How to clad a fireplace. Finishing the fireplace with decorative stone, gypsum tiles and other materials. Marble and exterior cladding

The fireplace is not only a source of heat, but also important element room design. The shape and decoration of the portal largely determine the overall style of the room, so the design of the hearth is given Special attention. You can give the fireplace visual appeal different ways using a variety of natural and artificial finishing materials.

Tiling a fireplace

One of the most popular ways to design a fireplace is tiling. For finishing, a material with high thermal conductivity is used, for example, porcelain stoneware or clinker tiles.

Decorating the hearth with decorative tiles has the following advantages:

  • a wide range of shades and textures of the material;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • It does not require special care;
  • the ability to create compositions in different styles;
  • ease of installation.

Important! For laying tiles, you must use a special heat-resistant adhesive. Facing the fireplace is best done with smaller tiles - the likelihood of cracking the finished coating will be significantly reduced

The sequence of decorating the hearth with ceramic tiles:

Furnace tiling technology: video

Finishing the fireplace with tiles: photo

The use of bricks for finishing the stove and fireplace

Beautiful and neat brickwork can not be hidden under additional decoration. It is enough to make the color of the material more expressive and perform the stitching:

  1. Laying a fireplace to introduce a "waste" - with outer side leave about 5-7 mm of unfilled space with mortar.
  2. After the solution dries, fill the voids formed with decorative grout.
  3. If necessary, grind the brick and chamfer the edges.

To give the masonry brightness, the surface of the fireplace can be treated with hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid solution.

The work of finishing the portal with bricks requires high qualifications from the master. Not every experienced stove-maker is ready to undertake such a cladding. The choice of design for a brick hearth is quite limited - it can be a rustic direction of the interior or an "antique" style.

Portal decoration with natural and artificial stone

Decorative stone is widely used in the design of outdoor and internal walls. This material is also suitable for finishing stoves and fireplaces.

Options for finishing the fireplace with stone: photo

Compared to other facing materials, stone has some advantages:

  • high strength;
  • ease of installation - between the stones it is not necessary to leave even seams.

The disadvantages of the stone include its heavy weight and higher cost.

The technology of laying natural and artificial stone is the same as tiling a fireplace. The only difference is the design of the interstone seams.

To finish the hearth, the following natural materials are most often used:

Fireplace finish artificial stone: photos of interiors

Plastering the fireplace and stove

Plastering is an inexpensive and quick way to finish the stove, fireplace. This option of facing the hearth has the following advantages:

  • ease of execution - the work can be done without special skills and without the use of expensive tools;
  • affordable price of materials;
  • the cladding will not weigh down the masonry of the fireplace, so there is no need to strengthen the foundation;
  • you can quickly refresh and change the color of the portal, giving it a new look and style.

It is important to choose the right plaster with which the work will be done. The usual material for finishing facades and walls is not suitable. The heat resistance of the plaster is provided by such components: clay, lime, asbestos, hemp and straw. The addition of fibers gives the working mixture reinforcing properties. Finishing with such plaster is considered the most competent.

You can add decorativeness to the plastered surface by staining. Suitable paints (organosilicon), resistant to significant temperature changes - from strong oven heat to complete cooling of the fireplace.

Finishing fireplaces with your own hands by plastering is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Remove all contaminants from the surface. Remove old plaster with a grinder or spatula.
  2. Moisten the base of the fireplace a little to reduce dust.
  3. Embroider the masonry seams to a depth of 0.5-1 cm - this will ensure a reliable adhesion of the plaster to the brick.
  4. Before applying the plaster, heat the fireplace and dry it. The base must be warm, otherwise the finished plaster layer will crack at the first rise in temperature.
  5. Fix the reinforcing mesh on the masonry with small nails.
  6. Dilute the heat-resistant plaster mixture with water in the proportion indicated on the package. Mix until smooth with a construction mixer.
  7. Apply putty to the base. Spread evenly over the surface of the fireplace. Embossed protrusions and internal corners are trimmed with a narrow spatula.
  8. Leave the solution to dry - about two to three days. During this period, the fireplace is recommended to warm up a little.
  9. Apply paint or decorative putty on top of the plaster. You can give the portal the desired shade with a water-soluble color scheme.

Advice. As a solution, you can use a mixture of sand and oily clay in a 1: 1 ratio. The solution should not blur, and after its application, cracks should not form on the base. Clay plaster dries longer - at least seven days

Finishing the fireplace: photo ideas for using plastering and painting

Decorative fireplace tiles

Tiles are clay or ceramic decorative tiles special box-shaped, designed for finishing fireplaces, stoves, walls and facades of buildings.

The use of tiles for facing the hearth has a number of advantages over other finishing materials:

  1. A fireplace covered with tiles quickly gains heat and retains it for a long time. This property is especially relevant for country portals that are not intended for permanent heating.
  2. Lining durability. Tiles are heat-resistant, impact-resistant and unpretentious in maintenance, so their service life is calculated in tens of years.
  3. When heated, decorative tiles-boxes do not produce harmful substances. Tiles - environmentally friendly material.
  4. Resistant to high humidity and significant temperature changes.
  5. Finishing with tiles gives additional strength to the design of the stove or fireplace.
  6. With the help of the material, you can easily hide all the defects in the masonry of the fireplace.

Tiled tiling also has some disadvantages:

  1. Sophisticated finishing technology - it is better to entrust the work to an experienced master.
  2. Because of heavy weight tiles, they are recommended to be used for decorating massive wood-burning fireplaces.
  3. The high cost of materials and work on laying tiles. A tiled fireplace/stove kit will cost $1,400-1,500 on average.

The fireplace cladding kit includes the following items:

  • corner tiles - for facing the corners of the fireplace;
  • flat - to design a flat surface of the portal;
  • shaped elements - for finishing sharp corners and bulges;
  • basement in the form of a plinth - for framing the lower part of the fireplace.

In addition, additional decorative elements can be used: a shelf, decorative stucco molding, a crown, etc.

Consider the phased progress of work on facing the fireplace with tiles:

Important! Finishing with tiles should ideally be seamless. The maximum allowable gap for horizontal joints - no more than 3 mm, for vertical - 1 mm

Advice. When finishing a fireplace that will be heated solid fuel it is desirable to introduce 10% shmatochnoe powder into the composition of the solution

Finishing the fireplace: photo of the application of tiles

Plasterboard fireplace trim

Fireplace cladding can be made of refractory drywall boards. The main advantage of this method is the ability to create a portal of an unusual configuration. The whole process of lining the fireplace can be divided into two stages: assembly metal frame and sheathing it with sheets of drywall.

When lining a GKL fireplace, the following rules should be followed:

  1. It is advisable to sheathe the frame from the profiles from the inside with sheets of magnesite.
  2. On both edges of the fireplace, it is necessary to provide holes for air circulation. Holes at the bottom of the fireplace mantel allow air to flow into the fireplace, and holes at the top allow heated air to escape.
  3. In frame drywall construction it is necessary to lay basalt insulation.
  4. Plasterboard boards should only be joined at the horizontal and vertical framing members, not between them.
  5. Drywall sheets can be faced with artificial or natural stone, tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Features of finishing a fireplace with wood

The use of wood as a finishing material for a fireplace seems impossible to many. However, subject to a number of requirements, the portal can be given a noble and strict look, using wood for cladding.

Decorating a fireplace is a creative process that can be implemented in many ways. It is worth noting that some cladding options (plastering, laying tiles) are quite simple, and it is quite possible to do them yourself. Decorating a fireplace with tiles and wood is best left to professionals. Experienced craftsmen will be able to create a truly artistic masterpiece, without violating the finishing technology and fulfilling all safety requirements.

A well-chosen fireplace finish helps in maintaining its aesthetic qualities for a long time. When choosing the type of installation, consider your capabilities, will you be able to finish the fireplace with your own hands or should you turn to the services of specialists? The most popular types of cladding include tiles, natural minerals and porcelain stoneware.


Due to the wide range of such materials, you can make a fireplace decoration in any subject, and by doing it yourself, you will save a significant amount on finishing work and on the masonry.


Facing operations with fireplaces, as well as with stoves, should be carried out using decorative elements and mortar, which have a splitting coefficient similar to that of a brick. Otherwise, the lining will quickly begin to crumble. In this regard, experts advise using the following material:

  • terracotta tiles;
  • natural stones;
  • artificial stones;
  • porcelain tile.

The finishing method is directly dependent on the material used in the work.


Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles have properties similar to refractory bricks. The similarity in structure makes it possible for the tile to change dimensions when heated, along with the material of the fireplace insert itself. At the same time, the glaze coating protects the tile from the adverse effects of water and soot.


Ceramic tiles may have different shape and sizes. In stores there are products that are designed specifically for finishing work with ledges, corners and shelves. The color scheme of terracotta tiles is similar to natural materials. It is easy to lay, so when working with it you do not need special tools. For trimming and cutting elements fit ordinary Bulgarian.

How tiles are made

The ceramic tile finishing process consists of several steps:

  • should be cleaned first upper layer fireplace insert from whitewash, plaster or paint. Then the seams expand between the bricks by one centimeter, and dust is removed with a brush;
  • with the help of fire-resistant mastic or clay solution, uneven edges must be repaired and dried;
  • if your portal has poor brickwork, and the mortar layer has a thickness of more than 5 millimeters, it is necessary to level the surface of the structure by grinder;
  • then you should heat the fireplace. Bricks should heat up to 30 degrees;
  • a primer is applied to the surface of the bricks. This solution reduces dusting, promotes good adhesion and even drying of the adhesive liquid. As a rule, the primer dries for a couple of hours;

  • finishing work with tiles should start from the bottom. If necessary, you can cut off the protruding parts and grind. If your project contains corner elements, they should be glued first;
  • dilution of glue is carried out according to the instructions on the box. Use a drill with a hard wire nozzle, as it is able to effectively mix the solution;
  • use a wooden spatula to apply the mortar. After that, use a notched trowel to draw over the surface and press the tile firmly. Glue several tiles at once to keep the level and plumb under control. The plastic corner contributes to the creation of the same distances between the elements;
  • it takes two days to dry the materials, after which the joints are grouted. Can be used as a filling material by special means or clay mortar fine sand and dye;
  • if your tile does not have an auxiliary protective layer, you can apply a fire-resistant varnish to its surface. It facilitates the care of the facing material.

Finishing the firebox with natural and artificial stones

Stones such as marble and granite are characterized by a high price. To process such material, you will need experience with special cutting and grinding tools. Therefore, when finishing on their own, many people buy shell rock, limestone or rubble stones.


Artificial stones are made from Portland cement, crumbs of natural stones and expanded clay. When they are created, vibrocasting and ejection pressing are used, thanks to which decorative materials have high strength and resistance to moisture. A wide range of offered materials makes it possible to make an exclusive lining in the fireplace room.

There is no special technology in laying stones. The basis is hot glue or mastic. If the stones are heavy, then special anchors are used for reliability.

Features of finishing with natural stones:

  1. Initially, it is required to prepare the surface of the stove, which consists in cleaning the stove masonry, embroidering seams, removing dust and creating a flat surface.
  2. To create an attractive finish, it is recommended to sort the stones by color. If you want to use several tones, dark colors should be laid on the bottom. Any irregularities and extra corners are removed with a grinder.
  3. The fireplace, as well as when working with tiles, should be heated to 35 degrees and the brickwork should be treated with a primer.
  4. Dilute the glue according to the instructions to a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture should be infused for 15 minutes, after which it should be re-mixed.
  5. Masonry using natural stone is carried out in the same way as ceramic tiles. Glue with a spatula is applied to the stone, and the element is applied to the wall. Then it must be rubbed tightly. Any excess adhesive should be removed immediately. The seams between the stones should be 2-5 mm.
  6. Before laying the next row, you need to set the tiled corner. After the glue has set, the corners are removed. The rest of the rows are laid out in the same way.
  7. When the glue dries, fill the seams with mortar. If you want to leave the natural texture of the stone, you should not level the seam.
  8. After you finish the facing work, the surface is covered with a protective varnish.


If you are looking for a fast and inexpensive option for facing the existing portal, pay attention to the plastering. This material is available to everyone and does not require much effort in the work. It should be noted that plastering does not contribute to the weighting of the main chimney masonry, so strengthening the base is not required.

The main condition for high-quality facing works is the competent choice of plaster. Choose a flame retardant option that contains special fibers. Similar conditions are achieved by adding lime, hemp and straw to the clay solution.


Decorative qualities are achieved by staining with a composition that is resistant to temperature changes.

How plastering is done:

  • clean the surface of dirt and old plaster;
  • using small nails, fix the reinforcing mesh on the masonry;
  • the prepared solution should be applied with a spatula evenly over the entire surface;
  • after you finish finishing your fireplace, leave the surface to dry for two days. After that, you can apply coloring solutions or decorative putty. If necessary, you can add a water-soluble color.


With the help of refractory drywall, you can create unusual fireplace shapes. The workflow itself consists of two stages:

  • metal frame is assembled;
  • the resulting frame is sheathed with drywall.

Please note that the screws must be screwed in at a right angle. This action eliminates the formation of chips on the surface.

decorative trim fireplace allows you to make it a chic addition to the interior created in a country mansion. With a professional facing of the fireplace with brick or other material, you can not only purchase an excellent heater, but also create a wonderful decorative element in the living room.

Advice! Fireplace finish decorative stone should be carried out by professionals, in which case it will be not only beautiful, but also safe for the inhabitants of the house.

Benefits of natural stone

Decorative finishing of the stove, fireplace with natural or artificial stone, baked clay, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware has the following advantages:

  • high strength;
  • long service life;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • solidity;
  • resistance to high humidity and temperature changes

High-quality finishing of a fireplace with a decorative stone is not a cheap pleasure.

Advice! Natural stone has irregularities, so it is better to entrust work with this finishing material to a true professional.

Finishing a decorative high-tech fireplace is associated with some details. For example, they are used modern materials, innovative technologies.
Variants of modern heating devices

Depending on the design features and location heater, currently there are four types of heating devices:

  • wall-mounted;
  • corner models;
  • built-in structures;
  • island models

Wall fireplaces are located mainly in the center of the room. These models differ large sizes, therefore suitable for heating living rooms with a large area. It is the wall-mounted fireplace that interior specialists make the basis of the interior, and around it they have a soft corner for family recreation.

Corner models are mounted in the corner of the room. Since they are much smaller in size, decorative fireplace trim will require a much smaller amount of finishing material.

Advice! Corner fireplace is suitable for a small company.

The built-in fireplace has a chimney and firebox in the wall masonry, which involves the use of a significant amount of facing material. Outward, it protrudes in thickness no more than half a brick. Designers prefer to use the same material for finishing such a fireplace that is chosen for wall cladding.

An island fireplace is comparable to a pool with low sides. Inside it is a firebox. To remove smoke, a suspended hood is installed above the outlet. Decorative finishing of fireplace stoves of this type does not require a large number of decorative stones.

At the wall and corner fireplace should have the following elements:

  • firebox for burning firewood;
  • a smoke collector through which smoke enters the exhaust pipe from the furnace;
  • portal decorated with decorative material;
  • draft chimney

Discussing how to trim the fireplace with a decorative stone, we note that only the chimney and the portal need it.

Work materials

Making a fireplace with a decorative stone requires certain skills from the master. Granite, limestone, shell rock, buoys, marble are suitable for work. But - these are fragments of natural sandstone, having a mass of no more than 50 kilograms.

Advice! For lining fireplaces and stoves, pieces in the range of 15-45 cm are suitable, the weight of which does not exceed 10 kilograms.

This material has been used in construction since ancient times, and its main advantages are accessibility and high strength. This stone is widely distributed in nature, so it has an insignificant price.

Uneven shapes and dimensions do not allow making even surfaces with this finishing material, therefore, to compensate for the protrusions, a binder solution is required, which is a mixture of sand and cement.

Recently, when decorating fireplaces and stoves, they began to use non-natural, artificial rubble. It has much less weight, smooth fragments, convenient for work.

Advice! If desired, it is quite possible to make such a finishing stone at home, using special forms and dry mixes based on pigments and silicone.

Cement can be taken as a binding element, since gypsum is not able to withstand temperature extremes.

White limestone is also considered a good material for facing fireplaces, which favorably differs in strength and refractory properties. During heating, this material does not expand or deform. Its weight is less than that of natural buta, so it is much easier to handle and fix it on the surface of the portal.

The stone has a white tint, so the atmosphere in the living room will be cozy and comfortable. With use, limestone only acquires additional strength.

The marble has a beautiful texture with original veins. This finishing material many owners of cottages choose for facing fireplaces, because with its help you can make the interior truly luxurious and unique. Marble slabs have high strength, excellent heat capacity, so during its processing it is possible to obtain parts of different shapes.

Attention! The procedure for grinding and installing the mineral is a laborious process, and marble is also very expensive.

A natural fireplace is not suitable for decorating stoves and fireplaces, as deformations and cracks will appear in its structure as the temperature rises.

Shell rock is ideal for lining stoves and fireplaces, as it has excellent hygroscopicity, strength, and is easy to process. This material first absorbs moisture, then releases it to the outside. In the structure of this stone there are small air pores that give the stone strength. The shell rock has original patterns and warm colors, therefore, when facing a fireplace with it, you can get an excellent result.

Among the many artificial materials used to decorate the facade of a stove or fireplace, the most suitable acrylic material. In its manufacture, chemical components are chosen with silicate, marble chips, crushed stone, as well as other components. The presence of dyes allows you to give the plates different colors. When keeping the mixture in special forms, the fragments get Smooth surface. For fixing artificial slabs, cement glue is used. Acrylic is not able to absorb dirt and dust, and rags can be used to clean it.

Among the artificial stones, quartz can be noted. This material has excellent technical characteristics at a low cost.

Finishing methods

Consider, as an example, decorating a corner fireplace, which is made from several types of natural stone. To decorate the lower part with a recess for firewood, a large but of various dark colors is used, planted on a cement solution. The chimney and the portal with the firebox are lined with flat pieces of beige limestone.

Advice! This decor option will make the fireplace truly homely and cozy.

For lovers of aristocracy and sophistication professional designers it is advised to use dark granite for decorating a country fireplace. Burgundy and red shades of this natural stone will look great with natural wood.

In spacious rooms, an island fireplace, decorated with an artificial booth, is appropriate. Under the stone cladding, you can hide a suspended chimney, and the design itself will harmoniously fit into the interior of the living room.

A wall-mounted fireplace, for the facing of which white delicate marble is chosen, is suitable for an elite country living room.

Currently, urban property owners are increasingly installing false fireplaces in their apartments. Such designs do not require complex installation, they do not require the arrangement of a smoke collector and chimney, heat-resistant and refractory walls. "Firewood" in such a fireplace is an electric heating element. The feeling of an open fire can be created with the help of decor. With the help of a false fireplace, real warmth cannot be replaced, but it is quite possible to bring comfort and homeliness into the living room.

In addition, you can create a real “hearth” in the biofireplace burner by drawing an imitating pattern or making flickering artificial lighting with electricity.

Advice! You can equip a false fireplace near the external battery. In this case, there is no need to supply an additional heat source, only decorative elements will be required.

The arrangement of a real fireplace in a country house is a responsible and costly undertaking. Before proceeding with the installation of the fireplace, you first need to choose the right place for it. If you decide to build a real fireplace in the living room, it is better to make a special base for it. In addition, under it you need to provide space for the chimney. If you settled on the corner option, in this case you will have to make sure that there is a gap between the wall and the heating element. free space. Otherwise, the operation of the fireplace will pose a danger to the residents of the house.

As the main material from which the heating elements are constructed, the leader is building brick. Used as a link between bricks cement mortar. All work related to the arrangement of the fireplace must be carried out by a professional stove. Otherwise, there is a high risk of incorrect placement of the portal, chimney, which will negatively affect technical specifications heating device.

After all the main work related to the construction of the fireplace is completed, you can proceed to the most interesting stage - decorating the heater. The simplest option would be to line the chimney and portal with artificial stone. So that after finishing work, you can enjoy aesthetic appearance fireplace, carefully study the recommendations that professional designers offer, see the photo


If it is better to choose marble or rubble for finishing a real heating element, then decorating an artificial model allows the use of cheap and light finishing materials. For example, the main frame can be made of drywall and metal profiles, and porcelain stoneware or acrylic plates can be glued onto it.

Many owners country houses and city apartments dream that on cold winter evenings they will admire the flickering of fire in the fireplace insert. Armed with the advice of professionals, pick up suitable model, finishing materials, it is quite possible to make this dream a reality not only in the house, but also in an ordinary city apartment.

Almost every resident country house dreams of a cozy and beautiful house. For creating harmonious interior can't do without a fireplace. This element can carry an exclusively decorative load, or it can be quite capable and heat the room in cool weather. It should be part of the overall space, complement it and reveal it, and this often requires a beautiful cladding.

Types of foci

Fireplaces can be installed in various premises, can be active or purely decorative, on which the types of these devices depend. Main fireplaces in village houses are considered wood-burning, which have a design with a capital chimney, and heating occurs at the expense of firewood.

The firebox of such a device can be made of materials such as refractory bricks and ceramic blocks. They can look like a completely finished cast-iron structure, or they can be made using heat-resistant steel. Portals are outer part hearth, with the help of which the appearance and decor of the product are created. To decorate such a fireplace, you can use marble, granite, brick or other materials.

Another type of fireplaces is gas installations, which differ from wood-burning fireboxes. In this case, the chimney is important, but the process of its operation is carried out thanks to the gas pipeline. This option works quietly and heats the room very quickly. This appliance is more fireproof than wood burning.

Electric fireplaces are the most modern and only electricity is used to operate. Although it is not a real hearth, the flame inside, which is very similar to the real one, is not fire and does not generate heat. It can be floor devices or suspended, which are mounted on walls, without having large dimensions.

Another interesting view fireplace is an eco-fireplace. The device requires components that do not emit carbon dioxide to maintain its working condition. This option cannot heat a large room on its own, but in tandem with other heating devices, it can help to quickly bring the room temperature to a comfortable level.

There are structures that are open from three sides at once. The use of three-sided fireplaces will serve not only to heat the air in the room, but also to perform a decorative function.

There are fireplaces that are made ready-made and can be used immediately. The cast-iron apparatus can be installed independently, which will require all the knowledge indicated in the instructions. You can not put such a fireplace everywhere, because it has a very large weight and a good capital foundation must be provided in the house. This unit can be used as a heating device instead of large stoves in a private house.

Decor features

Facing the fireplace is one of the most important activities in order to make not just a heating device, but also add color to the room, decorate it in accordance with a certain style or idea. Finishing can be carried out using a variety of materials, the main thing is to decide on those options that are suitable for a particular case.

It is best to help identify facing material the type of fireplace design itself and some of its features, among which are:

  • property location;
  • interior solution of the room;
  • financial opportunities;
  • features of finishing materials.

The fireplace can be both active and capital, and artificial, made of drywall.

Falshkamina can be decorated with the following materials:

  • marble tiles;
  • fake diamond;
  • ceramic tile;
  • tiles;
  • textured plaster;
  • gypsum;
  • mosaic;
  • wooden elements.


The most popular design solution would be a fireplace cladding using wood. This material will help create a cozy, warm and soft atmosphere in the room. In order to use wood in the decoration of the fireplace, it is necessary to initially treat it with fire retardant impregnations.

Drywall is perfectly framed with the help of MDF, which will decorate the device and allow it to function for a long time and fully. The use of tiles and marble will also successfully fit into the interior of the room. And the use of tiles, which are very similar to tiles, will add elegance to the design, lightness and color.


For those cases when the fireplace is real and built of brick, plaster is used as a finish. It's simple but reliable option, which will allow you to give a sophisticated look even to the most simple fireplace. Special beauty is given by the use decorative plaster, which is applied immediately after the layer of the base material.

To restore an old fireplace with this material, you need to completely remove the old coating. and prepare the device for repair work. The next step is the jointing of the seams, which go deeper by more than a centimeter. This type of work helps the new layer to stick better and stronger. If there are any gaps on the fireplace, they must be sealed, for which now you can use a sealant that is resistant to heating at 800 degrees. Only after that, with a long-haired brush, all surfaces are cleaned and the main work begins.

For smooth walls fireplace, you can immediately apply plaster to the surface, and in the case of a strong drop, reinforcement is used, using for this metal mesh. Having fixed it in the seams with the help of plaster, which should be laid on top of the mesh, it turns out to align the walls. Before carrying out work, it is important to read the instructions on the packaging of the plaster, because many manufacturers recommend heating the walls of the fireplace to sixty degrees, and then using the facing material.

If this finishing option is not to your liking, you can overlay the fireplace with tiles. Not every option is suitable for lining a heating device. The list of its characteristics should include resistance to high temperatures, a high degree of strength and ease of maintenance. One of the options for such a material is terracotta ceramic tiles - its surface has an unglazed appearance, it is similar to brick in terms of thermal expansion coefficient and has a terracotta color.

Majolica is practically the same as terracotta, but there is a layer of glaze on the front side. There is a certain pattern on such a tile, so it is important to calculate it so that you do not have to cut the tile, breaking it. You can use only a part of such material, arranging it with others.

The most popular is the clinker tile, as it has good performance thermal stability. The use of fireclay gives it high strength with a small thickness. Fireclay tiles can have a variety of colors and shades - from white to brown.

You can also overlay the fireplace with porcelain stoneware, which is very similar to clinker tiles and has similar components, but quartz sand, granite or marble chips, various colorants, metal salts and other substances are also added to them. The result is a material with a low porous structure, which tolerates high and low temperatures. The resulting tiles are similar to marble, but they are not. They will not exert much pressure on the structure, because tiles of small thickness are used for work.

To give a special appearance, the fireplace is covered with tiles. This material is almost identical to the previous two options, but differs only in its shape and how it is mounted on the surface. Such elements are installed even during the laying of a fireplace or stove, installing a special wire for this. The tile with tiles is made small. It has the characteristics of thermal expansion, so the material must be used carefully and in accordance with all the rules.

Another material used to decorate fireplaces is stone. When cladding with natural stone and marble, it is imperative to use a mesh to which the coating will be attached, otherwise everything will start to fall off. It is more convenient to use artificial gypsum stone, which looks good on the outside, but is much lighter in weight. Gypsum stones can have different heights, therefore, before installing them on the fireplace, you need to align all the elements so that they have the same dimensions. To attach these elements to the surface, heat-resistant glue is needed.

In order to make a fireplace look like natural stone, you can use special plates with a coating for it. The shape of each stone is different, and it takes time to grind them off. Such materials are usually used to form a pattern or a whole mosaic, which is initially worked out on the floor, and then transferred to the fireplace using suitable glue. Decorating fireplaces with mosaics is very effective when the hearth itself has rounded shapes.

The size of the tiles can be very different, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

One of the most popular is wood fireplace trim. This is relevant in country houses and wither, but in any other room, with the right choice of wood, texture and color, you can create a very beautiful version of the design of the room. With the help of decorative elements, you can not only make the fireplace beautiful, but also create a unique art object.

You can overlay the fireplace with soapstone. This material is natural stone created by nature itself. Its color is gray and the texture is smooth. If you use a variety of impurities, you can achieve yellow, green and even red shades. By itself, soapstone has a matte sheen.

Sandstone finish allows you to get beautiful product with exceptional thermal conductivity characteristics. In this case, you can not be afraid of cracking from exposure to heat and water. Using the fireplace at least daily, its appearance will remain impeccable. The ability to quickly and easily wash the surface will also be appreciated.

By lining the fireplace with slate, you can increase its service life by several times due to the resistance of the stone to high temperatures. Whatever material is chosen, the main thing is that everything is maintained according to quality standards and mounted based on technology. The overall design of the room and the fireplace should be a single whole, create an ensemble and emphasize each other's merits.

Finish options

If we are talking about the classics, then everything should be solid and natural, imitation of something is unacceptable for this style. The use of marble, granite, tiles, Venetian plaster, natural wood- all this will help to achieve what you want. If there is a desire to make a hall or living room in the Rococo, Baroque, Empire styles, then the whole environment should resemble a palace, where furniture, wallpaper, flooring and textiles are subject to a single stylistic decision. Stucco and large decorations are used as decorative elements in the room.

If we are talking about a room in the style of minimalism, then the fireplaces are chosen small. The design in this case is welcomed by the author with a light coating. If you need to make a room in modern style, then the use of biofireplace will be optimal solution. Decorative stones can be placed in the firebox, replacing them with firewood for kindling.

The ultra-modern high-tech style suggests something technological, because fireplaces use wall-mounted and electric ones. On a special display there will be an imitation of a flame, which is no different from real fire, but completely safe. You can use space heating or turn on the fireplace solely for a decorative function.

Country style involves the use of both natural and artificial stone, brick or aged wood. The firebox is laid out fireclay bricks. In the case of an imitation device, it is necessary to supplement it with real firewood in order to create the illusion of a real fireplace in the room.

In a modern style, the use of suspended structures made of metal with glass door, which shows an artificial flame. When organizing a zone near the fireplace, it is important not to use a large number of details that can switch all attention to themselves, while doing fireplace area invisible.

In order for the center of the room to be highlighted correctly, you can use a variety of vases, figurines or even photo frames to match and complement the style of the fireplace. Watches will look beautiful, especially antique ones, hand-made crafts, items of some kind of collection or cute souvenirs.

If the room is made in classical style, then the objects are arranged in pairs and placed symmetrically. You need to carefully fit a mirror into the space around the fireplace. Somewhere it will be appropriate, and in some cases it will spoil the whole idea. In order for the fireplace to be the basis of the room, it is important to properly position it.

In the case when the device is modern and can be placed on any wall, there should be no problems with choosing a place. When the fireplace was built as a capital structure, it is necessary to equip the room based on this feature. It is important to remove all unnecessary items. There shouldn't be a TV or working area, but you need to put a sofa or an armchair and spend quiet and cozy evenings in this unique atmosphere.

It is important to build or acquire large fireplace so that it can be seen from every corner of the room. The zone near it should be center, which means that small structures should not be used, they simply will not be noticeable. If the room is small, it is very convenient to install a heating device in the corner.

How to overlay yourself?

Facing a fireplace with your own hands is quite simple if you know all the subtleties and nuances of this work. The technology boils down to the fact that it is necessary to choose the material with which the selected type of coating will be attached. Most often, clay is chosen for these purposes. If it is not bought, but mined manually, then it must be checked for suitability for this process. For such a test, you need a clean container with water and clay.

After placing it in water, you need to stir the contents with an iron shovel. If the clay has stuck to it, it is not suitable for cladding, because it is too greasy. It is important that the material for work be elastic, withstand high temperatures and hold the cladding material well. To make greasy clay suitable for work, it is enough to add a little sand to it.

Step-by-step instructions for facing the fireplace will consist of several stages.

  • Solution mixing. It is produced only in clean containers with the addition of water without impurities and the clay itself. Selected depending on the amount of work right amount clay.
  • The tiling process. In order for the fireplace to turn out not only beautiful, but also to last for a long time, it will be correct to use only certain types of tiles: terracotta, clinker, porcelain stoneware, majolica.

  • Before starting work, the entire surface of the fireplace walls is completely cleaned from the old coating, dust and dirt.
  • Leveling the surface of the fireplace walls with putty or using a reinforcing mesh. It is important to increase the seams between the bricks in order to update them.
  • Laying tiles begins with marking it on the floor, adjusting the pattern and size with a grinder. Laying occurs from the bottom up vertically. After each row, it is necessary to check the evenness with a level.
  • After finishing work, every other day you need to rub the tile with a wet cloth to remove all the solution.
  • When finishing work with stone, it is recommended to use artificial material. The principle of operation is the same as with tiles. It is important to decide on the color, texture and correctly position the stone on the walls of the fireplace.

A fireplace is not only a source of heat, but also an interior element that largely determines the style of the room, so much attention is paid to its decoration. There are several ways to give the fireplace an attractive appearance, from budgetary plastering and painting to tiling. Each finishing method hides its secrets, and we will try to reveal them in this article.

Finishing a fireplace with your own hands requires not only knowledge of technology, but also accuracy, patience and the use of recommended materials, because the fireplace gets very hot during the firebox. Facing not intended for fireplaces and stoves from constant temperature changes can fall off or even collapse, so carefully study our recommendations before getting down to business.

If your fireplace is built by a professional stove-maker, has no distortions and blemishes, chips and cracks, you can not resort to expensive finishing, but simply cover the brick with a heat-resistant stone varnish. The lacquered surface perfectly repels dirt and soot, water and dust, as a result you get beautiful fireplace in Old English style at no extra cost.

Is it possible to make beautiful from simple plaster?

If the masonry is not even enough, or you do not like the look of natural brick, you can resort to an inexpensive finishing method, very popular in the old days - to plaster the fireplace and cover it with a layer of heat-resistant paint. Advantages of this method:

  1. Low price of materials;
  2. The method is easy to perform and does not require special skills and the use of a tool;
  3. It is easy to refresh or repaint the fireplace, giving it a new look;
  4. Facing does not make the fireplace heavier, there is no need to strengthen the foundation.

Finishing the fireplace with plastering and painting includes several stages:

  • Prepare the surfaces of the fireplace - remove dirt, dust from the surface, as well as old plaster if it exists. Do this with a spatula or grinder. After cleaning, the surface is treated with a primer.
  • After cleaning, the surface of the fireplace is moistened to reduce dusting and the masonry seams are embroidered by 0.5-1 cm - this is necessary for better adhesion plaster mortar with brick.
  • The fireplace is pre-heated and dried. When plastering, its surface must be warm, otherwise cracks will appear on the plaster at the first heating.
  • On the surface of the masonry, the reinforcing mesh is fixed with the help of small nails. It will serve to strengthen the layer of plaster.
  • For plastering and finishing, special heat-resistant mixtures are used - you can buy them in hardware stores. The mixture is poured into water in the recommended proportion and thoroughly kneaded with a construction mixer until smooth.
  • The plaster is applied using two spatulas: narrow and wide. With a narrow spatula scoop up the solution and evenly distribute it across the width of the large spatula, and then apply the distributed mixture to the surface of the fireplace. With a narrow spatula, internal corners and embossed protrusions are trimmed.
  • As a solution, you can also use the old-fashioned method - a mixture of clay and sand. Oily clay is mixed with sand approximately in a ratio of 1: 1, diluted with water so that the mixture does not blur, but does not form cracks when leveled with a spatula. The solution is applied in the same way, rubbing it with a wooden float and finally leveling it with a piece of burlap or other coarse-weave fabric.
  • Drying of the solution is carried out for several days. For clay plaster, it is quite possible that it will take about a week, during which the fireplace needs to be slightly heated, especially in the cold season.
  • A layer of paint or a special decorative putty for stoves is applied over the plaster. Fireplaces require heat-resistant silicone paint, and you can give it the right shade with a water-soluble color.
  • The coloring of the fireplace can be done without plaster, right on the brick - in some cases, such fireplaces fit perfectly into the design of the house.

This method has a drawback - the finish is not durable, and in case of accidental impacts it is prone to shedding, especially at the corners. You can fix this drawback by lining the corners with stone or tile, and how to do this - read below.

Video - finishing the fireplace with decorative plaster

Finishing the fireplace with stone or tiles

One of the most popular ways to finish a fireplace with your own hands is to cover its surface with decorative materials: natural and artificial stone, heat-resistant terracotta tiles or porcelain stoneware. tile cannot be used for this purpose - the coefficient of its thermal expansion is very different from brick. After several cycles of heating and cooling, its adhesion to the substrate will deteriorate and the tile may fall off.

Step by step cladding process

  • Prepare the surface of the fireplace: embroider the seams, clean from dust, dirt, traces of plaster. Treat the surface of the masonry with a primer that improves the adhesion of the adhesive. If the surface of the brick crumbles, a reinforcing mesh with a mesh size of 1.5 cm is fixed with nails or screws.
  • Terracotta tiles or stone are selected according to the size of the surface to be finished and laid out on the floor in the order in which they will be laid. If adjustment of the tile is necessary, it is carried out before laying begins.
  • Mix heat-resistant glue for stone or porcelain stoneware with water according to the instructions on the package, using a construction mixer. Laying starts from the bottom row, from the first whole tile. To apply glue, two spatulas are used: with a smooth and jagged edge. With an even spatula, they pick up and apply the solution on a surface sufficient for laying several tiles, pass along it with the serrated edge of the figured spatula, after which they apply terracotta tiles or finishing stone, press and gently tap rubber mallet. Check the evenness of the row and tiles by level. For facing corners and ledges, special elements are used - they are sold together with finishing material.
  • When laying the next row, cuts of any building material so that even seams are formed. They cover the entire desired surface with tiles or stone, dry the solution, and then cover the finishing material with heat-resistant varnish - it is necessary to protect the stone from moisture, soot, and dirt.

    Photo - fireplace before finishing and fireplace after finishing

Finishing the stove with terracotta tiles and stone is very durable, but it will be quite difficult to fix the flaws, so you should be careful when working, do not rush and do not save on materials. To make the installation process more understandable, you can watch the video.

Terracotta tiles for fireplaces - video

Finishing the fireplace with tiles

With the help of tiles, you can create a truly royal fireplace and turn the room into royal chambers. A fireplace with a tiled finish is not only beautiful, but also has excellent thermal conductivity and retains heat for a long time. The glazed surface of the tiles is very resistant to dirt, durable, indescribably beautiful and durable. But all these advantages are overshadowed by two factors: the tiles are quite expensive, and it is better to finish the fireplace during the laying of the fireplace. If you are ready for the costs and initially planned to finish the fireplace with tiles, then this technology is for you.

  • The tiles are three-dimensional tiles with a smooth, glazed outer side and a hollow rump on the inside. The ceramic inner surface of the tiles perfectly conducts heat, while the outer surface protects your fireplace from moisture, damage and dirt.
  • Tiles before laying must be laid out on the floor and checked for matching shades. Due to the difficult technological process even in the same batch there may be fragments that differ greatly in color. They are sorted, and the darker ones are placed in the bottom row. Tiles are soaked in water before laying.
  • The foundation for the fireplace must be designed for the thickness of the cladding: due to the large weight of the tiles, they need a solid support.
  • Finishing with tiles begins simultaneously with the laying of the walls of the fireplace. Inside the rump there are opposite holes through which the so-called crutch is threaded - a piece of thick strong wire, diameter - 4-5 mm. A piece of soft annealed wire, usually used for knitting reinforcement, is attached to this crutch. The length of the wire should be such that it can be brought over the edge of the first row brickwork and fix it there.
  • Rumpa is filled with a solution of clay, sand and brick rubble - small fragments of red brick. The solution should be fairly thick. A row of tiles is installed, pressing them tightly against the first rows of the fireplace masonry, the rumps are pulled together in a row with a wire and the space between them is filled with coarse sand or clay mortar. The wire, fixed on a crutch, is laid in the seams of the brickwork under the next row of bricks.
  • So they lay the whole fireplace: lay out several rows of bricks - tile the masonry with tiles. Rows of tiles are also tied with soft knitting wire through the holes in the tiller. All cavities between the masonry and the finish are covered with sand or sealed with mortar. Such facing will give the fireplace not only an exclusive look, but also make it durable.

Not everyone has access to such a type of finish as tiles, but it can be replaced with colored majolica or tiled flat tiles by laying them using the technology described above. Appearance such a fireplace will not differ from tiles, but laying it is much easier and cheaper.

Thus, finishing a fireplace is not a complicated procedure, which, as we have seen, you can do it yourself. Read our site and you will learn everything how to do nice fireplace in your house/apartment.

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