Are stretch ceilings installed before wallpapering or after? That first stretch ceiling or wallpaper should be glued - step by step instructions Stretch ceiling then wallpaper

During overhaul finishing work in an apartment usually includes a shift floor covering, wall and ceiling decoration.

With the repair of the floor, everything is clear, it is done in the first place.

But with the walls and ceiling, the question arises: what to glue the wallpaper first or stretch ceiling?

After all, each of these processes creates dust and dirt in the room, contributing to the contamination of the new coating.

To make the right decision, you need to carefully understand the order of each work, the relationship between them and the materials used.

Factors affecting the order of work

In this situation, experts will offer 2 options for exiting:

  • Pasting the walls after installing the stretch fabric;
  • Installing the stretch fabric after gluing the wallpaper and finishing all finishing works in the apartment.

Both options are correct, and correct execution works good specialists will give positive result. But in reality, each work can present its own difficulties.
It all depends on the conditions of repair and some factors:

  • Is installation provided? ceiling plinth;
  • What material are the walls made of?
  • Applied tension fabric with fastening system;
  • The quality of the lining, which will affect the frequency of its change;
  • The texture and color, selected under the stretch fabric.

The optimal solution to the issue of rough work

There is an optimal way out of the situation that has arisen, which includes joint rough work on the walls and ceiling.

The collaborative process consists of:

  • Removing old finishing materials;
  • antifungal composition;
  • Elimination of defects in the form of cracks, holes, etc.;
  • Surface leveling, plastering and puttying.
  • At the end of the surface preparation, the measurers simultaneously begin their duties: the installers measure their structure, the wallpaper stickers measure the walls.

The final draft work consists in attaching the baguette to the base, mounting metal structure, laying soundproofing.

Having completed everything draft processes after preparing the room, the team starts wallpapering. Glue the wallpaper after the surface has completely dried. All edges under the baguettes are cut off stationery knife before installing the tension web, so as not to accidentally damage it.

The glued walls are left to dry, after which the installers of the tensile structure begin their duties.

Their job is to install ceiling lighting fixtures and fastening the tension fabric to a pre-prepared structure.

This order of the joint process is also not ideal. It cannot be guaranteed that installers will not accidentally damage facing material. But such a sequence of performing all actions is optimal solution Problems.

Installation of canvases before decorating the walls

Priority installation of tension elements is beneficial when choice of pvc canvases. During stretching, the room and canvas need to be heated with a heat gun, which can adversely affect the glued wallpaper.

Elevated temperature contributes to the lagging of the joints from the walls, and some types can even be deformed.

If canvases of light colors, paper or fabric are chosen for, then it is better to stick them after installing the ceiling. The fact is that they are afraid of wet cleaning.

And you can't do without it. To fix the profile in the wall, you will have to drill holes, so dust pollution cannot be avoided. Red brick dust will especially stain.

Installation of a decorative plinth is more convenient to do with a stretched ceiling. It is mounted on a bare wall, since the canvas is too fragile, and the canvases “play” with different temperatures along with the plinth.

When gluing the skirting board, there is no risk of staining the strips with glue. The trimming of the edges of the sheet will be along the edge of the plinth, which ensures the safety of the canvas.

Before starting the repair, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of changing the wallpaper. If their frequent re-gluing is expected, then it is better to glue end-to-end to decorative plinth. They will be easy to remove from surfaces without damaging the tension web.

  • In this case, the order is:
  • Wall surface preparation;
  • Ceiling installation;
  • Installation of decorative plinth;
  • Base gluing.
  • Wallpapering before ceiling installation

Installing a ceiling in a room requires taking steps to keep them from getting dirty and damaged. The main enemy of damp wallpaper are drafts and a sharp change in climate. The room should dry for at least 5 days, after which it is advisable to close all the walls with a film.

Drilling surfaces for baguettes creates dust in the room, which will settle not only on the floor, but also on the walls. The use of a perforator with a vacuum cleaner will help reduce dust formation.

The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of removing wallpaper pressed with a baguette when re-gluing them. Actually it is not. They are easy to cut with a knife along the baguette and glue new ones end-to-end to it. Compliance simple rules and care when installing the ceiling will remain new decor on the walls.

Having studied all the pros and cons, we can say that the installation of the ceiling can do little harm to the walls pasted over with wallpaper. Basically, the installation of the ceiling is the final repair work.

And if the question arises, what is it first or a stretch ceiling, it is better to dwell on the priority gluing of the walls.

Useful video tips from experts:

But apart from the advice of the masters, the last word always remains with the owner of the apartment.

To achieve a high-quality result, you need to know many important nuances. For example, a lot of people ask the question: "Which is first: glue the wallpaper or stretch the ceiling?"

Why is this question raised at all, what to do earlier - because one process can negatively affect the second, or complicate the repair process.

Each specialist prefers to make repairs according to his own scheme, taking into account the general technological aspects. But not knowing the features of your home and previous repairs, he will not immediately say where he will start.

So what's done first:

  1. First option. It depends on the frequency of wallpapering. For example, if before that the wallpaper had not been re-glued for ten years or more, then until the PVC baguette was attached, you can glue the wallpaper, and after that the canvas will stretch over them. If the repair is done by masters, then they do not deform the wallpaper in any way, if you have experience in gluing and installing the ceiling, everything should also go smoothly.
  2. Second option. It concerns those who are accustomed to often glue wallpaper. Then the wallpaper needs to be glued from the bottom of the edge already along the edge of the stretch ceiling. That is, if you are going to stick new wallpapers on the wall, you can easily remove the old ones. Tension structures will not be affected when removing old wallpaper.

How to do it, decide, based on the opinion that the more often you prefer to glue the wallpaper, the more expedient it is to glue them after fixing the ceiling.

If you monitor the reviews on special forums, you can say that people are also looking at the circumstances accompanying the repair. For example, at first people stick ceiling plinths, often they do it with painting. After the gap that remains between the baseboards and the walls, they are sealed with putty. And only then the wallpaper is glued.

It turns out that during the subsequent repair, the old wallpaper is removed, after which new ones are glued. And ceiling plinths do not need to be installed, but you can simply repaint if they contrast with the new wallpaper.

Wallpaper or stretch ceiling: what first (video)

How to glue wallpaper with a stretch ceiling: process features

If you have already decided that first - a stretch ceiling or wallpaper - it's easier to work. By the way, there is another option, but workers rarely take it up, since it is more laborious, albeit reliable.

On the walls that are already prepared for wallpapering, you can mount a baguette of a tension structure. Then glue the wallpaper, and only then, in the last turn, stretch the canvas itself.

So, if you decide that you are stretching the ceiling after the wallpaper:

  • You may encounter such a problem - when a baguette is installed, a lot of holes are made in the wall, and this is not only extra dust, but also contamination of the new wallpaper;
  • Another problem is that when installing a PVC sheet, heating is required, and heating in the room seriously increases the risk of wallpaper peeling off;
  • The installation of the ceiling itself can damage the wallpaper if you do it. good masters, you will not encounter such a problem, but in principle it is possible.

But no one is stopping you from making smart moves. For example, a measurer comes to take measurements from a room where the walls are even. This is correct, because the accuracy of such measurements will be higher. To make the canvas itself, it takes about a week, and during this time the wallpaper will dry thoroughly and become more resistant to temperature effects.

Is it possible to stretch the ceiling after wallpapering: so after or before

Of course you can, if you take into account all the above points. And, for example, if you glue wallpaper for painting, you have no other option. You can do it differently, but there is a high risk of damaging the ceiling with the same paint.

By the way, if holes are made under the ceiling, or rather, a baguette, you can use the same puncher with a vacuum cleaner. This is not a solution to all problems, but this method minimizes some of the consequences.

Many are afraid of this method, thinking so - looking ahead, you can imagine what difficulties will arise when wallpapering. But cutting wallpaper is actually not at all difficult. And yet no one bothers you around the perimeter of the room to beat off the level of installation of the baguette. Then the wallpaper can be glued from it. And even if some differences are found, they can be hidden with a decor tape or an insert.

How to re-paste wallpaper with a stretch ceiling: are there any nuances

Whether you're gluing new wallpaper, or decide to paint the walls, you need to act according to one scenario.

Plan decorative design walls under a stretch ceiling:

  1. Remove first decorative insert that protects the junction of walls and stretch ceiling;
  2. Then glue the ceiling fields around the perimeter with masking tape so that the ceiling is not damaged during painting or pasting;
  3. Install a spatula and plastic of the required width to the lower edge of the canvas, and cut off the excess wallpaper part along the lower edge;
  4. Install the insert in place, already cut to size, when the stretch ceiling is installed.

Since in fact there is no restriction on the service of stretch ceilings, you will probably have to re-paste the wallpaper at least once, but you will have to.

Before gluing the wallpaper, remember the following steps in preparing the walls: remove the old finish, treat the walls with antifungal primer, repair all cracks and holes, putty and plaster the walls.

And the process of cutting wallpaper is not as scary as it seems, this is exactly what almost everyone who re-pastes wallpaper under a stretch ceiling does.

Therefore, the method, when the stretch ceiling is installed only after pasting the walls, is considered more preferable.

How to glue wallpaper under a stretch ceiling (video)

So, what comes first - a stretch ceiling or wallpaper? As always, the answer is somewhere in the middle, depending on the circumstances. In most cases, the wallpaper is glued first, the main thing is that the baguette is of high quality and the canvas can be stretched easily.

Good repair!

Quite often during modern renovation the question arises as to what comes first: a stretch ceiling or wallpaper. This question is quite relevant and controversial.

The answer to this depends on many factors. To understand this difficult problem, it is necessary to consider aspects of the arrangement of these surfaces. For their manufacture are used different materials and design solutions.

Based on the option of finishing the room, we can conclude how high the probability of damage to one coating is when installing another.

There are many various ways carrying out repairs.

Wallpaper first

Even the most expensive wallpaper is much cheaper than a PVC film ceiling made using high-tech equipment.

Despite the fact that stretch ceilings are quite durable, it is quite easy to accidentally damage them.

In favor of installing a PVC sheet after wallpapering, the following arguments can be made:

  1. The possibility of piercing or cutting an expensive film during wallpapering is practically eliminated, since the work involves the use of scissors, knives or spatulas.
    In addition, one should not exclude the possibility of damage to the film by sharp female fingernails during careless movement while gluing the wallpaper strip.
  2. Wallpapering involves the use of fairly high-quality glue, which can seriously damage the surface of the canvas.
    Under the influence of chemically active substances, the film may change color or lose its structure. Even the remaining stains can not always be washed off. This defect is especially clearly visible on a glossy surface.
  3. Painting wallpaper involves the inevitable splashes of paint.
    It is this method of wall decoration that is the most popular today. It is almost impossible to protect and wash the stretch ceiling from paint.
  4. The upper part of the wallpaper has the peculiarity of lagging behind the walls.
    Baguettes for a stretch ceiling will press the wallpaper tightly against the wall, making it impossible for the material to peel off. If it is necessary to replace the wall decoration, the material is easily trimmed. To do this, you must first remove the decorative masking tape from the baguettes. After that, the walls are finished.
  5. The wall is already pre-aligned for wallpaper.
    Carry out the installation of a stretch ceiling on flat surface much easier than on curved walls.

The main argument in favor of mounting the ceiling after all the finishing work is a full guarantee of its safety. If you glue the wallpaper first, then for pvc film you can be calm.

Wallpapering after stretch ceiling

This option is possible in cases where it was necessary to glue the wallpaper immediately after installing the stretch ceiling.

This is done after a flood or after buying a home in which the canvas is in satisfactory condition, and the wallpaper is hopelessly outdated. What can be done in this case?

  1. Carefully remove the decorative tape from the baguettes.
    This is done quite easily. It is enough to pry its end with a screwdriver in one of the joints. After that, it is easily pulled out of the technological opening of the baguette. This has a certain benefit - in the process of work it can be washed from dirt and grease that have accumulated after installation.
  2. Wallpaper is cut with a clerical knife.
    This should be done slowly, pressing the blade to the bottom of the baguette.
  3. Removing old wallpaper.
    You need to do this from below. The top will come off along with the stripe. If the material does not separate, then it must be moistened warm water- this is a PVC canvas, it will not hurt.

  4. There is a certain risk of splashing PVC film on it. This is quite easy to avoid if, during processing, a sheet of cardboard is closely attached to the baguette, covering the ceiling. Use masking tape undesirable - it can leave an indelible mark on the canvas. Clean up the ceiling adhesive base will be extremely difficult.
  5. Wallpapering is in progress.
    Better to use vinyl. To fix them, you need to lubricate only the walls with glue. This reduces the risk of staining the stretch ceiling.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account such a circumstance that when the web is tensioned heat gun heats up the room high temperature. This may adversely affect the wallpaper or adhesive.

If the installation of skirting boards with illumination is provided, then they need to be fixed only to the plaster. Wallpaper under their weight can peel off. Also, after drilling holes in the wall, a lot of dust accumulates on the new wallpaper, which is difficult to remove.

Step by step finishing

Many doubts associated with the dilemma - to equip the first wallpaper or stretch ceiling, can be avoided if these types of finishes are installed in stages. This method requires more time and money than the others, but it gives a guaranteed positive result.

It is done like this:

  1. The room is completely cleared of the old finishes.
    Surfaces are cleaned to the core.
  2. The walls are being levelled.
    This is done with the help of plaster, beacons, rules and a spatula. The resulting surface is polished. Its evenness is checked by the building level.
  3. The walls are treated with a deep penetration primer.
  4. Marking is applied for baguettes and plinth.
    They are being installed. This will avoid contamination of the wallpaper with dust from the perforator.
  5. Wallpaper is glued under the bottom edge of the baguette or plinth.
    Accuracy during this process is not required.
  6. Stretch ceiling is installed.
    If the glue has dried well, then no harm will be done to it.

The question of whether to glue the wallpaper before the installation of the tension structure or after is decided individually, based on the characteristics of each individual building.

Do you do repairs yourself or hire workers, but in any case, you will wonder about the sequence: stretch ceiling or wallpaper. First, we will analyze how the ceiling is mounted and what consequences this may have. We will also consider the production of materials, what components may be needed for installation.

Stretch ceiling

Before deciding what to start in the room being renovated: first, a stretch ceiling or wallpaper on the walls, let's look at what a stretch ceiling is? In simple words- this is the tension of the web made of PVC or fabric material. They are fixed with a profile made of metal or plastic to the wall. The design at the discretion of the customer can be complicated by creating different variations of the levels of drywall. The structure can be fixed to the ceiling, it will depend on the type of profile.


Wallpaper is a paper sheet twisted into a roll. The material can be one- or two-layer, also distinguish vinyl wallpapers, from acrylic or non-woven. It is no secret that the composition of the material affects the cost of the roll as a whole. If the base of the canvas is paper, then it is coated with glue, if non-woven, then the glue is applied to the wall.


Before starting work, you need to remember the following (regardless of the chosen sequence - stretch ceiling or wallpaper first): the first stage of the repair should be the preparation of the walls and the room as a whole. Release them from the old coating, whether it be paint, lime, remove, if any, greasy or dirty stains.

Do not expect that the ceiling design will cover all the shortcomings and you can leave everything as it is. It is unlikely that anyone will like what crumbles or falls off in pieces old finish on the stretch fabric. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the walls completely before installing anything.

If there is a need for puttying walls or ceilings, you can proceed, and then allow time to dry.

While you have not yet decided whether it is a stretch ceiling or wallpaper, first prepare the ceiling surface, do not ignore fungus or mold damage. These places need to be cleaned and lubricated. special tool against defeat. Immediately prepare the wiring and the future place for lamps or chandeliers. All wires should be put in a cable - channel or corrugated pipe. The basis for flooring - screed or self-leveling floor - must also be completed.

or wallpaper? Let's Ask a Professional First

Let's take a look different opinions. What will be the recommendations of builders when answering the question of what they do first: a stretch ceiling or wallpaper? You won't get a definitive answer. Because all wishes for the ceiling are taken into account, wall decoration has great importance. Therefore, it is necessary to plan repairs and carefully consider the design in advance. Of course, sticking wallpaper to the ceiling is easier. After all, it is not necessary to dock flush, and all the shortcomings will be closed by the design of the stretch fabric.

True, when mounting a profile for a canvas, dust will crumble. It is attached to the walls with a screwdriver and dowels at a short distance from each other. Therefore, just pasted wallpaper can be ruined in this way.

Ceiling installation

After the walls are prepared, that is, they are leveled and a primer is applied, you can proceed with the installation of the profile to which the ceiling will be attached. Specialists can cope with this task in a couple of hours. Then the next stage of installation begins, which consists of the following sequence:

At the end of the work, the surface is allowed to cool - about 3 hours. Room ventilation is allowed. Lastly, a so-called decorative plug is mounted between the material and the walls. It will close the gap. Now the question is not relevant: stretch ceiling or wallpaper, at first it would be logical to glue the wallpaper, and then complete the bar at the junction.

Mounting types

There is also a harpoon method - this is when a profile is already attached to the canvas, the manufacturer needs accurate data in order to complete the design as accurately as possible. After the manufacture of the floor, it is impossible to modify and adjust the size.

With a harpoonless design, you can adjust the size and simply cut off the excess part, but you need to do this very carefully so that the blade does not damage the canvas. This installation method is easier to handle even for a beginner.

If it is planned to cover the walls with drywall, then a mortgage is first installed in order to strengthen the profile.

If the ceiling small size, then for the stability of the structure, use a ceiling profile, otherwise it will not work.

Consider standard version ceiling without frills, in which case the canvas is stretched in its entirety and attached to the profile. Then, if you first install the ceiling, and then start gluing the wallpaper, then you can stain the canvas with glue, since the wallpaper needs to be pulled up as tightly and as high as possible. And this means that it is better to start working from the walls, and then move on to the top, that is, first the wallpaper, then the stretch ceiling.

Tiered ceiling

And if the ceiling is unusual, for example, in several tiers, or you want intricate then what to glue first: wallpaper or stretch ceiling? In this embodiment, the ceiling must be puttied, thereby damaging the walls pasted over with wallpaper. The conclusion suggests itself: you need to start repairs from the ceiling, and then move on to the walls, you can stretch the canvas itself at the very end of the repair.

Wallpaper after the ceiling

Do not be afraid of the work of a heat gun, nothing will happen to glued wallpaper.

First glue the wallpaper or make a stretch ceiling? If the ceilings are already stretched, but you want to update the walls and re-paste the wallpaper, then you need to do this very carefully. Wipe the adhesive off the ceiling immediately before it dries. If, nevertheless, the top is glued inaccurately, then it will be possible to close it with a cornice, although this is not the most good option, it’s better not to use it, but it’s worth taking note if you are doing repairs yourself. Polyurethane foam can be best suited, and they are much easier to install. Also, this method will be very useful if the ceiling is already mounted and you need to remove the old wallpaper.

Professionals say: start from the ceiling, and explain this with the following reasons:

  • The walls after installing the ceiling structure may crack from gravity, and if finishing already finished, all the work down the drain.
  • As already mentioned, after drilling holes in the wall, a sufficient amount of dust is formed, what about brick walls? It will undoubtedly spoil the look of the wallpaper.
  • When installing a canvas or profile, it is very difficult not to touch the walls. Traces of hands or additional equipment, which will be difficult to remove, can seriously damage the wall decoration around the entire perimeter.
  • It is possible that the high temperature from the heat gun can affect the wallpaper. Not to mention the glue used in the decoration. Therefore, you need to give a week for the walls to dry. So you can not be afraid that they will bubble or the wallpaper will begin to peel off.

As you can see, the answer to the question of what to glue first, wallpaper or stretch ceiling, depends entirely on what will be design decision embodied in your space. Builders still recommend starting from the ceiling. But in any case, you can make repairs neat, taking into account the advice of specialists.

Many homeowners who decide to make repairs are interested in the order of finishing work. Most often this applies to rooms in which it is planned to install a tension ceiling structure. In this regard, the question arises: “What is done first - a stretch ceiling or wallpaper?”

It is quite natural if the work is carried out by non-professionals: after all, when pasting the walls with wallpaper, you can inadvertently damage rather thin stretch fabrics, and if you decorate the walls first, then when installing the ceiling plinth, you can stain the new wallpaper.

Factors affecting the order of work

In such a situation, finishers offer two options:

  1. Pasting the walls with wallpaper after installing the stretch ceiling structure.
  2. Installation of the canvas after decorating the walls with wallpaper and completing all the finishing work in the apartment.

It should be recognized that both options will be correct. Provided that the work will be carried out by experienced specialists, they will give a positive result. But in reality, each stage of the design of the premises can create certain difficulties. It depends on a number of factors:

  • Is a ceiling plinth installed?
  • What material are the walls made of?
  • The quality of the tension fabric used and its fastening system.
  • The quality of draft work.

You can combine rough work on the ceiling and walls. After that, finishing is carried out.

Joint preparatory work

Such a process includes:

  • removal of old finishing materials (wallpaper, plaster or paint on the ceiling);
  • treatment of walls with antifungal primers;
  • elimination of cracks and other minor defects;
  • plaster and putty surfaces.

At the end of the preparatory work, the measurers begin their duties: the installers calculate the dimensions of the ceiling structure, and the wallpaper pasters measure the walls and calculate the amount necessary materials. Draft work is completed by attaching the baguette to the base, laying sound insulation, and installing a metal structure.

After completing the draft work, you can begin to glue the wallpaper, but after the walls are completely dry. The edges of the wallpaper under the baguettes are carefully cut with a sharp clerical knife before installing the stretch fabric to eliminate the risk of damage. Walls pasted over with wallpaper are left to dry completely. Only after that, the installers of the tensile structure take up the work.

Their responsibilities include the installation of lighting fixtures on the ceiling and the installation of a stretch fabric to a previously prepared structure. Although this work order is considered optimal by many finishers, there is no guarantee that installers will not inadvertently damage or stain the canvases.

First wallpaper, then stretch ceiling

Consider the first option, which is used quite often. When deciding what to do first - wallpaper on the walls or stretch ceiling, it should be noted that when gluing the first, the pre-mounted stretch ceiling may be contaminated different formulations(paint, glue, solvents). Some of them can leave indelible stains and spoil the texture of the canvas. Therefore, if you are planning to decorate the walls with wallpaper followed by painting, it is advisable to install the ceiling after wallpapering.

Disadvantages of this method and their elimination

The disadvantages (which, however, are easily eliminated) of this method include the following arguments:

  • When installing a ceiling molding, installers drill many holes in the wall for fasteners. This leads to pollution of the wallpaper. You can minimize damage by using a hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner. The effectiveness of this method is low, but it will remove some of the dust.
  • Installing a PVC sheet requires heating the room up to +60 °C. In some cases, this leads to peeling off the wallpaper. Most often this is due to the rush in which the repair work. Installation of a stretch ceiling using a heat gun according to technology should be carried out only after the wallpaper on the walls is completely dry. As a rule, canvases become immune to such treatment after six days after pasting at room temperature.
  • When deciding what first - wallpaper or stretch ceiling, you should consider what is usually practiced definite schema ordering tension structures: a measurer arrives, takes measurements from the room in which all preparatory work. It takes about a week to make the canvas, so the glued canvases have time to dry completely and become resistant to high temperatures. Therefore, it can be argued that the occurrence of such problems (with wallpaper peeling off) is associated with serious violations of pasting technology or with the use of low-quality materials.
  • Another disadvantage of the method of priority installation of the ceiling, some experts consider the difficulties that may arise if it is necessary to re-glue the canvases in the future, since they are pressed against the baguette. It should be noted that these difficulties are rather far-fetched: it is quite simple to trim the wallpaper. No one bothers to beat off the level at which the baguette is installed along the perimeter of the room, and glue the canvases, starting from it. Even with small differences, they are easily hidden with a decorating tape or insert.

ceiling to wallpaper

Finishers do not stop arguing: what comes first - they glue the wallpaper or install the stretch ceiling. If the method of priority installation of the ceiling structure is chosen, then it must be remembered that the preparation of the wall for wallpapering must in any case be carried out on preparatory stage. The thing is that when you install a baguette on uneven wall it will not be distinguished by beauty, and no decor will hide defects. The surface of the wall must be perfectly leveled and well puttied.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that, when first installing a stretch ceiling, the canvases on the walls can be protected from damage with a film, but it is unlikely that the ceiling can be closed, so the likelihood of damage or contamination is high.

The advantages of this method

Experts arguing about what to do first - wallpaper, and then a stretch ceiling, or vice versa, the advantages of this method include the following advantages:

  • Due to the fact that the thermal effect is carried out until the end of the finishing, the wall covering is preserved.
  • Easy to change wallpaper if needed.


Do not forget about the disadvantages of this method:

  • The material of the tensile structure is susceptible to dirt and damage. Given its cost and the fact that quite often it is not possible to clean the surface, it is necessary to think about the feasibility of using this technology.
  • After installing a decorative technological tape, it is quite difficult to trim the canvases without certain skills. IN best case you can damage the tape, and in the worst case, the canvas.

Step by step installation of ceilings

If you have not yet decided that at first - wallpaper or stretch ceiling are mounted - we suggest you pay attention to one more way. It is used quite rarely, since its implementation significantly increases costs, which is usually unprofitable for customers and contractors. But at the same time, this method guarantees excellent quality and minimization of all possible disadvantages previously described methods. It will be about phased installation ceilings.

A similar installation scheme is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Baguette installation.
  2. Wall papering.
  3. Ceiling sheet installation.

In this case, a number of disadvantages that accompany the described traditional technologies can be avoided:

  • The baguette lies on the prepared wall without gaps and cracks, completely even.
  • When attaching a baguette, the resulting dust does not harm the wallpaper.
  • Wallpapers are glued and even painted without the threat of damage and contamination of the ceiling canvas. In addition, the wallpaper is much easier to fit under the baguette, and small gaps are easily covered with decor.
  • When the surface of the walls is completely dry, it is covered protective film, which prevents damage and reduces exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, with a professional approach, the installation of the ceiling canvas can be performed without much concern.
  • Taking into account the fact that during installation fabric ceilings space heating is not required, then this method can be considered the best option, which in equally preserves the surface of both the ceiling and the walls. Therefore, when deciding what to install first - wallpaper or stretch ceiling, it is advisable to slightly increase the budget for repairs, but achieve excellent quality by reducing various risks.

Summing up

When choosing what to install first - wallpaper or stretch ceiling, weigh the pros and cons. As you can imagine, there is no clear answer to this question. The opinion of professionals largely depends on each specific case. If you have decided to serious renovation in an apartment, we recommend that you first of all choose not a sequence of works, but a team of professional performers who will choose best option. Different teams build their work in different ways: first they glue the wallpaper or make a stretch ceiling. This largely depends on the specific conditions and wishes of the customer.

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