Is raw onion healthy? The benefits and harms of onions, use in cooking, the rate of use. It has such useful properties

There is no plant on our planet that has not been created to improve the living conditions of people and animals. But not every one of them gets on the tables of the hostesses. The reason can be both geographical location and a banal lack of funds. However, there are a number of products that decorate the table of both the rich and more modest people. They can be easily grown on your own windowsill, and in the summer they are ready to fill the land and give an excellent harvest without much care. This is exactly what the onion is - a plant without which it is impossible to imagine any kitchen and cellar of homeowners. Without this vegetable, you can’t cook the first one; you definitely strive to complement it with the taste of side dishes, gravies and salads. Let's study - what are the benefits and harms of onions for people, is it possible to eat a vegetable for pregnant women and in what quantities. At what age are children allowed to try onions and what is the value of the plant for men's health.

A bit of onion history

From childhood, we squint our nose at it, but as we grow up, we understand that this product is very important for our health. It is not for nothing that Mother Nature gave it to us, since a lot of health troubles can not only be eliminated, but also not occur if you regularly use onions. Let's study the history of a useful plant.

The first mention of the bow in the oldest artifacts dates back to the fourth millennium BC. Historians and archaeologists are sure that the country located in Central Asia is the birthplace of the product. To date, many varieties of culture are known and they grow all over the planet. Scientists still cannot come to a consensus - who first began to cultivate this vegetable. Some believe that they began to cultivate plots with onions in Afghanistan. And judging by the sources, from there he came to Egypt, then to Greece, then to Ancient Rome. And, of course, through trade routes, culture began to spread throughout the European continent. Many mistakenly believe that onions have always grown on the lands of Russia. However, we hasten to disappoint. Onion came to the tables of ancient Russians only in the 12th century, but what is good, our farmers began to cultivate it immediately.

There is also evidence that the vegetable was the first to be cultivated in the Tien Shan mountains. In the mountainous regions of China, a wild type of onion still grows - beautiful, with bright flower buds, from which small fruits are obtained. There is even such a hill, which is called “Onion”, and in Chinese it sounds Dzunglin. From the Celestial Empire, culture came to India, from there to Egypt, Greece and the European continent.

An interesting fact: the ancient Germans and Romans took several long bunches of onions with them on military campaigns to get vivacity, energy, the vegetable gave courage, courage, helped fight dangerous colds and infectious diseases.

Whatever it was, no matter who was the first to start cultivating the onions we love, we are grateful to everyone. After all, they gave us an indispensable product, both in the culinary and medicinal sense.

What are the types of onions and what is included in their composition

As we have already said, there are a number of varieties of onions, and each of them brings invaluable benefits to our health. These are onions, leeks, green shnit. Consider the chemical composition of each of them separately.

This is perhaps the most common type of vegetable. In any case, in Russia and the former CIS countries, in Europe, it is difficult to imagine a delicious soup, salad or gravy without it.

  1. In the form we are studying, 100 grams contain 86 grams of carbohydrates. Also in the vegetable there are dietary fibers, proteins, ash and only 0.2 grams of fat.
  2. Onions are rich in amino acids, it contains 12 essential substances, and most of all tryptophan and least of all histidine. As for interchangeable ones, there are only 8 types of them.
  3. The vegetable contains a number of vitamins valuable for the body: the entire group B, a huge amount of tocopherol (C), ascorbic acid (C), niacin (PP), K.
  4. As for micro and macro elements, there are: copper, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, sodium, potassium and iron.

Useful and medicinal properties of onion varieties

So, now consider the effects that the body acquires when consuming different varieties of onions.

onion properties

It is used both in raw and ready-made form for the prevention of colds, infectious diseases.

  1. The vegetable has a huge amount of vitamin C, antioxidants, amino acids that destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and putrefactive accumulations.
  2. Ascorbic acid enhances protective mechanisms, increases the level of immunity.
  3. Onion juice has a beneficial effect on the state of the liver, genitourinary system. The liquid has diuretic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
  4. Onion components thin the blood, reduce the level of bad cholesterol, eliminate plaques and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, strokes, and heart attacks.
  5. Onions, ready-made, raw and in the form of gruel and juice, are indicated for respiratory diseases, they cope well with tuberculosis, bronchitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia.
  6. Onion juice is an excellent and guaranteed way to get rid of worms of any kind. To do this, you need to drink the spin on an empty stomach for half a glass.
  7. According to recent studies, it became known that the regular inclusion of onion and its derivatives in the diet is the prevention of cancer. Moreover, the vegetable slows down the development and growth of existing oncological pathologies.
  8. Not only the plant itself, but also its smell perfectly fights viruses and pathogenic bacteria. It is enough to cut the onion head into separate slices and put in the room for 15 minutes and not a single microorganism will remain in the room.

Useful properties of green onions

Bright green feathers, tails of our favorite vegetable already inspire us with their appearance, make the dish bright and festive. And we also understand that the inclusion of green culture in salads, as an accompaniment to fish and meat, is an excellent method to fight ailments and bad moods.

  1. The composition of the green ponytails contains a huge number of phytoncides. These substances are able to curb any kind of virus, they inhibit the growth of putrefactive microorganisms in the body and cleanse the intestines and the body as a whole from all microbes and viruses.
  2. Chlorophyll is present in green feathers - an element that takes an active part in hematopoiesis. For this reason, the product is strongly recommended for anemia, blood diseases.
  3. Zinc increases defenses, strengthens the immune system.
  4. With a lack of zinc in the body, problems arise such as deterioration of the skin, acne, boils,.
  5. The composition of the elements in green feathers strengthens the muscular structure, including the heart, and the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Useful substances - antioxidants, vitamins, minerals normalize the endocrine system, thereby contributing to the regulation of hormonal levels.

    An interesting fact: to replenish the daily intake of vitamin C, it is enough to consume only 70 grams of green onions.

  7. Potassium and magnesium have a calming effect on the human psyche, his nervous system, improves sleep, relieves nervousness and depression.

Useful properties of leek

This is another popular type of onion, which is a stalk with a white beginning and a thick green tail. Everything is used in this vegetable - from start to finish.

The taste of the variety is not as sharp as onion or green, it is used in cooking and cosmetology, it looks great as a decoration for salads, meat, fish dishes, etc.

  1. Leek is often used to treat rheumatic processes, gout, as the culture perfectly removes particles of heavy metals, salts from the body, and does not allow uric acid to be deposited.
  2. The vegetable contains a large amount of valuable lipids. If you consume at least 200 grams of the product per day, you can reduce the level of bad cholesterol and bring it back to normal.
  3. Leek is used to thin the blood and eliminate plaques and blood clots. Thanks to the vegetable, thick blood does not accumulate in the pockets of our vessels, so varicose veins, problems with cell nutrition and capillary oxygen do not occur. All this indicates that leeks must be in the diet of people with problems and blood vessels and the elderly.
  4. This variety of culture has a laxative property and protects against constipation, the formation of hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids.
  5. The components of the vegetable heal the intestines, destroy putrefactive substances, take part in the formation of connective cells and tissues.

Health benefits of chives

This variety is called chisel, sibulet, skoroda, belongs to perennials of the same onion family. In early spring, when the weather is warm, pipe long leaves break through the soil. The culture blooms with an umbrella type, they can be purple, lilac, white in color, the shape is ovoid. The culture can be grown without problems on the windowsill. It is worth cutting off the bunch, as in a couple of days the length of the stems will again reach the desired height.

  1. Delicate and thin chives have a lot of advantages. They are used not only in cooking as an excellent decoration and a useful ingredient.
  2. The culture contains choline, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, as well as minerals: magnesium, sodium, zinc, manganese, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.
  3. The vegetable is mandatory recommended in the cold seasons, when there is a deficiency of vitamins, to protect against infectious and colds. The product has a powerful immunostimulating effect - it strengthens the defenses of the human body.

The benefits of onions for pregnant women

For every woman, pregnancy is a period of pleasant expectations, a feeling of happiness. But so that the period of bearing a child is not overshadowed by diseases, it is necessary to carefully consider the diet. It is important to understand that not everything that the expectant mother eats is good for the child in the womb. I wonder if ladies in an “interesting” position can eat onions, and if so, how much, what varieties are suitable.

  1. Onions contain folic acid necessary for pregnant women. This element is needed for the formation of the nervous system of the baby, the prevention of congenital pathologies of the fetus. Also, a deficiency of this substance can provoke a miscarriage. Onion components are involved in the synthesis of the DNA structure, so it is important to include onions in the menu in the first three months.
  2. The vegetable contains a large amount of phytoncides, which effectively fight colds and infectious diseases. It is not advisable for expectant mothers to take pills, but they are also not immune from diseases. Therefore, the first assistant can be an ordinary onion - leek, chives, green or onion.
  3. Chlorophyll is part of the substances involved in hematopoiesis. This element is simply irreplaceable and will help the pregnant woman to avoid anemia, contributes to the normal formation of the baby's blood system.
  4. Tryptophan is a substance that stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone responsible for our mood. The element is able to cheer up, eliminate depression, tearfulness, irritability, insomnia.

As for the type of consumption, doctors have nothing against it if a pregnant lady eats onions with pleasure in any form. The main thing is to know the measure. And yet, there are several contraindications, according to which the condition should not worsen:

  • heart disease in the acute phase;
  • liver disease;
  • increased gas formation;
  • diseases of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • acute kidney disease;
  • gallbladder;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • allergic reaction.

Another aspect should not be overlooked. From the onion bad breath, for this reason, we most often refuse to use it. To get rid of the problem, you need to eat a couple of stalks with parsley leaves and a walnut (fried).

Is it possible to feed onions to a child

Of course, any compassionate parent will ask if it is possible to give the baby a bow. Despite the fact that this is a very useful product, there is also sharpness and bitterness. And this, as some believe, can be harmful to health. Let's first list the useful properties of a vegetable for a child:

  1. The culture contains beta-carotene, vitamins and minerals, essential oils, dietary fiber.
  2. Flavanoids strengthen the walls of the vascular system, are the prevention of cancerous pathologies.
  3. Raw vegetable stimulates appetite, promotes digestion, helps produce mucus, gastric juice.
  4. Regulates metabolism, regulates peristalsis.
  5. Baked or boiled onions eliminate constipation and chronic diarrhea, regulate blood sugar levels, and have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart system.
  6. Periodic chewing of a green or other variety of onion destroys microbes, viruses in the oral cavity, and protects against periodontal disease.
  7. It is immediately worth noting that white and red types of onions can be introduced into the baby's diet, but not yellow.

Onion contraindications

Parents should carefully consider the points that can cause the consumption of onions by the baby:

  1. Vegetables can irritate the mucous membranes.
  2. Small crumbs need to chop the vegetable, as it is hard and difficult to chew.
  3. Onions that have undergone heat treatment lose their beneficial properties.
  4. Green onions should not be used for exacerbations of diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

Important: With bronchial asthma, it is strictly forbidden to give any kind of onion, as well as problems with breathing and heart.

At what age can you give a child onions. Doctors are firmly convinced - only after 3 years. In this case, it is necessary to identify whether the baby has gastrointestinal diseases, problems with the bronchi, allergic reactions.

The first feeding with onions should be only after the heat treatment of the onions. Vegetables can be added to purees, chopped in soups.

What is useful bow for men

In addition to the fact that onions are an arsenal of important substances for healing the body as a whole and organs and systems separately, it is considered a colossal aphrodisiac. Dill, celery, parsley and a number of herbs can be added to the same list.

An interesting fact: raw onions were strictly forbidden in monasteries - both male and female.

This product had an excellent effect on potency - increased sensitivity by stimulating blood flow to the genitals. Thanks to phytoncides, amino acids and blood thinners, blood circulation improved. Also, the components influenced the activity of spermatozoa, the sperm was also cleared of clots and became more liquid. Due to this, the time of sexual intercourse and its quality increase.

Also, onion is a vegetable that increases working capacity and restores strength after a hard day's work, physical exertion, and is indicated for athletes after grueling workouts.

Contraindications are the same for both women and men, so there is no point in repeating. We add only one thing - excessive consumption irritates the mucous membrane and vomiting, nausea, indigestion, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, etc. are possible. Also, excessive consumption can negatively affect the nerve endings and the effect will be the opposite - the person becomes irritable, aggressive.

The vegetable we studied was carefully studied by scientists from the United States. And they, in addition to others described by us, revealed another unique property - with its help you can lose weight perfectly. For this purpose, it is best to use the so-called "bonn" bow. And what’s nice is that you don’t need to eat it raw, but cook a simple and tasty soup.

In this diet, you do not need to exhaust yourself with hunger, you can replenish the diet with other, dietary types of products.

The menu with this method of nutrition contains a lot of green vegetables that have negative calories. That is, their consumption takes away extra calories from the body and burns fat.

How to make onion soup

To prepare we need:

  • - 400 grams;
  • Bonn onion - 5 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces;
  • 2 carrots;
  • celery - 4 stalks;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • garlic, lavrushka, coriander, ginger.

Finely chop cabbage, carrots in half rings, pepper bars, celery and onions in small cubes. All vegetables, except for onions, must be placed in a container. Fill with cold water and put on the stove. Fry the onion in olive oil and put in the soup, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Remove from stove and leave for another 15 minutes. Thanks to the diet, you can lose up to 5 kilograms per week, you can eat the dish twice a day - for breakfast and dinner. The soup must not be salted!

In order for the effect to be guaranteed, it is impossible to drink alcohol during the diet, eat pastries, flour products, fried, smoked, spicy and salty foods, as well as fast food.

To enhance the results, after a week you need to take a break for 2-3 days. But this does not mean that you need to lean on everything that can lead to excess weight.

The use of onions in cosmetology

This vegetable can help restore hair, align nails, improve skin and hair condition. We offer a simple mask that needs to be done once every 5 days. It is necessary to prepare:

  • 1 medium onion (bulb);
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B1,
  • ampoule of vitamin B6;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12;
  • half a teaspoon of vitamin A (retinol);
  • half a teaspoon of burdock oil;
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • a tablespoon of cognac.

Peel the onion and turn it into a pulp, add all the vitamins, mustard, oil, cognac, mix thoroughly and add a tablespoon of capsicum tincture. Rub the composition into the hair roots and put on a plastic cap. Wear a mask for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water and herbal shampoo.

Almost everyone is aware of the healing properties of onions. Freshly squeezed juice and filtered through cheesecloth helps with otitis, runny nose, is the prevention of sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc. This product is respected by both representatives of traditional medicine and the official one. If there are no contraindications, an allergic reaction, gastrointestinal diseases, eat onions and benefit from it. But there is a golden rule - everything should be in moderation. Do not forget, the medicine from the poison differs in dose.

Bulb onion is a common vegetable crop and a valuable food product. It is widely known throughout the world and is most often used in cooking. But, in addition to the main application, it is known in cosmetology and traditional medicine. Find out exactly what properties onions have, about its benefits and harms to the human body.

Onion is a plant belonging to the lily family. It is grown commercially and in private gardens. Many varieties bred by breeders have both table and universal purposes, while onions can be with yellow, white and red-violet husks, according to taste they are divided into sweet, spicy and semi-sharp. Not only turnips are eaten, but also young green feathers of the plant.

The chemical composition of onions is quite diverse. 100 g of vegetable contains:

  • proteins - 1.5-2 g;
  • carbohydrates, including inulin polysaccharide - 8-14 g;
  • fat - 0.2 g;
  • fiber - 3 g;
  • water - 86 g.

In addition to these basic substances, the product contains essential oils (phytoncides), which give it a specific aroma and taste. It contains enzymes, organic acids, flavonoids (including anthocyanins contained in red onions and quercetin, which has an antioxidant, anti-ulcer and antitumor effect), glycosides, mucus, pectins and saponins. Vitamins in onions are presented:

  • ascorbic acid (C) - 10 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B1) - 0.12 mg;
  • thiamine (B6) - 0.05 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) - 9 mcg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.02 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.1 mg;
  • niacin (PP) - 0.5 mg;
  • biotin (H) - 0.9 μg;
  • α-tocopherol (E) - 0.2 mg.

Onions are also rich in mineral salts, especially potassium (175 mg) and calcium (31 mg), phosphorus (58 mg) and magnesium (14 mg). It also contains iron (0.8 mg), iodine (3 mcg), manganese (0.230 mg). Onions are rich in copper (90 mcg), zinc (0.85 mg) and sodium (108 mg). Data are also given for 100 g of fresh product.

The nutritional value of onion lies in the easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, fiber and essential oils contained in it. This makes it an extremely useful product for the human body. Due to the low content of carbohydrates and fats, the calorie content of onions is insignificant - only 41 Kcal per 100 g of product, so it can be eaten by all people, even those who are afraid to gain weight.

What is useful onion for the body

Onion due to its rich composition has a versatile effect on the human body. The most prized are the red varieties, but the more common yellows and sweet whites are also healthy. Most often, the product is used for food, but it is also an excellent medicine and an unsurpassed cosmetic product. Doctors and nutritionists advise eating raw onions, if possible, in order to preserve all the useful components of the vegetable as much as possible, but even after heat treatment it does not lose many of its qualities. Some folk recipes contain instructions for using the product in this form.

Onion has long been known as a simple and affordable vitamin and mineral complex in the cold season. With its help, you can easily strengthen the immune system, thereby increasing the body's resistance to diseases. For preventive purposes, simply eating onions every day is enough to prevent catching a cold, but this vegetable is also great for fighting ailments.

The bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties of onions are used to treat the common cold, sore throat, flu, cough, and otitis media. For ingestion, gruel with honey or onion juice is suitable, it is also used in a diluted form for instillation of the ear and nose. Known in folk medicine and onion compresses. Bulbs and juice are also used to treat hemorrhoids, improve vision, and deworm. You can also chew onions to maintain oral hygiene and prevent dental diseases.

The benefits of onions for the human body do not end there. It contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism, increases appetite. With the regular use of this vegetable in food, the body is cleansed of harmful substances and toxins. It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improves memory, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. For people suffering from hypertension, this is an excellent remedy for reducing pressure.

Eating onions is useful for the stable functioning of the liver, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and slowing down the aging process. The diuretic properties of the product are useful for removing excess fluid from the body, and the slight hypnotic effect that it has can be successfully used for problems with falling asleep.

The benefits of onions for the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, osteoporosis, gout and cancer have also been proven. This product is also shown in diabetes, as it also has an insulin-like effect. As an external agent, it is used to treat wounds and treat skin diseases. Onion peel has antihistamine properties.

For women

The beneficial properties of onions have long been known to ladies who take care of themselves and their appearance. More often it is necessary to include it in your menu for everyone who has difficulty conceiving a child, because this vegetable contains a lot of zinc, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

The presence in the vegetable of a large amount of such a trace element as iron is also important for maintaining women's health. If you use the product regularly, it will help to avoid anemia.

But onions for women are not only a useful food product. It is also a well-known home remedy. For its main, for example, nourishing masks are prepared. To do this, use a fresh vegetable or its juice, and also combine them with other ingredients. Pure onion juice helps to even out and brighten the complexion, get rid of age spots and freckles.

To improve the condition of the hair, there are also many simple and effective recipes. So, a decoction of onion peel is used to strengthen strands, masks - to stimulate growth and revitalize dull and lifeless curls. Regular use of these products guarantees excellent results. The only drawback of such care cosmetics is a persistent smell, but this can be neglected for the sake of a positive effect.

For children

Useful properties of onions are noted by all children's nutritionists. It enhances appetite and stimulates digestion, promotes bone growth, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is a source of vitamins necessary for normal development and maintenance of health, especially C and E. Onion juice with milk helps children fall asleep, makes sleep stronger and more productive. Raw vegetable dishes are a simple anthelmintic without side effects.

They begin to introduce babies to onions from the age of 7 months, but at the same time they give only boiled onions in a puree state, and only after they have tried other vegetables. Given the fact that a raw product can adversely affect a fragile children's stomach, it can only be included in a child's diet from the age of 3, and then in moderation.

For men

Speaking about the benefits of onions for men, it is worth noting the following aspects. Regular consumption of this product in food has a positive effect on overall health, strengthens the body, increases vitality. In addition, onion increases potency, enhances attraction, promotes high-quality seed formation.

But, most of all, doctors recommend men to use onions for a completely different reason. This product is considered a highly effective prophylactic in the fight against prostate adenoma, but is also successfully used in the treatment of this disease.

Onion is included in the diet of patients due to its disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and diuretic properties. This product not only stops the development of adenoma, but also improves immunity, which has the most positive effect on the well-being of men.

Onion peel has also proven itself well, which also helps fight some of the symptoms of BPH. Its decoction can reduce pain, but only with prolonged use. The medicine should always be fresh, so it will have to be prepared every day.

In addition, onion gruel in combination with honey and other bee products gives an excellent effect. However, self-medication with this product is not worth it; it is better to coordinate its use with your doctor. Onions can reduce the effectiveness of certain medications, as well as temporarily excluded from the diet at different stages of the disease.

The benefits of onions for pregnant women

For those women who are carrying a child, turnip is useful, first of all, for folic acid, which has a great influence on the normal development of the fetus, especially at the initial stage of pregnancy. B9 is involved in many processes that occur in the body of the mother and child: cell growth and division, DNA replication, the formation of red blood cells, etc. But the vitamin is especially necessary for the future baby when laying the neural tube in him, and then for the normal development of the brain and spinal cord.

A deficiency of this substance in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to anemia, problems with the formation of the placenta or its abruption, miscarriage, premature birth, and the child can be threatened with serious congenital pathologies and malformations of the nervous system and its organs.

Phosphorus and magnesium contained in onions stimulate the absorption of calcium, the most important building material for cartilage and bone tissues, thus affecting their normal formation in the child's body.

No less important for the fetus are iron and zinc, which are also found in onions. These trace elements are necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes, the formation of his immune system, the regulation of nervous activity, and the prevention of anemia.

Onions are useful for pregnant women and as an excellent prophylactic for colds. Thanks to phytoncides, which have a strong bactericidal and antiviral effect, the vegetable helps prevent infection or fight an already onset disease. It is quite possible for them to replace medicines that are contraindicated for women during the period of bearing a baby.

The benefit of onions also lies in the fact that it increases appetite, normalizes digestion, accelerates the digestibility of food, removes excess fluid, preventing swelling, improves sleep, which is very important for the health of expectant mothers. Moreover, this effect is exerted not only by bulbs, but also by a green feather, in which there are no less vitamins, but there is chlorophyll, which is also useful during pregnancy.

Application for weight loss

Fat women will need onions if they want to lose those extra pounds. The expediency of using this vegetable in the diet of those who seek to lose weight is explained by its low calorie content and the ability to stimulate metabolism. The use of onions for weight loss is also due to the fact that it prevents the formation of fat and its deposition in the subcutaneous tissue and organs.

For a diet based on this product, vegetables of any variety and color are suitable, it all depends on personal preferences. You can eat onions raw or cook light lean meals from them, as long as they form the basis of the diet.

This diet should be followed throughout the entire period of weight loss, then the diet will give results. To remove bad breath that may appear, it is enough to eat a sprig of parsley or chew on a roasted coffee bean.

Harm and contraindications to the use of onions

Despite a lot of useful qualities, fresh onions have their limitations and contraindications.

The vegetable should be used with caution during pregnancy, breastfeeding, problems with the kidneys, liver. Onion is also harmful for asthma, as it can provoke an attack. Contraindications to its use are gastritis and stomach ulcers, acute pancreatitis, allergic reactions.

Expert opinion

Maria Vlasova


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Onions are undoubtedly a healthy food product, an excellent cure for many diseases and a good home cosmetic product. However, in order not to harm your health, you must use it in reasonable quantities and take into account possible limitations. After all, as you know, the harmfulness and usefulness of any substance is determined by its dose.

Onion has many useful properties, it is used not only in cooking, but also in the field of modern cosmetology and traditional medicine. So, how is onion useful for the human body?

Composition of onions

Onions are in every home and are present in recipes for many dishes. Its specific taste and smell cannot be compared with anything, and its unique properties make it possible to use this natural product even for medicinal purposes.

Today, there are many varieties of this vegetable, and the varieties differ not only in their appearance, taste, but also in composition. More than 400 species of this fruit plant are known, but the most popular variety is onion, which we eat daily in raw, fried, boiled and baked form. In the field of traditional medicine, it is onions that are in particular demand, since their composition is rich in many elements necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.

Interesting fact:

The bow appeared around the 12th century. Ancient Rus' is considered to be its homeland, although there is an opinion that initially this vegetable originated on the territory of Afghanistan and Iran.

How useful is onion for the body? Many years ago, people noticed the miraculous effect of this fruit on human health. This is primarily due to the unique composition, rich in vitamins, minerals and other trace elements required for the proper functioning of the human body. The main components of this fruit include:

  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • nickel;
  • vitamins, groups B, C and PP predominate;
  • chromium;
  • mineral salts;
  • proteins;
  • fluorine.

Few people know that the peculiar aroma of onions arises from the presence of essential oils with sulfur-containing compounds in the composition.

Of the useful trace elements present in the composition, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur and others can be distinguished. The average calorie content of an onion per 100 grams is about 40 kcal, and the amount of fat is 0.10 grams.

A distinctive feature of onions is the fact that the amount of iron remains the same, regardless of the method of preparation. As you know, during heat treatment, the beneficial properties of many products are significantly reduced. So, the bow does not apply to this theory and, on the contrary, completely refutes it. During cooking, frying or other heat treatment, iron does not evaporate, so quite often dishes containing this product are prescribed for anemia.

The benefits of onions for the human body are expressed not only in its composition rich in vitamins and other elements. We cannot leave aside the fact that this is an absolutely universal product that is used as traditional medicine medicines, cosmetic masks and other beauty products.

Video "Onions - benefits and harms to the human body"

Informative video describing the useful qualities of this product, and how it can be used in the field of traditional medicine.

How useful is an onion?

The highest concentration of nutrients is found in the husk and fresh juice. The main benefit is due to the high content of phytoncides. Phytoncides are substances with antibacterial properties. Useful properties include:

  • antimicrobial;
  • regenerating and wound healing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • bactericidal;
  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal and others.

Quite often, therapists advise using onions for vitamin deficiency, poor functioning of the immune system. , contained in the composition, increases the protective functions of the body, preventing the occurrence and development of new diseases of an infectious and viral nature.

As already mentioned, onions are rich in phytoncides, which are capable of destroying various microbes, such as streptococci, pathogens of diphtheria and dysentery, tuberculosis, etc.

It is worth noting that onions are also very useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. It helps to activate and cleanse the blood. As a result of its use, a more stable work of the digestive system, a decrease in problems with stools were noticed. It is also recommended to include in the diet with constant weakness, hypertension, insomnia.

According to some reports, this vegetable is an excellent prevention of cancer and tumor formations. It is noted that onions are excellent at fighting impotence and male diseases.

Interesting fact:

Onion was present in the daily diet of Roman army soldiers. Therefore, the Roman army was considered stronger and more fearless.

This is an excellent aphrodisiac, but for the greatest effectiveness in this area, it must be consumed exclusively in its raw form, since during heat treatment these miraculous properties are significantly reduced.


In addition to the positive qualities, this vegetable also has a downside. The negative impact of onions is quite large. First of all, it is the ability to have a local irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which increases the level of acidity, causing and.

As a result of this, with prolonged and excessive use of this product, the occurrence, development and aggravation of pathologies of the digestive system is not ruled out. Therefore, people with ulcers and gastritis of acute and chronic forms are strictly contraindicated to use onions.

Despite the many positive properties, the use of this vegetable should be rational. With abuse, the following side effects may occur:

  • exacerbation of chronic liver pathologies;
  • unstable kidney function, the occurrence of calcifications;
  • and the appearance of flatulence;
  • exacerbation of chronic asthma due to irritant effects on the nervous system;
  • the occurrence of blockage of blood vessels;
  • development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, deterioration of the heart.

To avoid such side effects, the use of a vegetable should be in moderation, and the amount of the product eaten should be taken into account not only in its raw form, but also in fried, boiled, stewed.

Contraindications can also be attributed, which requires a certain diet. Therefore, patients with this diagnosis should avoid this product.

The use of onions in traditional medicine

Most often, onions are used to prevent and eliminate the symptoms of SARS and influenza. It is best to use it in the early stages of the disease, since with a longer exposure to viruses on the human body, more powerful methods of treatment are needed.

This product is especially popular as a medicine, sore throat and runny nose. This is a powerful antiviral and antibacterial agent that dilutes sputum, strengthens the immune system. In this case, a special cough syrup is used, for the preparation of which it is necessary:

  1. Peel, wash, chop one small onion head and place in a glass container.
  2. Add about one tablespoon of sugar, mix the ingredients.
  3. Cover the resulting mixture with a lid, place in a dark place and leave for several hours.

After about 7-9 hours, the medicine is ready for use. The resulting syrup must be consumed daily 4-5 times a day, one tablespoon. To achieve greater effectiveness, instead of sugar, you can use it, which also has positive properties in the treatment of colds.

Recipes to eliminate the common cold

For the treatment of the common cold, onions have been used for a long time. It will help get rid of rhinitis, as well as its complications (sinusitis, sinusitis). It is an excellent fighter against swelling of the sinuses resulting from an allergic reaction or a cold. Using onions to treat a runny nose, exclude a possible allergy to this product so as not to aggravate the situation.

Since preparations containing onion juice have an antimicrobial effect, they make it possible to prevent and eliminate viruses, infections, pathogenic bacteria in the sinuses.

1. Recipe for nasal congestion

The recipe for this ointment is suitable for use by adults and children over 12 years of age. Before use, it is recommended to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to any of the components.


  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed onion juice with two tablespoons of chopped aloe pulp.
  2. Add two tablespoons of pre-chopped cyclamen root.
  3. Add the resulting mixture with 2 tbsp. liquid grade of honey and the same amount of Vishnevsky ointment.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, place the finished ointment in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

It is recommended to store the finished ointment for no more than a month in the refrigerator. Before use, the product must be warmed to room temperature. Moisten small gauze swabs in ointment, put into each nasal passage for 20-30 minutes. Treatment with such lotions should not last more than 5-7 days.

2. Treatment of persistent rhinitis

A syrup of onion juice and honey is taken orally for 7-10 days, three to four times a day. To prepare it, you need to peel three onions, grate them on a fine grater. Add two tablespoons of liquid honey, mix the resulting slurry and wrap in gauze. Squeeze out the juice. The medicine is ready for use.

Use this recipe with caution if you are allergic to honey! It is not recommended to use syrup in childhood without consulting a doctor.

3. Pure juice

Pure juice can be used as a syrup for inhalation, as well as in the form of a local remedy. Vapors of onion juice have all the same beneficial properties, therefore, together with steam, they enter the organs of the respiratory system, thereby negatively affecting bacteria and viruses.

Do not risk your health and do not self-medicate. Please consult your physician before using any prescription.

Video "Folk recipe to combat the common cold"

An indicative video with a recipe for preparing a folk remedy to combat the common cold.


What is an onion?

In the crop hierarchy, onions are far from being an aristocrat. In the old days, onions were certainly included in the peasant menu, perhaps because of this, such a dismissive attitude towards this vegetable appeared. However, for some reason, many people forget that onions are an indispensable component of many gourmet dishes.

What do we know about onions? The fact that it is absolutely indispensable in cooking is probably known to everyone and everyone, literally from infancy, but far from everyone knows that this vegetable can be used in cosmetics and medicine, and its use in cooking can be far from traditional.

How is it that onions are such a familiar and ordinary product, and we don’t even know a hundredth of its beneficial properties and methods of application, why did it happen?

What is onion, the benefits and harms of onions are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment. Here we will try to answer the questions of interest to this category of people.

Probably, we are too accustomed to this unpretentious vegetable, thanks to which we have the opportunity not only to eat savory dishes that would have lost most of their taste charm if it weren’t for onions, but we don’t even think about the fact that using onions in cooking, we don’t we only get the most excellent taste sensations, but we also fortify our body to the limit, especially in winter, when there is no wide access to a variety of fortified foods, and when our savior is the most common onion - a permanent inhabitant of our gardens.

Ignorant people believe that there are only two varieties of onions: green onions and onions.

In fact, there are many types of onions and even more varieties that differ in taste, habitat, ripening time, etc.

In addition to the onions already known to us, there are batun onions, leeks, shallots, chives and others.

Onions contain a whole complex of vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, sulfur, fluorine, iron, magnesium and calcium. All these substances make onions a biologically active product, capable, in some cases, of benefit, and in others - harm.

How useful is onion?

Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C, PP) in onions, it is useful for beriberi.

Onions are able to satisfy the need of the human body for vitamin C, in addition, this vitamin helps to increase immunity.

Onion essential oils help with viral diseases (colds, flu) - for treatment, you can sniff chopped onion slices several times a day.

The antibacterial properties of onions are caused by the phytoncides contained in it (healing volatile substances). Thanks to phytoncides, onions destroy a large number of microbes:

  • streptococci,
  • causative agents of dysentery,
  • diphtheria pathogens,
  • causative agents of tuberculosis, etc.

Onions are very rich in iron. You can get this important element both from raw and from fried, baked and stewed onions.

Onion activates the metabolism and helps to purify the blood.

Onion stimulates the digestive processes, eliminates prolonged constipation.

Due to the stimulating effect of onion, it is used for hypertension, general weakness and to increase potency.

Onion has a beneficial effect on sleep disorders (acts as a sleeping pill).

According to some studies, onions help prevent cancer and inhibit tumor growth.

What are the benefits of green onions?

Green onions are mainly grown from different varieties of onions. But no less useful is the onion - shallot or onion - batun. First of all, the beneficial properties of green onions are that juicy green sprouts are full of substances such as phytoncides. They are able to protect the human body from viral diseases. So if you add fresh green onion feathers to your dishes, you will not only increase your appetite and contribute to better absorption of food, but also protect yourself from acute respiratory infections and even the flu.

Among the beneficial substances that are contained in green onions, there is chlorophyll. This element helps to improve the process of hematopoiesis. And zinc, which is also found in green onions, will help you strengthen your immune system. This element is also responsible for the production of testosterone in men. In general, men are advised to eat a bunch of green onions a day. This has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, prevents its hypertrophy.

Lack of zinc in the female body not only leads to hair loss and brittle nails. This circumstance also negatively affects the reproductive system.

There are elements in green onions that strengthen the heart muscle. Thanks to the constant use of onions, the walls of blood vessels can also be strengthened.

Studies have shown that by eating 70 g of green onion per day, you can fully supply the body with ascorbic acid. After all, it is this element that helps to withstand and not get sick during epidemics of colds, it is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates the action of the endocrine glands, and contributes to the normalization of the functions of the nervous system.


The negative impact of this vegetable on the body is quite large. And, above all, it is the ability of onions to irritate the gastric mucosa, thereby increasing acidity. In this regard, the systematic immoderate consumption of vegetables can lead to serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, people with gastritis or ulcers should not eat onions.

With excessive use of onions:

  • provokes chronic liver diseases;
  • negatively affects the work of the kidneys (in particular, promotes the growth of calcifications);
  • is the cause of flatulence;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • can cause exacerbation of chronic asthma (due to irritation of the nervous system);
  • causes blockage of blood vessels;
  • worsens the work of the heart.

Is onion good for men?

The benefits of onions have been known since antiquity. Onion was included in the menu of the soldiers of the ancient Roman army every day, perhaps it was its presence that made men strong and fearless.

Since onions are considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, its presence in recipes to prolong sexual life and improve its quality is understandable. However, the beneficial properties of this fruit are maximally preserved without heat treatment, so many recipes are not designed for a momentary effect, but for long-term use in small doses. Usually, the duration of the onion course is several weeks, but there are recipes for a month - in them the daily amount of the main product is reduced to a minimum. To preserve the maximum of nutrients, onions are usually allowed to ripen, but green young shoots are also useful.

In addition to increasing sexual energy, onions are also used for a very specific disease of the genital area of ​​men - prostate adenoma. Treatment with onions cannot be called a priority, it is impossible to get rid of the disease without medications, but to speed up the healing process, it is recommended to use onions both in their pure form and in combination with herbs, honey or nuts.

There are dozens of options for folk remedies for the treatment of this disease, but it is necessary to start using them only after consulting a doctor, some onion substances reduce the absorption of medications!

Can diabetics eat onions?

With diabetes, onions can not only be eaten, but also necessary.

  • The composition includes vitamins PP, A, group B, C, malic acid, acetic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. The minimum calorie content, the almost complete absence of fats and proteins is another significant plus for all people who monitor their weight and count the amount of carbohydrates eaten.
  • The specific ability to reduce blood sugar was noticed by ancient healers, they prescribed diabetics to follow a diet with a high content of a useful product in the diet. This effect is explained by the presence of allicin. This substance reduces the need for insulin and improves the perception of the hormone by cells.
  • Vegetables (especially red varieties) contain copper and iron, which are easily absorbed by the body without putting a strain on the exhausted pancreas. At the same time, sulfur and nickel contribute to the restoration of the insulin derivative function of the organ.
  • Especially valuable is the presence of adenosine, which is a powerful vasodilator. Thus, regular consumption of onions contributes to the prevention of vascular complications of diabetes.
  • It is an excellent means of preventing colds, thanks to active phytancides that destroy putrefactive and pathogenic microorganisms. Well activates the body's defenses and prolongs youth, being a powerful natural antioxidant.

Is it possible to eat onions with pancreatitis?

Inflammation of the pancreas requires not only medical treatment, but also a strict diet.

Green and onions, as well as leeks, have a direct effect on the pancreas and should be used with great care.

Boiled or stewed onions contain much fewer food pathogens, but even this amount will be enough to harm the inflamed gland. To prevent the pancreas from becoming even more inflamed, with acute pancreatitis, it is necessary to stop eating any kind of onion, as well as various dishes using it. This requirement must be observed until the complete disappearance of all symptoms of inflammation.

How to treat onion cough?

At the first symptoms of SARS or influenza, a person seeks to get rid of the cough. In the course are all the means at hand: from medication to folk. Onion is especially popular - recipes that include it are simple and effective.

Many doctors recommend the use of onion as a remedy in the early stages of the disease in order to avoid serious complications in the future. As a powerful antiviral agent, it helps to thin the sputum and further discharge it. In addition to antitussive properties, onions have the following useful qualities:

  • saturated with vitamins C, B, minerals;
  • rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus;
  • in its composition it has fructose, sucrose, maltose, malic, citric acids, phytoncides;
  • is an antiseptic.

Traditional recipe for onion syrup.

  • One medium-sized peeled onion should be washed, chopped, transferred to a glass or enameled container.
  • Sprinkle with a tablespoon of sugar.
  • Stir, put in a dark place and do not touch for several hours.

In the morning, the resulting medicine can be consumed by pouring the syrup into a spoon. During the day, you need to drink onion juice 4-5 times, a tablespoon half an hour after eating.

In some cases, onions are mixed with honey. In this case, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to honey. Experts recommend drinking the remedy for at least 3 days. But it’s also not worth getting carried away with them for more than 10 days.

Of course, before using folk remedies, you need to consult a doctor.

How to treat a runny nose with onions?

Onion has long been recognized as the most effective and safe remedy for the common cold in folk medicine. It can relieve not only rhinitis, but also its complications - sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary or maxillary sinus) and sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus.)

Onion preparations have an antimicrobial effect. They allow you to eliminate the viral infection and pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, the complex of useful trace elements contained in onions normalizes the microflora of the nasal cavity and restores its protective forces.

To prepare an oil infusion of onions, a peeled, chopped medium-sized onion is poured with several tablespoons of refined sunflower oil and allowed to brew for several hours. Once prepared, the mixture can be used for several days, while its healing properties only increase. The resulting oil infusion of onion is instilled into the nasal passages (a few drops 2-3 times a day) - this will help prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Onion recipe for stuffy nose:

2 tbsp. l. onion juice, 2 tbsp. l. crushed aloe leaf pulp, 2 tbsp. l. chopped cyclamen root, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. ointment Vishnevsky (sold in a pharmacy). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The ointment is stored in a dark sealed container in the refrigerator. When used, it is heated to body temperature, then gauze swabs are moistened with ointment and put into each nostril for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Onion recipe for the treatment of protracted rhinitis:

3 onions, peeled, 2 tbsp. l. honey. The bulbs are rubbed on a grater, then the gruel is wrapped in gauze and the juice is squeezed out. Add honey to it and take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Onion with a runny nose in children - how not to harm?

Not every recipe for onion treatment is suitable for children. For example, a child should definitely not use onion juice for a cold in the form of drops.

Best of all, inhalation using onions will work on a child's body affected by a cold. There are several options for doing it:

  • You can grate the onion on a fine grater or chop in a blender, and then put it on a saucer. After that, the child should be seated so that for 10–15 minutes he can breathe in her vapors;
  • If it is difficult to make a child sit motionless over an onion, you can hold a freshly cut half of a vegetable near his nose or put a saucer of onion gruel at his head while he sleeps;
  • According to another recipe, you need to place a coarsely chopped onion in a small container and pour boiling water over it. The container should be covered, leaving only a small hole for the child's nose.

How to get rid of acne with onions?

What are the owners of problem skin not ready to go to in order to permanently get rid of acne and one morning to see their face really fresh and clean.

The anti-inflammatory properties of onion can reduce redness of the skin, as well as prevent the formation of scars. In addition, onions are high in sulfur, which helps to remove excess sebum, dirt and bacteria from the surface of the skin, as well as lighten existing scars.

Onion face masks:

Recipe number 1.

To prepare the mask, you need 1 small onion and ½ tbsp. oatmeal. From flakes you need to cook a thick porridge, cool. Chop the onion, squeeze the juice out of it, add the flakes. Mix the mass and add 5 g of honey. The mask is applied to the face and left on the skin until completely dry.

Recipe number 2.

This composition of the mask is suitable for combating pimples and black dots. A small onion is peeled and chopped. From the resulting puree, you need to squeeze the juice, and we will need it. We also clean one carrot, chop and squeeze the juice. Mix 50 ml of onion and carrot juice, add 1 egg yolk and 30 ml of olive oil. We apply the mass with light massaging movements, gently rubbing it in. Wash off the composition after 20 minutes.

Onion is the type of plant that needs no introduction and explanation, it is so widespread and popular that every family must have it on the table. Herring with onions, boiled potatoes with it, all kinds of salads and many other dishes without fail contain this healthy vegetable. It seems that it only makes food tastier, whether raw or fried! And even with heat treatment, it retains its value and vitamins. Everyone knows about the various beneficial properties, but many do not even know about the “hidden” help of onions. How does it manifest itself, and how is onion useful yet?

Beneficial features

It is known that people have been using onions for as long as five thousand years. Back in the distant past millennium (approximately in the 12th century), when it was brought to Rus', people noticed that it has excellent healing properties for the human body, it was considered a universal product for all diseases. It was especially useful when serious epidemics occurred. Then our ancestors hung bundles of onions in the house, also chopped onions into small pieces and placed them at the head of the bed to inhale useful substances, and, of course, ate onions in large quantities. Even animal diseases were fought with it - a bunch of bulbs were hung around the animal's neck or laid out next to it. Indeed, those people who thus protected themselves from infection, really increased immunity. This is due to the phytancides contained in onions, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties, which are so beneficial for men and women, especially in the winter and spring season. And inhaling the smell of chopped onion is actually very, very effective: thanks to its essential oils and volatile trace elements, this vegetable can help in the fight against viral diseases. Purulent tonsillitis, flu, inflammation of the throat and bronchi are not so terrible, because in the fight against them there is an effective, affordable and tasty remedy. Onions should be eaten not only for diseases, but also for their prevention.

Great news for people suffering from insomnia: onion improves the quality of sleep, has a slight hypnotic effect, which is so necessary for those who have disturbances in the night regimen and rest.

Another reason to regularly eat onions is their sugar-lowering property, which can be very helpful for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. In addition, the vegetable perfectly cleanses the blood, helps to reduce cholesterol in its composition. Also, with regular use, the process of hematopoiesis improves. This healthy vegetable also activates the human digestive system, improves metabolism and appetite, and also normalizes the water-salt balance.

Onions are also useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system: they are rich in potassium, which is so important for the good functioning of the heart. It is customary to eat onions as a prophylactic against heart attacks, which is necessary for the body of both women and men. And it also perfectly normalizes blood pressure.

This healthy vegetable is generously endowed with various vitamins and other valuable trace elements. In addition to potassium and iron, it contains:

  • and vitamins of groups B and C,
  • both magnesium and phosphorus
  • and iodine
  • and much more.

Also, onions are advised to eat with beriberi: it perfectly helps to fill the lack of vitamins, therefore, increase human immunity, its resistance to various diseases and viruses.

Onions should be used with caution for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, pancreatitis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that people with diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys are also better to eat this vegetable in small, moderate amounts.

"Hidden" help we don't know about

Why are onions better than champagne and oysters? It turns out that in addition to numerous useful and medicinal properties, onions are also a strong aphrodisiac for men, which cannot be said about oysters and champagne. The fact that they have such an effect is a myth! On the contrary, there is only harm from champagne: alcohol is detrimental to the human body and does not bring any benefit at all.

More pluses in favor of onions: it is useful and accessible to everyone, and if you are afraid of an unpleasant odor, then there are many recipes for cooking with the addition of this vegetable, in which its specific aroma is “masked”. But the desired effect remains: onion improves potency and increases libido.

By the way, there are varieties that do not have a strong pungent odor, but they retain all the useful properties of their "odorous" counterparts. And the taste of all types is also slightly different, so that each person can find the most pleasant for himself: delicate or spicy, spicy or sweet. Only in Russia 228 types of onions grow, so you are guaranteed a variety of taste and useful properties.

Another property of the onion, which not everyone is aware of, is its ability to strengthen bones, improve the condition of the mouth and teeth, and fight against the appearance of caries.

If you regularly eat onions, you can increase immunity, cope with many diseases, and even increase sexual desire. It is useful for both men and women, and a vast number of different recipes for dishes with it will diversify your diet and improve the body, as well as improve taste sensations.

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