Proven ways to boost the signal of a Wi-Fi router. Practical ways to increase the range of a WiFi router

Today, wireless communication is the most demanded among the latest technologies. If the user is tired of looking around the apartment for a place where excellent Internet is available, you can try to strengthen the signal of the wi-fi router with your own hands.

Methods for improving the work with a wireless network are combined into three main groups: software settings on the equipment, changing the location of communication devices, and hardware amplification. Most best effect gives a third way, which has several embodiments.

Interference. The reception of wireless communication can weaken any electrical devices. Here you need to amplify the wi-fi signal using a second router. Another option is to place the devices away from each other. Enhance wireless Internet You can change the location of the router. Install it in a free, open space.

Often this action helps to improve the speed of the Internet. An in-depth study is required to identify the problem. Perhaps the old firmware has overheated. Rebooting it once a day helps to strengthen the signal of the Wi-Fi router in the apartment. It is carried out automatically or manually.

DD-WRT flashing is also used as a wi-fi router signal booster. By doing this, we get additional functions, the performance of the router is noticeably improved.

Installing the DD-WRT Firmware

Internet speed is affected by:

  • downloading movies;
  • participation in online games;
  • sitting in video chats.

If this is your case, configure "QualityofService or QoS". Thus, prioritize the more necessary programs.

Set a password on the router. This action will protect the Internet from connecting neighbors to it.

Homemade screen. The additional design of the router will help to make the wi-fi signal stronger. Take tin can from under the beer, set it as a reflector, directing the waves from the amplifier in your direction. This simple solution is considered one of the workable ones. Installing the screen will not affect the radiation of the device. The energy will be directed into a limited space and create a Wi-Fi router signal amplifier.

Homemade screen from a jar for a router

Channel change. When neighbors share the same connection, the radio waves of the routers are able to overlap each other. The speed drops noticeably. You can increase the wi-fi signal by changing the data transfer channel. Change settings on your computer. When there is a "power saving mode", Wi-Fi does not accept 100%. Switch the power mode. Find "signal strength", set to maximum, save this parameter.

Setting signal strength

As you can see, there are many tips for strengthening Wi-Fi with your own hands. What exactly each user chooses depends on the operation of his network, capabilities, desires.

Hardware amplification

The wi-fi network depends directly on the distribution power, and on the propagation conditions. The presence of barriers with a screen effect between the router and the receiving device can nullify positive characteristics first. The reverse is also true. Therefore, increased range and improved quality are achieved in different ways.

Using a repeater to amplify the wi-fi signal

Powerful wifi antenna

How to strengthen distribution of wi-fi router using additional devices:

  1. organize a system of repeaters or repeaters;
  2. connect the antenna through a cable to move to the most advantageous place for signal propagation;
  3. use an amplified antenna for a wi-fi router;
  4. buy a powerful router. This method is more expensive than others, but effective and simpler. There is one catch - routers over 100 mW cannot be sold as household appliances.

Devices such as a repeater and an antenna to amplify the signal of a wi-fi router will help expand the coverage area when a convenient location is not available. Replaceable antenna for wifi booster signal will change the shape of the coverage area, make it wider, but smaller in height. The gain will be several meters in range, not suitable for providing the Internet at different levels.

DIY antenna

How to strengthen wifi antenna router? The simplest trick- this is to install the screen on the side opposite to the location of the receiver devices. This will improve signal propagation in the desired direction.

You can make a do-it-yourself wi-fi signal repeater from a second router if it has the WDS function. Special repeaters are powered from the mains and in operation are not much different from a router.

The advantage of this method is that a router with a wi-fi signal amplifier makes it possible to bypass obstacles that create an impenetrable screen. IN big house installation of repeaters will provide coverage in the most remote places.

Reinforcement with an adapter

To get a satisfactory Internet experience through wi-fi, there is special equipment - a wi-fi adapter. The device picks up a wireless connection, and connects via a USB connector or a PCI slot.

To solve the problem with the quality of communication, it is easiest to initially purchase a powerful adapter. The size of the antenna is directly proportional to the quality of information reception, so when buying, you don’t even have to study the characteristics. Sometimes the device is already available, but the power of action is not enough. There are two options here: connect via cable to a computer and amplify the wi-fi signal on the modem.

In the first case, the cable will allow you to place the adapter in the zone of the best distribution of the network. The only limitation is the length of the wire, which is difficult to find more than three meters.

To amplify the signal of the wi-fi adapter with your own hands, another antenna is purchased. But it will help if it was originally provided on the original device.

Majority modern equipment has a built-in modem for which these methods are not suitable. But there is a device for amplifying the wi-fi signal, which is connected via USB to computers and laptops.

Depending on the relative position router and gadgets, certain methods are applicable. It is important to determine the causes of a poor signal before choosing to concrete type amplification. A variety of equipment will allow you to choose optimal solution for each specific case.

Gain without antenna

Ways to amplify the signal. This problem can be solved using a number of tools that enhance the signal. They are simple, do not require any additional effort to make your router work better.

How to amplify the signal of a wi-fi router without an antenna? Here you need to know that the operation of the router is affected by various interference from other devices: cellular telephone, microwave, computer. These factors must be taken into account, but it is possible to increase the signal by applying some methods.

Signal amplification without antenna

How to amplify the signal of a wi-fi router Rostelecom without an antenna:

  1. put the router in the highest place in the house (for example, on a closet);
  2. do not allow the router to stand next to metal structures- refrigerators, safes, cabinets, etc.;
  3. if the computer or laptop does not have a very powerful wi-fi card, it must be replaced with a USB adapter;
  4. put a repeater between the router and the computer;
  5. change the signal transmission channel, for this, select a more suitable signal in the router configuration;
  6. eliminate radio interference as much as possible.

The listed methods are the main and most common. In addition to these methods, it is recommended to update the drivers.

How to replace the antenna on the router? On routers, the antennas are designed so that they transmit a signal in all directions at once. In such cases, part of the signal will disappear, the power of the router will work by half. Then you need to replace the antenna with an increased signal factor. To create a parabolic surface that directs the signal in the right direction, you can take an aluminum can as a material.

It will be possible to amplify the signal from the Rostelecom router if you correctly install the router in the apartment, directing its antennas at 45 ° angles and setting the 802.11 B / G mixed mode. Effective remedy signal amplification - installing an access point in any part of the house.

Hi all. Probably many of you have Wi-Fi in your apartment? There have often been cases when on a laptop or smartphone in one room the wi-fi signal is good, and in another it is weak, or it does not exist at all, respectively, and there will be no Internet there.

In this article, I will outline the steps that will help you increase the signal strength so that it is equally strong anywhere in the apartment.

Wi-Fi is not working on my laptop, what should I do?

If the laptop does not catch Wi-Fi at a distance from the router, but everything is fine nearby, then the Wi-Fi coverage area is too small and needs to be expanded.

First, let's look at why the wi-fi signal is weak.

The wi-fi coverage range is approximately 40 meters, but in open areas. In the apartment, on the way to the signal there is an obstacle in the form of walls. And if the wall is reinforced, it is even more difficult for the signal to break through it. But if the signal still breaks through one wall, then after two or more, perhaps nothing will remain of it.

Also, a weak signal may be due to a poor-quality router (wi-fi access point).

Let's imagine the location of the wi-fi router in the apartment. The picture below shows the coverage area. WiFi router located in the far right room.

As you can see in the lower left room, the signal will be very weak, or not at all. This is the reason why wi-fi does not catch well.

The most obvious solution is to place the wi-fi router in the center of the apartment. But what if this is either impossible, because when connecting, the Internet provider left too little cable or repairs have already been made.

To do this, you can purchase a second wi-fi router that supports work as a repeater (mandatory!) And place it on the other side of the apartment. The main thing is that the wi-fi network of the main router is within reach.

The advantage of this method is that you do not need to lay additional wires, the routers are connected to each other via Wi-Fi.

First, make sure you know the password for the current wi-fi network. If not, then you can "peep it in the settings network connections". For this:

Now that you know the key of your wi-fi network, you can start setting up the second router.

Follow the steps below to set up your router.

Connect the second router to the laptop with a cable to the LAN port. In order not to get confused in the connections, temporarily disable the Wi-Fi receiver on the laptop.

After the connection is established local network, in the browser enter the address (or ). When prompted for a username and password, enter the username - admin, password - admin. This login and password goes to all routers from the factory (look also at the “belly” of the router). If you have previously changed it, you will have to enter your username and password, or reset the router to factory settings.

After you have logged in, you need to change the mode of operation of the router. To do this, click on "Operating mode".

In the operating mode selection window, select "Repeater mode"

Then select yours from the list of active networks and click "Connection"

When prompted for a network key, enter the security key for your wi-fi network, which we learned earlier.

It will then connect to the network.

It should be noted that the IP address of your second router will change, which it will report, as in the figure below.

This completes the setup. Now both wi-fi routers distribute wi-fi throughout the apartment.

I described the repeater mode setting for the ASUS KE-G32 router. For other routers, the setup process will be different, but the principle is the same. Also, the Wi-Fi coverage area can be expanded with a third or fourth router. This will be useful if you want to distribute Wi-Fi to neighbors).

In June 2007, a record was set: the longest wireless connection (382.9 km) was established using a WiFi connection. It would probably be unreasonable to hope to repeat it within the framework of a private WiFi networks although it is a tempting idea. We bring to your attention several simple tips that help maximize signal quality and minimize interference with a little wireless feng shui.


Improving WiFi reception at home

    Arrange bulky furniture along the exterior walls of your home. If signals no longer have to make their way through large, bulky furniture, then the level of communication quality will only increase.

    Minimize the number of mirrors. All metal surfaces reflect WiFi Signals, including the thin metal coating found on most mirrors.

    Place your network router correctly in order to maximize its efficiency. The efficiency of a router mainly depends on its correct location. The best location for the router is:

    Improve reception quality with a repeater or wireless bridge. If your main workplace located far from the wireless access point and you constantly have to move to the edge of the room in order to have better reception, then install a repeater wireless signal. The wireless repeater allows you to increase the coverage area without the need to add additional wires or other extra hassle. In order to quickly and effectively improve the quality of communication - place the repeater in the middle of the path between the access point and your computer.

    • A wireless bridge (also sometimes called an Ethernet converter) is used to improve reception quality for wired devices. If you're having problems with reception quality on your wired devices, use an Ethernet converter to get an extra speed boost.
  1. Start using WPA/WPA2 instead of WEP. WEP and WPA/WPA2 are security algorithms that prevent hackers from breaking into a network. The only problem is that WEP ("Wired Equivalent Privacy") is significantly less secure than WPA/WPA2 ("Wireless Protected Access"). . So if you're still using the internet over WEP rather than WPA/WPA2, then consider switching to prevent your network from being potentially hacked.

    Limit the number of devices for which your WiFi will support MAC addressing. The fewer devices your network supports, the higher and more reliable the transmission speed (generally). Limit the number of devices that can access the network by creating an allowed list of MAC addresses. Device MAC addresses are identifiers for "Media Access Control" and are used by all members of your network.

    • Create a list of allowed device MAC addresses. First, determine the MAC addresses of the devices, and then go to the configuration window of your access point to wireless network and configure allowed addresses.
  2. Don't leave in open access the name of your network. If you do not want other people to try to enter your network, then in the first place do not leave them any way to know that it exists. (Although there is software, which is capable of finding "hidden" networks, you still shouldn't make your network name public.) Go to your access point's administration page and uncheck "allow SSID broadcast". You will still be able to access your network, however it will not appear on your computer in the list of available networks.

    Using kitchen foil

    1. Use aluminum foil to reflect radio signals from the router.

      Before proceeding with this, go to the network connection settings on your computer. Click on the name of your WiFi network. Another window will open. Pay attention to the speeds / Mbps and write down the displayed number (for example, 72.2 Mbps). After you do this, tear off a sheet of foil, the size of a regular A4 format.

      Gently bend the sheet of foil. It is easier and faster to do this if you wrap a 2-liter plastic bottle in the place where the label is glued, and hold the sheet in this position for about 5 seconds. Expand the sheet; it should retain its curved shape.

      Place the curved sheet of foil on its side (so that it stays in horizontal position) behind the router.

      Go back to network connection settings. Check Mbps / speed. It should increase compared to the speed it was before adding the foil.

    Improve WiFi reception on the go

    • If all else fails, then you can consider buying a WiFi repeater, which is needed to boost the signal between the router and the device.
    • You can also use reflectors. Use the NetStumbler software to place the reflector correctly. A CD can be used as a reflector, as well as anything that looks like a parabolic reflector. The reflector, of course, must be placed behind the receiver or antenna. As a result of its application, a large increase in signal strength can be expected. This trick also works with mobile phones.
    • Depending on the make and model of your wireless router, you may be able to replace the firmware with open source software that will add much more customization options and increase the power of your wireless antenna
    • The computer case itself can be a significant obstacle to the Wi-Fi signal - try to place the case so that it does not create a barrier between the network card and the router's antenna.
    • Adding a "high gain" (higher dBi) external antenna often results in improved signal reception and performance. It should be noted that the higher the dBi value, the stronger the signal propagates in the horizontal direction and weaker in the vertical direction. If you need to cover several floors, then more high level dBi probably won't help you. In this case, you should consider buying a Wi-Fi booster that will boost your signal.
    • If you still need greater range coverage, consider upgrading your wireless standard to Wireless N or Wireless G with MIMO. These two technologies greatly increase the range of existing 802.11g or 802.11b networks.


    • Replacing the router firmware may void your warranty. If the replacement is not done properly, it may cause irreparable damage to your router.
    • If you apply too high nutrition to a wireless router modified in this way, it may be permanently damaged.

Living in a spacious apartment is undoubtedly good, but here's the problem - the larger the room, the more difficult it is to ensure that the Wi-Fi signal covers it entirely. The main "evil" here - concrete walls. They are the wicked interior partitions, do not allow you to freely use the Internet.

Do you want to solve the problem radically? Set aside the sledgehammer and puncher. Today we’ll talk about how to amplify the signal of a router in twelve proven ways without destroying your home.

The first group of methods: fast, simple, without risk

Updating the firmware of the router

A low Wi-Fi signal level may be a firmware bug. To solve the problem, it is often enough to install a more recent version by downloading it from the manufacturer's website.

Free channel selection

IN apartment buildings and large office centers, the wireless channel your network uses may be congested. This is indicated by failures and frequent disappearances of the Wi-Fi signal, as well as repeated failures when trying to connect to your own access point.

Changing the channel in the router settings will help solve the problem.

You can choose the most free one both experimentally and with the help of free application inSSIDer, which shows all Wi-Fi users in the area of ​​view of the computer and what channels they are "sitting on".

Optimal placement of the router in the apartment

But the question of where it is more correct to put the router cannot be answered unambiguously. The layout of the rooms, and the devices themselves are different for everyone. The optimal location is the center of the apartment, but not always and not for everyone, so it would be better if you experiment a little.

Definitely do not put the router close to heat sources. The reason for the deterioration of the performance of some models, especially those prone to overheating, is an excessively hot “climate”.

Wi-Fi signal can be turned off Appliances(electric stoves, microwaves, cordless phones, frost-free refrigerators) and power cables(even those laid inside the walls), so try to make sure that there is nothing like that on the way between the access point and the “deaf” zone in the apartment (the place where the signal does not penetrate). It is also advisable to remove mirrors, aquariums and other objects with reflective surfaces from there.

Blocking access to the network to impudent neighbors

Too simple - a temptation for not too honest people use your network. If some cunning "hacker" connects to your access point and plays network games (watches movies, downloads torrents, sits in video chats), problems with Internet speed are guaranteed.

To check if this is not the case, look in the router settings,. The presence on the list of uninvited guests is a reason to immediately change the password to a more complex one and prohibit unauthorized connections by filtering MAC addresses.

If a "particularly advanced hacker" is interested in your network, then bypassing a tricky password is not a problem for him, however, as well as masking the MAC addresses of his devices. In this case, it is best to create a filtering rule that allows only your PC and gadgets to connect to the access point and prohibits everyone else.

Some routers have one unpleasant property: the longer they work, the stronger the Wi-Fi signal level decreases. After a reboot, the signal is restored, lasts 1-2 days and falls again.

If the machine is in an accessible location, simply reboot it as often as needed. For those who do not have such an opportunity (or desire), methods have been devised automatic reboot scheduled routers. Scripts designed for this are often posted on forums dedicated to networks and network devices. However, they are created not by device manufacturers, but by third-party developers, so I can’t guarantee their performance.

There are also hardware solutions to this problem. For example, adapters for sockets with a timer (turn off the power of the connected device at a specified time) or IP sockets (“pingovalki”) that control the availability network devices and if there is no response from any of them, the access point is restarted. The price of such devices is about $5 to $50.

Transition to 5 GHz and 802.11n/ac

If your access point is dual band (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), switch to 5 GHz. Few people use it yet, so it is practically free.

Also, if possible, disconnect from the network devices that work according to the 802.11a/b/g standards - their low speed transmission and reception slows down the entire network.

Increasing transmitter power

Most modern routers support changing the transmitter power. On some it is set to medium by default. Switching to high often solves the problem of short radio range.

The second group of methods: with moderate cost and effort

Replacing access point antennas with more powerful ones

If your router is equipped with removable antennas (or non-removable ones, but you are “friends” with a soldering iron, and the device is not under warranty), you can replace them with more “long-range” ones. The antenna gain of the bulk of home routers is 2-5 dBi. Instead, they can be set to 7-10 dBi.

Making a homemade amplifier

A tin can, some wire, some foil, and the ability to work with your hands is pretty much all it takes to make a homemade Wi-Fi booster. How much such devices amplify the signal is not known to me for certain, but many craftsmen say that it’s not bad. If you are not embarrassed that the device will not look too aesthetically pleasing, why not try to make it? Instructions for making are easy to find on the Internet.

The third group of methods: with significant costs or risks

Installing alternative DD-WRT firmware

The DD-WRT firmware can significantly expand the capabilities of a home router, including increasing the transmitter power to an acceptable maximum and amplifying the Wi-Fi signal. DD-WRT supports, but its authors do not guarantee that the device will remain operational after installation. If you bet, then only at your own peril and risk. And void the warranty.

Buying a repeater (repeater) Wi-Fi signal

A repeater is for several tens or hundreds of meters, receiving a signal from an access point. The solution is convenient and simple, but not at all budgetary. The cost of such a device is about 2/3 of the price of an average router, and sometimes more.

By the way, you can use another router as a repeater if you have one.

Buying a more modern and powerful router

The method is the most effective, but also the most expensive. Choose a new router from models of the 802.11ac class with dual band support - they are by far the fastest and will be relevant for at least the next 5-7 years.

I hope at least one of the 12 ways will be useful to you. Successful experiments!

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"A step beyond the possible": how to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router updated: January 11, 2017 by: Johnny Mnemonic

Repeatedly I met questions, the essence of which was whether it was possible to somehow increase the signal strength of the wireless network by changing the settings of the router. Usually those who are just installing and configuring the router are interested in this. Especially when they discover that Wi-Fi only catches in certain parts of the apartment / house.
Sometimes it happens. For example, my router (model TP-Link TL-WR841N) holds the network in principle, but it is unstable in one of the three rooms of the apartment. The computer and laptop still somehow find it, but the phone (and I have it in a metal case) does not succeed.
You should think about the coverage area at the stage of buying a router. Take into account the number of rooms in your home and the thickness of the walls.

Increasing Wi-Fi Power

Unfortunately, there are no specific, special settings with which the signal strength would be regulated. At least, I am not aware of such a possibility. Optimal Settings routers are set by default.

If it so happens that you have already purchased a router and installed a router, and the signal strength is unsatisfactory or in some areas it is completely absent, you can, of course, experiment with the settings, if nothing works, then you will probably have to buy an additional antenna or repeater.

As for experimenting with the settings, you can change the channel and its width. Sometimes the coverage area from such manipulation increases slightly. Even the speed of the Internet can change from a channel change (we talked about this in one of our previous publications).

Don't forget to save all settings and reboot your router for the changes to take effect.

Antennas and repeaters

If you did not get any result from changing the settings positive result, your router will have to purchase a new, more powerful antenna. In this case, I can advise you TL-ANT2408CL, TL-ANT2405CL. If you have a router Asus, then it is better to take accessories from Asus.

In very advanced situations, another option is to buy a special device called repeater. These are such wireless signal amplifiers. For example TL-WA854RE.

You turn on this device in a room where your Wi-Fi signal is still there, but not very strong. And the repeater amplifies the signal, thereby increasing the range of the network. Another router can be configured as a repeater if it supports this function (WDS).
Alternatively, try installing your router as close to the center of your home as possible. If possible. This will allow a more rational division of the coverage radius.
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