Wall decoration with a fireplace in the country. Living room with fireplace and TV. Modern living room interior with fireplace

the center of the apartment or country house is the living room. Family members gather here in the evenings for pleasant conversations, the hosts receive numerous guests.

Therefore, the arrangement of this room is always given Special attention. And the highlight of the interior of the living room can be an equipped fireplace, which will give originality and comfort to the whole house.

Fireplace in the interior of the living room

The fireplace gives the living space a feeling of comfort and family well-being. However, it is advisable to equip this piece of furniture only in spacious rooms whose area exceeds 20 square meters. m. Such rooms are always distinguished by special luxury and stylish design.

Owners of small rooms most often cannot afford the arrangement of a fireplace. There is a shortage of space in a small living room, and therefore fireplaces will visually overload the room even more, also taking up scarce space.

The appearance of the room may become similar to a furnace or closet.

If you live in a private house, then there is always the possibility of combining the living room with the dining room. As a result, you become the owner of a spacious room. In a large living room at home, a fireplace will look natural.

Along with the opportunity to admire the flames in the fireplace, it is advisable to arrange a barbecue here.

The apartment is much smaller. free space. But even in this case, the fireplace can be successfully included in the interior.

The main thing is to properly manage the space and choose compact furniture and other decorative elements.

Designers are advised to pay attention to false fireplaces or corner modifications.

So you can not only save space, but also get additional space for placing small decorative items.

How to successfully place a fireplace in a room

When arranging a living room, you can choose both the type of fireplace and its location. This allows you to vary the interior design and economically manage the space in the room.

There are the following types of fireplaces, depending on the possible location of its placement:

Island. It is located in the central part of the living room and is characterized by excellent heat transfer performance. Thanks to this, the room will always have warm air.

The wall model is mounted at the inside or outside of the room. It should be borne in mind that when the fireplace is near outer wall heat will be lost to the heating of the street.

Therefore, it is advisable not to choose this option if you want to have high-quality space heating.

The built-in version is more in line with the features of small rooms. Placing a fireplace in a niche or column will save a lot of space.

Types of fireplaces and their features

Modern designers and technicians have developed a variety of types of fireplaces that can be placed almost anywhere in the living room. They have a variety of structural forms and can consume different types fuel.

The main types of fireplaces include:

wood burning fireplace is a traditional option, thanks to it you can plunge into history and diversify the design of the room. The owners of many private houses prefer these models.

Provided not only decorative function, but also successfully solves the problem of space heating. The fireplace area can be made more original by decorating with individual decorative elements, such as a firewood rack.

The electric fireplace in the living room is used by the residents apartment buildings. You can create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the apartment. It is difficult to get a real fire and strong heating of the room here, but, of course, there will be a slight heat generation.

A false fireplace carries a decorative load to a greater extent, acts as an element of interior decoration. In this design, you can place photos, candles and other items.

A gas fireplace is a modern solution for providing a living room with a view of a burning fire, but it does not require special efforts care. No firewood is needed either.

Modern trends in the arrangement of the living room are associated with the creation of maximum comfort in the room while achieving the main utilitarian properties of interior items.

Fireplaces in the house will not only help to ensure comfort in the house, warm you in the evenings, but also significantly decorate the room.

Photo of a living room with a fireplace

Combining kitchen-living rooms with a fireplace is at the height of fashion now: we have prepared a selection of photos that will demonstrate the advantage of such a solution. In addition, as in any of our other articles, you will find useful tips, recommendations from designers and a bunch of interesting ideas.

Layout Features

Of course, fireplaces are rarely installed in apartments - a special chimney, permission is needed ... And from a security point of view, such a solution is very controversial.

But in cottages, dachas and villas, they are increasingly common. Let's try to deal with some subtleties so that the issue of the location of the fireplace does not become a stumbling block.

Like any non-standard layout, this one requires taking into account a number of nuances. Let's look at them:

  • Decide where the fireplace will be placed. It is optimal to put it on the wall opposite the window or adjacent. It can also be installed against an external wall or under window openings, but then it will perform its heating functions worse.
  • The area of ​​​​the kitchen-living room with a fireplace should not be too small - preferably from 20 sq.m. and more.
  • Think about how best to arrange the furniture by the fireplace to form a comfortable seating area. This applies to chairs, coffee table or shelving;
  • Do not place flammable objects nearby - sometimes an accidental spark is enough to start a fire. Therefore, make sure that curtains, tablecloths, paper decor and raw wood are at a sufficient distance.
  • If you are afraid of a live fire in the house, pay attention to electric fireplaces - LED panels that imitate a flame.

Have you opted for a real fireplace? It will have to be cleaned regularly - the process is laborious and rather “dusty”. Skip dirty décor and furniture, such as white fur rugs.

Otherwise, there are practically no restrictions: there are many types of fireplaces that look great in various design styles.

In the interior

If you were confused by the previous tips, we hasten to reassure you: they are advisory in nature. There is always room for certain maneuvers in design.

Here good example small kitchen-living-dining room with a fake fireplace. The room is small, but it seems very cozy due to the correct arrangement of furniture and selection colors. We recommend Provence: light airy tones and natural materials Surprisingly great combined with imitation of live fire.

By the way: A fireplace with a TV above it is acceptable only if it is electronic. A real hearth will not work. It heats the wires, which is why they lose their usefulness.

IN modern style In principle, it is best to use LED panels. It is not necessary to make them overall - sometimes a narrow strip looks more harmonious. Focus on the configuration of the room and keep the balance.

There are also more traditional options. We liked this interior. Lots of woody tones simple shapes… Cozy and classic design. Cover the fireplace with brick to match the walls. So it will look like a natural extension of them.

It is not necessary to try to create a single whole from the kitchen and dining room. Try the combined method with a partially partitioned room. You will get a cozy living room and a functional kitchen.

note: A real wood-burning fireplace is used here, so the partition must be thick enough so that it does not heat up from the other side. Especially if a refrigerator or other Appliances.

An interesting layout of the kitchen-living room in a classic style - there is no obvious zoning. Furniture and household appliances smoothly move from one zone to another, providing a single room. However, thanks to the nuances of color selection, it is clear functional purpose every part of the room.

A mirror above the fireplace is a traditional technique played out in the interior. In general, when trying to create something like this, do not lose sight of all sorts of details. The candlesticks on the hearth are matched to match the cabinet under the TV, the curtains on kitchen window- reflection of the upholstery of the sofa.

The shades echo, creating a surprisingly harmonious picture, where everything seems appropriate and elegant.

In a two-story private house, it is often in this room that the staircase to the second floor is located. Take this into account when drawing up a design project. At the same time, with such a layout, it is better to divide the hall with the kitchen with a symbolic partition. Just on it, an imitation of a fireplace will ideally fit.

However, to emphasize the integrity of the interior, buy similar furniture - a corner in the kitchen is like a mirror image of the sofa in the living room. Simple, but very effective.

However, the kitchen area combined with the living room can be no less interesting. Especially if you use one of the last modern ideas- four LED screens with fire, located around the plasterboard column. Expensive? We don't argue. But the result is impressive.

It is impossible not to notice that initially the idea of ​​​​designing a kitchen-living room decorated with a fireplace came to us from the USA. Therefore, it is not surprising that we could not ignore - a kind of classic for such a design.

In addition to the hearth, he brought another useful innovation - working area with kitchen island. You will appreciate its convenience. In addition, it is able to serve as a kind of border - convenient, practical and fashionable.

Remember safety precautions. In a wooden house with live fire, you need to be careful. If for some reason you do not plan to install an electric fireplace, consider an island fireplace. Thanks to its design, it prevents accidental sparks and embers from hitting walls and floors.

The popular chalet-style design will also benefit from the installation of a fireplace. Try to cover it with a protective screen so that small soot particles do not fly onto a light-colored carpet. Appearance from this will not be lost, but it will be much easier to clean.

Large-scale fireplace masonry to the ceiling in such an interior looks amazing. Especially if you put it up to the ceiling. It is better not to save on this element - the quality of the stone largely determines not only the beauty of the structure, but also its reliability and safety.

So-called eco-fireplaces are often placed between the kitchen and the living room - they do not work on wood, but on special fuel. They are not suitable as the main source of heat, but they are much more environmentally friendly than their “authentic” counterparts. Due to the absence of smoke and fumes, they are easy to integrate into the partition without worrying about a potential fire. In addition, the absence of the need to make a chimney is a weighty argument in their favor.

Do you make a single space, not divided into zones? It makes sense to think about a corner fireplace. Install it so that it can be seen from anywhere in the room. True, we advise you not to forget about our recommendations in the first section, especially if you plan to use it as a source of heating.

For the kitchen-living room, it makes sense to “play” with appearance fireplace. Custom Shapes characteristic of him, so discard the usual square masonry. But the drop-shaped black hearth in the center of the room is what you need.

Complete the interior with bright furniture and brick walls.

Important: Installing such a fireplace is a complicated undertaking. Therefore, seek help from professional installers. Everything related to live fire is risky, especially if you decide on a non-standard move. Do not try to save on installation - your safety depends on it.

The hall-kitchen-dining room in light colors will be especially good if you dilute the palette with several bright shades. Their role can be played by red pillows, living plants or ... a modern metal fireplace. The latter will bring a touch of hi-tech to a fairly neutral interior.

Have you thought about the fact that the fireplace opening does not have to be filled with firewood and fire? Use it not for its intended purpose, but as an element of decor. The idea can hardly be called standard, but it deserves the right to life. Such unexpected moves are great to enliven any design. The main thing is to choose the right content. For a small kitchen-living room - a great option.

Do not be afraid to experiment with combinations that are unexpected at first glance. A delicate pastel range of furniture and fine finishes will only benefit from an anthracite-black hearth. This contrast will fill all the colors with depth.

By the way: Have you noticed how the firewood is stacked in this photo? They are also able to become part of the situation, and not consumables. Just find a container that suits your style of interior for them. It is these details that largely determine the beauty of the overall appearance.

An ersatz fireplace will look more interesting if it is placed in an atypical place. For example, like here. Such a partition between the kitchen and the living room, on the one hand, zones the room, on the other hand, it does not break it.

If the room is small, then this is - perfect solution. Place there not only a screen with fire, but also an imitation of woodpile. This creates the effect of realism. I bet your guests will not immediately realize that the flames are absolutely cold.

If the room is elongated, it is better to choose the appropriate screen shape. A long electric fireplace looks much more harmonious here than its square counterpart would look.

However, no one suggests limiting yourself to quadrangles: think for yourself which figure is more suitable for your interior. Luckily, you can order just about anything.

Popular now gas fireplaces operating on the principle of conventional cooker. If it seems that this is boring and banal, then you are mistaken.

Look at this photo - really mesmerizing. For a kitchen-living room in a modern style, it is more than good.

As already mentioned, the idea came to us from America, where the hearths were traditionally placed in recreation areas. This is not an immutable rule - who prevents you from placing a fireplace directly next to the kitchen set?

Such a move is somewhat reminiscent of an old estate, even in the Art Nouveau style.

Are you planning to use Scandinavian motifs in your design project? Also, do not refuse to install a fireplace. Firstly, it is consistent with the basic stylistic principles. Secondly, in a not too familiar frame, it looks completely different.

Try this option. Of course, soot and fumes will turn the care of white brickwork in a rather laborious process. Buy an eco-fireplace or an imitation, the problem will disappear by itself. But the result looks really impressive.

The art deco design itself is quite whimsical, especially if you plan to add high-tech elements. For example, modern TV on a high pedestal. And what if you turn the stand into an almost real fireplace? To do this, you only need three electronic panels showing live fire.

It's not that hard if you forget about financial side question. Although, we think it is not necessary to remind you that any fireplace will cost you dearly.

Yes, if you decide to install a fireplace in your home, then a lot of work is waiting for you: design development, how to fit it into the interior, laying out the chimney and the hearth itself, exterior finish And so on.

However, it is easy to forget about all this if you look at the photo of the living room combined with the kitchen, with a real or not quite a fireplace - an original and original addition to any design.

26.09.2017 Read in 12 min.

The fireplace in the modern living room, as in ancient times, remains a symbol of comfort. The hearth not only creates a special atmosphere of comfort, but also adds value to the interior. So it is not surprising that there are more and more people who want to decorate their living room with a fireplace every day.

In this review, on the example of a photo from the portfolio of repair and design of the Fundament Group of Companies, which is the leader construction market Moscow, we will talk about the design features of a living room with a fireplace and popular models of these devices. We will also talk about design options for the fireplace area in a modern and classic interior.

Living room interior with built-in modern design fireplace

by the most best solution for a modern interior will be a built-in fireplace with a laconic design. It can be placed in a wall niche or in any hollow structure, such as a decorative partition, bar or furniture shelf. Built-in fireplaces include stand-alone biofuel devices and electric models, which expand the possibilities of their use in the interior.

1. Spectacular wall niche

In the photo: a minimalist fireplace built into the wall

In the photo: Modern fireplace built into a plasterboard partition

A light plasterboard partition that separates the modern kitchen-living room from the corridor - perfect place to accommodate a compact electric fireplace in a minimalist style. It does not overload the space, and its silver-gray frame harmonizes well with the kitchen household appliances.

3. Bio-fireplace and decorative firewood in a modern interior

In the photo: Modern fireplace in the TV area with a woodshed

The black niche, where the wood-burning fireplace is located, effectively stands out against the background of the gray finish of the minimalist living room and creates an expressive horizontal in the interior. It plays a dominant role in the setting and goes well with wooden paneling TV zones.

4. Effective line of fire

In the photo: Linear biofireplace in a high-tech living room

In the photo: Electric fireplace built into the wall with a decorative panel

A modern electric fireplace with a golden decorative grille is a great choice for a neoclassical living room with light furniture and an elegant crystal chandelier. And if such a fireplace is supplemented with an original vertical panel of 3D panels, it will turn into an art object.

6. Fireplace area with slate stone finish

The fireplace area decorated with natural stone creates a summer cottage atmosphere in the interior of a bright living room in a modern style. The sandy shade of the finish goes well with the silver frame of the biofireplace. And open fire makes modern device virtually indistinguishable from an authentic hearth.

7. Built-in bio-fireplace under the TV

The design of the white and lilac living room in the photo is a game of volumes. Suspended ceiling structures, plasterboard shelves and niches, embossed panels with imitation of waves - all this creates a suitable entourage for a modern bio-fireplace, which plays the role of an interior accent.

8. Shelf with a secret

In the photo: Biofireplace without a fence, built into a shelf

The relevance of the fireplace in a charismatic loft-style living room, decorated with red vintage brick, makes no sense to dispute. But to make the interior look fashionable, it is better to give preference not to a vintage electric model with a black case, but to a bio-fireplace with an open fire. And you can place it in a wide shelf of a functional storage system in the TV zone.

9. Decent environment

On the picture: fireplace zone with bookcases

The living room of a country house, decorated in eclectic style, is both a fireplace room and a library. Located in the TV area, a modern fireplace is set at half a meter from the floor, so that the fire is always in sight of those sitting on the sofa. And the bookshelves located on both sides emphasize the importance of this zone.

10. Mini format

In the photo: A small bio-fireplace built into the TV zone

A small bio-fireplace with a transparent screen is the very detail that brings together all the elements of the TV area in the modern living room in the photo. Without him original design with an L-shaped niche, where shelves for accessories are located, would not be complete.

11. Electric fireplace and aquarium, built-in baffle

In the photo: Partition with a fireplace and an aquarium

The partition, which acts as a space divider, has become a “home” not only for a modern rectangular fireplace with a laconic frame, but also for a large aquarium. The combination of fire and water makes an indelible impression, which is enhanced by spectacular lighting.

12. Electric fireplace at the dining table

In the photo: Modern fireplace in the dining area

Placing a fireplace in the dining area of ​​a multifunctional living room at a height of about a meter from the floor is one of the interior fashion trends recent years. This location will allow you to admire the fire from almost anywhere in the room. It is important to choose a model rectangular shape with frame in contrasting color.

13. A real hearth in a country house

In the photo: Fireplace in a partition decorated with natural stone

In the photo: a fireplace built into the wall in a modern style

A white wall with a relief panel in the living room of a private house in Mozhaisk looks like a sheet of paper. Therefore, the black body of the fireplace built into it in the style of minimalism looks very expressive. And supports it glossy stretch ceiling, successfully contrasting with the light environment.

15. At arm's length

A small bio-fireplace built into the TV-zone hanging cabinet is located literally at arm's length from the sofa, so it will be very convenient to admire the fire. A vintage massive boards, chosen by the designers of the Fundament Group of Companies for wall cladding, create a chalet atmosphere in the modern living room in the photo.

16. Nordic charm

In the photo: Partition with an electric fireplace and decorative firewood

In the design of a bright kitchen-living room with a plasterboard partition and panoramic photo wallpapers with a Nordic landscape, a square electric fireplace looks very appropriate. It adds coziness to the atmosphere, and decorative firewood racks complete the fireplace area.

17. Style-forming element in the lobby of a private house

In the photo: Modern fireplace area with an armchair

Wood-burning marble corner fireplace with narrow bench – great idea for the living room of a private house. It will perfectly cope with the role of a style-forming element. And the "company" he can make easy coffee table, a floor lamp in the style of the 80s and a comfortable swivel chair - a modern alternative to the usual fireplace furniture.

18. Bar counter with electric fireplace

The main advantage of modern built-in electric fireplaces is that they can be placed in almost any architectural or furniture design, including a bar counter, as in the living room in the photo. The main thing is that the design of the fireplace is combined with the design of the furniture.

19. Impressive scale

In the photo: Wood-burning fireplace in a concrete box

A large monolithic box with a concrete look finish and a built-in fireplace with a closed firebox looks impressive and emphasizes the scale of the room. This option is ideal for a modern living-dining room with a futuristic lamp and high-tech furniture.

Fireplaces with a traditional portal in the living room interior: photo

Another popular category of fireplaces is wall models with an architectural portal that beautifully frames the firebox. They are relevant in classic interiors, living rooms in the style of art deco, baroque, empire, country, gothic and provence. It is possible to supplement with a portal both wood, and electric or biofireplace. And in combination with the portal, you can use a humidifier with imitation of fire.

20. Art Deco fireplace room

In the photo: Luxurious fireplace with marble cladding

A wood-burning fireplace with a high portal finished in rare coffee-colored marble turns the spacious neoclassical living room of a country house into a real fireplace room. The solemn atmosphere of the interior in Art Deco style is also supported by the design of the ceiling with a luxurious chandelier, which focuses on the seating area.

21. Classic white portal with carved decor

stucco decor, Venetian plaster, furniture upholstered in cream velor, flower shelves with curved legs - for such an interior with French charm you need an elegant fireplace. Such as in the photo: with a white portal decorated with patinated carvings and a shelf on which you can put candlesticks or bronze figurines.

22. Laconic neoclassic

In the photo: Classic fireplace with a white portal

A classic fireplace portal does not have to be decorated with rich carvings. The design of the living room in the neoclassical style will look much more impressive with a laconic fireplace frame. And you can complement it with paired sconces with white lampshades.

23. The central element of the living-dining room

In the photo: Fireplace area with high windows

In the photo: Walk-through area of ​​​​the living room with a fireplace

The complex geometry of the living room in the photo made it possible to place the fireplace not under the TV panel, but in the passage area. This technique changes the perception of space and looks very interesting. And in order to implement this design solution, you need to pick up a small electric fireplace and a compact portal that will not take up much space.

25. Combined fireplace and TV area surrounded by mirrors

In the photo: A fireplace with a white portal framed by mirror panels

Many people think that fireplaces look good only in spacious rooms, but compact model biofuel suitable even for a small living room with art deco elements. To adapt the fireplace to the style of the interior, the designers of the Fundament Group of Companies advise supplementing it with a traditional light portal and high mirror panels that will work to expand the space.

26. Fireplace area with a round mirror in a forged frame

In the photo: White fireplace in the interior of the living room of a townhouse

In the photo: Provence style apartment renovation project

The secret of harmony in the design of the Provencal living room in the photo is characteristic of classic interiors symmetry. Centrally located end wall fireplace with white portal, carpet and coffee table set the axis of symmetry, and paired racks and sofas support it.

Fireplaces with a panoramic firebox in the interior of the living room

Fireplaces with a panoramic firebox, allowing you to admire the play of flame from three sides, are among the most popular today. Such models, as a rule, are used in the design of multifunctional living rooms, where they serve for space zoning. They can be installed in a partition or act as independent element interior - it all depends on the concept of the design project and the layout of the room.

28. Add lightness! Open fireplace between kitchen and living room

In the photo: Panoramic fireplace built into a high partition

A bio-fireplace with panoramic glazing built into a partition decorated with light brick visually facilitates a large-scale construction, and it does not seem bulky. From this, the interior of the kitchen-living room in a modern style only wins. A thick strained glass makes the fireplace safe to use.

29. In the spotlight. Biofireplace and TV zone

In the photo: A fireplace with a panoramic firebox in the design of an art deco living room

The tinted glass partition between the living room and dining room in art deco style with a fireplace integrated into the lower part is an interactive space divider. The panoramic fire chamber gives the chance to look at fire from three parties. And the black color makes the partition the center of attention in bright interior.

30. Comfort in contemporary style

In the photo: A fireplace with a panoramic firebox in the interior of a contemporary living room

Warm natural tones, pleasant diffused light, open space - partitions are out of place in such an interior. And to visually separate the living room from the dining room, you can use an autonomous panoramic fireplace with a body lined with natural stone.

31. Power of light

In the photo: Partition with bookcase and panoramic fireplace

In the photo: Island fireplace with LED lighting

An island bio-fireplace with a massive base will easily become the main decoration of the interior of a living room in a minimalist style, as in the photo. LED lighting creates the feeling that the fiery island literally soars above the floor. And the resemblance to a real hearth is given to it by a decorative box that imitates a chimney.

33. In the flame of candles

Pictured: Candle fireplace with black pebbles

A candle fireplace is a great alternative to biofuel models. He gives the same living fire and at the same time creates romantic atmosphere. If we are talking about a classic-style living room, a traditional white portal is required to equip a candle fireplace. And in a modern interior there will be enough niche covered with large pebbles.

34. Under the white dome

In the photo: Dome fireplace in the interior of the living room of a country house

A modern island fireplace with a domed chimney in the interior of the living-dining room of a private country house looks like an art object. Due to the absence of a fence, the fire is clearly visible from anywhere in the room, so that the fireplace in this case plays the role of a kind of lighthouse and at the same time unites the space.

35. Mobile version of the biofireplace

In the photo: Desktop biofireplace in the interior of the living room

A desktop biofireplace with a transparent fence is a compact version of a home. Its main advantage is mobility: if necessary, the table with the burner can be easily moved. This model looks best in an urban interior, but is also suitable for an oriental-style living room or for a fashionable art deco salon.

36. Warm corner

In the photo: Country-style corner fireplace with a shelf and a firewood rack

A sandstone-lined corner fireplace with a shelf, a bench and a firewood rack is the perfect solution for a living room in a private wooden house. And if you want, a country-style portal can be organically entered into the interior of the apartment by building an electric or bio-fireplace into it.

A living room with a fireplace is not just a cozy room where it is so pleasant to spend time with relatives and friends, but the quintessence of family values, an indicator of respectability and good taste. We hope that our tips will help you find your home and give the interior a new sound.

A fireplace in an apartment is a sign of wealth and well-being of housing. Having such a hearth, you can admire the comfortable warmth at any time of the year, because it creates coziness and can serve as a unique coordinator in the room.

The decisive moment in the development of mankind is the discovery of fire and methods of its production. The rapid development of civilization, technological advances, improving the quality of life have made it possible to enjoy open fire all year round in our houses and apartments thanks to fireplaces of various types with an original design.

Many owners of modern apartments and houses install these solid structures, decorating living rooms with them and creating a unique atmosphere of comfort and style.

Over the years, fireplace design has undergone significant reconstruction, adapting to changes in society and the latest heating technologies.

Today, the presence of a fireplace in the hall provides its owner with an integral connection with the traditional idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and ideal comfort.

Fireplace in the living room, photo

Varieties of fireplaces

Interiors in modern country, private houses, and in some cases in apartments are ennobled with fireplaces:

  • closed and semi-open;
  • corner and island;
  • stationary and mobile.

Closed fireplaces are especially popular today: they are equipped in a wall with a chimney and a firebox. The planning of such fireplaces is carried out at the initial stage construction works. If the decision to install a fireplace was made after the completion of construction, then it is more expedient to install a half-open fireplace that is adjacent to the wall. Heat transfer in this case is maximum.

Important! Arrangement corner fireplace does not require a large space, but limits the access of heat throughout the room. However, by placing it near an interior wall, the heat will spread within two or three rooms.

Corner fireplace in the interior of the living room, photo

Open fireplaces are placed in the middle of the room, which is reminiscent of the atmosphere of ancient times, when ancient people gathered near the fire to warm themselves or cook food. A fireplace of this type provides warmth to the entire room, emphasizing at the same time its style and originality.

A wood-burning fireplace is installed in a room with an area of ​​​​at least 20 square meters. meters.

An alternative offer to wood burning fireplaces are electric models that are mounted for non-everyday use; their installation is possible both in the corner and at the front wall.

Living room with fireplace country house, photo

Both those and other options look attractive and beautiful, since the assortment finishing material and components for them is diverse and extraordinary.

Fireplace - a highlight in the design of the room

Installing a fireplace in your home is a responsible matter that requires special skills and professionalism. Considering that this uncomplicated device will be in the center of attention of both the residents of the house and their guests, special attention is paid to the design and location of the fireplace.

Facing and decorating the structure can be:

  • brick;
  • stone;
  • wooden;
  • from ceramic tiles.

For the arrangement of electric and false fireplaces in the living room, special drywall niches are installed.

Living room interior with a fireplace in the house, photo

The portal of the fireplace is its calling card: it is always directed to the central part of the room.

The design of portals is diverse and is made of various materials:

  • granite;
  • marble;
  • metal;
  • bricks;
  • ceramics;
  • limestone;
  • rubble and wild stone.

True masterpieces of fireplace craftsmanship are created by professional craftsmen from the above materials, which later become a decoration of the house, providing a peaceful atmosphere, warmth and joy for residents and their guests.

Living room with a fireplace in the house, photo

Advice. In order not to reduce the efficiency of the fireplace and not cause smoke, it is not recommended to install it between a window and a door. The main wall of the room is the most best option for location.

Furnishing and design of the home

Wooden fireplace design

The warmth of a wooden fireplace portal is undeniable, even if the fire does not burn in it. Exquisitely carved wooden portals with high-quality mahogany or cherry wood finishes provide warmth and elegance to any office, spacious hall or living room.

Wooden portals are made from the most valuable tree species:

  • oak;
  • ash;
  • maple;
  • birch;
  • pines;
  • poplars.

in fireplaces modern design(although not very often) exotic species are used: rosewood, wenge, teak and Wallachian walnut. They emphasize 100% sophistication and originality of the design.

Design of a living room with a fireplace in a private house, photo

For arranging a fireplace, in addition to a huge range of wood, there are numerous proposals paintwork material to achieve the desired effect. Paints for wood are presented in various color palettes and shades.

Attention! Painted or enameled veneer is another of the creative and trendy options for finishing fireplaces.

Decorating fireplaces in the living room

The perfect combination of different styles performance, wood species and finishing allows you to endlessly diversify and get exactly the design you need as a result:

  • formal (neutral);
  • rustic;
  • traditional;
  • mod.

Calm unassuming colors are created by painting pine with a transparent primer. In order to convey the atmosphere of antiquity, an imitation of cracks is created on dark-colored wood.

A traditional classic fireplace is equipped with mahogany, while using dark colors and fine carving.

Living room with a beautiful fireplace, photo

One of the options for finishing a wooden portal is coloring for any other material:

  • Wallachian walnut;
  • sandstone;
  • onyx;
  • bronze;
  • copper.

When arranging some portals, different types of wood are combined, or wood and other material are used: metal or stone.

Should I use and what are the benefits of stone finish? For examples with photos and recommendations for design and layout, read the article at the link.

Read about organizing the storage of things in the closet in: rational ideas for storing clothes, shoes and the necessary little things to maintain order.


A bio-fireplace will provide a lively and safe fire in your home. It's mobile and functional device for heating the living room and decorating the interior. Biofireplace is an excellent and perfect solution for those who do not have the opportunity to install a traditional fireplace.

Living room in a modern style with a fireplace, photo

The main advantages of such a decorative device:

  • lack of a chimney;
  • can be moved from one place to another;
  • practicality;
  • safety;
  • durability.

Electric fireplaces

Electric fireplaces are a great alternative for apartment owners where, for technical reasons, it is not possible to install a traditional wood-burning fireplace. Such devices are gaining more and more popularity, as they differ:
  • practicality;
  • security;
  • convenience during operation.

Electric fireplace in the interior of the living room, photo

Installation of a chimney and additional ventilation in this case is not needed. They do not need to use firewood, remove ashes and clean the chimney. This is one of the best and rational offers for our modern apartments.

Electric fireplace in the interior of the living room, photo

fireplace insert

What is a fireplace insert? The fireplace insert is the basis of a modern closed fireplace, because it is in it that the fire burns. It is made of refractory material, including cast iron, steel. The facade of the fireplace insert is closed with a glass door, which ensures the safe operation of the fireplace.

Firebox doors can be opened from the side or with a vertical lift (guillotine), which allows, if desired, to completely hide them inside the cladding.

Living room interior with fireplace, photo


Equally important in the design of the fireplace are accessories, among which ventilation grilles are presented. They are decorated with various elements: carved letters, hunting scenes, decorative weaving in a rustic style.

Their color range is diverse and multifaceted:

  • White and black;
  • graphite and steel.

The color is selected individually in accordance with the design of the room.

Usage ventilation grilles with blinds allows you to install them in the convection duct of the fireplace: at the bottom - for the intake of cold air from the room and at the top - for the exit warm air. Fixed louvres provide a continuous flow of air into the room in the right direction.

Stylish arrangement

If your private house has a fireplace, then comfort, beauty and a special mood are provided in it on long years. Its design requires harmonious unity with general view premises.

Design of a living room with a fireplace, photo

Depending on the imagination and wishes design decoration rooms with a fireplace are made in a classic style or with mythical elements. In any interior, and not only in the living room or hall, this unique building always looks stylish, attractive and will be an integral part of the overall interior design.

In most cases, fireplaces are still installed in the living room, which is decorated in the styles below:

  • classical;
  • modern;
  • hi-tech;
  • English;
  • rustic.

Each of them is attractive and unique in its own way, the choice is up to the owner of the house according to his individual taste and financial capabilities.

Fireplace design in the living room, photo

Not the last role in the decoration of the fireplace is played by the design of the portal, the pre-furnace area and the chimney. These elements help it fit perfectly into the overall design of the room.

Most suitable materials for arranging a fireplace in the living room classical style are marble, top quality wood. Preference is given to heat-resistant material.

On marble or wood mantelpieces, which are essential attribute, candlesticks, clocks, figurines, photo frames are installed.

Modern fireplaces in the interior of the living room, photo

In the Art Nouveau style, metal, marble, and stone are dominant. Their harmonious unity creates an unsurpassed picture of perfection, and a fireplace next to or under a huge TV looks especially harmonious.

In this style, it is not customary to use a variety of color shades and shapes. A minimum of decor is appropriate.

decorative fireplace in the interior of the living room, photo

A characteristic feature of hi-tech is the use of:

  • fireproof glass;
  • plastic;
  • become.

Modern market building materials offers a huge range of products for the arrangement of fireplaces, helping to create a unique atmosphere of warmth, beauty, comfort, harmony and style in the room.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with and embody with us any of the many: to equip the house beautifully and profitably, to decorate the interior in an original way - these goals are solved by handmade decor with your own hands.

photo gallery

View a selection of photos beautiful fireplaces in the interior of the living room - corner, electric, lined with stone, brick and drywall:

The fireplace almost always becomes the center of any room in which it is located. A recreation area is organized around it, arranging pieces of furniture in such a way that they face the hearth of heat and home comfort. Let's look at a few ideas and tricks on how to decorate the fireplace area.

Create a masterpiece at the design stage

If the issue of decoration arose before you even at the project stage, you have a unique opportunity to make the fireplace a real masterpiece. Using the original design and unusual surfaces, you can ensure that the fireplace portal becomes the main and brightest decorative element in the room. At the same time, it will be enough to emphasize it with just a few details, or even do without decor.


Use logs

Probably the most natural decor for the fireplace area was and remains logs. Carefully cut firewood, previously cleaned of dust and dirt, you can put in a special niche near the fireplace, in the firebox, if the fireplace is inoperative. If desired, you can use decorative branches for the same purpose.



Implement mirrors and reflective surfaces

Mirror surfaces always look very advantageous in the interior. And the fireplace area is no exception. Line the wall on which the fireplace is located with reflective panels, they can be of any size at your discretion. More simple option there will be hanging a finished mirror in a beautiful frame above the portal. Depending on the style of the interior, you can choose a patinated, classic or modern mirror with a 3D effect and three-dimensional elements.




Complete the composition with candles

Candles, as another source of heat and light, will also look very organic with a fireplace. They can be arranged in several pieces, arranging them in beautiful candlesticks. And you can use free-standing candles, and by placing them in blocks of 20 or more pieces, you can achieve striking effect. At the same time, it is advisable to use candles, if not the same, then at least from the same collection, similar in color and shape.



Arrange decor symmetrically

Whatever the decor, placing paired objects symmetrically will create a very characteristic environment. It is static, instills a sense of stability and greatly balances the space. You can mirror any interior items in the fireplace area - shelves, racks, chests of drawers, books, figurines, vases and more.




Decorate the wall and portal with paintings

A favorite method for many was the design of the fireplace area with paintings. It can be several small paintings, or one large painting. They can be hung, or simply put on the portal. At the same time, make sure that the decor is combined with each other and does not cover the picture itself. You can also use family photos and prints in frames, or simply collect a collection of empty frames and decorate the fireplace area with them.


Fill in niches and shelves

If the fireplace portal itself and the place above it do not allow your imagination to roam in the field of decor, feel free to use shelves or niches on both sides of the fireplace, if any. Place books, figurines, photographs, candles, dishes and all sorts of other interesting details on them.



Use vases and figurines

It would be nice to put several volumetric decorative elements on the portal. It can be figurines or vases. Well, if you use several items from the same collection or even the same ones, this will create a feeling of integrity and completeness of the composition.



In the design of the fireplace, always remember the most important rule - do not forget what is the center of the composition. That is why do not try to overshadow the fireplace with other frilly elements. Just adequately set off its charm with a suitable decor.

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