Bathroom tile colors. Bright colored tiles - what collections are in fashion? Bathroom tile color combination

The bathroom is a room in which we make repairs for several years or even several decades. Changing tiles every five or even ten years is an unpopular occupation. As a rule, this room is the least infrequently changed, unlike the living room, where you can quickly repaint the walls or hang new wallpaper. Thus, when designing the interior of a bathroom, one must keep in mind not only the fact that this is a functional room, but also the fact that it is very important to decorate it beautifully. When designing this room, you should also not forget about the colors used in the interior and take into account the combination of colors for bathroom tiles. When choosing a bathroom interior design, you should study what are the current design trends and know the meaning of each color.

Bathroom tile colors - how to choose?

When planning a bathroom tile finish, you should choose the right color for it. How to do it? To do this, you need to understand the meaning of colors.

Meaning of colors

It has been scientifically proven that colors affect us in some way. It is worth knowing that each room has its own preferences. The question of choosing the color of tiles in the bathroom is also important, on the one hand, we make a morning toilet in this room and it should encourage us to action, on the other hand, it should be soothing and promote relaxation, especially during evening rest.

White is the most common color in the bathroom, if only in terms of plumbing. Of course, manufacturers have been offering sanitary ware in other colors for years, but most of the market is still occupied by sinks, toilets and bathtubs in white. This universal color creates a feeling of cleanliness and hygiene, visually expands the room, and serves as an excellent backdrop for furniture and accessories.

However, in excess, it can give the impression of an unpleasant cold. This timeless color resists all fashion trends, using it in the bathroom you can not go wrong and you can always enliven the interior with some additions and make it less cold. You can read how to design a bathroom in white or furnish a black and white bathroom. The snow-white background loves any additives - black, red, yellow and blue, wood and stone, metal and fabrics.

The black in this room is mainly used in the form of additives, too much black optically reduces the space and will act somewhat depressingly. However, it goes well with other colors and shades, such as white and red.

An excellent solution would be shades of black, such as graphite gray. Bathroom in gray is a very fashionable solution. Black and gray can be the predominant colors in a bathroom, paired with contrasting accessories like red, green, orange, they create a hugely successful, contemporary effect. A brilliant black tile will add a game and a chic shine with multi-colored lighting from the LED strip.

Red shades stimulate, encourage action, help to wake up in the morning, but in excess they can disturb or even irritate. Thus, in the bathroom it is better to use this color only in the form of additives or decors. Lighter shades of red combined with warm colors will give the interior warmth.

In combination with gray, black and white, red will add elegance to the interior.

Thus, if you want to use red tiles, then it is worth using it to finish only one wall or some parts of the bathroom, for example, a shower.

Blue is the perfect color in the bathroom - it is soothing and helps to relax in the evening. However, a shade of blue that is too dark can give the impression of being cool and a bit unnerving. This color is often used in swimming pools or beauty salons, and in small spaces it does not look good. Blue works well in classic arrangements, combining blue with white and wooden elements allows you to create a bathroom in a nautical style.

Blue and blue look beautiful with warm colors - yellow and sand, orange, red. Thus, we will make the interior a little more diverse and add positive energy.

Green, like blue, works well in the bathroom - it refreshes, soothes, and promotes relaxation. Darker shades of green can spice up interiors in muted tones such as white, beige, and bright yellow. Nature green is often a source of inspiration for interior design, which means it rarely goes out of style. It looks great paired with natural yellow and sandy additions, natural wood, as well as dark furniture, such as wenge.

Works similarly orange, which is intermediate between yellow and red - more stimulating than yellow, but quieter and more neutral than red. In modern interiors, orange is very popular in combination with green and black. Orange in additives perfectly enlivens the green, beige and brown bathroom.

Brown and purple

Recently, extremely popular colors in the bathroom are brown and purple. Brown is more neutral, it is combined with white and beige, green, loves classic and elegant wood additions. This color works in both large and small rooms. It calms the nerves, gives a feeling of warmth and relaxation.

In contrast, it is a strong, dominant color of the interior, especially its dark shades. It is suitable for large bathrooms, where it creates an effect of elegance and style in combination with white, gray and light shades of purple - lavender and heather. Designers, however, warn against too much of this color in one room, because it can lead to depression or come off as annoying. Purple is perfect for a modern, very elegant and orderly bathroom.

Regardless of which color you choose, you must remember the main rule - dark shades visually reduce the room, and light ones - increase.

  • In a small room without windows, it is better to opt for lighter shades of your favorite color, dark additions can be.
  • And vice versa - if you have a spacious bathroom, well lit, especially if it has a lot of natural light, then you can try to equip it in dark colors with light accessories - fittings, decor, furniture. In a large bathroom, contrasts, patchwork tiles or

The bathroom is the place where we hurry in the morning. We visit here during the day. And this is where we relax in the evening. And although this is not the most important room in the house, guests do not often look into it and often there is very little space in it, nevertheless, functionally the bathroom is one of the most important.
That is why she pays a lot of attention during the repair. The bathroom should meet not only hygienic requirements, but also give positive emotions, help relieve stress after a hard day, tune in the right way before going to work. And all these questions can be solved just by choosing the right color for ceramic tiles.

The right color will help not only visually increase or decrease the space, but also set the general mood and well-being of a person. Nevertheless, often people, having read useful information, perceive it as a guide to action and do not think that not everything needs to be taken literally, and that each individual piece of advice needs to be carefully thought out and weighed.
For example, in order to make the bathroom seem more spacious, you need to select tiles of light, and even better - cold tones. So advise designers and glossy magazines. This is true, but here there are several nuances that need to be considered when choosing a color scheme. If, for example, the entire finish is in white, which is very often used by non-professional repairmen or in cases of independent design planning and selection of tiles, then already a couple of months after the euphoria from the completion of the repair work, disappointment may come - the bathroom will seem like a sterile operating room, in which is impossible to relax and unwind.

As for cold tones, not everything is clear here either. Cold, it is also cold in the bathroom, and therefore creates the impression of a lower temperature in the room, and especially impressionable people even feel such a contrast.
Designers advise to use shiny rather than matte tiles for the surface, but they forget to add and warn that in this case constant care is required, that water droplets, drying up, will create an effect of unkemptness.
Patterned tiles can cause the opposite effect of the desired effect - they can not only reduce space, but simply get bored, and bright patterns will not allow you to relax while enjoying a bath.
To enlarge a small bathroom, some also use mirror tiles, but this choice is far from suitable for everyone, because not everyone likes to constantly see their soapy and foamy reflection.

So how do you choose the right tile color?

There are basic and most popular colors that, according to designers, will suit almost any room. These are blue, light yellow, light green, peach, lemon yellow, sand, terracotta, pale lilac, pale pink, pearl gray, lavender shades. They can be used as a whole for decorating a bathroom in one color, or in combinations, varying shades and patterns. The main thing is not to forget that the main color should be highlighted, the one that has the most, and not mix more than 2 colors if the accents are bright enough.
For small bathrooms, any of the above colors is suitable, but the most conducive to increasing the area is the reception of facing a short wall with tiles of a light, desaturated shade, and for a long wall, you need to choose darker tones of the same color or contrast. The mixing of two different colors must be carefully thought out and the contrasting tones must be in harmony with each other, being approximately in the same range (blue with blue, lilac with pink, orange with purple, etc.).

For decor, you can, again, use contrasts, but not very catchy, so that there is no too sharp selection against the main background. So, for example, the walls can be made pale yellow, and the vertical stripe can be decorated in blue. You can also include a few small blue tiles “scattered” on the wall, or make a blue border, a strip above the sink.
When using several colors, you can choose a ceramic tile with a pattern, and if you use it not as the main one, but as an additional decorating element, then with a large one. For example, if the bathroom is planned in cream or beige, then for decoration you can buy tiles with a dark or even black-brown pattern, say with geometric shapes or African motifs.

The color of the tile can also be made more saturated, bright, diverse, but then when buying, you need to give preference to a glass mosaic, which will help, again, visually enlarge the room, and quite significantly. Large and standard tiles of different colors are clearly not suitable for this.
Maximum originality and originality can be achieved by choosing ceramic tiles with painting. Yes, it costs much more than usual, but the color scheme and features are simply amazing. It can be ordered specifically for the overall interior of the apartment, matched to the color, design and style. And the combination of plain beautiful tiles with painted tiles will only benefit, help create a unique style.
Despite all the tips and rules, you need to choose the color of the tile based on your own criteria and tastes. Choose the colors that you like, make sure that the tiles are in harmony with other rooms and, of course, with plumbing (especially if it is patterned). And remember that it is the color that sets the mood and gives positive emotions.

Bathroom tile colors to set the mood

Cheerful colors: pink, copper, blue, light red, mahogany, lemon yellow, orange.

Relax colors: blue pale lilac, cream, ivory, light green.

Colors for light and freshness: light green, turquoise, peach, lavender, silver, blue.

If such requirements as moisture resistance, hygiene and resistance to cleaning and abrasive substances are critical for a room, then this room is a bathroom, and tiles are the only possible option for wall and floor covering for it. You may be asking, “Why is that?” I answer))

It is impossible to find a material so suitable for a bath than a tile - easy maintenance for the entire period of operation, and this is not one year.

And most likely, not even 5. At least 10 years. For this reason, tiles should be chosen especially carefully, because, unlike wallpaper, no one was able to re-paste the tiles in a couple of days.

And since not everyone understands how to choose the right tile, because there are nuances in every business, this article should ease the pangs of creativity in making a decision, the result of which in the form of a new chic bathtub will delight for more than one year.

When choosing a tile, it is worth remembering the main thing - you need to choose it not from the photo on the site, but by touching it with your hands, feeling the texture and understanding how it will look already laid on the floor or wall, whether the edges will join and how beautiful it will look.

It is also important to pay attention to the characteristics of the tiles:

  • The size of the tile must be correctly indicated on the package;
  • Integrity of the material: the tile must be free of chips and cracks, the absence of foreign inclusions is also important;
  • Surface resistance to mechanical abrasion;
  • Withstands temperature extremes;
  • Waterproof;
  • Resistance to exposure to cleaning chemicals;
  • The quality of the materials used in its decoration - the pattern must retain saturation and color for the entire period of operation;
  • The presence of an anti-slip effect.

Deciding what color scheme will be our bathroom. And when choosing this criterion, designers recommend the following:

  • White classics seem boring to many, but if the bathtub is not striking in size - a win-win option - we dilute it with bright inserts and boredom is gone;
  • Green or blue tiles evoke a feeling of freshness and coolness;
  • Natural wood shades, coffee or beige create a feeling of warmth and comfort;
  • Bright colors - red, gold or turquoise - are good to use to create accents, but if you like oriental style and the bathroom is larger than standard sizes, these colors can also be used as the main color scheme;
  • Black color - looks chic if, as in the previous case, if the room is large and there is a window. In the opposite version, it will reduce an already small room, create a pressure effect;
  • Do not forget that a light top and a dark bottom, as well as large slabs on the floor, will visually reduce the size of the room; to visually enlarge the room, the designer's recommendation is vertical stripes and medium-sized tiles on the floor.

Now it’s worth deciding on the following question: will our bathroom sparkle with gloss, or will the tile be matte, or maybe succumb to the temptation and revet the bathroom with textured tiles? Understanding...

Glossy tiles:

The most common choice so far. It is easy to care for it, and due to its surface, the tile creates an optical effect that looks harmonious on a light background, but if the tile is dark, it hurts the eye.

Mirror tiles:

Mirror tiles are also on sale. It is used to visually increase the space of the bathroom. This tile replaces the mirror tile with a mirror. Sometimes, to raise the ceiling, the ceiling is decorated with mirror tiles.

Matte tiles:

Visually perceived better, because it does not reflect light, but traces of splashes stand out more. Due to its rough surface, this tile is often used as a floor tile.

For the last 8-10 years, tiles that imitate natural textures have been gaining more and more followers. It is wood, concrete, stone, marble, travertine or iron. It looks elegant, stylish and expensive.

When choosing a tile, do not forget two important surface characteristics - roughness and water absorption.

In order to make it possible to use ceramic tiles for cladding bathrooms, they are made dense in production and covered with glaze. They also produce matte ceramic tiles.

Roughness is also important in choosing floor tiles, since in the bathtub there is a high probability of slipping and getting injured.

The effect of roughness is achieved by applying a special granular coating to the tile or using relief patterns.

The recommended roughness factor for floor tiles is 0.75. With all the advantages of this type of tile, it is important not to forget that the flip side of safety will be some inconvenience during cleaning - dirt accumulates faster on such a tile.

Also, when choosing a bathroom style, the size of the tiles is taken into account.

By size, tiles are divided into 4 categories:

  1. Large - a tile, one of the sides of which is longer than 40 cm, regardless of shape.
  2. Medium - tiles with a side length of 15 to 30 cm.
  3. Small - a tile with a size of 6 to 10 cm on one side (possibly, but rarely 15 cm).
  4. Mosaic - a special type of tile (glass or ceramic) with sides from 1x1 to 5x5 cm.

For several years now, the boar tile has become popular. Dimensions can be as follows: from 7.5x10 cm to 8.5x28.5 cm, but the most popular size is 10x20 cm. The peculiarity of this finish is that the tile looks like a brick with authentic chamfers.

True, just in these places dust and limescale accumulate, which will be difficult to clean.

It is better to choose a square tile in a large size - from 60x60 cm, since smaller squares will look, let's say, vintage, except when it is an accent insert.

Patchwork is an option. It can also be a vintage-style bath. In other cases, you should use tiles with an aspect ratio of 3 to 1. The size of the tiles should match the size of the bathroom.

If you will be installing a shower enclosure and for the best visual solution, rectified tiles are worth considering.

This is not about the type of material or method of production, but about the method of cutting the tiles, which will allow, when facing, to achieve the narrowest possible joints between the tiles. European firms are now switching to this particular version of the “high precision” tile.

When you choose a tile for a bathroom, you should pay attention to many subtleties and nuances - from the appearance and size to the operational characteristics of the tile, to go through kilometers of stands with samples and still make it - this is the right choice.

Which will lead you to the renovation of your dreams, which will delight you with its quality, style and performance for many years to come.

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Ceramic tiles are the finishing material that is most often used in the design of the bathroom. The reason for this is the excellent performance characteristics of the material, its resistance to moisture and high strength. At the same time, not only the durability of the material is of great importance, but also its aesthetically attractive appearance. In order for the design of the bathroom to be stylish and beautiful, it is important to choose a tile in shape and color, depending on the dimensions of the room, the style of its design.

Bathroom color scheme

Before starting a bathroom renovation in an apartment, the homeowner is interested not only in the budget, but also in choosing the color of the tiles. This is an extremely important question, because the external perception of the room depends on its solution, whether it will be cozy and attractive. This is influenced by various factors, one of which is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom. The size of the free space determines the design possibilities and the color scheme that can be used for interior decoration.

Choosing colors for a small bathroom

When designing a small bathroom, the problem is not only to rationally manage the space and choose the right furniture and plumbing for it. The main task here is to choose a color scheme that allows you to visually enlarge the space, tiles of a light color palette will help with this. Of course, many may think that the simplest and most successful solution would be to use white ceramics, but this option is not suitable for everyone, because negative associations with the hospital are created.

In this regard, designers recommend using white only as an addition, focusing on sand, beige, salad, azure or blue. In addition, glossy surfaces and mirrors located on the walls and cabinets will help to visually enlarge the interior space of the bathroom. It will also help to make the room brighter and more spacious with well-thought-out lighting with LED spotlights.

It is important to remember that cold tones compensate for the small dimensions of the room, but a warm palette has the opposite effect. To complement the interior, making it more lively and colorful, small and bright patterns that focus on attention will help. As for the panels and large bright drawings, they destroy the design intent, visually bringing the walls closer.

Also, for a small bathroom, it is important to use two-color tiles, while it is important to ensure the transition from the light top to the darker lower part of the room. The visual junction of the ceiling and wall can be smoothed out by eliminating contrasting color differences. An ideal and timeless solution would be a combination of white, blue and blue.

The color of the tiles for the bathroom combined with the toilet

All color options and combinations proposed above are also relevant if the bathroom was combined with a bathroom, which made it possible to increase the dimensions of the room. In order for the room to look harmonious, you need to choose a color that will be combined with the design of the bathroom, but at the same time highlight the toilet area. You can also divide the room into two functional zones with the help of a light plasterboard partition.

When combining two rooms into one, the owner of the apartment gets more design ideas and solutions, because when decorating the space, you can use a combination of three colors. For example, the bottom can be left light with the entry to the flooring, and in the upper part of the room, a slightly darker shade is tiled. You can correctly place accents with the help of a small wall panel, frieze or border.

It is better to highlight the toilet area, light ceramic tiles will help to do this. As for the partition, it can be decorated in a contrasting color, for example, red, blue or purple. You can make the transition smoother by painting the bottom of the wall in the same shade as the flooring. On the wall, it is best to switch to a light color, after which there is a decorative or visual separation with a strip, and then the wall is decorated in even lighter colors. Contrasting tiles can be used to create accents.

Color solutions for large bathrooms

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then here you can realize the most daring and original ideas by combining different colors. The design of the bathroom can be both dark and light, while you can choose finishing materials, both with a glossy and matte finish. You can place accents using mosaics, panels or drawings. As for color combinations, there are no restrictions, and only the photos presented in the article will help you find the best solution, taking into account financial capabilities, your own taste and interior style.

Variety of color palette

As mentioned earlier, the color of the bathroom tiles in the apartment determines the size of the room, its style and the taste of the homeowner. Thanks to modern developments, the color palette of ceramic tiles is limitless, which allows you to realize the most unusual and bold ideas. At the same time, it is important that a feeling of lightness, warmth and comfort is created inside the room, because it should be pleasant to be here.

Not everyone perceives white, but with proper interior design, you can create an elegant room, it is enough to create contrasting accents using a border, frieze and bright stripes at the top of the walls. You can make the interior more attractive with the help of a complex lighting system and slatted ceilings. The classic solution for creating comfort is the use of beige. At the same time, you can use black tiles, because it adds rigor and elegance. It is important to apply it in the design correctly, otherwise the visual effect will be spoiled.

Another color that is classic for decorating a bathroom is blue, suitable for calm personalities. For a room decorated in an aristocratic style, you can use shades of blue or green. Brown shades will help create a noble interior, and red and orange colors will create a festive mood and recharge your batteries. You can also use original combinations, such as white and blue, black and white or red and white. More daring solutions - a combination of gray and orange, black and red, brown and beige. The main thing is that the bathroom should be cozy and comfortable.

The bathroom becomes not only functional, but also a beautiful, fashionable room in a modern apartment. This is a place to relax and unwind after a busy day at work. That is why the design of the bathroom should be unobtrusive, harmonious, cozy. As a rule, tiles or porcelain stoneware are used to finish a modern bathroom. And the choice of this finishing material depends on what your bathroom will end up with.

If you don’t know what style to decorate your bathroom in, what tile to choose for this, how to think about a combination of colors, then read this article. In it, we will see the latest trends in bathroom design, current color and stylistic solutions, popular finishing materials 2017-2018.

Bathroom decor with tiles: the latest trends and design novelties 2017 - 2018

Recently, minimalist urban and stylish light Scandinavian design has been rapidly gaining popularity. These two trends in interior design have won the hearts of many owners of modern homes. The loft is gradually moving from cafe interiors to our homes, and the discreet Scandinavian style imposed by IKEA catalogs is increasingly being chosen by designers to decorate modern kitchens and bathrooms. Both directions are distinguished by their conciseness and practicality.

Popular styles

If you have a small bathroom, then it is better to resort to decorating it in a light Scandinavian style. To do this, you will need either a white tile or a very light one. The floor can be decorated in black and white colors. To do this, choose a mosaic, a hexagonal tile or a beautiful tile with an interesting black and white ornament. Often, in the design of a Scandinavian-style bathroom, they use rectangular white tiles that imitate brickwork, and, in dry areas, they do not put it on the entire wall, but end it in the middle of the wall, decorating the end with a beautiful border. The rest of the wall can be painted light blue, purple, grey, turquoise or whatever color you like.

If you have a large bathroom, then you can decorate it in an urban style. As a rule, the creation of such an interior requires walls that imitate "bare" concrete, but you can finish with textured tiles in dark shades, but it is better to use natural stone or porcelain stoneware slabs. Recently, matte tiles of a fairly large size with the texture of natural stone or wood are gaining popularity. Examples, photos of a bathroom with dark-colored tiles are presented below.

Actual forms and design of ceramic tiles

The favorite among the materials for finishing the bathroom is still tile. Only the shape, color, ornaments and texture of the tiles change. Recently, a rectangular 60 x 30 cm tile has been used to decorate the bathroom. Natural stone and porcelain stoneware are also in fashion, which has a different shape, but the slab itself is quite large. Such materials are good for decorating large and spacious rooms. The latest trend in bathroom design is the use of marble slabs, see examples of such interiors in the photo.

If you have, then it is better to give preference to light or white tiles of a small size, or even use a small mosaic for decoration. Now a small tile imitating brick has become fashionable. Also in trend is glass mosaic, it is used to decorate the area near the sink or shower wall. If you are decorating in a Scandinavian style or with art deco motifs, then the floor can be laid out with stylish pixel tiles with geometric black and white ornaments. At first glance, it is somewhat reminiscent of a mosaic, but this tile design looks much more interesting. You can find pixel tiles in the catalogs of online stores selling Italian ceramics.

Now designers are experimenting not only with a combination of colors and textures, but are also in constant search for new ideas and shapes. Therefore, now, when developing, they are increasingly using tiles of non-standard shapes and colors. They are also experimenting with options for laying ceramic tiles. It is laid out with a herringbone, narrow rectangular plates, different forms of tiles and mosaics are combined in one interior. Hexagon-shaped tiles are back in fashion again.

Tile bathroom interior photo: a new look at the classic hexagonal tile

Facing wet areas with glass mosaics

Trendy shades of tiles for the bathroom

In 2017-2018, designs with an application for naturalness and naturalness will remain popular. “Natural” finishing materials such as wood, stone, clay, etc. will be in fashion. Therefore, for the design of modern bathrooms, matte tiles in beige, brown, gray shades with the texture of wood or stone will be used. If funds allow, you can finish the bathroom with natural stone, while laying out the floor and walls with tiles in the same color scheme. Monochromatic designs are very popular right now.

No less stylish look bathrooms, decorated in black and white colors. For large baths, it is important to use tiles of various shapes and colors to create a visual separation between the wet and dry areas in the bathroom.

In catalogs with Italian tiles, more and more tile options with Scandinavian-style ornaments come across. By choosing a similar colored tile, you can very easily create an interesting and at the same time uncomplicated interior. Just divide the space into zones, lay out one part of the wall with colored tiles with ornaments, and the rest of the wall with classic white tiles. An example of such a tile design in the bathroom, see the photo.

Which bathroom tile to choose?

As already indicated above, when choosing tiles and finishing materials in general, one should start first of all from the size of the room. It will be easier to tile walls with small tiles, and finishing a large room will be less laborious if you opt for large rectangular or square tiles.

The color of the tiles will depend on the overall concept that will be used in the design and decoration of the room. If we talk about the combination of furniture color and tile shade, then it is better to choose either very similar tones, or, on the contrary, very contrasting ones.

The most fashionable color this season, without a doubt, will be gray. But do not think that the interior with gray tiles will be boring. Using a rich variety of shades and textures of this finishing material, you can create an atmosphere of luxury and relaxation in a gray bathroom. Given the trend of using natural materials, stone tiles will be very relevant this year. Here is an example of a bathroom tile design photo showing how the nobility of stone combined with minimalism and other natural materials creates a truly stylish and modern atmosphere.

Often, to create a single harmonious atmosphere for decoration, ceramic tiles are chosen to duplicate the texture of bathroom furniture, i.e. if the furniture has glossy facades, then the tiles should be glossy, and if you plan to buy furniture made of natural wood, then the tiles should repeat its texture.

Life hack: how to lay out the tiles yourself?

If you decide to make repairs and design the bathroom yourself, then video tutorials that are devoted to laying tiles for the bathroom and little bathroom design tricks can help you.

Tutorial video: bathroom tiling

Tutorial video: how to make a hole in a tile

Beautiful bathroom tiles: photo with design ideas

You can create a beautiful, thoughtful bathroom interior, in which everything is carefully planned, and you can do it yourself. Get inspired by the collection of photos with interesting tile designs in the bathroom and come up with your own interior solutions. After all, absolutely any bathroom can be stylishly and beautifully decorated, no matter if it is in Khrushchev, in a panel house or a cottage.

Stylish tile

Interior solutions for the bathroom

Non-standard ways of laying tiles in the bathroom

Modern bathrooms

Hexagon bathroom tile

Magnificent interiors with mosaics

Variety of bathroom cladding solutions

Restraint and minimalism are in fashion

Bathroom interior with hexagon tiles

Interior with blue tiles

Bathroom interior with trendy hexagon tiles

Bathroom tile color options

Orange tiles in the bathroom

Photo gallery of ceramic tiles from the collections of Russian and European manufacturers

In this section you will find interesting collections of ceramic tiles from Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Alcor bathroom tiles, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Kerama Marazzi, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Europa Ceramica, interior design photo

Cersanit bathroom tiles, interior design photo

Cersanit bathroom tiles, interior design photo

Cersanit bathroom tiles, interior design photo

Ceradim bathroom tiles, interior design photo

You can find prices for ceramic tiles on the official websites of manufacturers. If you want to save money, you can do it with a pattern imitating tiles.

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