Actinidia (kiwi) - Chinese ray: landing and care in the suburbs and the middle lane. Actinidia. Unique and new varieties of Russian breeding Actinidia faceted

Most modern consumers have seen and tasted the exotic kiwi fruit. Some even know that kiwis grow on vines. However, few people are aware that kiwi was bred from Chinese actinidia, brought for cultivation in New Zealand in the twentieth century. This and other types of actinidia suitable for growing in temperate and southern climates will be discussed below.


Plants from the genus Actinidia belong to the Actinidia family. The genus includes about 75 species. All of them are predominantly distributed in the regions of China, Japan, Korea. Four species of actinidia are found in Primorye, Sakhalin, and the Kuriles.

Far Eastern actinidia are represented by vigorous lianas. They grow in mixed and coniferous forests of the Far East. If, during growth, the vine does not find a vertical support, then it can grow in a horizontal plane, thus reaching a tree or other support. The length of the shoots of actinidia, depending on the species, can be from 7 m to 30 m. The leaves are most often ovate with a pointed apex and a serrated edge. During the growing season, the leaves of some actinidia can be colored with white and pink spots.

All wild actinidia are dioecious plants. To achieve their fruiting in a garden, you need to plant one or two male plants on 5-7 female vines. The flowers are most often white, white - pink, white - golden. In diameter from 1.0 to 3.0 cm. In many species, the flowers are very pleasant aroma, which extends far from the plant itself.

The fruits of actinidia look like a multi-seeded berry. Most often green, although there are species with yellow-brown fruits. Berries are edible and healthy.

In the Far Eastern nature, actinidia species are found:
kolomikta; arguta or acute; polygamous; Giralda.


Actinidia Kolomikta - Actinidia kolomikta

This actinidia is very winter-hardy. It tolerates negative temperatures up to 40 degrees. It grows wild in mixed forests dominated by fir, spruce and pine. You can meet her in China, Japan, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

The thickness of the kolomikta shoots can be from 2 to 5 cm in diameter. shoots shining, Brown. In height reach 7-8 m and more. Leaves in the middle of summer acquire a variegated color, first white, and then pink. It is believed that this property is inherent only in male plants, but cases of variegation are also known in female specimens.

It is possible to distinguish male plants from female plants only during the flowering period. Staminate (or male) flowers are most often collected in inflorescence corymbs of three.

Pistillate (or female) flowers are located one at a time, less often two at a time in the axils of the leaves. They may contain stamens with sterile pollen. Very rarely, 2-3% of actinidia flowers can be bisexual, but it is still not necessary to wait for a harvest from such plants because of the meager amount of pollen suitable for self-pollination.

Blossoms in June, fruits ripen in September. You can collect a little unripe berries from the end of August. Fruits weighing from 3.5 g, green.
When ripe, they contain such an amount of vitamin C that 3-4 berries can replenish the daily requirement for an adult. Ripe berries are green in color, oval in shape and have a pleasantly sweet and aromatic flesh.
In culture, this species is grown from the second half of XIX century. I. V. Michurin became interested in this type of actinidia. He developed such varieties of actinidia as:

Pineapple; Harvest; Clara Zetkin; Rubricaulis.

The following varieties became the result of further breeding work on actinidia kolomikta:

Emerald, VIR 1, Sweet stick, Graceful, Gourmet, Hope, In memory of Sausage, Park, Flat, Folk, Stranger, Festive, Sweet, Delight, Fantasy gardens, Champion, Ella, Marmalade, Fragrant, Large-fruited Leningrad, Smooth, Far Eastern, Maritsa , Moma.

Among the varieties of actinidia kolomikty, the most delicious were:

Robinson, Waffle, Grape, Early Dawn, Magpie, Abundant, Queen of the Garden, Coin, Charming, Homestead, University.

All of these varieties are winter-hardy, have tasty and fragrant berries. In the garden, actinidia kolomikta gives a good harvest. From one young creeper, you can collect an average of 1.5 kg to 3 kg.

It is worth paying attention to the varieties "Marmalade", "Leningrad large-fruited".

Actinidia kolomikta variety "Marmalade"

The variety has been recommended for cultivation in all regions since 1998. Disease resistant. Shoots are red-brown. Liana medium size. Fruits weighing 4.0 - 4.4 g. Ripe in mid-August. It has an excellent sweet taste with a light strawberry aroma. Skin olive color, the shape is elongated, slightly flattened on both sides. Versatile berries.

Actinidia kolomikta variety "Leningrad large-fruited"

Differs in very large berries for this type of actinidia. Their average weight is 5.5 g - 6.0 g. The taste is sweet and sour with the aroma of pineapple. Ripening - the second half of August. Berries taken from the liana in an unripe form ripen for several days at room temperature.

ACTINIDIA ARGUTA or ACUTE - Actinidia arguta

The tallest of all Far Eastern wild actinidia. The height of the vine can be up to 30 meters. At the same time, the diameter of age vines exceeds 15 cm. The bark is light brown. Has a tendency to longitudinal peeling. The leaves are oval, up to 13 cm long, the tops are narrowed. Variegation is not characteristic of this species. The leaf plate is green, dense with a red petiole. Berries ranging in size from 1.5 cm to 3.0 cm in length, in width - up to 2 cm. Ripe in September. Peel green taste sweet or sour-sweet. The aroma of berries can be apple, strawberry and pineapple.
Varieties bred:

Relay race; Weiki; Issai.

It should be noted that the berries of the "Relay" variety are the largest, their weight can reach up to 15 - 17 g.

The German variety 'Vaiki' has green berries with a red blush on the sunlit side. Male plants can be universal pollinators for all varieties of actinidia argut.

Variety "Issai" or 'Issai' bred in Japan. Berries up to 4 cm long, green with a reddish-red fluff. Shoots up to 4 meters high. Distinctive feature varieties - does not require a pollinator plant, since the Issai variety is self-fertile. The plant withstands frosts down to -25 degrees.

The actinidia arguta variety "Ganiber" received a high tasting assessment. The berries of actinidia "Primorskaya" and "Dachnaya" are somewhat inferior in taste. Variety "Solnechny" can become a universal pollinator for all varieties of actinidia argut.


This species is similar to actinidia arguta. Modern botanists - taxonomists consider this actinidia not independent view, but a subspecies of actinidia arguta. Ripens about a week earlier than arguta. The most famous variety of actinidia Giralda "Native". The berry is large, up to 11 cm long, looks like a barrel, ripens in mid-September. Taste qualities are good.

Actinidia polygamous - Actinidia polygama

This species is sometimes called:

Actinidia nosy; actinidia polygamous; actinidia acute-fruited; actinidia pepper.

In length, adult shoots grow on average to 5 - 7 m. The leaves are characterized by variegation. The fruits are narrow and long, often with a spout. When unripe, they have a sharp taste. As it matures, the spiciness decreases. The view is very decorative, as ripe fruits acquire a yellow color. This actinidia is less hardy compared to kolomikta, and the berries contain the least vitamin C. It attracts gardeners with a high decorative effect. Popular variety "Apricot". Orange berries, weighing up to 8 g, with taste bell pepper and peppery aroma. The variety "Krasna maiden" has a sweet-fresh fruit taste, with the same peppery aroma.

ACTINIDIA DELICATE or KIWI - Actinidia deliciosa

At the beginning of the 20th century, actinidia chinensis was brought to New Zealand with a fruit weight of 30 grams. Planted in New Zealand land, the vine took root. As a result of careful selection, actinidia was obtained, the weight of the fruits of which reached 100 grams. In addition, New Zealand-grown Actinidia fruit tasted superior to its progenitor, Chinese Actinidia. The surface of the fruit was covered with a brownish fluff. By this, she resembled the symbol of New Zealand - the flightless kiwi bird. In 1960, the fruits of actinidia delicacy began to be called kiwi.

Many are sure that kiwifruit can only be grown in a climate similar to New Zealand. However, it is not. Since about 1991, work began on the acclimatization of the plant in the Crimea, in Sochi, in the Krasnodar Territory. Today, this crop is safely grown in the south of the country. Despite the mild climate, in winter there are frosts down to -7 degrees. Many varieties of kiwi safely withstand this temperature.

Currently, the following varieties of gourmet actinidia are grown in the area of ​​Sochi:

Monty; Bruno; Hayward; Allison; Abbot.

The listed varieties have flowers of the female type. For their pollination, male plants of the "Tomuri" and "Motua" varieties are grown.

Kiwi fruits of the Hayward variety have a weight of up to 150 g. This variety is the most popular because of its attractive presentation. The pulp is fragrant, sweet. When ripe, the skin is easily removed from the fruit without damaging the pulp. Technical maturity in this area comes in mid-October. A few unripe fruits sing beautifully after removal from the vines. Table variety.

Varieties "Abbott", "Bruno", "Allison" are also used mainly as table varieties with a pleasant dessert taste.

Variety "Monti" refers to varieties of technical purposes, the fruits are often processed for jams and drinks, including the production of wine. Kiwi wine is made both homemade and industrial way. For example, in Armenia, white semi-sweet wine "Arame" is produced from kiwi. Kiwi wine goes well with spicy dishes, cheeses and desserts.

Male plants of 'Motua' are more suitable for pollinating early and mid-flowering varieties, while 'Tomuri' is most suitable for pollinating mid- and late-flowering kiwifruit varieties.

The State Register of Breeding Achievements presents three varieties of delicacy actinidia for cultivation in the North Caucasus region of the country: Allison, Monty S, Hayward Russian.

Kiwi and the fruits of the listed actinidia species are very beneficial for health. The high content of potassium and organic acids favorably affect the vessels. This allows to reduce arterial pressure and is a good prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

Given the characteristics various kinds and varieties of actinidia, it is easy to choose a plant for growing in any climate.

If you are fed up with home-grown types of berry bushes, such as gooseberries and currants, or are tired of fiddling with vine insulation for the winter, you can risk settling on suburban area branched liana, Actinidia. Its juicy berries will more than replace the fruits of the listed plants, create a cozy shade on the veranda or in the garden gazebo, and bring an exotic element to the measured country life.

Popular varieties

* Actinidia sinensis(Actinidia chinensis) - ornamental climbing liana with dark green heart-shaped leaves. The fast-growing branches turn the plant into real thickets, growing up to 9 meters in height and width, and therefore pruning is required to maintain the desired shape. IN natural conditions likes to settle on slopes, in ravines. In summer, creamy white rounded flowers bloom, which are divided into female and male, located on different bushes. Fruits appear only on females if there is a worthy pollinator nearby. Edible fruits grow to the size of Walnut.

* Actinidia gourmet(Actinidia deliciosa) - this is the same Actinidia, which is called " Kiwi". She owes her birth to Chinese Actinidia and New Zealand breeders, who managed not only to significantly increase the size of the berry, but also improve its taste. Now the whole world enjoys fragrant fruits that give heavenly pleasure.

Liana grows up to 9 meters. On its strong stems on long petioles sit dark green, oval, almost round, leaves with a heart-shaped base. The top of the leaves is smooth and shiny, while the underside is covered with white fluff.

Five or six white flower petals gradually turn yellow. In the center of the flower is a large number of stamens, which are on female flowers are not viable, and therefore a bush with male flowers must necessarily grow nearby.

Kiwi berries grow up to 6.5 cm in length. Their superficial skin is covered with tough, short brown hairs that make the fruit look like a kiwi bird that lives only in New Zealand. The most valuable substances of the berry are concentrated in the skin, although not all people dare to eat the berry without cleaning it from the “feathering”.

* Actinidia kolomikta(Actinidia kolomikta) - characterized by foliage that changes color several times during the season, confusing gardeners who are not aware of such plant quirks. Those in the know simply admire the multi-colored palette (the bronze color turns into green; the flowering period sometimes discolors the leaves, and they become variegated; after flowering, the leaves turn pink or turn crimson), admiring natural creativity.

* Actinidia polygamous(Actinidia polygama) - the name itself suggests that such a vine does not always need a companion of the opposite sex to set fruits, since both female and female can coexist on the same vine. male flowers. But, options are possible when flowers choose different plants.

The ends of the leaves of the creeper are decorated with a silver-white pattern, and the berries are bright yellow.


Actinidia belongs to rare vines resistant to low temperatures. We successfully grow it in various regions of the country, from Black Sea coast to St. Petersburg and Murmansk, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

Pergolas, arbors, terraces are decorated with branched vines; drape walls and fences.

The place for the plant is suitable both in the open sun and in partial shade. To make the plant more comfortable, it is desirable to protect it from wind and cold. For the winter, it is worth mulching the roots with fallen healthy foliage.

For Actinidia, any slightly acidic soil, generously flavored with organic matter, is suitable. The first years of life, the plant needs top dressing with a complete complex fertilizer.

To give the plant the desired shape, resort to pruning shoots. It should be remembered that flowers (and, therefore, fruits) give shoots of the current year. Scourges, on which there were fruits in autumn, are shortened in winter.

Watering is required only during the dry season.


It can be propagated by sowing seeds, but such a plant will please with fruits in nine years (9).

Most commonly propagated in culture by cuttings.


Delicious plants are loved not only by people. The worms and aphids love to suck out the juices of the vine, weakening the forces of Actinidia. Foliage can be spoiled by mites.

Description Reviews Images

    Actinidia deliciosa or Actinidia delicacy, Kiwi - spectacular tree liana having a beautiful decorative appearance and edible fruits rich in vitamins.

    The branches are red-brown, which become bare over time, while young shoots are densely reddish-felt. The leaves are heart-shaped, can reach 30 cm in diameter, leathery, dark green, white-felt underneath. The flowers are creamy white, later yellow, blooms in June, bears fruit in August-September. The fruits are edible.

    Lighting. Kiwi is southern and tropical plant, as a result of which this plant is demanding on good lighting. It is recommended to install a kiwi pot on the southern part of the balcony or window sill. But it is also important to avoid direct sunlight, as the plant can get burned.

    Bloom. Kiwi begins to bloom and bear fruit at 3-4 years of age. In order to get fruits from this tree in the future, kiwis need to be pollinated on their own, since under natural conditions bees and bumblebees are involved in this process. Cross pollination. If more male plants have grown, then buds from female species can be easily grafted onto them for normal flowering and fruiting.

    The soil for kiwi should consist of peat, black soil and sand. Moreover, peat should be present here in smaller quantities. The soil should be moist and loose. In addition, it is recommended to add a spoonful of eggshell and tree resin to the soil.

    top dressing. In the spring, during the growing period of kiwi, you can start feeding. This process should be carried out as follows - top dressing is applied twice a month from spring to autumn. Top dressing itself consists of alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

    Watering. Kiwi should be watered abundantly. And in order to root system did not rot, excess water from the pallet must be drained in time. On very hot days in summer period the vine, in addition to watering, must be sprayed regularly. In summer, the water temperature should reach +25 degrees, and in winter it can be allowed to decrease. temperature regime up to +10 degrees, and therefore watering at this time of the year must be reduced. During the growth period, the plant should be watered more often, at least 2-3 times a week.

    Closer to winter, the vine will begin to drop leaves. During wintering, the plant should be in bright room where the air temperature reaches at least +10 degrees. Water the plant at this time less often than usual. With the onset of spring, the plant begins to grow leaves again. At this time, you need to start cutting the vine and remove diseased and weak shoots from it.


    The soil for the growth of seeds should consist of at least the following components mixed with each other - black soil, peat and sand. Before sowing, it must be steamed, as the seedlings are very sensitive to root rot. Seeds close up shallow, 1-2 mm. Pots with seeds must be removed under the film for better growth.

In the gardens of Russia, actinidia can be found infrequently. This situation is quite understandable: many gardeners do not know about the existence of frost-resistant varieties that give a rich harvest of tasty and very healthy berries.

Types of actinidia

One of the most famous varieties is kiwi (Chinese actinidia). This plant can withstand only a slight decrease in temperature: -8 ... -15 degrees). It is adapted to the conditions of warm regions with a stable climate, therefore it is not grown in Russian gardens (you can try).

The most frost-resistant type of actinidia is kolomikta - the plant is not afraid of a temperature drop to -50 degrees.

Actinidia arguta, giraldi, hybrid are inferior to the previous species - the threshold of lower temperatures is -28 ... -40 degrees.

Next in resistance to low temperatures are such types of actinidia as polygama and purple (-28 ... -35 and -25 degrees Celsius, respectively).

In central Russia, you can grow any kind of actinidia, with the exception of Chinese. In the northern regions, the most non-capricious plant species will take root: kolomikta and giraldi. Preference for varieties of domestic selection, since foreign ones are more capricious.

Actinidia: varieties for the Moscow region and the Middle strip

One of the best options for the Moscow region, actinidia Kolomikta is considered. We recommend paying attention to the varieties:


Description of the Grape variety

Ripening of berries begins in August (at its very beginning). In length, the elongated fruit reaches 2-2.3 cm. The weight of one berry is about 2.3 g. Smooth surface covered with thin dark olive skin. In some cases, the fetus has a slight blush. The taste is very pleasant, with notes apple marmalade, sweet with a slight sourness - this is one of the most the best varieties actinidia. The yield is high.

Good results are shown by actinidia polygamum. Popular varieties:

yellow spindle

Description of the variety Apricot

This variety gives good harvest sweet berries. They ripen closer to the beginning of September. The weight of the fruits is on average 4.4 g, the length reaches 3.4 cm. The color of the fruits is shown different shades orange. The top of the berries is slightly pointed. The surface can be either smooth or slightly wrinkled.

Actinidia kolomikta: varieties

All varieties of actinidia kolomikta are distinguished by enviable winter hardiness. Along the supports, the plant can stretch up to 7-8 m. Flowering occurs in June, and the fruits ripen in August. Unlike other species, kolomikta has red-brown shoots, they are covered with small "lentils". A couple of weeks before flowering, the tips on some leaves turn white.

Popular varieties:

Far East
garden queen
early dawn
fantasy gardens

Description of the variety Slastena

The mass of fruits is on average 2.5 g, and the length reaches 2.4 g. Fruit ripening is dated for the month of August. The color varies from green to yellowish. The surface can be either smooth or ribbed. The taste is very pleasant, sweet, with the aroma of marmalade.

Actinidia arguta: varieties

This variety of actinidia, like no other, needs reliable supports - the plant can reach a length of 25 m, while the thickness of the gray-green trunk is 12 cm. The leaves are dense, green (the shade is lighter below).

The berries are large - 5-18 g, abundant fruiting. They ripen in August-September and remain on plants until frost. In Russia, varieties are grown:

Taiga Emerald
Zeya's daughter

Description of the Primorskaya variety

The mass of fruits can reach 8.3 g, the length is 2.4 cm. They ripen in September. Coloring can be either green or yellowish. The base and top of the berries are rounded (the base has a small groove). The taste characteristics are good, the aroma is apple.

Actinidia polygama: varieties

The height of the polygam actinidia is about 5 m. The flexible stems are covered with flaky brown bark. The leaves are very thin, light green. In male vines, silver spots may appear on the leaves before flowering. In autumn the leaves become yellow. Popular varieties:

yellow spindle

Description of the variety Yellow spindle

The fruits are spindle-shaped, their length is about 2.8 cm, and the average weight is from 3.7 to 5.3 g. The skin is shiny, orange, with thin light stripes. Berries taste like Bell pepper. Ripening time - medium-late.

Varieties of actinidia are diverse. Plants are unpretentious, they withstand unstable climatic conditions, do not need regular feeding (but with good care give the best harvest).

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There is probably no greater joy for a gardener than to grow some new plant. One of these welcome guests on garden plots Russia has become berry culture- actinidia. If someone else does not know what it is about, then just remember the kiwi. Kiwi is one of the southern varieties of actinidia.

In the 2000s, varieties of Polish selection, such as Adam, Dr. Szymanowski and others, became pioneers in the market of actinidia seedlings in our country. For some time, these varieties of imported selection were the only ones in our region, and therefore good. We acquired these varieties, not suspecting the huge and successful work of our scientists. However, domestic breeders have been working for decades and continue to work to improve the varieties of this berry crop, making them more suitable for our cold regions.

Judge for yourself: varieties of imported breeding are not winter-hardy enough for the northern regions of Russia, but the new varieties of actinidia, bred by our breeders, feel good even during severe frosts. It should also be noted that the activities of domestic scientists also affected the quality of the fruits themselves: the berries turned out to be large and sugary (all gardeners appreciate this). What taste qualities they acquired! Now actinidia with apple, strawberry, pineapple, balsam, banana, fig, grape, date flavors grow in the gardens; there are even those berries that have candy, actinidia (unlike anything and very pleasant) and pepper flavors. One of the most outstanding breeders, thanks to which such diversity became possible, is Ella Ioganovna Kolbasina.

E.I. Kolbasina began to actively study actinidia on about. Sakhalin since 1953, and already 30 years later, in the 1980s, successfully introduced it into culture in the Moscow region. It was thanks to her active and many years of work that domestic gardeners received 27 new varieties that successfully passed the test and were listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation as plants adapted for growing in our country. What else can be said about the novelties of domestic actinidia breeding? Each variety has stood the test of time, as many plants from 5 species (more than 200 varieties) have been studied and grown for 30 years in the Moscow region. And, as practice shows, all these varieties of domestic selection feel great in open fields with a northern slope (moreover: without supports, without irrigation, without fertilizer, without weeding). As practice has shown, if in unfavorable breeding conditions they survive and give a good harvest, then, subject to agricultural technology, the harvest, fruit quality and appearance of plants exceed all expectations.

Speaking about the origin of actinidia, it is important to note that in nature in a wild form they are found on the territory of the Far East. Although their range used to cover most of Russia, glaciations narrowed their habitat to the Far Eastern taiga. And the fact that actinidia survived in those difficult conditions suggests that it is a hardy plant. And now the Far East does not please the liana with good weather - Cold winter and cool summers. Therefore, planting this berry crop today on the territory of the middle zone, we simply return it to its native habitats and most often transfer it even to Better conditions than in the modern homeland.

According to frost resistance, types of actinidia can be arranged in the following order:

Actinidia kolomikta (up to -45 -50 C);

Actinidia arguta, a. hybrid a. giraldi (up to -28 -40 C);

Actinidia polygamum (up to -28 -35 C);

Actinidia purpurea (up to - 25 C);

Actinidia Chinese (kiwi) (up to -8 -15C).

It is worth emphasizing that for the Moscow region, and indeed the central strip of Russia, the type a is not at all suitable. Chinese (kiwi), but a. kolomikta will be able to adapt to a much more severe climate than the middle lane.

All actinidia suffer from late spring and early autumn frosts on a par with northern grape varieties. However, emerging in recent decades tendency to reduce the period of frosts and their intensity (due to global climate change) very sharply increased the prospects of actinidia for the middle zone. Actinidia has become almost invulnerable and confidently marches north!

The taste qualities of this berry culture are worthy of special attention. Many novelties of actinidia breeding are similar in taste to kiwi, and to be more precise, to the fruits of a. sweet (kiwi is the commercial name). Breeders from New Zealand have been creating this hybrid for 80 years, trying to improve wild-growing a. Chinese. Well done, they did it successfully, but, unfortunately, their plant is not suitable for our cold regions. However, again returning to our domestic breeders, new varieties of actinidia have appeared. And they surpassed kiwi in many ways, especially in flavor and aroma. First, unlike kiwi, the skin is very thin, hairless and tender. The taste of the fruit is balanced, harmonious and it can be sweet, sweet and sour and even peppery. Also, breeders "decorated" some types of actinidia: the skin and pulp can be not only green, but also olive, purple and orange. The basis of the excellent taste of these fruits is their consistently high sugar content. In the best modern varieties offered to you, the sugar content of the pulp of the fruit does not fall below 10%, sometimes reaching 17% - this is comparable to melon and grapes, and overlaps most fruit and berry crops traditional for the middle lane.

Further in this article, many varieties of actinidia of domestic selection are listed by species. All of these plants can be purchased at online store Zilli-on.

Actinidia Kolomikta

This type of actinidia is quite famous and popular. The most frost-resistant type. It is often called small raisins, raisins and arctic beauty. This species got its name "kolomikta" because of the variegated color of the leaves (in translation, it means "burning, blinding"). A. kolomikta is recognized by scientists as the most cold-hardy species (recall that it is not afraid of 50-degree frosts). That is why she is sometimes called the Arctic beauty. Differs in precocity: two-year-olds give the first crop the next year after planting in the spring. Lives for over 50 years. The fruits are showered (except for the Moma variety).

Liana can grow up to seven meters in height. Most of the plants are self-fertile. In this regard, next to the female varieties, several male varieties should be planted (usually eight female plants two or three pollinators are enough, it is better that the varieties of pollinators are different - the harvest will be more abundant and tastier). This species has one distinctive feature that makes it interesting not only as a berry crop, but also as an ornamental plant. It's about O variegated leaves plants. By the beginning of summer, their color changes: they become white-pink-green. It is male plants that change color to a greater extent. This is worth considering if you decide to buy actinidia seedlings. Berries have a different aroma: most often it depends on the plant variety. Considering the varieties of this species listed below, you can see that there is a pineapple, strawberry, date, fig aroma (it can be from several combinations at the same time).

Kolomikta is the champion among all known berries in terms of the content of ascorbic acid, second only to some types of wild rose. In 2 berries - as a rule, daily requirement adult person.

Varieties of actinidia kolomikta:

Variety name Weight/berry size (mm)
Waffle (new variety)Strongly elongated, cylindrical shape. The color of the skin is olive green, dark olive. Sometimes there is a blush. Medium SS.3.0 g (up to 6.0 g), 30x12x11Sweet and sour, strong actinidia aroma. Ascorbic acid - 1544 mg, sugar - 11.2%, acidity - 1.2%
GrapeThe berry is oval. Color matte, olive green, dark olive. Sometimes there is a blush. Early SS.2.3 g., 23x14x10Sour-sweet/sweet, marmalade- apple flavor. Ascorbic acid - 1562 mg, sugar - 15.4%, acidity - 2.2%
Lakomka (new variety)The fruit is large, cylindrical. The color of the skin is olive green, with longitudinal light stripes. Medium SS.4.2 g (up to 5.3 g), 32x18x14Sweet and sour, pineapple flavor. Ascorbic acid - 1600 mg, acidity - 2.5%, sugar - 12.3%
MomaCylindrical berry. The skin is green, dirty green. There are longitudinal stripes. Late SS.2.7 g., 21x15x14Very sweet, pineapple flavor. Ascorbic acid - 1224 mg, sugar - 13.0%, acidity - 1.5%
FolkOval, slightly flattened fruits. The color is yellowish-green, olive-green, uniform. Medium SS.3.8 g (up to 4.4 g), 22x19x15Sweet and sour, apple flavor. Ascorbic acid - 1700 mg, sugar - 12.7%, acidity - 1.18%
FestiveStrongly elongated, cylindrical shape. The color of the skin is uniform, yellowish-green, dirty green. Early SS.3.0 g (up to 3.5 g), 29x14x13Sweet/slightly sour-sweet, apple aroma. Ascorbic acid - 1900 mg, acidity - 1.4%, sugar - 12.7%
HomesteadBerries are cylindrical, elongated. The color is dark olive, olive green. Early SS.4.5 g (up to 4.9 g), 34x17x15Sour-sweet, apple-pineapple aroma. Ascorbic acid - 1568 mg, acidity - 1.4%, sugar - 10%
SweetheartThe shape is cylindrical, elongated. The color of the berry is yellowish green or olive green. Early SS.2.0 g (up to 2.5 g), 24x11x10Sweet, with marmalade flavor. Ascorbic acid - 1618 mg, sugar - 12.2%
MagpieThe fruits are cylindrical, strongly elongated. The skin is olive green. Early SS.2.5 g (up to 2.7 g), 28x12x10Sweet, actinidia aroma. Ascorbic acid - 2200 mg
Fantasy Gardens (new variety)Strongly elongated, cylindrical berry, colored yellowish green. There is a blush and longitudinal light stripes. Early SS.3.0 g (up to 3.9 g), 33x14x13Sweet and sour, pineapple flavor. Ascorbic acid - 1900 mg, acidity - 1.1%, sugar - 14.5%

Actinidia Arguta

Actinidia of this species can grow up to seven meters. They are considered one of the most vigorous, durable and powerful plants in the Actinidia family from the Far East. Loves the sun. The plant, including the novelties of actinidia breeding, cannot boast of the same decorative leaves as a. kolomikta. But this species has another advantage - larger fruits, their almost complete non-shattering, a more abundant harvest and often maximum sugar content. Also, new varieties of actinidia arguta have different flavors: melon, banana, grape and many others. Differs in less precocity than kolomikta and polygamum: two-year-olds give the first crop in 2-3 years after planting in the spring. More durable: lives up to 100 years.

Listed below are some of the most popular varieties of this species.

Varieties of actinidia argut:

Variety name Description / Ripening time (SS) Weight/berry size (mm) Taste/aroma/content of useful elements (100g)
Balsam (promising variety)An oval fruit with a dirty green, dark olive color. The color is uniform. Late SS5.3 g (up to 8.1 g), 24x22x18Sour-sweet, balsamic aroma
DachnayaLarge cylindrical, barrel-shaped berries. Color yellowish green. Medium SS.5g (up to 6g), 26x21x19sweet and sour
GenevaBarrel-shaped, cylindrical shape. Color red-green. Late SS.5 g (up to 8 g), 27x25x23Sweet, light honey aroma
Zvezdnaya (new variety)Cylindrical berry. The color is olive green with a reddish blush. Middle SS.4 g (up to 6 g), berry length - 25-35 mmSweet and sour, pineapple flavor
Green balmOval fruit with an olive green color. Middle late SS8 g (up to 10 g)Unusual, pleasant taste sweet with slight sourness
Golden Spit (promising variety)The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. The skin is green, yellowish-green. Late SS.6 g (up to 9.8 g), 27x19x16Sweet, with apple flavor
Ilona (new variety)Cylindrical, laterally compressed fruits. Color olive green. Late SS.4 g (up to 8 g), 35x28x25Sour-sweet, fruity aroma
LunarThe berries are large, cylindrical. The skin is olive green. Middle SS.4 g (up to 6 g), 29x25x23Sweet and sour
Mikhnevskaya (promising variety)The fruits are cylindrical, olive-green in color. Middle SS.Up to 10 gSour-sweet, pineapple flavor, one of the most delicious
PrimorskayaElongated oval shape. The skin is shiny, green, yellowish-green. Late SS.6.6 g (up to 8.3 g), 24x21x18Sweet and sour, apple flavor
SeptemberElliptical shape. The berries are dark green. Medium SS.7 g (up to 10 g), diameter 26 mm.Sweet/sweet, pineapple flavor. Ascorbic acid - 183 mg, acidity - 1.1%, sugar - 17.5%
Taiga emeraldShortened, cylindrical shape. The color is matte, uniform, dark green. Medium SS.3.6 g, 21x17x15Sour-sweet, strawberry aroma. Ascorbic acid - 70.4 mg, sugar - 12.7%, acidity 1.6%
Relay (promising variety)The berries are oval in shape, the sides are compressed. Color green, dirty green. Middle SS.Up to 17.2 g (one of the largest fruits)Sweet with sourness, apple-pineapple flavor.

actinidia polygama

Perhaps one of the features of this plant is that ripe berries have a beautiful orange color. In addition to this advantage, new varieties of actinidia are rich in biologically active substances - carotenoids (competes with sea buckthorn and carrots). At the same time, organic acids are found in small quantities in the berries, which makes this species especially interesting for those who need dietary nutrition. It is impossible not to mention the unusual and wonderful taste qualities of polygamum actinidia - the taste resembles a little sweet pepper and figs! Delicious and unusual. High palatability and fig-like taste are provided by excellent sugar content in modern varieties - 12% or more. Slightly unripe fruits have a strong - burning taste - be careful! With full ripening and softening, the burning sensation disappears. There are varieties whose fruits, when ripe, have the taste of hot pepper - they make excellent sauces, adjika, etc. - like from hot pepper. It is also worth noting that nutritional value possess not only the fruits of the plant. Very often young shoots with leaves are added to spring salads (you can also use it simply with soy sauce, it tastes like watercress). This species has very fragrant flowers, they smell like jasmine. Interestingly, not only gardeners value actinidia polygamum, but also our smaller brothers - cats. They like to gnaw on these plants more than other types of actinidia, so it is worth considering how to protect them from these pests from the outset.

Polygama, like kolomikta, is characterized by early fertility: two-year-olds give the first harvest the next year - a year after planting in the spring. Lives for over 50 years.

Varieties of actinidia polygamum:

Variety name Description / Ripening time (SS) Weight/berry size (mm) Taste/aroma/content of useful elements (100g)
BetaCylindrical berry, orange-red skin. Late SS.3.7 g (up to 4.0 g), 28x15x14Figs - sweet pepper, pepper-fig aroma. Ascorbic acid - 162 mg, carotenoids - 6.4 mg%
FirebirdElongated, cylindrical fruit. The skin of the berries is dark orange. Late SS.5.0 g (up to 5.6 g), 28x17x14Hot pepper, slight pepper aroma. Ascorbic acid - 139.4 mg, sugar - 11.5%, acidity - 0.4%
Yellow spindle (promising variety)Elongated, oval berry. Reddish to orange coloration. Late SS.5.3 g (up to 6.4 g), 26x17x17Figs - sweet pepper, pepper-fig aroma. Ascorbic acid - 89 mg, sugar - 12.6%, acid - 0.6%
Zlata (promising variety)The berries are cylindrical-elongated. Fruit color is orange. Middle SS.Up to 6.5 g (one of the most productive varieties)
Lesnaya (promising variety)Elongated, cylindrical fruits. The color is orange. Middle SS.Up to 7.8 g (one of the largest varieties)Sweet, pleasant taste, figs - sweet peppers, peppery fig aroma.
sparkElongated, conical shape. The skin is shiny, orange. Late SS.3.2 g (up to 4.0 g), 27x14x13Figs - sweet pepper, pepper-fig aroma.
Autumn (promising variety)Oval fruit with dark orange color. Late SS.3.3 g, 23x16x15Figs - sweet pepper, pepper-fig aroma. Ascorbic acid -172.4 mg, sugar - 15.4%, acidity - 0.58%
spicyWide oval fruit shape. Dark orange glossy skin. Late SS.3.5 g, 23x17x16Hot pepper, pepper flavor. Ascorbic acid - 151 mg, sugar - 14.2%, acidity - 0.56%
Pepper (promising variety)The berry is cylindrical, elongated. The skin is reddish, matte. Late SS.4.7 g (up to 5.6 g), 28x16x15Figs - sweet pepper, pepper-fig aroma. Ascorbic acid - 214 mg, sugar - 13.8%, acidity - 0.64%
Sweet number plateElongated cylindrical shape. Berry orange-green color. Late SS.4 g (up to 5 g)Delicate, sweet, figs - sweet pepper, peppery fig aroma.
patternedThe shape of the fruit is elongated, cylindrical. Orange color, there are longitudinal, barely distinguishable stripes. Late SS.5.4 g (up to 6.6 g), 3.0x17x15Figs - sweet pepper, pepper-fig aroma. Ascorbic acid - 89 mg, sugar - 5.2%, acidity - 0.9%, carotenoids - 2.7 mg%
HealingCylindrical shape. The skin is orange to dark orange in color. Late SS.3.9 g (up to 4.2 g), 3.2x14x11Figs - sweet pepper, pepper-fig aroma. Ascorbic acid - 184 mg

Actinidia hybrida

As for this new subspecies, it appeared thanks to the breeder I. M. Shaitan from Kyiv. The scientist and his group crossed a. arguta and a. purple. The purpose of this hybridization is a new improved species. As a result, new varieties of actinidia should have received high winter hardiness and large fruit from a. arguta, but from a. purple - aroma, taste and bouquet type of flowering and fruiting. Here it is worth mentioning such varieties as Kiev hybrid, Figured, September. New varieties had the intended qualities, but were not winter hardy enough for the Moscow region. Then work on actinidia hybrida was continued by E.M. Sausage. Frost-resistant "children" from Kyiv varieties were obtained by the method of selecting senets. As a result of the work of this outstanding breeder, varieties appeared that not only had high rates of large-fruitedness, taste and bouquet (bouquet is a multi-fruitfulness, when not 1-3 fruits develop from one flower bud, but a whole cluster), but were well suited for central Russia . One of the new varieties of actinidia was even given the name a. hybrid Kolbasina (in honor of the breeder). Hybrid varieties, compared with a. argut, had an interesting, both the color of both the skin and the pulp: the skin turned out to be pinkish or purple, and the flesh has a red color around the core (sometimes the core itself is colored like that). It is these new varieties of actinidia, "kids" and seedlings, which have shown high winter hardiness, that the Zilli-on online store is actively introducing to the market of the central zone of the Russian Federation.

Varieties of actinidia hybrid:

Variety name Description / Ripening time (SS) Weight/berry size (mm) Taste/aroma/content of useful elements (100g)
Kyiv hybrid-10Large, oval berries. The coloring is green. Late SS.Up to 9.7 gDelicate, sweet taste. Ascorbic acid - 140 mg, sugar - 16%, acidity - 0.8%
Kyiv large-fruitedThe berries are large, broadly oval. The skin is green, there are light subcutaneous specks. Late SS.Up to 9.0 gSweet taste, delicate aroma. Ascorbic acid - 146.4 mg, sugar - 10.8%, acidity - 0.8%
CandyThe fruits are oval. The coloring is green. Late SS.Up to 8.2 gTaste sweet, fruity-caramel aroma
SouvenirUp to 8 gThe taste is sweet, fig-candy-fruity aroma
Hybrid SausageThe fruits are oval. Color greenish red. Late SS.Up to 16 g - a record holder among hybrid actinidia near MoscowThe taste is sweet, surprisingly harmonious. Candy-fruity aroma.

actinidia giraldi

Agronomists and breeders refer this type of actinidia to variety a. Arguta, or at least consider them to be close relatives among themselves. But still, the new varieties of actinidia giraldi differ from their “girlfriend” in larger and sweeter fruits. Actinidia giraldi in the wild - very rare plant and listed in the Red Book. Therefore, planting this species on his site, the gardener, sometimes without realizing it, contributes to the preservation of this valuable plant. The fruits of this species can vary in shape and size, as with all actinidia, the size of the fruit can greatly increase after proper shaping and rationing of the crop. For example, after pruning, the Tuzemka variety bore fruit with 26-gram berries. Its fruits are round, similar to heavenly apples, surprisingly harmonious and tasty, they want to eat more and more ...

Varieties of actinidia giraldi:

Variety name Description / Ripening time (SS) Weight/berry size (mm) Taste/aroma/content of useful elements (100g)
Juliania10 g (up to 15.1 g) (one of the largest varieties)Sweet, with pineapple-apple flavor
NativeThe shape is barrel-shaped, compressed, shortened. Dirty green matte skin color. Late SS.7.5 g (up to 10.4 g), 22x30x18Sweet, with a strong pineapple flavor
AlevtinaCompressed, barrel-shaped. The color is green. Late SS.12 g (up to 20 g) (one of the largest varieties)Sweet, with pineapple-apple-strawberry flavor
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