Fireplace dimensions table 55 meters of room. The height of the fireplace from the floor. Important aspects: what to consider

Optimal Width, the depth of the furnace and the height of the heating structure itself allow you to organize the high performance of the device. If you do not follow all the necessary requirements, you simply will not be able to achieve the proper result.

fuel hole shape

The dimensions of the fuel chamber directly depend on the area of ​​the heated room. In order to find out its dimensions, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the fireplace is installed is divided by fifty. The height and width of the fuel hole depends on what the figure turns out to be. The chamber for firewood should not be too narrow and low. Experts recommend taking a proportion of two to three as a sample, while the width should be larger.

Full heating at low fuel costs is possible only with the right choice of the size of the fireplace insert and, especially, its depth. With a small depth of the chamber, smoke may occur in the dwelling. Thus, its depth should be two-thirds of the height of the entire hearth.

In order to make it clearer, we give an example of calculating the parameters for a dwelling at twenty-eight square meters:

  • 28/50=0.56 sq.m. – a fireplace insert of this size must be installed indoors.
  • indicators of the fireplace are 61x92 cm.
  • we calculate the depth of the fuel chamber (610 2) / 3 = 406.7 mm. We round up to a whole number and get a depth indicator of 40 cm.

Features of the calculation of the chimney

To prevent the formation of condensate in the chimney system (dangerous for laying black liquid with bad smell), you need to install good chimney, the outlet of which is one eighth - one fifteenth.

In this case, the chimney channel is 20 by 26 centimeters, its area is 52 square centimeters, that is, 1/10 of total area the camera itself.

Among other things, you need to consider the length of the chimney channel. It should not be very high, that is, more than ten meters. Excessive height will reduce the performance of the heating structure. If you make the chimney too low, it will not be able to fully remove the volatile combustion products into the atmosphere, and this is smoke that is dangerous to human health. The most suitable height is four to five meters. If you have the opportunity, use a device supplemented with special knees and bends. Device used for abduction carbon monoxide, usually installed at a distance of twenty-five centimeters to the main ceiling beams, as well as load-bearing walls and partitions.

Foundation calculation

For the depth of laying the foundation, there is also an optimal figure - fifty centimeters. If you are installing a fireplace outside the city, in a temporary dwelling where you are not going to come so often, the depth of the base should be increased to twenty centimeters from the level of soil freezing.

The foundation of the fireplace should not be connected to the foundation of the house, as they have different shrinkage and can destroy each other. Usually the distance between these two foundations is ten centimeters. The base should protrude beyond the hearth by five to ten centimeters on all sides.

Height adjustment

The height adjustment of the hearth is carried out with the help of special bolts fixed on the legs of the heating device. In some cases, supports are used. The required distance can be achieved by specially laid out several rows of bricks from the floor to the desired height.

The placement of the fuel chamber in height has the following requirements:

  1. the distance to the floor should be thirty - forty centimeters,
  2. in some models, a firewood is located at the bottom, then the distance is increased,
  3. when calculating the position of the bottom of the furnace, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the floor, the way it is arranged. Moreover, you need to think about this in advance, even at the planning stage of the fireplace.

Extra options

In order to organize the safe operation of the heating system outside the city, the following additional parameters should be considered:
  • - side panels should be located at an angle of forty-five to sixty degrees,
  • - back wall the fuel chamber should also have an angle of inclination (for more complete heat transfer) of about twenty degrees,
  • - the rear panel begins to tilt from about one third of the wall,
  • - for greater safety, a special pre-furnace sheet is used, which should extend beyond the boundaries of the fireplace platform by twenty to thirty centimeters,
  • - the protrusion of the base is brought out fifty centimeters in front of the portal, thus, it turns out to hide the shortcomings of the fuel chamber,
  • - on the sides of the portal organize a special protrusion of twenty-five - thirty centimeters

Calculations of the corner model of the fireplace

For sizing corner fireplace at the very beginning it is necessary to calculate its area. After that, the number is divided by one hundred, thus getting desired value for the hearth. We get 28

The fuel chamber of the hearth is built in the shape of a triangle, as an option, a trapezoid. This configuration is considered the most convenient and productive.

Let us dwell on the design in which the bottom has the shape of a triangle. Thus, we calculate according to the following formula: B \u003d (√S) 2

In this case, the height indicator of the corner structure should be slightly larger than the width. The depth of the furnace is the value obtained by dividing the width of the chamber by 1.4.

Our combustion chamber width will be one meter, and the height can vary within one meter - one meter twenty centimeters. The depth will reach seventy centimeters on both sides.

Dimensions for decorative model

decorative fireplace It is used only for home decoration, so it can be installed anywhere in the house. If we consider the visual effect and organic combination structures with other interior items, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hearth should not be more than 1/25 of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

The specifics of choosing a metal fireplace

Metal fireplaces are especially relevant among residents country houses. During the selection necessary equipment you should carefully read the passport, the recommended power of the device should be written there. Thus, the parameters of the focus should be correlated with these indicators. The choice of power depends on what area the fireplace will heat subsequently. The area indicator is multiplied by the height of the ceilings, and the resulting figure is divided by twenty. This will be the minimum power of the device.

Of course, the choice of a fireplace for your home is up to you, but after reading our article, take into account all the prescribed recommendations and draw conclusions that will help you purchase heater.

Video: How to choose the optimal dimensions of the fireplace?

There is an opinion that the device of the fireplace in country house can only be done by a professional. But this is not entirely true, such a heating design can be done with your own hands, for this you need to understand the principle of the fireplace device by studying the drawings and diagrams.

The most important preparation points

Preparation for construction sometimes takes more time than the installation of the heating structure itself. In this process, there are a few important things to understand:

The nodes that make up the fireplace

The design of the fireplace consists of:

  1. Ash pan. In a simple way, it blew
  2. The working platform of the firebox or in other words "under"
  3. Firebox
  4. Firebox mirror. Sloped back of the firebox that reflects heat
  5. Portal. Responsible for appearance designs
  6. smoke tooth
  7. Khailo or otherwise smoke chamber
  8. Chimney valve or, professionally, a damper, with the help of which the draft is regulated
  9. Neck. This element is the transition of the fireplace to the chimney
  10. Chimney connection
  11. Chimney
  12. Grate

Where to install a fireplace and how it should be

The device of a fireplace is much simpler compared to a stove. On the one hand, this is an advantage, because it is easier to fold and the material is spent much less. On the other hand, this design has a low efficiency, because it gives off half the heat of the furnace.

How to calculate the dimensions of the fireplace

The size of the furnace window should be related to the area of ​​​​the room as 1:50. The height of the firebox should be related to the width as 2/3, according to the scheme it will be B / A. Next, we empirically select the height of the fireplace window and find out the width of the firebox using the formula A \u003d 3xB / 2. It is important to pay attention to the calculation of the main parameters A, B, C. The next important parameter is the depth. It should be 2/3 of the height of the furnace window and is calculated according to the formula C \u003d 2xB / 3. If this parameter is increased, then the heat transfer will drop, and if it is reduced, then the fireplace will smoke. According to the fire safety rules, the shelf in front of the fireplace should protrude half a meter into the room. The height from the floor should be 80 cm.

If the length of the chimney from the grate to the top point is more than 10 meters, then at least one elbow must be made. Otherwise, the draft will be too large and all the heat will go into the chimney, plus all this will be an overrun of firewood.

The protrusion of the chimney above the roof can also be viewed according to the diagram, which gives the minimum requirements from which it is worth starting. If your country house is not large, then it is better to raise the chimney pipe higher. The higher the pipe above the ridge, the stronger the thrust.

Choosing a place for a fireplace

For this, there are instructions for designing:

  1. The fireplace is not installed opposite the windows
  2. Installation in walk-through rooms is not desirable
  3. Do not use small rooms, because oxygen will be burned out. A generally accepted minimum of 12-15 square meters
  4. The firebox should face the center of the room
  5. Should not border on external walls
  6. It is advisable to install next to a load-bearing wall

A classic fireplace in the interior of a private house looks beautiful and stylish. It creates an atmosphere of calm and comfort, warms the home. It is quite possible to build such a hearth on your own, having understood the rules for its calculation and construction.

Fireplace - effective heating or a prestigious element of the interior?

A fireplace is understood to be an inherently elementary stove with a firebox. open type. Such an installation, when burning wood or coal, releases thermal radiant energy, thereby warming the room. The main nodes of the focus of interest to us are the firebox and the chimney. Also, a classic fireplace has:

  • ash pan;
  • smoke collector;
  • protective doors;
  • grate;
  • convection system;
  • gate valve;
  • flame cutter.

A special gas threshold is installed inside the fireplace. It has a curved configuration that eliminates the possibility of air turbulence and prevents sparks from burning fuel from falling into the room. The threshold also prevents rainwater and snow from entering the oven and promotes rapid soot deposition. Mandatory is the inner lining of the fireplace - a special facing layer that performs a protective function. Outside, the classic hearth is framed by a portal. The latter is decorated with various finishing materials.

Note that the fireplace emits heat into the heated room unevenly. From the sides, the hearth heats up very weakly. The main return of thermal energy is observed opposite the fuel chamber of the device. For this reason, when building such furnaces with your own hands, the firebox must be designed not deep, but wide. Then the heat reflection opposite it will be maximum (up to 15–20%). In general, about 80-90% of the thermal energy released during the combustion of firewood goes into the pipe. This means that it is not rational to use classic fireplaces as the main heating system in private houses.

Varieties of open hearths - we select a structure by type and style

Fireplaces at the installation site are divided into several different types. From this point of view, they can be:

  1. 1. corner;
  2. 2. wall-mounted;
  3. 3. separate;
  4. 4. built-in.

Self-taught masters in most cases opt for wall-mounted heating structures. They are allowed to be installed in a house that has been in operation for a long time, as well as in new residential buildings. Such fireplaces are located near the main walls. The following should be taken into account here. Firstly, the place for mounting the hearth should not be near the stairs, in drafts. Secondly, it is necessary to leave free space next to the fireplace for servicing the device.

Corner hearths are installed at internal walls(in the corner). Such structures are much more difficult to build. You have to do complex calculations. You should also make sure that the load-bearing wall surfaces and the foundation of the house are in perfect condition. Free-standing stoves are placed not near the walls, but in any suitable place in the room. It is clear that the latter should have a sufficiently large area. In small rooms, a separate hearth cannot be mounted. But the built-in hearths are integrated directly into the walls or into the columns. The built-in structure is installed strictly at the stage of building a house.

By style, fireplaces are divided into English, Dutch, Alpine, rustic and modern. The principle of their operation remains approximately the same, the differences between them are mainly due to the features of the decorative finish. Experts advise building English (they are also classic) hearths. They fit perfectly into almost any interior.

We calculate the dimensions of the furnace ourselves - school mathematics

To build an efficient fireplace in operation, you need to decide on all its parameters. The calculation of the hearth, believe me, is not such a difficult matter. First, we determine the dimensions of the furnace portal (hole) of our design. Everything is simple here. The ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where it is planned to install the stove to the furnace should be kept at 50 to 1. Let's explain with an example. If the fireplace will be placed in a room with an area of ​​​​20 squares, we need to divide 20 by 50. The resulting value (0.4 sq. M.) Is the optimal size of the firebox.

Next, we need to find out the height and width of the furnace hole. The ratio of these values ​​is maintained at the level of 2:3. For our example, the recommended height will be 51 cm, and the width will be 77. If we multiply these dimensions together, we get 3972 square meters. see - approximately 0.4 sq. m. So, everything is calculated correctly.

The side walls of the firebox should have an angle of 45–60°, the back wall - 20–22°. The inclination of the latter is carried out starting from 1/3 of the furnace height.

It remains to determine the depth of the furnace hole. This value is really important. The quality of the fireplace draft depends on it. Incorrect calculation of the depth will cause smoke in the room when burning fuel and poor heating of the house. It makes no sense to operate such a fireplace. The depth of the portal should be equal to 2/3 of its height. The latter, according to our calculations, is 51 cm. By simple calculations - (51/3) * 2 we get the number 34. This is the depth we need in centimeters.

Now let's deal with the chimney. The area of ​​its section is taken 8–15 times less area furnace portal. Task for schoolchildren. We divide 4000 (firebox area) by a number from 8 to 15, we get the required value. The height of the chimney should be within 5–10 m. A shorter chimney will not be able to efficiently remove combustion products. And pipes with a height of more than 10 m can make the fireplace draft too strong, which is fraught with rapid combustion of firewood and even fires.

Below is a table showing optimal dimensions all elements of the hearth, depending on the area of ​​​​a particular room. If you are not strong in mathematics, use the data from it. Based on them, you can easily make a drawing of a fireplace and build it yourself.

We add that the sheet on the pre-furnace platform should extend beyond its limits by 0.25–0.3 m. And the protrusions on the sides of the fireplace and the podium in front of it are maintained at a level of 0.2–0.3 and 0.5 m, respectively.

Getting ready for construction - different materials are needed, different materials are important

Fireplaces of the classical type are built of brick. And it is necessary to use only red products. Silicate and hollow bricks are not suitable for building a hearth. For work choose building products with even bases and right angles, uniform in structure, without any tangible flaws.

The quality of red brick is easy to check. It is enough to knock on its surface with your hand. If the sound is muffled, the brick is of poor quality. Go to another seller. When tapped, the brick should make only a clear sound, and nothing else. Also inspect all the proposed building products. Do not buy bricks with whitish spots and darkening.

For the construction of the hearth, it is also necessary to stock up on rubble stone, sand, cement, crushed stone, clay, reinforcing bars. Without these materials, we will not complete the laying of the furnace. It also makes sense to prepare a tool in advance for conducting construction works. We will need a square, a plumb line, a hacksaw, a shovel, a level, a bucket, a container for stirring the solution, a hammer, a tape measure, a pencil, a brush (bast) for seams, a sieve.

  • We use only high-quality Portland cement for masonry;
  • carefully sift the sand (the optimal fraction is 0.5–1.5 mm);
  • we buy (if possible) Cambrian blue clay (if there is none, you can use another refractory material);
  • we use reinforcing bars about 70 cm long, with a cross section of 0.8–1 cm;
  • the lining of the fireplace from the inside is carried out with fireclay bricks.

You will have to determine the amount of required building materials yourself. It depends on what size fireplace is being built, what type of ordering is used during masonry. There are many options here. Below are the order options. Choose to your taste.

We choose the order, transfer the previously calculated sizes of the focus to it, we get (quite accurately) right amount bricks.

We equip the foundation - you can’t do without a reliable foundation!

As more or less experienced home craftsmen know, any stationary structure weighing more than 0.7 tons must be installed on a base. The weight of the fireplace will be large enough (bricks are not the lightest construction material), so we can not do without pouring the foundation. If the hearth is installed in one-story house, the base for the heating structure is deepened by 0.5–0.6 m. For more massive private buildings (two levels or more), we take a depth of at least 0.9–1 m. We make the foundation of the fireplace independent of the foundation of the house. The scheme of work execution is given below:

  1. 1. We dig a ditch. We take its parameters at 0.1–0.15 m more sizes planned foundation.
  2. 2. We fill the bottom of the dug hole with broken brick or rubble, tamp it down.
  3. 3. Check the horizontal level of the resulting layer.
  4. 4. We make a simple formwork from the boards. We should get a box without a bottom. From the inside, it is desirable to upholster the formwork structure with roofing material or treat it with hot resin.
  5. 5. We mount the formwork on crushed stone, reinforce it, fill it concrete mix(3 parts sand plus 1 cement M400).
  6. 6. We level the concrete on the surface, cover it with a polyethylene film, wait 7-8 days.

While the concrete is gaining strength, we calibrate the bricks. This operation involves the selection of products under concrete type orders and their simple preparation. Each brick must be dipped into a container with plain water and hold for a couple of minutes. This procedure allows you to remove all unnecessary air bubbles from the building material. In addition, wetted products will not take moisture from the mortar during laying. 3 days before the foundation hardens, fill the clay with water. Every day, add a little liquid and mix thoroughly. On the 3rd day, we will get a solution of the density required for laying bricks.

We make masonry - we will feel like real stove-makers

We dismantle the formwork, cover the frozen foundation with two layers of roofing material and proceed to laying. Place the bricks of the first row on wooden slats. Then lightly press the latter. At the same time, we nail the bricks onto the mortar. When performing this operation, we make sure that the clay does not squeeze out the rail. It is not necessary to apply mortar to the side of the brick in contact with the wooden guide.

The first two or three rows of masonry are mounted edgewise on the clay mixture. And here it is important to check the correct installation of bricks. The resulting rows must be strictly horizontal, and the corners must be vertical. It is most convenient to check with a square. Bricks are set clearly one above the other. We lay out continuous rows with a trowel or trowel. After mounting two lines of bricks, we take out the slats from the wood. And after the third row, we install metal pins (two) for the grate. We check each masonry line with the order.

We mount the firebox and smoke collector by hand. So we can feel and immediately remove foreign inclusions from the solution, for example, small pebbles. From the walls of the smoke collector and the fuel compartment, be sure to remove the remains of the clay composition and wipe the indicated surfaces dry. You can't plaster them! The curved section of the arch of the hearth and the smoke box is installed with bricks (gradual) up to 50–60 mm. We cover the opening of the firebox with lintels (wedge-shaped, vaulted or arched - it all depends on the type of order) made of brick.

In the process of laying Special attention pay chimney. It must be strictly vertical. Part of the pipe on the roof is laid out using a mixture of cement and sand (we do not add clay to the solution!). And the roofing carpet itself must be covered with a special overlap (in the language of the pros - an otter). This element provides fire protection for the ceiling.

The last stage of masonry is the arrangement of the smoke chamber. It is mounted directly above the firebox. Between the firebox and the indicated chamber, it is recommended to make a special pass - a kind of cornice. It does not allow smoke to enter the room when kindling firewood, and also eliminates the risk of sparks and soot flying out.

Finishing the fireplace - aesthetics first

The easiest way to finish the hearth is plastering. The operation is performed like this:

  1. 1. We clear the cracks of the masonry.
  2. 2. We impose a metal mesh on inclined and large bases, fix it (nail it).
  3. 3. The first layer of the composition for plastering (it must have a sufficiently liquid consistency) is applied with a thickness of up to 5 mm. We are waiting for it to dry.
  4. 4. We process the surfaces again, using a thicker solution. If necessary, a third layer can be applied. But remember that the total thickness of the finish in this case should be no more than 1.5 cm.

A fireplace plastered according to the described method can be painted. For these purposes, chalk compositions are used. If you add a little ordinary blue to them, the hearth will literally sparkle with whiteness.

Many home craftsmen sheathe themselves drywall sheets. They are placed on a pre-built frame. The drywall construction gives the hearth flawlessly even shapes. decorative cladding fireplace can be made with slate tiles, ceramics (fire-resistant), natural stone, decorative brick. Forged details and decorations give a special chic to the hearth. But they are not cheap.

Pechnik (Moscow)

First of all, electric fireplaces are designed to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in a house or apartment. The dimensions of electric fireplaces are one of the most important criteria that must be taken into account when choosing.

How well the dimensions are chosen electric fireplaces, the quality of placement of the model in the interior of the room allocated for its installation and placement directly depends. In this article, you can get acquainted with the choice of dimensions of models in detail and view best photos collections.

The smallest installations

The dimensions of the electric fireplace can be very small. Such installations are characterized by the following features:




The dimensions of an electric fireplace can be very small. In this case, the design easily fits on an eighth of one square meter in an apartment or house.


The smallest models are suitable for installation in any room. In a living room with a large area, you can install several of these fireplaces at once. In small and medium-sized rooms, as a rule, only one hearth is placed.

Such heating units due to their overall dimensions are easily transported, transported and rearranged from meta to place. Some hearths can be placed on a table, cabinet, shelf and any other surface.


The miniature size of the electric fireplace makes them quite inexpensive and affordable. Devices have simplified functionality and simple control.

It is interesting to know: electric fireplaces whose dimensions are quite mobile can have both the most simple and quite innovative, full functionality. The most popular and expensive models are equipped with sound, light and visual effects, and may also have a built-in humidifier. In general, the price of electric fireplaces varies from 6,000 to 250,000 rubles.

Miniature fireplaces have small size and mass

Electric fireplaces with medium dimensions

Miniature models are followed by medium-sized devices. Electric fireplaces, the dimensions of which allow them to be installed and mounted in more diverse places, have advanced functionality and can be placed as follows:

  • Near the walls (attached structure);
  • Located on the floor (island);
  • Embed or hung on the walls (imitate paintings).

This model, due to its shape, looks more voluminous

Multimedia portals harmonize well with modern and high-tech style

Tip: in order for medium-sized installations to look more advantageous, it is recommended to place them on plain surfaces and planes. Hanging models harmonize well with various techniques. The dimensions of medium electric fireplaces allow placement in offices and rooms ranging from 20 to 40 squares. Small fireplaces are installed not only in living rooms, but also in kitchens, dining rooms (mounted in kitchen sets and columns).

Interesting to know: the cost of such structures, depending on their functionality, method of placement, manufacturer and materials of manufacture, ranges from 11,000 to 260,000 rubles. Units with a simple visual accompaniment have a lower price, unlike those whose functionality includes the presence of an air humidifier and imitation of logs burning in the hearth.

For a more detailed acquaintance with the dimensions of electric fireplaces and their design features, we recommend watching the video in this article.

large fireplaces

An electric fireplace whose dimensions do not allow you to easily rearrange it from place to place and change its location belongs to the category of large ones. Due to their massiveness and bulkiness, such models have enough high cost, a wide variety of functions.

Important: since such large heating units take up a lot of space, they are intended for installation in rooms with an area of ​​50 squares or more. When choosing, be sure to consider styling both the hearth itself and the premises.

Corner designs have their advantages and allow

Interesting to know: an electric fireplace whose dimensions are more than 70 and 50 centimeters (length and height) are classified as large. Such foci have a similar appearance with their smaller counterparts. The location is more diverse and can be not only built-in, island and wall-mounted, but also suspended, corner.

Big size the electric fireplace endows it the following features and benefits:

  1. The large size of the electric fireplace makes it more visible and allows, through its correct location, to place the necessary accents and achieve complete harmony;
  2. Large functionality allows, if necessary, to adjust the power level, turn on and off the sound and visual arrangement, enjoy the effect of the most realistic flame (steam function), perform simultaneous heating and humidification of the room. The most expensive models are able to synchronize with PCs, smartphones and other equipment, have the ability to remote control;
  3. The large size of the electric fireplace allows you to achieve the maximum possible heat transfer;
  4. If desired, a stylish portal can be selected for the purchased hearth. Such a frame will favorably emphasize existing style and the net is a good, winning addition to your interior;
  5. Built-in models are installed in a specially prepared niche in the wall. Despite their massiveness and rather large dimensions, such fireplaces allow you to profitably save free space, which is important even for rooms with a large area.

Tip: the dimensions of the portal for the electric fireplace depend on the selected hearth. In order for each element to blend perfectly with each other, it is recommended to buy a ready-made fireplace set or pick up both parts from one seller. If you did not find a portal in the required style, you can make it yourself. This framework is based on metal profiles and fireproof drywall. Further finishing and cladding is done at your discretion.

Important: when buying a product, not only the size of electric fireplaces is important, but also the type of hearth. It can be both closed and open. Open models are less effective, the center of closed installations is usually equipped with a special screen or heat-resistant transparent glass (when simulating fire with backlights, halogen lamps and steam).

The price of such products starts from 28,000 rubles. and depends on the functionality, capabilities and materials for finishing the hearth, portal. The most expensive models are finished in gold, precious stones, rare natural minerals.

Criterias of choice

In order to make the right choice and decide on the purchase of a particular model, you will need next instruction, which indicates the main selection criteria:

  1. When choosing the dimensions of the hearth, pay attention to the size of your house, apartment and the specific room in which you are going to install. The smaller the footage of the room, the smaller the size of the proposed fireplace will be. Very large installations will look out of proportion and take up a lot of space. Small fireplaces in the interior of a large apartment will, on the contrary, be lost and will not attract due attention to themselves;
  2. Do not select the design according to the power parameters. As a rule, such electrical units are capable of performing the role of an exclusively additional source of heating. With dimensions of 40 by 50 centimeters or more, the installation will be able to heat the room, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 20 square meters;
  3. When choosing sizes, consider the following advice from planners and designers, which is to ensure that the size of the fireplace is no more than 1 unit of 50 units of the room itself. For example, with a room size of 25 squares, heating unit should take about 0.50 squares free space;
  4. Large hearths are suitable for installation in spacious studios and living rooms.

The sizes of electric fireplaces can be both very miniature and quite large. When buying, it is important to take into account not only your personal wishes and preferences, but also the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, office, apartment or entertainment venue. Equally important is the functionality, style and location. Right choice and the ratio of each of these parameters will allow you to achieve coziness, comfort and harmony.

Most owners of private houses dream of installing a stylish, romantic and cozy piece of furniture - a fireplace, the dimensions of which largely depend on what function it will perform - heating or decorative.

Living fire is fraught with not only beauty, but also high probability fire, so the laying of the fireplace must be preceded by a careful calculation.

How to calculate the dimensions of the fireplace?

A full-fledged source of heat (even if it is auxiliary, and not the main one) is often a fireplace. The dimensions of this heating structure for a room with an area of ​​​​20 m 2 are as follows:

  • the area of ​​​​the furnace should vary within 0.4 m 2;
  • furnace hole height - 52 cm, width - 78 cm;
  • the depth of the focus should be 34-35 cm.

The cross-sectional area and the height of the chimney are no less important values ​​that require a separate and especially careful calculation. A fireplace whose dimensions are calculated incorrectly can pose a real threat to human health and life, which lies in the possibility of combustion products and carbon monoxide entering the room. The optimal ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chimney and the fuel hole is considered to be 1/10, however, the standard size of the fireplace is not an axiom, since individual accurate calculation required in each individual case.

Sizing Wood Fireplaces

Fireplaces wood are designs at which all members of a family often and with pleasure gather during cold autumn and winter evenings. The sound of crackling firewood and the sight of dancing flames inevitably create a unique atmosphere of calm and comfort. Real brick fireplaces are not cheap pleasure, so many home craftsmen have a desire to do this work on their own. Of course, this lesson cannot be called simple, but if everything is done in accordance with the rules, then the result will certainly be positive.

The fireplace includes the following mandatory components:

  • firebox;
  • smoke chamber;
  • chimney.

The size of each element must have the necessary ratio with the dimensions of the heated room.

So, for example, the area of ​​​​the furnace hole in relation to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be 1:50. At the same time, the height and width are related as 2:3, and the depth and height of the firebox varies from 1:2 to 2:3.

The furnace area has the greatest influence on the size of the smoke hole. The required level of draft can be provided as follows: the area of ​​​​the furnace should be 8-15 times more area section of the chimney. However, if it is planned to install round pipe, then you can choose a smaller section than if the chimney was square or rectangular.

Material selection

Wood burning fireplaces are best built from red solid

The quality of this material can be checked by the following indicators:

  • the color should be uniform and thick;
  • a hammer blow on a brick should “return” with a clear and sonorous sound.

In addition, you will need:

  • sand, the grain of which should not exceed 1.5 mm;
  • Cambrian clay, and you can also use brown or dark red;
  • crushed stone - 3-6 mm;
  • Portland cement grade 300.

You also need to buy:

  • smoke damper;
  • fireplace screen;
  • grate.


Before you start building a home, you need to take care of a separate foundation. The depth of the pit should be 60 cm, and the width should be 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the future base.

The bottom should be covered with rubble and carefully tamped to maintain horizontality.

The installed formwork must be covered with broken bricks, stones or rubble, and then poured with thoroughly mixed cement mortar. The top of the foundation should be leveled and checked for horizontality. After 7 days, you can start building a fireplace.

Features of masonry fireplace

Before starting the construction of such a useful invention as a fireplace, the dimensions of which were determined by us earlier, waterproofing should be provided. This will require roofing material laid in 2 layers. Laying should start from the corners. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the level. To give designs original look, you can lay the bottom row on the edge, and all subsequent ones - flat. Outer solid rows require the use of a trowel or trowel. The smoke collector or firebox should be done manually, as this helps to detect small pebbles in the solution.

It is important to remember that when building a smoke box and a firebox, the fireplace stove requires removing excess solution with a damp cloth. We must not forget that the inner wall is not exposed to plastering. The seam must be thin, otherwise it can quickly crack. modern fireplaces need to dress the seams for half a brick in each row.

The lining of the firebox and the outer wall should not be connected, otherwise, due to frequent temperature changes, masonry damage may occur.

About modern fireplaces

Every person is pleased to hear the sound of crackling wood and feel the warmth of the flame. Similar feelings can be enjoyed not only in nature, but also in own house. Brick fireplaces are capable of making dreams come true. The main tasks of this equipment include not only the creation of comfort and coziness in the home, but also its heating.

Modern fireplaces can consume as fuel:

  • coal;
  • natural wood;
  • electrical energy.

There are many ready-made fireplaces on the market. The difference is open and closed types furnaces. In addition, a fireplace stove can have a closed combined heating system or an open one, where the type of furnace directly depends on the wishes of the buyer.

A modern fireplace is a versatile and practical design, which can be installed in any convenient place.

Fireplace as a design element

The fireplace is an excellent design solution that can emphasize general style rooms. For its design, modern, country or any other pleasing to the owner can be used.

Fireplace heating requires accessories such as a poker, tongs, an ash pan and a grate. True, modern society pays much more attention to the emotional and psychological role of this structure. That is why the fireplace is not recommended to be installed in a small room, at the door or in the aisle. Perfect option- comfortable chairs located in a spacious room, a special stand for equipment and a neat bench under your feet.

or rustic: unpretentiousness against the backdrop of modest charm

The etymology of the word "rustic" speaks of the most salient features of this style - deliberate "uncouthness", "roughness", stylization under rustic interior(in another way, this style is called country). The desire of our forefathers to bring an element of aesthetics into the arrangement of their primitive dwelling gave rise to this architectural direction, which subsequently began to develop so widely and comprehensively.

The country style is characterized by natural details, components and materials, emphatically “rough” processing and the open shape of the hearth. Most suitable materials are: shell rock, sandstone, tuff stone, etc.

About the exquisite excesses of the baroque fireplace

Born in Europe in the Middle Ages, it is a reflection of taste in Renaissance architecture. This direction is also appropriate in such a matter as the styles of fireplaces. It is distinguished by: the dynamism of the image, excessive splendor and luxury, a certain illusory form and lines, pomposity and decorativeness.

Modern style

Art Nouveau lovers will easily abandon most decor elements in favor of an unusual color experiment. This direction is characterized by: elongation, foam-like shape, a constructive combination of stone and metal parts, as well as the presence of ceramics or glass in the cladding. Adepts of style are unusual geometric shapes, restraint, conciseness, as well as unconventional Constructive decisions. As a worthy accompaniment to an Art Nouveau fireplace, you can highlight a large abstract or landscape painting, minimally decorated furniture, walls covered in asymmetrical lines and muted color schemes.

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