The interior of a one-room apartment in the color of a sea wave wallpaper. Turquoise color in the interior: tips, photos. Marine theme in the interior of various rooms

Aqua wallpaper can be bright and fresh, whimsical and elusive, deep and mysterious. This shade is associated with water and sky - calm elements that are pleasing to the eyes and nerves. Wave color wallpapers can change their "temperature" depending on the surrounding tones. For example, pure white window frame emphasize the coldness of such walls. If you want to achieve a warmer effect, look for an off-white or cream shade for such elements.

blue classic

Deep shades (indigo, Parisian blue) of aquamarine wallpaper in the interior remind of tradition, timelessness and comfort. To enhance their sophistication, pair them with neutral creams, golds and browns, avoiding bright whites. Even a traditional nautical palette will look more stylish when combined dark blue color with soft cream or even sand, instead of snow-white.

These shades seem warmer when used with mahogany. They look most impressive in rooms with light floors, furniture and ceilings. Rich tones such as blue-violet can create a sense of intimacy and induce sleep, which is why they are popular in bedrooms.

Wallpaper of a rich shade of a sea wave in the interior of the living room in combination with bright accessories and furniture

The midnight wave color is also suitable for wallpaper in dining rooms, creating a hypnotic effect with soft lighting, silverware and yellowish table linen.

Bright or soothing

Cobalt, pervanche, turquoise - bright and rich shades of sea-green wallpaper - in our climate can look cold. In the living room and study, it is better to use them for accent walls. Due to their stimulating effect, they are popular in areas with activity and movement - in children's and home gyms. To enhance the tropical spirit, pair them with red, coral and yellow. Browns, grays and dark greens will add balance to the interior.

Light wallpaper in the color of the sea wave in the interior soothes, creates an atmosphere of peace and well-being in space. Combined with pure white, they look fresh and clean. Silver or gold elements look elegant on such wallpapers. These delicate shades look great next to natural finishes - masonry, mahogany.

Light wallpaper in aqua color with floral patterns in the interior of the bathroom

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The color of the sea wave in the interior is a typical summer shade, which differs from turquoise by the presence of a blue component. As a rule, apartments with its help turn out to be airy, cool, as if the hot sun had finally set behind a cloud, and the house plunged into a long-awaited shadow.

Once again, turquoise is a fusion of blue and green, and aqua (or cyan) is blue + green.

  • Sea green + light green + yellow
  • Aqua+White
  • Aqua + Orange
  • Aqua + black

  • Sea wave + white + warm colors
  • Sea wave + brown
  • Mint aqua blue + white

  • Sea green and peach
  • The color of the sea wave and sterility

  • Sea wave + pink
  • Sea wave + milky + green
  • Soft shade of the sea wave

"What do psychologists say?"

Of course, first of all, the color evokes associations with the sea. It relaxes, but does not leave us in a passive state. This can be compared to resting before new achievements, when you just need to get a small boost of energy in order to move on. The color of the sea wave is chosen by people who are not indifferent to travel, striving to endlessly learn about life, discover new horizons for themselves.

"How to fit it into the interior?"

Most often this color is found in rooms decorated in mediterranean style. These include whole group national styles - Italian, Greek, Spanish, Egyptian, etc. It is known that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries are famous for their high life expectancy, a small number of chronic diseases, and the preservation of activity until the end of their days. The secret of this has not yet been found. But it is obvious that environment has a huge impact on us. So why not create a healthy and stylish beach vibe right at home?

"Living room"

Main Ingredients mediterranean interior- practicality and comfort. We will do without unnecessary furniture and accessories, leaving the color of the sea wave to decorate the interior with its incomparable look!

"Celadon + light green + yellow"

  • Do you dream of a house with windows overlooking sea ​​coast, or do you cherish the dream of someday getting an apartment and your own swimming pool? Why not securely lure the dream by creating it small piece in your apartment? To do this, paint the walls pure white so as not to lose the feeling fresh air, buy wicker light furniture and add a few drops of cheerful colors! The color of the sea wave in the interior of this living room goes well with light green, yellow, pale green.

"Aqua + White"

  • Such a connection does not have to be additionally presented - as well as , which reveals itself wonderfully surrounded by piercing snow. This combination seems to have disappeared from the picture on the tourist booklet - the blue sea and clean sand, the living room looks both smart and simple. In addition, it will be emotionally easier to maintain order in such a room; such a color mixture in itself calls for getting rid of chaos.

"Aqua + Orange"

  • A fresh, sonorous note that can ennoble even the most unpretentious interior. To do this, you don’t even have to start global rearrangements and repairs - look at next photo how to best play them. It will be enough to have a large picture, a strip of wallpaper or a mosaic ornament, to which you will need to pick up a little support. What is the sea without fish? The designers came up with the idea of ​​hanging a canvas depicting a goldfish on the wall, illuminating it with a lemon lamp.

"Celadon + black"

  • This is by no means a rigid combination, but very harmonious. It will make the style of the living room clearer, but at the same time it will set a playful mood when combined with beige and cream. Another one important detail- choose the simplest and most functional furniture, because a real traveler's ship should not have anything superfluous!


We continue to compile a list of associations with the color of the sea wave in the interior. Carefree, calming, meditative - all this is also about him. Therefore, for decorating a bedroom, the right atmosphere, which is so important for residents of the metropolis, tired of endless problems, it is perfect. And with what it is best to combine, we will find out further.

"Sea wave + white + warm colors"

  • We use the combination already familiar to us with white, but little by little we begin to introduce warm colors. These can be peach, coral, ocher or golden. In the article about, we noted that such colors are typical for the countries of India and Morocco, but here they will also come in handy. In the next photo, you can see how delicate they look in small doses, and how much more elegant such textiles look.

"Sea wave + brown"

  • Such a combination of colors and textures, as in the next photo, makes the interior original and multi-layered, without overloading it with decorative elements. Thanks to the illustration of the bedroom, we can adopt a luxurious and expensive-looking combination - navy blue with brown. Try to decompose the latter into several shades - bitter and milk chocolate, tobacco, cinnamon color. And the sea wave will complement the deep cobalt tone.

“Mint shade of aqua + white”

  • Consider the case when the sea color tends to cool mint - green tone becomes dominant in it, and a new space for experiments opens up before us. Such a combination, as in the photo below, is often used in rooms oriented to long-term rest - sanatoriums, clinics, spa hotels. White and green sound very soft, being only a neutral background, next to which recovery and renewal of resources proceed faster.


The color of sea waves in the interior of the kitchen will remind us of breakfasts on the terrace, vacation summer day ahead, which promises only rest and pleasure. Likewise, apply it carefully, on medium-sized planes. We make the room warm or cold - it all depends on the balance between colors of different temperatures.

"Aqua and Peach"

  • The first kitchen is dominated by bright tree caramel color, peach colour walls and orange lampshades - again we see a combination characteristic of the countries of the East. For authenticity, run a multi-colored strip along the wall ceramic tiles and decorate the floor with masonry or its imitation.

"The color of the sea wave and sterility"

  • The second interior is white, sterile, achromatic, minimalistic. This style has many fans, but some will call this room empty and soulless. But look at the matter from the other side - such a kitchen can become a blank canvas on which you can draw whatever you want. We invite you to mix minimalism and Greek style, adding a bright accent - the color of the sea wave on kitchen apron. The pattern on the tiles imitates waves, which will give the room even more liveliness.


The color of the sea wave in the interior of the bathroom risks taking your heart once and for all - where else is it so easy to recreate the atmosphere of the beach. Surely, in your cosmetic arsenal there are sea ​​salts bath, mud masks and creams with algae extract. So why not turn self-care into a complete ritual by creating a spa-like space at home?

  • It's time to think about how to create a real sea ​​style in my apartment. Before applying it to large areas, experiment in the bathroom. Couple good ideas you can learn from the following photo. Pick up a few matching accessories - shells, fish, starfish, buy an algae print curtain, blue striped towels - and place it all against the backdrop. turquoise walls. The little blue lagoon is ready!

  • does not require a bath bright light. And the sea wave, on the contrary, asks to highlight it as brightly as possible. If the room has windows, great! Hang them with thin Roman shades that look like beach mats. Cover the sink and walls with mosaics - its game will resemble sun glare on the water surface. Don't be sorry spotlights- and you will see what amazing colors the interior will sparkle with!


The color of the sea wave in the interior of the nursery will appeal to both boys and girls - because it is noticeable, bright, energetic and is widely used in animation.

"Sea wave + pink"

  • A classic combination for girls' bedrooms: gentle, sublime and dreamy. It is less trivial than using blue color, and much brighter - and all children like a palette that is built on a clear contrast.

"Sea wave + milky + green"

  • The next room would definitely be approved by child psychologists, for the skillful combination of the most calm and stimulating tones for development. She is full of joy and light, while not looking clumsy. Every item is tastefully selected, even the paintings and vases fit well into the interior. Green is taken in approximately equal proportions with the color of the sea wave, which makes the children's style orderly and compositionally correct.

"A soft shade of aquamarine"

  • And if you are furnishing a room for a newborn, use the softest shade of aquamarine in the interior, which is the most neutral of all offered. It is a symbol of development and growth, it is not annoying nervous system and pairs well with all your favorite pinks and purples.

Designers working with turquoise always follow the rule that turquoise loves harmony. Sea-green wallpapers in the interior look simply amazing, but here it is very important to know how to combine them correctly and with what shades. The optimal solution for the combination is turquoise and warm shades of white, green and brown. Of course, the saturation of the use of gamma will depend on the dimensions of the room and on what kind of atmosphere you want to create in the room.

How to apply turquoise in the interior

Muted shades look great in the bedroom, living room, as well as in the hallways. Bright wallpaper or curtains look great in the interior of a children's room. You can also glue such canvases in the kitchen. Remember, turquoise shades of wallpaper require the use of muted curtains.

Turquoise curtains go well with accessories such as pillows, bedspreads, as well as furniture. A house in which there is a noble shade looks luxurious and flawless.

Kitchen decoration

Turquoise walls in the kitchen perfect solution, because it is here that even flashy shades are acceptable. According to experts, the kitchen is the place in the house where you can make a bright chic! Any range here is perfect. The kitchen is a room where there should be enough light.

For the ceiling and walls, it is best to choose a white shade, you can also try applying a soft turquoise tone. Suitable for the kitchen and neutral canvases. In order to diversify the situation, you can purchase furniture brown tone in addition, decorative elements of green and yellow shades will look good.

Turquoise in the bedroom

Turquoise is a range of freshness, it is ideal for homes where you want to create a feeling of sterility and well-groomed. Today it is actively used in bedrooms.

From the point of view of psychology, turquoise color allows you to create a sense of spirituality and peace of mind. It has a great effect on mood, looks great in combination with pastel colors. According to Eastern experts, turquoise gives a person inspiration, gives self-confidence, charges with positive energy.

This fashion trend V modern interior. Today, people who have started repairs in an apartment are increasingly giving preference to this palette. This bold, bright and completely unobtrusive shade is loved by everyone. It does not look vulgar, gives freshness to any room.

If you don't love global change in the interior, then you can easily get by with accessories, for example, add turquoise pillows or beautiful bedspreads to the interior.

Another successful combination is a duet of white and turquoise, which looks advantageous in the bedroom, it perfectly soothes after a tiring working day, creates a feeling of harmony and peace.

It is appropriate to combine such a combination in hi-tech or minimalist styles. Another successful palette combination is a duet of turquoise and black.

Combination of styles

If you are creating a room in the style of classicism or ethno style, then optimal solution- This wallpaper is turquoise brown. By the way, according to many professional designers, it is this combination that is the most harmonious of all combinations.

If you want your luxurious brown furniture to look harmonious in the interior, then use the canvases of this range. IN this case at the exit you will get a luxurious bedroom or living room.

As you already understood, the shades of this color look amazing in any room. They give the apartment a refined and unique style, look luxurious, modern and stylish.

Sea wave wallpaper in the interior of the children's room

By the way, if you want your child's room to look fresh and well-groomed, then The best decision for such a room - turquoise wallpaper. In addition, you can decorate a bedroom for a girl in white, beige, and pink shades.

If you need to make the room bright, then use a combination of aqua and white. It is this range that can visually expand the room, make it spacious. The turquoise room is appropriate not only for children, but also for a young girl.

Wall and floor decoration

Do you want to make your home extraordinary? Add a chocolate shade to this color. In this case, it is very important not to overdo it so as not to visually reduce it. very interesting and modern combination- with silver. For example, you can paint the walls in the color of the sea wave, and then scatter fine drawings and patterns of silver on the wall.

If you have decorated the living room in a turquoise tone, then you should choose neutral furniture in beige or white shade. Solid brown and sandy furniture is also suitable.

In this embodiment, the floor cannot be aquamarine, as it can merge with the walls, and the room will lose clear boundaries. If this range prevails on the walls, then the floors should be decorated in gray, sand or light brown.

Such shades will balance the coolness of the palette. You can also complement the interior with an original carpet with sea wave elements.

Aqua wallpaper in the interior is something completely new in your home, which allows you to make your home beautiful, luxurious and bright. If you are tired of the monotony, then it's time to buy a couple of rolls and skillfully put them into practice.

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Turquoise, called the color of the sea wave and which is a combination of green and blue flowers. Turquoise is one of the calmest colors.

Lightweight and unobtrusive to the eye, it goes well with fabrics.

It is often used to create clothes, but for bedroom decor, this tone is no less in demand.

Calming, slightly cool, it is ideal for the bedroom.

A bedroom with turquoise wallpaper will be the room that will relieve you of fatigue and stress, just like turquoise in addition to warm tones, soothes and inspires peace, inner harmony.

Turquoise and jade are very revered in Asian countries.

Residents of Asian countries believe that turquoise brings happiness to the house, helps to relax, collect thoughts and find peace.

In nature, there is also a stone called "turquoise", which in Persian means a stone of happiness.

In jewelry given material considered to be one of the most beautiful stones known to mankind since ancient times.

Various turquoise decorations are found in many countries of the world during excavations. All this makes this tone popular and in demand.

In the interior, the turquoise color is used when you need to bring a touch of color. Turquoise bedroom, in the first minutes will cause double feelings.

The finished composition will seem slightly bold and at the same time simple and calm, these qualities are inherent in this color due to its similarity with the sea wave, which is calm, and at other times wild and unpredictable. Design should be handled with imagination.

Unlike other colors, turquoise does not seem intrusive, and in combination with other colors it seems very colorful.

However, there are rules when dealing with this type of tones in design. Although he will look pretty tolerable with obvious dominance, this is not worth doing.

The best solution would be to combine colors and warm tones, they suit us in this case.

Warm orange, beige, etc. As mentioned earlier, beige is visually cold, and in combination with bright warm tones, it can more fully reveal its potential.

Decorating a modern bedroom

You can arrange a bedroom in modern style when one or more walls are painted one color and the other sides another.

This tone will look great if the windows of your bedroom face the sunny side.

When designing lighting, keep in mind that turquoise visually expands the room, so it can be used with colors that have the opposite effect without much effect. An excellent combination would be brown and turquoise.

In this case, brown should be given the role of the main color, and turquoise is an additional one. Also, turquoise goes well with white and black tones, as well as other colors.

White, for example, you can paint two walls. One on the side of the window and the other on the side of the door. A bed with a turquoise bedspread and a white base will look quite good.

Also, one of the best tandems will be light beige and turquoise.

The elegance of a turquoise bedroom

A bedroom in turquoise tones will look elegant, fresh and bright. Another solution would be to use this tone with a bright orange.

In this case, orange plays the role of a secondary color, it is perfect for pillows, bedspreads and upholstered furniture.

Turquoise in this composition will be dominant, and turquoise curtains in the bedroom will also look good.

Against its background, orange will look quite organic and fresh, giving the interior a bright, perky note, which is so inherent in orange shades, while turquoise will be a kind of catalyst.

This connection will create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility with playful notes of enthusiasm and frivolity.

Turquoise bedroom design photo

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