Mediterranean interior design style. Mediterranean style in the interior: the charm of pure colors. The history of the Mediterranean style

Fans of spacious and bright rooms, where it is pleasant to relax and easy to work, have long appreciated the possibilities of Mediterranean interiors. has a very special charm, the main components of which are peace, spaciousness and individual elegance. Just what is needed modern man. How to design an interior in this style, what you need to pay special attention to, and how to unleash all the possibilities of this design in ordinary apartment? Today's article is about just that.

Mediterranean style in the interior: main features and characteristic images

As a separate direction in interior art, the Mediterranean style stood out only in the middle of the last century. However, unlike many artificially created trends, this design has deep historical and ethnic roots.

  • It was based on the traditions of home decoration inherent in the inhabitants of the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Hence, in fact, the name of the style was born. Common features life formed a stylistic commonality, and the differences added individuality and a special zest. So, the Greek interpretation is characterized by a cold white-blue range, light fabrics and squat wooden furniture.
  • Also, the Greek style is marked by a love of open spaces, it is ideal for decorating open-plan apartments and studios. Enfilades of rooms, separated only by a semblance of light arches, allowed the life-giving coolness to fill the whole house.

  • The Italian variety is more saturated and warm colors design, greater detail, a tendency to combine a variety of natural textures in one area of ​​​​space. In the Italian style, wooden blinds or shutters are often found.
  • Dark or natural wood furniture, wrought iron elements, decorative plaster on the walls, as well as Roman-style decors will add Italian flavor to the interior. Very feature is the presence of rustic surfaces. Rough stone, rough-hewn beams often decorate interiors with Italian roots.

  • The Spanish style prefers stone, clay and fabric as finishing materials, perhaps because with wooden materials there is a huge deficit in this country. The Mediterranean style, born in the expanses of sultry Spain, is characterized by rather low ceilings, various arches, durable and austere furniture of a simple, archaic design.
  • Another hallmark for the Spanish version, there was a distinct influence of Arab culture, which is manifested in oriental ornaments, intricate mosaic floor patterns, the traditional scale of the Spanish style, which was based on white, blue, terracotta shades. The most common element is ceramic tile with fine, almost Arabic painting. The classic colors are still the same, including basic combination white, blue, terracotta and complemented by green and red accents.

  • The variety of options for the Mediterranean style is not limited to the above. After all, there is also Türkiye, with its oriental luxury in design, the north of Africa, where oriental style meets African, giving birth to that Moorish style, Tunisia and Algeria, where Moorish Moorish style coexists miraculously with everyday practicality. Many countries, in each of which the Mediterranean style received its own sound.
  • Despite the abundance of variations and local colorful features, the Mediterranean style has common characteristics that remain unchanged.
  • The basic stylistic idea can be defined as simplicity and adherence to tradition. The main finishing materials for the Mediterranean style are stone, less often - wood, ceramics, clay. Rustic surfaces are often found in the decoration, various types of plastering are popular.

  • As a floor covering, tiles are most often used, which serve for a long time and look beautiful. In addition, it is made in almost all countries of the Mediterranean range, and it is much more accessible than a tree.
  • Architectural forms are distinguished by the same brevity that is characteristic of the entire direction. Arches and arched openings are popular, which decorate the room and help divide the space without bulky partitions.
  • Often there are columns and entire colonnades. In the European Mediterranean countries, they are more like antique designs, and on the other side of the Mediterranean, a twisted design is common.
  • Furniture design is very restrained. Low, squat tables, sofas, armchairs. Many of them wear distinct oriental flavor, reminiscent of ottomans and seat cushions. The traditional striped ornament of the furniture, as well as tassels and fringes in the design, further emphasize the proximity of the east.
  • The lines of furnishings are, as a rule, clear, geometrically correct, and harmonious. This also applies to upholstered furniture, which also has clearly defined contours, emphasized by decorative elements, wooden or forged.
  • Popular light wicker furniture, it looks especially good in combination with light coffee tables on elegant forged legs.

  • Another hallmark of the Mediterranean interior is the love of open storage spaces. Shelves and whole racks, not burdened with doors, are filled with cute knick-knacks and useful things in the household. Ceramics in all its forms is especially popular. Jewelry, dishes, household items made of this material are put on public display.
  • One important fact should be emphasized. The Mediterranean interior is perhaps one of the few where clay in all its manifestations plays a very important role. Starting with the obligatory and indispensable for this design ceramic tiles in the decoration of the room and ending with fireplaces with a clay firebox, dishes and kitchen utensils. Clay is the cornerstone of the Mediterranean interior, so expand your use of it in your decor.

  • Patterns and ornaments may vary, depending on the area, artistic traditions and even religious beliefs. So, in the Mediterranean style with a strong influence of Muslim culture, you will not find images of people and wildlife. But the subtle ligature of exquisite ornaments, which can be placed on any piece of furniture, attracts the eye. For the Italian trend, the presence of art in the ancient Roman style is a completely natural addition. A painting depicting frolicking gods from the Roman pantheon is common. The Greek interior may be decorated with paintings similar to the icons of the early masters.
  • Nevertheless, as the most commonly used, one can single out vegetable, geometric and fruit patterns and patterns. They decorate textiles, tiles, walls, horizontal surfaces of tables. However, excesses are not characteristic of the Mediterranean style, so only two or three planes in the room are chosen for decoration. Even more often, a rich ornament is found in one zone. For example, in the niche of the fireplace.

Mediterranean style in the interior ideas and photos

Being very archaic, the Mediterranean style has changed a lot over the past couple of decades. The influence of modernity and minimalism gave us examples of very bold and original interiors, which can be easily implemented even in a typical apartment.

Mediterranean style living room

  • In order to get an original room, it makes sense to turn to the basic style combinations of luxurious antique details and laconic elements. mediterranean country: ceramics, forging, light textiles.
  • Low, squat wood furniture can be complemented with wrought iron elements, and coffee table inlaid with small-sized ceramics, more like a mosaic.

  • For our culture, the presence of ceramic tiles in residential areas does not yet seem too familiar. However, the advantages of such design are obvious: environmental friendliness, practicality and full style compliance. For a Mediterranean-style living room, you can choose tiles with a slightly worn effect, or, on the contrary, an elegant, mosaic design option.
  • An obligatory element will be open shelves or a built-in rack, in which, of course, doors are not provided. However, this does not mean at all that there is no storage space in such a living room. Low pedestals, an original chest of drawers in the form of an old sea chest will perfectly cope with the assigned role.
  • The color scheme, characteristic of the Mediterranean style, is usually chosen depending on the tastes of the owners. It can be cold, transparent, and the tone in it will be set by blue and white combinations, which are called upon to balance earthy and terracotta tones. Choice warm shade design includes all the modulations of red-brown, delicate pastel variations of orange and yellow gamut. For balance and contrast, aquamarine or a combination of white and brown can be added. The bottle green color is popular, which gives the room a mystery.

Bedroom in mediterranean interior

  • For its design, use the decoration of the walls and ceiling with the effect of "handmade". Matte surfaces do not have to be perfectly aligned, some roughness and imperfection will give authenticity and a special charm to the interior image. Of course, this does not preclude careful and thorough processing and application of paint or plaster.
  • The dark wood ceiling beams help to create an Italian touch. The ceiling, completely trimmed with wood, looks great. An arch or column of the same color and texture as the wall will provide an Ionic accent, and the design of such an arch decorative stone will make the Spanish note more sensitive.
  • On the floor, you can lay a tree, a parquet board or even a modern laminate. It is better if such a design will have retro features. This will help to achieve the right atmosphere, because the Mediterranean interiors are rooted in the distant past, and serve their owners for many years.

  • The bed in such a bedroom can be very colorful. High twisted columns for the canopy will give it some oriental flavor, and an extensive headboard, upholstered in patterned fabric or decorated with ornaments, carvings and even inlays, will create a bright and memorable accent.
  • Depending on the general direction, textiles are also selected. In a room where you can clearly feel the Spanish, Italian flavor, you can afford a completely luxurious bed sheets, heavy, golden or scarlet bedspreads and an abundance decorative pillows in oriental style. This design will complement the heavy wool carpet and small chairs with high backs.
  • A Mediterranean-style bedroom does not have to look archaic at all. Light and bright interiors are also available for decoration in this design.
  • White walls and ceiling, blue-blue colors, additions in the form of marine-themed accessories, a strip like base theme ornaments will help create a spacious and light interior, visually expanding even the most modest room. This option is a very good solution for small bedrooms in a typical building.

  • Looks good and children's room in this style. Calm colors and the ability to change the set of accessories will give the necessary flexibility to the interior, which is a great advantage in children's rooms.
  • Wood finishes such as flooring, window blinds, cabinets and footstools add depth and definition to a room's design. If you make these parts in a retro style, you get an excellent and romantic bedroom with a marine accent.

Kitchen in a mediterranean interior

  • Very often, Italian style is chosen for the kitchen. abundance wooden elements, reliability of forged additions and solid, solid furniture simply cannot but evoke a feeling of a reliable rear and a cozy home.
  • Such kitchens are characterized by rich colors of natural tones. Amber, brown, yellow, green, creamy and natural wood shades are the most popular.

  • A real decoration will be a work wall lined with traditional ceramic tiles in blue-terracotta or blue-white tones. Help add color chairs, fabric-covered with fruit ornament. Look good semi-armchairs with wicker seats and high wooden backs concise design.
  • There are not too many items in Mediterranean cuisine, and those that are are really necessary. Conciseness accompanies any interior in the Mediterranean style. Therefore, when choosing accessories for the room, limit yourself to the necessary minimum. Ceramic dishes made of black or red clay, several wooden caskets for storing spices and bread, a wooden fruit bowl will be quite sufficient decorations.
  • The options for decorating a Mediterranean-style kitchen are not limited to this. It can be bright, original and look very modern if the furniture is chosen in dark turquoise and mallow tones, and a patterned frieze of oriental ornament is put on the entire perimeter.

  • Mediterranean accent will create tall vases in Greek style, posters in the style of old paintings by Mediterranean masters and a couple of accentuated aged design elements. This design will suit even a very small kitchen, and will also fit perfectly into the open space of a studio apartment.

The Mediterranean style in the interior opens up truly endless possibilities for creating an original and comfortable living space, individual, with own character and temperament. Modern stylistic options allow you to decorate even very small spaces in this design, which has absorbed all the originality and beauty of the Mediterranean.

On the one hand, the Mediterranean style is not the most suitable option for decorating a kitchen in a city apartment in our cold country, but on the other hand, an abundance of light, natural colors and materials, as well as Mediterranean asceticism in decoration and decor correct application as well as possible they can decorate even the most “northern” kitchen.

For those who are in search good decisions in finishing and decorating a Mediterranean style kitchen, we have compiled a short list of tips, accompanied by a selection of inspirational photos.

Hint 1. We trim the apron with ceramic tiles with tiles

Ceramic tiles with majolica and tiles are the visiting card of the Mediterranean style in the interior. It looks very nice, but try to use it in moderation so as not to overload the space with colorful tiles and not make it too cold. So, for example, ceramics will be undesirable for finishing the floor, but in an apron it will be both beautiful and practical.

Tip 2. We select the right furniture: a set, a table and chairs

  • Authentic furniture in the Greek style - from bleached wood without decorations, wooden, as if roughly painted (most often in blue or blue), as well as forged (moderately "openwork") or wicker. massive ones are desirable, and headsets, if the area allows, maybe.

  • Spanish or Italian style furniture allows for finer woodworking and simple carvings, wrought iron and wickerwork are also welcome.

But, adhering to the modern version of the Mediterranean style, you can safely combine wood, forging and wicker rattan with glossy facades, glass, chrome and metal surfaces as shown in the photo below (scroll).

Tip 3. We prefer natural finishing materials or high-quality imitations

  • In wall decoration, it is preferable:, brickwork (or very high-quality imitation), textured plain wallpaper or paintable wallpaper. The walls in the Greek style are most often white, in the Spanish - beige, olive, orange, etc.

  • In flooring: for example, travertine, ceramic tiles also in stone or unpainted clay, as well as wood parquet board, natural array, laminate.


  • It is desirable that the wood on the floor appear bleached and shabby;
  • Stone, porcelain stoneware and tiles should be insulated with a heating system, because while in hot countries these materials give a pleasant coolness, in the northern latitudes they bring only discomfort.

  • Suitable for finishing the ceiling: plaster, matte paint, stretch matte ceiling, ceiling made of wooden lining. For high ceilings, decorative beams are appropriate as a supplement, as in the photo below.

Tip 4. The secret of comfort in the kitchen ... in textiles

Textiles in the Mediterranean-style kitchen plays big role. If the comfort and beauty of the interior is a priority for you, then you can decorate the kitchen not only with a tablecloth, curtains, napkins, underplates, but also sew pillows.

Kitchen textiles should be sewn from bleached and unbleached linen, cotton and calico with patterns, embroidery, ornaments, floral motifs, in a Vichy check with images in a marine theme.

Bright carpets and rugs, for example, sewn from scraps with your own hands, will also be appropriate.


  • To find a compromise between the practicality and beauty of fabrics, choose mixed materials, but authentically imitating natural ones;
  • Get a good dome hood and use it whenever you cook.

Hint 5. What should be the curtains?

Suitable types of curtains in the Mediterranean style: wooden / bamboo blinds, or, or light curtains with a simple style of tulle / chintz / linen.

Tip 6. Successful color design - 50% success

Options color design mediterranean style kitchen design

  • In monochrome (more in line with Spanish and Italian kitchen design): a combination of close to each other warm natural colors - the most different shades beige, yellow, coral, orange and brown.

You can refresh such a “warm” interior with the help of white, green, blue, light blue and turquoise.

  • In a contrasting scale (more suitable for a Greek-style kitchen): the basis of the interior is white in combination with contrasting blue and all its shades from turquoise to blue. The blue-white union in Greek culture has been assigned a special role since the times of Ancient Greece, but such a range also brings the necessary impulse of freshness and coolness into the interior of stuffy Greek cuisine. However, we, the inhabitants of the northern country, do not need extra coolness, so instead of cold blue, try to include more neutral shades- dusty blues or turquoise, and in addition to the white-blue range, choose the warm colors listed above.

Tip 7. Choosing a lamp

There should be plenty of light in a Mediterranean-style kitchen. Most the best option the distribution of its sources is as follows: 1-2 lamps hang directly above the dining table, the working area of ​​​​the kitchen is equipped, and the ceiling is.

As for the design of lamps, you can choose models in classical style, country style and provence, but it is important that they are unpretentious and made of natural materials: glass, wood, metal, fabric, bamboo, rattan, etc. Examples of such lamps are presented in the following selection of photos.

Tip 8: Pay Attention to Detail

The Mediterranean interior style, like any other, is formed by details. Pay special attention to the decor and try to choose quality items, otherwise they will look like cheap props. On the other hand, the Mediterranean style of the interior implies austerity in decoration, so you should not overdo it with the number of accessories either.

  • Decor options: abundance in clay and wicker planters (the more greenery the better), thick-walled ceramic dishes, colored glass / ceramic vases, bottles, sachets and bunches of dried herbs, coasters for wine,.

  • Images of lemons, grapes, olive branches, as well as marine scenes, Greek ornaments and Mediterranean majolica patterns, prints - Vichy check and, of course, a blue and white stripe are welcome in decor and textiles.


  • Going on vacation to Greece, Cyprus, Spain and other Mediterranean countries, do not forget to bring souvenirs - sets of bottled oils, spices in jars, plates painted with majolica and shells, which you can decorate the table with as shown in the photo below or with your own hands.

The Mediterranean style originated in the countries north of the Mediterranean Sea - Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey - and gathered an abundance of colors and tastes of the southern coast of Europe. And even the difference in the mentality of the regions is not a hindrance to him at all.

Features of the Mediterranean style

A big feature of the style is the harmonious borrowing of nature in the house: a lot of wood, organic fabrics, fresh and bright natural colors. Terracotta tiles, stucco figurines, wooden beams are just a few of the things that make the atmosphere so cozy. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

Let's start with the device of the house: ceilings, floors and walls

White textured walls with huge windows required condition mediterranean home. They are rarely even - most often plastered, covered with several layers of paint. They are decorated with mosaics or natural materials - stone or wood.

A separate type of art - ceilings. carved, irregular shape, domed, with wooden beams. The more unusual, the better:

Large patterned windows are sometimes left on the ceilings.

If the budget allows - the floors are natural. The rooms are often parquet, and in common areas - stone, classic terracotta color. Occurs in places bright tiles hand painted. Arabesque and Moroccan ornaments are popular.

Color spectrum

Be inspired by nature, imitate its natural shades. If you want - bright: blue sky in spring, dark green ocean, tender May greens, red poppies, warm yellow forget-me-nots. If you want - gentle, muted: terracotta clay, lavender fields, rusty earthy shades. Take as a basis White background, dilute it with painted wood - it's more harmonious.


Furniture in the Mediterranean style is different, but most often heavy, durable, made of dark wood, rustic huge. In places shabby, in places roughly knocked together, in places extremely elegant: many items are decorated with carvings and inlaid mosaics. On sofas and armchairs there are covers and many colored pillows. Sometimes there is wicker furniture.


The most frequent guests are bright colored pillows on dark furniture and carpets on the cold floor. Patterns are highly dependent on the region - in Greece they prefer simple fabrics without a pattern, in Spain you can find Moroccan motifs.

Curtains are optional, but if you want, light and modest fabrics give the interior airiness, rejoicing in every ray of sunshine.


Mediterranean style is a story about textures. Plaster and several layers of paint on the walls, warm and soft textiles, bronze and iron lamps, solid wood furniture and beams on the ceiling. But the whole soul is in the tile. It can be found in furniture, decorative inserts on the floor, and even framed on the walls.

Varieties of Mediterranean style

No matter how much there is in common between the regions, anyway - the style varies greatly depending on the country. How? We tell.

Greek style

The calmest look of all. White walls and wooden white floors with wrought iron accents and of blue color any shade. Greek motifs in textures and fabrics, majestic columns and arches, modern furniture.

Italian style

Italian Mediterranean design is close to Tuscan - carefree, slightly chaotic, especially vividly highlighting the colors and textures found in the surrounding landscape. Cast iron objects, natural colors - orange, red, yellow, lots of earth and beige, along with wooden floors and furniture, textured walls.

Spanish variant

Moroccan furniture, bright textures and mosaic murals with blues, yellows and deep reds. Mosaic is found in mirror frames, countertops, accessories - lamps, ceramics, vases. Terracotta floors, accent drawings.

Style features in different rooms


The kitchen is needed to welcome guests - a comfortable spacious room with a huge table for 10-12 people for all friends and neighbors. The decoration is simple, as elsewhere, nothing pretentious, bright, conspicuous. Exception - kitchen apron, it can be anything bright. Of the accessories - useful utensils, copper utensils, braids of garlic, pepper and onion, a lot of dry and fresh flowers.

Living room

In this style, living rooms are often connected to the kitchen, dining room and ... with the garden. In original houses in southern Europe big windows and doors occupy all the walls. The rooms have comfortable upholstered furniture, often there is a fireplace. The objects are stocky, stable, there is a lot of space between them. Practical accessories - frames, lamps, vases, books and of course flowers.


The bedroom should have a lot of light - large windows, light curtains. massive comfortable bed(sometimes with a canopy), white walls, always natural materials. Even in small bedroom meet bedside tables and wardrobes for clothes.


In the toilet rooms there are windows in the whole wall and everything around is made of natural materials. Fresh flowers are very popular, as well as roomy bathrooms. On the walls - stone or plaster, on the floor - stone tiles. The walls and ceiling can be decorated with tiles with ancient Roman or Greek patterns.

Well, that's all, remember what the Mediterranean style is?

Let's repeat:

natural colors;

natural materials;

Creative ceilings;

No rectangular doors and windows;

Light curtains and soft rugs;

Tiles, tiles, tiles;

Plaster on the wall.

And if you want more details, write to us at or pass the light meter – our interior preference test.

The Mediterranean style has long been a recognized classic of interior design and, today, is one of the most popular and sought-after mixed styles. A wonderful kaleidoscope of many cultural traditions and historical values ​​of the peoples who inhabited the Mediterranean region in different eras underlies the unique color and charm of this unique style.

The history of the Mediterranean style

Perhaps it will be difficult to find at least one more style of interior, on which nature would have had such a significant influence as on the Mediterranean style. In everything - from finishing materials to interior decorations, the influence of natural colors, textures and shapes is absolute and unconditional. The planning and arrangement of the living space is based on traditional simplicity, cordiality and friendliness - features that have been so characteristic of the local population at all times.

Since ancient times, the southern region of the Mediterranean has been alternately dominated by two great states - Greece and Rome, and while the citadel and pearl of Greece - Athens, was famous for its crafts and trade, the Roman Empire was famous, above all, for its extensive conquests and numerous colonies. . In both cases, the culture of these great states over the centuries has been enriched by many original and original styles of various peoples. The Mediterranean Sea greatly contributed to this, because since ancient times it has been the most important center of navigation, linking several continents at once - Europe, Asia and Africa. Spain, which once had significant military and commercial influence in the region, also made a huge contribution to the formation cultural heritage mediterranean. It is the cultural traditions of Greece, Italy and Spain that are traditionally recognized as the basis of the classical Mediterranean style. The cultural traditions of Turkey and Africa had a certain influence on the style.

Design Features

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question - what is the hallmark of the Mediterranean style and makes up its individuality. Italian regularity and majestic simplicity of planning, Greek sophistication of finishes or original exotic decorations, or maybe Spanish abundance of natural bright colors- all this in the right proportion is the unique charm of the Mediterranean style.

Finishes and materials

The use of natural materials for interior decoration and interior design will be most welcome. When applying decorative plasters, preference should be given to rough, natural textures. Natural stone, travertine and sandstone effect plasters will give a great effect, but use them accentuated. Classical Venetian plasters can be used both as a base material and for individual zones and structural elements. Ceramic tiles, mosaics, as well as porcelain stoneware are typical materials for the Mediterranean interior, while the abundance of bright mosaics for the Italian type of interior will be more appropriate than in any other style. Terracotta tiles, as one of the classical materials of antiquity, are also widely applicable.

To finish the floor, a parquet board, an array, or a regular laminate can be used. The traditional types of wood for the region are oak and pine. The solid oak floor, although quite expensive, is a very stylish addition to an authentic Mediterranean interior. An original design solution can be structures made of natural wood, or imitating its texture: beams, ceilings, partitions, etc. Among fabrics, preference should be given to dense rough textures, materials made from natural cotton.

Color solutions in the Mediterranean interior

The color scheme of the Mediterranean style, just like the texture of the finishing material, is formed by the local incredibly picturesque nature in combination with the traditional crafts of the indigenous population of the region. The southern region of the Mediterranean Sea has such a rich palette that the designer will have to work hard to reflect at least part of this abundance in the interior. Extraordinarily bright turquoise color sea ​​waves, shining golden of endless wheat fields, all kinds of shades of green - from the rich emerald vine, olive branches and cypresses, to soft mint, yellow, like warm Sun rays, energetic red - the color of spiced wine, orange, and, of course, sky blue - are only the basis of the Mediterranean colors.

However, the abundance of colors and the use of bright colors is a phenomenon more characteristic of Italian and Spanish types interiors. Terracotta, light yellow and gray - the colors of clay, sandstone and natural stone, traditional building materials, are versatile. The palette of a truly Greek style is distinguished by restraint. Bright blue and intense blue are the traditional colors of an authentic Greek interior, which, however, are more often used for decor, murals and individual accents than as background colors. White, as well as light shades of natural colors - beige, lemon, olive, on the contrary - give a great effect when used as the main colors of the interior.

For paintings, ornaments and other decorative elements interior, you can use any bright colors, but remember that color abundance is typical mainly for Italian interiors, while the Greek style implies, above all, simplicity, including in color perception.

The principles of space design

For a competent interior design, regardless of its stylistic orientation, it is important not only to complete the decoration with materials that match the style, using the right colors and textures, but first of all, you need to create a unique atmosphere and comfort in your home. This principle is especially relevant for mixed styles, which is the Mediterranean type of interior.

In order for your interior to be complete, harmonious and truly stylish, you must decide on the main style direction - the Mediterranean type of design, as mentioned earlier, consists of several ethnic cultures, while the project must have a basic thematic focus, i.e. Your interior, one way or another, will be either Greek, or Italian, or Spanish, elements of other cultures will only complement it. Since each of the styles has a pronounced personality, wrong balance elements can destroy the integrity and harmonious perception of your interior.

Mediterranean interior in Greek style

The Greek style is based on the attractive simplicity of the interior, unusually light colors and a lot of light in the space. In the decoration are used mainly bright hues natural colors - blue, lemon, cream, olive and gray. Bright tones of rich ultramarine, green, yellow and even red are suitable for creating a colorful ornament, painting, and not too bright color accents.

White, a symbol of purity and impeccability, is considered to be the basis of the interior in the Greek style, although it is not classical, and gained its popularity only at a later time. White can be used both for interior decoration and for interior decoration, with proper use, the effect of the interior is created, as if shining from the inside, and, in addition White color is the best background for such a popular and so characteristic of the Greek culture of decorative ornament. Ornaments and art painting in the Greek interior should be made in the same technique, while an excessive abundance of colors is not characteristic of this style. As a rule, only two or three colors are used in such interiors.

The traditional finishing material is ceramic tiles with various patterns and ornaments. Another very characteristic feature of the Greek interior is the presence of handicrafts in it - it can be wicker furniture, original embroidery, as well as any product in the style of an original ethnic craft. Statues, stucco and, of course, all kinds of vases and amphorae with antique texture and ornament are widely used as decorative elements.

Mediterranean interior in Italian style

Italian style is the scale and solidity of the interior. His characteristics- rough sophistication of finishing textures and a simple and majestic layout with a huge living room, which traditionally has a fireplace, and sometimes even a small decorative pool. Various types of materials are used for decoration. Decorative plasters with rough (sandstone, travertine) as well as noble (marble) textures, bright mosaics and rough masonry are traditional solutions for the Italian style.

Color schemes are bright, juicy and diverse - unlike the Greek style, you can actively use red, orange, bright yellow, emerald green and, of course, sky blue and all kinds of combinations of them. Natural wood furniture will be a great addition Italian interior. For decoration, you can use small clay figurines and various exotic (including African) products and objects. But do not forget that the excessive luxury of the interior is not consistent with the moderation and simplicity of the Italian style. An exquisite addition to the interior can be a painting in the style of the world-famous majolica.

Mediterranean interior in Spanish style

The Spanish style, to a much greater extent than all of the above, is characterized by the brutal aristocracy inherent in medieval castles.

Rough forged elements, wooden beams and ceilings, majestic massive furniture with luxurious dressing are the invariable elements of the Spanish style.

The use of vegetation in the interior is typical for all areas of the Mediterranean style, fruit vases, plants and flowers will be great additions to any such interior.

Mediterranean house exterior

The exterior of the Mediterranean dwelling plays an important role in the organic completion of the style. Small open veranda indoor plants in clay pots, or a luxurious terrace with a real garden and decorative ponds perfectly complement the beautiful, sunny and unusually colorful style of your Mediterranean interior.

The Mediterranean style was born in the interior in the south of France, in Italy, Greece, Spain, on the western coast of Turkey and northern Egypt. Its design is very simple, without unnecessary luxury and chic. So, the design will not entail too high costs, repairs can be done even with your own hands. The decor of the house is dominated by light colors and smooth lines. Best of all, the style is suitable for people who love peace and tranquility.

The main characteristics of the style

In the photo: Mediterranean-style interior

Recently, the style has undergone some transformation. Initially, it served to decorate houses in small fishing villages. From here comes the simplicity and functionality of the design, a small amount of furniture and textiles in the interior. After all, only the most necessary things can fit in a small house. But over time, the Mediterranean style in the interior migrated to large estates, acquired sophistication, while maintaining its conciseness. Here are some style signs:

  • Simple laconic decor.
  • Forged metal jewelry in dark color.
  • Furniture made of natural wood with elegant carvings without unnecessary details.
  • Stained glass windows.
  • Smooth architectural lines (arched openings, spiral steps).
  • Woven carpets, tiles and mosaics on the floor (parquet can be laid in the bedroom).
  • Wicker furniture on the terrace.
  • White color is the basis of the wall decoration and contrasting dark furniture.
  • The use of rich shades in the decor - blue, olive, turquoise, terracotta or sand.
  • Active use of imitation frescoes, decorative mosaics with marine symbols.

The Mediterranean style has its own variations depending on which country's traditions underlie it. The most popular are its Italian and Greek subspecies. The Italian version is more commonly used warm colors(terracotta, sand, yellow, ocher, brick and cream). You can see frescoes on the walls of the apartment, and stained-glass windows on the windows. The house is replete with wrought iron decorations, the furniture is low and dark in color.

In the Greek style of design, the primary colors are cold (green, turquoise, blue or cyan). The texture of the walls is rather rough. Mosaics with traditional patterns are often laid out on the floor. In the house you can see wicker chairs and the same mats on the floor. This gives the interior lightness and brings it closer to nature. The Greek version is most suitable for country house or cottages.

Mediterranean inspired kitchen

Pictured: Mediterranean style kitchen

Most people in southern Europe love to eat well and cook delicious food. So, the kitchen in their apartment occupies one of the central places. It is worth noting that here they not only cook, but also gather the whole family for lunch. A Mediterranean-style kitchen must have the following features:

  • More light.
  • Simple finishing (whitewashing of light colors, areas of tiles or mosaics near the work wall).
  • Tiles on the floor.
  • Two zones - for cooking and for eating.
  • The furniture is wooden (or wood-like) with simple carved elements.
  • Large kitchen table with wicker or forged chairs.
  • It is desirable to hide household appliances.
  • It is best to cover the windows with shutters or hang simple linen curtains on them.
  • The main decor elements are ceramics, forged lamps, flower pots. On the floor, you can lay a wicker rug or mat.

If the design of the Mediterranean-style kitchen is closer to the Greek version, its walls should not be too even. It is best to cover them with plain white paint or paint with a light pastel tint (maybe blue, light green). High ceilings can be decorated with dark wood beams. The Italian type provides for great imagination. The walls are leveled, tiles or mosaics are laid in the working area. Whitewash tone - white, beige, lemon or sand.

Furniture is desirable to be made of wood. It should look a little rough, be functional and practical. An oak table will look great in the center of a Mediterranean-style kitchen. If there is no possibility to order solid wood furniture, MDF with inserts imitating wood on the panels will also do.

The cooker should be replaced hob. Hide the refrigerator, oven, microwave oven in special cabinets so as not to spoil the whole design. Instead of a washbasin, you can put a square sink made in marble or ordinary stone. The wall near the slab is finished with stone, mosaic, tiles with Mediterranean motifs, or tiles imitating brickwork. In our climate, it is desirable to make the floor heated. Floor color - terracotta, brick, clay color. Tiles with different antique (Roman or Greek) patterns will look very nice on the floor.

On the picture: simple kitchen mediterranean style

The interior of a Mediterranean-style kitchen should not be overloaded with details. Therefore, curtains, colored napkins will be superfluous here. The maximum that can be allowed is a plain linen tablecloth on the table and the same curtains. For lamps, it is best to use "antique" lampshades, wicker or forged ones are suitable. Cute pots of flowers or a large tub of ficus will complement the overall atmosphere.

Mediterranean style living room

The living room is a place in the apartment designed for the rest of the whole family, pleasant meetings with friends. In the Mediterranean, such meetings are always accompanied by a meal, unhurried conversations. Therefore, the central place here should be a table with many seats (small sofas, chairs, couches). But cabinets and sideboards, on the contrary, should be smaller. The maximum that would be appropriate here is shelves with books along the walls. So, a Mediterranean-style living room has the following characteristic features:

  • The walls and ceiling are light, the type of finish is whitewash.
  • On the floor, ceramic or stone tiles of terracotta, brick, Brown(in cool climates, you can replace parquet or bring electric heating under the tiled floor).
  • The main furniture in the room is a table made of natural wood (oak, pine), forged chairs with wooden seats in the Italian version, or wicker chairs in the Greek.
  • You can put small sofas with wrought iron armrests or wicker couches.
  • Oak or pine shelves with books, a small coffee table as an addition.

For whitewashing in the living room, you can use warm colors - beige sand, light yellow. For a Greek living room, white is best. Dark beams on the ceiling will bring a highlight to the design. You can lay a simple rug or mat on the floor, although in a classic Mediterranean interior, the floors are left bare.

Pictured: Mediterranean style living room

Furniture in the living room should be wooden. It is best if it is old. If you can’t buy this, various antique-made headsets will do. Should not be abused ottomans and other upholstered furniture. One sofa or couch will be enough. But there should be more chairs in the living room than in the whole apartment, so that there is somewhere to seat all the guests.

There are also few textiles in the design of the room. You can limit yourself to a light, plain cape on the sofa, the same tablecloth and a simple curtain on the window if there are no shutters on it. You can decorate the living room with bronze lamps, caskets, antique vases, flowers in large tubs or small pots. Items should not be too much. It is better to place the TV on the wall so that it is not conspicuous.

Mediterranean style for the bedroom

The interior of a Mediterranean-style bedroom should be as concise as in the rest of the apartment. Traditional light whitewash is combined with a dark floor in brown or terracotta tones. Instead of tiles on the floor, it is better to lay parquet, as it is quite cold in our latitudes. And the bedroom should be warm, especially the floor, which is often stepped on with bare feet, rising from the bed.

Pictured: Mediterranean style bedroom

There should not be a lot of furniture in the bedroom, only the most necessary. Traditionally, a bed is placed here, a small cabinet or a table near it, and a wardrobe (if the house does not have a dressing room). For a Greek bedroom, wooden furniture with wicker elements is suitable. In Italian - more often you can see a metal bed with a wrought-iron back, a table made in the same style.

Softness and warmth can be brought into the bedroom with the help of textiles, this is almost the only decoration that fits here. White or linen-colored bedspreads, pillowcases, duvet covers will look very nice. They can be carefully embroidered with your own hands or decorated with delicate lace. It is better to make the light in the bedroom muffled, cover the windows with shutters or thick curtains.

Mediterranean style in the bathroom

Pictured: Mediterranean-style bathroom

An elegant Mediterranean style bathroom will look very beautiful. With the help of tiles and mosaics, you can turn it into real antique baths. And the conciseness of style allows you to create original design even in a small apartment. Primary requirements:

  • Tiles are used for walls and floors different size and invoices.
  • All communications are hidden in the walls, this creates more space.
  • Furniture is chosen compact and functional, if possible they hide it in niches.
  • The light should be subdued, illuminating only certain areas (washbasin, bathroom, shower).

Different types of tiles allow you to show your imagination. You can create very interesting designs, combining mosaic, large square or rectangular tiles, ordinary plaster. A Mediterranean-style bathroom can be antique-styled, or it can have a more modern look. Color solutions - the most diverse. Italian version - warm colors (terracotta, brown, brick, ocher, olive). Greek bathroom - white with blue, green, blue or turquoise patterns.

In the photo: Greek-style bathroom

For illumination, you can use frosted lamps, forged lamps or light bulbs built into the ceiling. Furniture can be put wooden, but specially treated for greater resistance to moisture. Instead of a conventional washbasin, a stone sink is suitable. In the same style, you can make a bathroom or shower.

Mediterranean style in the interior is becoming more and more popular. It is suitable for decorating both a small apartment and a country house. The kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom will have a magnificent view. Its simplicity and conciseness will satisfy the most sophisticated tastes.

Video - Mediterranean style kitchen

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