How to equip a garage inside: layout, decoration, storage systems. Arrangement of a garage from A to Z: nuances and basic requirements Options for arranging housing in a standard garage

What is a garage for a man? This is not only a place to store a priceless treasure in the form of a car, but also the Most Holy of Holies. The garage should be especially versatile so that everything is at hand and you do not have to search through all the shelves in search of a wrench or screwdriver. This place should be in perfect order with the organization of places for each device and tool.

Women's and men's understanding of the order is somewhat different. If girls look more at aesthetics and are able to easily find the right thing among many others standing nearby, it is important for men universal application space. Keeping all things in the same place, so that, as they say, muscle or motor memory is accumulated and it is not necessary to look for a tool that is not in its place instead of fixing the car for half a day. Scientists argue that all this is due to the fact that men's vision is tuned to single objects and they call it "tunnel", while women have "panoramic" vision, which can capture all objects that fall into the field of view. Thus, among the many items, it is easier for ladies to find a specific item. Therefore, space optimization for a man is very important.

Of course, the owners of the car and the garage will not use such a space solely as a parking lot for their favorite car. Any car enthusiast will definitely have:

  • Spare parts and parts from the car are old or spare;
  • Liquids necessary for car maintenance;
  • Devices to improve the comfort and safety of the car;
  • Car shampoos, polishes, cleaners, waterless washes, air fresheners;
  • Battery charger, standard tool kit;
  • tires;
  • Welding machine;
  • Oil and water separators;
  • Equipped desktop or workbench.

There are circumstances when life forces you to determine a place in the garage for skis and bicycles. All this is quite possible if you immediately think over these options during the construction of the garage and allocate space for both household items and viewing hole, and even for the cellar.

Do not forget about the safety rules. Each garage must be equipped with a fire extinguisher, a shovel and a supply of sand. It’s also a good idea to equip a hygienic space by putting a clothes hanger and a washbasin.

Let's start to figure out how to equip the garage inside with your own hands? The first thing to do is to estimate the size and volume of the room. In the standard garages have dimensions of 3x6 with a height of 2 meters. Well, if it is possible to expand the garage at least a meter.

In order to approach the car from all sides and carry out full-fledged manipulations, it is necessary to allocate a distance between the racks and the workplace of one meter.

  • What things will not get into the garage, and will not be stored there under any circumstances;
  • Items that will be used with the maximum frequency;
  • Group sets with tools suitable for their intended purpose;
  • It will be determined what is multifunctional - equipment, tools;
  • Guess what the garage cleaning will be like;

Consider what the floor will be like. In order to make it easy to clean the garage with water from a hose, you need to make a self-leveling floor with an inclination towards the gate. Then the water will easily flow out along the slope and you will not have to spend a lot of time with a rag and mop, tearing out the floor surface. And also you need to make racks and a desktop on 15 centimeter legs. See how to equip a garage inside with your own hands photo.

To create a comfortable and organized place in the garage you need:

  • Shelves that can be placed on one or several walls;
  • Materials of steel tubes and strips for mounting on the wall railing for hanging tools and equipment;
  • Panel with holders for sets;
  • Galvanized net for hanging tools;
  • wall box for storing tools;
  • Compact drawers for small parts;
  • Wall hooks for large equipment;
  • Jars for storing screws, nails and other small things.
  • Hanging mesh metal containers for fertilizers and paint;
  • Tension cord for tubes and rails;
  • Hanging boxes of large diameter;
  • Plastic containers for ceiling storage;
  • Shelves for storing skis, garden tools, lumber that are used infrequently.

If you don’t really understand how it all should look, you can easily peep solutions in special stores for equipping a garage.

Every man dreams of his own workbench, and if the volume of the room freely allows you to place it, the dream is quite feasible. You can buy specialized desktops and do it yourself.

In this case, there are a number of rules that must be observed in any case:

  • Such a table should not be massive so as not to clutter up the space;
  • Should be universal in use;
  • The table should be stable, the weight is quite heavy;
  • The table needs a suitable height, in order to understand which one, calculate the distance from the floor to the middle of the palms;
  • The table must not come into contact with the system wall storage;
  • If the table is wooden material, it requires refractory impregnation;
  • Wooden table reinforced with a sheet of metal 5 millimeters thick;
  • A metal workbench is made from pipes or corners;
  • Holes on the table legs can add storage space under the table for drawers and shelves;
  • The table is divided into zones where a vice, emery and a drilling zone are equipped;
  • Take care of the sides of the table, they will protect small parts and tools from falling;
  • The table is not made deeper than the outstretched hand, so as not to make additional efforts in order to get something from the far edge;
  • The wiring must be neat, it is impossible for the wires to hang under your feet, the sockets are installed next to the table;
  • The desktop should be well lit. If this cannot be done with a natural light source, then additional lamps are needed;

When planning a garage, the space is calculated so that it is convenient to work with and without a car.

If you want to use the workbench for small jobs directly when repairing a car, you do not need huge tables, and you can get:

  • desktop with folding table horsebox;
  • Portable single workbench;
  • A mobile table on slats;
  • Wall folding work table.

If you use the workbench not only for car repairs, but also for other more extensive purposes, it is better to take the car outside, as abrasive dust, oil and dirt do not have a very good effect on the car and in the cabin itself.

Of course, when choosing what you can do on your own in the garage, shelving and shelves come to mind. Shelves are particularly distinguished by their strength and ability to withstand big weight. And also they are more mobile in use. Shelves are attached directly to the wall itself, and in fact, they are not as reliable as shelving. In this regard, racks are best suited for a garage, they can withstand heavy loads, especially if they are additionally attached to the wall.

For the manufacture of the frame of the rack, metal-roll or bars are needed, and the shelves are made of plywood, OSB. metal elements racks are treated with an anti-corrosion agent, and wooden ones with an antiseptic. They also use channels to reinforce multi-section racks.

Such racks can be divided by type:

  • Optimal for the garage stationary rack;
  • Mobile racks;
  • Suspended galvanized racks;
  • Purchased universal rack.

Racks should not sag under the load set on the shelves.

For storing screwdriver keys and similar hanging tools, it is best to make a wall stand or screw in screws. This will allow you to store these things with maximum density and not clutter up the space on your desktop, and the entire tool will be at hand.

Almost any car enthusiast has the skills and practice of servicing their car without visiting a service station. For such people, a viewing hole will be very useful. Such an arrangement is drawn up even when planning a garage and related documents. In order to “bring to mind” all this, it is necessary to know the depth ground water and further develop it.

The depth and width of the pit is determined by the height of the owner and the width of the car. If the width of the wheelbase of the car is 80 cm, then the depth will include 20 cm and the height of the owner. The length is based on the length of the machine plus one meter per free space. The pit is located exactly in the middle of the place where the car will constantly stand.

The walls of the pit and the floor are sealed with a rolled bituminous sealant, and the concrete is reinforced at the bottom. After the surface is concreted or bricked up, leaving small holes for tools. And also you need to install lamps and sockets, protected from moisture for the use of electrical equipment.

Wiring in this room should be carried out by a knowledgeable person, in no case do it yourself if you do not have the appropriate skills.

We need a cellar!

Just like a viewing hole, a cellar must be provided when you are just planning to build a garage. This can be done if the depth of groundwater allows you to make a recess of 3 meters. Very important:

  • Build a rainwater drainage system;
  • The perimeter of the cellar must be in the drainage;
  • The walls must be waterproofed;
  • There must be a crushed stone-sand cushion filled with bitumen, which rises along the walls by one meter;
  • Concrete floors;
  • brick walls;
  • The inner side of the walls must be sealed;
  • There must be ventilation;
  • If there is moisture in the cellar, you need to get rid of it;
  • There must be insulated walls and ceilings;
  • Underground shelters monolithic slabs, which in the future will become the floor of the garage. Don't forget to leave room for a hole;
  • The manhole is sealed with a hatch;
  • Interior finishing is being carried out;
  • The ladder is being installed.

The cellar is made very long and expensive, and its cost can be recouped only if it is really very necessary. For example, to save a huge amount of crop.

A garage is a home for a car, a repair shop, and an interest club. That is why the arrangement of the garage box should be thought out to the smallest detail. On a not very large area, it is necessary to place a lot of items so that, if necessary, everything is at hand.

It will help to cope with this task small instruction for building a garage. You do not need to have great skill skills, you just need to apply a maximum of imagination and a minimum of effort. But first, let's decide where to start.

garage design

The division of the garage space into zones is just as important as the distribution of free space in the apartment. If you correctly determine the purpose of each meter of the garage area, it will be quite simple to make a workplace arrangement. All that remains is to install convenient shelving and additional auxiliary elements.

The passage area is a free space. It is desirable to place a clothes hanger there. Everyday little things are in the easy access zone. Items that are in daily demand will be placed here.

Most importantly, they should be:

  • fire resistant;
  • durable;
  • resistant to various factors.

Moreover, the finishing material should be easy to clean and not absorb odors. Not all materials have these qualities.

Suitable building material:

  • plaster mixes. An ideal base, will hide all the bumps and defects of the walls.
  • Thin sheathing board (lining). It is used for both interior and exterior decoration.
  • Tile. Here you have to work hard, and the cost is not suitable for everyone. At the same time, ceramics is a profitable option. It is non-flammable, easy to clean and durable. If the walls of the garage are tiled, you can forget about repairs on long years. Decorating a garage

Planning the area of ​​​​the garage always makes you think. Especially those who keep order in everything. It will not be difficult to equip a garage with your own hands if you know some tricks in arranging work areas. It is always possible to allocate some space for the necessary tools.

DIY garage ideas are so diverse that you can discuss it for a long time.

If you are repairing your car yourself, then you just need a workbench. It can be made from wooden bars of the required parameters. But the countertop must be made of metal.

Great importance is attached to the location of shelves and racks. They are given the main place in the room. It is preferable to install such structures along the walls. The photo shows options for arranging a garage.

You can visually expand the space of the garage with the help of hanging shelves from metal mesh. There you can put old things that are still useful.

Inscriptions and original stickers will help you place all items by type.

small metal parts will always be in place if placed on magnetic tape.

Hanger hooks can be made from old wrenches. They will perfectly accommodate a rubber hose, or overalls.

Old plastic jars are great for storing nails, screws, and similar small items.

a point of pride and stylish decoration your modern garage box will become a distribution panel, like an organizer. To do this, it is necessary to fix a metal sheet with through notches on the wall and put hooks into the holes. From now on, all the tools and items that you use most often will always remain in sight.

Bicycles and other sports equipment always occupy a certain area. They can be hung on strong brackets. So you save square meters and achieve order in your small area.

Photos of the arrangement of the garage

The garage is necessary for the storage of vehicles. But if it is properly equipped, it can also become a storage for tools and inventory, a pantry, a workshop. In this article, we will talk about how to arrange a garage so that it becomes a comfortable multifunctional space with a stylish masculine design.

The process of interior arrangement of the garage space should begin with the development of the layout of the garage. This is necessary in order to properly distribute the available space. First of all, of course, you need to mark the place for the car. Then the location of the racks for storing all the necessary automotive inventory is determined. The rest of the space can be filled as you wish.

At the same stage, it is worth deciding on the color of the finish. It is better to make the walls light so that the garage does not seem too cramped. In addition, light shades of the interior will smooth out the shortcomings of the technical room. Against the background of light surfaces, shelves with tools and spare parts will look less messy.

Finishing materials

After drawing up a simple project, you need to decide on the finishing materials for the walls, floor and ceiling. This takes into account first of all specifications various finishes. But aesthetics are also taken into account, since the design of the garage is not the least important in its arrangement.

The main requirements for materials for interior decoration garage:

  • incombustibility;
  • non-toxicity;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • pollution resistance;
  • unpretentiousness in care.


The most economical option for wall decoration is plastering. High-quality applied plaster will last for many years. The main advantage of this option is the absolute Fire safety. Of the minuses, one can note the duration of the plastering process and the need to involve qualified specialists in the process.


Walls to be painted need to be primed and puttied. The result should be Smooth surface with good adhesion. Often facade water-based paints are used for interior decoration of the garage. They are resistant to moisture and highly resistant to abrasion.

Acrylic paints are often used, which are suitable for working with any base. Such paint can cover a plastered wall, a wall made of bricks or, for example, concrete. This is the most economical paint option for garage walls.

Experts recommend painting brick walls facade paints deep penetration. They evenly fill the pores ceramic wall and concrete joints. The result is a reliable protective and decorative coating.

If the wall is concrete, it is better to decorate it with acrylic paint based on organic resins. In this case, the room will not lose its ability to self-ventilate, and there will always be an optimal level of humidity in the garage.


Ceramic tiles are used for wall cladding in any premises with high humidity and temperature changes. It is reliable and durable material easy to clean and low maintenance. However, tiling is rarely used in garage decoration due to the rather high cost.


The garage can be trimmed with wooden or plastic clapboard. Wooden is highly flammable, but despite this, many motorists choose just such a cladding option for their garages. Here plays a huge role aesthetic appeal wooden panels, which make the technical room more comfortable for a long stay.

In addition to aesthetics, wooden lining is easy to use. You can easily hang a shelf or hanger on it. Therefore, the number of garages designed in this way does not decrease. It is good that at present the risk of ignition of wooden lining in the garage can (and should) be reduced with the help of special impregnations.

Plastic panels, despite the fact that they are mounted in the same way as wooden ones, represent a fundamentally different finishing option. Much less plastic combustible material. But he has another significant drawback - he is very fragile. In a garage with this finish, you cannot count on wall equipment, all racks should be only floor. In addition, plastic lining is very easy to mechanically damage.


The siding is mounted on the crate, just like the lining. For interior decoration of the garage, plastic or metal siding is used. Metal is better in several respects - it is fireproof, immune to aggressive cleaning compounds, resistant to temperature extremes and quite durable.

The functions of finishing the garage inside are the design and protection of the walls. Choosing a material option for interior design you need to remember that it must be durable, reliable and aesthetic.

Ceiling finish

The ceiling is often finished with the same material as the walls. It can be painted, covered with plaster, sheathed with siding or clapboard. And you can apply a different type of material and make a ceiling of plasterboard or profiled sheet.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most - from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".


The floor in the garage carries a huge load. In addition to the car itself, it must withstand heavy equipment. Meanwhile, in the process repair work the floor is subjected to serious mechanical stress. Therefore, very high demands are placed on the floor covering.


The most widely used option is concrete pouring. High-strength concrete grades are used for concrete screed. Often the screed becomes the basis for laying one or another decorative material. But in a technical garage room, just a concrete floor looks quite logical.


Hardwood floors can be installed in the garage as a temporary, economical covering. The tree does not have a high resistance to abrasion, so it quickly loses its original characteristics. wooden boards not only deform under the weight of the car and heavy equipment, but also absorb all kinds of automotive fluids, which are often spilled in the garage. But in a small garage that is not intended for repair work, a wooden floor can last for a long time - about 5 years.

self-leveling floor

Self-leveling floor cement base has characteristics similar to those of a concrete screed. But bulk mixtures more moisture resistant than concrete, besides they do not absorb dirt. They are generally very attractive technical indicators. As a minus, one can high cost this type of coverage. The self-leveling floor looks like wet concrete, and car owners who are annoyed by the glossy sheen of the floor cover it with additional decorative material.

Porcelain stoneware

The floor of the garage can be laid out with special technical ceramics with increased strength and anti-slip surface. This option is quite practical. At the same time, it provides attractive design room, as it exists in various color options. But the ceramic coating can crack and split, and the seams between the tiles absorb fuels and lubricants.

Choice floor covering is carried out taking into account many factors, such as the size of the budget allocated for the arrangement of the garage, the amount of work that will be performed in the garage, the aesthetic preferences of the car owner, etc. Experts recommend using bulk materials, as they are more suitable than others operational features garage space.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of project development and installation of garages and other turnkey small forms. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


Gates perform a special function in the garage. It is necessary to choose the best option for the gate, which will fully meet the technical and aesthetic requirements of the owner.


The simplest design garage doors. Swing cloths are made from durable metal and reinforced with a reliable frame. In one of the wings, a doorway is usually made so that you can enter or exit the garage without opening the gate completely.


The retractable mechanism is very convenient. With it, the door leaf moves to the side along the fence or wall of the building adjacent to the garage. This option is usually used in the arrangement of garage buildings located at the entrance to the site.


They are single-leaf structures that rise up to the ceiling of the garage. A good option for small garage spaces. But the lifting line of such gates must be taken into account when considering the arrangement of the garage inside so that they do not touch the lamps or ceiling trim.


They work on the principle of lifting, but when opened they are divided into sections and folded under the ceiling. They move along the guides with the help of a spring mechanism.

Roller shutters

Convenient and inexpensive option gate, which in the open position are folded into a box above the opening. Roller blinds are installed in those garages that are located in a protected area, since this species The gate is easy to break.


Must have in the garage good system ventilated. Otherwise, unpleasant car odors will accumulate in it. The easiest and most rational way to arrange ventilation is to make two ventilation holes on both sides of entrance gate at a low altitude, and two more on opposite wall high above the ceiling.


Artificial lighting should provide enough light for repair work. Particularly well lit work zone premises. Modern design ideas for a garage, multi-level lighting is required, including overhead light, side light, and a set of portable lighting fixtures.

Storage system

In the garage, you need to store a lot of items with which car care is carried out. All this inventory should be arranged so that the room is kept in order, and that nothing threatens the safety of the car and people in the garage.

The best option for organizing the storage of garage accessories is the installation of special ready-made racks. Today you can buy racks of various sizes and configurations. The main thing is to first think over what kind of storage system should be in terms of size and number of shelves.

Instead of shelving, you can make a storage system from a set of shelves mounted on the wall. This option is only suitable for garages with reliable, durable walls with appropriate finishes. When installing shelves or racks, remember that there must be a distance of at least 1 meter from them to the car.

Video description

Shelves and racks in the interior of the garage

You can add storage perforated panels. Such garage equipment is wall-mounted shields with hooks and mounts for tools, work clothes, hoses, ropes and more. If you fix the panel on a reliable bracket, it will become great solution storage for tires, wheels and bicycles.

Video description

Perforated Garage Panel

viewing hole

The inspection hole does not have to be in the garage. If the car owner prefers to independently inspect and repair his car, he can use a flyover installed on the street for this. If it is decided to make a viewing hole, several important conditions must be taken into account:

  • the floor and walls of the pit must be concreted;
  • its edges need to be reinforced with metal corners;
  • for a convenient location of tools, it is advisable to equip shelf niches in the walls of the pit;
  • the walls of the pit should be insulated with expanded polystyrene plates;
  • the pit must be covered with a lid, the upper edge of which should be flush with the floor;
  • to collect water that has fallen into the pit, a drainage hole should be made in its corner, and covered with a grate;
  • lamps must be installed in the pit.

Video description

Options for inspection pits in garages


Like any technical room, the garage must be equipped in accordance with all norms and requirements. At the same time, it may well be interesting and attractive in design.

Almost every motorist has his own garage, where he often spends the whole weekend. The convenience of performing work, as well as their success, largely depends on the situation in the garage. How much free space, is there enough lighting, is there necessary equipment All this and much more must be taken into account. Arranging a garage with your own hands is a difficult and multifaceted process that will require some knowledge and skills from you. We will tell you how to equip a garage inside with your own hands and what is needed for this.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the main zones in the project. Having correctly distributed working space, you can easily navigate your garage and find all the things you need without any problems. If you plan to build a building from scratch, the best option is to create a two-level system. The workshop is on the upper level, while the pit and cellar are on the lower level.

If you already own a garage, then doing a complete remodel can be difficult and quite expensive. But that doesn't mean that nothing can be done. Designing the interior of a garage is a truly important undertaking that should never be neglected. We recommend that you complete the arrangement based on the following instructions:

  1. Do a good cleaning. Remove all unnecessary rubbish, free up the working space as much as possible in order to subsequently evaluate the available area.
  2. Draw a small sketch according to the dimensions of your garage. Place all the necessary shelves, racks, work machines and other objects on it. This must be done so that all of them do not interfere with your work with the car.
  3. Also, according to the plan, the width of the aisles should be calculated. A small amount of free space will only create problems in vehicle maintenance.
  4. Choose a gate that will not create obstacles for the car at the time of entry.

These few simple steps will help you get started building your own garage.

Choosing materials for arranging a garage

Once you have a preliminary design, it's time to start bringing it to life. It’s worth starting with the selection of materials, because the quality and security of the entire building depends on them. When choosing materials, you should certainly be guided not by their appearance, but directly by functionality.

A garage is not a living room or a hotel, so strive for a certain exquisite interior not worth it. When choosing materials, you should pay attention to several key features. Purchased products must meet the following requirements:

  • safety for the user and the environment;
  • incombustibility;
  • resistance to corrosion and adverse weather conditions;
  • high strength and wear resistance;
  • unpretentiousness in care.

Pay special attention to the ceiling and flooring. On the ceiling, you can provide for the presence of a variety of shelves for storing things. It also needs to be insulated with a layer of thermal insulation so that in cold weather it does not freeze in the garage. However, too thick a layer can lead to condensation.

The floor in the garage also plays an important role. It is on him that all loads will fall: the weight of the car and all equipment located in the room. There will always be enough water, dirt or melted snow on the floor in winter period. And during repair work, it is not uncommon for oil or other working fluid to drip onto the coating. For these reasons, the floor must be resistant to corrosion, various chemicals while being easy to clean up. by the most simple solution is a concrete floor.

High-quality ventilation and lighting is the key to fruitful work

Working in a garage is impossible without effective ventilation and good lighting. The garage is a closed space. Impenetrable walls will be located on three sides of you, so all the dust and dirt that will be in the air will remain in the room even with the gates open.

In order to effectively remove it and ventilate the garage, it is necessary to establish a ventilation system. If your garage has special air vents, check to see if they are clogged. You can additionally create ventilation holes at the top or bottom. If you have a basement, be sure to mount the duct to the street and to the inside of the room. If the back wall of the garage is free, then you can create an outlet in it from above.

In rooms with a large area, these solutions may not be enough. Then you should take care of special fans that will circulate the air. This will avoid gas pollution in the room, as well as get rid of unpleasant odors.

Now let's talk about lighting in more detail. Daylight - perfect option, therefore, if possible, it is recommended to provide a small window (or several) in the design of the garage. However, this option is far from possible in every room, especially if you have a garage in a cooperative. Then there is only one way out - artificial lighting.

You should provide lamps in the following places:

  • directly on the ceiling (general lighting);
  • additional lamp above the hood;
  • when and working equipment (place a few light bulbs above us);
  • in the cellar and viewing hole.

But even this set may not be enough. Then you should equip the garage with several outlets in convenient places to easily connect portable portable lamps or carrying. High-quality lighting will simplify all work, while preserving your vision, as in dark room you will have to constantly strain your eyes to find the necessary items.

How to equip a garage inside with your own hands

It's time to move on to interior arrangement garage. What is included? These are a variety of shelves, racks and stands, as well as a number of specialized equipment. The order in the workshop will allow you to quickly and easily find any tool and parts. In many ways, objects for storing things allow this to be achieved. This includes:

  • Racks - special metal or plastic structures, which are multilevel open cabinet without doors and with many shelves. Pay attention to the distance between the shelves and their width. Racks allow you to compactly store virtually any thing.
  • Garage shelves are hinged structures, which are attached to the wall using mounting elements (screws, self-tapping screws, etc.). The main advantage is that they are more compact than shelving, while they can be made by hand. Can also be made. Make special shelves with holes into which a variety of keys, screwdrivers and other tools will be inserted.
  • Special shields. These are also hinged products, which in their design have several hooks. They can hang work clothes, hats, garden tools or any other object that can be hooked.

One of the most popular questions is how to install racks and shelves? Racks are recommended to be installed along the walls so that they do not interfere with movement around the garage and are always available. Shelves can be hung virtually anywhere. The most compact will be the corner shelves. For rarely used things, you can place shelves under the ceiling. Here you need to make sure that they are strong so that all things do not fall on your head or on the car.

A separate option is specialized. She is somewhat reminiscent of the usual kitchen furniture: there is a table with numerous drawers, hanging compartments, a variety of pencil cases and cabinets. This is the most expensive, but at the same time practical option. Such a kit will allow you to easily compactly place any things in your garage, from tools to large-sized objects.

Garage equipment: there must be order!

Order must be in absolutely everything, that is, not only in tools, but also in equipment. Many have a compressor in the garage, welding machine or washing machine. These products are in most cases not used daily, so it is better to create a special compartment for them, which can always be quickly accessed. Thus, you will free up some space in the garage, but at the same time desired device will always be at your fingertips.

If you are allowed cash, provide a water supply system and the presence of a washbasin. After a long repair, your hands will be in oil, fuel oil and dirt. Washing them in a bucket or watering them from a bottle is not the most practical and convenient option, so access to water is topical issue in the arrangement of the garage. In addition, you can always perform wet cleaning, as well as wash the car.

Finishing the interior space is an important step in arranging the garage!

To the choice finishing materials should be taken seriously, because they are responsible for the quality and appearance the interior of the room. The walls are recommended to be plastered or tiled with high quality. The ceiling can be made of sheets of drywall, metal, or simply plastered. These options are easy to install and durable.

It is recommended to make floors with a slight slope, and also provide for drain holes for water. This solution will save you valuable time cleaning the garage, as all the water and dirt can be quickly washed away in drainage system. If you plan to make a cellar, its floor must be poured with concrete, and the walls, as a rule, are made of brick.

Take care of the comfort in your garage. If space permits, set up a small table and chair. You can always make some drawings or drawings on it, as well as have a snack during the day. You can design a special folding table. Its tabletop with legs is attached to the wall with hooks. Unhooking them, you lay out the entire structure.

Be sure to mount the socket and compact stand for the radio or small TV. Many drivers like to work to the background of music or some kind of television program. In addition, on such a shelf you can always recharge your mobile phone.

Are a viewing hole and a basement required?

If you are an experienced auto mechanic, then most repairs can be done in the garage. However, having the tool does not guarantee success. An important component in the garage. It allows you to get to the car units located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bottom of the car. Many car owners are interested in how to properly equip a viewing hole?

The arrangement of the viewing hole should begin with the growth of the driver. So that you do not bang your head, while being able to reach all the parts in the lower part of the car. The depth of the viewing hole should be 10 centimeters more than your height. It is desirable to strengthen the edges of the pit with something (metal corners or the like). This will prevent sprinkling and subsequent destruction.

Place a couple of lamps in the hole. Be sure to provide several small niches in the side walls. You can put tools or small parts of the car that you removed in them. Thanks to these niches, everything you need will not lie on the floor or outside the viewing hole, but at your fingertips.

Additional amenities will be the presence of a convenient descent (or steps), as well as a direct cover for the pit. These can be ordinary boards of the appropriate width. Thanks to this solution, you will not accidentally drop the tool into the pit and will not fall yourself.

The cellar is very useful. It can store canned food, potatoes or other things. When arranging a cellar, it is necessary to provide for the presence ventilation holes and lighting. Also, be sure to make a convenient descent, since without it it will be extremely problematic to move things into the cellar.

If you are going to create an inspection pit or basement from scratch, then you should pay attention to one very important criterion - the groundwater level must be below the level of the floor of the pit or cellar. The walls of the cellar must be made of solid and durable materials. You can use foam blocks or concrete grade M400.

Clutter in the garage greatly complicates the care of the car. Therefore, the correct arrangement of this room with your own hands is a guarantee Have a good mood and convenience of any kind of work.

As a basis, you can take the most successful examples garage improvement. At the same time, you should not “reinvent the wheel”: all best options have long been conceived and implemented. It remains only to learn about them and redesign to fit your needs.

The arrangement of the garage should be primarily aimed at functionality.

For most car owners, the garage simultaneously performs several functions:

  • is a place for storing what is not needed or does not fit in the apartment;
  • workshop;
  • a place of rest from everyday worries.

Therefore, the garage must have three functional areas:

  • for auto;
  • mini warehouse;
  • tools.

If the owner plans to occasionally spend the night or live in the garage for a while, a bed will be required. Practical motorists must include it in the list of necessary functional areas and subsequently repeatedly thank themselves for foresight. A comfortable sleeping place can be built even in the smallest garage. The ways to implement this task are described below.

When planning the location and size of functional areas, it is recommended to focus on proven rules.

  1. The distance from the car to any element of the arrangement (shelves, racks, drawers, tables) must be at least 1 meter. Otherwise, maintenance of the machine will be difficult.
  2. When building an inspection pit, it is advisable to lay a thin metal pipe in order to subsequently hold a wire in it and install a socket on the wall.
  3. If there is no running water, provide a place for a washbasin and storage of water supplies.
  4. An electric kettle and a small electric stove will help out in situations where you have to stay in the garage for a long time.
  5. It is advisable to hide the electric meter in a metal shield, which will prevent damage to the device by accidental impact.
  6. In order to save space, it is recommended to install high racks or make a system of hanging shelves from floor to ceiling. In order to make it convenient to get things, buy a ladder.
  7. Outside the garage, you can dig a septic tank and bring an indoor drain system to it. This will help get rid of puddles when washing the car.
  8. At the planning stage, the dimensions of large-sized equipment are measured and determined with the geometric parameters of shelves, racks and aisles.
  9. It is necessary to draw up a drawing or sketch a sketch of the arrangement of the garage.

On a note! Tired of work, you can get distracted and relax by throwing darts at the target. The same can be done by someone who is bored while waiting for the completion of your affairs, a child or a friend.

Tips for arranging a small garage

One of the most convenient arrangement options small garage is as follows:

  • the car is set so that the front bumper is at a distance of 30-40 cm from rear wall premises;
  • from the left and right sides of the car they retreat towards the corners of the room by 50 cm and mark these points on the wall;
  • using a bubble level, draw vertical lines through them from floor to ceiling.

This is how the most convenient width of shelving for small garages is determined. These structures (racks) can be connected by several shelves installed under the ceiling of the room. Thus, a compact, but very roomy storage system for things and tools is obtained.

Interior decoration

Plastic panels are one of the most suitable options garage interior decoration

There are flammable liquids in the garage, dirt and stains from fuels and lubricants often appear. Welding and other work is carried out during which sparks are formed.

In this regard, materials for interior decoration must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Be moisture resistant.
  2. Easy to wash.
  3. Durable.
  4. Fire resistant.
  5. Resistant to aggressive environments.

All these properties to some extent possess:

  • porcelain stoneware or durable tiles;
  • plaster;
  • lining;
  • profiled sheet

Choose from them the most advantageous in terms of price and other parameters and equip the room to your taste. In such a garage will always be clean and comfortable.

Methods for arranging the entrance to the garage

The importance of arranging the entrance to the garage cannot be underestimated.

Proper arrangement of the entrance to the garage requires the solution of two problems:

  • ensuring maximum convenience of overcoming the threshold of the gate;
  • ramp installation.

Standard Threshold swing gate has a height of 2.5 cm, as it is made of a profile with a section of 50x25 mm. The car easily overcomes this obstacle. But such a threshold has many "cons".

There must be a technological gap of 10 mm between the sashes and the frame. Since the threshold is located in close proximity to the ground level, water can flow into the gap and snow can fall.

Solutions to the problem:

  1. If the door frame is installed on the ground, it is necessary to order its production from a profile with a section of 50x50 mm.
  2. When installing the frame on the foundation, the threshold is significantly raised above the ground level. In this case, it is recommended to use metal ladders.

Ramp device options

The entrance to the garage can be made horizontal or lined up on a slope. The second method is more advantageous because it allows you to compensate for the height of the threshold. But the construction of a sloping ramp is more difficult to install and more expensive to financially. However, no matter which option is chosen for the check-in device, pavement must meet several requirements:

  1. Be moisture resistant.
  2. Durable.
  3. durable.
  4. Able to withstand heavy weight loads.

Several building materials have relevant characteristics:

  • concrete;
  • asphalt;
  • paving slabs.

Therefore, the choice of methods for constructing a reliable and durable ramp is small. For the installation of a temporary check-in, other materials are used:

  • wood (railway sleepers, timber, boards);
  • sheet metal;
  • make gravel or crushed stone dumping.

On a note! When concreting the entrance to the garage, you can make an imitation of laying paving slabs. To do this, it is necessary to weld a template from metal plates, consisting of several identical rectangular contours. With the help of this device, prints are made on raw concrete, creating a “pattern” of paving slabs.

Ways to build a basement in a garage

The basement is a real lifesaver for garage owners

The basement in the garage is not an essential room, but it always helps the car owner. The basement can perform several tasks:

  • be one of the functional areas (mini-warehouse, storage place for large tools, workshop);
  • serve as a grave.

The main problem in the basement arrangement is the elimination of dampness. Forced or natural ventilation premises below ground level is not always effective. It can solve the problem of dampness only in the case of building a garage on a hill or the presence of sandy soil or sandy loam on the site. In all other cases, high-quality waterproofing is required.

It is important! Experienced Builders recommend to use reliable way cutting off basement walls from ground moisture. It consists in digging a trench around the pit. The walls of the ditch are covered with overlapped sheets of dense polyethylene, after which the trench is covered and tamped with the previously excavated soil. Thus, a favorable microclimate and the absence of dampness are ensured in the lower room of the garage.

Basement walls are strengthened in several ways:

  • concrete, constructing formwork;
  • sheathed with boards;
  • laid out with bricks.

There are several ways to arrange the floor in the basement:

  1. Set aside earthen or form an adobe layer.
  2. They make backfilling from gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay.
  3. Concrete.
  4. Lined with bricks.
  5. Mounted on logs sheathed with larch boards. This wood has a high degree of moisture resistance and is not subject to decay. Between the boards leave gaps 5-10 mm wide to ensure ventilation.

It is important! It is not recommended to drill basement walls in order to hang shelves or any equipment. This can weaken the structure and allow access to water. In the basement, you need to install floor metal or wooden racks.

Particular attention is paid to the device of the upper floor, since it serves as the floor of the garage, and the car will be on it.

  • installation of a reinforced concrete slab;
  • laying I-beams with filling the space between them with concrete blocks.

In the basement, forced or natural ventilation must be arranged. The first differs from the second in the presence of an exhaust device (fan) in one of the pipes.

Cellar arrangement

It is advisable to make the cellar below the basement - so that the temperature for storing salting is optimal

All recommendations regarding waterproofing and installation of walls and ceilings of the basement fully apply to the cellar. These rooms differ only in purpose. The cellar may be on the same level with the basement or below it. The second option is preferable, as it provides a lower temperature in the food storage area.

The walls and ceiling of the cellar are pasted over with foam, creating the effect of thermal insulation. Thus, temperature stability is achieved, which is important for long-term storage of food. Styrofoam prevents freezing of concrete in the cold season. In the absence of insulation, condensation forms on the ceiling, leading to waterlogging of the air and dampness of walls and ceilings.

It is advisable to make a chest for vegetables wooden, since wood is the most favorable, “breathing” material. Shelves for preservatives and bags of bulk products can be metal. Lighting is necessary in the cellar, therefore, electrical wiring is being installed.

What to do with a viewing hole

A garage without a viewing hole is not a garage

A viewing hole is an indispensable attribute of the garage. She is a reliable assistant to the car owner, who often spends a long time in it. Above viewing hole put the most expensive property in this room - a car.

All this determines the requirements for the pit:

  1. Dryness, excluding the formation of rust on the bottom of the machine.
  2. Moisture resistance of walls and bottom.
  3. Availability of lighting.
  4. The length of the pit should be 50-100 cm longer than the length of the car.
  5. The optimal width is 70-80 cm.
  6. Descent and ascent must be safe. To do this, a reliable staircase is installed near one of the walls.

When a car enters the garage, the floor can withstand significant weight loads. As a result, there is pressure on the walls of the inspection pit, which are most often made “in half a brick” or concreted. For this reason, the car owner may encounter such a nuisance as the collapse of the walls towards the middle of the recess.

There are two ways to avoid this problem:

  1. The device of the partition between the walls.
  2. Mounting the cover, bursting the wall.

The first option is inconvenient in that it slightly complicates the movement of a person inside the viewing hole. But it is easier and more profitable than mounting the cover.

The inner space of the recess is made out in any convenient way:

  • leave "naked" concrete;
  • plaster;
  • whitened with water emulsion;
  • color.

Workshop arrangement

You will always want to return to such a workshop.

In the garage there is always a large number of the most different instruments. They are placed on hinged shelves or racks. The car owner is also helped out by storage systems for small items - organizers, consisting of many small drawers.

Shop metal racks are inconvenient with a small width of the shelves, which is 80-100 cm. This is not enough to accommodate a large tool. Therefore, most garage owners build shelving on their own.

Several types of materials are suitable for this purpose:

  • metal pipes and corners;
  • sheet metal;
  • boards;
  • wooden bars.

On a note! Racks can be stationary or mobile. Regardless of this, the bottom shelf should be at a distance of 20-25 cm from the floor. In this case, there will be no difficulties with cleaning the premises.

The workshop needs a table. It is reasonable to install it in the immediate vicinity of the tool storage area. The table must be stable and as strong as possible. It is recommended to make several drawers and shelves. Cabinets and hooks are attached to the adjacent walls.

An important point in the arrangement of the workshop is gluing labels on each drawer and locker. This will help maintain order and make it easier to find tools and materials. The labels indicate a list of what is in the cabinet or drawer.

How to convert a garage into a living space

Not a garage, but a complete home!

A residential garage is beneficial in all respects, as it is possible to spend time in it with the greatest comfort. But the requirements for such a room are special. First of all, you need to take care of the arrangement of the groundwater drainage system from the walls and floor of the garage.

For this purpose, wall or ring drainage is made. In the first case, perforated pipes are laid at a distance of 50-60 cm from the building, in the second - along the perimeter of the site where it is located. Water is discharged into a septic tank, a storm drain, into the nearest body of water.


Walls and floors are insulated with a 5-20 cm layer of insulation. It can be mineral wool boards or rolls, foam. The way to complete the task depends on the material from which the garage is built. If it is a frame type, the insulation is laid between the posts and sheathed the internal and external walls of the OSB.

For rooms made of brick, concrete, foam and gas blocks, they construct drywall constructions, the basis of which is a frame made of metal profiles. In this case, the insulation is laid between the vertical posts and their plasterboard is sewn up.

Network engineering

In a residential garage, life support systems are needed:

  • circuit;
  • water pipes;
  • sewerage;
  • ventilation;
  • heating.

Each of them can be installed different ways and from different materials. The best option is to connect the water supply and sewerage to centralized networks, but there is not always a chance to implement this method. Therefore, most often for a sewerage device they construct autonomous septic tank, and water intake is carried out from a well or using storage tanks.

Interior arrangement of a residential garage

Everything you need is at your fingertips

In inner space residential garage should be:

  • place for cooking;
  • bathroom;
  • bath or shower;
  • sleeping area.

If the room is small, you can save space by building a canopy under the ceiling. They arrange a bed on it, install a TV or a music center. Thus, they make a kind of second floor, the height of which is only enough to accommodate a bed and small-sized equipment.

For small residential garages, this method of device is also suitable. bed, How folding shelf. Its design can correspond to railway analogues or is developed independently.

Ways to minimize the cost of arranging a garage

You can minimize the cost of arranging a garage with the independent manufacture of shelving and shelves, storage systems. Help to reduce costs and advice from experienced car owners:

  1. Space heating and cooling can be done with the same device: an air conditioner.
  2. Refuse to buy a fan for a forced ventilation device will help correct installation natural. For this purpose, one pipe built into the wall is placed at a distance of 20-30 cm above the floor, and the second - on the opposite wall at a distance of 30-40 cm from the ceiling.
  3. The best insulation for walls and ceilings is foam. Unlike mineral wool, it does not absorb moisture and does not lose its thermal insulation properties.
  4. The most inexpensive way of interior decoration is plastering, followed by whitewashing with a water-based emulsion.
  5. For wall cladding, you can do it yourself plaster tiles with a "brick-like" or "natural stone" surface.
  6. Instead of expensive store storage systems with many drawers, you can sew (or order at the studio) canvases with numerous pockets.

Video: Examples of arranging a garage

If you follow the suggested recommendations, you can make the garage as comfortable as possible for work and pastime. It is important to take your time and carefully consider the location of each element of the arrangement. This will allow for many years not to make rearrangements and redevelopments.

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