L internet topic in French. Topics in French. The purpose of this work is a comprehensive description of slang as one of the subsystems of the modern French language and to identify the specifics of the functioning of slang.

Youth slang is a language used by people between the ages of 14 and 25 in casual communication with peers.

Sociolinguistic phenomena are present in all modern languages, including French. The rich, stylistically colored youth language differs from the normative French language by the presence of vocabulary with a more or less pronounced familiar coloring. Youth slang in French often arises as a protest against verbal clichés or as a desire to excel, to look original, which is typical of young people. Teenagers, using youth slang, seek to express their critical or ironic attitude towards the adult world, to show themselves more independent, to gain popularity among their peers. Speaking in a special “fashion language”, young people tend to distinguish themselves from adult native speakers or veil the meaning of what they say. One of the reasons for the forced linguistic differentiation between generations, according to psychologists and linguists, is the increasing pace of life, which the representatives of the older generation do not always keep up with.

One could compile a whole dictionary of the so-called buzzwords and expressions currently popular among the French youth. Here are just a few examples: piger- comprendre(understand), le boucan - le bruit(noise), le pote - le copain(buddy), le bi-bop, le portable, le mobile - le telephone de poche(cellular telephone) , le bahut - le lycee(lyceum), la meuf - la femme(woman), le trace - la peur(fear) , boss - travailler(work), le fric, la maille, les balles - l'argent(money), le toubib - le medecin(doctor), je m'en fiche - ca m'est égale(I don't care), je suis fauche - je n'ai pas d'argent(I have no money), je suis creve - je suis fatigue(I'm tired), avoir un mal fou - avoir des difficultes(experience difficulties) y en a marre - j'en ai assez(I'm over it), la bagnole, la caisse - la voiture(automobile), les clopes - les cigarettes, j'ai la trouille - j'ai peur(I'm scared), j'ai un petit creux - j'ai faim(I am hungry) , dab, daron - pere(father), dabesse, daronne, doche - mere(mother).

The most productive way of word formation in French youth slang is metathesis: the formation of new words by inverted permutation of syllables. Thus, the term itself was formed verlan(l'envers - vice versa), so the French youth language is called "language in reverse". "Verlan" typical for French youth aged 15-17. In verlan, syllables are rearranged in such a way that the first syllable becomes the last, for example, pè rerepe, mè rereme, mé trotromé, musiczicmu, chienyench, bizarrezarbi, noirrenoir, va malmalva, louchechelou, salut! – luss!, comme ç acommas gué rlardlarguer etc. Verlan is, of course, the most interesting French slang, as it is a real play on syllables. It originated as a secret language, used by youths, criminals and drug addicts to send messages in front of the police.

Young people actively use in their speech cuts, reflecting not only the tendency to save language resources, but also the desire not to be understood. For colloquial speech, truncations (troncation) are more characteristic. As before, so now, the most popular type of truncation is the truncation of final syllables, - apocop: Max - Maximilien;gfaffgfaffity; NetInternet; daccdaccord, allocallocation, beauf(e) – beau- frere, estomestomac, diam- diamante, maquillemaquillage, gé ogé graphie, dispodisposition, clodoclochard, hostohospital, infoinformation, promopromotion, ventiloventilator. In the 20th century, the abbreviation of phrases became widespread. Initial abbreviations are subdivided into alphabetisms And acronyms. Alphabetisms(letter abbreviations, where each letter is read as in the alphabet) are not so common in speech due to difficulties in pronunciation. And yet they are used in speech. For example, M. J. C Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture; T.V.B.– tout va bien, D. J.- disk jockey; H. S.- horse service, FBI– Fausse Bonne Idea.

Acronyms, initial abbreviations, which include a vowel phoneme, are more characteristic of the youth lexicon: La BU– La Bibliotheque Universitaire; Le EN– le Restaurant Universitaire. To enhance the emotionality of speech, young people use a set of intensifiers that replace bien, très, agréable, sympathique. These are the words: vachement, d "enfer, fun, zen, drolement etc.

The "language of the street" is gradually taking its place in the French language. Movies, radio and TV shows, printed materials for teenagers and young people, computer games contribute to its spread.

Most of the borrowings that make up the lexical composition in the modern "francais branché" are from the English language: boom- an annual student holiday, il est look- He looks fashionable speeder se dépécher, top- a la mode , flipper - c'est flippant, être cool-être calme.

English words not only penetrate the French language, but also constitute a new slang (un nouvel argo "de luxe"), the possession of which is very prestigious. For example, right- parfait, tres bien, driver chuaffeur de taxi , news magazine , toons dessins animes , kids enfants.

Youth vocabulary is the most open and non-closed system in modern French, the vocabulary of which is constantly updated not only due to borrowing and expanding the meaning of common words of the main vocabulary, but also due to other actively flowing processes of word formation (nominalization, reduplication, compounding, lexicalization, abbreviation). etc.) Youth slang is similar to its carriers: it is sharp, loud, impudent. It is the result of a peculiar desire to change the world in a different way, as well as the sign "I am mine." The language here reflects the inner aspirations of the young brighter and stronger than clothes, hairstyles, lifestyle. Speaking about the sources of vocabulary replenishment in youth slang, we emphasize the increased relevance of borrowings from the English language, which is explained by the language fashion, cultural standards brought to France from the USA through the pop industry and computer products.

Status: student of the direction of training "Foreign regional studies of the USA and Canada" VPGOU "IGLU".

FULL NAME. scientific leader: .

Position, place of work of the supervisor: Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology FGBOU VPO "IGLU".

Telephone: .

Internet: à quoi cela sert?

La connexion Internet et de différents réseaux permettent aujourd'hui d'ouvrir plusieurs possibilités pour tout le monde. Il n'y a pas très longtemps que naviguer en ligne se considérait comme l'avantage primordial pour de jeunes gens. Malgré cela, actuellement entrer et surfer - c'est tout à fait normal pour tout âge et toute personne. Le développement de cette connexion permet de ne pas divisor la population en rangs selon les savoirs techniques, les caractères et l'âge: aujourd'hui Internet est complètement ouvert pour chacun et chacune.

Qui sont de principaux avantages en ligne? La navigation est comme le moyen de découvrir les particularités du monde entier dans une période vraiment limitée. De différents domaines de la vie humaine se présentent en détails afin d'enrichir la vision du monde de tout intéressé:

  • la politics;
  • l'économie;
  • la culture;
  • la nature;
  • la vie sociale;
  • les jeux;
  • le repos;
  • l'enseignement et les études;
  • les hobbies;
  • les videos;
  • la music etc.

En fait Internet d'aujourd'hui se considère comme la chance d'intervenir et de participer à la vie différente de chaque personne à part et ensemble. Naviguant on peut facilement trouver les trucs vraiment utiles, intéressants et impressionnants: les images, les connaissances-savoirs, les vidéos, la musique, des nouvelles, les informations du caractère spécialisé - tout se trouve à l'accès de ce qui en a besoin !

Pour le moment c'est impossible d'imaginer la vie sans la navigation en ligne. L'accès 24/24 7 jours sur 7 propose d'y aller quand on a besoin ou la volonté. Ces derniers temps Internet a fini de jouer tout simplement le rôle du fournisseur des données différentes: de nos jours grâce à lui on peut même gagner sa vie sans perdre beaucoup d'efforts physiques ou mentaux.


The Internet and various other networks allow today to open up numerous opportunities for the whole world. Not too long ago, being online was seen as an advantageous opportunity for young people. Despite this, already at the present time, surfing the Internet is a completely normal pastime for all age categories and for all people without exception. The development of this network makes it possible to no longer divide the population of the planet depending on their technical skills, nature and age: today the Internet is absolutely open for each and every one.

What are the main benefits of being online? Staying online turns out to be an opportunity to get acquainted with the features of the world around the planet in a really limited period of time. Various spheres of human life are presented in detail in order to enrich the worldview of each interested person:

  • policy;
  • economy;
  • culture;
  • nature;
  • the life of society;
  • games;
  • rest;
  • education and study;
  • hobby;
  • video files;
  • music files and more.

In fact, today's Internet is considered a chance for incorporation and participation in various aspects of the life of each person individually and together with society. Being online you can easily find really useful, interesting and impressive things: images, knowledge and skills, video, music files, news, specific information - all this is available for those who need it!

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. 24/7 access any day of the week allows you to use the network when you need and want. Recently, the network has ceased to play the role of a provider of various kinds of data: today, thanks to the Internet, you can even earn a living without much physical or intellectual effort.

Frolova Alena

creative work



MOU "Lyceum №17"

Features of youth slang in modern French

Completed by: Alena Frolova

10B class student

Head: Pobozhakova E.V.

French teacher



Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Chapter 1. Slang as a phenomenon in modern linguistics ………………………………………………5

Chapter 2. Youth slang in modern French……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………….6

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Application …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13

References ………………………………………………………………………………………………...14


At all times, the real language of youth differed from the language of adults. According to linguist Georgy Kamsky, “language is a living being that changes every day.”

Youth slang is the vanguard of the language. What is the difference between youth slang and other types of slang?

Firstly, these words serve to communicate people of the same age category. At the same time, they are used as synonyms for ordinary words, differing from them in emotional coloring.

Secondly, youth slang is distinguished by its “obsession” with the realities of the young world. The slang names in question refer only to this world, thus separating it from everything else, and are often incomprehensible to people of other age categories. Thanks to the knowledge of such a special language, young people feel like members of a certain closed community.

And, thirdly, among this vocabulary, quite vulgar words are not uncommon.

The aim of our workis the study of youth slang of the modern French language, the compilation of a dictionary of youth slang.

Work tasks:

1. Study the literature on this issue.

2. To identify the features of the definition of youth slang in modern linguistics.

3. To identify the main features of the formation of youth slang in French.

4. Determine the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of slang in the colloquial speech of French youth.

5. Compile a dictionary of the most commonly used slang terms in modern French.

Research methods.To identify the main features of the formation of youth slang in French, as well as to determine the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of slangisms in colloquial speech, an analysis of various sources was carried out: fiction, journalistic and scientific literature, the press, radio, television programs.

The relevance of this work.Learning French, listening to the radio, authentic songs, TV shows, reading the press, modern literature, students are faced with new, obscure and difficult to translate words. This work will help to remove the difficulties of understanding these words, to acquaint students with the language of the "street", the press, modern literature.

The practical significance of this work in compiling a dictionary of French slangisms for high school students.

Chapter 1. Slang as a phenomenon in modern linguistics.

All vocabulary of a language is divided into literary and non-literary. The literature includes:

1) book vocabulary; 2) everyday vocabulary; 3) neutral vocabulary;

Non-literary vocabulary is divided into:

1) professionalism; 2) vulgarisms; 3) jargon; 4) slang.

The non-literary part of the vocabulary is distinguished by its colloquial and informal character, however, often these words become not only common in the colloquial speech of people of different professions and social status, but also pass into the category of literary vocabulary, are entered into dictionaries.Professionalisms- these are words used by small groups of people united by a certain profession. Vulgarisms - these are rude words not usually used by educated people in society, a special lexicon used by people of lower social status: prisoners, drug dealers, homeless people, etc. jargon - these are words used by certain social or common interest groups that carry a secret meaning that is incomprehensible to everyone.

Slang are words that are often seen as violating the norms of the standard language. These are very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate objects that are spoken about in everyday life.

The term "slang" in translation from English means:

1. the speech of a socially or professionally isolated group, as opposed to the literary language;

2. a variant of colloquial speech (including expressively colored elements of this speech) that do not coincide with the standard of the literary language.

Chapter 2. Youth slang in modern French

Sociolinguistic phenomena are present in all modern languages, including French. The rich, stylistically colored youth language differs from the normative French language by the presence of vocabulary with a more or less pronounced familiar coloring.

Youth slang in French often arises as a protest against verbal cliches or as a desire to excel, to look original, which is typical of young people. Teenagers, using youth slang, seek to express their critical or ironic attitude towards the adult world, to show themselves more independent, to gain popularity among their peers. Speaking in a special “fashion language”, young people tend to distinguish themselves from adult native speakers or veil the meaning of what they say.

Thus, youth slang can be called an encrypted or “secret” language that would be understood only in its own circle. Such words differ from the generally accepted speech norm in many linguistic parameters.

Diverse vocabulary is used in the youth language: foreign words, professionalisms, vulgarisms, abbreviations, metaphors, etc.

There are especially many expressions that are synonymous in meaning with wordsvery good, excellent, excellentsuper, prima, class, extra, relax, cool, d'enfer, vachement.

One could compile a whole dictionary of the so-called buzzwords and expressions currently popular among the French youth. Here are just a few examples: piger - comprendre (understand), le boucan - le bruit (noise), le pote - le copain (buddy), le bi-bop, le portable, le mobile- le telephone de poche (cellular telephone) , le bahut - le lycée (lyceum), la meuf - la femme (woman), le trac - la peur (fear), bosser - travailler (to work), le fric, la maille, les balles- l'argent (money), le toubib - le médecin (doctor), je m'en fiche - ça m'est égale (I don't care), je suis fauché - je n'ai pas d'argent (I have no money), je suis crevé - je suis fatigué (I'm tired), avoir un mal fou - avoir des difficultés (experience difficulties) y en a marre - j'en ai assez (I've had enough), la bagnole, la caisse - la voiture (car), les clopes - les cigarettes, j'ai la trouille - j'ai peur (I'm scared), j 'ai un petit creux - j'ai faim (I'm hungry), dab, daron - père (father), dabesse, daronne, doche - mère (mother).

The "language of the street" is gradually taking its place in the French language. Movies, radio and TV shows, printed materials for teenagers and young people, computer games contribute to its spread.

One of these features of colloquial speech in French is that insome letters and even syllables are not pronounced in the flow of speech. But the most difficult to perceive and understand are slang words and phrases. For example: fais gaffe = fais attention, avoir la trousse, avoir la trouille= avoir peur, bises = je t" embrasse, le bail = le contrat, ben = eh bien, crevé = très fatigué, bouffer = manger, je m" en fiche = ça m" est égale, elle prend de la bouteille = elle vieillit, avoir un mal fou = avoir des difficultés, y en a marre = j" en ai assez, chouette = jolie, moche = mauvais, une boîte = une enterprise, filez! = foutez le camps ! = partez!.

French youth aged 15-17 are characterized by “verlan” (verlan m - the language “on the contrary”), a kind of conditional language in which syllables are rearranged in such a way that the first syllable becomes the last, for example:l'envers-verlan; père m-repe; mere f-reme; metro f-tromé; musique f-zicmu; chien m-yench; crampe f-pecram; lourd-relou; bizarre-zarbi; sot toss ; noir-renoi; juif-feujeu; satan-natsa; fou-ouf; pourri-ripou; brancher-chebran; va mal-malva; peau de balle-balpeau; louche-chelou; bombe concrete; salut!-luss! Comme ça-comm'as; laisser tomber-laisse beton.

Argotic transformations with the first syllable are also characteristic of "largonji" (largonji m). According to Louis-Jean Calvet, the key here is simple and lies in the fact that the first consonant is pronounced last, and the consonant "l" is substituted for it. Thus jargon giveslargonji (code); en douce-en loucedé; fou-louf; un sac-un lacse; cher-lerche; prince-linspré ;borgne-lorgnebe.

Young people actively use abbreviations in their speech, reflecting not only the tendency to save language resources, but also the desire not to be understood. For colloquial speech, truncations (troncation) are more characteristic. As before, and now, the most used type of truncation is truncation final syllables - apocope (apocope): Max-Maximilien ; graff m-graffiti ; Net m-Internet ; deb-débile ;trom m-tromé (verlan de "metro"); turve f-tourvoi (verlan de "voiture"); à tout al'-à tout à l'heure; d'acc-d'accord.

I.A. Tsybova points out that apocop the truncation seam usually goes after the phoneme [o] if it is present in the original word:alcoolo-alcoolique ;aristo-aristocrat ; clodo-clochard ; dirlo directeur ; dispo-disposition ; geo-geographie; gynéco-gynécologie; hebdo-hebdomadaire; hosto-hôpital; info-information;

Interro-interrogation ; mollo-mollement ; nego-negociation; parano-paranoïaque; phallo-phallocrate ; porno-pornographique; preco-préconisation; pro-professionnel; prolo-prolétaire; promo promotion ; pseudo-pseudonyme; racho-rachifique; retro-retrospective ; schizo-schizophrène; ventilo-ventilateur.

It should be noted that in recent times, an earlier less active type of truncation is the truncation of initial syllables, apheresis (aphérèse) - little by little gaining strength. And this is not by accident. Teenagers want to speak in a language that is incomprehensible to others. And since most of the information is at the beginning of a word, apocops are more understandable, and they resort to apheresis more and more often. For example:blème-probleme; dwich-sandwich ; zic-musique ;vail-travail ; leur-controller.

Sometimes teenagers use both types of truncation:gol-mongolien; tiag-santiagos(botte mexicaines).

In the 20th century, the abbreviation of phrases became widespread. Initial abbreviations (sigles) are subdivided into alphabetisms and acronyms.

Alphabetisms (letter abbreviations, where each letter is read as in the alphabet) are not so common in speech due to difficulties in pronunciation. And yet they are used in speech: M.J.C .-: Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture ; T.V.B. -tout va bien; D.J. -disk jockey ; H.S. -hors service.

Acronyms , initial abbreviations, which include a vowel phoneme, are more typical for the youth lexicon: la B.U. -la Bibliothèque Universitaire; la EN -le Restaurant Universitaire; SIDA -syndrome d'immunodeficit approprié.

Another way of word formation is confluence (téléscopage) is a way of word formation in which part of one word merges to form a single word with part of another word or with the whole word. Teenagers really like words formed in this way that you will not find in any dictionary, but can be recognized by the presence of two original words: directeur + tueur = director m: chef d'établissement impitoyable; principale+pale= principale m: directeur qui a mauvaise mine; ecole+colle= ecolle f: lieu où les élèves restent englués dans leurs problèmes; cancre+crier= cancrier m: élève tâcheron qui sèche sur son pupitre; collegien+chien= collecien m: élève retenu le mercredi pour avoir cabotiné en classe; faute+copier= fautocopier :recopier les erreurs de son voisin.

Some words are borrowed from:

Arabic language in the era of colonial wars: bled m=petite ville

f(village m) ; kawa m=cafe m ; clebs m=chien m ; toubib m=médecin m ; flow -argent m ; arhnouch-policier m; haram-peche; chouΪa-un petit peu;

Berber language: arioul-quelqu'un d'idiot;

Gypsy: bédo -cigarette de haschich; craillav-manger;

Creole: timal-gars;

African: gorette-fille; tchatsch-parole,discours,bavardage,

as well as from local (local) dialects: engast-probleme; gasier-gars; panouille-poltron.

Ho most of all borrowings, constituting 21% of the lexical composition in the modern "français branché",

From English: boom m- (in student argo) - student annual holiday; il est looke - he looks fashionable; top -à la mode; speeder-se dépêcher; flipper – être angoissé, être détendu and their derivatives: speeder - speedé, hyper - speedé; flipper - c'est flippant, avoir une superflippe, c'est rien qu'une flippette;être cool - vas-y-cool.

English words not only penetrate the French language, but also constitute a new slang (un nouvel argot "de luxe"), the possession of which is very prestigious. For example, driver m - chauffeur m de taxi; news m-magazine m; toons pl - dessines animés pl; kids pl-enfants pl. In a conversation, parents can ask each other: “Et tes kids, ça va?”

Some of the words, old French slang, make up the main fund of the verbal youth repertoire: caisse-voiture; daron-pere; taupe - fille; bûcher-travailler; mater - regarder; chialer-pleurer; se planter - échouer à l'examen.

The word "maille" means money. In Capetian times the "maille" was a small copper coin equal to noon .This term is found in the expressions "avoir maille à partir avec qn" -do not share something with someone, do not get along; "n'avoir ni sou ni maille" - not to have a penny for your soul.

Currently, "maille" is included in the expression "coincer de la maille" - gagner de l'argent.

Of particular interest are ambivalent words, i.e. words that develop a new opposite meaning. Yes, the word enfer m stands for hell. The expression C'est l'enfer! This is bad, this is a nightmare. The positive value is

the word acquired already from G. Flaubert (1857) in the expression jeu d'enfer .and now d'enfer means strong powerful awesome cool. Another word vachement - rude, vicious, savagetook on the opposite meaning.amazing, great.

To enhance the emotionality of speech, young people use a set of intensifiers that replace bien, très, très bien, agréable, sympathique. These are the words:vachement, d'enfer, fun, zen, drôlement, etc.

Elle est vachement bien - She's damn good.

Un look d'enfer - Stunning, classy appearance.

Ça deviant fun (bien, agreable).

Vachement zen, ton lieu (Ton appartement est tres sympa.)

The presence of metaphors and metonyms in the youth language is explained by the tendency towards expressiveness and the desire for specific images:airbags - les seins; casquettes - les contrôleurs, chauffer - ennuyer, fatiguer; capter - comprendre; bounty-un Noir, allowing also un blanc .

Evaluative words and cliches make up a very large and important part of the verbal repertoire of French youth: cool : adj. Se dit dans toutes circonstances (bien sympa. Les adultes emploient encore "cool" dans les sens de "salme, tranquille"); emblematic : adj.Se dit d'importe quoi, à condition qu'on lui accorde une valeur symbolique ou un certain intérêt; pointu - dernier cri; ça me branche, ça me parle - ça m'interesse; ça me trouve - ça m'etonner; c'est chouette! - c'est chic!

Often words and expressions have a pronounced disparaging connotation.: casse : adj. Se dit d'une personnage soûle, droguée, en état second (après une nuit blanche) ; chtarbe : adj. Se dit d'une personne folle, bizarre; lourd :adj. Laid, bête, pénible; radin : adj. Avare ; nase ou naze : adj. venu de l'argot "classique". En mauvais état; hors de service, nul ; pourri- tres mauvais; être grave - être idiot; speede : adj. pressé, surmené. Le contraire de "cool"; golio :insulte banale parmi les lyceens. Tare, imbecile; se prendre la tête - casser la tête (chose pénible).

The use of a number of expressions reflects a tendency to exaggerate emotions: C'est degueulasse! - Ce n'est pas bon! J'en ai ras le bol! - J'en ai assez. C'est un canon. - C'est une belle fille. C'est class ! - C'est parfait, magnifique! C'est l'enfer! -C'est affreux! C'est mortel! - C'est formidable! C'est moche! – C'est laid!

Of particular interest are words denoting nationality, and

with a hint of disdain: Américaine m - Amerlo, Amerlock, Amerloque m, f, Anglais m - Angliche m ; Arabe m - Arbi, Arabi, Arbicot m ; Belge m - Belgico, Belgicot m; Chinois m - Chinotoque m ; Polonais m - Polak, Polaque m, f ; Italien m - Rital m.

Teenagers are sometimes ruthless towards their peers. And with the aim of humiliating them, they use "caustic" words: bledman ("deblé man" en verlan), bledos, bledard, blecien :celui qui arrive de son bled, l'ignorant, le paysan, le rustre. Appearance also falls under the fire of criticism: fax, findus, carte blue :fille qui n'a pas de poitrine. On peut la glisser dans le fentede télécopieur de distributeur de billets, "findus" reprenant la métaphore de l'expression familière "plate comme une limande"; celle qui a de gros seins est une master card.

Characteristics given to people of some professions are devoid of respect:agent de police - poulet, m, perdreau m, volaille f, guignol m, bourrique f, bertelot m, vache à roulettes; avocat m - bavard m, baveux m; cordonnier m - bœuf m, gnaf m, bouif m; blanchisseuse f - blanchicaille f, etc.

It was the slang, according to Alphonse Boudard, that gave the language a special originality in its time. The language, "born" in the quarters, on the outskirts of cities, over time, takes its place at different levels of the French language. Yes, the words beur m - (Arabe), keuf f - (policier), meuf f - (femme) can already be found in the dictionary. The same as kiffer - (aimer); leur, leurleur - (contrôleur), schmitts - (policiers) claim to take their place there.

Contemporary films (la Haine, Mon 6-T va cracker, le Ciel, les oiseaux ...et ta mère), radio and television programs, and printed materials contribute to the spread of youth vocabulary.

Features of youth slang are presented in the appendix to the work.


1. At the moment, in many countries of the world there is an intensive process of transformation of the living spoken language, the essential point of which is the emergence of a new youth slang.

2. The political and socio-economic life of France over the past two decades, the social problems that are the most acute for French society, find a response in the youth language with a rich stylistically colored vocabulary.

3. Teenagers strive for self-expression through appearance, forms of leisure activities, adherence to graffiti, hip-hop, etc. Youth slang is also one of the ways teenagers express themselves.

4. The following methods of formation are characteristic of French colloquial slang:

Permutation of syllables (verlan style);

Truncation of final syllables (apocope);

Truncation of initial syllables (apheresis);

Initial abbreviations (alphabetisms and acronyms);


Borrowings from English;

Ambivalent (words with opposite meanings);

The study of the slang of French youth helps French learners to better imagine the features and originality of the national picture of the world, to understand the national-specific features of the mentality of French youth. Understanding and knowledge of slang introduces students to the language environment, is a unique opportunity for their inclusion in an active dialogue of cultures.


Features of the spread of youth slang in French.

A- language "on the contrary"

B- word truncation

B - letter abbreviations

G- compounds of parts of words

D- English borrowings

E - the use of old French words in the opposite sense

G- use of synonyms

I - the use of words that characterize some professions and nationalities with a touch of disdain


  1. Smirnov D. Youth slang from Stalin to the present day / Komsomolskaya Pravda No. 09/04/2008, p. 21
  2. Owls. enc. dictionary, ed. CM. Kovaleva, - M .: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1979. - 1600s.: ill.
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La vie moderne ne peut pas se concevoir maintenant sans internet, perce que ce réseau mondial joue un grand rôle pour les gens de tout âge: pour les adolescents, la jeunesse, les personnes entre deux âges et même pour les gens âgés. On peut expliquer cette tendance par le fait qu "internet sert aux études, à l" information et aux loisirs, il permet de faire des achats et communiquer avec ses amis. La fonction télétravail permet de travailler chez soi ce qui peut être pratique.

Internet paraît comme un bienfait international, mais comme toute médaille à son revers il présente des inconvénients. Les heures passsées devant l "écran peuvent perturber la vision et l" inactivité favorise l "obésité ce qui est mauvais pour la santé. C" est pourquoi, les médecins conseillent d "ailleurs de faire plusieurs pauses voir changement d" activité dans la journée .

Côté psychique, l "univers virtuel d" internet peut se révéler néfaste surtout pour la jeunesse on constate souvent sous couvert de l "anonymat la présence de propos blessants et insultants souvent oubliés par la censure.

Mais quoi qu "il en soit, internet utilisé raisonnablement est un outil positif pour la société.


It is impossible to imagine modern life without the Internet, because the World Wide Web plays a big role for people of all ages: for teenagers, young people, middle-aged people and even for the elderly. This trend can be explained by the fact that the Internet serves for study, information and entertainment, it allows you to shop and communicate with friends. In addition, it is an opportunity to work from home, which is also very practical.

The Internet is also a great opportunity for international communication. But as you know, every medal has a reverse side. There are also disadvantages. Many hours spent in front of the screen can impair vision, and long immobility provokes obesity, which is also unhealthy. Therefore, doctors recommend taking breaks from work several times a day to change activities.

From a psychological point of view, the virtual world can also have a negative impact, especially on young people. Anonymity allows you to make offensive or even offensive statements, which often remain uncensored.

But be that as it may, the wise use of the Internet has many positives for society.

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