Assemble a computer desk instruction. How to assemble a computer desk or do-it-yourself comfort. Video: do-it-yourself computer desk. how to make a table yourself. wooden board table

Let's figure out how to make a computer desk with your own hands. It is worth recognizing that working at the table always brings more productivity than on the couch. If you put the computer on the table, you will feel concentrated. A handmade computer desk will significantly improve the overall interior of the room. So let's look at everything in detail - how to make a computer desk?

Having a computer is now considered a necessity. Many adults maintain important documentation on a personal computer, and children this machine just important for schooling. Recently technological process got high. Buying a computer is considered commonplace. As you know, there are stationary and portable devices. And each of them requires a proper place.

Tables are different. Big ones, small ones, empty ones, stuffed with different shelf compartments. Successful Choice will depend on how determined you are with your goals. For example, do you plan to use a laptop, a desktop computer with all its accessories? What will you do in the workplace (writing articles, programming, bookkeeping, modeling, video editing, etc.). There can be a lot of tasks. And based on your list of needs, you should make a deliberate choice of a computer desk. Let's say the choice falls on a desktop computer. Its components include a system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, modem, printer and various other additional devices. Based on this, calculate the required number of shelves. Another important point These are materials for making a computer desk. The most common inexpensive working material is chipboard. Of course, there are also expensive options.

Choose a place

From correct location the table will depend on the convenience of the room. If the room is small, of course, it would be unreasonable to put a large table here. If the room allows large furniture, a small computer desk will not seem the most functional option furniture. It is worth focusing on the following aspects before placing furniture in a room:

  • The computer desk serves as a carrier of computer equipment, which, of course, needs power supply. So the table is important to place next to the outlet.
  • It is desirable to work at the table during consecration. There is no better light for work than daylight. Therefore, it is worth organizing the arrangement of the table in such a way that the light from the windows falls on the left side of the computer area.
  • Computer equipment on the table already obliges you to get rid of excess heating objects in advance that can cause a short circuit, a fire. Putting a table near a radiator, fireplace, electric heater is extremely unreasonable.
  • It is recommended to free the occupied space from other various items(pictures, shelves and decorative elements).

Tables are divided into several types: straight, corner and combined. Let's analyze each option in order.

Each type of table is made differently. Some projects cost a lot, while others save money. The type of table you choose will determine your costs, assembly time, and available space.

straight table

The classic version of furniture is intended mainly for simple written works. Advantage of this type is a good concentration on work and the ability to feel free. In this way, your attention is not wasted, and productivity at work increases significantly. The stubborn table has its own requirements. If you have enough free space along the wall, so you will be comfortable working in your room.

Corner table

People who constantly work from home often have to sit in front of a computer screen. If you belong to this category of workers, then a corner table is very suitable for you. Its advantages are that it requires little assembly materials and does not take up much space. This type of table is chosen by gamers.

At corner table have and back side medals. According to psychologists, the angular design specifically puts pressure on the human psyche and provokes panic.

Combination table

This option is something in between the choice between the first and second option. The design is functional and beautiful in design. But it takes up quite a lot of space. This is mainly due to the presence of various storage departments. The main role is played by cabinets, which allow you to hide things in such a way that they are always at hand and at the same time do not interfere.

drawing work

Once you have dealt with all the small points, proceed to assembling a computer desk with your own hands. First you need to determine the height of the structure. The standard figure is 75 cm. Not everyone has the same height. Therefore, it is worth correctly calculating the height using one formula:

We multiply “your height” by 75 and divide by 175. Your height is 190 cm. So the calculations will be as follows. 190×75/175=81 cm.

The above formula allows you to accurately make a drawing. If you want the table to turn out even, and it didn’t take so much time to make it, Special attention do some drawing work. In order not to invent "bicycles", borrow a standard plan for manufacturing a computer desk design. Too many materials are unnecessary for this model. The design has the following components:

  • Monitor shelf;
  • Keyboard shelf;
  • Shelf of various small things;
  • Cabinet of files and other documentation;
  • Upper shelves for books, columns.

As you can see, computer components can easily fit on the table. What tools to use to assemble a computer desk? For such a case, one cannot do without a jigsaw (preferably electric), a drill, a screwdriver, a screwdriver, grinder and chisels. And since you will be doing the work according to the drawing, do not forget about the construction pencil.

Getting Started

For the manufacture will need sheets of chipboard. Of course, you can cut them yourself. True, if you do not have experience in this, the sheets may turn out uneven. And this means that you have to redo the work and once again waste time. Alternative solution will order such sheets for furniture factory. There you can stick the edge, which will save time. Next will be listed necessary details for assembly: side racks; central; countertop; rear machine panel; sheets for shelves; separate sheet for the keyboard. As soon as these details are cut out for you and you have not noticed any errors, feel free to get to work.

The principle of operation consists of several stages:

  • The side and center wall needs holes for the lower shelves. Before drilling, mark with a pencil at the bottom up to 70 mm. Then draw a horizontal line. Now, when the two holes correspond to two parallel ones, you should take the shelf fasteners with the help of confirmations, self-tapping screws.
  • We attach the top shelf in the same way. True, this time the distance is 100 mm. We measure, mark and make holes. Next, attach the top shelf.
  • The rear wall must be in a level position with the end of the side and center wall. We apply the marks we need, drill and fasten the wooden wall.
  • Further back wall connects to the side. Before connecting the two parts of the table, drill two holes in the back wooden sheet. Screw the two parts to each other with the help of confirmations.
  • The keyboard shelf should slide in and out. So we need "rails" that will be fixed on the main top of the table. So, before that, we measure 50 mm from the side wall. Then we leave a mark, and then draw two parallel lines. If the lines are even, we begin to fix the "rails".
  • The keyboard shelf will not be able to move along the rails so easily if the rails are not fixed to it. Having coped with this stage of work, we proceed to the next one.
  • To install the tabletop, you need to drill two holes in the side parts of the table. This is necessary in order to place a dowel in each of them. In the countertop, you will need to make four holes that would correspond to the inserted dowels. It is desirable to make the holes in the countertop deep, but at the same time not through.
  • You can’t just take and immediately insert the countertop onto bare dowels. The structure will not be stable. Nevertheless, this is achieved with PVA glue. Spread each dowel individually with glue, and then insert the countertop.

Fasten additional shelves on top using dowels.

Is a computer desk suitable for a laptop

Strictly speaking, any computer needs a desk. And the laptop is no exception. In a laptop, the keyboard has 101 keys, or 128. As you know, the touchpad plays the role of a mouse. Everything seems to be convenient. As much as we would not like, a laptop is still not a desktop computer. The main disadvantage is the computer screen, which is built-in and comes with a keyboard. So stationary option we can move the monitor from place to place. In general, put it in the way that suits us. At the same time, other components of the computer remain in place. This problem with laptops is easily solved with an additional keyboard. True, in this case, a computer desk will definitely be needed.

By connecting additional peripherals, the usability level of the PC is greatly improved. For the most part, it depends on the presence of a normal computer desk. You will agree that using a computer mouse on your lap is not so convenient. It is much more pleasant to move it on a flat surface.

If you put a laptop on a sofa, pillow, blanket, it will adversely affect the performance of the computer. The problem is elementary - all laptops are heated. With such careless use, your PC will definitely not last long. Why, ask, a computer desk for a laptop, if you can get by with an ordinary small portable table. It is worth noting that if you use a portable device, departments for a stationary car will always find use.

Before choosing a computer desk, it is important to pay attention in advance to what tasks you use the PC for. In the case of serious work with documentation, a straight table is quite suitable for its ergonomics and style. Best for entertainment corner option table. The combined table diversifies your field of activity and entertainment time. In addition to the type of table, it is important to consider the selection of materials and the assembly process.

Poor quality working materials are unlikely to contribute to the long life of a computer desk. The fact of the assembly of the structure itself is also important. Above in the text were considered phased options work. None of these points will be done correctly if you do not develop a drawing from the very beginning. Before starting any business, you need a plan. So you can’t start assembling the table without a drawing.

In this way, you end up with a product that fully meets your taste and functional preferences. And it doesn’t matter if you are making a table for a laptop or a desktop computer. Much more important is its ergonomics, functionality and practicality.

Video: Do-it-yourself computer desk assembly

Photo gallery: Models of computer tables and drawings

To organize a workplace along the wall of the room, a straight computer desk is ideal. Order drawings of the model you like and make a computer desk with your own hands!

Corner computer tables

Efficient filling corner space your room will be a corner computer desk. You can make any model of the catalog yourself, using our drawings!

A desktop computer has a lot of wires and communications that need compact placement. good decision this question will independent production computer desk.

Our catalog contains drawings interesting models. Now you can with minimal cost make a computer desk at which it will be convenient to work. All you need is to assemble a "furniture designer" according to our drawings, and get a decent result in the form of an excellent computer desk.

If the catalog does not contain the model you need, then send us its image. We will be happy to make drawings of this table for you and add it to our catalog.

Good luck in all your good deeds!

Personal working space largely determines the quality of the work performed, because it depends on it how comfortable and productive it will be labor process. To a large extent, this applies to the desktop, which should be user-friendly. Constructors and designers involved in the development of office and home offer a lot original ideas, but you can try to translate your own ideas into reality on your own.

What manufacturers offer

Before you start working on your own project, you should familiarize yourself with the offers on the furniture market, among which you can learn a lot for yourself. interesting ideas. As a platform for finding inspiration, let's take the IKEA hypermarket, where there is always huge selection goods from different price categories. The desktops available in the catalog of the largest furniture retailer look concise and of high quality, but lack any special “zest”.

Things are no better for other manufacturers - either the design frankly “gives away” the last century, or the design is too cumbersome for modern interiors. However, among all the variety, there are also original models that are not overloaded with unnecessary details and are easy to use. For example, a table top adapted to accommodate a laptop, tablet and other gadgets looks very stylish and ergonomic, but not all users can afford its cost. However, this is not a reason to refuse the table you like, because you can build something similar with your own hands.

Drawing up an engineering project

The first thing to decide at the design stage is the functionality of the future table. Suggested options include placing a contactless phone charger on the tabletop, a built-in pilot with an extension cord passed through the table leg, areas for a whiteboard and glass for notes, holes for different types gadgets and more.
For our future table, we will focus on the following functional elements and details:
  • central holes for the removal of wires from the laptop and additional passive cooling;
  • recessed recess for a coffee cup;
  • places for placing a tablet and a smartphone with holes for connecting a charger;
  • small stands for various little things- pencils, pens, flash drives, etc.
Having decided on the list of necessary functions, you can begin to draw up working drawings, according to which our table will be made. For greater convenience, you should use useful computer programs - SketchUp and CorelDraw. These software products allow you to perform not only a technically competent drawing, but also create three-dimensional 3D models of the future work area.


After drawing up a virtual layout, an idea may come to mind, use a ready-made one for its implementation, inexpensive table, for example, from the same IKEA. However, this trick will not work, since almost all inexpensive countertops turn out to be hollow inside, and it is technically impossible to make the necessary grooves and holes in them.

Another option is to buy a custom-sized board (1200mm x 600mm x 40mm) made from solid wood. Here you need to understand that not all tree species are suitable for our purposes. For example, pine will be too soft for a countertop, as a result of which chips and cracks may appear on its surface during processing. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend choosing hardwoods such as beech, oak and ash.

This is followed by the most difficult stage in the manufacture of the table - the search for a company engaged in milling and laser engraving of wood. Despite the apparent simplicity of the task, not all masters are ready to take on its implementation, so you will have to spend time looking for craftsmen who will not “raise up” the price for their services on space level. We managed to find such wonderful guys who, moreover, helped with the finalization of the project and gave useful recommendations and advice.

Worktop processing stage

After all the holes, grooves and recesses have been implemented, according to the original plan, the countertop must be properly processed to bring it into working condition. First, all surfaces are sanded with sandpaper, including the inside of the holes. To achieve perfect smoothness, you will need different types of “sandpaper” grit - 100, 280 and 360. The manual sanding process can take several hours, as it requires special care when performing.

After receiving flat surface without roughness and burrs, you can proceed to the final processing of wood. To do this, you can use varnish, paint or oil, depending on the personal preferences of the user. We opted for the latter option, inspired by the many benefits of the oil:
  • no harmful fumes, environmental friendliness;
  • impact resistance high temperatures and moisture;
  • fast drying in a few hours;
  • preservation of the natural structure of the wood surface;
  • ease of use and subsequent operation.
In addition, the application of even several layers of oil does not form a glossy film visible to the eye and does not give a cloying shine.
Each layer of oil coating should be dried for two hours, after which you can proceed with the installation of the support legs. For our model, we used ready-made IKEA legs, and their installation was, perhaps, the most easy stage from the whole idea with the manufacture of the table.


One month was spent to implement the idea from scratch, during which the following tasks were consistently implemented:
  • 1 week - clearance own ideas, the formation of a list of necessary functions, drawing up ideas about the appearance of the future table;
  • 2 week - making a 3D layout and drawings using computer programs, search for suitable craftsmen who are professionally engaged in milling;
  • 3rd week - execution of milling and engraving works;
  • 4 week - work on finishing countertops, mounting legs.
In terms of price, the most costly moments were milling and engraving services, as well as the purchase of furniture board from wood mass. All other stages were carried out on their own, which ultimately made it possible to meet the total amount slightly more than 10 thousand rubles.
The experience gained in the independent manufacture of a modern computer desk made it possible to draw a number of important practical conclusions:
  • V retail difficult to find suitable model desktop;
  • when purchasing a furniture board for a countertop, preference should be given to hardwoods;
  • when looking for milling cutting services, you may encounter difficulties;
  • oil coating - good view finishes for wood.

The computer is firmly established in life modern man. He reports latest news, provides information, connects with business partners, entertains, educates, provides and gets the job done. A vast group of people has emerged who spend most of their time at the computer. Actively involved are remote workers who do not need a physical presence in the office, who have every opportunity to do their work without leaving their homes. For them, the workplace is a computer desk. The importance of a properly organized and equipped workplace is undeniable, but not everyone has the opportunity to create it. The reason lies in the lack of a suitable table that allows you to place all the accessories necessary for work in a convenient order. Often, users are not satisfied with the size or configuration that does not fit into the interior of the room. Long searches take a lot of time and effort, not guaranteeing a positive result. People who know how to handle tools and materials, in such cases, begin to think about how to make a computer desk with their own hands, to create the best option for themselves. The procedure is not the most difficult, but some knowledge and skills will be required to implement it. Let's consider the question in order.

What is a computer desk

The computer is a complex of several elements, each of which must be placed in certain order or in your place. We need our own platforms system block, monitor, working plane for keyboard and mouse.

There are more compact types of computers - a laptop, a monoblock - but they also need a work plane.

A computer desk is a combination of a desk, desktop with additional elements, the number and composition of which may be different. Depending on the needs and possibilities of the premises, small planes with two or three additional platforms can be used, or large sets that combine racks for working materials, hanging shelves and other useful and user-friendly elements. Drawers and closed cabinets are also usually present, which combines computer desks with writing desks. The configuration of the computer desk is aimed at providing maximum ease of use, the ability to have access to any point in the workspace without unnecessary movements or movements that distract from classes.

What are the requirements for the design of a computer desk

A computer desk should provide convenience and comfort for the user. Design requirements:

  • The most convenient configuration that provides the placement of a computer and peripherals and the ability to use it for its intended purpose without any preparation.
  • The dimensions of the table should be user-friendly and optimally fit into the interior of the room.
  • The overall design should also match the decor of the room, not stand out and not create unpleasant sensations.
  • The composition of the elements that make up the table is designed for the most successful performance of work, classes or other actions with the computer.

The listed requirements are general, relating to all types and structural types of tables. For people of various professions, carrying out activities of one kind or another, some additional elements or functions may be required. For example, special planes may be required for the installation of instruments, equipment, placement of diagrams, drawings, etc.

Therefore, when planning the independent manufacture of a computer desk, you should carefully consider its configuration and composition of work surfaces, the number of containers and shelves, drawers and planes. To provide your own requirements means to create the most suitable table for yourself, which cannot be found in finished form.

Types of computer tables

There are many types of computer tables:

  • Classic (straight).
  • Corner.
  • Baby.
  • Mobile (on wheels).
  • With shelving.
  • With open shelves.
  • With closed drawers and cabinets.

In addition, there are different types of table designs:

  • Modular. The elements of the same type are used, allowing them to be composed in random order and receive various options designs.
  • Prefabricated. A design that allows, if necessary, disassembly and subsequent assembly (for example, for moving, during repairs, etc.).
  • Embedded. Such tables are parts of large furniture or structural arrays, performing their functions in their composition.

There are a lot of options, moreover, they can combine the features of two or three of these groups. There are no restrictions other than personal preferences and opportunities. People with developed artistic or creative abilities create exclusive, unique samples of tables made on the basis of various mechanisms, devices, objects.

Many use non-standard ways painting or pasting surfaces, apply different variants structures, etc. Such specimens are created for an amateur, but many of them are very attractive in appearance and are able to decorate a room.

What are computer tables made of?

The most commonly used material for a computer desk is laminated chipboard. This material is most convenient for the manufacture of hull structures; it is not for nothing that it is called “furniture in rolls”. Chipboard is easy to process, for connecting or fastening various elements, all the necessary spare parts and accessories are sold. In addition, there is a huge selection of color options, allowing you to choose the option that best suits the rest of the interior of the room or the wishes of the user.

Alternatively, you can use laminated MDF. It is close in its properties to laminated chipboard, but has a smaller filler fraction, due to which it is less fragile and not so prone to delamination when screwing fasteners. The principles of processing and assembly of these materials are almost the same.

Some masters prefer more rigid, durable structures. They use metal parts capable of withstanding heavy loads. At the same time, only the frame of the table is most often made of metal, work surfaces are made of sheet materials(LDSP, LMDF, countertop for kitchen sets, plywood, etc.).

In order to make a computer table with your own hands from metal, you need to have some skill in working with the material, the appropriate tools. Used as a frame steel pipes round or rectangular section, chrome-plated or raw (needing painting).

The most time-consuming option is a do-it-yourself computer desk made of wood. Working with wood is easier than with metal, but creating a finished product requires a large number of tools, materials, and consumables.

Requires cutting, grinding, planing and Finishing work and other intermediate operations. You can perform these operations at home, but for family members, such actions can be quite a serious test. In addition, finishing work involves the use of paints and varnishes that emit a considerable amount of volatile components with a pungent odor that are harmful to health. A computer desk made of solid wood will be quite expensive, since you will need to purchase a lot of expensive materials, tools, and consumables. If all the work is done at the proper level, then the result more than justifies all the efforts made, the money spent.

Things to Consider When Designing a Computer Desk

Before starting work, you should create a working drawing, a table project. This is necessary in order to fully imagine the assembly order, calculate the amount of materials, accessories, and finally work out the design and configuration of the table. It is necessary to start the development of the project with general parameters - decide on the style, decide what size or shape of the table will suit the existing interior or room size, choose the optimal color, material, and other characteristics. Then you need to resolve the issue with the countertop - size, shape, material, one or more. This point is important because the countertop is not always made of the same material as the walls of the cabinets and other vertical planes. When planning to make a computer desk with your own hands, drawings, photos, diagrams, other information is easy to find on the Internet. To get acquainted with the existing options, samples is useful for implementing your own ideas.

Important! In the absence of experience or skills, you can use one of the design programs, such as Basis Furniture Maker or the like. The programs are simple, they guarantee against errors in the calculation of dimensions or fittings, determine marking points, and other important nodes. Upon completion of work finished drawing you can print it, get it in paper form.

What tools and materials might come in handy

The set of tools is determined by the material that is selected to create the table. At the same time, there is a certain mandatory list that is needed in any case:

  • Roulette, ruler, square.
  • Pliers, hammer, awl, screwdriver (under a straight or cross-shaped slot).
  • Electric drill, jigsaw, grinder.

To make a table from chipboard or LMDF you will need:

  • Iron (for gluing edging material).
  • Forstner drill with a diameter of 35 mm for door hinges.
  • Screwdriver with a set of bits.

For metal frame table must be used:

  • Bulgarian with a cutting disc.
  • Electric drill with a set of drills.
  • File, sandpaper for edge processing.

You will also need materials:

  • Fittings for assembling the body and hinged doors.
  • Slider kits for drawers or keyboard surfaces.
  • Edge material.
  • Legs, support elements.
  • Handles for doors, drawers.

In addition to the most necessary materials, others may come in handy, not so important, but able to revive the product, give it an elegant, winning appearance. There are many options for how to decorate a computer desk with your own hands, in the absence of interesting ideas, you should look for photos on the net. There are a great many examples worthy of imitation, something suitable will be found for sure.

How to assemble a computer desk

Assembly is carried out according to the working drawing. According to its specification in the right amount components are made, processed in the necessary way, after which the table is assembled and installed in the allotted place. Takova general scheme making a computer desk. More specifically, table assembly can only be considered in relation to a particular material.

Making a table from chipboard or LMDF

Chipboard has sufficient strength and rigidity, so a table frame is not needed. For manufacturing you will need:

  • Cut the component parts, guided by the specification of the assembly drawing.
  • Glue the edges of the parts with edging material. A thin edge with a pre-applied adhesive layer or a thick vinyl edge is used, worn on the edge of the canvas.
  • Drill at all the necessary points for the possibility of assembly, installation of fittings and door hinges. This item is the most responsible, requires accuracy, accuracy. It is recommended that you take the time to make a template in advance that ensures the accuracy of installing elements and drilling holes.
  • Assemble a computer desk. Are used different ways assembly, with the use of confirmation, eccentric couplers, screws, corners, etc.
  • Install drawer slides or keyboard pads.
  • Install handles, plugs, additional elements.
  • Drill holes for wires (if necessary).
  • Set the table in place, start using.

Making a metal table

Fully metal tables usually they don’t, they use only a metal frame. Alternatively, a base is created from metal legs and rectangular metal tubes. Work surfaces are most often made of laminated chipboard; recently, countertops from kitchen sets have become popular.

Assembly is done in two stages:

  • Cutting and assembling a metal frame.
  • Facing with horizontal surfaces (walls), installation of work surfaces.

The first stage can be done in an apartment, or in a workshop. If used welding work, then they should be produced in a specially prepared room or on outdoors. With absence welding machine bolted connections can be used, but this option is less accurate, does not give sufficient compactness of the connections. Depending on the project, either a table frame or a complete table frame, shelving is assembled. If a chrome-plated tube is used, then welding is not used, assembly is carried out only on bolted joints or on special corner connecting elements.

The finished frame is installed in place, work surfaces, shelves, walls, and other cladding elements are attached to it. Usually structures of this kind do not have a large number closed cabinets, drawers, other additional elements. It is an openwork, light-looking design, free from unnecessary planes, that is used. This type of table looks good in a Hi Tech style interior.

Assembling a wooden table

Working with wood requires a large number of machines and equipment. Treatment wooden parts- noisy, very dusty occupation, therefore it is recommended to produce only final assembly or finishing. All major operations are best performed in a specialized workshop, so you can achieve the best results.

It is quite difficult to make a completely wooden computer desk. It will take a lot of machine operations, tenon-groove joints, gluing and other actions that require the use of machines.

Most often, combined tables are made when a wooden table top and external planes are created, and the frame and other load-bearing elements are made of rectangular metal tubes. In this version, the table outwardly looks like it is completely assembled from solid wood, but from the point of view of construction it is a metal frame sheathed with wooden shields. The assembly of such a product is no different from the already considered assembly of a metal frame, so there is no point in dwelling on it separately.

Finishing of wood is made by means of wood stains and varnishes. Given the specifics of the product, it is recommended to use matte varnishes that are not afraid of small scratches or scuffs that stand out on a glossy surface. In addition, matt varnish can be simply applied by spraying, while glossy finishes you have to grind, polish, which takes time, skills. The varnish must be durable, resistant to mechanical stress. It is recommended to use a two-component parquet varnish, a polyurethane one-component varnish also showed itself well.

Self-manufacturing of a computer desk is made if necessary to obtain a certain shape, size or configuration. It is irrational to take on the creation of conventional models, since it is easier to buy finished sample without wasting time. Manufacturing does not require special training, it is enough to have basic skills. The main key to success is accuracy, thoroughness in detail, thoughtfulness of each step. Significant assistance in creating a project, in technical matters, can be obtained on the Internet, where there are a lot of images or drawings finished products useful for understanding your own project.

A computer desk should combine many functions: in addition to being comfortable for working at a computer, it should also serve as desk and it is desirable that it provides a place to store disks, folders, notebooks, and other office supplies. The main thing is that, in addition to functionality, it should fit well in shape and size with the interior. Alas, often in stores it is impossible to find completely suitable furniture, for this reason, consider how to assemble the perfect table with your own hands.

A computer desk should combine many functions.

Here are a few reasons to make your own computer desk.

  1. The size of the product can be selected based on the size of the room. Factory tables tend to be expensive and standardized, but you can design your own to the size you need.
  2. You choose the details yourself. A furniture factory can save on assembly parts (we've all encountered flimsy screws in new furniture), but you can buy high-quality and durable ones yourself, and assemble a solid table.
  3. The cost of factory furniture includes many factors: not only the cost of materials, but also the wages of workers, the cost of maintaining the premises and other payments for the production process. When buying in a store, the price will include the rent of the store and the salary of sellers, not to mention a large margin. If you make the table yourself, you only pay for the materials.
  4. You choose the design of the table, based on the functions you need when using it. Often, to save space in a room, you need to optimize the place as much as possible, this can be done by creating a table project with big amount shelves, including those with doors.

Alas, it is often impossible to find completely suitable furniture in stores, for this reason we will consider how to assemble the perfect table with our own hands.

After complete drying, you can start assembling according to the layout.

Deciding on design and construction

First of all, the harmony of design with the furniture in the room is important. You can pick up options on the Internet, but you need to take into account the size of the space allotted to the table. The design must be selected based directly on the functionality of the table. If you need a computer desk for a stationary PC, then for the system unit you will need a special niche, a keyboard shelf and space for a monitor. If the table is designed to work with a laptop, instead of niches, you can make additional shelves where things will be stored.

Often, to save space in a room, you need to optimize the place as much as possible, this can be done by creating a table project with a large number of shelves, including doors.

It is important to understand that main goal it is worth creating a comfortable workplace, therefore it is preferable to immediately outline the approximate dimensions of all components, based on this parameter. It should be easy for you to reach the right things on the shelves, while the bottom of the table should withstand maximum loads.

First of all, the harmony of design with the furniture in the room is important.

Drawings and detailing

How to make a computer desk with your own hands? After an approximate definition of the basic requirements for the table, you need to outline a sketch. It does not have to be highly artistic, but must reflect a full-fledged appearance and contain all the structural details. After that, you need to measure the space for the table, mark the necessary ones on the sketch: the height, the length of the table along the wall, the width of the table inside the room. After that, you can start creating drawings. Again, these can be just sketches, but with measurements indicated. It is necessary to choose the height of the countertop, draw all the details in the correct scale. Be sure to check that you have worked out all the details and have not forgotten anything, as this should be a ready-made layout on which further work will be built.

After preparing the drawings, it is necessary to calculate the required material.

On a note: in a computer desk, an important feature is the ability to hide extra wires. For this, a special niche is provided, to which holes in the table lead, usually round.

Mounting materials are best taken with a small margin

After preparing the drawings, it is necessary to calculate the required material: quantity square meters base material, the number of handles and fixing materials.

When assembling the table with your own hands, you can use any material you like.

On a note: fasteners are best taken with a small margin. It will be problematic if there are not enough of them during assembly.

Of the cheaper materials, laminated sheets of chipboard, MDF, and plastic are usually used.

Necessary materials

When assembling the table with your own hands, you can use any material you like. It depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. If you can afford more expensive material, then choose natural wood: It is the most durable and non-toxic. Of the cheaper materials, laminated sheets of chipboard, MDF, and plastic are usually used. For special requirements for appearance You can choose between glass and metal tables.

With special requirements for the appearance of the table, you can choose glass and metal.

On a note: although glass and metal look very beautiful and are used in the high-tech style that is now fashionable, it is extremely difficult to work with these materials. This requires special skills, since glass is a very fragile material, and metal is difficult to cut.

Wood and materials from its shavings are softer and more pliable, beginners should stop at them.

If you are using material that requires painting, it is better to buy immediately paints and varnishes in a hardware store.

In order for a computer desk to be as strong as possible, it must have strong fasteners. For this, thick screws and self-tapping screws are suitable. When buying, you should consult with the seller: he can suggest the right choice, based on the approximate weight of the entire structure.

To mark the parts of the table, you will need chalk or a marker.

On a note: if you are using material that needs to be painted, it is best to buy paint and varnish materials at a hardware store right away.

It is necessary to choose the height of the countertop, draw all the details in the correct scale.

Required Tools

How to make a computer desk if there are no tools? You can buy them or borrow them from friends. For the manufacture of the structure, you will need the following tools.

  1. An electric saw for cutting parts of a table from a common piece of material. You can also use a hand saw.
  2. Sander and sandpaper of various sizes of crumbs. After cutting out the parts, it will be necessary to sand them properly so that the surface is perfectly smooth.
  3. Drill or other tool for drilling technically important holes.

Be sure to check that you have worked out all the details and have not forgotten anything, as this should be a ready-made layout on which further work will be built.

What else do you need to assemble the table

  1. Screwdriver. It is impractical to use nails and a hammer, screws are stronger and hold the structure longer.
  2. Construction ruler with levels. It will be required at the moment when the assembly of the table begins parallel to the floor, in order to avoid sliding and falling objects from the surface. The ruler will help make the table as even as possible.

After the outer side has dried, sign the details on a new one and paint the inner side.

On a note: you will need chalk or a marker to mark the parts of the table. They will also be needed during assembly. Ideally, use washable markers.

After that, you need to measure the space for the table, mark the necessary ones on the sketch: the height, the length of the table along the wall, the width of the table inside the room.

After that, it is necessary to cut out all the details as accurately as possible, fold them side by side and grind them one by one to a smooth state.

Manufacturing process: step by step instructions

The first stage of production is the creation of a layout. If you have already prepared a layout, made calculations and bought everything necessary materials, prepared the tools, you can start manufacturing.

After an approximate definition of the basic requirements for the table, you need to outline a sketch.

First you need to mark out the details on the surface of the selected material according to the calculated layout on a scale of 1: 1 so that all parts of the table fit.

It is important to understand that the main goal is to create a comfortable workplace, therefore it is preferable to immediately outline the approximate dimensions of all components, based on this parameter.

On a note: it's better to sign the details with inside so as not to get confused during assembly.

The first stage of production is the creation of a layout.

After that, it is necessary to cut out all the details as accurately as possible, fold them side by side and grind them one by one to a smooth state. If the material requires painting, after grinding, paint all the details separately on the outside, but leave the inside. After the outer side has dried, sign the details on a new one and paint the inner side.

If you have already prepared a layout, made calculations and bought all the necessary materials, prepared tools, you can start manufacturing.

After complete drying, you can start assembling according to the layout. Do-it-yourself corner computer desk individual design ready!

If the table is designed to work with a laptop, instead of niches, you can make additional shelves where things will be stored.

A computer desk with your own hands according to an individual design is ready.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself computer desk. How to make a table yourself. Table made of wooden boards.

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