How to optimize the area of ​​a one-room apartment. Space optimization. Storage of things. Use a neutral shade

The mirror reflects light and visually expands the space - you can even create an ensemble of several mirrors of different shapes to make a small room seem twice as big.

Same gender

If the floor in the entire apartment is made of the same material, then all rooms and corridors will seem to be part of one large space.

same color

If you paint the walls, baseboard and doors with the same paint, it will make a small space visually more voluminous.


Usually people think that only shiny white is suitable for decorating small living spaces. But dark colors, such as blue and gray, can help blur the stuffy boundaries of a room.

Dual use furniture

It is better to choose a small table, which, in case of celebrations, can be moved apart to a larger size. It is better to choose not a bed, but a folding sofa. It is better to choose not just an ottoman, but an ottoman with a box inside, like a chest, where you can hide rarely used things.

Transparent furniture

Glass furniture. Slim design shelving. Sofas on graceful high legs. All this visually facilitates space.


In a small room, there should be about 6 artificial light sources located in different places.


Avoid heavy and bulky furniture. For example, a bedside table can be made from wire mesh.

Sliding doors

If the situation of the apartment does not allow you to open the door 90 degrees, a sliding door will be an ideal option.


Walls in small rooms should be used to the maximum: wall shelves, wall lamps, coat hooks, etc. It is especially good to equip corner shelves in a small room.

Even in the most spacious house, saving living space will be absolutely not superfluous. Here are collected incredibly useful tips on how to make the interior unusual, and at the same time save as much space as possible in the apartment.

1. Compact kitchenette

A very good and successful solution to create a kitchenette that will be very comfortable.

2. Successful location of the stairs

The original and optimal solution to create a cozy atmosphere due to the good location of the stairs of the house.

3. Excellent decoration of the dining room in white

A beautiful bright dining room that will be simply the best solution for any home interior.

4. Original kitchenette decor

A quick and successful kitchen makeover that optimizes any space.

5. Convenient kitchen cabinet

It is possible to transform the interior of the kitchen thanks to its excellent decoration with the help of such a cabinet.

6. Kitchen worktop with spacious drawers

Transform your kitchen interior with a beautiful worktop that optimizes space.

7. Decoration of balconies

Excellent design solutions for the transformation of balconies, which will create a simply cool interior.

8. Decor kitchenette

The optimal solution to equip a very original and comfortable small kitchen space.

9. Compact bedroom

An original solution for decorating and resolving the use of living space in cream tones in the bedroom.

10. The kitchen is decorated in soft colors

A very cool solution to create and optimize a kitchen space in gentle colors.

11. Original light kitchen decor

Compact and successful design of the door in the kitchen, which will ennoble and optimize the interior.

12. Compact kitchen design

A compact kitchen interior that will be a godsend for the home.

13. Good Neighborhood

An option to create a successful neighborhood between the kitchen and the living room, which will quickly transform the interior.

14. Non-standard kitchen design solution

The kitchen is decorated with brickwork, which will please and inspire new experiments.

15. Compact space design

Interesting options to decorate the interior in order to optimize to the maximum space.

16. Good location

Stunning interior delimitation of the room and dining room, which will definitely inspire and enjoy.

17. The kitchen is located under the stairs

It is possible to optimize the space with the help of non-standard solutions that you will definitely like.

18. Cute kitchenette

A cute space under the stairs that looks optimal and practical.

19. Bright solutions for decorating a summer kitchen

A great option to transform the interior of the summer kitchen and create it in bright colors.

20. Small but bright living room

A cute and original solution for decorating a small living room that will inspire.

21. Black and white bedroom interior

Black and white bedroom interior looks very nice and impressive.

22. Bright wallpaper as an accent in the bedroom

An excellent solution for creating a bright bedroom interior with contrasting wallpapers.

23. Bright closet for things

A good option to equip a place to store clothes in bright colors, which will definitely inspire and transform any environment.

24. Non-standard living room interior

A stunning transformation solution made it possible to realize the most incredible design fantasies.

25. The original wall in the bedroom

A very cozy interior is created with the help of unusual wallpaper that decorates the wall in the bedroom.

An excellent solution to create a room in an industrial style, which will definitely allow you to immerse yourself in a non-standard atmosphere.

27. Unusual interior of a children's room

A cute and unusual solution to create such a stunning interior in the children's room.
Decorating different rooms is a painstaking and not very simple process.

We moved into this apartment almost six years ago. Then we had two children, and there were no particular difficulties with accommodation. Now we have three children, and in a month another one will appear. In such a situation, it would be difficult not to change anything in the apartment in order to accommodate all family members. And these changes took place during the entire time that we live here, and affected all the premises to one degree or another.

Our main efforts were directed to the children's room and the kitchen. I want to talk about how we optimized the space.

Our columnist, Ivan Fedorov, an experienced father without a month of four children and a professional architect, tells how to place a bunch of children, toys, clothes, sleeping and working places on 45 square meters of a panel “Khrushchev” and leave room for games and receiving guests.

Our house is a two-room apartment with an area of ​​45 m² in a five-story panel building. The apartment has all the typical solutions of the 60s: a small kitchen a little over 5 square meters in size, a separate bathroom, a small entrance hall and two rooms of 18 and 10 m². Another feature of the houses in this series is the absence of radiators under the windows; instead of them, heating panels are located in two places. This solution allows a little more freedom to dispose of the space near the windows. We decided to give the children a larger room, as they need more space than we do, and besides, we planned to use the room as a living room. To get a functional room, we had to solve several problems that are typical for small areas.


One of the main problems is the storage of things. Several sets of summer, winter, off-season clothes and shoes, personal items, bed linen, towels, and all this in five times the size. And also books, toys, textbooks and notebooks, designers, sports equipment. All this should not just be put on the shelves, things should be convenient to use, otherwise it will turn out to be a warehouse where things will be buried forever. For clothes and shoes, we bought a large closet the size of the entire wall and ceiling height, in which each has its own compartment. Naturally, this cabinet is not the only one. There is also a built-in one where we store winter things, a closet in the bedroom for the things of younger children and a closet for shoes built during the renovation.

Storage of toys was more difficult. If we ourselves can give out clothes and shoes to children, and, accordingly, keep order on the shelves, then children should have access to toys. So that they can pull out what they need, and then put it back. The best solution today is shelving with square sections, in which there are baskets with sorted toys. Separately soft, "Lego", designers, cars and more. For a long time, our headache was the small Lego, which is given to children by everyone and always, because it is a universal gift, like books for adults. Over time, all these cool cars, robots, houses, castles turn into a bunch of colorful parts in some box, which you can figure out only after spending a couple of days. The best solution would be to use "Askl" (glue) in the spirit of the Lego movie, but this is too cruel to children and to the whole idea of ​​Lego. Once again, having collected all the items according to the instructions, we decided to make something like a showcase for them, from where they could be easily taken out, played with, and then put back. We made a showcase in the form of a house with shelves ourselves, and then we bought ready-made square shelves, where we put the largest sets.

Another difficult moment - books. Children often want to take something to see or read. But if the books are in the traditional way, when only the spines are visible, then they take everything out to find the right one. Then you have to clean up after them, and it’s better so that there is some kind of logic in the arrangement. And this is time spent that could be used for something more useful. We sorted all the books by age and put away some of them, to which they have not yet matured. And we decided to put the books that they can watch, read and understand right now so that the covers are visible. At first we had two small shelves, but they did not contain all the necessary books. Therefore, we replaced them with a high rack that we made ourselves, since it is impossible to find something ready-made in the sizes we need. Now they do not need to look for a book - all the covers are in sight and you can immediately take what you want. And it's easy to put back, you don't have to force it between other books.

Sleep and entertainment

It would seem that such a different type of activity. But in a small apartment, a place to play very much depends on how the place to sleep is organized. At the very beginning, when my two children and I just moved, they had two separate beds. There was enough space in the room, but it was difficult to use it as a living room. Sitting on the bed and watching cartoons is not at all comfortable. Putting those who come to visit on the bed is also not very correct. I needed a sofa. How to make sure that a bed for two takes up as much space as for one? Make a bunk bed.

The standard options did not suit us for aesthetic reasons. I wanted not just a bed, but also, perhaps, an additional place for games, where it would be interesting. So we came to the decision to make a bed-house. It existed unchanged for several years, but has recently undergone a large-scale reconstruction. We decided to move the youngest Katya from the crib in our bedroom, and the question arose of organizing a bed for her. The sofa in this role was not very successful - every time she ended up on the floor. Putting an extra bed, we would have lost either the place or the sofa. But neither was acceptable.

The solution was a box that slides under the bed. We made it the same size as the upper bunk and only had to raise the first floor a bit. The box is independent, and thanks to the wheels it can be rolled to any corner of the room. So that the inhabitants of the upper floors do not accidentally step on the one who sleeps below, the exits and the stairs are located on one side, and the box extends to the other. The drawer solution allows you to keep most of the room free for play during the day, and only have to roll out the bed at night.


Both older children have already gone to school: one in the first grade, the other in the third. In the last two years, one small table was enough for us to do homework and store all sorts of school supplies. Now we need two tables, because everyone should have their own workplace. As with the bed, another table would take up a lot of space. It was also impossible to make them very small. We got out of the situation by using window sills. The tabletops go on them and have a depth of 60 cm, while in the room they take up space, as a table with a depth of 40 cm would occupy. The absence of batteries mentioned above made it possible to make the tables in this way, among other things.

At the moment, we have done everything to create a comfortable and functional space. The room works both as a full-fledged bedroom, and as a playroom, and a place for studying, and, of course, as a living room. It is difficult to say whether there is potential for further optimization. Although earlier we often told ourselves that everything, the limit was reached, and then we found some new solution that allowed us to use the space more efficiently. Nevertheless, there is a limit, but it is rather temporary: when the children reach a certain age, no matter what you do, one room will not be enough for them. And then the only solution can be moving to a larger apartment.

Stumbling over objects and touching furniture in a tiny apartment is, of course, an extremely unpleasant thing. But what if you have to live on very modest meters? The main thing is not to despair!

Read this publication, look at the photos and you will have a few secrets on how to make good use of the limited space of your home.

Shelves. As many shelves as possible! First, it's just convenient. Secondly, their diversity creates a certain psychological effect. There seems to be a lot of items. And such an amount, by definition, cannot be located in a small area.

Make full use of horizontal planes. For example, put more books on the table. Just don't overdo it. It should be a neat exhibition, not a chaotic heap.

Furniture is better to choose with clear lines. The simpler its shape, the more rationally it will fit into the dimensions of housing. Bulky objects with non-linear outlines will only make the space heavier, making it visually smaller.

Various household items can be stored on the walls. The convenience of their daily use will not suffer, and the style of the apartment will become unique.

Think carefully about partitions. The feeling of open space is very important for small apartments. Convenient, for example, curtains. They are able to create both a private atmosphere and expand the room when needed.

Sometimes the less the better. This one has abandoned the traditional approach to upholstered furniture. There are no armchairs or a sofa. But there are free meters. And it looks beautiful.

Hidden drawers for storing small things, combined with furniture, will significantly save space.

Household appliances do not have to be the usual size. For a small apartment, it is advisable to pick up a miniature refrigerator and stove. And what? Such "gnomes" will create their own version of home comfort.

The same item can have multiple functions. For example, this kitchen table turns into a work table.

We have already talked about horizontal planes. Don't neglect vertical space either. A little worldly wisdom, and the apparent futility of the corner is shaken. It is decorated with a spacious shelf.

When planning a small apartment, you just need to think a little more carefully about the number and arrangement of objects. You will see, there is sure to be something that you can completely refuse without sacrificing comfort.

The situation on limited meters should not be "dead". Oversized furniture that is easy to move will help. With this choice, the space is quickly transformed, for example, by the arrival of guests.

Each element has its own purpose. These ceiling beams are adapted for bookshelves.

Try using light chairs. Even if they are transparent. As if dissolving in space, such objects will make the room bigger.

And also similar or completely identical objects are appropriate. Then it seems that there are not many of them in the room. And the effect of an open, uncluttered room is obtained.

The find will be flat cabinets attached to the wall. Precious meters are thus saved significantly.

Love white! And in order not to create a hospital interior and give individuality to housing, dilute light colors with bright details.

Remember the popular wisdom: kill two birds with one stone? Keep it in mind when choosing and arranging furniture. From items you can achieve multifunctionality. Here is an example of a bedside table in the role of a worker.

Sometimes it is worth neglecting the traditional approach to things. Then even the stairs can become a bedroom. The steps have retractable shelves that create an unusual cozy bed.

Smaller elements can be pushed under higher ones. This ottoman is easy to hide when no one is using it. And extra seating is always at hand, and the room is not cluttered.

Any mirrors visually expand the space due to the reflection of light.

Square meters of housing serve different purposes. This one successfully combines and at the same time clearly delineates three zones: a bedroom, a living room and an office.

The staircase in the room, if any, should also be in the service of free space. Its steps are a good storage for household items.

In a small apartment, you should be careful about the windows. No need to block them and keep them curtained. Lots of natural light adds space.

Where possible, try to put furniture not on the floor, but mount it on the wall. A miniature room really needs a free floor. There are many options. There are plenty to choose from.

But the main advice: do not look back at the traditional style imposed over the years! Create your own unique. And then you will be warmed by the idea that you are the owner of not only a small apartment, but also a fine taste.

Places: .

Home Space Optimization- organizing the space of a house or apartment in the best, most convenient and rational way.


One French poet and playwright, Charles Peguy, said: "In the end, order and only order creates freedom. Disorder creates slavery." This expression can characterize not only the political situation, but also the usual everyday, everyday circumstances.

What hostess does not dream of putting her house in particular and her life in general in order?... To optimize means to use it optimally. In order for the area we have to be as useful as possible (taking into account subjective requirements), it is necessary to consistently perform the following actions: free the home from unnecessary things and rubbish, optimally distribute all objects in the perimeter of the house in "their" places, systematically maintain order and cleanliness.

We remove all unnecessary

For many of us, the process of getting rid of unnecessary things at home has become a New Year tradition. In the course of general cleaning, we often find items that, in fact, we do not need, have not been used by us, are not used and are unlikely to be useful in the future. A teapot with a broken handle, a bedspread with an irremovable stain, lids from irretrievably lost pans, shoes with worn soles, and the like ... All this must be thrown away or given to someone, but not stored on the balcony and not taken to the country. Such a "cardinal" method will stop the process of littering the space.

Things that have not been used by us for more than one year, it turns out, are not needed. Why, then, take their place?

Items that are used throughout the year, but rarely, for example, depending on the season, need to be placed higher and deeper. So that when we open the cabinets, these things do not flash before our eyes. In winter, we put away the summer stroller, roller skates and sandals, and in the summer - sledges, skates and felt boots.

Hygiene products, stationery, tea bags, shoehorns, linen... - this is all that we always use. But this does not mean that it all needs to be put on the shelves so that everything is in sight. Yes, everyday items should be "at hand". But for a general view, for interior aesthetics, it would be better if we put each group of things into boxes and drawers. Folk wisdom is appropriate here: "What lies in place, then it runs into hands."

Storage system. Ways to optimize home space

One of the methods of freeing up space is the organization of a specialized place for storing things, that is, a dressing room. Do not be afraid to allocate some space for this purpose. At first glance, this seems to be an irrational and unjustified step. But in fact, any professional interior designer will find such a solution beneficial. The dressing room will allow you to get rid of unnecessary furniture. Things (clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, underwear, suitcases) will be stored longer, as each of them will have its own place. Depending on the layout, such a room can also be used for some household needs. For example, you can place an ironing board and iron there.

A progressive and modern way to optimize the space is to use built-in furniture and appliances. Cabinets, combined racks and mezzanines, screens, interior partitions, folding chairs, tables, beds, built-in household appliances - these are all those structures that, unlike wall-mounted ones, do not absorb space, but preserve it. Such furniture and appliances are especially relevant for small-sized rooms. Practicality, versatility and aesthetics also advocate this way of optimizing space. (aka bag insert) - a mobile organizer with many pockets. Its use will allow you to keep even the smallest items in perfect order.

If you use the proposed ways to optimize the space, you can forget about the mess and clutter for a long time. It is imperative to maintain the achieved result. This will help us diligence and accuracy. But be careful - a fanatical desire for an ideal order is akin to an obsession. "Excessive order is the same disorder," says a Russian proverb.

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