Virgo fish don't stand a chance. Virgo and Pisces: compatibility in love relationships, marriage, friendship, work. Psychological games for compatibility in a pair of Virgo and Pisces

I am dating a guy from another city, he is a virgin (09/08/1991), I am a fish (03/08/1994), we met, liked each other, and after two weeks of talking on the phone and Skype, he proposed to me, I agreed, because we live once, and he suits me almost completely, if not for one “but” ... Apparently, due to the fact that we are separated by a distance, he begins to become paranoid and offended by me, becomes suspicious, tries to bring the situation to the point that I revealed her true face. And recently I didn’t pick up the phone because I didn’t have time, then he didn’t pick it up himself, when I wrote to him he was rude to me and said things like “oh, stop fooling my head”, for all my attempts to find out what was happening, he only he said that he would write later, three days have passed, he does not talk to me, does not answer calls, and I don’t even know what I did, is this the end ?? How can the situation be saved? Are we compatible? Did I make the right choice in favor of this man?

In-contri: Daria, I have already seen a lot of different calculations, three zero dissonances (0%) in one pair - this is the first time. Let's start, as usual, with a horoscope. A pair of Pisces and Virgo is compatible in terms of stars. These two signs are 7 for each other, if you look at their location and order on the Zodiac circle, which is why such compatibility is called "Opposites attract." In your case, the signs represent the elements of Earth and Water, which means that their interaction with each other is positive and fruitful. However, this type of relationship between two opposite signs of the horoscope warns of inevitable crisis stages in a relationship. And whether a couple of forces will be enough to cope with it - that is, perhaps, the main question in this union.

Now the chakras, they are also biorhythms:
Physical 0% - dissonance
Emotional 83% - almost match
Intelligent 0% - dissonance
Cardiac 88% - almost match
Creative 22% - not compatible
Intuitive 50% - not compatible
Higher 0% - dissonance

Here it becomes more or less clear who is more attracted to whom. Because 2 of the 3 “female” levels coincide - these are emotions and the heart, and the third, intuitive, intersects by 50%, then we can talk about obvious sympathy on the part of the woman, her strong attraction and interest in the partner, about the feeling of a kindred spirit in him . Alas, there is no such feedback from the male partner.

Note: this does not mean that the chakras of emotions-heart-intuition are purely “female” and only they are important for a woman, and only him is important for a man, and, accordingly, women are not important. It is more correct to understand them as "more female". Men are also subject to emotions and react to emotional compatibility, but their intellectual chakra is still “kindred” to them.

For partners of your age, intellectual dissonance is especially unpleasant - this is a misunderstanding of each other in terms of intelligence, rational (and not emotional) communication. For a girl, this, as a rule, is not so critical, but for a guy, yes, because the male brain is arranged a little differently. Hence this paranoia, distrust, suspicions - he simply does not understand you rationally, he is not sure what you are saying, he cannot adequately interpret your words. Not for nothing, by the way, that intellectual dissonance is compared with the fact that partners speak different languages. And this negative aspect in yours, which is already manifested by scandals as a result of misunderstanding, will only intensify in the future in moments of crisis. With age, a 0% dissonance in the higher chakras will be added to it - the ideals of representing the world, relationships, goals in life and other “higher” things will diverge diametrically.

According to Pythagoras, the situation is favorable: characters 2-4 in favor of the guy, family 2-2, temperaments 3-3. Only, unfortunately, Pythagoras chakram is not an assistant.

Daria, don’t despair, but think for yourself: if relationships jump from the very beginning like the ruble exchange rate in a crisis, then up, then down, then why should they suddenly even out after the wedding? Usually, a couple gets used to scandals very much, because the constant outburst of negative emotions literally hooks on itself, like a bad habit. And the further, the more.

upd: a logical question on your part would be why, since the guy with you does not have strong compatibility levels, he began to communicate with you and made offers so quickly. Here your personal square to Pythagoras already gives a hint. You, Daria, have “beauty and health” - 44, so you are naturally pretty. And men, of course, can not ignore it. By the way, I have seen models with 444 and 4444 more than once. So the guy fell in love with your photo, as it happens in our age of the Internet, and you already felt a kindred spirit in him when you met. But here "in real life", alas, did not stick together.

Hello. I 03/10/1989, 08/30/1985. if we lack emotional compatibility, does this mean that the relationship is doomed to failure?

In-contri: Asya, let's start with the basics - with the horoscope. Your pair of signs of Pisces and Virgo combines well - both signs are even, your elements of Water and Earth cannot live without each other. But specifically in your version of the emotional deficiency in the chakras, I think (I would even say “I hope”) that your “female” maximum in the heart chakra and the compatibility of intuitive chakras still compensate for 38% in emotions. However, even with two higher "female" compatibility in the absence of compatibility on an emotional level, most women begin to experience discomfort, coldness, unrequited, etc. after a long time after meeting and starting to live together with a partner. (You can read reviews with examples). It also very often ends with the fact that a woman meets another man on her life path with high or even maximum compatibility in emotions and easily abandons her once beloved partner. This is like a warning to you, Asya.

Martyr and I met recently, he then had a girlfriend, but I didn’t know about it and we talked exclusively as friends (mutual acquaintances). About 2-3 months ago, he broke up with a girl and began to show me signs of attention. At that moment, he was, as it seemed to me, indifferent to me (too calm and laconic, in comparison with my storm of emotions) and I made it clear. And then all of a sudden, as we again returned to the rank of just friends, I began to like him very much, and precisely because we are very different, with our calmness and my calmness in his presence. I know that he still likes me, but he does not take any action. I don’t know if it’s worth hoping for something or our union is doomed to failure anyway. Interesting to know your opinion. I am 03/10/1989, he is 08/30/1985.

In-contri: Lika, you very accurately described the relationship, even without calculation. But let's start with the main thing: you are really good friends. Everything is in order with the fundamental compatibility of the signs of Virgo and Pisces according to the horoscope. The combination of the elements of Earth and Water is very positive. Each partner truly needs the other. Well, we are already looking at the details by chakras:
- “we communicated exclusively as friends (mutual acquaintances)” - it was the “friendly” heart chakra that connected you with 97% compatibility. Plus, it was also interesting to communicate because of similar thinking - intellectual compatibility of 67%. It should be noted that in addition to these two, there are no more pronounced compatibility between you.
- "he broke up with the girl and began to show me signs of attention" - men are often attracted to the girl precisely by intellectual compatibility. But the problem is that it does not work mutually. For girls, emotions are more important.
- “At that moment, it seemed to me that he was indifferent (too calm and laconic, in comparison with my storm of emotions)” - here you are describing just emotional incompatibility
- “I began to like him very much and precisely because we are very different” - it’s not for nothing that your pair of signs located opposite each other is called “Opposites attract”. This couple is considered good in terms of compatibility in relationships, but crises are inevitable in it. In your case, due to the low overall compatibility of the chakras, it is difficult to hope that the upcoming crises will be resolved.
“I know that he still likes me, but he doesn’t take any action” - of course you do. You have intellectual compatibility with him. But now he is unlikely to take any action, because. he has a personality of only 2 compared to your leader 5. You, Lika, dominate this pair. You decide.
To summarize, my recommendation would be to remain good friends. There are too many controversial nuances in your compatibility to talk about long-term harmonious relationships.

Hello, very interesting calculations, few places have seen such detailed ones. =)
True, one question arose: I (09/11/1991) have been communicating with a young man for a long time (02/25/1991), mutual attraction is clearly present, but somehow it doesn’t go further than talking ... Maybe this is due to poor compatibility in the physical chakra?

In-contri: Lera, no. Absolutely not. If there is physical compatibility, then it works already at the first contact of partners. And if not, then nothing like that. Most often, physical compatibility, on the contrary, confuses people with understanding: they confuse love and strong physical attraction, which quickly passes. In your particular case, very good compatibility on the higher chakras. If you were already over 30-35 years old, then you would probably get along faster because of the development of these chakras. But now... Rather, your stronger character can be barriers. After all, a weak character always feels the superiority of the dominant one, and for a guy this can turn out to be some kind of pressure. Another half-hearted emotional compatibility tilts the scales in one direction or the other - "either I like him / she, or not." You should figure out how to work on something with this guy. Judging by your age, you probably study somewhere. Maybe they will agree on this topic or something else that will force them to implement something together for a long time. By the way, this is how people converge later on a real job because of strong coincidences in the higher chakras. Even those people who did not appreciate the future partner at first and second sight. Compatibility in the higher chakras requires close and long communication in order to open up. Most importantly: do not try to adapt to the guy. If you are truly on the same wavelength, then your natural behavior will increase compatibility. And if not, then see for yourself. Even if you remain friends, that's fine too.

The compatibility of Pisces and Virgo is considered very successful, albeit with reservations. This is a union of two opposites, which are difficult together. But they are able to build true love, make relationships harmonious and happy, provided that both begin to make enough efforts in this direction.

Emotional relationships can also be problematic. Virgo can seem very cold at some points, even soulless. This hurts the sensual Pisces, forcing them to even sometimes look to the side in search of a more suitable couple for a long-term relationship.

They should work out the moments in which there is a misunderstanding. Set common goals, learn to negotiate and not be offended over trifles. Then everything will turn out extremely successfully and harmoniously.

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Pisces woman and Virgo man

Such a couple is rarely seen in everyday life. This union is rare and atypical. It is difficult for a man to interest a creative nature, he seems boring and boring to his chosen one. But if they get to know each other better, they begin to notice dignity.

The girl will eventually appreciate the responsibility, care and security that the chosen one gives her. And he falls in love with her intellect and creativity, realizing how extraordinary a person is next to him.

In marriage, a woman feels safe. She is as if behind a stone wall, thanks to which she is not afraid of adversity. In gratitude, she becomes an excellent hostess, mother and lover.

Pisces man and Virgo woman

A man in relationships with other signs can be quite quick-tempered and unbalanced. But it is with this woman that he becomes calmer and neutralizes the negative traits of his character.

The Virgo girl never takes the first steps towards, so he has to use all his strength and try to win her heart. He will beautifully look after, show all possible creativity. Yes, so that both will be satisfied.

When he succeeds and she reciprocates, they usually move quickly towards marriage and family. Everything is developing extremely stable. A man achieves goals and earns money, and a woman creates comfort, cleans the house and creates a favorable atmosphere.

The couple has a deep mutual respect. They understand and share each other's interests, set common goals and make every possible effort to achieve them. But there may be disagreements that relate to money.

The girl is annoyed by the extravagance of the chosen one, and to him she seems rather boring in her rationalism and practicality. There is also the issue of jealousy. Both partners have enough fans, which is why they are jealous of each other and quarrel. Everything exacerbates the self-doubt of partners.

The two signs are opposite each other in the zodiac circle, and such signs tend to be well balanced, filling in the gaps in their lover's character. Together they are a calm, balanced couple, dedicating their activities to the benefit of humanity, and often help each other and their friends. Each partner in this pair shows the best side in the other.

Both signs love and adore each other very much. They strive for harmonious relationships, both are very friendly and helpful people. Virgo can help Pisces achieve their dreams and aspirations and give them the tools to turn their ideas into reality. Virgo will provide a solid, stable foundation for the more emotional and intuitive Pisces. On the other hand, Pisces offers gentle touches, kindness, and emotional depth that Virgo values. Virgo is interested in material wealth, and, from time to time, cannot understand the simplistic attitude to the material property of Pisces. Their life aspirations can be very different. Once they can accept and overcome their differences and learn how to integrate their energies, they will have a wonderful relationship.

Planet Compatibility Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune

Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. When Mercury and Neptune unite, a beautiful spiritual connection is created. Together they represent an idealistic partnership. Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. This adds Yang energy and philosophy to their pair. This trio creates excellent connection, empathy, imagination and creativity in their relationship.

Elemental Compatibility Earth-Water

Virgo is an Earth sign and Pisces is a Water sign. Usually these two are very compatible, since both Water and Earth are real, material things. Pisces, as a Water sign, is born to connect humanity, and when they unite with the Earth, there is no stronger natural connection. Virgo may have a more stable and rational view of life than their partner. Pisces are very poetic in nature. But too much water can turn the earth into mud, so both partners must be careful. The inconstancy of Pisces can annoy Virgo, and Pisces can in turn feel that Virgo is too meticulous and materialistic. But they are able to easily overcome these differences.

Interpersonal Compatibility Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces are both mutable signs. Both like to move from one goal to another, following their feelings. Each of them constantly inspires and helps each other, forming a cyclic ring of new ideas and an unceasing stream of pleasant excitement. Conflict rarely arises between them, and even when it does, they quickly resolve it. Both partners have mastered the art of compromise.

What is the best thing about Virgo and Pisces relationship?

Their mutually complementary and harmonious relationship to each other. Devotion to relationships is not an empty phrase for these signs of the zodiac, and this is what will allow them to build strong and lasting family relationships. Everyone will envy their devotion to each other.

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If you are not completely new to astrology, then you know that Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs, standing exactly opposite each other in the zodiac circle. And like all opposites, these opposites will attract, and their attraction will be very strong. Consider the compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Virgo in detail.

Characters of signs

Pisces is trine water and Virgo trine earth. Water fills the earth with moisture and softens it, turning parched barren soil into fertile soil. Excess water, however, can turn the earth into a swamp, so the harmonious compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Pisces and Virgo will require some effort on both sides.

Both signs have a great love for perfection.

Virgo appreciates the perfect, beautiful mind.

Pisces appreciate perfect and beautiful emotions.

Representatives of the first sign are practical, the second - idealistic.

Virgo may be annoyed by Pisces's tendency to live in a fairy tale, but this also spurs her curiosity just as much. After all, Virgo is ruled by Mercury and wants to see and feel everything this Earth has to offer. Therefore, when the practical Virgo enters the magical visionary world of Pisces, she can discover the beauty of life, the existence of which she did not even suspect.

Pisces and Virgo Sign Compatibility

Striving for perfection is the meeting point of these signs. This common desire can make their union both divine and filled with dissatisfaction and a constant desire to change their partner for the "better" side.

But when these signs manage to realize a successful partnership, then in any field, they will make each other feel that everything is possible. Thanks to the fact that Pisces has a vision of limitless possibilities, and Virgo is able to make them a reality.

friendship compatibility

These two horoscope signs complement each other best through communication that stimulates their intellect. The variability and wit of these signs allows them to easily jump from topic to topic, while remaining interested and involved in communication.

Pisces, thanks to their sense of humor and open worldview, are better than other signs of the zodiac to pull Virgo out of her obsessive tendency to analyze.

Virgo has a great tendency to doubt and devalue their knowledge, way of thinking and even actions. Their tendency to perfectionism often leads them to think that what they do is not good enough or valuable enough.

Pisces, on the other hand, are able to inspire and find value in literally everything in life, and these insecurities and emotional problems of Virgo seem to them something unnecessary and superfluous, damaging Virgo's self-esteem.

Therefore, Pisces will do everything possible to help their friend or partner achieve a sense of inner security and awareness of their value.

Compatibility of signs Virgo and Pisces in business and business

All of the above aspects of the relationship between these signs make them also very effective business partners. Moreover, in business, the influence that these two signs exert on each other is especially valuable. Pisces betray partners Virgo self-confidence. Teach them how faith and belief shape reality and help them free themselves from too much caution and fear of failure.

In turn, Virgo helps Pisces achieve the actual materialization of their incredible talents, since this sign is well aware of the practical side of the material world.

Virgos, however, tend to "ground" Pisces through grumbling and constant criticism, but in the end, Pisces will have more than one reason to be grateful to Virgos for their grumblings.

A business built in partnership with these two signs can turn out to be very harmonious and viable, as it will be based on the foundation of the practicality and rationality of the earthly Virgo and the deep intuitive vision of Pisces, which is able to act not only in its own interests, but also in the interests of other people and the community in in general.

Pisces and Virgo Love Sign Compatibility

Love compatibility between Virgo and Pisces is enriching, though not without challenges. The strong mutual attraction that these opposite signs feel can be the basis for a happy family life.

There is no other sign in the Zodiac that can awaken the emotional depths of Virgo better than Pisces.

Understanding between them, in the presence of trust and openness, can achieve the perfection so desired by both of them. And this they probably won't be able to achieve with anyone else. However, it is important for them not to build too many expectations around this idea of ​​perfection, as no one can meet these ever-changing demands in real life.

Both partners will appreciate flexibility, the ability of a person to adapt and change, and they will certainly appreciate the love they receive from their partner.

If either of them goes astray, losing touch with their partner's true identity, it easily leads to frustration and the end of the relationship. With these two changeable signs, everything moves quickly, and therefore constant changes are inevitable.

And if partners want to stay in a stable relationship, they need to find the perfect balance between rationality and emotions, reality and dreams, and love each other as if they were perfect just the way they are.

Compatibility of zodiac signs Pisces and Virgo in sexual relations

Since the relationship of these signs is built on the axis of the fall and exaltation of Venus, these relationships always carry some lesson from Venus that they need to learn in order for intimacy to develop further.

The challenge for the Pisces and Virgo partners is to find, literally and metaphorically, a place for physical intimacy where both of them are completely relaxed and can be themselves.

A Virgo partner will usually be shy when trying to show their sexuality through rational behavior. Pisces, on the other hand, may be afraid of a close physical connection with another person, which Virgo will not find understanding.

But if they open up to their vulnerability, recognize it, they will have no choice but to free themselves from fear and shame, making room for the wonderful sexual experience that Venus has to offer them.

In bed, this couple will never have instinctive sex, no matter how passionate their sex drive is. Virgo's analytical mind will not allow her to have sex "like animals", and this feature of Virgo will be attractive to Pisces.

Virgo will be attracted by the purity and depth of sex with Pisces, who approach it as an act of love, free from prejudice. Pisces are able to follow their inner feelings without looking back in intimacy, wherever they lead.

Pisces woman and Virgo man

In couples where he is Virgo, she is Pisces, the classic archetype of relationships is realized when a woman is a muse for a man. The Pisces woman is his inspiration and feelings. This will give the Virgo man motivation and energy to build a reliable, solid material foundation for the family and fully realize his potential.

Pisces man and Virgo woman

In a union where he is Pisces, and she is Virgo, a woman will feel truly loved and happy. That will give her energy to be a support in everything for her creative partner. Her practicality and support will allow the artistic nature of the Pisces man to be fully realized.

What astrologers advise: what is worth working on in the relationship between Pisces and Virgo

The main work that this union will have to face is work on mutual trust. Virgo can have serious trust issues that Pisces can't always help overcome. To have a healthy relationship based on trust, they need to be honest.

If one of the partners realizes that the other is lying, this can be torture for both of them.

The secret to overcoming this difficulty is to understand that certain secrets can make a relationship even more passionate. With trust, each partner's "personal space" can take the relationship to a higher level.

The relationship of these signs reflects the axis of the rise and fall of Venus and the axis of exaltation and fall of Mercury. At the same time, Virgo has problems with Venus, and Pisces has problems with practical Mercury. Therefore, sometimes they may not understand each other and feel lost and confused. The way out of such situations is again in sincere and trusting communication, thanks to which Virgo can get an inner sense of intellectual security, and Pisces emotional security.

If we evaluate the compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Virgo as a percentage, then it will be 86%. Of course, we are talking about typical representatives of these signs and more accurate compatibility needs to be studied in more detail.

I would like to discuss the topic of compatibility in love relationships of such zodiac signs as Virgo and Pisces. Some people think or even claim that these signs are similar to each other, but in fact they have little in common.

Virgos, just like Pisces, are sensitive, extremely cautious, filigree, however, they look at the same situations in completely different ways. Virgos are connoisseurs, it is very important for them what a person looks like, how he can maintain a dialogue, and how he is brought up. It is important for them and the opinion of people who have the honor to communicate with them. Pisces perceive the world a little differently. They attach great importance to current situations and take everything to heart. Understanding between these signs is difficult to achieve.

At the initial stage of communication of these signs, it may seem that people have found a common language, topics for communication, interests, activities, but this is only because Virgo men are often polite, affectionate, friendly, kind to the lady. As soon as the couple gets to know each other better, they have small conflicts and contradictions, but still the connection of these signs is possible, however, only when people see each other infrequently.

In love

Once a couple falls in love, they cannot enjoy each other, so they spend as much time together as possible. Virgos are not indifferent to painting, music, architecture and their half will also be fond of art and they will definitely have a common interest. There will be no limit to their surprise when they learn something new about each other. Sometimes they think the same way, but their thoughts have different meanings, or they perform the same actions, but expect a different result.

A woman under the sign of Pisces is very sensitive, able to listen and help not only in word, but also in deed, but a man under the sign of Virgo is eloquent and ready for extraordinary deeds that will surprise his soul mate. There is a very high probability that such a pair will not exist. But everything will end without swearing and resentment.


Those in love under these signs who get married can find peace, as the marriage will be long, but only if these people are experienced and wise, regarding specifically marriage or life in general. If young people enter into marriage, then often it ends in the first few years of marriage.

Basically, these families have an understanding of joint household chores, the house is always cozy and tidy, the interior is chosen interestingly and elegantly. If we talk about the couple's sex life, everything is perfect, and most importantly, they have priority not intimacy, but romantic evenings, gatherings with a loved one.

A girl under the sign of Pisces - in family life she tries to do everything in order to please her husband in everything. She absolutely does not care about the point of view of people she does not know, the main thing for her is ease in the family and comfort. But a man born under the sign of Virgo tends to play the so-called role, thereby drawing attention to himself. He will try to do a lot, if only the people around him see him as a happy and successful person.

His beloved will not share his behavior with him. A couple who will try to change something in their soul mate will not live long in a happy marriage, but if you look for pluses in his (her) minuses, then the marriage can last a long time.

in friendship

They would be very happy to spend quite a lot of time together, and all because both love art. They pay more attention not to each other, but to art.

These people can just communicate, be good friends, but not be friends.

These are people who like each other. A man will turn his attention only to the Virgo woman, who has good manners of communication and behavior in society. But in this case, it would be better if they were connected by working moments or they had mutual friends so that they would not see each other so often, and it would not come to rapprochement.

In love relationships

There is nothing strange that the Virgo woman became the chosen one of the Pisces man. In a conversation, a woman tends to be sweet and shy, not bothering those around her with her presence. Pisces, on the other hand, are idealists, they think that they will meet the one who will be the whole world for him. And when they meet a virgin woman on their way, they are convinced that this is the same half.

The Virgo woman treats her man very well, and most importantly, there is respect here, which is important, but she has her own opinion on everything, and everything she does is solely to improve their relationship. The Pisces man is not used to sitting “under the heel” of his woman, but if she tries to adjust it for herself for the “good of the relationship”, then their love story will not last long and soon he will find himself another “beloved”.


The very beginning of living together will be wonderful, but not for long. It will not take long before the couple's opinion of each other begins to deteriorate, although initially the man was convinced that this was his only one, and the woman considered him her support. The wife will notice that her lover exaggerates or even invents in many ways in order to appear better in her eyes, or in the eyes of friends and relatives.

She wants to see a successful person next to her who knows what she wants from life. A woman in the family will be more active than her man, and will begin to demonstrate with her whole appearance that she is a leader. Accordingly, a man will not take this for granted, since a man should be the head of the family. This is what will contribute to the fact that the couple moves away from each other. Over time, they will come to the conclusion that, apart from family problems, they have nothing in common. Often these families get divorced.

in friendship

These people will not be able to communicate too closely, since they have very few common interests. They both love gatherings in the evenings, in this regard they have similar tastes, but they still cannot get close. All they can offer each other is good communication. Even if they spend most of their time with each other, this does not mean at all that there is a strong friendship between them, most likely it is a mutual, strong sympathy of minds, nothing more.

These are such interesting relationships among representatives of the two bright signs Virgo and Pisces. Astrologers believe that with any kind of such a union, a couple can get a strong and strong relationship, most importantly, they have more intelligence and patience in their wonderful heads.

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