After what culture to plant melons. Tips from experienced gardeners: what can be planted after. What cultures will be good predecessors

After plants affected by certain diseases and pests, those that are resistant to them are planted. This is especially important for cabbage and nightshade (tomato, potato). Related crops of plants (tomatoes-potatoes, cucumbers-pumpkins) suffer from the same diseases.

To avoid one-sided depletion of the soil, plants alternate depending on what nutrients they require. In a simplified form, you can alternate "tops" and "roots" (for example, carrots are grown after cabbage or tomatoes).

After onions and garlic, all crops can be planted. Re-sowing onions and garlic is not recommended.

After tomatoes and potatoes: cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, beans, peas, garlic, beets, lettuce, carrots, parsley, dill, celery.

After cucumbers, zucchini, squash planted: radishes, cabbage, beets, onions, garlic, peas, beans, tomatoes, potatoes.

After carrots, dill, parsley, celery, they plant: onions, garlic, beans, peas, potatoes, tomatoes.

After strawberries (after 4 years) - root crops and legumes, the next year - pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, after - tomatoes, onions. After beans, peas, onions and garlic, any crop can be planted.

The best predecessors of the main vegetable crops are:

for green crops (except lettuce) - cabbage, cucumber, root crops, onions;

For early white and cauliflower - potatoes, tomatoes, turnip onions, legumes, root crops (except radishes, turnips, radishes and rutabaga);

For medium and late white cabbage - tomato, potatoes, legumes, carrots, beets;

For turnip onions - cucumber, tomato, early white cabbage, early potatoes, legumes, late cabbage and potatoes;

For cucumber - early white and cauliflower, tomato, potato, legumes (except beans), root crops (except carrots), as beans and carrots are affected by white rot, like cucumber;

For carrots - potatoes, cabbage, green crops (except lettuce, suffering from white rot), tomato, legumes (except beans);

For beets - cucumber and other pumpkin, early potatoes, cabbage, tomato and all legumes, late cabbage;

For potatoes - cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, cabbage, legumes, root crops, onions;

For tomato, pepper, eggplant, physalis - early white and cauliflower, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, legumes, turnip onions, root crops, late cabbage;

For garlic - cucumber, tomato, early white cabbage, legumes, late cabbage;

Plant compatibility

Joint planting of plants, taking into account their compatibility, allows you to increase the yield. In case of incompatibility (suppression) - yields are reduced.

Compatible plants :

For beans, the most favorable neighbors are cucumbers. Therefore, it is recommended to plant beans around cucumber beds. Beans go well with mustard, potatoes, radishes, radishes, sweet corn, spinach. The inclusion of beans in the plantings of these plants improves the nutrition of the latter with nitrogen. Fragrant basil, planted next to beans, reduces damage to them by the bean weevil. Other useful herbs for beans: borage, oregano, rosemary, yarrow.

Radish and oilseed radish have a beneficial effect on grapes.
Parsley heals vineyards affected by phylloxera.

Relationships of mutual assistance were noted in peas with carrots, cucumbers, and turnips. Peas grow well between the rows of these crops, and, like all legumes, enrich the soil with nitrogen.
Mustard repels pea codling moth from peas and inhibits weeds
Peas are also compatible with oats and celery. Tomatoes secrete biologically active substances that stimulate the development of peas.
Mustard root secretions (in mixed crops) stimulate the growth of peas.

Strawberries are favorably affected by: bush beans, parsley, spinach. Garlic - protects. Parsley, planted in the aisles of strawberries - repels slugs.
Strawberries can be combined with cabbage, onions, radishes, radishes, lettuce, beets, garlic. Of the herbs, borage (orypechnaya grass) and sage work well for her. Mulching the soil during the formation of fruits with spruce and pine needles - significantly improves the taste of strawberries;

White cabbage as neighbors prefers lettuce, onions, celery, dill, bush beans, radishes and even potatoes.
Dill, planted between rows of cabbage, improves its taste and repels caterpillars and aphids.
Celery protects cabbage from ground fleas and cabbage flies, but attracts cabbage whites with its smell, which means that it is undesirable to place them together.
Cabbage is also favored by the proximity to borage, which has a good effect on cabbage and drives snails away with its hard, hairy leaves.
A very good accompanying crop for cabbage is lettuce (all types). It also protects it from the earthen flea.
Cabbage is in great need of protection from a variety of cabbage butterflies that lay their eggs on its leaves. This role can be played by aromatic herbs, which mask the smell of cabbage with their strong smell. Therefore, it is recommended to plant hyssop, mint, wormwood, chamomile, savory, sage around plantings of cabbage.
Leek repels cutworm caterpillars.
In the aisle of cabbage, it is appropriate to plant marigolds, nasturtium, marigolds - they repel aphids, cabbage and carrot flies, whites.
Parsnip attracts predatory insects that destroy caterpillars.
Head lettuce, onions, celery, and beets are compatible with broccoli.
Undesirable for cabbage: tomatoes, beans, carrots.

Potatoes get along well with eggplant, cabbage, corn, onions, spinach, beans, horseradish, garlic and mint. Potatoes protect the beans from bruchus, and the beans feed the potatoes with nitrogen. The above plants complement each other favorably, as they take moisture and nutrients from different soil horizons. When growing potatoes in mixed culture with compatible plants, it gets sick less and grows in one place for many years, with a stable yield. Potatoes are not indifferent to cabbage, onions, carrots, radishes, lettuce, dill, garlic. The best partners for potatoes are beans, bush beans and spinach. Beans planted between the rows of potatoes enrich the soil with nitrogen and repel the Colorado potato beetle. Potato goes well with cabbage, especially with colored kohlrabi, corn, radish and different types lettuce, Favorable influence horseradish, planted in bushes on a potato plot, has a effect on potatoes. colorado potato beetle repel marigolds, catnip, coriander, nasturtium, tansy. Phytoncides of onion and garlic quickly destroy the pathogenic potato fungus - late blight.

Corn is one of the most demanding plants in terms of nutrition, so it goes very well with both bush and climbing beans, for which corn is the mainstay. Corn is combined with beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, early potatoes, lettuce. Cucumbers are recommended to be planted around corn plots. In terms of allelopathy, corn is a very friendly plant for many crops. It has a beneficial effect on potatoes, sunflowers.
Corn is compacted with zucchini, pumpkin, as well as beans or peas, for which the corn stalk serves as a support. Peas and beans contribute to the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil.
Soy protects corn from turtle bugs
Bad neighbors for corn - table beet and celery

Onions and carrots protect each other from pests: carrots repel onion fly, and the onion is a carrot fly.
Onions are combined with strawberries, watercress, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, beets, tomatoes, parsley. Bordering onion beds with savory is favorable for onion growth, chamomile also works well for it, but only with a small number of chamomile bushes (one - per running meter beds).
By placing individual plants onions and garlic next to cucumbers, you can protect them from bacteriosis. Onions are not combined with beans, peas, beans. The proximity of sage is also unfavorable for him.

Raspberries protect the apple tree from scab, and the raspberry tree protects from gray rot.

Carrots and peas mutually enrich each other. Carrots are friends with tomatoes, lettuce, dill, onions, garlic, radishes and radishes, but are not compatible with cabbage.
Root secretions of beets planted along the edge of the garden - heal carrots.

Mint (melissa) - grows well in sorrel thickets.

Strawberries are grown under sea buckthorn or medicinal herbs: chamomile, oregano. These herbs with sea buckthorn leaf make a good vitamin tea.

Cucumbers are friends with peas and cabbage, but shun vine. If dill is sown between cucumbers, the duration of their fruiting will increase, and hence the harvest. Cucumbers are also compatible with beans, lettuce, onions, celery, beets, parsley. Onion phytoncides kill spider mites on cucumbers.

The nut has no compatible crops;

Tomatoes will help spring garlic and dill. Tomatoes themselves help other plants. To scare away butterflies, codling moths and protect against scab of pears and apple trees, tall tomatoes are planted. Tomatoes secrete biologically active substances that stimulate the development of peas, cabbage, onions, and beans.
Sweet basil improves the taste of tomatoes;

Radish is friends with carrots, cucumbers, parsnips, tomatoes, beets, pumpkins and spinach;

Lettuce repels earthen flea from radish, radish, cabbage;

Radishes planted between bush beans will be larger and tastier. This is facilitated, as well - nasturtium and watercress.

Beets get along well with lettuce, peas, cabbage, dill and parsley;

Celery prefers neighbors: tomato, beans, spinach, onions, cucumber, cabbage

Currants are not damaged by bud mites if you plant onions between bushes and leave them in the ground for the winter.

Soy is friendly with all cultures.

Asparagus and marigolds - help in the fight against the nematode.

Beans, pumpkins and corn have long been planted together. Pumpkin inhibited the growth of weeds, shading the soil with its foliage, corn protected the pumpkin from overheating, beans enriched the soil with nitrogen. These plants complement each other, as they take moisture and nutrients from different horizons of the soil, different mineral elements are needed for their development, and they relate differently to lighting.

Planted between vegetables and trees spicy plants- anise, basil, coriander, lemon balm, parsley, thyme, tarragon. The smell of these plants, their phytoncides - prevents the spread of pests and diseases.

If marigolds, nasturtium, calendula (marigolds), chicory are planted between the ridges of potatoes or onions, bunches of rye straw are plowed into the soil, they will protect these crops from nematode damage. Marigolds, mustard leaf, marigolds, celandine, spinach - they heal the soil.

If you make a marigold border around the area on which the roses are planted, the defeat of roses by nematodes will become impossible.

Parsley will drive away ants, and it also heals vineyards affected by phylloxera.

Tansy cinerary, or Dalmatian chamomile, saves cabbage from aphids, caterpillars of cabbage scoops and whites, and apple trees from aphids, codling moth and other pests. The powder of this plant was used to fight fleas, bedbugs, flies, cockroaches and even mice. You can also use pink tansy and red tansy close to it. These plants are also known under the names of Persian chamomile and Caucasian chamomile.

Get along with the salad: carrots, cucumbers, legumes, radishes;

Beans are compatible with cabbage, cucumbers, sugar beets. Beans are useful for planting other crops, as they help get rid of the meadow moth.

Garlic protects asters, carnations, gladioli, roses from powdery mildew, black leg, black spot and fusarium, reduces the incidence of carnation gray mold.

Apple tree - raspberry

Stevia (Honey Grass) - can grow alongside garlic and onions, even in flower pot, on the window.

Celery, dill, onion, carrot well planted side by side. They can be planted together or sequentially, one after the other.

Incompatible plants:

Grapes are incompatible with cabbage, which is the enemy of grapes;

Peas - incompatible with swede, beans, tomato;
Garoch and beans conflict with onions and garlic;

Combinations of peas with all kinds of onions, tomatoes, garlic, swede, beans are unfavorable;

Poor effect on peas - wormwood;

The walnut oppresses everything that comes under its crown;

Cabbage - it is incompatible with tomatoes, carrots;
Cabbage is not combined with parsley, carrots and suffers greatly from closely growing grapes;
Tansy does not work well on kale.

Potatoes are incompatible with sunflowers, tomatoes and pumpkins (they can cause late blight disease in him);
Potatoes are oppressed by: cherry, apple tree, raspberry, mountain ash, sunflower;
Potatoes do not tolerate cucumbers, tomatoes and pumpkin;
It is not recommended to plant potatoes with celery;

Bad neighbors for corn are table beets and celery;

Currants and gooseberries cannot be planted side by side (gooseberry fire damage);

Onions are not combined with beans, peas, beans, (cabbage, potatoes -?). The proximity of sage is also unfavorable for him.

Raspberries and strawberries - if they are nearby, this contributes to the reproduction of the strawberry-raspberry weevil;

Sea buckthorn, strawberries and nightshade - if they are nearby, this contributes to the development of the same diseases;

Cucumbers are suppressed by tomatoes;
Cucumbers feud with potatoes and aromatic herbs;

The peach depresses the cherry, pear and apple tree. They need to be planted away from each other.

Parsley - cucumber, head lettuce;

Tomato, dill and beans are incompatible with cabbage;
Tomatoes are aggressive towards grapes; Tomatoes - cucumber, turnip, peas, beets, parsley, apple tree, red cabbage; Tomatoes are oppressed by potatoes and turnips.

Radish - spinach;
Redkin's enemy is hyssop;

Lettuce is incompatible with leaf mustard;

Beets do not get along well with potatoes, spinach, corn;

Poplar is very aggressive - many people suffocate in its vapors. cultivated plants(apple, corn);

Pumpkin - potatoes;

Beans - suppressed by shallots;

Fennel - oppresses almost all cultivated plants.

The action of herbs: sage is incompatible with onions, marigolds have a bad effect on beans, wormwood - on beans and peas, and tansy - on leafy cabbage;

Dacha practice shows: if any plant a crop on the same bed for several years in a row, then the harvests, generous at the beginning, will gradually become not so plentiful. Crop rotation is necessary, that is, a change in the planting site ...

Why do plants not sit in one place?

Exists a few reasons, according to which crops grown on the site should be alternated:

  • Plants take from the soil what they need to grow. useful material Every culture has something different. Gradually, the percentage of nutrients in the soil decreases, and there will be few of them for plants planted next year;
  • At the same time, plant waste products accumulate in the soil, which can inhibit the development of a crop of the same species planted later;
  • With the annual cultivation of crops in one place, ideal conditions for the development of microorganisms dangerous to the plant.

The interaction of these three factors leads to the fact that plants, even if they are provided with ideal care, feel very uncomfortable in this area. And this can not but affect the quality of the crop. To avoid such troubles, you just need to follow the rules of crop rotation. They tell the gardener, which crop to plant after which in the allotment.

Basic crop rotation rules:

  • The same crop is not planted on the site for two years in a row (the exception is perennials);
  • Root crops should be alternated with crops that eat ground parts: stems, leaves, fruits;
  • If the plant gave a poor harvest, next year it is undesirable to plant its close "relatives" on this site.

To organize a crop rotation, it is recommended to divide the plot into several parts and change the plants annually. And in order to do it right, it would be useful to study information about the diseases of crops, their needs, and predecessors. And one more important question:

And who are the neighbors?

Some plants are “not friendly” with each other, and you can’t grow them side by side: for example, a tomato will not want to grow next to kohlrabi, peas - next to onions, potatoes - in close proximity to sunflowers ... Experienced gardeners also recommend avoiding growing on neighboring beds of crops of the same family, since they, as a rule, have common pests.

There are also plants whose society favorably affects other crops. Basically, it refers to spices. It has been noticed that the neighborhood of dill makes cucumbers more tasty, and onions scare away the carrot fly. In mixed crops, one should also take into account the timing of planting and harvesting crops, lighting requirements, plant sizes ...

Difficult? Well, over time you will gain knowledge and experience, but for now, the following will help you find the optimal landing site for each crop.

Rotation table

(compiled on the basis of the book "The Basics of Crop Rotation", author I. Melnikov)

Bad predecessor

Good predecessor bad neighbor good neighbor

Helpful Neighbor

- radish, radish, cucumber, cabbage + potatoes, onions, tomatoes - parsley, tansy, grapes + lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, chard, spinach, beets, bush beans, chicory + celery will protect cabbage from earthen fleas, leek repels scoop caterpillars, dill - caterpillars and aphids, borage grass - snails. Rosemary, thyme, hyssop, chamomile, sage, mint - protect against cabbage butterflies.
- celery, parsnips, scorzonera, carrots, parsley, fennel + cabbage, early potatoes - anise, dill + radish, tomato, spinach, lettuce, chard, garlic, peas, radish + sage, rosemary, tobacco, onion - scare away the carrot fly.
- tomatoes, peppers, eggplants + legumes, cucumbers, cabbage - celery, sunflower, quinoa + corn, beans, beans, spinach, radishes, cabbage, lettuce + nasturtium, marigolds, tansy, catnip, coriander, beans - repel the Colorado potato beetle
- swede, melon, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers + early white and cauliflower, tomatoes - potato + beans, beans, lettuce, onions, garlic, radishes, beets, dill, spinach, celery, cabbage, chamomile, sunflower, borage, fennel + corn - stimulates growth
- peppers, eggplant, tomatoes - fennel, kohlrabi, dill + bush beans, cabbage, celery, corn, radish, lettuce, radish, carrot, beetroot, garlic, spinach, parsley, chives + borage, lemon balm, basil, marigold, mint, savory, sage - improve the taste and quality of tomatoes
- spinach, beets, chard + early potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes, pumpkin - chard, corn, potatoes, beans + root celery, tomato, lettuce, radish, cucumber, radish, onion, cabbage, garlic
- tomatoes, peppers, eggplants + early cabbage and cauliflower, cucumber, legumes + thyme, bush beans + beans repel the Colorado potato beetle
- pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant + early cabbage and cauliflower, cucumber, legumes – fennel + basil
- corn, onion + tomatoes, cucumber, cabbage, early potatoes - sage, beans, peas, beans + watercress, cucumber, lettuce, beetroot, radish, spinach, strawberry, savory + carrots repel onion fly
bush beans, carrots, celery, head lettuce, beets with celery are mutually beneficial, so it is good to plant them in alternating rows
+ tomatoes, cucumbers - cabbage, beans, peas + carrots, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, strawberries
- legumes - fennel, onion, garlic, beans, peas + strawberries, lettuce, chard, cabbage, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, potatoes, corn, spinach, celery + savory protects against aphids
- peas, beans + potatoes, root vegetables, tomatoes, early cabbage and cauliflower - garlic, wormwood, marigolds, onion, leek + cucumbers, sweet corn, potatoes, radishes, radishes, spinach, rosemary, yarrow, lavender, oregano + basil protects against bean weevil
- beans, peas + potatoes, root vegetables, tomatoes, early cabbage and cauliflower - wormwood, tomatoes, onion, garlic + kohlrabi, radish, cucumber, parsley, radish, carrot, turnip, head lettuce
- corn, radish, onion, radish - beets, celery + early potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, beans, beans
- lettuce, chicory, endive + early potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers - cultures with thick tops (beets or carrots), celery + spinach, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, radishes, cabbage, radishes, strawberries, chrysanthemums + onion protects against aphids
- beets, spinach, pumpkin + early potatoes, cabbage, radishes, tomatoes + onions, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, carrots, cabbage, beans, radishes, radishes, parsley, strawberries
- parsley, carrots, celery, parsnips + cucumbers, cabbage + tomatoes, radishes, asparagus, peas, lettuce, leeks, strawberries, roses + planted parsley next to roses drives away aphids, and slugs from strawberries
- parsley, celery, parsnips, carrots, fennel + cabbage, early potatoes - potatoes, parsley, carrots, corn + cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, bush beans, cabbage, beets, lettuce + white cabbage stimulates the growth of celery, and celery drives away white butterflies from it
Radish and radish
- radish, radish, cabbage, corn + tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, early potatoes - hyssop + watercress, peas, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, chard, onions, parsley, beets, beans, nasturtium, spinach + lettuce protects against earthen flea
- melon, pumpkin, pepper, cucumber + potatoes, cabbage, root vegetables - potato + corn + corn shade, saving from the heat


After what culture to plant ...

  • Cucumbers can be planted after cabbage and tomatoes.
  • Garlic - after tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Carrots - after cabbage, cucumbers, onions and early potato.
  • Pepper is planted after crops such as early cabbage and cauliflower, cucumber, legumes.
  • Tomatoes are the same predecessors as peppers.
  • Onions - after tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and early potatoes.
  • Eggplants are the same crops as predecessors, after which it is recommended to plant tomatoes and peppers.
  • Beets - early potatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes, pumpkin.
  • Cabbage - planted after potatoes, onions, tomatoes.

What crops can be planted after ...

  • Cucumbers: radish and radish, parsley, different kinds lettuce, onions, peppers, garlic, eggplant, tomatoes, beets, potatoes.
  • Potatoes: pumpkin, radish and radish, celery, spinach, lettuce, peas, beans, beans, onions, beets, carrots, cabbage.
  • Cabbage: pumpkin, celery, parsley, spinach, peas, beans, beans, onions, peppers, eggplants, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets.

The table shows that there are plants that are suitable as predecessors for a large number of crops. These are the cucumbers, potatoes and cabbage listed above. By the way, the authors of books and magazines on dacha topics do not have a common opinion about the precursor cultures. Some data is sometimes even contradictory. The same culture in one source can be on the list of good predecessors, and in another - be on the list of prohibited ones. Here we might advise to stick to ground rules crop rotation(see at the beginning of the article) and do not plant a crop from the same group of plants next year. Recall that vegetable crops are combined into the following groups:

We hope this information was useful for you 😉 Write your opinion in the comments below, we will be happy!

Crop rotation involves improving the soil with previous crops and preparing the land for planting new crops.

The yield of vegetable and green crops depends on the correct crop rotation. Optimally selected order of alternation of plants from year to year, compatibility with each other, their correct placement guarantees a positive result.

Annual crops that grew last year directly affect the new crop. It depends on these plants what can then be planted in the garden, and what is absolutely impossible.

  • After crops with a shallow root system, plants with deep, extensive roots should be planted.
  • Early ripe plants cannot be planted after late crops; the soil does not have time to recover during such planting.
  • After plants susceptible to damage by certain pests and diseases, those that have resistance to them are planted.

These are the basic principles in crop rotation.

For good growth and fruiting plants need various trace elements.

For example,

  • potatoes, beets, carrots need phosphorus, and cabbage needs nitrogen to grow.
  • root crops with an extensive root system easily penetrate into the lower layers of the soil and extract potassium and phosphorus,
  • leaf crops have short roots and receive useful substances in upper layers earth.
  • Tomato roots are nourished at a depth of one meter.

When planting on a plot of the same crop for several years in a row, one of the layers of the earth will be depleted. The next year or two, the harvest of any vegetables will be meagre. Weeds will grow and become difficult to control.

In addition, diseases can be transmitted from the remains of the roots of old plants to new plantings. Pests that have settled in the vicinity will gladly move to new beds.

To avoid these problems, it is necessary to rotate crops.

Plants from the same family can be grown in the same place no more than once every 3-5 years.

In addition, it must be taken into account that neighboring plants affect each other. Tomatoes can be planted next to cabbage, but the proximity of cabbage to carrots leads to suppression of the growth of the latter. With a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden, it is difficult to observe a complete crop rotation, but if desired, it can be adjusted to your conditions and made as successful as possible.

First of all, to organize a crop rotation, you need to distribute the beds and create a plot diagram. In the scheme, enter all previous cultures.

The garden can be divided into 4 parts and for each crop, calculate the required amount of fertilizer.

  1. Cucumbers, zucchini and cabbage are planted on the first plot.
  2. On the second, you can plant eggplant, garlic, tomatoes and onions.
  3. In the third section, place root crops.
  4. On the fourth part, plant potatoes.

Plots in subsequent years are replaced counterclockwise. Such a crop rotation protects plantings from pests, weeds, diseases and saves on fertilizers.

In order to understand exactly which crops will grow in a particular place, you need to correctly build a chain:

Pepper ⇒ Cabbage ⇒ Onion ⇒ Potato ⇒ Cucumber ⇒ Garlic ⇒ Zucchini ⇒ Pea ⇒ Strawberry ⇒ Eggplant ⇒ Beetroot ⇒ Tomato ⇒ Carrot

Rotation table

cultureGood predecessor Possible predecessor Bad predecessor
Cucumbers, cabbage, beans Beets, carrots, onions Solanaceae (peppers, tomatoes, eggplants)
Garlic, onionCucumbers, potatoes, legumes, carrots Tomatoes, cabbage, beets Onion, garlic, pepper, physalis
tomatoesCucumbers, cabbage, carrots, onions, greens BeetAny nightshade, physalis
Pumpkin (cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, melons)Solanaceae, legumes, onions, cabbage Greens, beetsAny pumpkin
Turnips, cucumbers, green manure, greens, cauliflower Late and mid-ripening cabbage, onions, beets Tomatoes, potatoes
Garlic, onionPotato, cucumber, legumes, cauliflower and early cabbage Beets, tomatoes, onions, late cabbage Greens, carrots
Cucumbers, green manure, legumes, cauliflower and early cabbage Carrots, beets, greens, cabbage Tomatoes, potatoes
LegumesCabbage, onions, garlic, potatoes, cucumbers Greens, tomatoes, green manure, root crops Legumes
GreeneryCauliflower and early cabbage, legumes, cucumbers, onions, green manure Potatoes, tomatoes, greens, beets Carrots, late cabbage

What then can be planted on the site

Then you can plant pepper

Bulgarian pepper can be planted at the place where zucchini, carrots and cucumbers are grown. Then you can plant pepper

It pretty much depletes the soil. By the end of the season, various diseases accumulate in the ground (root rot, late blight, powdery mildew).

In the spring, in this area, after pepper, you can plant leeks, cabbage. It is not recommended to grow cucumbers and pumpkin crops in this place.

When organic matter is introduced to the site, a year must pass, and only then pepper can be planted at this place. An excess of organic matter is bad for peppers.

Hot peppers should not be planted after nightshade. These crops consume similar substances and when planting pepper, it will not receive the necessary nutrition and will grow poorly.

Hot pepper grows well, bears fruit in place of zucchini, beans, cucumbers.

After pepper, it is better to plant greens, radishes. You can plant pepper in one area with an interval of three years.

According to agrotechnical rules, it is impossible to plant tomatoes after nightshade crops.

Pests, diseases of these crops are the same, and they easily settle on new plantings.

Good predecessors for a tomato are: beets, peas, early cabbage, zucchini, corn, cucumbers, watermelons, carrots. Let's plant onions, root crops. To improve the taste, it is recommended to plant parsley next to the tomatoes.

When planting this plant for several years in a row, the earth becomes acidic. To eliminate this problem in the fall, slaked lime or chalk (100 grams per square meter). After this procedure, the soil becomes neutral and tomatoes can be planted again on the site.

Cucumbers are quite demanding on the quality of the soil and the place for planting these plants should be changed annually. It is forbidden to re-plant cucumbers in the same place. Since this plant depletes the soil and there will not be enough nutrients for the subsequent cultivation of the crop.

The best previous crops are: beets, greens, tomatoes, peas, potatoes, cabbage.

Cucumbers next to tomatoes, parsley, potatoes are bad. Do not plant pumpkin crops nearby. Excellent neighbors are legumes, peas, corn, lettuce, spinach and radishes.

Next year, legumes, garlic, and herbs can be planted on this site. You can’t plant melons in place of cucumbers, watermelons.

Heavy clay soil is not suitable for growing onions. Onions love light and loose, airy, nutrient-rich soil.

Good predecessors are plants, during the cultivation of which organic matter was introduced. Onions are planted after basil, radishes, lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes, dill, zucchini.

Bad predecessors are garlic, celery. Onions go well with greens, vegetable crops, except for peas, sage.

After onions, you can plant peppers, beets, potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes.

Carrots are sown in place of nightshade, cabbage, green crops. Sowing in place of peas is allowed. Bad precursors are bell pepper, parsnip, celery, parsley. These plants lead to carrot diseases and poor yields.

Good neighbors are tomatoes, onions, potatoes, lettuce and cucumbers. The smell of onions protects carrots from pests. And dill, on the contrary, attracts lacewings that feed on aphids and this is a natural defense against aphids. Bulgarian and hot peppers, parsley, squash, black radish can spoil the taste of carrots.

In place of carrots, you can plant potatoes, legumes, cabbage, tomatoes and strawberries.

Onions, broccoli, cabbage, basil, beets, carrots and cucumbers are considered good predecessors for it. After harvesting the predecessors, you need to add compost to the soil and dig up the soil. Next spring, you can safely start planting potatoes.

Nightshade crops are considered the worst predecessors, they have common pests and diseases.

In one area, this plant is recommended to be planted at intervals of 2-3 years. If there is a need to plant potatoes in one area, a complex of fertilizers is applied to the soil. Sowing oats after harvest improves the quality of the land and disinfects it, allowing potatoes to be planted again in the same place.

Potatoes get along with corn, cabbage, beans. Cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes degrade the quality of the crop.

After potatoes, onions, cucumbers, garlic, parsley, zucchini, and beans are planted.

Strawberries can be planted after parsley, radish, garlic, peas, spinach, radishes, onions and beans. Garlic, onions and parsley over the next year can protect against pests. On depleted soil, mustard is a good predecessor.

The worst predecessors are: tomatoes, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, cucumbers, physalis, eggplants, sunflowers, ranunculus crops. After them, strawberries can be planted after four years.

This plant is proper care in one place grows for 4 years. After strawberries, eggplant, sunflower, celery, Jerusalem artichoke will grow well on the site.

Cabbage in one area from year to year can not be planted. At the same time, the soil loses many useful substances and the next year the yield drops sharply.

Cabbage in this place can be planted after 3 years, while planting requires a large amount of fertilizer. After onions, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage is forbidden to plant. Planting after peas, beans, carrots, beets is allowed.

A good predecessor are cucumbers, peppers, onions, herbs.

As neighbors, you can plant leeks, dill, any kind of lettuce, potatoes, radishes, borage. Dill, leek, lettuce and borage protect strawberries from insects. Marigolds, sage, mint, hyssop, parsnips can be planted around cabbage for additional protection.

When growing cabbage and celery in the neighborhood, the yield of both crops increases.

Carrots and beans are considered bad neighbors.

In its place, you can plant onions, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, beets, potatoes, eggplants.

Garlic grows and develops good lighting. At acidic soil is included in it dolomite flour, slaked lime, crushed chalk or wood ash.

In one area, garlic grows no more than two years in a row. In the third year, a stem nematode may appear in the soil and harm plantings.

Garlic grows well after early cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes. Suitable plants with a developed root system (celery, carrots, squash).

Do not plant garlic in place of onions. After garlic, you can sow peas, plant tomatoes, lettuce, corn, potatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce and get an excellent harvest.

Eggplants are moisture-loving and do not like shade. Lack of heat and light leads to a lack of fruiting. The plant is planted away from buildings, trees, shrubs, tall plants.

Eggplant can be planted after cucumbers, strawberries, onions, early cabbage, legumes, perennials, parsley, cilantro and dill. It is not recommended to grow eggplant in place of nightshade.

Eggplants practically do not deplete the soil and allow growing almost any crops in their place, best result manifests itself when planting garlic, thyme, pumpkin, onion and root crops.

It is necessary to grow beets in one area no more than 1 time in 3 years. If planting is done more often, it will grow poorly, hurt and deform.

Beets give a bountiful harvest when planted in place of zucchini, early cabbage, tomato, cucumbers, peas, early potatoes. These plants do not greatly deplete the soil and the remaining nutrients are enough for good beet growth. When it is grown next to dill, the root crops become more tasty.

Beets should not be planted after spinach, beets, spinach. After the beets, the site should be taken under crops with a small need for nutrients Oh. In place of beets, you can plant tomatoes, peas, eggplant, onions, radishes, lettuce.

For abundant fruiting, the best predecessors for zucchini are garlic, tomatoes, dill, potatoes, peas. These crops take completely different substances from the soil for nutrition, and those necessary for zucchini remain in the ground.

After harvesting, crops (garlic, peas, beans, beans) are planted on this site, which allow you to renew and disinfect the soil.

In place of zucchini, garlic, tomato, mustard and onions, you can plant peas. Peas should not be planted in the place where beans and beans are grown. After growing a tomato, useful substances remain in the soil, which are the development and growth of peas.

When growing peas, you need to monitor watering, an excess of moisture leads to root rot and soil damage for the next 4 years. Peas easily get along with melons and nightshade crops.

This plant belongs to legumes, and when it is planted, the earth is enriched with nitrogen. In place of peas, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplant, physalis, potatoes, greens, cabbage and carrots will feel good.

Properly designed crop rotation allows you to reduce the amount of fertilizer needed and chemicals for plant protection, and also allows you to get a good harvest of all crops.

Purslane is a well-known, widespread weed throughout the world, which has a number of qualities for which all gardeners unanimously hate it. One of them is indestructibility. Purslane is so viable that even one seed can be the beginning of the capture of the site by this weed. To remove purslane from the garden and orchard, patience, knowledge and clarity in the implementation of measures to destroy it are required. In this article, we will consider methods for dealing with purslane on the site.

The first half of spring is stingy with flowering plants. Yes, primroses are already pleasing, but there is a very special plant that is impossible not to be touched. This is a perennial evergreen groundcover of obriet. I think those who saw low pillows, or, as they say, curtains of this plant during flowering, probably wanted to have it in their garden. And I hasten to please you, obrieta is a very unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. Although, there are some features.

Delicious cabbage soup with lamb, sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and, of course, with cabbage! It takes quite a lot of time to prepare this dish, but this does not mean that you have to stomp in the kitchen all day. Prepare vegetables and meat - wash, chop, arrange in bowls. Then sauté vegetables, add lamb. When the soup boils, you can go about your business for about 1.5 hours, then add potatoes and cabbage and bring to readiness for another half hour.

If you have an apple tree growing in your garden, naturally you want to get as many tasty fruits from it as possible. Often, novice gardeners believe that the more magnificent the tree, the greater the harvest will please. But it's not. In order for an apple tree to give a rich, high-quality harvest, so that the fruits are large and juicy, each of its branches must receive enough light and air. With a decrease in the amount of light on the branches up to 30 percent, fruit buds do not form on the trees.

Ferns are one of the categories that are actively gaining popularity. indoor plants. Their luxurious leaves with unique ornaments and soothing mysterious shades of green look so elegant that it is difficult to resist the beauty of ferns, even if there is no suitable place for them. Along with unpretentious ferns are becoming more common and rare, original views. And among them is a bizarre epiphyte polypodium with unusual leaves and colors.

Bigos in Belarusian - a hot dish from sauerkraut and meat, which is cooked in many countries: Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus. Each country has its own cooking characteristics, but the basics are about the same everywhere - a mixture of sauerkraut and fresh white cabbage, pork belly and smoked meats. Bigos is cooked for a long time, but the result is worth it. From not himself pleasant aroma stewed sauerkraut can be easily disposed of following my recommendations.

Gardeners, waking up from "winter hibernation", missed garden work, and hands are reaching for the tools. But it is important to approach the issue of pruning ornamental plants with skill. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say “measure seven times, but cut once.” Our article will help you figure out how to make the right spring “hairstyles” for plants, which of the green pets will respond with pleasure to new haircut, and for which inhabitants of the garden it is better to wait a little with pruning.

Cucumbers are the favorite crop of most gardeners, so they grow on our vegetable beds everywhere. But quite often, inexperienced summer residents have many questions about their cultivation and, first of all, in open ground. The fact is that cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, and the agricultural technology of this crop in the zones temperate climate has its own characteristics. Everything you need to know about growing cucumbers in the open field, we will tell in this article.

May Days please with warmth and the opportunity to spend more time on the sites. But the long-awaited month of the arrival of stable heat cannot boast of balance. lunar calendar. In May, periods favorable for work only in ornamental garden or only in the garden, are quite long, and there are quite a few days suitable for any plants. The lunar calendar for May 2019 requires planning and skillful timing of planting and sowing.

Snack cake - simple and delicious! This kind of cake chicken liver with vegetables and delicious sauce decorate modest family celebration or Sunday lunch. Liver pancakes, they are the cakes of our cake, are prepared very easily, the easiest way to make liver dough is in a blender. Pancakes are fried for several minutes on each side. Cream (sauce) for a snack cake is made from sour cream with mayonnaise and herbs. If you grind dill with salt, the cream will turn into a light green color.

Despite the popularity of the popular nickname “bottle palm”, it is very difficult to confuse the authentic bottle palm giophorba with its relatives. A real indoor giant and enough rare plant, gioforba - it is one of the most elite palms. She became famous not only for her special bottle-like barrel, but also for her very difficult character. Caring for giophorba is no more difficult than for ordinary ones. indoor palm trees. But the conditions will have to be chosen.

Warm salad with funchose, beef and mushrooms - delicious dish for the lazy. Funchoza - rice or glass noodles - is one of the easiest to prepare among its pasta relatives. It is enough to pour glass noodles with boiling water and leave for a few minutes, then drain the water. Funchoza does not stick together, it does not need to be watered with oil. I advise you to cut long noodles into smaller fragments with scissors, so as not to inadvertently catch the entire portion of noodles in one sitting.

Surely, many of you have met this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is disguised as different names: “jujube”, “unabi”, “jujuba”, “Chinese date”, but all this is one and the same plant. This is the name of a culture that has long been grown in China, moreover, it was grown as a medicinal one. From China, it was brought to the countries of the Mediterranean, and from there, jujube began to slowly spread throughout the world.

May chores in the ornamental garden are always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, seedlings of flowers are planted and begin seasonal decoration. But neither shrubs, nor lianas, nor trees should be forgotten. Due to the imbalance of the lunar calendar this month with ornamental plants it is better to work in the beginning and middle of May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

What to plant after? Smart planting planning

Rotation table

When planning future crops, it is necessary first of all to take into account sequence of cultures. This is very important for the future harvest. After all correct crop rotation allows you to avoid damage by pests and diseases, as well as maintain soil fertility. Conversely, when growing the same vegetables for several years in a row, the supply of nutrients in the beds is depleted and soil infections accumulate.

Experienced gardeners always take this factor into account, which allows them to get more high yields. In order not to get confused in the "five acres", it is worth drawing a plan for your garden for the coming summer and rough plan landings on next year, observing the correct order of alternation of vegetable crops.


It is impossible to plant cabbage and other cruciferous plants (radish, radish) in the same place earlier than in 2-3 years. White cabbage is best placed after potatoes, tomatoes, onions; planting after beans, peas, carrots and beets is acceptable.


The best predecessors for potatoes are cabbage and various root crops. A bad predecessor for potatoes is a tomato, since these crops have common pests and pathogens. Growing potatoes in the same place should not be earlier than -3.


For cucumbers, you should look for a new place every year. They are placed after cauliflower and early white cabbage. You can also grow them after tomatoes, potatoes, peas and beets.


According to the rules of agricultural technology, it is impossible to grow tomatoes after potatoes, since, we repeat, the diseases and pests of these crops are the same. Good predecessors for tomatoes are cauliflower and early white cabbage, pumpkin and legumes, root crops and onions are acceptable.

If you plant tomatoes in the same place every year, then the soil in this area becomes acidic, so every autumn, for deep digging of the soil, you need to add fluffy lime in small quantities (from 50 to 100 g per 1 sq.m.), so how tomatoes grow better on neutral soils (pH 6.5-7).


Growing beets in one place should be carried out no more than once every three to four years. Beets grow well after cucumbers, zucchini, squash, early cabbage, tomatoes, early potatoes, legumes. It is undesirable to plant beets after vegetables from the haze family (chard, spinach, beets again).


In one place, onions should not be planted for more than three to four years in a row. The best onion predecessors are crops under which large doses were applied organic fertilizers, as well as cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes. On heavy clay soils, onions will not give a good harvest; they prefer light, loose fertile soils and good lighting.


It is possible to grow garlic in one place for no more than two years, otherwise it is impossible to avoid contamination of the soil with a stem nematode.

It is better to start garlic after cucumbers, early potatoes, early cabbage and other early harvested crops (except onions).


Sown after early potatoes, cabbage, green crops (excluding lettuce), placement after tomatoes and peas is allowed.


The best predecessors for eggplant are cucumber, onion, early ripe cabbage, perennial herbs. You can not plant eggplant where potatoes, tomatoes, physalis, as well as peppers and eggplants grew last year.


The best predecessors for strawberries: radishes, lettuce, spinach, dill, peas, beans, mustard, radish, parsley, turnips, carrots, onions, garlic, celery, and flowers (tulips, daffodils, marigolds). On poor soil, the best predecessors of strawberries are mustard, phacelia (they are also honey plants). Potatoes, tomatoes and other nightshades, as well as cucumbers, are not suitable as predecessors. After them, plots can be occupied with strawberries only after three to four years.


It is good to plant strawberries after radishes, beans, mustard, radishes, peas, parsley, garlic. Potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are of little use as predecessors. You can not place strawberries after all species of the Compositae family (sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke) and all types of buttercups.

Together is better

Many years of experience and ingenuity of gardeners suggested another correct decision - joint plantings. This is both convenient and allows small area get a large assortment vegetables. However, not all vegetables can be placed in close proximity, since not all crops favorably act on each other. This is explained by the mutual action of phytoncides and other volatile substances released by plants.

Carrot can be planted together with peas, marjoram, onions (this is even useful, since joint plantings with onions scare the carrot fly away from it). Bulb onions amicably coexists with table beets, chicory, carrots. Peas and vegetable beans get along well with potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon and watermelon. TO potatoes it is quite possible to plant vegetable beans and sweet corn, to cucumber- dill and corn, radish will benefit from the neighborhood with watercress, and peas - with mustard leaf.

It has been proven that potatoes and beans, garlic and black currants have a positive effect on each other. You can make the following bed: plant parsley, lettuce, and sow garlic between them.

As for the unwanted neighborhood, then cannot be planted nearby potatoes and cucumbers, white cabbage, strawberries and tomatoes, tomatoes and pumpkin. If legumes are placed next to onions, both crops will be oppressed.

In addition, if space permits, highlight small plot for the cultivation of grass seed: clover, lupine, alfalfa and others. Thus, you will give the earth a rest, gain strength for the cultivation of vegetable crops.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this knowledge. By following the above rules, you can get very!

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