How to hang a pot on one rope. Placement of flowers on the windowsill. Hanging shelf on the window

Often, home plants are placed on the windowsill - closer to natural light. If the window sill is very narrow and there is not enough space to accommodate house plants in flower pots, you can grow flowers together on hanging fixtures. In this case, the way out can be hanging basket or pots . A cache-pot is a hanging container in which a single flower pot is placed or green plant. More interesting option- This is a hanging basket in which several plants are planted at the same time, forming a flower arrangement.

There are a number of difficulties that can complicate the process of this method of growing plants. But thanks to our advice, you can choose the right place, arrange the composition correctly and properly care for flowers in hanging containers:

  • Tip 1: It must be remembered that warm and dry air rises up, so plants in suspended structure more frequent watering will be required.
  • Tip 2: If you overfill the water, it may drip right onto the floor. It threatens to bloat wooden floor, therefore, the best place for hanging baskets is the kitchen or balcony, where the floors are usually laid with tiles.
  • Tip 3: For baskets located indoors, polyethylene is sometimes placed inside the container so that water does not drip, but this creates a threat to flood the plants. The best decision is to place several plant pots in a waterproof container. The container itself can be hung on a wire, rope or twine from the ceiling. The principle of such placement is similar to the flower girl, which is described in the article about the home mini-garden.
  • Tip 4: The gaps between the pots and the walls of the container are filled with wet peat. Peat is lighter than, for example, a mixture of peat and earth, and when hanging from the ceiling, unnecessary loads should be avoided.





  • Tip 5: If you have chosen the option of planting plants in a common container, then the rules here remain unchanged: the plants must have the same watering regime, temperature regime and be equally sensitive to lighting. As for the soil, it is poured into a container on top of the drainage layer, which is also general rule for this method of growing plants.
  • Tip 6: It is better to hang the basket in such a way that it can be reached by hand, that is, at the level of your height. If for some reason this option is not possible, then use not a simple hook, but a carabiner, this design will allow you to raise and lower the container.
  • Tip 7: One last tip: check if your green "pets" are getting enough light and air at the chosen height. Flowering and variegated plants should be placed closer to the light - near the window.

Examples of flower arrangements in a flower pot:



The main knots of macrame have already been mastered, you can start making the first simple product using the macrame technique - flower pots. To make your flower pots beautiful, we tried to make a selection of master classes on weaving flower pots using the macrame technique with our own hands.

See how modern and aesthetic these planters look.

DIY Gardens of Babylon

beautiful wall decoration

A cache-pot is not a whim for plants at all, and all flower lovers know this. ampelous, climbing plants they feel best, and accordingly look, in hanging planters.

Plants in the interior look much more elegant if the flower pots are decorated with weaving using the macrame technique.

Material for pots

What material is needed for macrame planters? The material must be durable, not easily soiled, pliable, resilient, not slippery.

To weave knots, so that they turn out to be clear and expressive, it is necessary to be tight enough.

Concerning colors, then everything here is up to you. Here are some examples:

Pots for several flowers can be as one color ...

Basic rules for creating a simple planter (for beginners)

1) Choose a scheme and a suitable material.

2) Cut the threads into segments of the desired length.

3) We fasten the threads on a working basis. You should get four ends (sometimes three or another number).

4) We make a loop for hanging pots. Often use a ring for fastening.

5) Then we begin to knit twisted. They need to be tied four of the desired length (or another number, according to your plan).

6) We measure the diameter of the pot so that it fits well in the pots.

7) We select the scheme of knots with which we will braid the base - a flower pot. Most often this is .

8) We knit a recess for a flowerpot.

9) At the end, we fix the work with a tight knot so that the flowerpot does not fall out of the pots.

10) Cut off the threads, leaving long ends. They can be fluffed up or beads can be attached to them to give the product an original look.

The scheme of weaving flowerpots using macrame technique for beginners

You will need:

  • cord with a diameter of 5 mm (length 40 m)
  • metal or wooden ring with a diameter of 4.5 cm

Cut the cord into 8 pieces of 5 m.

Fold the thread so that one end is 3.5 m and the other 1.5 m and fasten it to the ring. Make a loop by bringing it under the ring. Bend it over the base towards you and pull the ends of the thread into the loop. Lock from below.

Fasten the parts of the rope on the ring so that 2 long (working) ones are located at the edges, 2 short ones (axial) between the long parts.

So that the threads do not interfere, tie them into a skein and secure with elastic bands

Weave pots handles

Divide all the threads into 4 groups (2 long and 2 short parts). Weave single long pieces of rope.

You need to tie about 30 knots or about 50 cm (their number depends on the thickness of the rope and on the required length of the product).

Secure the twisted chain with two flat knots:

In the same way, weave three more twisted chains.

Weave a basket for pots

To do this, weave 1 flat knot with two right ropes from one group and 2 flat knots with left ropes from the group closest to the right at a distance of 8 cm from the last knots. We repeat 4 times, sequentially including all the ropes in a circle.

We measure 8 centimeters ...

... we fasten the threads with a flat knot ...

Knit three rows of warp.

Step back a little from the last knots and use the braiding method to gather the ropes into one bundle.

Braid method

The braid must be very strong so that the flower pot does not break!

We pull all the threads into a bundle. We take a piece of thread, fold it in half and add to all the threads with a loop up.

With one thread from the bundle from top to bottom we make several turns.

We insert the end of the cord into the loop and pull the ends of the loop down so that the cord comes out from below under the turns. We stretch the second end of the loop up and pull it under the winding.

We carefully cut off the upper end of the thread, and hide the lower end along with the rest of the threads.

Braid weaving pattern

Leave the length of the thread for the brush about 20 - 30 cm, cut the ends with sharp scissors. The pot is ready!

Video tutorial for weaving a simple planter for beginners:

Cache-pot two-level "Yuliana" in macrame technique

Most often, a planter is woven for one flowerpot, but it can be two- (or more) level. The shape, size, patterns, material for it are also very diverse.

Cache-pot "Yuliana" is woven from an ordinary linen cord. It is designed for two flowers, located above and below.

Length finished product about 70 cm

Required material:

  • linen cord 5 mm thick (length 40 m)
  • 2 rings with a diameter of approximately 4 and 6 cm
  • 8 beads for decoration

The order of weaving planters "Juliana"

1) Cut the cord into 8 pieces of 5 m each. Mark the middle of the thread.

2) We make a ring for fastening. We take 4 threads, put them parallel and horizontally to each other. From the marked middle we weave “up” and “down” about 8 flat square knots. This resulting lace is folded in half and threaded through a ring of smaller diameter. And if you don’t have a ring, then weave a few more knots, make a “loop” and tie 1-2 flat knots on all cords to strengthen. Another option is to secure the thread by braiding.

3) We divide 8 ropes into 4 groups of 2 pieces and weave about 6-8 knots. It can be replaced with ordinary flat knots or weave a twisted chain.

4) We fix it on the second ring, stepping back from the last knot 5-6 cm, with horizontal rep knots. Between these cords we hang the remaining threads, folded in half. Now we have 16 threads at work.

5) Weave beads. We divide the threads into groups of 4 pieces. We knit 8 flat knots in each group, first weave one bead for decoration. Then we weave 2 more flat knots, weave the second bead and again 8 flat knots.

6) Weave the base for the first pot. We retreat 5 cm from the last knots, weave twisted chains, working with threads from neighboring ropes, shifting the knots.

7) Check if our flowerpot fits. If it does not fit or, conversely, falls out, untie the knots and tie correctly. Weave twisted chains about 20-25 cm. (Their length depends on the height of your pot.)

8) Weave the base for the second pot. We retreat 10-12 cm from the last knot, using 2 threads from adjacent chains, weave one flat knot at a time.

9) Again we retreat 12 cm, we collect all the cords using the braiding method.

Be sure to try on the pot when you finally fasten the threads. This will be the place for the second pot. It must fit securely in there.

10) The design of the "brush". Step back 25-30 cm and cut the cords. You can fluff them up, untwist them, or add beads for more decorativeness.

To make it clearer, watch the video on how to knit Juliana planters:

Cache-pot openwork pattern "Butterfly"

To weave such an openwork planter you need:

  • rope - 50 m
  • three rings with a diameter of 7 cm, 10 cm and 21 cm
  • scissors
  • thread fastening pins
  • work cushion
  • hook for fastening pots

Operating procedure

1) Cut the threads: 3 parts of 8 m, 6 parts of 3 m, 2 parts of 1 m, 1 thread - 2.5 m

2) Wrap the rings with a diameter of 10 and 21 cm tightly with a rope so that there is no gap. A ring with a diameter of 7 cm must be braided with double flat knots with a thread 2.5 m long.

Schemes of the main macrame knots of this planter

3) All the threads, marking the middle, lay vertically and secure in the middle with pins.

Place the shortest (meter) along the edges. With these threads on both sides of the middle, tie 8 cm chains of double flat knots. All other threads will be the basis.

4) Distribute the threads into 6 (long - along the edges) and in each part, first tie in a chain of 4 double flat knots, then perform 4 more of the same knots, leaving 3 pico air loops between them (Butterfly pattern) , rice. 6).

5) Fasten the ends of the chains with horizontal rep knots ( rice. 2) on a ring with a diameter of 10 cm. Next, weave first 3 "butterflies", and then simple chains of 4 knots without pico. Pull the bundle of cord under the chains using the “braiding” method.

6) Again, divide the threads into groups of 6 and tie 3 hanging cords 40 cm long. Each weave like this: first with single flat knots 17 cm of a twisted chain, then a “butterfly”, then a “pea” ( rice. 8), again a "butterfly" and then 13 cm of a twisted chain.

7) Attach the ends of the hanging cords to a ring with a diameter of 21 cm, tying 3 threads in between them (a total of 9 threads of 1 m, folded in half). On every 6 threads under the ring, perform a "butterfly".

8) Connect together the two extreme cords from adjacent butterfly patterns and tie 6 chains of 6 double flat knots, and leave the two inner ones free. We make a bundle of all the threads and tighten using the “braid” method.

We decorate the ends of the cords with “rollers” ( rice. 12). The length of the connected brush in finished form is 25 cm.

Video tutorials on weaving flower pots using macrame technique

Channel Macrame style will teach you to weave a two-color openwork planter for indoor flowers:

Channel macrame school learns to weave a hanging planter with round beads:

Channel Panduro webtube shows how to weave the simplest pots with large beads:

The originality of the macrame technique is that by spending a little money and time, you can decorate your home with a useful and pleasant decor element.

To decorate the garden and the house, summer residents often use hanging planters.

Baskets made of vines look very nice, which can be made in the most various forms, for example, in the form of a sphere, a cone or a rectangular box.

Perhaps a harmonious decoration of any landscape design there will be flowerpots made of wire or forged metal. This option is especially attractive in that it creates the feeling of a certain complete "flight" of the flower bed.

In addition to the shape, material and design of the flowerpot itself, when choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the fastening. In addition, the fastening of containers for hanging flower beds must be very strong and reliable.

This is necessary so that when decorating a flower bed in the yard, you can rotate the plant from time to time to protect it from the sun's rays.

The specifics of planting suspended flower beds

Planting a hanging flower bed depends on the shape of the flowerpot. In simple flowerpots, reminiscent of potted plants, that is, those that have only one open surface, the plants are planted as usual.

It is a completely different matter if the flowerpot is designed to create a hanging ball. In this case, the walls of the frame are filled with moss, which is designed to retain moisture, and the entire basket is covered with a special film, which is most often sold complete with such flowerpots.

Then, in those places where the shoots should subsequently grow, it is necessary to make small holes. The seedlings should be carefully inserted into the holes made, and the soil should be poured into the flowerpot and the plants should be planted at the top.

Having planted flowers to create a hanging flower bed with your own hands, you should water the soil a little and hang the flowerpot in a cool place for several days.

Hanging flowers in the garden: which plants are suitable for hanging flower beds

To create hanging flower beds, it is better to choose plants that are unpretentious in care and do not have special requirements for the state of the soil.

In addition, when choosing inhabitants for such flowerpots, it is important to consider the ratio of the size of their root system to the size of the pot.

For example, petunia roots grow very quickly, and if the flowerpot for this flower is less than 6-8 liters, then it root system will soon fill the entire volume of the container, due to which the plant may die.

Very beautiful decoration will have a do-it-yourself hanging flower bed when planting luxuriantly blooming annuals in flowerpots, for example, pansies, petunias, vervain, marigolds, etc.

Almost all domestic plants, including Kalanchoe, nasturtiums, daisies, rejuvenated, stonecrops, etc., also get along well and grow in a hanging planter or flowerpot.

Of course, bright colorful flowers will always become a worthy decoration of any garden or interior, but you should not think that only flowering plants. For example, flowerpots with herbs- mint, rosemary, etc.

And for those who love originality, we can advise you to do something very unusual, but very useful decoration- a hanging basket with small-fruited vegetables, such as strawberries, which will bear fruit even on the veranda or on the balcony.

Specific care for hanging flower beds

Caring for plants planted in hanging pots depends on whether they have trays.

Baskets without a pallet prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, which, on the one hand, is good, since it slows down the decay of the root system of plants, and on the other hand, it can lead to a lack of moisture if the flower bed is in a sunny area.

If the flowerpot is equipped with a tray, then you should not water the plant too often, and also install it in darkened areas.

In addition, the soil in hanging flower beds must be periodically fertilized, because. during watering, minerals in it are washed out.

In all other aspects, caring for hanging plants garden beds is no different from caring for plants planted in open ground- They also need to be watered regularly, eliminate dried leaves and fight pests.

Hanging flower beds are exactly the addition that can give brightness and expressiveness to any suburban area They can be hung in arbors and pergolas, on fences and on poles, on garden benches, in the recreation area, on the summer terrace, balcony and even on the walls of the house - everywhere they will look beautiful and harmonious.

However, when designing suspended street flower beds, it is also important to take into account the peculiarities of style. personal plot. You can beautifully emphasize the beauty of the landscape with the help of bright color solutions or unusual shapes, or you can focus on the natural beauty of plants.

If such hanging flower beds, rest assured that this decision will not disappoint you. Beautiful flowers and plants, neat and well-groomed, always delight the eye and create an atmosphere of comfort, and if they are also suspended in beautiful, original flowerpots, then such an arrangement of the site can only be envied.

Old enameled bowls, flower pots, buckets will be used to create planters. The containers are hung on chains and hung as high as possible so that any passer-by can see and appreciate this beauty.

It is such a pleasure to make simple things for the garden with your own hands. Please yourself with a hanging flower pot, it can perfectly decorate the porch of a private house or a balcony in a city apartment. And we will share with you a master class on its manufacture ...

What you will need:

  • Wicker basket, you can use an old one or even weave it yourself
  • Sphagnum is peat moss, it is used in gardening and construction, you can find and collect it in a marshy forest or purchase it in specialized stores
  • Latex gloves
  • land for landing
  • Small plastic trash bag
  • Bucket of water (for soaking the moss
  • Beautiful flowers and plants for planting

Soak the sphagnum fibers in a bucket of water, wring out a little and lay out the bottom of the basket.

Once you've laid out enough moss, place a piece of polyethylene on top and poke small holes in it to help trap some of the moisture.

Fill the remaining space with potting soil.

Start planting your flowers and plants. It seems to me that ampelous petunias or other ampelous flowers will look great in this pot.

We decorate the garden with our own hands. Enjoy)))

wooden planter

For the original hanging planter, you will need 24 bars 15-20 cm long. Laying them in a checkerboard pattern, they form square box with through holes.

Connect the bars with nails or screws. Ropes are tied to the bars, at the corners of the upper edge of the planter and a homemade planter is hung on any tree in the garden.

Wooden planter with viols:

Wooden planter similar to hanging swing, "keep" on itself a whole flower bed with pansies(viols)

burlap pots (tarpaulin, felt)

Thick fabric, such as burlap, is perfect for making planters in rustic style country. All that is needed for this is to cut two blanks from the fabric in the form of a semicircle or square, sew them like a pocket and hang them on the fence.

For hanging, you can use a fabric strip sewn to the upper edge of the planter or a wire threaded into the fabric.

Hanging planters for the garden made of felt

In a felt pot, you can put a pot with garden annuals.

New outfit for the watering can.

If you have old watering cans or buckets with basins lying around in your country house, do not throw them away, treat the surface with rust sandpaper, and paint them in bright colors. Inside it is fashionable to put pots (or bags of soil) and flowers. And these items will turn into funny pots

You can hang them on racks, trees, fences

How to make a hanging flower pot from a plastic container

1. Materials and tools. Plafond itself. Galvanized wire with a diameter of 2 mm from the latest project. Key ring. Round nose and pliers.

2. We prepare three pieces of wire 25 cm long.

3. With the help of round-nose pliers at one end of each wire, we bend a round eye.

4. At the other end of each wire, we make a “P”-shaped bend. After all the modifications, the length of the three blanks should be the same.

5. Using an awl or the sharp end of scissors, we make three holes with our own hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck of the ceiling.

6. Insert "P" -shaped hooks into the holes

7. We put wire blanks on the key ring. The pot is ready.

8. We plant plants. Plants can be varied, but it should be noted that the pot does not provide for drainage and if the plant requires frequent transplantation, it may be difficult to extract the plant in this pot design.

A cache-pot can be built not only from cans, but also from plastic bottles (the most common source material. which is always at hand).

Paint the surface of the pots

You can decorate the pots with twine
To do this, we need a plastic bucket of ice cream or other products:
and you will also need jute twine

Glue the beginning of the skein together to fasten the handle.

And we begin to wrap the twine around the bucket. Make sure that each circle fits snugly together, without gluing the twine. When you have reached the bottom of the bucket, you can glue the last few circles, and also glue the end of the twine well.

Then it remains to make 4 holes and hang a bucket-planter decorated with twine.

Wicker flower pot

Braid a flower pot so you can hang it in a simple way imitating macrame.

In order to make a hanging planter, we need about 10 pieces of thick rope, about 90-120 cm long, several large buttons and a metal ring. And decide on the size yourself.


We fold our pieces of rope in half and fasten with a simple loop as shown in the figure:

Then select two loops located side by side and fasten their adjacent ends with a button, as shown in the figure. It is better to place buttons at a distance of 5-7 cm from the ring.

Any room has a finished look if it contains plants. They not only decorate the interior, but also give comfort and bring joy. In addition, plants are known to purify the air, which is very important especially for city dwellers.

Breeding plants is a huge job that requires time and skills. Each plant has its own characteristics, living conditions, needs a certain humidity, temperature, light.

Gutter: a simple DIY hanging garden idea

An original idea for a hanging garden will be a gutter; this uncomplicated device will wonderfully decorate both city apartments and any garden or cottage.

In order to turn the idea into reality, you will need gutters (several pieces), hooks, metal cable and clamps. We will make holes along the gutter and on both sides we will thread metal cables into them, we fix the cables from the bottom of the structure with clamps. On the next gutter, according to the first example, holes should be drilled and cables should be threaded parallel to the first. The design will not move if the attachment points are observed strictly under each other. It remains only to fix the hanging garden on hooks, fill in the ground and plant the plants. Master Class:

Preparing the gutter

Clamps and cable

Drilling holes

We stretch the cable

We put fasteners

We hang the gutter

We plant plants

Kindergarten is ready

A similar idea of ​​hanging gardens, implemented more simply using plastic bottles. It doesn’t look so impressive, but it’s done more quickly, simply and precisely by everyone with their own hands.

Hanging baskets from climbing plants

Exists huge selection special hanging pots with a tray for excess moisture. They can be made from any material of wood, metal, woven from branches, ropes. In addition, you can easily make a flower hanging pot yourself without special efforts from improvised means.

Plants hung on a special planter made of rope or cord look very nice. good choice for such decorative dishes there will be a fern or ivy hanging in the air, as if hanging in the air. Or use regular hanging pots for flowers and houseplants.

Hanging flower pots - the easiest solution

Using saw cuts of various tree species, you can make original hanging pots for the same ivy, as well as vines. The original will be a suspension of sticks or bamboo slats, as well as a piece of wood in which you can make a small depression, here you can successfully combine several types of plants that do not have a highly developed root system. Or you can use bags made from ordinary fabric. So you can decorate the fence in the country.

Wide use received baskets made of galvanized wire. They are the most durable and quite unusual. design solution. You can also make a hanging garden from ordinary galvanized or painted buckets.

An interesting idea is to make a hanging garden without using any pots or things that replace them at all. We will just have moss balls suspended on twine, from which green plants grow. Here is the instruction "", but what happens in the end:

hanging garden- piece of art

Hanging garden in pockets

Hanging garden in pockets pretty unusual solution for plant placement. You can sew the pockets yourself or use a ready-made organizer for tools, you will also need a cornice and hooks.

The most important thing is to find a place for our future fixture under a canopy so that in rainy weather excess water didn't fit in the pockets. We install the cornice in the chosen place and hang our canvas with pockets on hooks. Now we fill the pockets with earth and plant seedlings. It remains only to attach a wooden block for gravity and the hanging garden is ready! Instruction:

Hanging garden in pockets in the country - we grow greens

We fasten the bar

We plant plants

We pour the earth

We sew pockets

Hanging garden upside down

Very creative idea for a hanging garden - use special inverted pots. Plants in them do not grow as expected, but upside down. These original pots are called Sky Planter - search the Internet, and Patrick Morris came up with them.

How it works:

Hanging Garden: New idea from old boots

A pair of old boots lying around in the closet will fit well in any garden. For decor, any boots from any material and absolutely any size are suitable. Let's make a hole in inside shoes and put a hook into it, which can then be fixed anywhere. The main thing is that the hooks are strong, since a boot with earth can weigh quite decently, and when watered, our “flower pot” will become much heavier.

They will look especially good in this interesting device ampelous plants various colors and varieties.

Hanging pots for the garden with ampelous plants Liked the article? Share on social networks!

Flower pots are quite popular, and you can find a lot of instructions for making them on the net. In one of ours, we already told you how to make hanging flower pots with your own hands, today we offer you a different approach. There is no need to make pots themselves, we offer completely ordinary flower pots to turn them into hanging pots.

Materials and tools for making hanging flower pots:

  • 3 small flower pots with planted plants
  • skein of thin clothesline
  • 15 raw wooden beads, approx. 18 mm in diameter
  • 9 wooden beads with a diameter of 25 mm
  • 11 beads with a diameter of 38 mm
  • copper tubes¼ inch diameter
  • pipe cutter
  • acrylic paint
  • tassel

DIY hanging flower pots

Color the beads in different colors. If you want the paint to lay down in an even layer, the beads can first be sanded with sandpaper.

Advice: The easiest way to dry the beads is by putting them on a wire.

Enough interesting effect obtained by painting beads for each pot in different shades one color.

Pull two strings through each group of beads. In our case, for the manufacture of each pot, six ropes were used, tied at the top into a knot.

The beads can be placed in any order. In our case, their diameter first increases and then decreases.

Decide on the height at which you want to fix wood beads, and tie a knot in this place on each pair of ropes.

Divide each pair of ropes, and knot the left rope of the first pair with the right rope of the second. In the same way, tie all six ropes in pairs. Repeat the procedure again, moving down.

Tie all three pairs of ropes in one knot, cut off the ends of the ropes, or leave them as they are.

By the same principle, we make a second hanging pot.

Cut the copper pipe into pieces about 70 mm long.

Alternating multi-colored wooden beads and pieces of copper tube, decorate each pair of ropes. In this case, it is better to use beads small size so that their diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of the tubes.

Secure the beads and tubes with knots.

Separate each of the pairs of ropes and tie them with ropes from adjacent pairs. Repeat the same, moving down slightly. Tie all the ropes into one knot.

In each of the resulting rope sleeves, place flower pot. Now it remains only to hang the pots in the window or doorway, decorate them with a veranda or living room.

It is not necessary to use wooden beads and copper tubes to decorate hanging pots, it all depends on your imagination.

Original article in English.

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