  • April
  • Zozulya
  • emerald stream
  • Mustafa
  • Pickling

Cucumbers of this group have a thin skin, dense and elastic pulp, which, under the influence of saline or marinade, become crispy and acquire a rich taste.

Of the canned varieties, the following are popular:

  • Nezhinsky
  • Vyaznikovsky
  • Murom
  • Moscow Nights
  • Courage
  • Hermann
  • Egoza

Canned varieties of cucumbers produce medium-sized fruits. They also tend to yellow fruits very quickly, so they should be harvested as often as possible.

The main differences between canned cucumbers and ordinary ones

You can distinguish canned cucumbers from ordinary ones by outward signs. Fruits intended for pickling of small length, with thin skin and large tubercles. It is very important to pay attention to the color of the spikes.

There are two types of cucumbers, white-thorned and black-thorned. The first ones are not used for conservation, they have a thick and rough peel through which the saline solution passes very poorly. But black-thorned fruits, on the contrary, have a thin skin with large pores, through which salt passes very well.

There is also another feature of canned cucumbers. If we look closer internal structure their pulp, you can see special bundles of vessels that give the desired elasticity.

How to properly care for canned seedlings

In order for cucumbers to please you with a bountiful harvest of tasty and crispy fruits, you need to properly care for them.


The most important thing when growing this crop is timely and plentiful watering. Even a single overdrying can have the most detrimental effect on them. The number of fruits will decrease sharply, and those that will be tied will be bitter, empty and severely deformed. For watering cucumbers, you need to use only warm water, cold will adversely affect their growth and development, or even lead to the formation of rot.

To cucumber beds do not dry out, you can use mulching. For these purposes, you can use grass, straw or peat. Mulch is great at retaining soil moisture and preventing weed growth.

root system cucumber is very sensitive to lack of oxygen. Very frequent watering lead to the formation of a soil crust, which prevents normal air exchange. To avoid this, the ground near the roots after watering must be carefully loosened.

When watering seedlings, it is best to use a diffuser, making a small pressure. Otherwise, you can damage the plants, wash the soil out of the container.

It is especially bad if the watering is not uniform and part of the rhizome is exposed in some area. This can happen when growing seedlings of cucumbers in glasses and watering with a strong jet at one point.

In the process of growing seedlings, it is necessary to irrigate several times with a weak solution of manganese. This will protect the plants from the fungus, and also improve their immunity when transplanted into the ground.

The best option for watering adult plants is drip irrigation. This method provides the bush with water without provoking moisture stagnation. In addition, labor costs are significantly reduced, there is no risk that the soil will dry out, or a dried crust of the earth will form, which will affect the crop.

Pinching and pinching

In order for cucumbers to give a bountiful harvest, they need to be stepson and pinch the tops.

Usually all stepchildren located below 4 sheets are removed. This agricultural technique allows you to form a healthy and powerful root system in plants.

When cultivating varietal cucumbers, for example, such as Nezhinsky, it is necessary to pinch the central shoot after it forms the 5th leaf. The thing is that they only form on the main shoot male flowers, and female buds from the ovary are located on the side.

In hybrid varieties, pinching is usually not carried out, but there are exceptions. For example, for some reason, the formation of lateral lashes is delayed, and then, in order to accelerate their growth, you need to pinch the crown of the main shoot.

Modern hybrid varieties have the ability to form only female flowers, and the bulk of their cucumbers is located on the central shoot. Therefore, pinching them will only harm them. Most seed producers on the packaging of such cucumbers leave a note "Require formation in one stem."

When forming a bush, it is important not only to remove unnecessary parts, but also to tie up both the main stem and side shoots. The best option in this case, it is planting bushes on trellises.

This will not only simplify care, but also protect the plant from diseases, as ventilation will be better. In addition, sunlight will evenly hit all the organs of the plant.

When tying the whips, it is worth doing it carefully so as not to pinch the vessels of the branch. Otherwise, she will die. It is better to use twine or plastic fasteners both for the trellis itself and for the garter.

We strongly do not recommend using wire or other elements containing metal. In hot summer days such materials are very hot, injuring plants.

top dressing

For the successful development of plants during the growing season, several top dressings will be required. organic fertilizers. For these purposes, you can use fermented mullein infusion, which must be diluted before watering at the rate of 1 part fertilizer per 10 water. good effect also provide top dressing with nettle infusion.

Fertilizer should never be given in cold and rainy weather. The root system of cucumbers at this moment cannot absorb nutrients. When watering with fertilizers, make sure that their solution does not fall on the leaves. Otherwise, it will cause burns.

Regular picking of cucumbers also contributes to abundant fruiting, which stimulates the formation of new ovaries, slows down the aging process in the plant and increases performance. Gherkin type cucumbers are recommended to be harvested daily, and long-fruited varieties every 2 to 3 days.

Cucumbers respond well to foliar top dressing. It is recommended to carry out this event three times: during the flowering period, during the beginning of fruit ripening, and when the number of cucumbers on the bush began to decrease.

For the first time, you can use urea or calcium nitrate. When flowers begin to appear, plants require superphosphates, as well as potassium saturation. To do this, you can prepare a solution boric acid and manganese. This mixture will also be protection against diseases.

The third time can be used again nitrogen fertilizers, only at a lower concentration.

Features of growing canned varieties in a greenhouse

Pickling cucumbers is a simple matter

cultivation greenhouse cucumbers not much different from growing them in open ground. But still there are some differences:

Before boarding, you should preventive treatment soil and the entire greenhouse. In the future, this will help to avoid outbreaks of fungal diseases, which occur 2 times more often in greenhouse conditions.

The greenhouse must have a ventilation system. In no case should drafts be allowed, cucumbers react very sharply to them.

For improved formation of female-type flowers, it is desirable to carry out fertilizing with carbon dioxide. For this purpose, a barrel with mullein can be installed in the greenhouse, which during fermentation will serve as a source of carbon dioxide.

The formation of cucumbers in the greenhouse is somewhat different from their formation in the open field.

In greenhouse cultivation, the cultivation of cucumbers in a trellis culture is practiced. In order for the plants to be less damaged, it is advisable to tie them up with a double slip knot.

The optimal indicator of humidity in a greenhouse is its level in the range of 80-90% in the air and 50-60% in the soil.

Which varieties to choose for growing in a greenhouse

When choosing varieties of canned cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation preference should be given to self-pollinated and parthenocarpic, that is, those that can set fruits in the absence of pollinating insects. The difference between them is that the former have a stamen and a pistil in the same flower, and they are able to pollinate themselves. And the latter generally tie fruits without any pollination.

Also when grown in early dates you should choose varieties resistant to deficiency, which, unlike light-loving ones, will not stop growing, but will actively grow and develop.

Greenhouse cucumber hybrids have one interesting feature, when pollinated by bees, ugly fruits are formed. It is also worth noting that at high ambient temperatures, pollen in self-pollinated varieties becomes more sticky, which makes it difficult to set. To prevent this, the trellis with cucumbers must be shaken periodically.

Among the variety of varieties, it should be especially noted: Courage, Marinda and the like. They are characterized by the bouquet laying of the ovaries, small size fruits and the absence of the need for their formation. In addition, they are highly disease resistant.

Who among us does not like crispy cucumbers: fresh, lightly salted, canned, salted. Most of them we use in salted form. None good festive table can not do without such snacks as pickles. They are present in the composition of almost all salads from autumn to spring, without them, and vinaigrette or vinaigrette.

But experienced housewives know that not every variety of cucumber is suitable for conservation. You can close different cucumbers according to one recipe and the result will be completely different. Cucumbers do not always turn out plump and crispy, the reason lies in the correctness of the variety chosen for pickling. In this review, we will talk about which varieties of cucumbers should be planted in open ground for pickling.

Cucumbers have three uses:

  • Salad, used only fresh. Such cucumbers have small white spikes or they are absent on an absolutely smooth plump skin (which does not pass the brine inside the fruit), their skin is from white to dark green. In conservation, they become soft and tasteless;
  • Pickled, small in size. They are suitable for fresh consumption, but their peel is dense, one might say harsh, but in brine they are amazing, hard, crispy, the names of the best varieties are given below;
  • Universal, they mainly include hybrids of the latest generation. Cucumbers up to 100 mm in size are used both for eating fresh and for pickling, preferably pickling.

For pickling choose medium cucumbers up to 15 cm long, with a dense skin. When pressing the fruit with a fingernail, the peel should be easily pierced. Be sure to have black thorns on the fruit. It is their presence on the greens that ensures the porosity of the dense peel and contributes to a better penetration of the brine into the cucumber, giving the fruits in pickling the crunchiness so beloved by everyone.

Description of the best pickling varieties, which one to choose?

the best pickled cucumbers, which have passed the test of time, are considered old Russian varieties, description and characteristics are given below:


The old Ukrainian variety has not yet lost its popularity due to its high taste, yield, and drought resistance. Medium-early ripening vegetable (47-55 days). Unlike hybrids, you can collect your seeds from it. On its basis, varieties of the so-called "Nezhinsky dynasty" were bred, which are also good for salting: Nezhinsky-12, Nezhinsky Kuban, Era, Nosovsky, Nezhinka.


Bee-pollinated hybrid of medium maturity (50 days). Fruits abundantly throughout the summer, the size of greens up to 100 mm.


High-yielding cucumber of medium early ripening (47-51 days), on the surface of the fruit there are large tubercles and their length is up to 120 mm.


One of the oldest Russian varieties comes from the city of Murom. Early maturing, pollinated by bees of very early maturation (32-42 days).

Far Eastern

Ripening in medium terms (40-55 days), pollinated by bees, fruits are medium tuberculate, up to 15 cm.


Medium early large tuberculate hybrid, cucumbers up to 12 cm long, with a friendly return of the harvest.

parisian gherkin

Early (40-45 days), bee-pollinated hybrid. Large tubercle greens are devoid of bitterness in taste, up to 11 cm in size.


bee pollinated, early variety(40-55 days), small tubercle small cucumbers up to 11 cm resistant to short-term frost.

These varieties are time-tested and almost never fail with a harvest. Testing new selections on the plot, these old-timers are still given a place in the garden by gardeners - just in case. They are ideal in salting, both in size and in taste.

All pickled varieties tend to quickly yellow fruits, so they need regular harvesting (every 2 days), which also stimulates the formation of new cucumber ovaries.

The most popular cucumbers for winter harvesting

The most popular of the cucumber variety are:


- Parthenocarpic early (41-47 days) hybrid ovary of the beam type, medium-tuberous greens up to 10 cm long, sweet taste and absolutely no bitterness.


Super-early hybrid (30-36 days) has compact bushes, bunch-shaped ovaries. Large tubercle cucumbers 10-12 cm in size have a dark color and a strong cucumber aroma.


Early (46-48 days) self-pollinating hybrid, large-tuberous elongated fruits 14-22 cm in size. With insufficient watering, bitterness appears in cucumbers.


- an early hybrid (38-44 days) that does not need pollination, requiring a minimum of attention when growing. Fruits up to 15 cm.


Late-ripening (55-65 days) bee-pollinated hybrid with fruits up to 16 cm, thick skinned. The plant is well adapted to temperature extremes, heat and drought. The fruits do not turn yellow for a long time.


Medium-early (43-48 days) in need of pollination, ovary of a single type. Fruits are large-tuberous, up to 12 cm in size, excellent in taste.


It is pollinated by bees, in terms of maturation it belongs to mid-season (48-52 days), has tuberculate fruits up to 11 cm in size.

Moscow Nights

Medium ripening (42-45 days) self-pollinating hybrid, tuberculate fruits up to 14 cm in size.


self pollinating high yield hybrid of average (40-55 days) term of maturing. Fruits - gherkins large tubercles up to 10 cm long have an even shape, they do not have bitterness at all.

The best universal varieties: names and characteristics

The best varieties for universal use include the following:


Bee-pollinated hybrid of medium maturity (48-55 days), small bumpy fruits up to 12 cm long resistant to a range of diseases.


Bee-pollinated early ripening, with fruits of an ovoid-oblong shape 9-12 cm long. They have a long shelf life.


- early ripe (40-43 days) bee-pollinated, with ellipsoid large-tubercular fruits up to 9 cm long.

Bush varieties of cucumbers are small compact bushes intended for cultivation only in open ground. The main harvest is given together in the first 3 weeks of fruiting.

Tom Thumb

Early ripe (39-41 days) gherkin with a bundle type of ovary, small tubercle greens up to 11 cm long do not have voids in the pulp.


Superearly (35-39 days) self-pollinating hybrid with bunch type of ovary and long fruiting. Large-tubercular gherkins without bitterness and have excellent taste.


Early (40-45 days) high-yielding hybrid with fruits up to 12 cm long, resistant to high temperatures, therefore it is recommended for repeated summer cultivation.


- mid-early variety (43-53 days), productive. The fruits are large-tuberous, up to 12 cm long.

Cucumber Pickling - the best variety for mass pickling

Pickling - unique variety, which, due to the optimal density of the fruit pulp and its taste, is considered the best for pickling. Bred at the Volgograd experimental station VNIIR them. N.I. Vavilov.

This is a medium variety harvesting can be done 40-45 days after germination, bee-pollinated, most suitable for outdoor cultivation.

The bushes are medium-sized, the shoots have unlimited growth power, so they need to be pinched for better education side shoots.

Dark green large tubercle cucumbers with white stripes on a thin peel with black thorns have a length of 9-14 cm and weight up to 120 g. Zelentsy have a pronounced cucumber aroma, there is no bitterness in them. In salting, they are dense, crispy and of excellent taste.

Productivity subject to agricultural technology - 4-5 kg ​​/ m 2.

Pickling is quite resistant to most diseases, including powdery mildew, so it does not create problems in cultivation.

It is grown both through seedlings and by direct sowing of seeds into the soil. For growing it is better to use warm beds. To do this, in the fall, twigs, weeds, tops of tomatoes and peppers, fallen apples and foliage are poured on top of a dug trench 0.6 m deep, then a layer of earth is poured on top, then humus or compost, again earth. In the spring, as soon as the weather allows, the bed is covered with a film (preferably black) to quickly warm the soil, you can pre-spill the bed with boiling water. At the end of April, cross-shaped incisions are made on the film, seeds or seedlings are planted, covered with film or agrofibre on the installed arcs. Planting holes are made every 0.5-0.6 m.

When the threat of frost has passed, the shelter is removed. Further care consists in watering, fertilizing, tying growing lashes to an established trellis and regular harvesting.

Growing pickled cucumber will not bring disappointment - it is tasty and reliable.

There are a lot of cucumbers for pickling as well as white cabbage, each variety has its own + and -. It is not so difficult to choose a variety that suits your taste and fruit size, it is better, of course, to start with old proven varieties and at the same time try to plant new ones. Grow, preserve and surprise with your pickles!

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