Planting days seedlings in May. May summer calendar. Radishes without bitterness

Now May has come - just have time, but do not yawn sow beds, fix greenhouses, transplant seedlings.

And between gardening affairs, admire the flowers, which are becoming more and more every day.

A faithful assistant - the lunar calendar for May 2016 for a gardener and a gardener, a florist will come in handy more than ever.

After all, he suggests not only successful planting days, but also best moment for pruning in the garden, harvesting.

The moon is waning and is in unfertile Aquarius. On the Holiday of Spring and Labor, it's time to forget about garden chores and with a light conscience, it's wonderful to relax with family and friends in the bosom of nature.

The moon in the same phase moves into the fertile sign of Pisces. We continue to rest in good company, sometimes being distracted by working moments - pruning trees, but not strong (at the same time firewood for a fire), watering plants, weeding, but do not touch their roots.

The Moon is waning in Aries, in an unfertile sign. Unfortunate time for landing work. Despite the fact that the seeds will please with friendly and fast shoots, the crop will turn out to be small and unsuitable for storage. Engage in loosening and digging the earth, destroying harmful insects and weed grass.

The new moon moves into a productive sign - Taurus. Unfortunately, three days of the lunar calendar are unsuccessful for plants today. This period is ideal for weed control and numerous pests.

The moon began to grow in Taurus, which means that the “hot” time is coming for gardeners. This is the first day to start planting in open ground, transplanting seedlings into greenhouses or greenhouses. The day is fully consistent with the proverb "What you sow, you will reap." Gardeners should refrain from pruning and removing shoots. With the growing moon, the sap of plants moves upward from the root system, the ground part develops rapidly, so there is no need to interfere with it.

The moon continues to grow in the infertile sign of Gemini, which is benevolent to climbing and "whiskered" crops - legumes, strawberries, pumpkins. Flower growers, pay attention to ampelous and creeping, creeping flowers. If your lawn is sown, then mow it, the effect will be long-lasting, since the grass will grow slowly. Do not forget about watering, plants absorb it in large quantities.

The moon moves into the constellation Cancer. IN lunar calendar gardener for May 2016 - these are successful planting days. Take advantage of the moment and plant the prepared seedlings in a permanent place. Care for "green pets" will be successful - they will be happy with mineral fertilizers, watering and loosening the soil.

The moon is growing in Leo. The sign is not fertile, but Leo loves the garden. Therefore, gardeners are included in the work. Beautiful time to plant or transplant seedlings, to improve the garden. And vegetable growers and flower growers can take a break.

May 13 (8th lunar day). The Moon is in Leo, in 1/4 phase. The day is unfortunate for gardening chores. The maximum you can do is cleaning foliage, tops and watering.

The moon is growing in the sign of Virgo. Virgo, like a true woman, loves flowers, especially annuals. Flower growers are planning a big front of work: sowing decorative and deciduous and annual flower plants, reproduction, division and transplantation of perennials. Gardeners are not recommended to transplant seedlings and plant various vegetables. Gardeners should refrain from pruning trees, this can end badly for them.

The growing moon moves into the sign of Libra. Florists continue to work hard. The time has come to plant tuberous and climbing flowers, roses, and herbs. Gardeners are advised to pay attention to care - weeding, watering, feeding.

The Moon is growing in fertile Scorpio. On May 19, planting of any plants is favorable, except for bulbous and tuberous crops. On May 20 and 21, planting is stopped, despite the fact that the sign has a beneficial effect on plants. All due to the fact that very soon the full moon will come, and the plants will freeze in development. In the remaining two days, direct your energy towards care. Plants should have time to gain strength and take root, but be careful not to damage the roots. perfect time to remove weeds.

Full Moon in Sagittarius. Negative factors converged today: the phase of the moon, an infertile sign. In this arrangement, all garden work stop. The greatest harm can only be applied to weeds.

The Moon remains in Sagittarius, but in a waning phase. planted fast growing crops: flowers, greens, medicinal herbs. Gardeners can start planting seedlings and cuttings. Great time for harvest.

The moon wanes and moves into Capricorn, favoring gardeners. In the gardener's lunar calendar for May 2016, this is auspicious days for work with trees and shrubs. Their landing, transplantation will be successful. In addition, they will show such properties as frost and drought resistance. Vegetable growers and flower growers may attempt to grow capricious plants.

The moon is waning in Aquarius. Time to replenish theoretical knowledge, understanding mistakes. Don't want to go to the library? Go out into nature for relaxation and heart-to-heart conversations with like-minded people who will share their experience with you.

Extremely unfavorable time for planting. Barren Aquarius with a waning moon do not give any chance for positive result. But for the destruction of weeds and harmful insects, harvesting is an excellent period.

The moon changes phase by ¾ and moves into the sign of Pisces. Do what you have a soul for, only under such conditions there will be a positive effect in your work. However, you should not plant plants, the result will still not be.

The waning moon remains in the sign of Pisces. It's time to start pinching, pruning to curb plant growth. Gardeners will be lucky in grafting trees.

The Moon moves into Aries, in its waning phase. Spend the last day of May relaxing. Today, there is a high probability of injuring plants, which will have a bad effect on further development. Not used to sitting around and enjoying aesthetic appearance your site, then direct your energy to pest control, you can dig up a couple of beds or change the soil in the pots of houseplants.

Planting calendar for May 2016 gardener and gardener

In May, depending on the region, sowing works are in full swing. In the early days, cold-resistant plants are sown in the warmed soil - radishes, greens, carrots, peas ... In greenhouses, tomatoes and cucumbers receive permanent residence. At the end of the month, when the weather ceases to bring surprises in the form of frost, they sow Bell pepper, pumpkin, beans. And of course, potatoes are planted in May.

Favorable days for sowing greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, herbs) - 7, 10, 11, 17–19, 23 May. Root crops (carrots, beets, root celery) are sown in the ground - on the 7th, 10th, 11th, 24–26th. The days are good for planting potatoes - 7, 10, 11, 24–26. Radish and radish are sown on May 7, 10, 11 and 19. Zucchini, squash and pumpkin - 7, 10, 11, 19–20 May. Peas and beans will please with a harvest if they are planted on the 7th–9th, 11th, 24th–26th.

May - best month for planting and transplanting all types of plants.

First of all, carefully inspect the seedlings. If the leaves began to curl down, and leaf blades bent or become convex, which means that a spider mite has settled on them.

Aphids may appear on pepper seedlings. It is urgent to process the seedlings, and at the same time houseplants"Fitoverm" or "Healthy Garden".

In May, tomato and pepper seedlings are planted in greenhouses and greenhouses. Cucumbers are planted in open and protected ground. Gather the first crop of greens and radishes.

Lunar calendar of the summer resident for May 2016

We plant celery, radishes, bulbs, transfer seedlings to the ground, cut and graft trees and berry bushes. Picking and pinching is undesirable.

25 lunar day: Waning moon

You can plant strawberries and engage in a flower garden. Don't use chemicals.

26 lunar day: Waning moon

We prepare the soil for sowing, we destroy pests. Postpone sowing and planting.

27 lunar day: Waning moon

Take care of watering, weeding, top dressing. Set aside pinching and diving roots.

28 lunar day: Waning moon

We trim trees and shrubs. Reduce watering.

29 lunar day: Waning moon

Take care of the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden. Not the best day to work with plant roots.

30 lunar day: New moon

Refrain from active activities in the garden. You can do weeding. Sowing and planting are not recommended

1 lunar day: Growing moon

Water, work with the soil, plant fruit trees.

It is recommended to plant legumes and climbing plants (climbing rose, strawberries, grapes). Removal of excess shoots, weeding, mulching, it is good to prepare a place for lawns and beds, to fight pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation)

2 lunar day: Growing moon

Plant root crops, radishes, legumes, cabbage.

3 lunar day: Growing moon

Sow peas, beans, sweet pea, and decorative creepers.

4 lunar day: Growing moon

Engage in strawberries, thin out crops, replant roses.

5 lunar day: Growing moon

Engage in seedlings of eggplant, peppers, gourds.

6 lunar day: Growing moon

Sow cucumbers, plant early potatoes, carrots, beets.

Sowing and transplanting horticultural crops is not recommended. The planting of shrubs and trees will go well. It is worth mowing in order to slow down the growth of grasses. The right moment for preparing beds and lawns for planting, mulching, for pest control, for pruning trees.

7 lunar day: Growing moon

feed mineral fertilizers, sow leafy crops.

8 lunar day: First quarter

Sow dried flowers, transplant dahlias and peonies.

9 lunar day: Growing moon

Carry out lawn grass crops.

10 lunar day: Growing moon

Plant flowers, sow dill and cereals. Apply mineral fertilizers.

It is recommended planting flowers, laying tubers and seeds for storage. Planting stone fruits is also recommended. fruit trees. Irrigation and haymaking are efficient. great time for cutting flowers, creating lawn ornaments, caring for indoor plants.

11 lunar day: Growing moon

Dive plants, divide and replant perennials.

12 lunar day: Growing moon

Sow cabbage, legumes, plant stone fruit trees.

13 lunar day: Growing moon

good time for planting all kinds of flowers and medicinal herbs.

14 lunar day: Growing moon

Sprinkle water, do mineral supplements

15 lunar day: Full moon

Sow spicy greens. Do not pinch or remove leaves.

16 lunar day: Waning moon

The day is not favorable for planting and sowing.

17 lunar day: Waning moon

You can plant beans, peas, medicinal and spicy herbs.

18 lunar day: Waning moon

Cultivate the land, plant potatoes and other root crops.

19 lunar day: Waning moon

Continue planting root crops, water, fertilize with organic matter.

20 lunar day: Waning moon

Spray your garden for diseases and pests. Postpone landings.

21 lunar day: Waning moon

Weed, pinch, remove excess shoots.

22 lunar day: Waning moon

Work the land. Do not plant or transplant anything.

23 lunar day: Third quarter

Vaccinate, water, feed with organic matter.

24 lunar day: Waning moon

Sow and plant seedlings of vegetables and annual flowers.

Happy harvest!

The moon directly affects the growth and development of plants. Therefore, when planting and working in the garden, it is necessary to take into account its phases and being among the constellations.

1st of May: The month will begin with the position of the Moon in the constellation of Aquarius. It is unfavorable for sowing. It is better to devote time on this day to hilling and loosening the soil and spraying from pests.

May 2 and 3: excellent days for transplanting and planting all kinds of plants, as the Earth's satellite will move into the constellation Pisces. This will be best reflected in the development of pumpkin, nightshade and vegetable crops.

May 4 and 5: Aries is not favorable for sowing, but you can collect seeds for testes and trim the whiskers of dugouts and strawberries. More about the impact of the moon on planting will tell lunar seedling calendar.

May 6 and 7: one of the most favorable positions for sowing is the Moon in Taurus. You can plant any kind of cabbage, carrots, cucumbers and peppers, as well as greens.

May 8 and 9: The Moon will change its position and will be in Gemini. Under its influence, legumes, strawberries, melons and climbing plants grow well.

May 10 and 11: the influence of Cancer will increase. These days it is good to soak the seeds, loosen the soil and plant the plants. The constellation has a particularly positive effect on growth annual plants planted these days, but perennials grow well.

May 12 and 13: Leo is an infertile sign, so during its activity it is best to clear the plants of unnecessary shoots and yellowed leaves, and also collect fruits and seeds.

May 14, 15 and 16: The moon will move into the influence of the constellation Virgo. This is an infertile sign, but strawberries can be planted for a not plentiful harvest, creeping plants develop well.

May 17 and 18: the influence of the constellation Libra will increase, which is favorable for planting tuberous flowers and roses. Vegetable and fruit crops they will give a rich harvest, potatoes planted on this day, any root crops and legumes also develop well.

19,20 and 21 May: the satellite of the Earth will pass into the zodiac Scorpio, which helps pumpkins, zucchini and cucumbers to be resistant to diseases. Scorpio also favor the development of bulbous and nightshade plants such as eggplant, tomatoes and peppers.

May 22 and 23: can be planted to collect seeds for subsequent sowing, since the Moon will move into an infertile sign - Sagittarius. You can plant cuttings and seedlings.

May 24,25 and 26: Capricorn will favorably affect the sowing, planting and transplanting of legumes and grains, as well as shrubs and trees. Excellent development of vegetable and tuber crops.

May 27 and 28: The Moon will be strongly influenced by Aquarius. It is infertile, so may calendar gardener advises these days to do weeding beds, loosening and removing excess shoots.

May 29 and 30: when planted these days, any plants will develop well, since the influence of the Pisces sign, which is very fertile, will increase. Its effect is especially positive on cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes and eggplants.

May 31: The moon will again be in the barren constellation of Aries. On the last day of the month, the gardener's calendar recommends treating plants from pests and carefully loosening the ground.

Learn the influence of the zodiac constellations, and you will definitely reap a rich harvest. I wish you success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.04.2016 06:03

The last month of spring is an important time for plants. They begin to grow actively, demanding from flower growers ...

IN sowing lunar calendar for May 2016 You will find tips for the month and for every day. With this knowledge, any gardener will be able to harvest a great harvest!

Landing days for May 2016

Let's feed the cabbage

In early May, it is recommended to feed the cabbage planted in April. Early ripe varieties of cabbage should not be overfed with nitrogen, because. this leads to a delay in tying heads. It is good to carry out top dressing with potassium, it makes the cabbage more resistant to diseases.

Protect tomatoes

Tomatoes - reliable protection from asparagus rattle, aphids, sawfly and moths. In this regard, they are recommended to be grown near asparagus, gourds, cabbage.

It is useful to plant several tomato bushes near the gooseberry, which often suffers from moth.

And the pepper will be healthy

Having planted seedlings of sweet pepper in open ground, do not forget to pay attention to the leaves of new settlers, especially during cold snaps. If the temperature in the yard stays below 12 degrees for a long time, root system heat-loving crops (and peppers, zucchini, tomatoes are just such) stops working, the plants begin to starve. To keep a growing point they take nutrients from the leaves, they turn yellow and then fall off.

If the cold weather lasts more than 5-6 days, you can not do without top dressing on the leaves with calcium nitrate (half a tablespoon per bucket of water). In addition, in such weather, it is appropriate to spray the plants with ecoberin, novosil (silkom) or epin-extra: these drugs will help them survive stress.

Radishes without bitterness

Radishes will be less pungent in taste and more juicy and crispy if the furrow is lightly salted with food salt before sowing, and then the bed is generously watered in the morning and evening. But in the heat you should not do this: the water will immediately evaporate through the leaves, without making the “weather” inside the root crop.

How to feed onions

To be guaranteed to be with the harvest, onions need to be fed a couple of times during the growing season. At the end of May, 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate per day are added to the soil. square meter beds or on the same area in a bucket of an aqueous solution of slurry (concentration 1:6).

Three weeks after the first feeding, the second one is also carried out: 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt per square meter of plantings.

At the same time, do not forget to water the onions.

Thank you mustard

Mustard as green manure enriches the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, partly clears the beds from the bear and wireworm. If this crop is sown next to peas, the yield will be twice as large. Yes, and onions grow better after mustard.

While young

Rhubarb stalks should preferably be harvested young. In the old ones, there are much fewer vitamins and much more oxalic acid, which, after heat treatment, becomes a prerequisite for the formation of oxalates (kidney stones).

For bow

Bow will resist more actively powdery mildew if you water it warm water(not lower than 18 degrees). And when the bird cherry blossoms and wakes up onion fly, aisles should be sprinkled with tobacco dust or lime to protect against pests.

We fertilize currants

Currant is responsive to fertilizers. Therefore, to ensure good productivity, it is necessary to apply annually 2-4 kg of compost or manure, 20-30 g of urea, 30-50 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium chloride per square meter.

Foliar fertilizing with microelements is also effective. We remind you that zinc increases resistance to fungal diseases, boron contributes better flowering and fertilization, manganese - to increase the yield. Foliar top dressing is carried out in the phases of flowering and the formation of ovaries, in the evening or in the morning after the dew dries.

Sowing calendar for each day of the month of May in 2016

Unfavorable days for landing: 1, 6, 7, 12, 13, 22, 26 (from 17:29), 27, 28.

May 1 - Spring Festival. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - Holy Christ's Resurrection.

May 2. Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - dill, spinach, sorrel, onion, rhubarb, other greens

May 3. Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio / Sagittarius (18:52) - From 11:36 - we plant seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removal of whiskers on strawberries

4 and 5 May. Wednesday and Thursday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius - We plant seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removal of whiskers on strawberries

6 and 7 May. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn new moon (6th day) - Care of the garden and garden, collection of medicinal herbs

May 8 and 9 - Victory Day. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn/Aquarius (9:00) - Peas, momordica, climbing flowers, garden care

May 10 and 11. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius / Pisces (11:32) - Re-planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, sowing lettuce, sorrel, onions on a feather, other green

12 May. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aries (from 4:43 on the 11th) - Protective measures against pests and diseases of the garden and vegetable garden

may 13. Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aries (from 4:43 on the 11th) - Care of the garden and vegetable garden

May 14. Saturday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aries/Taurus (14:37) - Planting perennial faded flowers, planting cabbage for autumn consumption. Watering, fertilizing, weeding

May 15 and 16. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Taurus - Planting cabbage for autumn consumption. Watering, feeding, weeding. flower care

May 17 and 18. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Gemini - Planting seedlings of cauliflower and kohlrabi for autumn, green. Picking cucumbers and zucchini

May 19. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer - We sow green, cucumbers for a second harvest closer to autumn, we take care of plants

May 20 and 21. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer - We sow spinach, lettuce, dill and other greens, cucumbers for autumn harvest. Planting cauliflower seedlings

22nd of May. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Leo full moon - Plant care

May, 23rd. Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Leo / Virgo (14:25) - Sowing greens, watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control

May 24 and 25. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo - Potatoes, greens, watering, fertilizing, mulching

26 of May. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra - Until 17:29 - potatoes, greens, watering, fertilizing, mulching

May 27 and 28. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra - Thinning, pinching, watering, loosening the soil, pest control

May 29 and 30. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - Green. Picking berries for wine and liqueurs

May 31. Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio / Sagittarius (2:57) - Green. Collection of cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. plant care

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