How to know the levels of development of human consciousness. Stages (levels) of development of people's consciousness. why cosmic consciousness is necessary. th level of consciousness - spiritual

The level of consciousness shapes every detail of our inner world and our environment. The level of consciousness is a personal, individual vibration of the energy body. Every moment you are in continuous interaction with other objects that also have a certain frequency of vibrations, whether it be a thought, emotion, communication with another person, etc. As a result of this interaction, the vibration frequency of your energy body undergoes changes, it can increase or decrease in its amplitude, which, accordingly, will have an instant reflection on the physical level. We can feel better, feel uplifted and energized, or vice versa, feel depressed, apathetic, irritable, or even aggressive.

You, dear reader, have probably heard about the need to keep your thoughts clean. Thought is an energy object, interaction with which occurs constantly. Your level of consciousness will primarily fluctuate within the vibrational frequency of your thoughts. Light, positive thoughts raise the level of consciousness. In the same way, base, gloomy, negative thoughts lower him.

Thoughts cause certain emotions and are the cause of certain actions on the physical plane, be it cooking, listening to music, meditation, etc. Everything we touch has its own frequency of vibration.

Recently there was a question about how to behave in a diverse (in terms of the level of consciousness) society. If we cannot isolate ourselves, following the example of the monks, then we are forced to adapt to the people around us, which will often negatively affect ourselves (the result of interaction with a lower level of consciousness). How to act and what to do?

The sphere of communication and interaction with other people is outside our personal space. Work on oneself begins at the primary stage, in the sphere of thoughts. Thoughts are connected with everything we do, with everything we live and with everything that surrounds us. The work on thoughts, their nature and influence, I will consider in detail later. I will only say one thing - by putting things in order in the mental sphere (which is actually incredibly difficult), you can significantly increase the frequency of your vibrations. A person will approach the level of consciousness at which he will begin to ask himself questions about where and why he came to this world.

As we approach the answer to these questions, a reassessment of values, desires and aspirations will follow, in parallel, the internal emotional background will begin to change, and a depth of understanding of all the processes taking place in the world will appear. At the same time, there will be a review of their activities, an assessment will be made of everything achieved in the material and spiritual spheres, as well as in the sphere of the family, not only for the period of this life, but also for the periods of past lives.

A person literally begins to build himself anew. Step by step, progressively, a new person, a new personality, will be born. If the house is in a deplorable state, then it must be demolished and rebuilt! Otherwise, everything you do will not only not have the desired effect, but can lead to even more serious consequences. It all depends on how long a person has been building "not his own house" living in the literal sense of the word "someone else's life."

As a result of large-scale work on oneself, changes in character and personal qualities are possible, not to mention a likely change in the type of activity and interests. The environment will also change in parallel with your level of development, it is possible to change your place of residence up to moving to another country. What to say about the social circle? Work on oneself is a global change of consciousness.

If it changes, your life will change., in every detail and in the full range of diversity. The social circle will change, it will change as much as the level of your consciousness changes. If it seems to a person that he is adjusting, then, in all likelihood, the level of consciousness of such a person is still very close to the object with which the interaction takes place.

Different levels of consciousness may be in contact, but they will by no means be permanent. In other words, we have a situation in which either a person with a higher level of consciousness will either “descend” to the level of the majority, or will be forced to go beyond the system and organize his own.

Be ready to be alone for some time, although loneliness is a gift, it is a temporary (emphasis on the last syllable) handicap from the world so that you can immerse yourself in yourself, comprehend everything that happens to you.

Changing the level of consciousness leads to global changes in life. These processes are subject to physical laws, internal change inevitably leads to external changes. Therefore, I always say that working on yourself, working on your levels of consciousness is a long, painful process!

But this is how you can change your life for the better, discover all the beauty of the world, feel the magic. The only tool and material in the process of creating yourself will be yourself.

No one and nothing will help you, no amount of money will buy you a "new" self, no seminar will advance you to a new level, only you yourself can change your life. Do not try to absorb as much information as possible, better learn to understand, realize and filter out smaller volumes. I'm not talking about the information that you pick up on the fly, for example, leafing through your news feed.

The first stage of human consciousness is the so-called physical consciousness, in which sensations and feelings are realized, but there is no self-consciousness (the physical level of consciousness is inherent in animals). Some people currently have a physical level of consciousness. They are unable to know themselves, even superficially. For them, "I" appears to be a purely physical thing - a body that has desire and feelings, and nothing more. "I" and the body are one for them, and they are not able to distinguish them from each other.

The second stage of human consciousness, which most people are currently in, is mental consciousness (also called intellect or reason), in which a person realizes that he has a mind. He is able to know himself, to look inward and into the Universe. This stage is characterized by the fact that a person pays a certain price for cognition in the form of mental suffering (since, due to the immaturity of consciousness at this stage, he is not able to find full answers to the questions that life puts before him). Mental suffering arises as a result of unsatisfied aspirations, disappointments, sufferings of others, beings they love, etc. An animal, living its animal life, feels satisfied, because it knows nothing better. If it is full, has a lair to sleep and a female or male, it is happy. People (most of whom have a mental consciousness) are immersed in a whole world of mental discontent. New needs arise, and the impossibility of satisfying them gives rise to suffering. Civilization becomes more complex and brings new suffering along with new pleasures. A person becomes attached to things and every day creates artificial needs, for the satisfaction of which he must work. His intellect, instead of leading him upward, only gives him the opportunity to invent new and new subtle ways to satisfy his feelings and desires. Some people elevate the satisfaction of their sensuality, their lower instincts, to the rank of religion and become, so to speak, powerful animals, armed with all the powers of the intellect. Some become vain, self-satisfied and full of consciousness of the importance of their personality (false "I"). Others painfully focus on themselves and are engaged in the analysis and study of their moods, motives, feelings, etc. Still others are fed up with everything and become a burden to themselves.

When a person reaches the threshold of the stage of mental consciousness and the next stage begins to open before him, he is more inclined than ever to feel dissatisfaction with life. He cannot understand himself - his origin, destiny, purpose and nature - and he beats against the bars of the cage of intellect in which he is imprisoned. He asks himself, “Where am I from? Where am I going? What is the purpose of my existence? He is not satisfied with the answers given by others and often falls into despair. Orthodox psychology stops when it reaches the border of mental consciousness (self-consciousness) and leaves philosophical schools and higher yoga to explore and learn the next stages of development of consciousness.

The third and fourth stages of consciousness free a person from those spiritual sufferings that fill people who are at the second stage.

The third stage of human consciousness is the first step towards cosmic consciousness. This is the stage of "I" awareness. It is much higher than self-consciousness, because it gives awareness of the reality of "I". It is awareness, which is knowledge, and not just a guess or belief. "I" knows that it is real, that it is rooted in the highest reality (Absolute), underlying the entire Universe, and is involved in its essence. It does not yet understand what this Reality is, but it knows that it truly exists and is something completely different from anything else in the world of name, form, number, time, space, causes and effects - something transcendental and transcending all human experience; it also knows that it cannot be destroyed or damaged; that it is not threatened by death, that it is immortal. When this is fully revealed to a person, doubt, fear, anxiety and dissatisfaction fall from him like worn-out clothes, and he acquires fearlessness, calmness and contentment. Then he can, with full understanding and knowledge, say the famous yogic phrase "I am".

The realization of "I" for some is like the dawn of knowledge, as if the first rays of the sun are shown from behind the hills. For others, it comes in its fullness, although gradually and slowly, and they live in the bright light of this realization.

A person who has the awareness of "I" may not yet fully understand the mysteries of the universe and cannot fully answer the great questions of life, but he has ceased to be disturbed by them, they no longer bother him. He can exercise his intellect on these questions, but he will by no means think that his happiness or peace of mind depends on the intellectual resolution of them.

He knows that he is standing on a solid rock, and although the storms of the world around him rage around, they cannot harm him. His life is different from the lives of other people, because while their souls are sunk in sleep or rush about in disturbing dreams, his soul has awakened and looks at the world with clear and fearless eyes.

The fourth stage of consciousness - cosmic consciousness - leads to the realization of the unity of all living things, the fact that the Universe is filled with a single life. With cosmic consciousness, the awareness of oneself and the Universe increases, and the awareness of the need for love for all people comes.


Assume a meditation posture and think of yourself (the real "I") as independent of the body, but using the body as a shell and instrument.

Realize that you can leave the body and remain the same "I". Imagine this and look at your body from the side. After all, the body is a shell that can be left without losing identity. You can control your body, which you occupy, and make it healthy, strong, energetic. But it always remains only a shell, a shell of "I".

As you continue to meditate, ignore your body completely, turn your thoughts to the real, real "I" and feel that your "I" exists separately from the body. Thus, one must feel one's body not only physically, but also be able to be “above the body”. But the above in no way means ignoring the body (the body is a temple for the "I" and must be maintained in good condition).

Do not be afraid if, in the process of thinking, you feel for a few seconds as if out of your body. In this exercise, this state is quite natural.

Consciousness is a mental activity, awareness of something. Development of consciousness- this is an increase in the degree of reasonableness of a person and awareness of the choice in his every act or action. It means overcoming impulsive, unconscious and programmed by stereotypical reactions of behavior and hidden complexes, which, in fact, is characteristic of the greater half of humanity. Since consciousness is a fundamental aspect of personality, located in human behavior, emotions and thinking, its development allows you to take control of your entire life and gain real freedom of choice. That is why it is the key to clear thinking, a positive attitude, effective and purposeful activity.

Main ways of developing consciousness: technique of transcendental meditation, criticism.
The Transcendental Meditation technique is a mental technique that is simple enough to perform and effective for the development of the consciousness of each person. The meditative state is characterized by a state of conscious rest, when mental activity completely stops, consciousness loses its direction, and thoughts are absent. The meditator independently achieves pure consciousness, because apart from himself he has no other content. Critical thinking is a module of consciousness that makes it more possible to access specific meanings, objects and meanings. Criticism makes it possible to reveal the grounds for the authenticity of creation and to clarify problems, since it reveals the true way of being. Criticism includes the most important components, such as:

  • Critical analysis of the logical and meaningful aspects of external information;
  • Identification of the degree of compliance of the principle of sufficient reason for various statements;
  • Revealing the facts of incompatible and unrelated ideas and their uncritical connection;
  • The ability to apply antithesis to determine the truth of statements, etc.

Thus, criticism, as a way of developing consciousness, allows one to pose new problematic questions, full of meaning, used to eliminate worldview problems. In addition, it ensures the effectiveness of social competencies and the productivity of social practice in decision-making and problem solving. Only criticism allows each person to think.

and basic tips.

The development of superpowers of consciousness allows you to live in the present without worrying about the future, leaving the past in the past, and move towards a specific goal in a strictly approved direction. To increase the level of awareness, you need to adhere to the following methods and tips:

  • In order to raise the level of consciousness, it is necessary to have clear intentions, since only it can become a springboard for raising it. With an incentive and intention, you can quickly and easily get information on a specific issue and undoubtedly apply it in your own life;
  • Do regular checks on your own belief system, most of which are built in childhood. However, they should not cause your present beliefs to stagnate. Equally important is the control of beliefs for performance, so that they are activated in the present time;
  • Do not lie to others, and especially to yourself. Honesty is one of the most important conditions. By deceiving other people and yourself, you will not be able to move to a higher level of development of consciousness. When deceived, you will only be confused and lost in lies;
  • The presence of a life goal allows consciousness to move to a new higher level. If there is no goal in your life, you need to decide on it and choose the right direction;
  • All decisions should be made consciously and independently, since this is your own business and in this way you will increase calmness and self-control, as well as expand your inner world. If decisions are made for you, then the level of development of consciousness will drop to the lowest level;
  • Develop the level of intelligence (mental, emotional and spiritual) as it will lead to the highest level of awareness;
  • Respect yourself and others, forgive for actions and negative moments;
  • Accept yourself exactly as you feel spiritually, because that is how you will be able to work effectively with your own existing shortcomings;
  • Do only activities that you enjoy and enjoy.

Stages of personality development
In addition to the directions of the movement of the human biocomputer towards psychotypes, i.e. the formation of the operating system and programs, each person seeks to develop in depth, i.e. increase the power of your computer. At some stage, the amount of RAM and the speed of the processor become sufficient for a person to be aware of himself.

From this moment, the process of development of consciousness begins, which we will conditionally divide into 5 stages. The stages of personality formation follow the same principles as the stages of body formation in the womb. We were taught in school that the embryo goes through several stages of formation. The main ones are: coelenterates, chordates, amphibians, mammals. Similarly, in the social womb, a person can go through similar stages. All these stages are described in detail by Absalom the Underwater.

We will use his terminology here. These stages do not correspond to the stages of the chronological development of the physical body, although the same concepts are used.
1. Infantile.
2. Teenage.
3. Youthful.
4. Mature.

You can increase the power of your biocomputer up to 30-33 years, i.e. until the time when chemical processes do not fix bonds, so before this age it is desirable to go through all the stages of personal growth.
In practice, development stops much earlier due to internal or external reasons. Stopping development can occur at any stage. What are the stages of personality development?

For clarity, consider a simple graph:

It can be seen here that in the process of personality development

  • increases the level of awareness
  • less social dependency
  • the level of significance first increases,

and at the stage of youthful personality decreases.

From what level of development is a person able to feel and admit to himself that he is not a Nagual. As can be seen from the graph, from the moment the self-importance level began to decrease, i.e. at the level of a youthful personality, the energy taken away by self-importance is released and the ability to be sober and attentive to oneself increases. A person during this period begins to actively seek the Teacher.
Similarly to the formation of the personality, the dream body is formed, and the main link between the personality and the dream body is consciousness.
The dream body is an inverted personality. If during wakefulness the defining moment in the development of consciousness is the ability to turn off the internal dialogue and observe oneself, then in sleep the main building material for the formation of the dream body will be just this very internal dialogue, i.e. the sleep-transferred ability to think, set tasks, and complete them.

How to determine your psychotype? No way. If such a question arose, this indicates that the person himself did not fully structure his personality, in this case it is better to turn to a specialist.
How to determine your level of development of consciousness? The main criterion here is how much a person is able to look for the cause of everything that happens to him - in himself.

Also, one of the main indicators of the level of personal strength, and as a consequence of the level of personal growth, is the ability to keep people close to you. And not by force, but voluntarily. Previously, this indicator was called "personal magnetism", i.e. the ability to attract people. The mechanism of such magnetism is rather simple. If a person has an excess of personal strength or free energy, which can manifest itself in life experience, caring for others, strategic knowledge, positive emotions, money, then he easily shares it with others. This is the magnet.

Many infantile creatures, with a personal strength indicator approaching zero, in search of ways to influence the people around them, begin to engage in household magic, witchcraft and other primitive tricks, trying in such ways to get attention and respect for themselves.

On the other hand, they can be understood, infantile - the most dependent on the emotions of those around them, and no matter what calendar age they are, children, adults, the elderly - they all need the most attention to their person. Communication for the sake of communication, the search for truth for the sake of argument, intrigue, slander - these are infantile methods to attract attention.
Infantile beings, in principle, are not able to understand what an excess of personal power, the presence of free energy is, and therefore they are suspicious of such people. Increased vitality, this is understandable, but personal strength ... Naturally, they can only assume one thing - that such people have successfully mastered the techniques of black magic, zombies, and use them for selfish purposes.
Theoretically, infantiles, of course, know about the rules and norms of community life, about compassion for all living beings, about mutual assistance, about love for one's neighbor, and so on. but they have not yet passed the way to become so, and therefore cannot create a picture of the world in which beings more mature than they live. And therefore, the very possibility of the existence of such people is not allowed. From their position, a statement like “he is like me, but has everything, and I have nothing” is quite justified.

The easiest way to understand the process of becoming a person is if, as an analogy, we consider the process of evolution of computers that is happening before our eyes.
We all know that a 286 computer is not capable of decoding MPEG-4 discs. At the same time, the Pentium-3 is already capable of this. At one time, we considered the appearance of the 286th in nature the highest achievement. If we assume that the 286th is gathering dust somewhere, and an MPEG-4 or DVD disc is suddenly inserted into it for reading, then for him this will not just be incomprehensible secret knowledge, but, first of all, the assumption that there is nothing on the disc.
If we imagine that the 286th is suddenly watching the Pentium, then in principle he will never be able to understand how the Pentium, outwardly the same as the 286th, is capable of actions incomprehensible to him.
This is a good example for understanding the difference between an infantile personality and a mature one. An infantile person not only does not understand a mature person - much is simply outside the field of his perception.

You may have noticed that the standard reaction of the average, normal person when dealing with spiritual seekers is a feeling of pity. Moreover, pity arises intuitively, beyond any logic. Let's try to understand the reasons for this.
The average spiritual seeker is an infantile creature who, for ideological reasons, has severed his connection with an egregore. Having read esoteric literature, such a person, with an initial level of personal strength, not understanding either himself or the people around him, declares his self-sufficiency, and tries to behave like an enlightened one. On a massive scale, this happens for a simple reason - Russians do not like to unite either in Russia or in any other country where they move. In this, Russians differ from any other people. It is easy to understand this position of a Russian person if we remember the history of Russia. For several centuries in a row, the Russian people were forced to unite, and any association for an individual meant a maximum of duties with a minimum of rights: serfdom, a peasant community, the USSR, life in communal apartments, etc.

For the current historical period, we have just the aftereffect and response of the protest of a simple Russian person to such violence. I want to be free - a simple Russian motto. And what is freedom - no one knows.
So our simple Russian spiritual seeker, as an unconscious protest against the totalitarianism of the previous historical period, against authoritarianism in the family, makes a choice: to become a free loner. Especially in this direction, esotericism helps him. The esoteric literature that has become available promises supernatural powers with a minimum of effort. No need to work, build relationships with people around, and this is quite fine, because often interaction with people is painful for the ego. You just need to meditate intensely and perform various rituals.

Breaking away from egregor, such people really make a miserable impression. They usually cannot realize practically even what they have planned, due to the lack of energy that an infantile person usually draws from society. Over the years, such people, imperceptibly to themselves, become very unhappy, invigorating and continuing to prove to themselves and others the correctness of the chosen path.
In developed countries, there are no less infantile than in our country. The difference is that there the entire infantile mass of the population is under the protection and tutelage of the state. Therefore, it would never occur to anyone to cut the umbilical cord that connects with society ahead of time, i.e. before enough personal power has accumulated from interpersonal interaction in a social environment.
In fact, infantile spiritual seekers are the most mutilated creatures. These are people who voluntarily left the uterus - a society of some far-fetched ideas, without being, at the same time, ready to live autonomously. These are the victims of "self-abortion", and that is why they evoke in a normal person a feeling of pity and only pity.

Where is the exit? The people do not trust the state, and therefore each other. Therefore, egregor connections, if they exist, are very weak. Everyone prefers to live in their own little world, perform their own little rituals, protect their little ego and believe in a brighter future, ignoring the dull present and approaching old age.
Maybe you should see the principles and understand that only together and together, trusting each other, you can build not only a strong state, but also provide yourself with the opportunity for real spiritual growth?

As you know, a personality is a shell necessary for communication among people, and it is characterized by the ability to interact. Interaction with each other allows us to survive and gives us energy. Hence, the stronger the personality, the more people are interested in interacting with such a personality.
You can be a great scientist, a systematizer in any field, even in the field of human relationships, have extensive correspondence and virtual friends, but if there are no real loyal friends around you, time-tested girlfriends who are united with you not by a workplace, but by something else, but you are already over 30, then you should think about whether you are stuck at an infantile level?

The extent to which a person understands himself, and as a result of other people, determines his success in business, in social life.
Why are there so many spiritual seekers in our country? Everything is very simple. As "Underwater" says, the infantile level is very similar to the realized (integrated) one. And many seekers by outward signs begin to identify themselves with the enlightened ones.
An infantile person who has stopped in development must always compensate for his feeling of lack of freedom, dependence on egregor, on the opinions of others, and everyone does this in his own way. And often spiritual searches are justification (compensation) for one's level. If the teachings say that a realized personality no longer needs anything, that a person is not attached to anything: neither to money, nor to a family, nor to religion, nor to a country, etc., then an infantile seeker immediately feels that this mine, I'm just like that, and begins to "guru" (teach others).
By the way, you yourself can now determine at what stage a person becomes superstitious, which religion is most suitable for a particular level of personality development, from what stage a person ceases to be religious, and why it is fundamentally impossible to unite all religions.

Personal transitions
Why are so many spiritual seekers under the age of 30 on the infantile level? The fact is that at this level, self-importance and the pressure of the internal dialogue are not yet so strong and allow a person to let in such books as "The Seagull by Name ...", "Illusions" by R. Bach, and other emotionally rich works of Osho, Castaneda and others. At this age, a person has a lot of his own deep experiences, and the world around him has not yet transmitted him.

I myself know many young people who deeply feel and reason like enlightened people, react sharply to events in the world, empathize and painfully perceive any injustice.
And at the same time, their level of personal power is close to zero. They are easily vulnerable, touchy, categorical. Since there is no personal experience, they easily change their minds. They can be easily pulled over to their side by emotional persuasion.
How do transitions occur from one level to another on the scale of personal growth?

The external situation and the level of internal potential make it develop. If a person ceases to balance pressure from outside with pressure from within, begins to get annoyed, condemn, not accept the situation, then we can say that he has reached his ceiling, and this is where his development ends. Often a person remains at this level until the end of his life.

Most people get stuck at the infantile level. Here the same principle is manifested as in everything: most of all beings are on a low energy level (infantile) and least of all - on a high (integrated), because. it is difficult to get to it.
Most of all people who want to help the world, to teach other people the mind-reason is just at the infantile level. They still have the illusion of their own uniqueness and that someone needs their help. The further a person advances along the steps of personal growth, the less such illusions he has. A person who has reached the level of an integrated personality already understands that if he manages to find at least one student who is able to learn, who can understand him and will be grateful for it, then he is very lucky, and this is a great success.

An infantile person thinks that to block leaks, to stop being annoyed, to envy, to be jealous, to compete, etc. It is possible by willpower or by monitoring these manifestations in oneself. But without understanding and a holistic view of the specific situation, this cannot be done.
First of all, you need to understand yourself and your place on the line of personal growth and accept as an axiom the following rule:

A less developed personality will never be able to understand and accept a more developed one, and vice versa, a more developed personality can easily understand and accept a less developed one.

Thus, a youthful personality is usually irritated by a mature and integrated personality and, at the same time, touched or evokes a condescending reaction from an infantile one.

An infantile personality is usually annoyed by all people, but at the same time they love and understand animals and children very much, because only animals and children do not strain them.
Therefore, one must understand that the fight against negative emotions cannot lead anywhere but to cancer. Negative emotions in a situation are a reaction to pressure, and pressure must be balanced with understanding, understanding allows you to move to the next personal level. Therefore, personal growth cannot take place in a cave. Personal growth always takes place among people, in the thick of things, through sweat, pain, tears, through movement towards a goal, betrayal and love, fears and doubts, the joy of success and the bitterness of defeat, the death of loved ones and the upbringing of children. For men, the period of service in the army is as important for the formation of personality as the birth and upbringing of a child for a woman.

Only as you grow up and understand, there are less and less claims to people, attempts to change and teach them.
And the higher a person climbs the steps of personal growth, the less negative emotions he has to deal with. We all know that once you understand the cause, you don't have to deal with the multiple effects.
We need to understand this truth:
If God created man as he is, and I do not accept him, then I put myself above God, i.e. God was wrong to create such a person. Isn't it too high conceit?

Order and disorder
Bringing order to the world that surrounds you is a necessary condition for energy transitions. The desire to jump out of the chaos of a previous existence into another world with a high level of energy is a utopia.
Let's start small. Putting order in your home. Everyone feels the difference between when everything in the room is in its place, there is no dust, dirt, and when everything is a mess. What is the difference?
Order is opportunity and space. Everyone feels it.
Disorder is impossibility and impotence.

You may have noticed that repairs and restructuring in a room are usually done by those people who initially maintain order in their home. And vice versa, those who always have disorder and chaos usually do not change apartments for many years and live without repairs. Of course, in order to make repairs, you first have to create chaos, rip off the wallpaper or tear down the walls. But this is indispensable, and the more radical the restructuring, the more chaos one has to create and temporarily live in. Always, in order to create something new, you have to part with the old.

Why am I describing seemingly common truths here? As always, with the goal of focusing on principles.
Many people in their spiritual quest often do not notice or try not to notice in what external disorder they live, justifying this by the insignificance of everything external in relation to the Great, where they supposedly aspire to. It would seem that everything is logical. But there is a small but ... but this is from the position of the Great. Until he made his way there, until he himself became the Great, talking about the insignificance of everything external and nearby is a trap. It's like trying to convince a child of the insignificance of playing in the sandbox in relation to adult life. On the other hand, imagine a very smart, beyond his years, five-year-old bespectacled man who was imbued with this theory, threw away all the toys and, meditating, is waiting for the onset of adulthood. Absurd! Everything that surrounds you cannot be unimportant. Everything matters and all these are steps that you rely on moving up. If you describe to yourself the insignificance of the current step, then you immediately lose your support and remain on the previous one.

Putting things in order on the step you are on should begin with awareness of the current moment. Summing up the past, assess your capabilities, the speed of progress, analyze and understand the mistakes, in a word, really look at the situation. The main thing, as in everything, is not to deceive yourself.
Usually the turmoil in your outer life speaks of a turmoil in your consciousness. We are not going to talk now about the Great Teachers, who can maintain an elevated state of consciousness while sitting on a pile of rubbish.
Putting things in order at the previous level makes it possible to move to the next one.
The ability to cover with your attention a part of the space in which you live, and, as a result, to maintain and develop this part to the level of redundancy, will be an indicator of the onset of the possibility of expanding your perception and the possibility of an energy transition. The end becomes the means.

The key moment of stalking
Let's now explore the mechanism of understanding and misunderstanding of each other by people. All of us, at whatever level of development we are, are faced with the problem of misunderstanding and betrayal. Naturally, the more developed people suffer the most from this. Let's take a typical situation: you are not understood and your actions are described through motivations of a lower level.
For example: you sincerely make a gift to your friend or girlfriend, part with a thing that is very dear to you, and you are waiting for a grateful reaction. After a while, you will find out that this person took the gift as an excuse in the style of "you are wretched, that I am not good."
In other words, this person, judging by himself and knowing that he would never dare to give away the thing he needs, assumes that you did the same, and therefore does not feel much joy.

Another situation, you have been slandered. In Russia, as in any other country of militant (dominant) infantilism, words replace deeds. If you start proving to a less developed person about your lofty thoughts, but they don’t believe you and describe it from a completely different position, then before proving your case, look around and carefully evaluate your opponent. Maybe he doesn't understand you at all.

As mentioned earlier (the theory of evolution), each system tends to balance. Misunderstanding is pressure. Any average person (not a warrior) strives for balance at minimal cost and chooses to describe the situation in such a way that he can easily, quickly and easily balance himself, calm down. To accept your position, you need to work hard, try to understand and, perhaps, doubt some of your foundations. Therefore, of course, the first option is chosen. Therefore, it is very easy to direct the infantile mass of the people to robbery and destruction, because it is easy and understandable. Like - “steal and get rich”, “rob the loot”, “he gives me this thing because he doesn’t need it”, “he looked at me like that, probably wanted to rape”, “he has many friends - he’s probably a sectarian” .

Why then, contrary to common sense, contrary to obvious things, an infantile being chooses to believe the slander and words of another infantile being and, at the same time, not to notice or ignore the facts, deeds and explanations of more developed people, even aimed at supporting or helping them themselves?
What is obvious to a developed person is suspicious and incomprehensible to an infantile one. Why do we in Russia do not like rich people or people who have achieved something? A typical Russian proverb goes: "I don't need anything, as long as you don't have anything." This Russian wisdom will never be understood in the West. Why is Russia called the country of the Soviets? Because the bulk of people are engaged in giving advice to each other, but they themselves do nothing. Words replace actions. Therefore, when a developed person does something and receives energy from it, an infantile person describes all this from his own, judgmental position and receives energy from this.
Here is a typical set of actions of a developed person and their description by infantile personalities.

Many friends - suspicious, then a sectarian.
He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke - he's either sick or a bastard.
The rich man stole a lot somewhere.
Smart - probably a Jew.
Starving - crazy or he is paid for it.
Doesn't help me - selfish, snickering.
Helps - wants to assert itself, show itself.
Moved to live from the city to the village - hiding from someone.
Religious explanation: it is not clear - it means from Satan.
He touched his hand - a sexual maniac.
Pays no attention - impotent, etc.

A typical mistake of people more developed than infantile is an attempt to prove and justify themselves in the eyes of a being of a lower level of consciousness. The knowledge that different levels of consciousness live in different, parallel worlds gives a person the freedom not to suffer from misunderstanding, not to waste energy on explanations, not to torment himself over the problem of his own ego about “why is misunderstanding still bothering me?” and “how do you accept people for who they are?”
But in order for this knowledge to become power, it is necessary to saturate your body with it. And this will happen only when sufficient experience has been accumulated in consciously tracking down one's reactions to this matter.
In general, what is being said now is the key moment of stalking. Only by calculating and accepting oneself in one's place, one can understand and accept others in their places and as they are.

Similar situations occur not only with specific people, but also with completely different social structures. As an example of such a misunderstanding at the state level, one can analyze the situation with North and South Korea.
A clear example of how a less developed system perceives a more developed system is the antagonism between North and South Korea for 60 years. In this case, the population of North Korea is a system that is at an infantile level of development of consciousness, where each individual is aware of himself only as a cell of the general organism of a totalitarian state, and not as a separate self-valuable personality. Every cell thinks the way it was taught, sees the way it was told, and no facts - a salary of $ 5 a month, a 4-year hunger that claimed the lives of 2 million people, the need for 10 years (from 17 to 27 years) to serve in armies without the right to marry, etc. - cannot shake the absolute faith of the North Korean in the correctness of the ideas and norms of life in his state, led by Kim Jong Il. Even round-the-clock propaganda on the radio, conducted from South Korea, a country that has reached the 13th place in the list of the most developed countries on the planet, cannot have any effect on the infantile consciousness: an infantile being is simply not able to perceive something more developed than itself, even contrary to the facts. Instead of facts, there is a rigid description that socialism is good, and capitalism is bad, and it must be destroyed. North Korea is busy with only one thing - preparing for war with South Korea, which is at a higher and incomprehensible level of development.
And in the past and present of our country, you can find a lot of similar examples.

A trap for a mature person
It is very difficult, almost impossible, for a person of an infantile, teenage and youthful personality level to admit to himself the manifestations of his own envy. Here the task is not set to teach someone to notice such manifestations in themselves, it is also impossible. The site is aimed at people of a mature level, and mature individuals are so used to tracking down only themselves that it already becomes unsafe for their own lives.

What is the manifestation of this danger? The danger is manifested in the idealization of people, in the unconscious assumption that all the surrounding people are on the same level as they are, and hence the excessive trust. And this is necessarily followed by disappointment, then self-condemnation. But the worst thing is that the correct conclusions are not drawn from all this, and therefore the situations are repeated.
For a mature personality, there is only one way out, one must begin to direct attention outward, to others. We must learn to properly assess the people around us. A mature person has long learned and got used to not judging people.
How does envy manifest itself in people around you? The simplest and most obvious test for envy will be their manifestation in the form of "non-manifestation", i.e. your opponent diligently does not notice any of your successes, things, ideas, your strong deeds or material well-being, does not notice things that cannot be overlooked.

A mature person in a similar situation will be keenly interested in how did you achieve all this? Or simply, “what is it?”, looking for their own benefit and learning from experience. The infantile will displace everything he sees or hears from consciousness and sincerely does not notice. That's what they should be afraid of. If a mature person starts any business with such a person, then it will surely fail.
Another, more subtle form of envy is the imitation of a mature approach. The opponent is keenly interested in your successes, but only in order to choose the moment to trample on your successes and achievements, describing them, figuratively speaking, as diabolical machinations.
The idealism of a mature person makes him make the same mistake repeatedly - to trust a person, not having determined his personal level. When the number of errors reaches a critical level, and the person is still alive, then an absurd, but logically justified decision is made - not to trust anyone. But this will already be the signing of a sentence for oneself, in the sense of a final stop in development. This is a trap for a mature person.

How not to fall into this trap? First of all, gathering your strength, make a recapitulation of this period of your life. Write down on paper all the people who made you fail, and, having structured the experience, find the main mistake that repeats many times. Perhaps, as a result, you can not get stuck on it, and continue your development.

Those living in Russia are in a privileged position over residents of European and other developed countries. Think about how you can develop internally if society educates the younger generation from the cradle according to the principle: Live and let live, i.e. live and let others live, or another motto under which all of America grew up: "I do not agree with you, but I am ready to die for your right to have your own opinion." How to develop in a country where people don't even understand what they are talking about, when a visiting Russian begins to condemn someone. How to develop in a country where there are no fences? Why go far, not so long ago, part of the United States was without electricity. 50 million people were left without electricity for two days. And what do you think, during this time there were only eight robberies.

Quote from the newspaper "Novaya Gazeta" No. 60, Article "America in the Darkness": ... lifts in skyscrapers stopped - hundreds of people got stuck in them; the subway stopped - and thousands of people were locked in stuffy carriage boxes and black tunnels, thousands of companies were left without electronic locks; refrigerators leaked, water pumps stopped, ... in short, the life that these fifty million people used to live got up, and something else came - a time that could - should, logically - become a time of mayhem, especially when darkness descended on the cities.

Did not happen. This nation of individualists, rationalists, pragmatists, woven from many religions, nationalities and races, the nation of sharks of capitalism and pure-bred morality demonstrated - and not for the first time! - what is human in it - a very high percentage. Taking off my hat…

... New York has not always been so humane: in 1977, when the lights went out in the same way, the night of darkness became the night of robberies - when more than three and a half thousand people were arrested. However, as it turned out, people are able to learn to be human. Which they demonstrated two years ago and are demonstrating now.
I take off my hat: a nation that knows how to behave THIS way in the days of tragedies and man-made disasters is really a great nation.
Evgenia Albats - especially for Novaya Gazeta, New York.

How can you develop in a country where no one creeps into your life with suspicions, with teachings, with a thirst to restore “social justice”. In a country where everyone respects your right to privacy, property and opinion.
So those who want to continue their development should urgently move to Russia. Only in a country where the slogan is the words: "I don't need anything, as long as you have nothing", the most favorable conditions for internal growth have been created.

What is happiness
Oddly enough, usually people can not give an intelligible answer to this question. Although the answer lies in the word itself: this is the hour, happiness is life this hour, in the moment. When do we manage to live this hour? At moments of maximum concentration. The higher the level of personality development, the more often such moments, because. the greater the level of attentiveness to oneself, to the world, and the happier a person is.

And vice versa, the lower the level of development, the more difficult it is to achieve the state of full stay in the moment.
Why are infantile personalities most sexually preoccupied? The fact is that orgasm for them is almost the only opportunity to feel the taste of "here and now" - the taste of being in the moment. At this time, at least for a few seconds, the internal dialogue is turned off, and the whole body is permeated with a feeling of merging with a partner, happiness.

An integrated personality feels like a part of the world, feels unity with the world most of its time, therefore, at this level of personality development, there is no such concern, because. orgasm-like sensations of unity occur constantly and with the entire observable world. The sexual question is practically leveled.

Tao of a leader
Traditionally, the stages of the path that everyone who has become a Leader go through can be described as follows:
1. search for the meaning of life.
2. search for a Teacher.
3. work on yourself.
4. Appearance of disciples.
5. transfer of knowledge to students.
6. old age and death.

A strange trend can be traced in Russian sannyas. All leaders, and we will call leaders those advanced ones, who have a group of students or admirers, close in on their group and communicate only with those who can listen to them. For some reason, there is no focus on finding more developed or at least equal leaders for the purpose of cooperation. Although many of these leaders describe their Path as an incredible effort in finding teachers and the same effort in working on themselves. The most interesting thing is that none of the Leaders even have an idea in this direction.

Let's analyze if there is some kind of self-deception here.
The leader who stopped searching for a Teacher or an equal leader fell into an energy trap. The energy that the leader has from his students or admirers captures the Leader so much that he often does not track the total dependence on this energy that has appeared and the stoppage in his own development. According to my observations, leaders of the infantile, teenage and youthful levels most often fall into this trap.

If you are a Leader, then you can check yourself whether you fell into this trap by answering a few simple questions:
- Are you able to notice the advantage and strength of other leaders?
- Have you tried to establish cooperation with other Leaders?
- Are you upset or happy if your student moved to another Leader?
- Are you ready to go under the influence of another leader if you feel his superiority?
- Do you read websites or books of other Leaders? And if you read, then there is a feeling of rivalry?
- Do you explain your leadership with standard phrases, such as: “I don’t aspire to this”, “people themselves make an idol out of me”, “teaching others, I learn myself”, “this is my way of observing myself”? Or, even simpler - “I have achieved something, now I can teach others. This is my way of earning. My Teacher is not manifested in this world. I have a connection with the Spirit, I don’t need a Teacher.”
Do you experience periods of prolonged loneliness or sensory isolation in your life?
Usually the Leader does not even have a question about cooperation with other Leaders for several reasons - the fear of losing students, the fear of realizing the wrongness of one's path or complete satisfaction with what has been achieved. There are no other reasons. The leaders of states do not have such problems, and they are usually interested in cooperation.

If the leader continues his development, then he understands that any developing person, including himself, must be on the hierarchical ladder, where he teaches someone and where someone teaches him. And this staircase leads to infinity.
Of course, on the first step, when the first disciples appear, the Leader, who has not yet formed as a Leader, is interested in developing skills and usually has a Teacher. At the level of sustainable leadership, finding a Teacher is much more difficult.
Of course, the higher the level of development, the more difficult it is to find their own kind. But this position is lower level. In fact, the higher the level of development, the greater the personal power, and, accordingly, the easier it is to find your own kind, or at least not more difficult. The question is why is this not being done? Most often this is explained by the fact that everyone goes their own way and therefore it is difficult to find common ground.
Let's do the analogy again. The period of intrauterine embryonic development follows a strict program. Any deviation is fraught with either miscarriages or deformity. The fetus does not choose whether to follow the path of the dinosaur, or the dolphin, or the ape.
Personal growth during the period of intra-society development must also take place according to a certain pattern, violating which, people either become freaks or die. So, if the Leader defends his unique Path, considering it the most correct, then usually this is a special case of this leader's energization.

If two spiritual leaders cannot find common ground for cooperation, then one of them is lying that he is developing. Or maybe both are lying.
You can ask a question - do not I consider my 5th way the most correct? The answer is - yes, I think, because the 5th path is not really a path, but a collection of principles and laws of personality formation in the mother system of society, applying which in life, everyone can see their own path.


The dynamic processes taking place in modern society require an objective assessment and analysis. This is the prerogative of human consciousness.

The world is known and understood by a person through the prism of social relations, the production process, tools, language, ethical and aesthetic norms. Therefore, the consciousness of a person, in the final analysis, is determined by his being, i.e. real life in concrete historical conditions.

One of the most important problems of modern life is the problem of changing consciousness, since interpersonal and international relations directly depend on the development and level of consciousness of the individual.

RelevanceThe chosen topic "Development of human consciousness" is due to the role that consciousness plays at this stage of the transformation of modern society. Every day we learn quite complex connections and patterns of the world around us, adequately respond to diverse life factors and do not even think about why this all happens. Society is interested in forming a consistent view of its past and its connection with the present and future. A holistic historical consciousness acts as one of the factors of social stability, performs the function of integration, consolidation of various generations, social groups and individuals based on the awareness of the commonality of their historical destiny.

Today we are witnessing a restructuring of public consciousness. It is important to understand the interdependence and interdependence of individual and collective consciousness. By studying the stages of development of consciousness, one can explain the nature of the herd consciousness or the psychology of the crowd.

Consciousness is the tool with which a person is aware not only of the external world, but also of himself, his sensations, images, ideas and feelings. Consciousness allows a person to make decisions and control his behavior in accordance with the situation.

Attention should be paid to the issue of self-consciousness as a necessary condition for the constant self-improvement of the individual.<#"justify">1.Consider possible options for the emergence of human consciousness.

.Identify the stages of development of human consciousness.

.Compare the periods of development of consciousness in ontogeny with the historical stages in the development of human consciousness.

.Determine the basic qualities, levels of knowledge and characteristics of human consciousness.

.Establish the relationship between the processes occurring in the human brain and consciousness.

Methodresearch: theoretical analysis of literary primary sources.

Structureworks: The total volume of the main text is 31 pages. The list of used literature consists of 24 literary primary sources. The course work consists of an introduction, two sections, five subsections, and conclusions.


.1 The history of the emergence of consciousness

Consciousness cannot arise innately; only the possibility of the emergence of consciousness can appear innately.

There are several theories about the origin of human consciousness:

Mutation theory (De Vries, V. Howell, V.I. Kochetkova and others). According to this theory, the emergence of man is the result of large single spasmodic hereditary changes that occurred in the body of an animal close to man, then, as a result of the presence of favorable conditions, these changes strengthened and developed. In this case, the role of the natural set is denied.

One of the versions of neo-Lamarckian theories considers the origin of man as the result of the efforts of a certain “superconsciousness”. (Jung's theory of the collective unconscious is the neo-Lamarckist theory of the superconscious personality).

Ch. Darwin's evolutionary theory and F. Engels' labor theory of anthropogenesis that develops it. This is the most likely version.

However, if we are talking about the fact that consciousness arose when a person begins to realize and distinguish himself and other people from nature, then it is possible that consciousness began to develop when higher feelings began to develop in a person.

The change (development) of animals occurs with the help of the mechanism of hereditary adaptability, under the influence of an external force - this is copying, a reflection of the changing external environment.

The essence of the development of a living organism is that the external environment, changing, disturbs the balance in which this type of individuals is located, on the other hand, the adaptability mechanism - heredity seeks to restore the disturbed balance and achieves it, but at a qualitatively different level.

Influenced by their way of life, which requires the hands to perform other functions than the legs, the monkeys began to wean themselves from the help of the hands when walking on the ground and began to adopt a more and more upright gait. The decisive step was taken, the hand became free and could now acquire more and more skills, and the great flexibility acquired by this was inherited and increased from generation to generation.

But in order for the monkey to change and turn into a man, it is finally necessary that the external environment - the habitat - changes. And these changes should be of such a nature that the ape community, in order to survive and adapt to the environment, would need the emergence of consciousness.

Global cooling is the natural cataclysm that gave impetus to the emergence of consciousness among the first great people. Global cooling was approaching the great apes. In connection with the impending cooling, there were frequent collisions of warm and cold air fronts, which gave rise to lightning and fire. Meanwhile, the weather was getting colder and colder, and the monkeys eventually began to realize that the heat they needed was coming from the fire. Meanwhile, the monkey population is steadily declining, as the occasional fire could not be a panacea for the cold. But, one day, one monkey inadvertently threw a branch into the fire. The most intelligent of the rest began to notice (realize) that a branch thrown into the fire is burning. This moment, according to the author of the article on the topic "The Emergence of Consciousness" Kushatov I., was the moment of the emergence of consciousness. But we want to trace a little further the history of the progenitors.

Having managed to maintain the fire, people could transfer it to another place, which makes it possible to develop new territories. In order to maintain the fire, it was necessary to deal with the preparation of firewood, which leads to various manipulations of the tree. As a result of this activity, the front limbs of the monkeys are transformed into human hands, and an ordinary thick branch in the hands turns into a club that serves as a weapon.

Meanwhile, the climate is getting colder and colder, and the hard work of maintaining a fire becomes a necessity, and such work requires additional energy costs. And this is where antagonism arises - the desire to take away food. In this regard, quarrels and fights break out, and for the first time the fore-man begins to use a thick branch as a cudgel; in connection with these circumstances, cannibalism arises. Only after some time has passed their aggression is transferred to the rest of the living world. Primal man becomes a hunter as a result of cannibalism.

As the anthropogenic impact on nature, man adapted it to himself - at that moment he began to distinguish himself from nature, to realize his attitude towards it and other people. His activity also became conscious, since labor required foreseeing the result of labor, which means that labor activity was carried out in accordance with a specific goal. Gradually, special sensory areas in the human brain began to develop, which led to the development of higher senses and perfect movements. We believe that it was the manifestation of the higher feelings of primitive people towards their fellow men that became the moment of the emergence of consciousness.

A strong capacity for compassion and respect for the dead of one's own community is seen in Late Paleolithic burials. Let us cite as an example one of the burials found in the Crimea, which illuminates the spiritual life of this era: at the bottom of the grave lay 2 skeletons of teenagers (a girl of 7-8 years old and a boy of 12-13 years old), closely pressed to each other with their heads. Very long spindle-shaped rods, made of split and straightened mammoth tusks, lay like spears along the buried. At the right temple of the girl, a thin slit disc made of tusk was found; straps were attached to the slits of these beautiful and fragile ornaments, which served as ceremonial events and had ceremonial significance; a similar one was found in the boy. The hands of the buried were wearing lamellar bracelets and rings. It is not difficult to imagine how much hard painstaking and petty work was done by people who hewed small beads from tusks, or how much effort was spent by those who at that time knew the amazing technique of splitting and straightening mammoth tusks - hard labor. During the late Paleolithic period, the spiritual and material culture of this era began to develop.

It can also be assumed that the rock paintings prove the existence of the psyche, simple forms of thinking and human consciousness. After all, it is not without reason that wild cats and other animals of the Paleolithic times, having a psyche similar to a human one, did not leave rock paintings or signs of their stay after themselves. And people in ancient times attached sacred significance to the paintings, they believed that they were helping themselves in the future.

Conclusion: Nature did not endow the ancestor with consciousness from the very beginning of the existence of mankind, but on the other hand, it did not deprive him of the brain and the form of the psyche that is in no way distinguishable from the animal form. Human consciousness arose when he began to distinguish himself and other people from nature, when rock paintings appeared on the walls of his shelter, when higher feelings began to develop in a person. Human consciousness of a higher order is associated with abstract thinking and speech - processes without which the existence of collective and individual consciousness is impossible.

1.2 Stages of development of consciousness

The development of consciousness is a movement towards the most approximate form of displaying objective reality.

The first prerequisite for the development of human consciousness was the development of the human brain. Based on the changing input of the evolution of the way of life, the organism develops, functioning, meanwhile, its psyche is formed in the process of life. Our task is to understand what structure of consciousness a person had at certain stages of his life.

To understand the structures of consciousness of primitive people, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the forms of consciousness.

There are (according to K.K. Platonov) several forms of consciousness:

) individual, including attributes of consciousness (attitude, cognition, experience), levels of clarity (creative insight, inspiration, clarity of consciousness, unconscious phenomena, confused consciousness), dynamics of consciousness (personality properties, states of consciousness and processes of consciousness) and functions of consciousness (memory, will, feelings, perception, thinking, sensations, emotions);

) group consciousness, manifested in public mood, competition, panic, etc.;

) public consciousness - in the form of religious, moral, aesthetic, legal, political and philosophical views.

When we talk about social consciousness, we abstract ourselves from everything individual; public consciousness is progressive and continuous, it is characterized by stability and inertia. In the public mind, theories and ideas that have been tested by time and practice always prevail, but this never happens spontaneously. The individual consciousness is born and dies with the birth and death of a given person; its movement is intermittent, chaotic, distinguished by its unpredictability. The consciousness of an individual is characterized by such properties as sensual and logical thinking and their forms. It is at the level of abstract thinking that the consciousness of the individual breaks out of the limits of social consciousness, pushing its boundaries, enriching it, making the products of its knowledge of being the property of all.

Now we propose to consider the following stages of the development of consciousness:

) the psyche of animals and prehuman;

) herd consciousness;

) the consciousness of a reasonable person;

) the consciousness of a person of a tribal society and the emergence of self-consciousness.

The psyche of animals and prehumans practically did not differ. It can only be argued that the first pre-humans differed from "intelligent" monkeys only in that they had a social consciousness. And it can be assumed that the public consciousness of the first proto-humans consisted of only one thought, idea common to all, this one thought for all should have given impetus to the further development of consciousness.

Herd consciousness excluded the concept of "individual", i.e. the herd was led by a leader. Otherwise, they could not live, because society must have a hierarchical management structure. Within the herd of monkeys there were complex relationships, which means that there was also a "language" of communication. The essence of the herd consciousness was that the more common interests and goals the representatives of the herd had, and the larger the size of the herd itself, the easier it was to achieve the goals of capturing territory or the possibility of survival, because in the herd an individual felt more secure. People of this level have just separated from the animal kingdom, for they began to bury their relatives and fellow tribesmen.

It can be said that throughout the long millennia of its history, Homo Sapiens sought to know themselves and the world around them. The development of the consciousness of Homo sapiens occurred consistently and logically with the help of discoveries. As the nervous system grew and developed, a person, interacting with nature, thought, thanks to which he began to realize himself and navigate in the environment.

And, finally, the stage of development of human consciousness of the tribal society and the emergence of self-consciousness. The tribal community is historically the first form of social organization of people - (community<#"justify">Conclusion: The development of consciousness is possible only when it is replenished with new knowledge about the surrounding world and about the person himself. Human consciousness is the result of a long evolution. As the higher functions of the brain improved, the understanding based on the fundamental principles of its work became more complete.

1.3 Development of consciousness in ontogeny

consciousness brain human ontogeny

There is a hypothesis that the consciousness of an individual is an abbreviated repeating course of development of all mankind. In this subsection, we will try to compare the periods of development of consciousness in ontogeny with the stages of development of human consciousness.

In ontogenesis, the individual consciousness of a person arises and begins to develop. For its formation, joint activity and active communication of an adult with a child, identification, awareness and verbal designation of the purpose of interaction are also necessary. In the same way, from the very beginning of the evolution of mankind, labor had a general character, was built on cooperation and division of labor operations. In the process of labor, people united more closely as members of society, and more clearly realized the benefits of joint actions. Collective work aroused in them the need for speech, since without verbal communication it could not be carried out. From the very beginning of the phylogenetic and ontogenetic emergence and development of human consciousness, speech becomes its subjective carrier, which first acts as a means of communication, and then becomes a means of thinking.

Before becoming the property of individual consciousness, the word, the content associated with it, must acquire a common meaning for the people using them. Having received its universal meaning, the word then penetrates into the individual consciousness and becomes its property in the form of meanings and meanings. Consequently, the collective consciousness appears first, and then the individual consciousness. The individual consciousness of a person is formed on the basis and subject to the existence of the collective consciousness through its appropriation.

In the ontogenesis of the child's psyche, the main stages of biological evolution and the stages of the cultural and historical development of man are reproduced. In ontogenesis, the development of the human psyche and consciousness is conditioned by the social environment. The development of the individual's psyche repeats the path of historical development of previous generations, this process can hardly be influenced by the perception and education of the child.

Based on the biogenetic law, Sigmund Freud argued that the spiritual development of an individual is an abbreviated repeating course of the development of all mankind, and extended the conclusions of psychoanalytic practice to the history and culture of mankind.

Speech is included in all mental processes of a person. But speech is impossible without language, with its vocabulary and characteristic grammatical formulas. Language is a social phenomenon. It exists and develops objectively, as the creation not of individual people, but of the whole society. His words reflect the experience of mental activity not of an individual, but of all mankind.

The mere fact that a person has speech radically changes the nature of his mental processes.

The most elementary form of the psyche - sensation - has a different character in man than in animals, because it belongs to a social being. The animal senses the green color of the leaves and, by the shade of this color, initially orients itself in various circumstances that occur in the environment. A person also feels the green color of foliage, but at the same time he always designates the perceived color and its features important for practical activity in words, which is completely absent in animals. The feeling of a person, being the primary signal in its basis, at the same time is the second signal. This allows a person to reflect in his sensation not exclusively individual, as in animals, but universal human experience.

Speech contributed to the development of abstract thinking in humans in terms that express the universal experience of cognition of reality. This led to a more correct, richer and more complete reflection of objective reality in human thinking.

At the same time, thanks to speech, the social nature of human activity, his conscious volitional actions, was consolidated and improved. When a person performs this or that labor operation, the ideas about the goal to which he aspires, and the plan of his work are not his personal, individual invention; they reflect the experience of labor activity of all mankind.

Thanks to speech, the development of human self-consciousness became possible. Only a person, thanks to speech, for the first time begins to become aware of his mental world, to be aware of the content, nature and significance of his subjective mental experiences. This became possible only because the subjective reflection of reality by a person began to be indicated in objective phenomena - words. Thus, thanks to speech, the human psyche turns into consciousness.

Contacting with objects and phenomena of the material world, in the process of communication with other people and collective work, especially through speech, a person learns in ontogenesis to actively cognize objective reality (sensation, perception), creatively (thinking) to transform it (voluntary activity) for better satisfaction. their needs. The brain is not a source of consciousness, but its organ, that part of our body in which the object acting on it is transformed and receives a subjective form of being, becoming consciousness - a subjective image of the objective world.

Conclusion: The peak for the emergence of human consciousness came when the subjective reflection of reality by a person began to be indicated in objective phenomena - words. Already in adolescence, a person can express himself in words. And, if we look for parallels between the stages of development of consciousness and its development in ontogenesis, then this may mean that the evolution of the development of consciousness is not over - there are further stages of development after the emergence of speech. We will review the stages of development of human consciousness through the prism of the development of human consciousness in ontogeny. And if already in adolescence children know the word, then in the prime of life (at 30-45 years old) a person can do much more. The foregoing makes it possible to assume that in billions of years (assuming the existence of mankind - which is practically impossible), human consciousness will develop at qualitatively new levels. However, the development of the human psyche is declining with the aging of the body, so after a burst of development, everything will go to decline.

Conclusion to section 1: Consciousness involves a person's awareness of not only the external world, but also himself, his sensations, images, ideas and feelings. The images, thoughts, ideas and feelings of people are materially embodied in the objects of their creative work and, with the subsequent perception of these objects, becomes conscious. Therefore, creativity is the way and means of self-knowledge and development of human consciousness through the perception of their own creations. The consciousness of modern man is the product of a gradual, complex process of development of the cognitive activity of all previous generations, the result of the historical progress of social practice accumulated by man in connection with the need, and then thanks to an active desire to transform the outside world. New elements and higher forms of consciousness enriched and complicated the cognitive process, which ultimately led to the improvement of consciousness itself.


2.1 Structure of consciousness

Consciousness has invariably acted in psychology as something external, only as a condition for the flow of mental processes. Such was, in particular, the position of Wundt. “Consciousness,” he wrote, “consists in the fact that whatever mental states we find in ourselves, and therefore we cannot cognize the essence of consciousness. All attempts to define consciousness lead either to tautologies or to definitions of activities occurring in consciousness, which are not consciousness because they presuppose it. We find the same idea in an even sharper expression in Natorp: “consciousness is devoid of its own structure, it is only a condition of psychology, but not its subject. Although its existence is a basic and quite reliable psychological fact, it is not amenable to definition and can only be deduced from itself.

However, if we still adhere to materialistic ideas about consciousness, then we can consider the elements of consciousness.

Personal consciousness is determined by the qualities of dynamism and constancy:

Ø dynamism is a property of consciousness to change, develop, which is caused by rapidly changing short-term processes, which, in turn, can change a person;<#"justify">Ø knowledge;

Ø experience;

Ø relation.

Ø Consciousness is impossible without knowledge. Attention and memory are necessary attributes of human cognitive activity.

Ø <#"justify">Ø activity;

Ø integrity;

Ø succession;

Ø clarity.

The lowest level of clarity of consciousness is "confused" consciousness - when a person has just woken up. This condition happens in people with overwork.

Consciousness usually manifests itself in activity, therefore its structure in a certain period of time corresponds to the structure of human activity in this period of time.

Conclusion: Throughout life, a person acquires knowledge about the world around him and about himself. Thinking<#"center">2.2 Consciousness and the brain

Human consciousness is, in essence, his life, consisting of an endless change of impressions, thoughts and memories. The mystery of our brain is multifaceted and affects the interests of many sciences that explore the mysteries of being.

The brain is the organ of consciousness, and consciousness, in turn, is one of the functions of the brain.

The new functions that the human brain had to assume in connection with the development of labor were reflected in the change in its structure. A radical change in the nature of activity - with the transition from life to labor activity, the increasingly complex nature of this activity and, accordingly, the ever-deepening nature of cognition, led to the fact that over the projection zones directly connected with the peripheral sensory and motor apparatuses, zones rich in associative fibers developed, serving for more complex syntheses. A comparison of the human brain with the brain of a monkey clearly reveals these shifts: in humans, the primary visual field, so developed in monkeys, noticeably decreases, and at the same time, the fields associated with complex syntheses of visual perception (secondary visual field) increase significantly.

Since the human cortex is the organ of conscious activity, the question of the relationship between the psyche and the brain focuses primarily on the question of the relationship between the psyche and the cerebral cortex. The localization theory developed as a result of the fact that a building of hypotheses and theories was erected over the positive factual data of the study, reflecting the same methodological trends that dominated psychology at that time. The idea of ​​the brain as a collection of separate centers connected by association paths reflected the concept of associative psychology, from which the classical localization theory proceeded. The idea that each mental function, including the most complex, corresponds to a certain center, is a kind of realization in the physiology of the brain of the theory of psychophysical parallelism.

The study of the phylogeny of the brain has shown that in the phylogenetic series there is an increasing anatomical differentiation of the cortex, and those areas that are carriers of particularly high functions are becoming increasingly developed.

Significant results are also obtained from the study of the ontogenetic development of the architectonics of the cortex. The principle of division of the cortex, first applied by K. Brodman on the basis of a study of its ontogenetic development, was further developed by a number of Soviet scientists. Research by I.N. Filimonova, G.I. Polyakova, N.A. Popov showed that already in the early stages of ontogenetic development, the division of the cerebral cortex into three main zones appears: isocortex; allocortex, including archicortex and paleocortex; the interstitial region that determines allo- and isocortex. The presence of this division already in the early stages of ontogeny gives grounds to conclude that it is of significant importance.

The classical localized theory is now thoroughly shaken by the researchers H. Jackson, G. Head, the works of K. Monakov, H. Goldstein, K. Lashley and others. It turned out that the new clinical data on the diverse forms of aphasia, agnosia, and apraxia do not fit into the classical localization scheme. On the one hand, damage to the speech zone in the left hemisphere, upon closer examination, turns out to be associated with a disorder not only of speech, but also of other intellectual functions. On the other hand, speech impairment, various forms of aphasia are associated with damage to various areas.

The more complex the brain is organized and the more developed it is, the higher the level of consciousness. The connection between the brain and consciousness is characterized, first of all, by the fact that the level of the reflective-constructive ability of consciousness also depends on the level of complexity of the organization of the brain. The brain of a primitive herd man was poorly developed and could only serve as an organ of primitive consciousness. The brain of a modern person, formed as a result of a long biosocial evolution, is a complex organ. The dependence of the level of consciousness on the degree of organization of the brain is also confirmed by the fact that the consciousness of a child is formed, as is known, in connection with the development of his brain, and when the brain of an old man becomes decrepit, the functions of consciousness fade away. A normal psyche is impossible outside of a normally functioning brain. As soon as the refined structure of the organization of the matter of the brain is violated and even more so destroyed, the structures of consciousness are also destroyed.

Consciousness is inseparable from the brain: it is impossible to separate the thought from the matter that thinks.

The brain with its complex biochemical, physiological, nervous processes is the material substratum of consciousness. Consciousness is always associated with these processes occurring in the brain:

Ø consciousness is the highest form of reflection of the world and is associated with articulate speech, logical generalizations, abstract concepts, which is inherent only to man;

Ø the core of consciousness, the way of its existence is knowledge;

Ø labor develops consciousness;

Ø speech (language) form consciousness;

Ø consciousness is a function of the brain;

Ø consciousness is multicomponent, but is a single whole;

Ø consciousness is active and has the ability to influence the surrounding reality.

The development of more and more perfect senses was inextricably linked with the development of more and more specialized sensory areas in the human brain, mainly those in which higher feelings are localized, and the development of more and more perfect movements was inextricably linked with the development of an increasingly differentiated motor area that regulates complex voluntary movements. The increasingly complex nature of human activity and, accordingly, the ever-deepening nature of his knowledge led to the fact that the actual sensory and motor zones, i.e. the projection zones in the cerebral cortex, which are directly connected with the peripheral and effector apparatuses, parted, as it were, and zones rich in associative fibers received special development in the human brain. Combining various projection centers, they serve for more complex and higher syntheses, the need for which is generated by the complication of human activity. In particular, the frontal area, which plays a particularly significant role in higher intellectual processes, receives special development. At the same time, the predominant importance of the opposite left hemisphere, in which the main centers of higher mental functions, in particular the centers of speech, are located, is associated with the predominance of the right hand, which is usual in most people.

Thanks to the tools of labor and speech, human consciousness began to develop as a product of social labor. On the one hand, tools, as socialized labor, transmitted in a materialized form the experience accumulated by man from generation to generation, and on the other hand, it was the transfer of social experience, its message was made through speech.

The functional asymmetry of the brain led scientists to the idea of ​​the existence of two types of consciousness: spatial knowledge - in the right hemisphere, and knowledge of the language - in the left. This assumption has led to a large number of studies and classifications of levels of consciousness.

The left and right hemispheres play different roles in perception and image formation.

The right hemisphere is characterized by a high speed of work on identification, its accuracy and clarity. It most likely produces a comparison of the image with some of the standards available in the memory based on the selection of similar informative features in the perceived object.

The left hemisphere, on the other hand, carries out mainly an analytical approach to the formation of an image, associated with the sequential enumeration of its elements according to a certain program. However, if the left hemisphere works in isolation, then it will not be able to integrate the perceived and selected elements into a coherent image. With its help, phenomena are classified and related to a certain category through the designation of a word. Thus, both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously participate in any psychological process.

Each sensory modality has its own levels of consciousness. Sensations from each level come into the cognitive system, but we are not conscious of them until we direct our attention to them.

If we consider consciousness from the side of Engels' theory, then from the above we can conclude that we can easily control our consciousness, but, due to the fact that it operates at different levels, this is not easy to do.

Many neuroscientists approached the study of the connection between the brain and consciousness from a scientific point of view.

John Eccles developed the theory that our brains are not conscious per se, but consciousness is able to make contact with nerve cells through the quantum effects of releasing synaptic transmitter molecules that transmit nerve impulses in these structures, dendrons. These are the processes of the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex converging together, which, as it were, serve as modules for the entry of the spirit and consciousness, contact with the physical body.

According to the famous English mathematician and physicist R. Penrose, consciousness cannot be reduced to calculations, since the living brain differs from a computer in that it has the ability to understand. He argued that intelligent processes are not explained by the computational properties of the nervous system, and therefore consciousness must have some special properties and through quantum effects.

Anokhin said that consciousness is a process that takes place in the brain, an instrument of the brain and is the activity of nerve cells organized in a certain way. This activity is not outside the brain, it is not between us and between brains, it is in space.

Darwin also thought deeply about the origin of brain intelligence and consciousness and its biological basis, as he thought about the biological basis of evolution.

And the outstanding psychophysiologist and neurophysiologist Aleksey Mikhailovich Ivanitsky proposed such a scheme for understanding what happens at the moment of awareness, which he called the “circle of sensations”. When sensory signals arrive in primary sensory areas, such as the visual cortex, they then begin to circulate through the nervous system, spreading along separate tarsal and ventral currents, from the visual cortex, for example, to the frontal cortex. And gradually, after a while, they extract subjective experience from memory. For this to happen, they must activate neurons in the temporal cortex of the hippocampus. It takes time, and after a while this information, which is already enriched with the content retrieved from memory, enters again into the same structures that were the original receivers of this information. This process of cyclical activity, called reverberation, has certain frequencies, and these frequencies, usually in the gamma range, are considered one of the neural correlates of consciousness. When this reverberation occurs, it occurs with a delay of several hundred milliseconds, then we observe moments of awareness.

Conclusion: The brain of a modern person is a complex organ. The dependence of the level of consciousness on the degree of organization of the brain is confirmed by the fact that the consciousness of a child is formed, as is known, in connection with the development of his brain, and when the brain of an old man becomes decrepit, the functions of consciousness fade away. A normal psyche is impossible outside of a normally functioning brain. As soon as the refined structure of the organization of the matter of the brain is disturbed and even more so destroyed, the structures of consciousness are also destroyed. Consciousness is closely related to attention, i.e. we are only aware of what we pay attention to.

Various mechanisms of primary consciousness, that is, consciousness that does not include language and culture, arose in evolution in different taxa, are independent and have different neural bases.

Conclusions to section 2: Throughout life, a person acquires knowledge about the world around him and about himself. Thinking<#"center">CONCLUSIONS

The purpose of our course work was to highlight the stages of development of human consciousness.

In the course of writing a term paper, we identified 4 stages in the development of consciousness:

) the psyche of animals and the prehuman (the emergence of social consciousness);

) herd consciousness (people separated from the animal kingdom; the emergence of a communication language; it was easier for each individual to survive in the herd);

) the consciousness of a reasonable person (knowledge and awareness of oneself and the world around with the help of discoveries);

) the consciousness of a person of a tribal society and the emergence of self-consciousness (the basis of collective labor; social equality; the desire and ability to improve).

Having singled out the stages of development of human consciousness, it can be argued that human consciousness was formed as the brain functions improved in the process of evolution.

Also, in the research work, we completed all the tasks of the course work:

We have considered and identified possible options for the emergence of human consciousness:

Ø the emergence of consciousness as a result of the efforts of some "superconscious";

Ø the emergence of consciousness as a result of large single spasmodic hereditary changes in the body of an animal close to man;

Ø the emergence of consciousness as a result of human labor activity;

Ø the emergence of consciousness at the moment when the monkeys realize that a stick thrown into the fire burns;

Ø the emergence of consciousness as a result of the development of higher feelings;

Ø the emergence of consciousness at the moment when a person begins to distinguish himself and other people from the world around him;

Ø the emergence of consciousness as a result of the emergence and development of speech.

We consider the last option to be the most probable. speech is included in all mental processes of a person, it contributed to the development of abstract thinking in a person, without it the joint labor activity of people could not be carried out, and accordingly, without it, the social consciousness of a person could not develop. And the defeat of the speech zone in the left hemisphere leads to a disorder not only of speech, but also of other intellectual functions, because. speech is closely related to thinking.

2. We compared the periods of development of consciousness in ontogenesis with the historical stages of development of human consciousness, and came to the conclusion that the historical stages of development of human consciousness are identical to the periods of development of human consciousness in ontogenesis. We assume that in billions of years the human consciousness will develop at qualitatively new levels, because now we are at the fourth level of development of consciousness, and there will be many more ahead.

We also tried to determine the basic qualities, levels of knowledge and characteristics and functions of human consciousness. Having studied the opinions of other scientists, we can say that consciousness is a condition for the flow of mental processes, it is structureless and has such characteristics as: feeling like a cognizing subject, mental representation and imagination of reality, the ability to communicate and the presence of intellectual circuits in consciousness. The levels of knowledge of human consciousness represent stages in the development of consciousness - this is the relationship between the development of knowledge and the stages of development of human consciousness.

We have established the relationship between the processes occurring in the human brain and consciousness and came to the conclusion that the psyche and consciousness are impossible without a normally functioning brain, because the structure of the brain, as an organ of consciousness, changed as a result of human labor activity, the emergence of speech, and other changes.

Thus, we can conclude that the individual consciousness of a person was formed thanks to the social consciousness through speech and became more complicated as the brain structures developed. Human consciousness will continue to develop further due to the development of self-consciousness.


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