Do-it-yourself wooden swing gates. Do-it-yourself wooden gate: what can be done. Do-it-yourself wooden gate sheathing

Wooden products in our country are especially loved by the population. With external simplicity, wood attracts with warmth, good quality and reliability. Of course, no one will argue that metal is both stronger and more stable, but if metal or profile barriers are found at every step, then wooden gates are a piece material, almost a design work, even if they are made of unpolished boards. How to make a wooden gate with your own hands, what design to choose, how to avoid the main problems when working with wood - all this is in our article.

Design features

With the relative density of wood, the gate frame should still be made of metal. This will keep the shape and geometry of the gate unchanged for a long time and will not allow the edges of the wood to dry out, which are usually the first to be damaged during prolonged contact with precipitation.

The sashes themselves can be made directly from wood, and the already assembled structure can be fixed with transverse lags. If the sash length is less than 150 cm, then there is no point in lags, the fixation provided by the holding frame is enough.

The length of the gate, excluding the gate, should be calculated based on the features of operation. If they are designed for small cars, 250-300 cm is enough, for large or several cars it is worth doing from 300 cm.

Gates made of wood can also be retractable. In general, this is a relatively simple system that ensures the movement of the gate leaf along the guide. Structurally, the guide is a metal rail welded to the main frame, into which roller carts are inserted. It is on them that the sash is attached and holds it rigidly. You can control the retractable mechanism manually or set up automation that is triggered from the remote control.

What wood is better to make a gate

It is easier and cheaper to make wooden gates from pine

Experts advise using the wood that grows in a particular region, including conifers. Of course, the most common tree in Russia is pine, and it is she who is most often chosen for finishing work, for street and load-bearing structures. There are several reasons for this, but the main two are:

  • low cost of material compared to hardwood;
  • pine perfectly tolerates natural precipitation, dries out a little due to the high concentration of resins and has an absolutely straight trunk, which is all the more important for large canvases, for example, gate leaves.

Larch is denser, therefore, more difficult to process and more expensive. But such material has a larger assortment of textures, which means that the protective structure will look brighter and more original.

Some choose oak for the manufacture of wooden gates with their own hands, but it is for such a structure that it is not the most profitable investment. The rich texture and quality of wood attracts, in general it is visually more advantageous, but in terms of quality and duration of operation in outdoor conditions there is no fundamental difference between larch and oak, which means why pay more?

How to treat wood before sinking into the ground

Someone will begin to doubt the expediency of such an event, arguing this with a tendency to rot. But if authentic gates and a gate are planned, that is, completely wooden, then concrete pillars will look like a foreign body. So, how to process:

  1. The part that will be immersed in the ground, plus another 15-25 cm (for the gap between the ground and the frame) is burned on all sides with a burner until it is slightly charred.
  2. With melted tar (1.5-2 liters, depending on the number of pillars and the depth of immersion), the charred part is tarred and, while still hot, is tightly wrapped with roofing material. You can use burlap, but it's better to take roofing felt.
  3. After complete cooling, such pillars can be buried in the ground - even after 30 years they will not have the slightest trace of decay.

Production of wooden gates

In this case, we are talking about a swing structure with a separate section for the gate. In total, you will need 3 support pillars.

The height of the gate is chosen according to personal preferences. Recommended - from 180 to 220 cm. This is enough to hide what is happening in the yard from prying eyes, provide high-quality protection, but not recreate the semblance of an impregnable fortress in the yard.

For a gate height of 180 cm, the support poles are immersed in the ground to a depth of at least 100 cm (taking into account the level of soil freezing) and must be concreted. On average, it takes from 7 to 15 days to solidify the solution, depending on the ambient temperature.

So, lumber:

  • fence for finishing the frame of the gate 20 x 40 mm and more;
  • bar 40 x 40 cm for the frame - 4 parts 180, 180, 100, 100 cm;
  • support beam 100 x 100 cm - 3 pcs. 280 cm.

For supporting pillars, you can use larch, oak or pine - the strongest. Processing by roasting, tar and roofing material is required.

  • handle and lock for the gate;
  • locking mechanism - lock, beam or latch;
  • stops for fixing the gate;
  • hinges for sashes and gates;
  • cement M300;
  • river sand;
  • rubble.


  • jigsaw;
  • to work with unpolished boards, you will need a planer and a rasp;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • drill for preparing holes;
  • plumb;

Approximate list of tools

Additionally, you will need buckets and other containers where concrete for the pits will be mixed.

How to make calculations and draw up a project

Before you start making wooden swing gates with your own hands, you need to decide on their dimensions and draw up a detailed drawing. It takes into account - the height, size of the wings, the method of opening, the size and location of the gate.

For example, we give several drawings of wooden gates, from which you can choose the most suitable for a particular area.

Drawing of wooden swing gates - with a right-handed gate

Drawing of a wooden swing gate - with a left-sided gate

Drawing of wooden swing gates - with a separate standing gate

Wooden gate drawing - retractable design

Basic indicators:

  • height - 180-300 cm;
  • width of each leaf - 150-220 cm;
  • gate width - 100 cm;
  • the number of transverse bars (lag) - 2-4, depending on the height.

Work order

  1. Site clearing

Before you make a wooden gate, you should clean the area from large stones, stumps and other objects that may interfere with the work and installation of the structure.

  1. Marking the location of the supports

In order for the entire structure to be rectilinear, drive pegs into the ground along the entire length of the future structure, pull a cord between them and check the horizontal with a building level

  1. For supporting pillars, you dig 3 holes 100-120 cm deep. The upper level above the ground must be absolutely even, so you try to level them in depth, and if it doesn’t work out, then you will have to cut off the top.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, sand mixed with rubble is poured, it will be a conditional pillow, filled with water and rammed with a stick or any other improvised object. Further, strictly vertically (check by a plumb line), a beam or a concrete pillar is inserted and poured with a pre-prepared concrete mortar from 2 parts of sand and 1 part of cement.

There is no need for reinforcement, since a meter depth is enough for a strong and reliable fastening of the entire structure of a wooden fence.

  1. After 5-10 days after the concrete has completely dried, you can fasten the gate frame or hang the leaves directly on the hinges.

  1. At the top, the support pillars are fastened with a horizontal cross member, which will work by analogy with a stiffener, giving stability to the entire structure.

Sash assembly features

The frame of each sash is best assembled in a horizontal position. According to the size of the frame, boards, a saw cut or a picket fence are selected, which are convenient to assemble with the help of wooden dowels.

For reference! Wooden dowel - a fastener in the form of a large wooden nail. Used to connect boards and beams.

After the canvas is assembled, it is finally fixed with self-tapping screws along the edges of the frame. Additionally, a jumper is installed, which strengthens the sash as a whole. The jumper is usually located in the center and looks either like the letter "Z" or crosswise.

It is better to supplement large sashes with jibs so that over time the edges do not go beyond the frames and do not loosen the entire structure.

The final step will be the installation of the heck, the loop.

Be sure to open the entire structure with varnish to give a noble shine and increase the operational life.

Lacquer can be colorless or tinted

VIDEO: How to make a wooden gate with your own hands


For owners of private houses, the times have come when absolutely everything can be purchased for arranging the territory. But many prefer to do everything on their own, which significantly reduces costs and is the pride of the owner. If the fence is made of wood, then it would be logical to make wooden ones, besides, it is not difficult to make them with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden gates

Wood is a cheap and practical material that can be easily processed. Gates made of this material are light, environmentally friendly and will perfectly fit into the style of almost every house due to their natural appearance.

At the same time, this material is not without certain disadvantages, since it requires constant processing and care. Wooden gates are not distinguished by high strength and durability, and are also prone to fire. But with proper maintenance, this can be avoided.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the direct manufacture of wooden gates, you need to prepare everything. First of all, you should make measurements and a drawing. If there are no special skills to draw up a professional drawing, it will be enough to schematically display the main elements and dimensions on paper.

When measuring, you should set the length between the two ends of the fence. Divide the resulting value in half - this will be the approximate width of one sash. To determine the exact size of the sash, you should take into account the width of the support posts, as well as set the gap for mounting the hinges that will connect the support posts to the sash.

The optimal gate height is considered to be 2 meters, while the support posts should be about 3 meters, since about 1 meter must be immersed in the ground.

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • plane;
  • wood saw;
  • welding machine;
  • self-tapping screws.

The material must be selected carefully. The presence of knots, as well as blue on the surface of the tree, is unacceptable. Support poles can be made from metal pipes or wooden beams. Regardless of the material chosen, the cross section of the supports must be at least 15 centimeters. For the manufacture of sashes you need the following:

  • metallic profile;
  • wooden boards with a section of 10 x 2.5 cm.

To attach the sashes to the supports, loops in the amount of 4 pieces are required. Having calculated the amount of material that is necessary for the manufacture of the gate, it should be noted that it should be taken a little with a margin.

Production and installation of gates

Despite the fact that the manufacture and installation of wooden swing gates is a simple process, a certain sequence in the stages of work should still be observed.

Installation of supports

First of all, you need to install support poles. If the support is metal, then it must be pre-treated with an anti-corrosion agent, and if wooden, then with an antiseptic. Next, two holes are dug to a depth of at least 1 meter. The deeper the hole, the more stable the structure will be. At the bottom of the pit, it is recommended to fill in a little rubble. When installing wooden poles, the part that will be in the ground should be treated with a bituminous solution, which will prevent the wood from rotting.

The pillars are inserted into the pits and filled with concrete mix. The verticality of the installation is controlled using a level, because the reliability and integrity of the entire structure depends on it. At this stage, you should take a break of about 3-5 days so that the concrete hardens and gains the necessary strength.

Sash manufacturing

In order not to waste time in vain, during the period of concrete hardening, you can begin to manufacture the wings. You need to start with the frame. It can be made of wood, but a more reliable design will be from a metal profile. Frame parts are cut. Then it must be laid out on a flat surface, aligning the corners, which should be straight. When welding corners, it is recommended to apply additional metal plates to stabilize the frame.

The rigidity of the frame is achieved with the help of diagonals and a cross beam. All elements must be welded, and the welding points cleaned with a grinder or a special brush for metal.

Next, prepare the outer skin. To do this, measure the desired size of the board - a little more than the height of the frame - and cut it. Fasten to the frame with self-tapping screws. After that, the surface must be carefully sanded.

After the sashes are ready, hinges are attached to them. At the final stage of installation, the sashes should be hung on the supporting poles using hinges. For a more durable gate design, it is better to use welded hinges, they hold the leaf more rigidly and do not loosen during operation.

The final stage of work

In order for swing wooden gates to serve for a long time, they must be treated with an antiseptic agent, which is recommended to be applied in at least two layers. After the antiseptic has completely dried, the surface can be coated with stain and varnish or any wood paint. Considering that the tree is prone to fire, it is recommended to treat the sections with a special fire-fighting composition every 3-4 years.

A deadbolt can be installed on the inside of the doors, which will serve as a reliable protection against break-ins. Many swing wooden gates are equipped with an electric drive, with the help of which the gates open and close by pressing the button on the remote control.

During operation, it is recommended to constantly tint the wooden structure, and lubricate the hinges with oil, and then the gate will last for many years.


It is difficult to imagine a modern garden plot without a fence - beautiful, durable, protecting from prying eyes. The most important part of the fence is the installation of the gate in the entrance area. You can buy finished products, make your own or order in the workshop according to an individual drawing. A convenient option is wooden gates, which are in no way inferior to metal ones, and even surpass them in some parameters.


Wooden gates look traditional for Russia, they can be combined with other fences adopted in the area. Thus, it will be possible to achieve the appearance of the fence, similar to dozens of others. If you want to stand out and show your status, you can use tinting or woodcarving. To achieve harmony, it is enough to make a fence in the same style as the wooden house standing on the site.

Many masterpieces of wooden architecture stand for centuries under snow, rain and different temperatures. If you follow the technology correctly, the gate will last a long time. It should be borne in mind that for windy areas, solid canvases are not the best option. Styling can have many variations, for example, the bottom is solid, and the top is openwork or lattice. So you not only decorate the fence, but also reduce the wind load that constantly acts on it. As a result, after a strong storm, you will not have to raise a tilted fence.


Wood is a traditional building material used for thousands of years. It is easy to process and relatively inexpensive.

Wooden gates have the following advantages:

  • Low cost compared to metal models.
  • High strength characteristics.
  • Long service life (more than 10 years), if the wood is treated with a protective impregnation, it will last even longer.
  • Environmental safety - the tree does not emit harmful fumes into the atmosphere.
  • The ability to use different types of decor in order to add personality.
  • Self-manufacturing using inexpensive building materials is allowed.


The design is not without some drawbacks:

  • Susceptibility to rotting - the material is destroyed under the influence of water.
  • Fire hazard - the tree catches fire easily; in case of fire, the gate can burn out cleanly.
  • Strength characteristics are lower than those of metal.
  • Large weight - fences sheathed with polycarbonate or corrugated board weigh less.
  • Low level of protection against vandals - traces of marker or spray paint will not be easy to remove from the surface.


For the manufacture of gates, types of wood resistant to high humidity are used. Pine, larch and oak are mainly used. It is now rare to find fences made entirely of wood. Basically, a metal frame is used, and boards are used for sheathing the wings.

But first of all, models are distinguished by the type of construction, today only 4 varieties are common.


A universal solution, the sashes are mounted on hinged hinges, if the doors are heavy, bearing fittings are used. One door may be wider than the other. Among the advantages of swing models are the low price per square meter and easy installation. The recommended width for the passage of vehicles is 3.5–4 m, the height is at least 2 m.

Support posts should be at least 20 cm higher than the doors. If you plan to install a visor, it should be borne in mind that it will prevent trucks from leaving. To deliver building materials, you will have to put a visor on supports about 4 meters high. Since fences often warp precisely from the wind, a moving pin will have to be fixed between the two leaves. It will go into the ground or a special cylinder and fix the doors.

To simplify operation, it is convenient to install automation, with the help of which opening and closing is carried out. For control, you only need a remote control with a few buttons.

Swing gates also have disadvantages:

  • they require free space to open;
  • ground leveling will be required, otherwise the doors will cling to every bump;
  • strong supports are needed that can withstand the weight of the structure, otherwise the gate may fall from the wind load;
  • in winter, you will have to clear the snow in order to get to the dacha, otherwise the snowdrifts will not allow you to open the doors.


When opening, the door moves to the side, that is, the gate works on the principle of a wardrobe. There are both mechanical sliding gates and automatic ones. This option is often chosen for a warehouse or construction site, since it is more convenient to use this model. The maximum span is 11 meters, which makes it easy for large trucks to pass through. Even after a snowfall, you won't have to worry about clearing the snow.

The disadvantage is that:

  • you can not plant plants close to the fence. The sash will move to the side, there should be free space on the side near the fence;
  • for mounting the rail, a prepared concrete base is required, otherwise it will warp, the carriage will not be able to move freely;
  • only an experienced master will undertake the installation of a retractable model, not everyone will be able to cope on their own;
  • this mechanism with a carriage will cost much more than the usual hinges. The price can reach 30,000 rubles.


Previously, such modifications could only be seen in ancient castles. But now they are being produced again, only the heavy door is lifted not by physical force, but by an electrical mechanism. Products with wooden elements are rare, metal ones are more common. Due to the large weight, these models are only used when connected to the mains.

If there is no electricity in gardening, it is unlikely that you will want to raise and lower the heavy frame by hand. The price of such a structure is high, installation should be carried out by a specialist.

Gate with wicket

Any of the modifications described above can be equipped with a gate. In this case, an opening is cut out inside the canvas and a door is mounted inside. Another option is to install the gate as a separate sash.

To improve this structure, you can make a viewing window in the door, install a visor and intercom.


You need to start the installation from the foundation, since the gate will have dynamic and static loads, the foundation must be very strong and heavy. The foundation can be a large wooden log that needs to be dug in, and doors can be hung on top. But a tree in dampness with temperature changes will rot one way or another, even if it is impregnated with bitumen. It is best to make the base of concrete reinforced with a metal mesh or rod.

The depth of the foundation on heaving soils should not be less than the freezing depth. This value can be found in the tables, for example, in the North-West of the Russian Federation, this parameter is approximately 1.7 meters. For a reliable foundation, you need to dig a rectangular hole of sufficient depth. A roofing material or film is placed at the bottom of the hole, large boulders are placed on top, then poured with concrete.

The pillars on which the gate will be held are laid out from ordinary solid bricks, reinforced concrete ones are also suitable. Metal supports to strengthen the door leafs must also be filled with cement mortar to prevent the structure from swinging.

Hinges or places for their fastening can already be welded to metal poles at the factory. If a solid brick is used, it is necessary to fix the hinges during laying. To wooden modifications, the hinges are screwed onto nuts, it is advisable to pre-coat the wood with an antiseptic. The shutters must be installed at a distance of at least 50 mm from the ground, otherwise, if there is any snow or even fallen leaves, the gate will not be able to open.

The frame for the gate can be made of wood or picket fence, connecting its elements to metal corners or without them. In the second case, it is desirable to connect opposite corners with struts. It is possible to connect the tree to a spike or dovetail.

A welded structure is more reliable; a similar product can be made from a metal profile using welding.

How to make a swing gate for a summer residence with your own hands, see the following video.


You can decorate any gate with your own hands, even old ones, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money.

Basic design methods:

  • Coloring- ordinary stain or "Pinotex" can turn ordinary pine wood into oak or ash. Also, the coloring layer will protect the surface from atmospheric influences and pollution. For the effect of aging, in addition to paint, you will need copper sulfate, which will give the tree a grayish tint.
  • Antique painting- usually the pattern is placed on the inside. But if you need to decorate the entrance to any institution, the decoration can be outside. Most likely, you will need the help of a professional artist, to create an unusual effect, you can use Khokhloma painting.

  • Forged trim- attracts attention, creates a sense of respectability. If the upper part of the doors is made of metal lace, the gate will transmit light better and be less exposed to wind load.

It is worth noting that forged elements are resistant to corrosion, but in the country, few dare to use them. Such decorations are expensive and will attract intruders unless the homeowner lives on the country estate year-round.

  • Thread- allows you to turn an ordinary product into a work of art. Only an experienced person can handle threading, but he will need a set of chisels - special tools. It is advantageous to order threading in the workshop, where it will be performed on a CNC machine, which will bring to life the most complex relief. Manual work will cost more, besides, now few masters own this technique. But in the store you can buy ready-made carved panels and attach them to the canvases with your own hands.
  • wood paneling- if the gate has a metal frame, and it is planned to close it with wood from above, there are many decoration options. You can fix the boards horizontally, vertically, diagonally or fancy, alternating between different directions for laying the material.

Do-it-yourself wooden gates are made by many people. After all, this material is quite attractive in many respects. How to make a wooden gate with our own hands, we will consider today. Also on the video in this article and the photo, you can choose not only the desired type of gate, but also decide on the design.

Such gates have their undeniable advantages, which allow you to make a choice in this direction of the material:

Price Prevalence and democratic cost. Shops and building materials markets offer customers a wide range of wooden boards and timber.

Their cost, in comparison with metal products, will pleasantly amaze any person.

Easy processing Easy processing. You can easily prepare your own material for the gate.

The difference between wooden products and metal ones (see) is that they can be processed using hand tools from the home collection. Commonly used tools such as an electric hacksaw and grinder.

Durability If you properly care for the gate, then they will definitely serve you for a solid number of years. Unlike metal, wood products do not rust, but gradually they become worn out.

That is why it is recommended to treat the wood with strengthening agents and apply paint to places that require it. And if you notice damage to the canvas, then do not worry, it will not take you long to put other boards in this place.

According to your needs, you can build varieties yourself. For example, retractable or with a mechanical lift are suitable.

But the most popular type is swing. Their mechanism is so simple that every person, even not connected with construction in any way, will be able to install them.

Choose a view

Wooden, with your own hands, you should start doing after choosing the right option for this design. The photo shows the possible options and you can choose what you need. Or use separate design elements.


This type has a fairly low price: 1 m2 costs on average from 3 thousand rubles. The optimal width is 4 meters, but in extreme cases, 3.5 can be made: there will be enough space for the car to enter.

Swing wooden


  • You should be attentive to the supports that serve to fasten the gate. It is necessary that their length be 20 cm more. It is advisable to use a canopy over the gate, as it is aimed at preventing moisture at the ends of the leaves.
  • Before installing a visor, you need to think carefully. In the event of an overlap, cars with building materials will not be able to drive into your yard or you will have to plant trees. Install the canopy at a height of poles from 3.5 to 4 m.
  • The valves are sometimes disproportionate in size. For example, the gate (see) may be smaller than other parts.
  • The advantage of swing in their simple installation- mainly only hinged hinges are used (with a sash size of not more than 200 kg). If your sashes are larger (starting from 200 kg), then using hinges is pointless: most likely, they will become oblique. To avoid this, use bearing loops that completely disperse the load.

Swings have their drawbacks:

  • They need free space in order to be able to open them. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there are no elevations on the ground that may interfere with the opening.
  • Another drawback is that in snowy weather, residents of the house will not be able to get into it until they clear the snow in front of the gate. Lastly, the weight of the sashes only require strong supporting posts.

In order to make your swing doors more modern and convenient, you can install automation that will allow you to open with a button. The price is not high, but the comfort is a pleasant thing.


Sliding or retractable - this is a modern type. Today, more and more people prefer automatic.

Wooden sliding

The advantages of these are:

  • No need to clear the area from snow to enter the yard
  • Passage width limit - 11 m, which is much more than that of swing gates
  • The width directly depends on the relative position of the carriages

But sliding also have disadvantages:

  • The main disadvantage with automation is their cost, the lower bar of which is 14 thousand rubles, and the upper bar is 30 thousand rubles.
  • This type needs a significant space along the fence (about 40-50% more than the width of the passage)
  • It is better to install such a specialist immediately, since the process itself is quite complicated.

Preparatory process before starting work

Before collecting the necessary tools and materials, you need to make a drawing of your future gate and accurately measure the places for their subsequent installation. Only after passing these two steps, you will understand how to build a wooden gate with your own hands without the intervention of professionals.

Making a drawing

To build a gate with your own hands, you need to accurately view the opening, and in the context of the yard, you need to measure the length between the fence ends.

After that, you can start doing. To simplify and make the work as convenient as possible, we advise you to use a ready-made example. All you need from the finished drawing is to replace the old numerical data with your own. Such a detailed sketch will allow you to accurately select the desired components.

Cooking tool

To build yourself, you should use the tools:

  • Wooden bars, the diameter of which will be at least 5x5 cm. Or metal pipes, whose profiles will be approximately 5 cm;
  • boards;
  • hinges;
  • Electric jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • Meter, tape measure, corner, level;
  • Drill with drills;
  • Plane;
  • Chisel;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws and pins;
  • Sandpaper;
  • ground liquid;
  • Welding tool (if necessary);
  • Rods or anchor bolts;
  • Paint or varnish for outdoor use;
  • Tassels.

If you are engaged in the creation of wooden gates for their installation in the yard, then you need to prepare in advance the pillars that serve as a support. If they are not available, you can create them yourself. All you need is 2 oak beams or metal pipes with an approximate diameter of 15 cm.

Completing of the work

Do-it-yourself wooden gates are made in the following order:

  • Poles are being installed.
  • Then you need to give them the desired length. After that, make 2 holes at the distance indicated earlier. The depth of such holes should be approximately 1 meter. Proceed from the following principle: the stability and durability of the entire installation depends on the depth of the installed supports.
  • To avoid problems with the stability of the installation, you can fill the recesses with rubble and trample the bottom.
  • If you want to avoid subsequent decay, you can use wooden beams. To do this, carefully process the part of the beam that goes into the ground with tools such as bituminous mastic or epoxy. After processing, you can begin to install support pillars, fixing the vertical with a level and filling the pits with rubble.

Attention: It will be useful if you concrete them with cement. And in order to achieve absolute durability and excellent appearance, you can do brick lining of supports.

gate manufacturing process

After you have prepared and made sure that all the components are available, you can safely begin the production of the gate.

If you plan to make garage doors, then the frame is assembled by hand. To do this, you need to cut the wooden bars, based on the measurements of the opening. After that, lay them on the surface in a square or rectangular shape.

After that, make sure the diagonals are even and use metal corners along with self-tapping screws to strengthen the corners.


  • For the manufacture of the frame, you may well use metal pipes or angular profiles. But in order to firmly fix them, you need to use a welding machine. After that, you can safely fix the frame in the opening with dowels or anchors.
  • After that, you need to start creating the frame of the valves. The initial work begins with cutting the wooden beams to the required length, followed by processing the upper part with a planer and placing them on a flat plane, as shown in the sketch. Remember that the front of the gate must be 15 cm larger than the frame. In order to protect the gate from external influences, we advise you to cover the wooden materials with a liquid intended for processing.
  • Make sure that all diagonals are the same size, install self-tapping screws at the docking points or create a recess with a drill to insert dowels there, which are responsible for the stability of the part. After all the structures are ready, fix the cross beams in their middle. At the ends of the bars, make slopes of 45 degrees. And in conclusion, reinforce the products with self-tapping screws.

  • You can mount metal sashes on the frame. To do this, you must follow the same principles as when installing wooden beams. But as fasteners, we advise you to use welding.
  • Next, you need to do the preparation and processing of products in order to sheathe the front parts of the wings. Select the required number of boards and, using an electronic jigsaw, give them the required length.
  • Then connect the boards together, and with the help of self-tapping screws, fix the point of contact. After that, start trimming uneven places and sanding with sandpaper.
  • Now that your gate is almost done, it's time to install the metal hinges. For gates designed for a garage, the hinges must be welded to special places in the frame, and if you have it in the yard, then fix it to the supports.

Attaching hinges to poles

  • In the final stages, prime the surface of the gate with a special liquid, then open it with paint. If you do not want to use paint, you can turn to stain, which will provide an attractive shade. After that, varnish the gate and, based on your own desire, you can place metal products on the front of the gate.

  • It remains only to install handles, locks and bolts on the gate. To install the bolts, you can resort to the use of rods fixed on the sashes. To achieve their absolute fixation, make grooves in the soil.
  • Thus, wood can be easily made with your own hands and at home. An important rule that you must always follow is to measure accurately, pay attention to the sequence of actions, use only proven products.
  • Since they are made of wood, caring for them is doubly important. Therefore, do not be afraid to use paint and paint over old places, and in case of creaking loops, use grease.

It is not difficult to make it with your own hands from wood, you just need to follow the instructions. And if you do everything with your own hands, this will be the key to the quality of the work.

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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
Spring rolls with vegetables Vegetable rolls at home
Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.