How beautiful to equip a summer cottage with your own hands. Great ideas for arranging a summer cottage

IN Soviet times many workers received free apartment or a private house. In the case of the house, people were still given some land, which was 6 acres in size. Even now, such a small allotment has retained its size, but the tasks of using the land have changed. If earlier a summer cottage was used exclusively for growing potatoes, berries, vegetables, now the extra space in a private house is used more as a place to relax.

This is not surprising, because most of the population no longer lives in the village, but comes to a country house just to relax, which is why the territory is being developed more for entertainment.

Nowadays, there are indeed a large number of the most different ways, which can allow you to equip the standard 6 acres of land near the house. As a result, you can make not only a place where the family will spend the summer, but also form a harmonious style together with the house. Here, as a rule, everything will depend on what goals the owner of the house pursues.

Functional areas of the suburban area

In order to make a country house a haven for relaxation and fun, it is important to decide on the zones that must be in any country house. Each owner, as a rule, chooses which zones can be added to the backyard territory. From recreation areas types can be distinguished as:

It is simply impossible to put all the objects listed above on a plot of 6 acres of land, so you have to choose what is most important. Although it is possible to do combined zones, which are functionally similar to each other. This will allow you to make more objects for recreation and at the same time use less space.

  1. A guest house, for example, can not be set up, but a room in the house can be allocated for these purposes. In some cases, you can even carry out redevelopment in a private house by dividing one big room for two.
  2. Often, when buying a house, there is already a garage and a parking space, but if there is no car, then these are extra parts that can be used for other purposes. For example, if there is no car, then an excellent summer kitchen will turn out from the garage with minor modifications.
  3. If there is a bathhouse near the house, then it can also be combined with a summer kitchen, a gazebo or a veranda. Such a combined method will not only save time, but also make the rest in the bath more convenient and comfortable.
  4. Flower beds and flower beds must be in country house, because this is the essence of nature itself, but it is not necessary to plant all plants on a horizontal surface. You can use vertical racks. With their help, a large number of flowers, bushes or ornamental trees and freeing up space.
  5. Fruit trees and shrubs can be used instead of a fence or hedge. This is very beautiful, but without the proper skills to achieve such a result is quite difficult.
  6. Garden even in modern time is not redundant. For these needs, it is advisable to leave 1–1.5 meters of land in order to have room to grow greens or small vegetables such as cucumbers or tomatoes.

After the list of all necessary objects is approved, they need to be placed on the territory, but it is better to try it all out first on a regular sheet of paper, and only then proceed to the arrangement suburban area.

Even though a garden plot with 6 acres does not require a lot of time to arrange, you still need to use the recommendations and rules, which in the end can save you from making mistakes.

The first thing not to do is to place a garage or parking space behind the house or in the garden. Even if it is expedient, anyway, the place through which the car will pass, in the end it will be required take out of circulation.

When arranging a recreation area with your own hands, we must not forget that the place should be sunny, so if a big shadow falls from the house, then gazebos, a garden or small garden move to another location. Unlike the shadow of the house, some of the disadvantages of the summer cottage can not be avoided, but used. For example, if water accumulates in some place after rain, then there is no need to level the territory or clean the hole. It is best to make a small reservoir in this place, but, most importantly, do not overdo it. The pond should be small.

When arranging the territory with your own hands, or rather, during the construction summer kitchen important pay attention to the wind rose. That is, where the wind is most often directed. This will allow you to choose right place for the summer kitchen, so that the smoke does not go towards the house. It is also worth paying attention to a sunny place near the house, because it is such a site that is suitable for arranging a vegetable garden, florists or flower beds.

The gazebo or playground should not be pushed to the end land plot. For these objects, the center of the territory is best suited. Some may think that this will look defiant, but in fact, this way the gazebo or playground for children will be surrounded by plants, and not by the fence that stands around the perimeter of any cottage. Can be placed nearby vertical flower beds or put plants that will curl on the surface of the gazebo. This creates a unique natural design.

Expanding space

Many people think that the size of 6 acres is an area where it is impossible to fully equip a place to relax, but in fact, such a small area gives a chance to recreate a holistic design. All recreation areas can be easily combined with each other. They will complement each other with their beauty and this chance should be used.

There are sizes such as:

  • 15 by 40 m;
  • 20 by 30 m;
  • 25 by 24 m.

These dimensions make it possible to create unique design. To do this, it is enough to use some landscape tricks that have long been used by specialists in this field.

No straight lines

Designers who are dealing with creating style in a 6 acre area usually do not use straight lines. A layout with straight lines will look quite boring, not to mention the fact that such an effect visually reduces the space, and with a small area this is extremely disadvantageous. It is best to use rounded shapes or combine straight lines with smooth shapes and curves.

This rule mainly applies to areas such as:

  • flower beds;
  • tracks;
  • flower beds;
  • veranda;
  • guest house.

In fact, the list includes all items that stand out against the general background. The suburban area can be easily transformed into a style with irregular shapes, and this will make the place much more comfortable and beautiful. Rounded shapes are suitable for creating flower beds or verandas, so there will be no problems with arranging such a layout in the country.

Removing blind fences

Construction straight and dimensional fences It is considered one of the biggest mistakes in the design of a summer cottage. The fact is that such a fence will create conditions of isolation and even the most best design can't fix it. Stone fences can be easily replaced with more suitable material. Typically, designers recommend using hedge. For this, a wire is used, which is stretched along the supports, and then it remains only to plant a climbing plant. It could be grapes leguminous plants or peas. It is also worth noting that a hedge can be made of any height, so in the absence stone fence The backyard is still protected.

If you do not want to constantly monitor the plants, then natural climbing plants can be replaced with imitation or used to build a fence wooden material and not a stone.

Why is it necessary to reduce the number of plants?

Many people think that a large number of plants in the design of the site can be beneficial, but in reality this is not the case. Plants are the main part of any nature, but you can’t turn a summer house into a real jungle.

To do this, you need to learn pick up right plants that decorate, not clutter up the site. Ideally, designers recommend using only three types of plants and a lawn on 6 acres of land. This is a light combination, which is enough to equip a recreation area.

If this option is not suitable, then there is a need to invite a specialist landscape design, which can help not only to select a large number of plants suitable for the recreation area, but also harmoniously compare them with the general style of the dacha. In addition, it is not easy for specialists to select beautiful plants, but flowers or shrubs that do not require constant care, and this is important.


Making a summer cottage with the help of recreation areas and plants is perfect solution, because in this case you can always go to nature with your family, don't spend a lot of money but still have a good time. The main thing is to avoid common mistakes when decorating a territory of 6 acres, and in everything else only imagination and a lot of practical advice can help.

Land development always starts with a plan. Rational use and artistic design of a personal plot are possible only as a result of its correct and thoughtful planning, taking into account natural, climatic, local, national and household features. In this article, we will show you how to decorate household plot with our own hands in the village from improvised materials, we will give video and photo instructions for registration.

How less area site, the more carefully you need to plan it and think through the design details.


When placing the elements of the estate and choosing plantings, it is necessary to take into account the location of the place relative to the sides of the horizon, the prevailing winds, the state of the soil and soil, as well as its topography. The natural relief does not always and does not fully meet the planning requirements, in such cases it is recommended to carry out a vertical planning.

With small elevation differences (up to 5%) excavation they do not produce, leaving the natural relief, and the house is built with a basement or basement, or only the site for building the house is leveled.

In areas with a steep slope (8-12%), the situation can be corrected by terracing the site across the slope, and the steeper the slope, the more terraces are needed. Stairs are arranged between the terraces, and the surfaces of the terraces are connected by retaining walls. As a rule, for small slopes with clay and sandy loamy soils, the slope is 1:1.5, with sandy soils - 1:2, that is, a slope 1 m high occupies a strip of land 1.5 or 2 m.


In addition to the direct functional purpose, fences also play a decorative role, so the arrangement of a personal plot can begin with the installation of barriers. It is better to make an external fence in human height or a little higher, and internal fences can be installed from 30 cm to 1 m high. The fence consists of poles and battens, the materials for the fence can be different.

In addition, fences can be made in the form of a hedge, planting it in two rows, between which to pull a low metal mesh. After 2 years, the shrubs will grow into it and make it invisible.

Good for green fencing different kinds hawthorn, thuja, Japanese quince and others. Shrubs are trimmed in the second year. Hedges are formed by lateral and apical haircut, which is carried out 2 times a year.

We invite you to watch a video about alternative hedge devices.

Carrying out the design of a personal plot Special attention should be given to the tracks. Their correct and beautiful layout plays an important role in the improvement and decorative design.The overall pattern of the paths can be geometrically strict or free. There is a direct relationship between the paths, the relief and the shape of the site.

First, marking is carried out - straight sections of the tracks are marked with a cord, the ends tied to the pegs, and curvilinear - using one peg as the center of the circle, and the other - the legs of the compass. It is easy to draw smooth curves on the ground by changing the length of the line and the location of the center.

If you want to lay paths with artificial turf, you need to carry out preparatory work. Along the marking lines, the turf is cut to a depth of 15-20 cm and removed so that a slight elevation remains along the central axis so that rainwater flows to the edges. This place prepared for covering is called "trough".

Tracks can be made:

Ground - along the stretched cord, the edges of the track are cut with a shovel to a depth of 10 cm. This layer of earth is removed, and the cut area is rolled with a hand roller.

For such paths, you only need to sow a lawn or white clover. It is in this way that many make out the entrance to the garage, paving two lanes with paving slabs for the wheels.

gravel - a layer of 7 cm of coarse gravel (4-6 cm) is laid at the bottom of the "trough", after it is rolled - another layer of 5 cm of finer gravel (2-3 cm), and then a layer of sand mixed with clay (1: 3 ) 1-2 cm thick, which is well rammed, while pouring water for better shrinkage. Lastly, another layer of 2 cm of fine gravel is laid, which is also watered and compacted.

Perhaps the most aesthetic appearance paths, because such tiles can be of any shape and color and fit perfectly into the design. A dry mixture of sifted sand and cement (4: 1) is poured onto the "trough", and then concrete tiles are laid one at a time, which are leveled and compacted in level with rubber mallet. Laying paving slabs is not difficult.

Paving from wooden ends - effectively and very economically, because the wooden "rounds" can be cut by yourself. For the manufacture of such paths, tree trunks various sizes treated with an antiseptic (bitumen, drying oil), and then sawn into equal segments of 10-15 cm. Such logs are placed on a layer of sand of 10 cm. Small ones are placed in the space between the large ends, and the remaining voids are covered with sand.

From monolithic concrete - for such paths, a formwork is prepared, which is poured with plastic concrete with fine gravel, prepared at the rate of: 1 part of cement, 2 parts of sand and 3 parts of gravel.

And a few more photos of various paths for a summer cottage:

We offer you to watch this video dedicated to the arrangement of tracks.

Front garden and green lawn

When doing work such as landscaping a personal plot , you can simply make it beautiful, clean and smart by sowing free space lawn grass. On such lawns, places for recreation, picnics and sports games are arranged.

Also, lawn grass can be sown in the front garden in front of the house, where small trees or shrubs planted in groups look good. In that case, the most tall trees or shrubs are planted in the center of the group, while lower ones are planted at the edges.

When planting flowering shrubs in the front garden, their color scheme is taken into account - plants with white, yellow, orange flowers, and at a greater distance, near the paths - with red, purple, blue and dark or red-leaved bushes.

The physiological and psychological impact flowers and their smells on the human body. Garden decoration - color compositions are made according to the following design rules:

  • compliance with the color ratio. Red - green, purple - yellow, blue - orange - such combinations create contrasting and emotionally effective ratios. Color combinations are soft, harmonious: red - yellow, red - blue, violet - orange, violet - green, blue - yellow. White color matches with all colors. When creating flower beds, you need to remember that flowers of warm, soft and harmonizing tones are placed in well-lit, sunny places, and contrasting ones in shaded places.
  • as long as possible continuous flowering. To do this, you need to pick flowers from different times flowering. So, in April, snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, tulips bloom; in May - forget-me-not, lily of the valley, violet, iris, lily, peony; throughout the summer - gladiolus, phlox, dicentra purple, poppy, bluebell, delphinium; in September - aster, goldenrod, dahlias; in October - chrysanthemums. Roses have a long flowering period - from May to September.

Flower beds are arranged in the front garden, on recreation areas, rocky hills, slopes, terraces, near a pond. The background for flowers is a green lawn, stones, house walls, tree trunks. When planting flowers in a flower bed, you need to take into account that flowers of the same type, but of different colors, look very beautiful together. Variegated mixtures of tones are undesirable. A flower bed does not become beautiful because there are many types of flowers on it. It is not the quantity that matters, but the harmony between the colors. Another rule for arranging a flower garden is that the farther the flowers are planted from the path, the larger the color spot can be and the higher the flowers themselves.

When choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account their requirements for soil and light, the growing season, wind resistance, time and period of flowering, decorative effect, plant height, etc.

Roses occupy a special place in the landscaping of the site. Almost continuous flowering and a wide variety of colors put the rose in the first place in the decorative design of the site. Roses are planted in a sunny, bright place, protected from the wind. Curly roses are planted with south side Houses. A beautiful background for these flowers is a green lawn, coniferous trees, stones of retaining walls and terraces.

Alpine slide

The design of a personal plot is often complemented by such design solution like a rock garden or an alpine slide. This is a decorative composition made of low-growing shrubs, flowers and stones, where the latter form the basis of the slide.

It is better to select stones of the same breed, the largest weighing about 30 kg.

They dig a pit 30-40 cm deep along the intended contour. On heavy clay soils, its bottom is covered with a layer of gravel 10-15 cm, and on waterlogged soils it is increased to 20-25 cm. After that, they pour into the pit fertile land above the level of the surrounding soil by 40-60 cm, and then lay out and install the stones, trying to achieve the maximum naturalness of their placement. Places of various sizes are left between the stones for planting.

For Alpine slide select undersized and creeping plants with bright colors of flowers, leaves or fruits. At the same time, coniferous species (creeping juniper, dwarf thuja, Canadian conical spruce) should also be included - they enrich the colorful color in spring and autumn. Correct selection plants provides decorative effect alpine slide not only throughout growing season but also in winter. From deciduous shrubs you can choose purple-leaved barberry, periwinkle, heather, hydrangea, honeysuckle, ivy, rhododendron, boxwood. Of the flowers, the rock garden will be decorated with a cirrus carnation, creeping St. John's wort, goldenrod, iris, bluebell, crocus, primrose.

Flowers with intense color are planted in the center of the composition. Flowers are best planted in groups or singly, but not scattered all over the hill.

By equipping a personal plot on your own, you can also think about arranging a small pond for decorative purposes. Such a small pool can be made from concrete ring, which is dug 5 cm below ground level. A layer of crushed stone of 20 cm is laid on the bottom of it, rammed, pouring water at the same time, then poured cement mortar(1:3). On the upper perimeter of the ring are laid paving slabs, and the joints are sealed with a solution. You can plant water lilies, irises, reeds in it. Caring for such a reservoir is to change the water.

A small pool with communications can be made by separately concreted its bottom and walls, which are reinforced with reinforcement. In order for water to flow out of it better, the bottom is made with an inclination towards the drain pipe, which, in turn, is also installed at an angle. Water from the pool is drained into a common sewer or drain well, which is arranged for drainage in the lowest place. The filling pipe should be slightly above the water level in the pool. If you install a spray head, you get a fountain that looks very attractive.

Nature sets you up in a creative way, even if the weather is not quite what you want. After all, I want to not only plant potatoes and tomatoes, but also decorate my site. Arranging a summer cottage with your own hands is a great process, it brings a lot of pleasure. Therefore, leave the strength to create beauty, and we will tell you very simple ideas for your summer cottage.

Arrangement of a summer cottage

So, it's time to take a notepad and quickly draw up a plan of ideas that should be implemented in the country this year. After all, what could be better than creating an arrangement garden plot on a sunny weekend in your own piece of nature?

1. Wonderful flower shelf

This gorgeous green rack will only work if you have leftover building blocks, planks, and crates. Create a podium from all the "trash" that accumulates in the country, arrange flowers in pots on it. IN this case succulents are used, but you can use any flowers, including home ones. Old furniture, seats, wheels or suitcases will look very stylish in such a composition. Such deliberate simplicity and rudeness of materials are very popular with foreign gardeners.

2. Green chandelier

The motto of modern designers is "New is a well-reworked old!". For garden composition used an old chandelier and cheap plastic pots for flowerpots. From above, the structure was covered with spray paint and hung near the house. Planting in such pots is best.

3. Garden bed swing

Everyone loves garden swings! And if you do not just swing, but a whole bed under a tree? Be sure to use such a wonderful opportunity for a paradise holiday if you have construction pallet, strong ropes and a large branched tree.

4. Vertical gardening in the garden

This idea is for gardeners who love experimenting with plants. Ideal for small plants and small areas. Cover the back and sides of the build pallet with a waterproof tarp or sheeting. Fill the cells with good nutrient soil for flowers and plant your favorite ornamental plants. Fits in here perfectly. Lean against a wall or fence so that excess water can drain easily.

5. Mesh Dandelions

True, these country crafts very similar to the decorative allium or craspedia? But these are not living plants at all, but formed from mosquito net decorative elements. The net is stretched over a tennis ball, fixed with wire and covered with spray paint on top. These flowers-balloons look very interesting! These are exactly what I like!

6 Artificial Ruins

On a large suburban area, you can create fabulous corners. They will fit perfectly into landscape design! From the remaining building materials, build a wall in a specially designated place. These ruins are made of natural stone, but the same effect can be achieved with bricks, concrete blocks and even alternative materials decorated under a stone. Use as little bonding mortar as possible to keep the ruin looking authentic. vines and girlish grapes will give it an even more ancient look!

7. Drinker for birds

A decorative drinker not only attracts birds, but also creates beauty in the garden. It also serves as a swimming pool for feathered friends. For example, such an old clay dish on a stand made of bricks will serve as a favorite bathing place. Change the water in the drinker regularly to keep bacteria out. Birds are our friends, because they eat insect pests.

8. Plates for beds

It often happens that you want to plant a little of everything, but there is so little space in the garden. You walk later and you can’t remember where and what is planted until shoots begin to appear. Here's an idea to solve the problem: make your own garden signs with the names of plants and vegetables. Tin can lids make pretty signs. There are a huge number of options!

9 Chair Leg Dragonflies

These wonderful creatures will decorate an empty fence, wall or front door outside. It is very easy to make such crafts for arranging a summer cottage - you only need legs from old chairs for the body of a dragonfly, plywood or wire for wings (the blades of an old fan were used here), paint and a little imagination!

10. Campfire site in the hill

What is a cottage without a fire and barbecue in a cozy circle of family and friends? And if your suburban area hilly, this is an amazing opportunity to create an oasis of paradise built right into the hill! The result is a beautiful stone hideaway, perfect for meetings, summer barbecues, or just relaxing with great views of nature.

11. Bird feeders from a tea service

It is always a pleasure to watch the birds frolicking in the garden. You can encourage them to visit your backyard with this charming tea set. This great way give new life to broken dishes and create an atmosphere from Alice in Wonderland!

12. Garden figure from tin cans

For someone cans from under canned food - it's just unnecessary trash. But they contain parts for the torso of the Tin Woodman from The Wizard of Oz! Having settled in your garden, such a handsome man and friend will frighten the crows, because they will probably not like him. Coat it with anti-rust paint or metal varnish to keep your touching knight from rusting.

13. Flower pots in the form of minions

Children will squeal with delight, and adults will roll with laughter. Recolor regular flower pots in the most popular characters of the cartoon "Despicable Me" - minions, because they are so cute and funny!

14. Miniature pond with water lilies

A mini pond is a small ecosystem that only needs a container. To the pond the simplest form easily turns into a bucket, basin or tub. There you can plant a water lily, reeds, cattail, arrowhead, turkey, irises, horsetail. There is a place for a mini-reservoir even in the smallest summer cottage.

15. Table top with lawn

Such original table with a lawn will decorate your garden. It's a miracle garden furniture can also be used for its intended purpose - to have a picnic on the lawn with which it is covered. In a metal pan, make holes to drain excess water, lay drainage, and fill it with soil on top and sow lawn grass or lay a piece of rolled lawn.

There are an unimaginable set of ideas for decorating the garden and arranging a summer cottage with your own hands! Garden decor does not require large investments and complex scientific approach. Connect your imagination and create a garden decor with your own hands. For this, almost everything that has already served you faithfully and that other short-sighted citizens, considering it unnecessary, is thrown into the trash, is suitable.


Opens with the onset of spring holiday season. For some, a dacha is greenhouses, beds and seedlings, while someone cares more about family vacations on fresh air, dreams of meeting friends and fragrant barbecue. Depending on the preferences of the owner, the cottage should be equipped.

Many today resort to the services of landscape design professionals, but it’s much more exciting to implement ideas for giving with your own hands. How can this be done, which one to prefer, how to combine the interior with this country house- about this in our article.

The layout of the suburban area

Getting started on the design of the cottage, first of all, it is necessary to draw a plan of the summer cottage with all the objects located on it. It is very important to put everything on paper, even small buildings type of dog house. This is the only way to accurately calculate the free space in the country, to see what and where it is better to install.

When the plan is sketched out, the diagram shows a country house, outbuildings, paths, a vegetable garden and a garden area, you can proceed to the creative stage. This step involves the addition of the existing plan with future designs. It can be:

  • alcove;
  • brazier, oven or barbecue;
  • dinner Zone;
  • playground;
  • place for a hammock, garden swing, tent;
  • all kinds of fences, fences, awnings;
  • flower beds, flower beds, lawns;
  • garden, a place for fruit and ornamental trees.

Advice! The design of a summer cottage of a large area should definitely be equipped with an artificial reservoir. Water gives not only aesthetic pleasure, there will always be coolness and freshness near the reservoir in the country, which is especially important in the summer heat.

It is necessary to put on the scheme of the suburban area exact dimensions future buildings. The territory of the dacha free from buildings needs to be ennobled - to break flower beds, take care of lawns, recreation areas.

At the stage of implementing ideas for giving, one should not forget about communications. These seemingly insignificant little things can spoil the whole end result. Therefore, the system of water supply, sewerage, power supply must be drawn on an already ready plan suburban area.

Arrangement of a summer cottage with their own hands

Developing interior design country yard on your own, you can save a lot. Moreover, this applies not only to expensive services. professional designer. You can equip your cottage with improvised means, using the materials that remained after construction, old furniture, unnecessary trash and even garbage.

glean interesting ideas for giving with your own hands, you can from the Internet, but it’s not difficult to turn on your imagination and come up with something of your own. And they will direct beautiful photos of successful summer cottage designs from this article on the right path.

Gazebo, barbecue or barbecue in the country

What can be country rest without an evening meal in the fresh air! If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage allows, you should definitely take care of building a gazebo or, at least, a canopy. The room can be quite small, just a few square meters is enough.

Inside country gazebo set a table, benches, chairs or armchairs - for a minimum set, this is quite enough. For more spacious gazebos, a combination with a barbecue or a Russian stove is suitable.

Important! If the design of the summer cottage involves the construction of a hearth, you need to take care of the smoke exhaust system.

It would not be superfluous to know in advance the wind rose in the area in order to provide for the removal of smoke in the direction opposite to the recreation area and residential building.

The interior of the dacha gazebo must comply general style dachas. As a rule, everything is arranged in a rustic or colonial style. Outside, the gazebo is decorated with curly flowers, hanging planters or flowerpots located at the entrance.

Dining area in the country

It happens that there is no place for a gazebo in the country. Or the owners rarely visit their suburban area, they come only in the summer, for the weekend. In this case, a portable dining area would be appropriate for a summer residence.

For its arrangement you need a table and chairs. Much here depends on the preferences of the owners of the dacha: someone uses an expensive rattan furniture, some plastic accessories are enough.

In the photo you can see the design of a summer cottage equipped with a massive wooden furniture. Such items need processing, and on winter period country furniture must be brought into the room.

Shading should be considered in advance dining area. It can be placed for country house, in natural shade. Another option is to use a fabric or polyethylene awning. Much more aesthetic and beautiful, of course, look like hedges and canopies of vines and climbing plants. For them, you need to provide a metal arch or support in the form of a wooden pergola.

Attention! In addition to the scorching sun, drafts and wind are considered the "enemy" of the dining area.

It is good if the table is installed in a closed space of a summer cottage. It is also possible to provide a semi-decorative fence in the form of a low fence entwined with flowers.

Recreation area and playground in the country

After a hearty lunch in the fresh air, it would be nice to relax. For recreation in the country, it is necessary to equip a suitable place. As a rule, adults like to just lie down or lie down comfortably in a chair. Therefore, hammocks suspended between trees, garden swings, sun loungers by the pool and comfortable chairs in the garden are suitable for them.

The main requirement for a recreation area is that it should be cool and quiet. It is good if the gaze of a vacationing summer resident is fixed on the beauty of the garden or flower beds, and not on the wall of the neighbor's dacha.

For families with small children, a playground is a must in the country. So adults will be able to fully relax, and children will not be bored in the country. A playground for kids is also located in the shade, partial shade is also suitable.

Equipment for a country playground largely depends on the capabilities of the owner and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe free site. It can be a swing, slides, a sandbox, a mini-pool. And you may have to stop at a tree house, for example.

When building a playground in the country, do not forget about safety measures:

  • restrict access to water;
  • provide sand bedding near slides and swings;
  • eliminate sharp corners and edges;
  • do not plant poisonous or dangerous plants and flowers.

If possible, it is worth considering leisure for adults: it can be a home-made bowling alley for a summer residence (photo of the design below), an outdoor cinema, a large swimming pool.

Flower beds, flower beds, ponds at their summer cottage

Smooth lawn grass, of course, looks aesthetically pleasing and neat. But, nevertheless, in the country it is better to dilute the lawn with bright colors, fruit trees, bushes.

If the owners rarely visit their country cottage, in landscaping they should give preference to perennial flowers, trees and shrubs. Such crops do not require constant care, it is enough to put the greens in order with the onset of spring, giving the branches a shape with the help of garden shears.

Paths and paths act as a connecting link between the elements of the suburban area. They can be paved with stone, tiles, clinker brick, fall asleep with rubble or pebbles.

Below are photos of ideas for giving, embodied with their own hands. Here as a cover for country houses garden paths wood is used, which looks original and in the spirit of a country style.

Country house design

Equally important in the arrangement of the cottage is the interior and exterior of a residential building.

The building from the inside and outside should be conducive to relaxation and rest, remind of unity with nature. Therefore, when choosing a style for a country house, it is better to prefer something “rustic”, such as country, Provence, ethnic.

A good example of a country house inside the photo:

Do not forget that the design of a country house should also be functional. As a rule, the area of ​​​​domestic dachas is small, so the space here must be used wisely.

If country house will be used only in the summer, and in the yard there is a gazebo with a barbecue or a hearth, it is quite possible to do without a kitchen. Free space in the country it is better to use it for arranging an additional guest bedroom or a spacious billiard room.

Examples of the interior of a country house are presented in the photo below.


Having decided to transform the interior of the cottage on your own, you should not be limited to existing ideas. Of course, a lot useful information You can learn from already implemented projects, but it is quite possible to come up with a lot on your own.

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Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
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Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.