The theme of the pedagogical council: “Various forms of conducting class hours. Use of new technologies. Class hour: form of conducting, analysis

Russian Federation

The Republic of Khakassia

Municipal budgetary educational institution

municipality Sayanogorsk secondary school No. 5.


about holding class hours At school

  1. General provisions

The regulation on conducting class hours at school (hereinafter - the Regulation) in the municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipality of Sayanogorsk secondary school No. 5 (hereinafter - OS) was developed in accordance with clause 6, article 28 federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Charter of the educational institution, taking into account the opinions of students and their parents (legal representatives).

The regulation defines the goals, objectives, forms, organizational and functional structure, content and tools for assessing the internal and external effectiveness of class hours in MBOU secondary school No. 5.

The regulation is considered at a meeting of the governing council, approved by order of the director of the educational institution. The provision is binding on all participants in educational relations. One copy of the Regulations is kept in the office of the head of the educational institution. The text of the Regulations is posted on the Internet on the official website of the educational institution.

A class hour is a form of educational work in the classroom, which contributes to the formation of a system of attitudes towards the world around students.

The class hour is a form of educational interaction that is flexible in its composition and structure; it is a form of communication class teacher and his pupils, a priority role in the organization played by the teacher.

The class hour is included in the school schedule and is held every week on a certain day.

Class hour is held in each class weekly.

Two class hours per month are themed, held in the first and fourth weeks of the month; information class hour "What did I see? What did I hear?" are held once in the second week of the month; class hours aimed at the implementation of school programs are held once a month in the third week.

The form of the class hour is chosen by the class team under the guidance of the class teacher.

The class teacher in the preparation and conduct of the class hour is its main coordinator and is responsible for realizing the educational potential of the class hour.

Goals and objectives of the class hour

Formation of knowledge on issues of political, economic and social life, about oneself, about loved ones, about real, “live” life outside the school window.

Formation of a civil position, moral and aesthetic qualities of a person.

To teach to understand your comrades, to awaken the desire to help them solve problems, communicate, cooperate, interact with them.

Creation of conditions for the formation and manifestation of the subjectivity and individuality of the student, his creative abilities.

Formation of the emotionally sensitive sphere and value relations of the child's personality.

Assimilation by children of knowledge, skills and abilities of cognitive and practical-creative activity.

Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Forms of class hours

When choosing the form of holding a particular class hour, the class teacher should consider:

age and intellectual characteristics of schoolchildren;

their interests and needs;

compliance of the form with the subject and purpose of the class hour;

own experience of educational work;

school conditions.

Conduct form

Discussion Forms

dispute, discussion, conference, round table, evening of questions and answers, meeting with invited people, lecture hall, auction.

Competitive forms

competition, quiz, journey, KVN, relay race of useful deeds, review, parade, presentation, tournament, olympiad.

creative shapes

festival, exhibition, oral magazine, live newspaper, creative work, presentation (of projects), humor, performance, concert, fair, evenings, discos (combined class hours).

game forms

role-playing games, story games, intellectual, games - disasters.

Forms of psychological education

training, research.

Movable forms

fun starts, small olympiad, school olympiad, day ...... (athletics, health, etc.).

Forms of work outside of school

excursion, hike, exit (concert, circus, theatrical performance).

Conversational forms

disputes, discussions, conversations, lectures, conferences, oral journal.

Classroom functions

The class hour performs three main educational functions: educational, orienting and guiding. Most often, the class hour performs all functions at the same time. Most often, the class hour performs all functions at the same time.

Educational - expands the range of those knowledge of students that are not reflected in the curriculum.

Orienting - forms certain relationships to the objects of the surrounding reality; development of a certain hierarchy of material and spiritual values.

Guide - the transition of a conversation about life into the real practice of students, directing their activities.

Forming - the implementation of the above functions; forming the habit of thinking about and evaluating your life and yourself; development of skills to conduct a group dialogue, arguing one's opinion.

The school methodological association of class teachers of grades 1-11 determines the traditional class hours for the school year in accordance with the analysis of the educational work of the past school year with the goals and objectives for the upcoming academic year and taking into account traditional school-wide events, it is held as a single class hour by the first lesson in all classes at the same time .

Classroom topics are varied. It is determined in advance and reflected in the plans for the educational work of class teachers. The topic of one class hour is determined by the class team at the class meeting (the class teacher together with students and their parents) at the end of each school year for the next school year.

Class hours can be dedicated to:

moral and ethical problems (they form a certain attitude of schoolchildren to the Motherland, work, team, nature, parents, oneself, etc.);

problems of science and cognition (the purpose of such class hours is to develop schoolchildren right attitude to study, science, literature as a source of spiritual development of the individual);

aesthetic problems (here students get acquainted with the basic principles of aesthetics; they talk about beauty in nature, human clothing, in everyday life, work, behavior; develop their creative potential);

issues of state and law (these class hours develop the interest of schoolchildren in political events taking place in the world; form a sense of responsibility and pride for the Motherland, its success in the international arena; teach to see the essence public policy, class hours on political topics should be held in direct proportion to the saturation of the year with various political events);

questions of physiology and hygiene, healthy lifestyle life, which should be perceived by students as elements of human culture and beauty;

psychological problems (the goal is to stimulate the process of self-knowledge, self-education and the organization of elementary psychological education);

environmental problems (the goal is to inculcate a responsible attitude to nature);

school-wide problems (significant events, anniversaries, holidays, traditions, etc.).

Class content requirements:

Stability, for each hour the day and time are defined. It is not recommended to have a class hour on Saturday, it is better in the first half of the week.

Classroom hours should be built in such a way that in their content they go from simple to complex, from information to assessments, from assessments to judgments.

The class teacher must have a plan for conducting the class hour: the subject of the class hour, the date, the educational goal, the sequence of conduct, visibility, the teacher’s final word, the conclusions of the class hour, whether it was possible to realize the educational goals.

During the class hour, the class teacher should not impose his opinion and his judgments, but his ability to make corrections and provide assistance in finding the right solution.

Should be considered psychological features students in the construction of the content of the class hour. The content of the class hour should include the dynamics of activities, questions, and information.

The class hour, regardless of its varieties, must carry a positive emotional charge, it must develop the feelings of students, positive emotions.

Organization of the classroom

When planning open class hours, they should be evenly distributed throughout the academic year. Each teacher can spend 4 “open” class hours during the academic year. It is not advisable to plan for the first and last week quarters (before and after the holidays).

A month before the open class hour, the teacher or the head of the methodological association informs the deputy director for VR about the open class hour.

Classroom organization begins with psychological preparation students for a serious conversation. An important part of the overall organizational work is the preparation of the premises for this event. The classroom should be clean, ventilated, decorated if necessary with flowers, aphorisms, etc. The topic of the class hour can be written on the board/poster, and the questions to be discussed should also be communicated.

At the classroom hour, students are seated as they want.

The duration of a class hour is 45 minutes, but for younger students it can be reduced to 20-30 minutes, for older students it can be more than one astronomical hour (if the problem interested all students and the discussion was not completed). However, in any case, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the daily routine of the student.

Before conducting a class hour, the class teacher must solve a number of problems:

determine the theme of the class hour;

choose the form/methods/technologies of its implementation;


make a class plan;

involve as many participants as possible in the preparation and holding process;

distribute tasks between creative groups and individual students.

Introducing students to class hours, involving them in a conversation about life, the class teacher teaches them to analyze life phenomena.

Any team is kept by traditions, and the class hour should be traditional. This means that it must be created together, by the whole team: the teacher and the children, then at the classroom hour joint creativity, mutual exchange of opinions, creative work on building a team of their class will become possible.

Classroom structure

Structurally, the class hour consists of three parts: introductory, main and final.

The purpose of the introductory part: to activate the attention of students, to ensure a sufficiently serious and respectful attitude to the topic of conversation, to determine the place and significance of the issue under discussion in human life, production, the development of science and society.

The goals of the main part are determined by the educational tasks of the class hour. During the final part, it is important:

to stimulate the need of schoolchildren for self-education:

support the desire to change better life surrounding;

to direct the energy of pupils to the accomplishment of practical deeds for the benefit of other people.

Evaluation of classroom quality.

The quality of the class hour is evaluated according to the criteria of external and internal efficiency.

The tools for assessing the internal effectiveness of a class hour are the analysis of the class hour (Appendix No. 1), reviews, essays of students that they write at the end of the class hour.

External effectiveness is assessed by the Deputy Director for educational work.

Application No. 1

to the Regulations on holding

classroom hours at school


Classroom teacher
(full name, qualification)

1. General information about the class hour

Date ____________________ class _____________________
Topic of the class hour __________________________________________________________________________________
Form of conduct __________________________________________________________________________________
Implemented technology (elements of technology):
- collective creative education, education based on a systematic approach, individualized (personal) education, education in the learning process (underline as necessary)
- other technology _________________________________________________________________

Optimality of the volume of the proposed cognitive material


Relevance and educational orientation of the class hour _________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

The degree of novelty, problematic and attractiveness of cognitive information for pupils __________________________________________________________________________________

The place of the classroom in the educational system


Characteristics of the purpose of the class hour and its correspondence to the content of the class hour ______________ _________________-----------------------__________________________________________________________________________________

Characteristics of the equipment used:
- visual aids ________________________________________________________________
- TCO _______________________________________________________________________________
- Handout _____________________________________________________________

Compliance of the design of the classroom classroom with the topic __________________________________________________________________________________

The level of activity of students in the course of the preparatory work _________________________________________________________________________________

Organization of educational activities:

Availability and quality of the organizational moment:
. preparing students for the beginning of the classroom, emotional mood _________________________________________________________________________________
. organizational beginning of the class hour (methods and activities) __________________________________________________________________________________
. external readiness ________________________________________________________________
. psychological readiness students ____________________________________________
. class design _________________________________________________________________

The use of various forms of activity in the organization of the event (collective, group, individual, pair, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________

Justification for the choice of the form of holding a class hour (musical and poetic composition, game, excursion, competition, debate, conversation, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Student activities:

Activity level:
- high, medium, low, normal, dynamic;
- reproductive activity, productive activity, creative activity (underline as necessary).

Interest in the topic __________________________________________________________________________________

Independence of judgments __________________________________________________________________________________

Speech of students, literacy _________________________________________________________________________________

Culture of behavior, discipline __________________________________________________________________________________

3. The effectiveness of the class hour:

Creation of an atmosphere of creativity, depth of understanding of the problem, etc. __________________
The emotionality of the class hour
Managing the process of attention throughout the event ____________________________

Forms and methods of organizing the activities of students:
- forms: individual, group (pair), frontal, collective; method problem learning, partially search, research explanatory and illustrative; verbal, visual, practical.
- other _________________________________________________________________________

Moral and psychological atmosphere of the classroom:
- ease of communication, mutual respect, exactingness, humor, an unbiased attitude, objectivity of assessment, a balanced reaction, pickiness, nervousness, irritation;
- other _________________________________________________________________________

The analysis was (a) _____________________________________________

"____" __________________ 20____

Modern methodological techniques for activating extracurricular activities

A modern teacher, the leader of a circle or sports section, a teacher of additional education needs to be fluent in teaching practice the main methodological techniques or methods of organizing extracurricular activities.

Interactive forms of extracurricular activities - forms of organizing a lesson or extracurricular activities that involve increased mental work, physical, communicative activity or quick decision making. Such forms include express quizzes, brainstorming, relay races, mini-competitions, etc.

Conversation- a method of teaching and education, involving a dialogue between the teacher and students, mainly on the issues of the teacher. The conversation activates the mental work of students, maintains attention and interest, develops speech: each question is a task that students solve. Types of conversations: preparatory, informing, heuristic, reproducing, generalizing, repeating. Conversations various kinds can be combined, intersected, interspersed depending on the micro-goal at a certain stage of the lesson and extracurricular activities.

Heuristic conversation is used in the case when the teacher does not tell the truth, but teaches to find it. Based on the analysis of facts and phenomena known to students, as well as independent observations, students come to a conclusion on the topic of new (cognitive) material.

reproducing the conversation is used to consolidate the studied material, as well as to repeat and justify the actions performed.

Informative conversation applied by the teacher when new material cannot be obtained heuristically.

Summarizing conversation is usually carried out at the end of the lesson (extracurricular activities) and at the end of the study of a major topic, section, course.

Dialogue- view oral speech(less often written), characterized by a change of statements of two or more (in this case, the term "polylogue" is sometimes used) speaking faces. The replicas (utterances) of the speakers are interconnected in meaning and together form a single whole, therefore a dialogue is a type of coherent speech or text. The situation, gesture, facial expressions, intonation play an important role in the dialogue. Dialogue is characterized by some stylistic features: questions, exclamations, elliptical constructions, interjections and particles, inversions, etc.

Demonstration- a methodological technique, showing tables, diagrams, models, pictures, transparencies, videos, TV shows, images projected onto a screen using modern electronic and video equipment in a lesson (extracurricular event) to all students.

Differentiated Approach- a form of organization of work of students on the basis of their association, within the framework of the educational team, into small groups according to interests, according to the level of readiness, and in mixed groups - according to national composition, according to the degree of knowledge of Russian (foreign) language. Each group gets a task different nature, varying degrees of difficulty. A differentiated approach allows within the framework of the teenage team to pull up those who are lagging behind, to give an opportunity for the development of each teenage group (each individual). The division into groups is not permanent. For different types of work, creative groups of different composition can be created.

Dosage educational material . When organizing and conducting an extracurricular activity (event), the teacher needs to consider the saturation of each stage of the lesson or event. Such work contributes to the prevention of overload of trainees, fatigue, provides optimal conditions for the assimilation of educational (cognitive) material.

Proof- a methodical technique that develops thinking and speech and consists in substantiating a statement with the help of other thoughts, statements already proven or accepted without evidence (obvious or unprovable). Tasks with the sentence "prove" are widely used both in the classroom and during extracurricular activities.

Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities- the type of educational activity of students, organized and verified by the teacher, aimed at implementing the principle of strength of assimilation of educational (cognitive) material. Consolidation of knowledge is carried out by repeating new material in different options and combinations, in a rearranged form, with new examples, as well as by performing practical action- exercises, practical tasks. Consolidation in the classroom is usually carried out after the explanation of new material.

Testing- a modern form of testing the assimilation of educational (theoretical) material, determining the psychological type of a teenager's personality, his inclinations and interests. Testing involves two methods of execution: a computer version and a paper version. Teachers compose short assignments on the topics studied or a block of educational material, offer various options their solutions (answers), of which only one option is correct. The trainees are offered for a certain (limited) time to indicate the correct answer either on sheets of paper or on a computer.

Computer– modern technical means training, development and search for information on the Internet, which is used in the following ways:

Developed and used by students computer programs on which they work independently on personal computers or in computer classes;

Use of ready-made computer programs, developing games, testing;

Control and self-control (knowledge and skills are tested);

Communication with friends from other regions and countries via the Internet, transfer of information via e-mail;

Modeling and design; generalization of the studied theoretical material, as well as abstracting and editing the written text;

Analysis and selection of educational texts, necessary information and their evaluation according to certain criteria;

Quantitative study of spoken speech or printed texts, etc.

Repetition of educational (cognitive) material- return during the training session (extracurricular activities) to the previously studied in order to consolidate it, link it with new material, generalize and systematize what has been studied. Repetition ensures the strength of learning. Usually, repetition is carried out on new examples, in a different order, using new methods of activity (preparation by trainees of summarizing tables, diagrams, reports, etc.).

Individual training(consultation)- a form of organizing training sessions with individual students outside the educational team. Most often used with students who are prescribed homeschooling. Individual training usually consists in clarifying difficult theoretical issues, in joint performance of tasks, taking into account the methodological instructions of the teacher, in independent work under the guidance of a teacher. As a rule, individual consultations are given by a teacher when preparing reports, performing a long creative work(when using the design methodology).

The development of students' speech- the process of mastering speech: the means of the language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, culture of speech, styles) and the mechanisms of speech - its perception and expression of one's thoughts. The development of speech occurs in people of different ages. The term "speech development" is also used in a narrow methodological sense: a special educational activity of the teacher and students aimed at mastering speech, as well as the corresponding section of the course of the methodology of Russian or foreign language. It includes the organization of speech situations, speech environment, vocabulary work, syntactic exercises, work on the text (coherent speech), intonations, on the correction and improvement of speech.

All work on the development of speech is based on the course of grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, word formation, stylistics, as well as on the theory of speech and text, which is not included in the program for students, but is used as the basis for the development of students' speech.

Role-playing game— methodical reception of training and activation extracurricular activities schoolchildren. The essence of the role-playing game is to create such situations in which each participant receives a fictitious name, social role- a tourist, a guide, a journalist, a nurse, a teacher, etc. The leader leads the conversation. The role-playing game creates a motivation close to natural, arouses interest, and increases the emotional level of the students' educational work.

self control is a necessary step in learning. It is implemented in the following ways: checking the correctness of the written text; use of dictionaries and reference books; reconciliation of your answer according to a pre-planned plan; self-observation of pronunciation, tempo, expressiveness of speech and correct reading of the text, etc.

Independent work- cognitive, educational activities performed on the instructions of the teacher, under his guidance and control, but without his direct participation. It can take place when studying new educational material, consolidating knowledge, preparing an essay or report, creative work, collecting a collection or herbarium, designing a project.

Project method is currently the most popular teaching method among experimental teachers. The most effective application of the design method is possible with the use of a computer. There are three main stages, or phases, in the design process. At the first stage, a fruitful idea is put forward (content core, meaning further action). On the second (middle) stage, a multifaceted panorama of the desired emerges from an undifferentiated idea (construction of a technology for further actions or methods of a future planned model). The final design phase is the preparation of design and technological documentation.

The project method involves a fundamentally different approach: "Think, imagine, think about how and by what means this could be done."

Priority forms of extracurricular activities in educational institutions

Most often, priority for children and adolescents in educational institutions are gaming, theatrical, debatable, situational-creative, psychological, competitive forms of educational and extracurricular work, allowing students to become aware of themselves.

The most popular forms of extracurricular activities are:

1. Subject weeks in academic subjects of social and humanitarian, mathematical and natural science cycles.

2. Educational and cognitive activity: school-wide subject Olympiads and public reviews of knowledge, honoring winners and winners of school-wide, city (district) and regional (district, regional, republican) subject Olympiads and competitions; championships of "experts in the virtual world" (experts in information and communication technologies), festivals of creative and research projects; school-wide competitions “The best student” (by class parallels), “The best graduate of a school (lyceum, gymnasium)”, “The best student portfolio”.

3. Heroic-patriotic and military sports events: the work of school museums, theme evenings and holidays; organization and conduct of excursions and thematic excursion trips, military sports games "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglet", competitions "Safe Wheel", detachments of YID (young inspectors traffic) and YuDP (young friends of firefighters).

4. Mass holidays (collective creative affairs): themed holidays, festivals of creativity and fantasy; contests: “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, guys”, “Miss School”, KVN, professions, homemade products; intellectual tournaments of connoisseurs; contests of staged or marching songs, theatrical performances, readers and author's creativity, drawings and posters.

5.Specialized (thematic) or career guidance) promotions: fairs of knowledge and future professions; holidays and festivals of folk art, national customs and traditions; festivals of science and creativity, hobby groups and clubs; week of children's book or bibliophiles.

6. Socially useful and socially significant events: labor landings and subbotniks; Timur activities, raids by Aibolit and purity; search and local history work; operations "Gift to Distant Friends", "Gift to a Veteran"; charity actions: "Help disabled children", "Our gift orphanage"," Help older people ".

7. Sports and tourism activities: organization and holding of tourist rallies, "Robinsonades" and competitions, one- and multi-day hiking, combined, mountain, bike-moto trips and expeditions; evenings of tourists, "Small Olympic Games”, tournaments (championships) in volleyball, basketball, athletics and weightlifting, gymnastics and wrestling, chess and checkers (backgammon, billiards); sports relay races (with students, parents); competitions “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”, “The most sporty class”.

The most common forms of leisure communication:"lights" round tables, discos, evenings, gatherings, trips out of town, visits to museums, meetings with interesting people; the work of hobby groups and clubs, sports sections; "brainstorming", discussions and interactive.

New game forms are becoming popular: by the type of game of the New Civilization program, intensive communication (targeted trainings that teach and develop intellectual and psychological games), communicative-linguistic (communication trainings, creative game evenings), communicative (discussions, brainstorming, business, role-playing games).

In school practice, various forms and methods of conducting a classroom hour are used. Most often it is carried out by the class teacher himself. He talks with students, introduces them to literary material, identifies and analyzes the public opinion of the class team on certain issues. Sometimes class hours are held in the form of a discussion of current class issues, a review of newspapers and magazines over the past week. The class teacher proceeds from the characteristics of his class. Is his team cohesive? What are the guys' interests? What is their educational level? That is, creating his own plan of educational work with the class for the academic year, the class teacher determines the role of class hours in it.

Any team keeps traditions. And class hour should be traditional. This means that it must be created together, by the whole team: the teacher and the children. At the classroom hour, joint creativity, mutual exchange of opinions, and creative work to build a team of one's class are possible. A class hour can be devoted to solving current problems, and discussing a topic of interest, a game or a collective creative work can take place here.

The class hour should not be held in an edifying tone, the class teacher should not suppress the initiative of students during the class hour, their desire to express their opinion, to criticize.

Thus, the class hour can be held in various forms.

In the form of a classroom meeting, an hour of communication, an educational hour, it can be an excursion or a thematic lecture, meetings with interesting people, quizzes in various fields of knowledge, KVN, travel games, trainings, reader conferences, theater premieres. But, it should also be borne in mind that there may be an emergency class meeting or replacement for one reason or another of one form of holding a class hour with another. A selection of various forms is given in Annex 2, "Forms of classroom hours."

Let's talk in more detail about the main forms of educational work with the class team.

Class hour - hour of communication

A very interesting form of conducting a class hour - hour of communication who plays very big role in the lives of students, if it is conceived in an interesting and unusual way. An hour of communication is a joint work of an adult and children. In order for the children to wait for a new opportunity to speak frankly, they must take an active part not only in the preparation and conduct of the class hour, but also in determining the topics of the hours of communication. Discuss with the children the range of issues they are interested in, collect a “basket of problems” and, taking into account the wishes, formulate the topics of class hours.

It is very important to create a comfortable microclimate in the classroom so that the children have a desire to express their opinion, so that they are not afraid to make mistakes or be misunderstood.

The class teacher can invite the children to work out communication rules:

1. Treat each other with respect.

2. Listen carefully to any opinion.

3. While one is speaking, everyone is listening.

4. We communicate our desire to speak out with a raised hand.

Forms of the hour of communication can be different. Their choice depends on the level of development of the team, the characteristics of the class, the age of the children, and the professionalism of the teacher. In practice, the following forms have proven themselves well:


    Discussion (dispute). The discussion allows you to involve children in the discussion of the problem, teaches you to analyze the facts, defend your point of view, listen and understand a different opinion.

    Role-playing game- KTD form, which allows you to discuss the problem, arouse empathy, try to find a solution with the help of a theatrical game.

Role play methodology:

      definition of the problem, choice of situation;

      distribution of roles and discussion of positions and behaviors;

      replaying the situation (perhaps even several times) in order to find an effective solution;

      discussion of the situation by the participants.

It is very important that the teacher does not impose his opinion on controversial issues.

The options for conducting role-playing games can be different: “mock trial”, “press conference”, “asked - we answer”, dramatization of a literary work.

    oral journal. The number and topics of magazine pages are determined in advance and distributed among creative groups.

    Socio-cultural project- this is an independent study by students of significant social various problems. To create a project, it takes time and compliance with a certain algorithm of actions:

      • studying the situation;

        collection of information;


        formation of microgroups and appointment of responsible persons;

        practical actions;

        identifying priority outcomes;

        group analysis of the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

One way to quickly solve a problem is to brainstorm. This view is often used to solve a specific problem, such as "How to improve classroom attendance." The rules for brainstorming are as follows:

    the teacher records all the opinions and ideas of the children;

    opinions are not commented, not evaluated, not repeated;

    no one is forced to express their opinion;

    “brainstorming” ends when all ideas are exhausted;

    all ideas in the conclusion are considered and evaluated.

Great interest among students is caused by class hours in the form of television games: “Star hour”, “What? Where? When?”, “Weak Link”, “Lucky Chance”, etc.

Advantages of an hour of communication over other forms of work.

1. Communication within the classroom makes it possible to communicate immediately with all the students of the class, to hear their opinion on the problem of the conversation, to observe their reaction to the issues under discussion.

2. The effectiveness of a classroom hour also lies in the fact that it can influence both the opinion of the majority of the children and the opinion of one student. Sometimes, in the course of individual work with a student, a teacher cannot achieve such success for hours as he can get during a class hour. Indeed, for children, especially teenagers, the opinion of peers is more important than the opinion of the most authoritative adult.

3. An hour in which various problems are solved allows you to see students in a natural, not simulated atmosphere of communication and solve serious moral problems.

class meeting

class meeting It is a democratic form of organizing the collective life of a class. Its main difference from other forms is that at the meeting the children themselves develop and make decisions (according to Kapustin N.P.).

The class meeting should be held approximately 1-2 times a month. It is the highest self-governing body in the classroom, where children learn communication, democracy, cooperation, independence and responsibility. The purpose of this body is to discuss issues of the life of the team, problems that arise in the classroom.

The class meeting performs two functions: stimulating and organizing.

class meeting:

Distributes assignments;

Elects the headman, representatives to the bodies of the student body;

Listens to reports of students on the implementation of assignments.

The personal participation of the class teacher is obligatory: he votes with the students for / against the adoption of any decision and is personally responsible for its implementation. The class teacher needs to teach the children the democratic procedure for holding a meeting: the ability to listen to speakers, speak on their own, develop collective decisions and vote for their adoption, and obey the will of the majority. In the 5th grade, meetings should be held several times a month, in order to develop the need for students to discuss and solve problems. In the 6th grade, the activity of the congregation expands. As a rule, by the 7th grade, traditions and rules of conduct for a class meeting are formed. The efforts of the class teacher spent on training in preparing and holding a class meeting in grades 5-7 are fully justified in the senior grades.

Thematic class hour

Purpose themed class hour is to develop the horizons of students, to contribute to the needs of the spiritual development of students, their interests, natural self-expression.

Themed class hours require preparation and can be grouped around a specific theme for a long time. These hours can be the beginning and end of serious classroom work that can be supplemented by other forms of extracurricular work.

Speaking about the systemic nature of the educational process, the main form of work with the class team - thematic class hour, should be subject to the general goals and objectives of the school, have a certain cycle in areas and topics in the dynamics of the age of students. For example, at school every month class hours on healthy lifestyles are held in classes and once a quarter - a class hour on the revival of national culture. Many educational institutions held a series of class hours dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory, the 75th anniversary of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug-Yugra, the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Nizhnevartovsk region. Qualitatively organized and prepared, they played a big role in the civil and patriotic education of students.

Recently, special educational programs have been created on a specific topic, which include sequential (stage-by-stage), from grades 1-11, the education of students in this direction: the programs “Together”, “The world will be saved by beauty”, “Morality”, “I am a citizen of Russia ”, “I am a person”, “Health”, “Commonwealth” (family and school), “Do not cross the line”, “Your choice” and others.

When planning themed class hours, you should also invite students to jointly identify topics. This can be done as follows: the teacher writes out on the board different topics: obligatory for students of this parallel and, for example: “customs and traditions”, “times and countries”, “great people of the world”, “human psychology”, “limits of human capabilities” , “the country, the language being studied”, “the history of etiquette”, “the ABC of the discovery of the world”, “songs in the history of my family and country”, “the world of human hobbies”, “cinema in a person’s life”, “holidays of our house”, “by whom to be and what to be?”, “Music of our time and the past”, etc. Next, students' answers are collected, those topics that are often repeated in the answers are analyzed and selected. These topics will form the basis of thematic class hours. We will talk about how to organize systematic work at school when using a classroom hour in the section “Systematicity in the educational process”

Situational class hour

Unlike a thematic class hour, which meets to a greater extent the needs of the child's spiritual growth, his interests, natural self-expression, situational classroom performs the task of socio-moral adaptation of the individual, since the emphasis is on the active and interested participation of each student, the actualization of his life experience, the manifestation and development of his individuality.

The situational classroom method developed by N.P. Kapustin allows students to analyze their own behavior in situations "after the events" in order to learn from own experience and develop strategies for the future. His idea is that a person's life consists of various situations that influence and in which character, habits, culture are manifested.

The situational classroom technology includes the following components:


    “I am a position”, the reason “I am a position”, “I am a position” and socially significant norms;



    free choice

(see in the section "Systemacity in educational work"). There are two more components outside the classroom: motivation and real results.

A situational class hour can be held as a conversation in the form of classes on solving behavioral problems - situations with moral content. Thus, introspection takes place, one's own decisions are made, responsibility is formed, understanding of one's own failures and mistakes, i.e. individual reflective education.

How to organize and conduct an ethical or moral hour of communication? A moral class hour requires good preparation. Preparing for a moral class hour, the teacher can conduct a preliminary diagnosis of students' understanding of moral concepts and situations. For example: freedom, good, evil, duty, honor, right, openness, love ... Will help the class teacher in this work "Methods for creating a school Dictionary of Ethics" (appendix 3 ), methodological recommendations for holding class hours on the topic "Culture of student behavior"(Appendix 4).

Periodicals, events and facts of the real life of the country and the world, schools, classes, feature films, fiction can serve as material for the preparation of a moral class hour.

It also happens when a moral class hour is held unplanned and is associated with the most difficult situation in the class or school. The main thing is that such a meeting with the guys does not turn into edification and lecturing. A moral class hour is a time of searching for truth together with students, the meaning of their own existence for both an adult and a child, drawing moral lessons that will become the general line of behavior in adulthood.

It should be noted that the moral class hour should not be frequent. It is enough to hold such a class hour once every quarter, the main thing is that it be significant in the lives of the children, a noticeable event in the life of the class, and allow them to touch their feelings.

Information class hour

Earlier information hour called political information. But recently, political information has been rushed to be thrown out of educational work, considering it unnecessary in our time. However, this is completely false. We must shape the political culture and communication skills of students.

The main value of the information hour is to form in students their own belonging to the events and phenomena of the socio-political life of the country, their region, village, to broaden their horizons, to understand the complex problems of our time, to adequately respond to what is happening in the country and the world.

The information hour can be overview (introduces current events in the country, the world) - 20-25 minutes, thematic (introduces the problems of today, their analysis and the attitude of various segments of the population, professionals to this problem) - up to 45 minutes, but no more .

Basic forms information hour:

    newspaper reports;

    retelling of events in the world and the country using quotes from the texts of newspapers and magazines;

    work with a dictionary and reference literature;

    work with a political map;

KGKOU SKSHI 8 types 13


at school MO:

"Innovative forms of classroom hours"


Ekaterinchuk Ludmila


year 2013

Crossing the threshold of the school, the student finds himself on a huge, new planet for him - the Planet of people. He will have to master the ABC of communication with them, find out why they are all so different, by what rules they live, what they value in each other. Here the main role will be played by the teacher, who is obliged to think over the educational work in the classroom. One of the forms of educational work is a class hour.

"A classroom hour is a form of frontal educational work that is flexible in composition and structure, which is a socially organized communication of the class teacher with the students of the class in extracurricular time in order to promote the formation of a class team and the development of its members."

The class teacher is engaged in the main educational and organizational work in class. His duties include not only creating favorable conditions for the personal development of the student, but also effective help in solving psychological problems that arise in a child in communication with other students, parents and teachers. The class teacher is, as it were, an intermediary between the student and society, helping to build relationships in the team through a variety of activities that contribute to the self-expression of each student and his development as an individual.

Participating in the formation of the primary children's team in the classroom, the class teacher must take on the role of leader, mentor, guardian and friend of his wards. He must be able to inspire the children, understand their needs, be an assistant, and not only organize, but also actively participate in the collective creative activities of his class.

Extracurricular communication between the class teacher and students occupies a very important place in educational work. At the same time, the class hour is one of the most common ways of organizing such communication. Despite the fact that a certain time is allotted for it in the school schedule, the class hour is not inherently a lesson. And communication on it can be attributed to extracurricular activities.

It is usually held every week. It may last like a normal lesson, but it is not required condition. Sometimes 15-20 minutes is enough to cover a topic. Other topics require longer communication.Distinguish class hour organizational and thematic.

It differs in that it is dedicated to a specific topic. Such communication is more holistic and complete, helps to focus students' attention on specific things, without being scattered over trifles. A class hour on a specific topic is more effective than just an informal meeting. He is knowledgeable. The topic itself is very convenient to use to achieve certain pedagogical goals during communication.

There is a wide variety of forms that the class teacher can use to organize communication on thematic class hours. The choice of form depends on:1) the goal that the teacher set for this meeting with students;2) age of schoolchildren;3) existing conditions and available funds;4) experience of the teacher.

The following forms of holding thematic classroom hours are most common:

1) conversation on a specific topic (students talk about this topic that teaches them to form and express their opinion);

2) discussion, dispute, debate , (the class is divided into groups whose representatives speak out in defense of opposing positions on this issue; this form helps to involve students in the discussion of various problems, teaches them to listen and understand the opinions of others, to defend their point of view);

3) advisory groups (the class is divided into small groups, each of which discusses a given topic or problem for a short period of time, then the representative of the group reports the conclusions made by his team; this form of conducting a class hour contributes to communication within the group, the development of thinking in children, the ability to work in a team , do independent discoveries when studying the material);

4) role-playing game (the problem situation is played briefly, after which the students have the opportunity to discuss it, analyze it and draw conclusions; this form helps to better understand the problem, feeling it through playing a particular role);

5) thematic lecture (topics important for schoolchildren are revealed, such as smoking, drug addiction, safety, health, etc.; in addition, lectures can be informative - about culture, traditions, biographies, etc.);

6) lecture forum (discussion of the topic after the lecture - enlivens the lecture itself, stimulates students to show interest in the information provided);

7) class meeting (responsibilities are distributed among students, various assignments are given, reports on the implementation of these assignments are heard);

8) hour of communication (this form involves consideration of topics of interest to students, solving problems that have arisen in the class through their discussion; teaches students to be frank with each other and the teacher, not be afraid and be able to resolve conflict situations);

9) Questions and answers (the teacher and students have the opportunity to ask each other any questions they are interested in, which contributes to the development of relations between them, openness and helps to solve emerging problems);

10) excursion (allows you to usefully organize the leisure of students);

11) travel games (develop the imagination of students, help in game form broaden their horizons)

12) trainings (teaching students correct behavior in certain situations, fixing it in practice through playing certain scenarios);

13) conferences (they teach schoolchildren to take certain issues seriously, work independently with information material, prepare a topic, speak to an audience);

14) symposium, symposium forum (several children are offered material to speak on various aspects of the topic under consideration; after the symposium, an informal discussion of the topic by the whole group can be held);

15) seminar (the class is working on a research topic under the guidance of an expert);

16) commission, commission forum (several children who are well prepared on a given topic participate in a free discussion of this topic in front of the whole class, discussions are possible, followed by a discussion of the information heard by all students);

17) master classes (students are divided into interest groups led by several experts, specific topics are discussed in groups; such groups can be organized to listen to various speeches, watch demonstrations, discuss different aspects of one topic, work, practice and assessment);

18) working groups (all students in the class are divided into groups, which are given certain tasks that they must complete; such groups contribute to the cooperation of students and communication with each other);

19) theatrical performances (develop the creative potential of students, contribute to their cultural education);

20) games similar to television shows, such as KVN, Brain Ring, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Finest Hour, etc.(in an interesting form for students, cognitive material is presented, participation in teams develops the ability to rally).

This is far from full list possible forms of conducting class hours. You can use any new forms available in the school setting. The main thing is that the students should be interested and the class hour will achieve the goals set by the leader.

The structure of the thematic class hour.

The class hour consists of three main parts:


This part should attract the attention of schoolchildren and concentrate it on the topic under consideration. It highlights the importance of the issue under discussion, its significance in the life of every person and society as a whole. It is necessary to try at this stage to form in schoolchildren serious attitude to topical discussion.

In the introduction, the transition from the known to the unknown is often used. If everything the teacher says is well known to the children, they will not be interested in listening. It will be difficult to hold attention for a long time in this case.

Main part

Here the topic itself is revealed using such methods and forms that help to achieve the educational goals set by the class teacher. When presenting the material, it is necessary to constantly remember the main topic. Details enrich the presentation, but one should not devote too much time to describing the details, otherwise the attention of the listeners will be weakened, scattered. Here it is useful to use predetermined key points so as not to deviate from the presentation of the topic. In the main part of the classroom, it is desirable to use illustrations, visual material, but not too often, otherwise the interest of students may decrease.

Final part

This is the culmination of class. In the final part, the results of communication are summed up, conclusions are drawn, it is desirable that the students themselves participate in their determination (this contributes to self-education).

Educational goals of the classroom

They have different educational purposes.

First, they can be used to create appropriate conditions for students to express their individuality and creativity.

The second goal of the class hour is to give schoolchildren knowledge about the world around them, its problems, society, man, nature, etc.; learn how to participate in public discussion important issues, solution conflict situations, social and world problems, understand political situations etc.

Another educational goal is to give students moral and ethical education, to form the right attitude to universal values, to educate a mature personality, emotionally and morally resistant to negative life manifestations.

An important goal of the class hour is also the creation of a healthy class team that could become a favorable environment for social, emotional and intellectual development students.

At the organizational hour, the results of the past event are summed up, the next one is discussed, and the results of the children's assignments are also discussed.

Classroom performs functions:





essence educational function is that the class hour provides an opportunity to expand the range of knowledge of students that are not reflected in the curriculum. This knowledge may contain information about events taking place in the city, in the country and abroad. The object of class hour discussion can be any phenomenon or event.

Orienting function contributes to the formation of a certain attitude to the surrounding world and the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. Helps to evaluate the phenomena occurring in the surrounding world.

Enlightening and orienting functions are closely related, because You cannot teach students to evaluate phenomena with which they are not familiar. Although sometimes the class hour performs an exclusively orienting function: when discussing a well-known event.

Guiding function designed to translate the discussion of a phenomenon into the real experience of students.

Formative function develops in students the skills of thinking and evaluating their actions and themselves, helps in developing skillful dialogue and expression, defending their own opinions.

To select the topic and content of the class hour, the class teacher needs to identify the age characteristics of students, their moral ideas, interests, etc. This can be done, for example, with the help of questionnaires or conversations.

It is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the perception of the material by students, monitor attention and, when it decreases, use material that is interesting in content or pose a “sharp” question, use a musical pause, change the type of activity.

But what is innovation?

Innovation- this is an introduced innovation that provides a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products demanded by the market. Is the ultimate of man, his imagination, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalization.

At our remedial school innovative forms conducting a class hour is most of the above, because We have mentally retarded children. We gradually apply them in our work.

Recently, new technologies have covered almost all areas human activity. New needs have influenced human values. There was a need to use ICT as a communication tool, to increase the availability of information and other aspects. Of course, everyone will agree that the computer has become widely used by man in many ways. The school environment is no exception.

Using ICT, I, as a class teacher, can prepare a variety of materials for use directly during the class hour, extracurricular activities. Information technologies allow me to diversify the forms of work with students, make them creative, and the process of communication with students is simplified. Introduction of ICT in extracurricular activities- this is an increase in the interest of many students, and it is this resource that I use to intensify educational work in the new conditions.

So, the classroom hour is a form of educational work of the class teacher in the classroom, in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the outside world.

Class hour as a form of organization of educational work.

Class hour- one of the important forms of organizing educational work with students. It is included in the school schedule and takes place every week on a certain day. Usually, a class hour takes the form of a lecture, conversation or debate, but it can also include elements of a quiz, competition, game, and other forms of educational work.

Class hour - this is a form of frontal educational work that is flexible in composition and structure, which is a communication of the class teacher with the students of the class, specially organized during extracurricular time, in order to promote the formation of the class team and the development of its members.

In the process of preparing and conducting class hours, it is possible to solve the following pedagogical tasks:

1. Enriching the consciousness of students with knowledge about nature, society, technology, man.

2. Formation in children of the skills and abilities of mental and practical activities.

3. Development of the emotionally-sensitive sphere and the value-semantic core of the child's personality.

4. Assistance in the formation and manifestation of the subjectivity and individuality of the student, his creative abilities.

5. Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

The classroom does the following educational functions:

- Enlightening function - expands the circle of knowledge of pupils in ethics, aesthetics, psychology, physics, mathematics, literary criticism and other sciences. The subject of the class hour can also be knowledge from the field of technology, National economy, as well as information about events taking place in the village, city, country, world, i.e. any phenomenon of social life can become an object of consideration.

Sample Topics: "How etiquette appeared", "Our Constitution", "Problems modern society" etc.

- Orienting function - consists in the formation in schoolchildren of a certain attitude to the objects of the surrounding reality, in the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. If the enlightening function involves getting to know the world, then the orienting function implies its assessment. These functions are inextricably linked. So, it is difficult or even impossible to instill in children a love for classical music, which they have never heard.

Often classroom hours help students navigate social values. The topics of such class hours: “How to become happy?”, “Who to be”, “What to be?”, “About masculinity and femininity”, etc.

- Guiding function - provides for the transfer of a conversation about life into the real practice of students, directs their activities. This function acts as a real impact on the practical side of the life of schoolchildren, their behavior, their choice of life path setting life goals and their implementation. If there is no certain direction in the process of conducting a classroom hour, then the effectiveness of its impact on pupils is significantly reduced, and knowledge does not turn into convictions.

Most often, the class hour simultaneously performs all three of these functions: it and enlightens and orients and guides students.

Types and forms of class hours.

A classroom hour is the same educational event as any other, but there is also a specificity: a classroom hour is a form of direct communication between the educator and his pupils, but this is not a lesson (one should get away from academicism, bureaucracy, edification). This is a heart-to-heart conversation and clarification of values, this is a joint experience of what happened, this helpful information, necessary for pupils for their future adult life, which cannot be obtained in the classroom, is the gathering of the team to develop a plan for the participation of the class in a school-wide event, this psychological training for any communication problems, etc. forms, themes, reasons for the gathering of the class teacher with their children can be countless. In this sense, they cannot be classified. It is also impossible to foresee all the problems of the class and include them in advance in the plan of educational work.

Given this, class hours can be systematized as follows:

- class hour - organizational, as a way of collective planning of a class or school-wide business;

- class hour as a solution to a possible conflict;

- class hour - planned, for summarizing, for example, academic performance for half a year;

- class hour - like a conversation on psychological and pedagogical problems;

- system of class hours to implement a certain basic program.

Classroom theme.

It is determined in advance and reflected in the plans of class teachers. Class hours can be dedicated to:

1. Moral - ethical problems. They form a certain attitude of schoolchildren to the Motherland, work, team, nature, parents, oneself, etc.

2. Problems of science and knowledge. IN this case the purpose of class hours is to develop in pupils the right attitude to study, science, literature as a source of spiritual development of the individual.

3. Aesthetic problems. In the process of such class hours, students get acquainted with the main provisions of aesthetics. Here we can talk about beauty in nature, human clothing, everyday life, work and behavior. It is important that schoolchildren develop an aesthetic attitude to life, art, work, themselves, and develop their creative potential.

4. Issues of state and law. It is necessary to develop students' interest in political events taking place in the world, a sense of responsibility for the actions of the Motherland, its successes in the international arena, to teach students to see the essence of state policy. Class hours on political topics should be held in direct proportion to the saturation of the year with various political events.

5. Issues of physiology and hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, which should be perceived by students as elements of culture and beauty.

6. Psychological problems. The purpose of such class hours is to stimulate the process of self-education and the organization of elementary psychological education.

7. Problems of ecology. It is necessary to instill in students a responsible attitude towards nature. As a rule, conversations about the animal and plant world are organized here.

8. General school problems. Significant social events, anniversaries, holidays, etc.

The class teacher's hours are very diverse in content, forms of their preparation and conduct. However, attempts are being made to typing. So, educational hours are distinguished, which are based on:

1) Story, conversation, message from the class teacher himself;

2) Speech by a specialist;

3) Meeting with interesting person, politician, artist, etc.;

4) The message of the schoolchildren themselves.

Reasonable basis for watch typing the class teacher is the nature of the activities of children, the degree of their independence and activity, the role of the teacher in the preparation and conduct of the educational hour.

Depending on this, class hours can be divided into 3 types:

The first type includes those preparation for which requires broad knowledge, life and pedagogical experience. Children are only involved in the course of the conversation to discuss certain issues, present facts, and examples.

Such, for example, are class hours on the topic: “On self-education”, “What is self-education”, “How to develop memory”, “Artistic taste and fashion”, “On individuality and individualism”, “Daily routine and NOT of a student”, etc. It is expedient to conduct some class hours of this type by attracting specialists - a doctor, a psychologist, a lawyer. The task of the class teacher is to assist in the preparation of the presentation.

Second class watch characterized by the joint activity of teachers and students. The definition of the content of the main ideas, as a rule, belongs to the teacher, and the development of ways and methods for their implementation is carried out by the teacher together with the children.

Under the guidance of the teacher, the students prepare fragments of the educational hour, the teacher leads the class hour, involving the children in the discussion of the problem, combining their performances into a single whole. Approximate topics of such class hours: “About culture appearance”, “On the beauty of internal and external”, “Do good for the sake of good”, “Friendship in human life”, etc.

The third kind of classroom suggests an active independent work the students themselves. Responsibility for their preparation and conduct rests with a group of schoolchildren - the case council. The class teacher, together with the students, thinks over only ideas, the general composition of the class hour, helps to compose creative tasks micro teams.

This type of classroom available in case if:

Schoolchildren have some knowledge on the problem under discussion, it is close and accessible to them for independent reflection;

A significant part of the students has the skills and abilities of collective creative work, is independent and active;

An active, business council is able to become an organizing and coordinating center in the preparation and conduct of a class hour.

The choice of the type of educational class hour depends on topics, material, age of students, their level of knowledge on this issue, experience of collective activity, as well as pedagogical skills, individual characteristics of the class teacher, the nature of his relationship with schoolchildren.

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